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[. TO JULY 2·), 1900.] )llttstrateb ttklu EDITED BY w. H. MA w AND J. DREDGE . VOJ_j. LXIX. FROM JANl T RY TO JUNE, 1900. OFFICES FOR ADVERTIsem*nTS AND PUBLICATION, 35 & 36, BEDFORD S'fR.EET, STRAND, W. C. 1900. .

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Engineering Vol 69 Index


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (3)

[. UPPLE~I EXT TO " E~CJ~Ef:RtNC," JULY 2·), 1900.]

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~n )llttstrateb ttklu journal~


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1900 . .

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (4)

[ rrrLY.'IEXT ro " E !<OJ:\EERJNO," J nY 20, 1900.]

AcctD&NT, Railway, near Work in2, ton, 261 Accident a t Sou tha mpton, 726 Ada.m o n a nd Co., J oseph, H yd e, Electric Over-

head Travelling Crane, H, l 5 Aeronautics, 234, 235, 236 Alrica. See also South Africa African Bridges Wrecked, 121, 124, 3~3. 386, 76.) Agricult ural. See R oyal Soc'Uty'¥ Show Ai r. See ::~.1 o P neumatic Air Com pressor (Reavell.•, 211 Air Drills, 365, 366, 403 Air-Drh·en Tools, 299, 302, 303, 335, 336, 36!l, 366,

399, 403, 426 Air Hoist, 177, 399, 415 Air Hoist, Sentinel (Alley and Maclellan), 416 Air , Liqu id , 732, 733 Air PumpR of U.S.S. " Den n?r ," 395 Air Propellers, Lifting Power , 23<1, 235, 236 AktiebolagetCompany, Au tomatic Lubricator fo r

Shafting, 46 Alley and Mnclellan Senti nel Air lloi .. t, 415 Al ternate Po wer Transmission in Switzerland,

37, 38,39 Alternating Generntor , 115, 116, 710, 711, 740,

741, 8!5. ee nl o Rotary Ct1nuerters Alternntor, Triph ase (Nancy Compa ny), 8! 5 Alterno.tor, We ·tin~house, 115, 116 America. See Untted ~tate11 Anderson a nd Co. , Geor)le, Ca.rnoustie, Diamond

Snw for Stone Cutting, 853 Andrew and Co , Limited, J . E. H., Reddh,h,

" Duff " Oa.s Engin e, SOJ Apparatus for Experi111en ting on the Rolling of

Sh ips , 444, 4t8, 49-t, 49J Aq uerluct, Melbourne Water Sup ply , 2, 3 Arched Bridg;es across the Rhine, 181, 184, 348,

Sj9, 351, 406, 407 I 408, 409, 544, 6! 5, 678, 679, 737

Armoured Traction Train for Sou th Africa. 714, 71.)

Artillery. See Guns and also Field A rtilfery n.nd Schneider

" Asahi," J apa nese Battleship (Brown, Clyd c­han k), GSO, 686, 846, 8 .&8

Assoua.a Darn, 309, 318, 324 At lan t ic Liner "Oeutschla nd ," Ilarubu rg.

American (Vu lca.u C..>m pany), 38t Au~sbur~ Maschin en fabrik, Colour Prin t ing

Machine , 8 40, 856 Automatic Elf'ctric Signals (Timmis's', 647, 648,

649 Automatic Gu n, 37 -:\Iill im etre, at the Transvaal

Wa r with Carria)!eiJ and Limber, 278, 279 Au tomatic Lubri~tor for Shaft ing (Aktiebo·

laget Company), 46 Automatic H -Pounder Gun, Vickers, 180, 181 Automobiles. See nlso Cars, Motor

Ba lanci ng Engin es, 473, 487, 600, 512, 523, 525, 530, 531

Bala ncing Motor Cars, 630 Baldry, t he La te Mr. J . D., 261 Ba lls, t rength of Steel, 464 Baltic· White Sea Canal, 128 Barnaby'd Theory of Ca.vitation , 25 Bascule Water Meter, 169 Ba.tLleships. See Wa,.ships Baxter and Co. , Limited, Leed s, Stone Breaki ng

Machinery , 6l8, ts27 Bearin:;rs, Mossberg Roller , 133 Beattock R ise, Profil e of Caledonin.n Railway,

773 Bedford E ng ineering Compa ny, Perma nent· Way

Ha nd C rnne, 15-i " Bee" Water lleter , 170 Bicycles. "ee Cycles Bilge Keels, The AC'tion of, 730 Black pool, New Promenade, 74, 75, 90 Blast · Jo"urnace Oa.s Motor a nd Blowing Engine

(co*ckerill), 87, 626, 44 Sla:;r !:$ricks, 666 t- la.&t-Furnace , Equali iug Temperature, 667 Blaxton Compa ny , London , Cas Engine, 861 Dlowing Engin e, Blast - Furna~e Gns l\Jotor

(co*ckerill), 87, 626, 84 4 Dob_v, Mr. William, Che,alet Feed-Water H ea ter

and Detartari er, 8li Bodmer Screw Th read, Ill Boe r Wa r Bridge Destruct.ion, 121, 124, 383, 386,

769 Boi ler, Uover for Mud H oles, Okes', 363 Boiler Economy , Diagra m , l t5 Boiler Ex plosir.n, Locomotive, 734 Boiler House , Pa ri E x hiuition, 605, 601 Boiler, Water-Tube. Sec JJ'at~r-Tubt Boiler Boilers for Road Locomotive a nd .Mot.or Cars, 665 .Bonn , Arched Bridge acro · the Rhine at, 181,

18 1, 34 1 349, 35J, 406, 4071 4081 4091 5t41


678, 679, 737 Bookin~ Hall, Railway, nt Edinburgh, 744 .noothmnn Ft'ed-Water Filler, 749 llorin~ Machi 11e, Three- pind le Wood ( Fay,

Cinciunati), 252 Borsig a nd iem ens and IIalske, Triple-Expa n­

s ion Eugines a nd Tripha.Ee Dy namo, 710, 711, 712

Bourdellcs, The Late M., 94


I 1 1 U S T R A T I 0 N S.

Bourdonnai Doilet· House, Paris Exhibition, 60J, 606

Doyer Piston Air Drill, 365. See 366, -103 Boyer Pneumatic Rh·eter, 335 Brake, bO-Ton Iron Ore Wagon, Caledoniau Rai l·

way, 2, 83 Brakes for Fiell Guns. ec Pield it rtillny Bra.shear Mirrora, Reflecth·e P ower of, 803, 804 Breech Mech anism for Guns. See Field .Artillery

a nd Schneider Bridge C reeping Rails, St. Louis, 86 Bridge, F rerc, 121, 124 Bridge, Uopctoun , O\'e r Orange River, 3E3, 3S6.

See 121, 124, 769 Bridge, Restor .. tion, Norvals Pon t , 769. See 121,

124, 383, M6 Bridge, Tra nsfer, over the Seine at Rouen, 250,

378, 379 Dridge, Tugcla, 12-1 Bridge Wreckage in Boer Wa r, 121, 12t, 383, 386,

769 Bridges, Arched , across th e Rh ine, J81, 1 4, 3~8.

3! 9, 351, 406, 407, 408, i O:>, 5 14, 5! 5, 678, 679, 737

Bridges on Paris Metropolitan Railwoy, 580 Brid j!es, Waverley Stat iOn, Edinburgh, 9, 10, 11,

'iH, 752. See 247, 248, 2-19 British Warsh ips. See JL.Al .S. and Warsht"ps Br..>milow Electro-Magnetic SeJ?arator, HO Broo'<s Locomotive, Un ion Pac1ftc ltailway, 99 Brown a nd Co , J . , Clyd ebank, J apanese Batlle-

ship " Asnhi," 680, 686, 8 16, 848 Brown and Co., Manche ter, Steam Pipe

Balance1l Expan~:~ion J oint, 15i Brown ·s Viag raph for R Jil.d Surface Records,

59 • 599 Brush Company' Electric T raction Car Motor

Performances. 860 Bncyru Company, outh Mil waukee, Six-Ya rd

Dipper Dred g-er , 586, 595 Buildmg, United Gas Improvement Compa n) •

Tall, 418

Cab Access to Wa.verley Station, Edinburgh , 9, 10, 11. See 2H , 248, 249, 744, 752

Cable-Laying Stel\mer for German Compa ny (Dunlop, Port Gla.o:gow), 29

Caledon ian Railway 50-Ton Iron Ore Wagon, 82, 83

Caledon ian Rai:wny Locomotives, 636, 637, 652, 772

Caledonian Ra ilway Profile, Carlisle to Aber­d een, 773

Calor im eter, Throttling (Mciones, Limited, Gla.s~ow), 231

Cambndge Scientific In t rumen t Compa ny, Limited, Dudd ell Osci llograph, 5 2, t83

Campbell Oil Eogine, 793 Canal from Balt ic to White Sea. 128 Can al Locks, Ilotopp Syp hon, 57 1, 572 Canals in Russia, 2i6 Can et Sr,hneider Gu ns. See Schneider and Field

Artillery Capstan Lathe~ (A. Herul' r t , Limited , Coven t ry),

7 4. See al o Jfachine Tools Car, Motor, Cost of Traction by Rail and, 697 Cars, Motor, Steering anrt Balancing, 630, 631 Cars, Motor Whet:!s, 692, 593 599, 6a0, 63 L Cars for Pa ris Electr ic Railway, 707 Cnr60 Can y ing Cost by Steamers, 764 Cargo Hold u pp orts in Ships , 474, 475, 478 Carriage Motor. Sec Can , Motor, and Road Locomotior~

Cava lry Carr iage for Maxim Gun, 370, 371 , 374, 375

Ca,·itAt ion, B.u-naby's Theory of, 25 Champ de :\Jars-Courcelles Railway, 518, 049,578,

579, 580 Chemical and Machinery Buildings, Par is Exhibi·

t ion, 3~6. 34 7, 354 Chevalet Feed-Waler H ea ter and Detarta riser

(8 oby, London), 817 C bilian Con ·ette, 11 Gen eral Baquednno," E n·

p-ines of the, 512, 613, 525 Chimneys for Power Stations, Pa ris Exhibition,

Orn :~.mental , 150 Ch\ ck for Ln.the (A. H crbert , Covent ry), 782 Circle S10arin~ Lay Out, 263, aa1, 362 Clay ton a nd Shuttleworth , Agricultu ral Lo~omo­

tive, 777, 778 Coal -Handli ng Plant (Graham, .Morton , and Co., Leed~:~), 516, 524, 868, 869

Coal T ran por t ing Plan t , Temperley, 6H , 615, 778 Coast Defence Guns and Mounting•, 42, 43, 51,

79, 79, 112, 113, lt6. 147 co*ckerill, Seraing Blowing E obri nc Worked by

Blast F u rnace Gas, 87, 626, 844 Collisions, Railway. Sec .Accidents Colour P rinting Machi nery , German, 840,841,856 Columns for Waverley tation Roof, 10, 248 Compou nd Engine . See E·ngines Comp ·.und Locomotives, F rench, 155, 158, 849,

85 1, 852. ee next Volume Compression a nd fJiquefaction of, 732, 733 Compressing Liquids, 183 Comp ressor, Air, (Rcavell), 211 Condensers or U.S S. " Den yer," 394

Com·er ter , Rotary, Design, 197, 2 11, 2 1 ~, 213, 499, soo, t01, 5a5

Con ve.} ing Coal, Plant foa· (Orah am, Morton, and Co., Leeds), , 69

ConveyinQ' Col i, Plan t. for , at Wand~worth E IC'C· t r ic Station, 516, 524

Conveying Coal by Temperley T r .1nspor ter, 6 1-1, 615, 778 •

Cooke Locomotive and Machine Company, Patersou, New J eroey, U.S.A., Wtlsh L?como­tive J, 479

Cooper Steam Diggt'r (Agricu ltura l), 816 Co,>1 e r S e:~.m Pipe J )ints, 154 Corrosion and Failure of Propeller Shafts, 796,

797, i 9 '799 Counts, Machines for Tcs~i 1g, Textiles, 672 673,

709, 711, 712 Courcelles-Champ de Mars Railway, 518, 649, 578,

5i9, 5!:!0 Cover for Mu d H oles, Oke ' , 363 Crane, Electr ic Overhead Travelli ng (J . Adam­

son aud Co., Hyd e), 14, l!'i Crnne, E recting, for P~Lris Exhibition Bu ild iugs,

347 CranP, Pcn nanent-Way Hand, 15! Crankshaft and Bala ncing E ugioes, 473, 487, 503,

525, 530, 531 C reeping Rail~ on the St. Louis Bridge, 86 C reusot Gu ns. See Schneider n.nd Field ArtillerJI Cross-Sections of Battleship, 686. See 680, 8! 6,

848 C rown Water Meter, 170 Cruisers. See W arship8 Cult ivators, Steam , 16 Curve. See o.' so Diagram Cun ·e of Perfor mance of Brush Car, 860 Curve Showing Cost of T . action by Road and

Rail, 697 Cycles, Free· Wheel, 457

Dam, Assounn , on Nile, 309, 318, 324 Da rby Land· Digger (Ag ricul tu r-aJ), 816 Deacon's Wa ter-Meter, 170 Deadwood of Ships a nd Rudder, 474, 478 Dens, T he Late J a me , 23 Delisle Screw-Thread s, 144, 145 Dellwik F leisch er Water-Gas Process, 118 "Denver," United States Protected C ruiser, 50,

218, 320, 321, 394, 395 Depth of Water and Ship ' Speeds, 5~8, 629 Detar tariser, Che\·alet F eed- Water Heater and

(Doby,Lond oo), 817 cc Deu tschland ," H amburg-American L iner (Vul-

can Company). 382 Diagr-am. See also Curve Dia~rram of Boiler E fficiency, 165 Dingram Ind icator, Locomoti\·e, Slide Valve, ~0 Diagram of Shipbu ilding in Various Di t r ict , 29 Ding rams, I ndicat or, from Gas Eo~int', 138 Diagrams of l\Ietal P rices, 26, 166, 298, 466, 594,

760 Diagrams of Steam Engin e " Progre s ," 260 Diag rams of Wealth of United States a nd Ora

d uates in Colleges, 426 Dinmond Set Saw for Stone-SawinA" {Messrs. G.

Anderson and Co., Carnoustie), 853 Diesel Oil .Motor, 6, 7, 8 Digger!!, Ag ricultural, Steam, 816 Disappearing Gun Carriages, 212, 214, 215, 2-14,

245, 246 Disappen.ring Gun liount for .Mobile Force, 214 Draugh t of Steamers a nd Cost of Cat·go Carry­

in()' , 764 Dredger, Six-Yard Dipper (Bucyrus Company),

686, 695 Dredgers, Gold, in Ntw Zeal:\nd, 482, 491 Drills, Air, 365, 366, 403 Dt·op Tests, 183 Duddell Oscillograph, 582, 583 " Duff " Gns Engine (Andrew, Reddi h). 805 11 Dunalnstair," Locomot ives, 636, 637, G52, 7i2 Dunlop and Co., D. J ., Por t Glasgow, CaiJle-

Laying Steamer, 82:> DUs eldor f Bridge over Lh e Rh iue, 181, 184, 678,

679, 737. See also Bunn Brid-1e Dy namo Installat ion of American Batlleship, 31,

99, 103 Dy namo, Steam , for Rus:tian Na\'y (E. Scott

a nc! Mountain, Limiterl), 265 Dy namo, Triphase, and Triple-Exp.:~.nsion E n­

gines (Bors1g and Siemens a nd Ha lske), 710, 711,712

Dy namos. See al o .A.llemators a nd R otary Con,verters

Dynamos, 31, 38, 39, 99, 115, 116, 265 Dynamo , Westing h ou e, 115, 116

Eastern Railway of France, Screw Thread, 144 Ech elon Spectroscope, Mich elson's , 239, 240 Egyp t ian Irrig ation Re en • ... ir, Assouan, 309,

318, 324 El be-Trave Canal, H otopp Syp h on Locks on t h e,

671, 672 Elberfeld-Barmen Mono-Rail Suspended Ra ilway ,

439, 440, 441, 601, 502 Electr ic Alterna tor, Three· Phase(Kolben and Oo. ),

740, 741

• •

Electr ic Alternator, T h ree P hase (Nancy Com -pany), 8~5 .

E lectric Al tem ator, Three- Phase (Stem ens and Halske), 710, 711

Electric Alternator, T wo-Phnse, lUi, 116 Electric c .mverters. See Rotarv Converters Electric Generator. See D yfi. !L1TW, .Alterna tor,

n od Rotary Converter • E lectric Lig h t Engine, Scott Centr~l \ alve, 207,

210 Electr ic Overhead Travell ing Crane (J . Adamson

a nd Co. , Hyd e), H, 15 Electr ic Plan t (Borsig a nd Siemens an d Ilal ke),

710, 711, 712 . Electric Power Supply. See also West mghO'ltRe

Company Electric Power Transmission in Switzerland, 37,

38, 39 Electric Rail way, Paris, 702, 703, 706, 707, 807,

803, 809, 810 Electric Signals, Timmis's Automat ic, 64i, 648,

6i 9 Electric Station Coal -Handling Plan t , 516, 524,

8GS, 869 . . . . . Electr ic Steam Engm e, Willans, a t Pans E xhtbt·

tion, 562 E lectr ic Suspend ed Railway , Elberfeld-Bannan,

439, 440, 441 , 501, 502 E lectric Traction Ca r Motors , Brush, 860 Electr ical Installations on American Battleships,

31 , 99, 103 E lectr ical Oscillogra ph, Dudd ell, 582, 5 3 Electrically-D r-iven J.<'eed Pump ( Merrywenth er

and Sons, Limited), 614 E lectricity Buildiug a nd Chateau d ' Eau , Paris

Exhibition, 345, 452 Electro-Magnetic Separator (Bromilow), 120 Elevator. ee H oi~t Elswick Works, Electric Overhend Tra nlling

Cra ne, 14, 15 Em bank ment, Black pool P, omenade, 74, 75, 90 Emha nkm ent Construction, Nile, 309, 318, 324 Engine, BlowinJr, wit h Bla t-Furnace Gas Motor

(co*ckerill), 87, 626, 844 Engine, Compound , 3000 H orse-Power ( oci~te Fran~is d e Construc t ions Mecl:aniq ues, Douai), 7i6

Engine, Willans, at Paris E x hibit ion, 552 Engine, Gas, Blast-Furnace, 87, 62G, 8H Engine, G.1s {Blaxton Compa ny , London), 861 Engine, Oil (Campbell), 79:$ Engine, Gas, 11 l>u tf " (Andrew and Co., Red­

dish), 805 Engine, Gas (National Company, Limited), Ash ·

ton-u nder·Lyne), ~24 E ngine, Gas, West inghouse, Tests, 136, 137

138 E ngine, Ga , Worked wit h Blast-Furnace Gas

(co*ckerill), 87, 626, 844 E ngine, Gas a nd Oil, Diesel, 6, 7, 8 Engin e Governors, Ma rine, 760 Engine-Making Works (Reaven·~. Ipswich), 173,

174, 176. 177, 207, 210, 211 En::,rin t", Scot t , Central Vah·e, 207, 210 Engi ne, S leam, Proures , 269 Engine, T raction (lJlay ton and Shuttleworth),

7771 778 E ngines, Balancing St.eam , 473, 487, 506, 512,

523, 525, 530, 531 Engines, Four-Crank Triple, for Launch (Simp­

son, f:;t r ickland , and eo.), 151 En~ines, Ma rine, Turning Momen t of. See

Balanci'fi(J Engines, Non -Condensing (Franco-Tosi Com­

pa ny), 8 13 E ngines, Pumping , Test of 10,000,000 Gallon , 45 Eugines, Six-Crank , of the Chilian Con ·ette, 51'Z,

513, 52!'1 Eng ines, Six-Cylinder Quadruple-Expan ion, of

Ham burg -American Lmer " Deuts C'hla nd," 3 2 Engines, Triple-E x pansion, Japanese Battle h ip

"A&ha i "(Brown), 846. See 680, 686, 18 Engines, Triple - Ex pa nsion, Steam Trawlers

(::)mith s' Dock Com pany), 820 En g ines, T riple- E xpansion , of Unit ed States

Cruist"r " Den ver," 218, 320. 321, 394, 395 Engin es, T1 i• le a nd Quadruple E xpansion

Jo~ra.nco· To i, 812, 813 Engines, T r iple, for Triphase Dy namo (Borsig ),

71 0, 711, 712 En~i n es of United States Cruiser 11 Dem'er," 218,

321, 394, 395. See also 50 Enffi n cering Constructions, Graphic, 602 E ntsei-Ob l<.ivers Canaliaed, 275 Entrance, Monumental, Par is E xhibition, 316,

316, 317 Erect ing C rane for Parid Exhihition Buildings,

347 E xpansion J oint, Balanced, 154 E xperiments on I mpact, Keep's, 183 E '<p losion, Locomotive Boile r, 734 Explosh ·e, Maxim Mul t i-Perforated, 100

Failure and Corrosion of Propeller Shafts , 796, 797, 798, 79~. See also .FracturPB

Fa ns, Air Pr()pellt' l'S, 23!, 2351 236 Fa ns, Screw, 67, 68


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (5)

• IV •

Fay and Co., J . J . , Cincinnnti, Ohio. Three· Spindle Wood·Boring Machine, 252

Feeu Pump , Electrically·Driven (Merryweather), 614

Feed·Water Filter. Boothman, 749 F eed·Water Filters, Watson's, 51 F eed·Water Heater a nd Detar t.ariser, Chevalet

(Boby, London), 817 Fen.v, Tra nsfer Bridge over the Seine at Rouen,

256, 378, 379

Field At•tlllery. 'ltlodcru : Vicke,-s, Sons, Maxim, Lirn ited: 4.7·In. Quick·Firing Gun, 504, 505 37·Millimetre Automatic Gun in Use in the

Transvaal War with Carriage and Limber, 278, 279

75·Millimetre Gun for Field and Mountain Use, 311, 312, 313, 339, 342, 3~3

12·Pounder Quick·Firing Field Gun and Car· riage, 410, 411, 414

12·Pounder Se~arable Gun, 433, 436, 437 15·Pounder Qutck·Firing Gun, 470, 471 Breech Mechanism, 12·Pounder Gun, 411 Breech Mechanism, 12·Ponnder Separable Gun,

433 B1·eech Mechanism. 75·Millimetre Gun, 312 C:walry Carriage for Maxim Gun, 370, 371,

374, :375 Maxim Gun, 370, 371, 374, 376 .Mountain Equipment for ~Iaxim Gun, 3i0, 371,

374, 375 Moun tnin Equipment, 75·Millimetre Gun, 342,

34! . Quadru)lod for Maxim, 375 Separable Quo, 12·Pounder, 433, 436, 437

Sehneider-Canet System. : 75 and 80·Millimetre Quick·Fil"ing Guns, 540,

5n, 573, 574, 575, 576, 610, 611, 6H, 6t 5, 646, 671

Brakes, 575, n76 Hydraulic Recoil Brake, 610, 611, 6!4, 645 llydro·Pneumn.tic Brake, 671 Hydro·Pneumatic Trail Brake, 575, 576, 6.U,

tH5 Pneumatic Recoil Brake, Hyd ro·, 671 Telescopic Recoil Brake, 575, 676

Field Gun Disappearing Mount, 214 l<"'ilter and Detartariser (Boby), 817 Filter, Boothman Feed·Water, 749 Filters, Watson's Feed·Water, 51 Fiue Art Buildings, Larger, Paris Exhibition,

22 2, 282, 290 . . . . Fine Art Gallery, Smaller, Pans Exh1btt1on, 188 Flip or Jump of a. Gun or Rifle, 389 Flues, Chimney, 150 Flying Machine!l, Air Propellers, 234, 235, 236 I<' lywheel Design, Sl I<'oster's Plant for ReCO\'ering Glycerine, 109 l<'oundations of Arched Bridges across the Rhine,

348, 679 Fowler and Co., John, J.eeds, Armoured Trac·

tion Train, 714, 715 Fracture of Propeller Shafts, 537, 56i, 565. See

also Failure Frager Water Meter, 201 lt"'raming of Engines of U.S.S. "Denver," 321.

See 218, 394, 395, and also 60 Framing of Ships, 474, 478 Franco-Tosi Company, Triple and

Quadruple Expansion Engin~. 812 Free Wheels for Cycles, 457 French Artillery Screw Thread, 178 French Locomotive Pl", 8-19, 851, 852. See

next Yolume French Railway Screw Threads, 143 144 French crew Threads, 111, 143, 144, 178, 179 l<'rench Transfer Bridge, 256, 378, 379 Frere Bridge Destroyed and R ebuilt, 121, 12!.

See also a83, ~6, 769 Fl'iedmann's Mechanical Lubricator, 427 "Frost." Water Meter, 200 l"uel, Economy of, 165 Furnace Gases. See E ngine, Gas Furnaces, Hlast, Equalising Temperature, 667 Fumaces, Tin·Sm elting, 270

Gas Engines. See E ngines Gas Motor (Biast·Furna~e) and Blowing Engine

(co*ckerilll, 87, 626, 844 Gas Proce~s. Dellwik·Fleisher Water, 118 Oases, Compres ion and Liquefaction of, 732,

733 "General Baquedano," Six-Crank Engines of

the, 512, 51:$, 525 Generator, Gas (Oellwik·Fleisher Water Gas),

118 Generators. See Alternator, Dyn.anw, and

Rotary Conve)·ter G~nerator, Three·Phase Alt.emating , 710, 'ill,

740, 741, ~4 5 Generator, Westinghouse Alterna.t·

in~:, lla, 116 Geometry and Engineering 'tru<'tures, 602 German Cable·Laying Steamer (Ounlop, Port Glas~ow), 829

Oe1·man Screw Threads, 144 Gi rders, 9, 10, 11, 267, 408. See also Bridges Gland Packing , 68 Glasses, Metal·Backed , 803, 804 Glycerine, Foster's Plant for Recovering , 109 Gold Dredgers in New Zealand, 482, 491 Governors, Ma rine Engine, 760 Graduates in the United States, Diagram of, 426 Gra ham, Morton, and Co., Limited, Leeds, Coal·

Ha.ndlinl{ Plant, .516, .524, 8~, 86~ Graphic ConstructiOns 111 Engmeermg, 602 Graphic Method of Balancing Marine Bngines,

487. See also Balancin9 E n.gine Oun. Sec also F ield Artillery and Sclm~ider Cuns for Field and Mountain Use, 75·Millimetre,

311, 312, 313, 339, 342, 343, 540, 5-U, 573, 574, a'i:>, f>76 , 610, 611, OH , 645, 646, 671

Gun, Flip or Jump of a, 389 Uun, cc Long C'ecil," made in Kimberley during

Siege, 86-1, ~65 Gun ) lountiog, Elect.ricall.v· Worked, 103 Gun 'furret, Electrically-Worked, 103 Gun, Yickers Automatic 14·Pounder, I SO, 1~1 Gun, \'ickers 7.5·1n. Naval, 745


Hamburg-American Liner 11 Deutschland " (Vul· ' llaehlne Toolt-contbwed. can Company), 382 Lathe, Heavy Turret(Pratt and Whitney Corn·

Hammers, Longwort.h Pneumatic Power, 299. pany,, Conn.), 537 See 302, 303, 335, 3~6 Lathe, Hendey.Nor ton Metric (Hendey.Norton

Hammers, Pneumat1c, 299, 302, 303, 425. See Machine Company, Limited, Torrington, 335, 336 Coon.), 607

Hand Crane, Permanent Way, 154 Lathe wit,h Pneumatic Hoi$t 177 Handling Plant, Coal· (Graham, Morton, and Lathes (A. H erbert, Limited, Coventry), 781,

Co., Leeds), 516, 524, 868, 869. See also Ooal 782 784 Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co., Limited, Six·Crank Milli~g Machine Vertical (A. Ilerbert, Li·

Engines of t,he Chilian Corvette, "General mited Covent1·y) 780 Baquedano," 512, 5~3, G25 Pneuma'tic Tools, Portable, 299, 302, 303, 335,

Heater and Detar tanser, Chevalet Feed·Water 336, 365, 366, 399, 425 (Boby, London), 817 . . . Power Stamping Press (Taylor and Challen,

Hendey·Norton Machme. Company, Ltnuted, Birmingham), 727 Torrmgton, Conn., Metr1c Lathe, 607 Screw Milling Machine (J. H olroyd and Co.

Ilennibiquc St.ruot.ure, Acciden t at Southamp· Limited, Rochdale), 185 ' ton, 726 Tapping Machine, Automa tic, for Pipe Fit·

H.M. Torpedo·Boat Destroyer "Viper"(Parsons), tin~s (Mr. S. Platt., Wedneehury), 27 219 . . . Turmng Machine, Automatic (A. Herbert,

HerlJ~rt,! Lnmted, ~I:chme Tools at the Limited, Coveut1·y), 780, 784 Pans Exhtb1t1on. 780, 781, t82, 78! Turret Lathes (A. Herber t , Limited, CoYen·

" .He1·sey •· Water .M~ler, 17~ t ry), 780, 781, 782, 78! , H1lger, Mr. A , ~I1chelson s Echelon Spectro· Wood·Borin iY Machine, Three·Spindle (Fay,

scope, 239, 240 Cincinnat~ 252 H oist, Air, 177, 399, 415 Machine Tools ~t the Paris Exhibition 780, 781, Hoist, Air, Seutinel (Alley and ~laclellan), 415 7~2 784 ' H olroyd a nd Co., Limited, J ., RochJale, Screw· Machinery and Chemical Buildings Par i Exhibi ·

~tilling Machine, 185 tion 34t} 347 354 ' IIopetown Bridge over Orange River, 383, 386. Mclnn~s a'nd 6o. , T. S., Glasg-ow, Throttling

See 121, 124, 7~9 Calorimeter 231 Horseless Carriage. See Cars, bforor Mclnnes·Dobl;ie Indicator 748 Hot Blast for Fut·naces, Equalising, 667 Magnetic Turnings Separ~tor (Bromilow), 120 Hotopp Syphon Locks on t he Elbe·Tra,·e Caual, Main Hall, Fine Art Palace, Paris Exhibition,

571, 57t 281 282 290 Ho~vitztr .on qentral Pivoted ?isappearing- Car· Mnin:Neckar Railway Locomotive, 63

rtage w1th Ctrcular Brake, 212, 215 Map of Paris, 639 Hudswell, Clarke_. and Co. , Leeds, Na.rrow·Gauge Marine E ngines. See a lso Engines

Tank Locomottve, 253 Marine E ngine Governors 760 Ilu,.,hes, The Late D. E., 129 Maxim Gun 278 279 370 '371 374 375 Hy~raulic Recoil Brake for Field Guns, 610, 611, Maxim Mul ti-Pe~fora'ted Powder, i96

644, 6~5 . . ~ Mechanical Stoker, Jones, Underfed, 350 Hydro·Pneumat.~c Brak.e for F1eld Oun!. 6tl Melbourne Water Supply, 2, 3 Hydro·Pneumattc Tratl Brake for 1' teld Gun, Merryweather and Co., Limited, Electrically·

575, 576,. 644, 645 Dm•en Feed Pumps, 614 HydrostatiC Pt·essnre, 183 Metal Price Diagrams, 26, 166, 298, 456, 594, 760

Impact, Keep's Experiments on, 183 Indicator, Mclnnes·Dobbie, 748 Indicator, Ripper's Mean Pressure, 120 Indic:Ltor Diagrams. See D ia[Jrtuns Influence of lJepth of Water on Ships' Speeds,

528, 529

Meters, Water, 169, 200 Metropolitan. See London Metropolitan Railway, Paris, 639, 6!0, 6H , 674,

675 Michelson's Echelon Spectroscope, 239, 2t0 Microscopic Examination of Propeller Shafts,

5371 5641 565 Ingots, Steel, F orm of, 668 International Screw·Thread System

cuth·e Committee), 179

Midland Locomotive, 682, 683, 713, 718 (Swiss Exc· Military Bridges, Natal, 121, 124. See 3 3, 38o,

769 Iron Ore Wagon, 50·Ton, Caledonian Railway,

82, 83 Milling Machine, Screw (Holroyd, Limited,

Rochdale), 185

Japanese Battleship cc Asahi " (Brown, bank), 680, 686, Sl6, 848

Joints for Stenm Pipes, 154

~lilli ng Machine, Ver tical (A. Hcrbert, Limited, Clyde· Coveutry), 780

Jones Underfed !:Iechan ical Stoker, 350 Jump or l<~lip of a Gun or Rifle, 389

Keels, Bilge, a nd the Action of, 730 I<eep's Experiments on Impact, 183 Kennedy Water Met~r, 200 Kent Absolute Water, 201 Kimberley Siege Gun " Long Cecil," 86! , 865 Klinger a nd Co.'s Lubr icator, 427 I<olben and Co., Bohen•ia, Threc·Phase Altcrnat·

ing Generator, 740, 741

Langen Mono· Rail Suspended Railway, 43U, 440, 44 I, 501, 502

La the, I feavy Turret (Prntt and Whitney Com­pany, Ila rtford, Conn.), 537

Lathe, Hendey-Nor ton Metric (Hendey·Norton Machine Company, Limited, Torring ton, Coon.), 607

Lathe with Pneumatic Hoist, at Reavell's Works, 177

L:Ltbes (A. IIerbert, Coven try), 781, 782, 784 Launch, H igh Speed and Triple Engine, 151 Leeds Electric Station Coal Conveying Plant,

868, 869 Lift, Pneumatic, 1 'i7, 399, 415 Liners for Propeller Shafts, 796, 797, 798, 799 Liq uefaction and Comp1·cssion of Gases, 732, 733 Liquid Air, 732, 733 Liquid Fuel Apparat us, 665 Liquids, Compressing, 183 Lister's Inclinometer Theodolite (Stanley), 47 Li ttle Giant Ligh t Yoke Riveter, 335, 33~ Litt le Giant, Pneumatic Hammer, 304, 305, 425 Little Gian t Portable Air Drills, 365, 366, 403 Locks on the Elbe·Trave Canal, Hotopp ~yphons,

571, 572 Locomotive, Agricu!Lural (Clayton and Shuttle·

worth), 777, 778 Locomoti,·e Boiler Explosion, 73! Locomotive, C01npound, for Western of Ft·ance

Railway , 155, 158 Locomotive, Midland, 682, 683, 713, 718 Locomotive, Mineral, fo r Port Talbot a nd Barry

Railwa,YS (Cooke Company, U.S.A.), 479 Locomott\'e, Narrow Uauge Tank ( £Iudswell,

Clarke, a nd Co., Leeds}, 253 Locomotive, NeLhed ands, 691 Locomotive Slide Vah·e Tests, 80 Locomotive, 10· Wheeled Freigh t , for the Union

Pacific Railway (Brooks), 99 Locomotives, Caledonian, 636, 637, 652, 772 Locomotives, French Practice, 849, 851, 852. See

next Volume Locomotives, Some Veteran, 63 London Pneumatic Tube System, 283, 286, 287 cc Long Cecil," l{imberley Gun, 864, 865 Longworth Pneumatic Power Hammer, 299. Sec

30:l, 303, 335, 336 Lubricator, Automatic, for Shafting (Aktiebo·

laget Company), 46 Lubricator, l<'riedmann'~t Mechanical, 427 Luton as a Site for Engineering Works( Plan), 467

ll:\eh lnc TooiH : Capstan Lathes (A. Herbcrt, Limited, Coven·

t ry), 'i84 Chuc\c for Lathe (A. Herbert, Limited, Coven·

t ry), 782 Drills, Air, 365, 366, 403

Mirrors, Metal·Backecl, 803, 80! Mobile Disappearing Mount for Guns, 214 ~lodel of Hamburg-American Liner " Deutsch·

land," 382 "~iond" Gas Engine (Andrew and Co., Limited,

R eddish), 805. Mono Rail Suspended Railwa.y at Elberfeld -Ba.r·

men, La ngen , 439, 440, 441, 501, 502 Monumental En trance, Paris Exhibition, 315,

316, 317 Mortar with Coast Defence Mountings, 146 Mossberg Roller Bearings, 133 Motor, Diesel Oil, 6, 7, 8. See also E11(Jinc Motor Vehicles. See Cars, Motor, an1 Road

L ocouwtion .Motor Wagon Wheels, 592, 598, 599, 630, 631 Motors, Electr ic, of American Battleship, ;n, 99,

103 Motors for Electric Tramwn.~·s (Brush Co.), 8GO Mountain Equipment foe .Maxim Gun, 370, 371,

374, 37'>. See 278, 279 Mountaiu Equipment, 75.:~1illimetre Gun, 3! 2,

343 Mountin~. Gun, Electrically Worked, 103 Moun tings for Defeuce Guns, 42, 43, 54,

78, 79, 112, 113, 146, 147 Mountin~s for Guns. Sec F ield Artil(ery and

Schnetder Mounts, Disappearing, 212, 214, 215, 244, 245,

246 Moving Platform, Pa~·is Exhibi tion, 702, 703, 706,

807, 808, 809, 810 Mucl- Hole Covers, Okes', 363 Multi-Perforated Powde1·, Maxim, 196 Muzzle · Loadin~r Mo1·tar and Coast Defence

Mounting, 146

Nancy, Compagnie Oen~rale Electrique de, Tri· phase Alternat.or, 845

Natal Bridges Destroyed by Boers, and RcbuiiL, 121, 124. See 31:43, 386, 769

National Company, Limited, Ashton·under·Lyne, Gas Engine, 824

Nan1.l Gun, Yickers' 7.5- In ., 'i45 Na,·ipendulum for Measuring Rolliu~ of Ships,

4-H, 44~. 49-l, 495 Neilson, Reid, aud Co. , Central Netherlands

Railway Locomoti,•e, 691 Netherlands LocomotiYe, 691 New York·Brooklyn Pneumatic Despatch Srs·

tem, 283, 2~6. 287 New Zealand Gold Dredg ing, 482, 491 Nile Dam for Irl"igation, 30~. 318, 324 Nord and Orleans J!'rench ltailway Screw

Thread, 143 Norddeutsehe Seekabelwerke A\ctien · Gesell·

scha.ft, Cable·Laying Steamer, 829 Non ·als Pout Brid~e ResLorat.ion, 769. See 121,

124, 3 3, 386

Ob·Enisei Ri\'ers, Canalised, 275 Oil Engines. See Engines Oil Fuel Apparatus for Road Locomotives, 665

• Okes' Safety Co,•er for Mud H oles, :!63 Olten·Aarburg Electric Power , 38, 39 Orange River Bridge at llopct,own, 3S3, 386.

See 121 , 124 769 Ordnance. See Field iJ.rtillery, Guns, n.nd

scluuider Ordsall-Lane Soap Works, Manchester, 109 Oscillograph, Duddell, 582, 583

Packing , Steam, 68 Paddle Engines. Sec Engin.u Pa rcel Delh·ery, Cost of, 697

Paris Exhibition: Al ternating Generator, Thrce· Phase, 740, 741,

845 Augsburg bllll:lch inenfabrik Colour Printing

ldacbines, 840, 856 Au tomatiC Electric Signals (Timmis's), 647,

648, 6-!9 Blast·Furnace Gas Blowing Engine (co*ckerill,

Seraing), 844. See also 87, 626 Doiler·Bouses, 605, 606 Borsig and Siemens and Halske, Triple·Ex·

pansion Engines and Triphase Dynamo, 710, 711,712

Bourdonnais Boiler·House, 605, 606 Cars for Electric Railway, 707 Champs de Mars·Courcelles Ra ilway, 548, 549,

578, 579, 580 Chemical and Machinery Buildings , 346, 347,

354 •

Chimneys for Power Stations, 150 co*ckerill, J ohn, Seraing , Blowing Engine

worked wi t h Blast.·Furuace Gas, 8-tt. See also 87, 626

Colour Prin ti ng )fachiner.r, 840, 841 , 856 Counts, Machines for Testihg Textile , 672,

673, 709, 71 t, 712 Courcelles·Champs de Mars Railway, :>48, 519,

578, 579, 5 0 Crane, Erecting, for Buildings, 347 D.rnamo, Tripha::Jc, and Tdple·Expansion En·

gi nes (Borsig and Siemens and thlske), 710, · 711,712

Electric Alternator Tt"iphase (Nancy Com· pany), 845

Electric AlLemator Tdphase (Kolben), 740, 741 Electric Alternator Plant (Borsig and Siemens

and Halske), 710, 711, 712 Electric Railway, 702, 703, 706, 707, 807, 808,

809, 810 Electric Signals, Timmis's ~ntomatic, 647, 618,

6!9 Electricity Building , 345 Electricity Building and Chateau d'Eau, 452 Engine, Blowing, worked by Blast·Furnace

Gas (co*ckerill, Seraing), 844 Engine, Compound, 3000 Horse· Power (SocieM

Jo'ran~ise de Constr·uctions ldechaniques, Douai), 776

Engines, Non·Condensing (Fra nco·Tosi Com · pany), 813

Engines, Triple and Quadruple Expansion ( l''ranco·Tosi Company), 812, 813

Engines, Triple, fo1· Triphase Dynamo (Uorsig), 710, 711, 712

Entt·ance, Monumental, 315, 316, 317 Erecting Crane for Buildings, 347 l<'ine Art Buildings, Larger, 222, 282, 290 l<' ine Art 'Jallery, Smaller, 188 I<' ranco·Tosi Company, Legnano, Triple 11.nd

Quadruple·Expan$ion Engines, 812. See 813 General Plan of t he Exhibition, 50!3; 509 Generator, Three·Phase Alternating, 710, 711 ,

740, 741, 816 Gun, Vickers 7.5·1n. Naval, 745 · IIendey.Norton ~1etric Lathe, 607 Herbert, Limited, Alfred , Machine Tools at the

Pa ris Exhibition, 780, 781, 782, 784 l{olben a nd Co., Bohemia, Thr~e·Phase Alter·

nating Generator, 740, 741 Locomotive, Midland, 682, 683, 713, 718 Locomoth•e, Netherlands, 691 Machine Tools a t t he Paris Exhibition, 780,

781, 782, 784 ~lachinery and Chemical Buildin~"S, 3! 6, 34 7,

35! ~lain Hall, Fine Art Pa-lace, 281, 282, 290 Metropoli tan Railway , 639, 6 10, 641, 674, .t.75 Midland Locomotive, 682, 683, 713, 7 1 ~ Monumental Entra nce, 315, 316, 317 .Moving Platform, 702, l03, 706, 707, 807, 803,

809, 810 NaMy, Compagnie G6n~rale Electriqne cl e,

Triphase Altcm ator, 845 Naval Oun, Vickers 7.5·In., 745 Netherlands Locomot.ive, 691 Paris Metropolitan Rail way, 6:39, 640, OH, 674,

675 Plan, General, 508, 509 Pla tform, Tra,·elling, 702, 703, 706, 707, 807,

808, 809, 810 Power Stations, 605, 606, 647, 712, 746, 775, 815,

8!6 Power Station Chimneys, 150 Pl'in tin~ Machinery, Gem1an, 840, 841, 856 Railway, Courcelles, Champ de Ma rs, 518, 5!9,

578, 679, 5 0 Railway, Elect t·ic, 702, 703, 706, 707, 807, 803,

809, 810 Railway Signals, Timmi~'s, 6!7, 6! 8, 649 Railway , 548, 549, 578, 579, 580, 639, 6-10, 641,

674, ti75, 702, 703, 706, 707, 07, SOS, 09, lO Rockstroh and Schneider, Dresden, Colour

Printing Machinery, 840, 841, 856 Roof of Fine Art Palace, 281, 282, 290 Signals, Timmis's Electric, 6!7, 648, 649 Si lk Yarn Testing Apparatus, 543, 709, 711, 712 Soci6t~ l<'ran~a.ise de Constructions Mecha-

niqu es, Doua i, 3000 IIorse·Powct· Com pound Engine, 776

Suffren Boiler·House, 605, 006 Testi ng Oondit.ions of Silk Yo rn , 543 .. Testing Machine, 50·Ton (Valere Mabille Com·

pa.ny, Belg ium), 761 Testing Machines fo r Textiles, 672, 673, 709,

711,712 Textile E;\.hibits, 543, 709, 711, 712 Textile Testing Machines, 672, 673, 709, 'ill,

712 Tim m is's Electl"ic Railway Si~nals, 617, 648,

649 Travelling Platform, 702, 703, 706,707, 807, 808,

809, 810 Valere Mabille Company, Mariemont, Delgium,

50·Ton Testing Machine, 761 Vickers 7.5·In . Naval Gun, 745 \Veaving, 709, 711, 712 Willans' 2400 Ind icated Horse·Power Electric

Engine, 552


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Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (6)

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(Sut>rLE~IENT TO 11 ENOI!\F.ERil\0111

JULY 20, 1900.) I N DE X. - l LLCSTRATIONS.

Paris , Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, Screw Thrend, 144

Paris, Map of, 639 . Paris Metropolitan and Underground Ratlwav,

548, 540, 578, 579, 580, 639, 640, 641, 674, 675, 676

Parkinson Water Meter, 169 Parson's Turbine-Driven Destroyer " Viper," 219 Pendulum, Navi-, for ~leasuring Rolling of Ships,

. 444, 448, 494, 495 Petroleum Engines. See Engines and Oil PhotogrBpby , Micro-, 537, 564, 565 l'iers of DUsseldorf Bridge OYer the Rh ine, 678,

679, 737 Pierucci Range-Finder, 695 Pipe Expansion Joint, Steam, 15i Pipe-Fitting Tapping .Machine (Mr. S. Platt,

Wedne bury), 21 Pipe, Joint for Copper Steam, 154 Piston Rings, 69! Plan of Paris Exhibition, 608, 509, 639 Platfonn, Travelling, Paris ExhilJition, 702, 703,

706, 707, 807, 808, 809, 810 Platt Mr. S., Wedneshury , Automatic Tapping Ma~hine for Pipe Fitting, 27

Pnemnatic. See also Air Pneumatic Drake for Field Guns, Hydro-, 671 Pneumatic Despatch, 283, 286, 287 Pneumatic Hammers, 299, 302, 303, 425. See

335, 336 Pneumatic Hoist, 177, 399, 415 Pneumatic Power Hammer, Longworth, 299.

See 302, 303, 335, 336, 425 Pneumatic Tools, Portable, 290, 302, 303, 335,

336, 365, 366, 309, 403, 425 Portal of Bono Bridge over the Rhine, 406 Portal of DUsseldorf Bridge, 737 Portrait- Mr. J . D. Baldry, 261 Portrait- M. Bourdelles, 94

Portrait- Mr. Jam~s Dens, 23 Portrait- Professor D. E. Hughes, 129 Poulot Screw Thread, 111 Powder Factory Electri~l Equipment, 115, 116,

ll7 Powder, Maxim Multi-Perforated, 196 Power Stamping Press ~Taylor and Challoo,

Birmingham), 7~7 . . .. Power Station Ch1mneys, Pans ExhJbJtlon, 150 Power Stations, Paris Exhibition, 605, 606, 64 7,

712, 746, 775, 815, 846 Power Transmi~sion, Swiss Electric, 37, 38, 39 and Wbitney, Hartford, Conn., Heavy

Turret Lathe, 537 Preschlin's Joint. for Copper Steam Pipes, 154 Presses, Power Stamping (Taylor and Challeo,

Birmingham), 727 Printing Marbioery, Colour, German, 840, 841,

S56 Profile of Caledonian Railway, 773 Promenade, North Shore, Bln.ckpool, 74, 75, 90 Propeller C:~.vitation, Barnaby's Theory, 25 Propeller Shafts, Fracture of, 537, 564, 565 P ropeller Shafts, Corrosion a.nd Failure of, 796,

'i'd7, 798, 799 Propellers, Air, Lifting Power of, 234, 235, 238 Pumping Engines Tests of 10 Million Gallon, 45 Pumps, Ail·, of U.S.S. "Denver," 3!l5 Pumps, Electrically-Driven Feed (Mer ryweather

and Sons, Limited), 614

Qu~druple-Expansion Engines. See Engines <-luadrupod for .Maxim Gun, 37 .> tluick-Firing Field Guns and Carriage. Sec

Field Artillery Quick-Firing Fit:ld Onn, 4.7- In., 504, 505 Quick-Firing Gun with Coast Defence .Mounting,


Ra.ils, Creeping, on the St. Louis Bridge, 86 Railway Accident near Worlcington, 2tl4 Railway Booking HalJ, Edinburgh, 744 Hailway Bridges. See Bridges Ra.ilwa.y, Courcelles-Champs de Mars, 548, M9,

678, 679, 580 Railway Crane, Permanent Way Hand, 154 RailwaJ, Langen Mooo·Rail Suspended, a.~

Elberfeld, 439, 440, 441, 501, 602 Railway Locomotives, Some Veteran, 63 Rail way, Pads Exhibition Electric, 702, 703, 706,

707, B07, 808, 809, 810 Railway, Profile of Caledonian, 773 Railway Signals, Timmis's, 64'i, 648, 649 Railway Station, Waverley, Edinburgh, 9, 10, 11,

247, 218, 249, 744, 752 Railway Wagon, 50-Ton Iron Ore, ~2. S.'l Ranelarrh Works, Ipswic:h (Messrs. UeaYell), 173,

174, 176, 177, 207, 210, 211 R.'\nge-Fiuder, Pierucci, 605 Rnthausen Electric Power, ~8, 39 Jtetn-ell and Co., Air Compressor, 211

HeMell and Co., Air Hoist, 177 Itc:well ond Co., Scott Central ValYc Engine,

207' 210 Rea,·eU's Works, Ipswich, 173, 171, 17G, 177, 207,

210, 2ll R~co,·ering Crude Glycerine, Fo~ter's Plant for,

109 Reflecth·e Power of Metals and of Metal-Backed

Gins es, 803, 80! Repair ing a Broken Flywheel, 81 Reservoir, Assouao Dam, 309, 318, 324 Reservoi r, Tourrourong, Mell'>onrne, 2, 3 Restoration of Norvals Pont Br idge on tbe Ornn~e kiver , 76!>. See 121, 124, 383, 380

Results of Brush Tramway Car Motor Working, 860

Re,•ersing Gear, F rench Lor.omotive, 849, 851, 852

Rhine Archerl Bridgl!s, U!l, 184, 348, :l49, 351, 406, 407, 408, 400, 544, 545, 678, 679, 7:37

Rifle, Flip or Jump of a, 389 Ripper's Mean Pre ure Indicator , 120 Rh eters, Portable Pneumatic, 335. See 302, 303 Roa.d Locomotion, 592, 598, 599, 630, 631, 664,

665, 697. See also Cars, Aloto1· Road Locomotive (Clayton and Shutt.lewor th),

777, 778 Road Surface Recorder, 598, 599 Rockstroh and Schneider, Colour-Printing Mn·

chinery, 841 Roller Bearings, Mossher~. 133 Rolling of Ships, 443, 4H, 445, 448, 494, 495

Roof, Engine Works, 174 Roof of l<'ioe Art Palace, Paris Exhibition, 2S1,

282, 200 Roof of \Vaverley Station, Edinburgh, 247, 248,

249, 744, 752 "Ross" P neumatic Hammer, 304 Rotar)' (;()n ' 'c rterl'l, E lcct t•le:

Uonverter, Rotary, Desig n, 197, 241, 242, 243, 499, 500, 501, 535

Ronen Transfer Bridge over t he Seine, 256, 378, 379

Show, Jto,·nl Aa;rrlcnltut·al Soelch '~'~ '1." ot·k :

Cooper Steam Digger, 816 Cultivators, Steam, 816 Darby Land Di~ger, 816 Dig~ers, Steam, 816 Engine, Gas (National Company, I,~imited,

Ashton-under-Lyne), 824 Locomotive, Agricultural (Clayton and Shuttle­

worth), 777, 778 National Company, Limited, Ashton-under­

Lyne, Gas Engine, 824 Stt:am Diggers, 816 Stone Sawing Machine (0. Anderson and Co.,

Carnoustie), 853 Royal E agle Cycle Company, Coventry, Free

Wheel, 457 Rudder Support in Ships, 474, 478 Rus ia Waterways, 275 Russian Na.v.v Steam Dynamo (E . Scott and

Mountain, Limited) 266 Russian Waterways, 128, 275

St. Louis Br idge, Creeping Ra:ls on the, 86 Sauvage Screw Thread, 178 Sawing Machine, Ston e (0. Anderson and Co.,

Carnou stie), 853 Schliffer and Budenherg, Ripper's Steam Pres·

su re Indicator, 120 Schlick Engine Balancing, 531. See also Balancing Schmid Water .Meter, 201

Sehne hle r and Co. See also Fidd .A rlillcry. 12-Centimetre 26-Calibre Quick-Firing Gun

with Coast Dt:fence .Mounting, 147 15-Centimetre Howi tzer on Central Pivoted

Disappearing- Carriage with Circular Brake, 212, 215

15-Uentimetre 26-0alibre Gun on Disappearing Carriage, 244

2J-Centimetre Coast Defence Gun, with Schneider·Canet .Mounting, 112

27-Centimetre Mortar with Coast Defence Mountings, 146

27-Centimetre 28 Calibre Coast Defence Guns and Mounts, 42, 43, 5i

27-Centimetre 30-Calibre Coast Defence and Mounts, 42, 43, 54

27-Ceotimetre 28-Calibre Gun on Disappearing Carri:1ge, 245, 246

SO-Centimetre Muzzle-Loading Mortar an:l Coast Defence Mounting , 146

3·!-Centimetre Coast Defence Gun, with Schneider-Canet Mounting, 112

6-In . 50-Calibre Q-uick-Firing Gun with Coast Defence Mouotmg, 147

12 In. Coast Defence Gun aml Schneider-Canet Mounting, 78, 79

90·Millimetre Quo on Disappearing Mount for Mobile F orce, 214

11i5-Millimetre Gun on Central Pivoted Dis· appearing Caniage, 214

Coast Defence Guns and Moun l ings, 42, 41, 54, 78, 79, 112, 113. 146, 147

Disappearing Carriages, 212, 214, 215, 2H, 245, 246

Field Gun, Disappearing Mount , 214 Field Guns. See F iel·t Artillery Ho.rfleur Proving Ground, 1S Howitzers, 212, 215 Mohile Disappearing MouoL, 214 Mor tars with Coast Defence Mountings, 146 Mountings for Coast Defence Guns, 12, 43, 64,

78, 79, 112, 113, 146, 147 :Mounts, Disappearing, 212, 214, 215, 244, 245,

246 SchOnheydcr Water Meter, 201 Schreiber Water Meter , 201 Scolt Central Valve Engine, 207, 210 Scott and Mountain, Limited , E. SLeam Dynamo

for Russian NaNy, 265 Screw. See Propellers Screw Engines. See Enaine~t Screw Fans, 67, 68, 234, 235, 230 Screw Milling Machine (J. Holrord and Co. ,

Limited, Rochdale), 185 · Sc1·ew ThreAds :

Dodmer Screw Thread, 111 Delisle Screw Threads , 144, 145 Eastern Railway of !<~ranee Screw Thread, 144 French Artillery Screw Th read, 1 i8 French Railway Screw ThreadP, 143, 141 F rench Screw Threads, 111, 143, 144, 17!:1, 179 French Standud Th read, 179 German Screw Threads, 144 I nternational System (Swiss Executive Com·

mittee), 179 In ternational System, Zurich Congre3s, 179 Nord n.nd Orleans F rench Railway Screw

Thread, 143 Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway

Screw Th reatl, 144 P oulot Screw Thread, 111 Sauvage Screw Thread, 178 Sell ers' Screw Thread, 143 Standard French Thread , 178 Steiolen Scr~w Thread, 14:J T hury Screw Thread for Watchmaking, 177 We. tern Railway of F rance Screw Thread, 114 Wh1t wor t.h Screw Thread. 111 Zurich Congress International System, 179

Screwing Machine (Mr. S. Platt, Weduesburv) 27 Seine T ransfe r Bridge at Rouen, 256, :l78, 379' Self-Propelleci Traffic. See Ca1·s, Alotor Selle rs ~:>crew Thread, 143 Sentinel Air Horst (Alley and Maclellan), 415 Separable Gun, 433, 436, t 37 Separator, Electro-Magnetic (Bromilow), 120 Shafling, Automatic Lubricator (Aktiebolaget

Company), 46

Shafts, Chimn e.v, 150 Shafts, Corrosion and Failure of Propeller , 796,

7971 798, 7S>9 ShafLs, Propeller, Fracture of, 637, 564, 565 Shipbuilding Diog(am, 29 Shipbuilding Innovations, 4 74, 475, 478 Ships' Bilge Keels, The Action or, 730 Ships, Rolling , 443, 4H, 445, 448, 49l, 495 Ships' Speed and Depth of Water, 528, 52SJ Ships. ::5ee a lso Steamers Shore Improvements, Bln.ckpool, 74, 75, 90 Siberian l tivers and Canals, 275 Siege Gun, Kimberley, cc Long Cecil," 864, 805 Siemens Fan Water Meter, 169 Signals , T immis's E lectric, 647, 648, 649 Sihl Electric Power Transmission , 37 Silk Yarn-Testing Apparatus, 543, 709, 711, 712 Simpson , Strickland, and Co., Limited, Hig h-

Speed Launch, 161 Six-Crank Engines of the Chilian Con·ette, fi12,

5 l3, 525 Skewbacks of Bridges over the Rhine, 406, 679 Slag Bricks, Blast-Furnn.ce, 666 Slide Valve T ests, 80 Smelting Furnaces, Tin, 270 Smiths' Dock Company, South Shields, fr iple·

Expansion Eno-ines for Trawlerll, 820 Soap Works, Or8sall· Lane, Manc:hester, 109 Soci~t~ Alsacienne de Belfor t, Compound Loco·

moti,·e, 155, 158 Soci~ti~ Franc~ise de Constructions Mecho.niques,

Douai, 3000 Horse-Power Engine, 776 South African War a nd Bridges, 121, 12i, 383,

386, 769 South African War, Kimberley Gun cc Long

Cecil," 864, 865 Southampton, Structure Accident at, 726 Spectroscope, Michelson 's Ech elon, 239, 240 Speed and Depth of Water on Tria ls, 528, 529 Squaring Circle La.r Out, 263, 331, 362 Stamping P ress, Power (Taylor and Challen,

Bi rmingham), 727 Staodo.rd Frenoh Screw Thread, 178 Stanley, Ma-. W. F., Lister's Inclinometer Thco·

dolite, 47 Sta r ting Gear, French Locomotive , 849, 8fi1, 85~ Station, Waverley, Edinburgh , 9, 10, 11 , 247, 248,

2i9, 741, 752 Sta.tions, Paris Underground, 548, 549, 578, 579,

580, 639, 640, (341, 674, 675, 676 Steam Dil-{gcrs, Agricultural, 8 16 Steam Dy namo for Russian Navy (E. Scott and

Mountain, Limited), 265 Steam Engine Progress, 269 Steam HammE!rs, ~02, 303. See 335, 333 Steam Par.king, 68 Steam Pipe (Copper) J oints, 154

team Pipe Expansion Joinli, 154 Steam Pressure Indicator , R ipper'l'l1 120 Steam Trawlers' Triple-ExpansiOn Engines

(Smiths' Dock Compao.r), 820 Steam T urbine for H.M.S. "Viper," 21!> Steamer, Cable Laying, for German Company

(Ounlop, Port Glasgow), 829 Steamer "Deutschlaod," Hamburg- American

(Vulcan Company), 3~:l Steamers. See also Ships Steamers nod Cost of Cargo Carry ing, 764 Steamers' Propelle r Shaft Failurl's, 537, 56tl, 565,

79ti, 797. 798, 79Q Steamers' Speed and Depth of Water, 528, L29 Steel B:1lls, Strength of, 464 Steel Ingots, Form of, 668 Steering Motor Cars, 630 Steinle's Steel Mercury Thermometer, 415 Steinlen Screw Thread, 143 Stok er , J ones' Underfed Mechanical, 350 Stone Breaking Machinery (Baxter , Leeds), 618,

627 Stone Sawing Machine (G. Anderson a nd Co.,

Carnoustic), 853 Stream Lines and Bilge Keels, 730 Strength or Steel Balls, 46~ Suffren Boiler House, Paris ExhibiLion, 605, 606 Suspended Rail way, L~ngen 1\lono-Rail, at

E lberfeld, 439, 440, 441, 501, 502 Swiss Electr ic Power Transmission Plant, 37,

38, 39 Switchboard, Electrical, 117 Syphon L ocks on the Canal, Hotopp,

571 , 572

l'all Buildings, 418 Tapping Machi ne, Automatic, for Pipe Fittings

(Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 27 Taylor and Chal_lel", Birmingham, Power Stamp·

iog P resses, 727 Telegram Despatch by PnEumatic Tube, 283, 286,

287 Telescopic Recoil Brake, for Field Gun, 575, 576 Temperley Transporling Plant, 614, 615, 778 Temporary Milita.ry Bridges, 121, 124. See 383,

38tl, 769 Te -ting CondiLions of Silk Yam , 543 Testing- Machine, 50·Tcn (Valerc Mnbille Com·

pany, Belgium), 761 Testio~ Machines, Textile, 643, Gi~, 673, 709 711

712 I I

Tests of Wes~in_ghouse Gns Enbri_ne ·, 136, 137, 13 Test of 10-M1lllon Gallon PumiJtn~ Engines 4:i Textile Testing Machines, 543,672,673,700, ni 712 Theodolite, Lister's Inclinometer (Staoley), 4'7 Ther mometer Steinle's Steel Mercury, 415 Threads, Screw. See ~·crew 1'h?·eadiJ Throttling Calorimeter (Mc lnnes, Limited, Glas­

gow), 231 1 Thury, Screw Thread for Watchmakin~t, 177 Timmis's Electric Railway Signals, 617, 648 649 T in Smel ting Furnaces, 270 ' Tollhouse for Boon Bridge, 348, 3~1 Torpedo· Boat Destroyers. See W at·xhips Torpedo· Boats. Se; IV arkhios Traction, Eh ctric See also E lectric Traction

and Tramways Traclion Engine (Cla)·ton and Shnttleworth)

777, 778 I

Trn.ction by Road and Rail, Cost, 697 TracLion Train for South Africa, Armoured 714

7J5 I I

Train, Armoured Traction, 714, 715 Tramway Car, Electric Motors (Brush Co.), 60 Tramway Car Roller Bearings, 133


Tramway Plant Exhibits, 860, 861 Transfer Bridge at Rouen, 256, 378, 379 Transformers Rotary. See Rotary Con1Jerter8 Transmission ' of Power , Swiss Electric , 37, 38, 39 Transporting P lant at Sfax (Temperley Coru·

pany), 614, 615, 778 . . .. Tra velling Platfonn, Pans ExhlbJtJon, 702, 703,

700, 707, 807, 808, 809, ~no Trawlers', Engines (Smiths' Doc:k Company), 820 Tricycles. See Cycles Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Tube, Pneumatic, System of Despatch, 283, 2e6,

287 Tugela Bridges Destroyed by Doers and HelJuilt,

121 , 124. See also 383, 386, 769 T unnelling, Paris Railway, 640, 641, 674, 675, 676 Turhine-Driven Destroyer, 219 Turbines, Water , 38 T urning Machine, Automatic (A. H erbert,

Limited, Coventry), 780, 784 T urning Moment of Engines. See Balancing Tun-et, Gun, Electr ica.lly- Worked, 103 Turret Lathe (Pratt and Whitney, Ilartford,

Conn.), 537 T urret Lathes (A. H erbert, Limited, Coventry),

781, 782, 782 T win-Screw Engines. See Enr, ines Tylor InferenLial Water Meter, 169 Tylor Positive Water Meter, 200 Tyres for Motor Wagons, 592, 598, 699, 630, 631

Underground Railway, Pa ris, 648, 5!0, 578, 579 580, 639, 640, 6H, 674, 675, 676

" Uniform " Water Meter , 170 United States Battleship, Electrical Installation,

31, 99, 103 United States Diagrams, 426 United States Locomotive, 99 United States Locomotive for Wales, 4i0 United States Protected Cruiser "Denver," 50,

218, 320, 321, 394, 395 United States Tall Building, 418

Yalere Ma.bille Company, Mariemont, Belgium, 50-Ton Teating Machine, 761

Valve Gear, West of France Locomotive, 852. See 849, 851

Ventilating Fans, Air P ropellers, 234,235, 23S Ventilo.ting, Screw Fans for , 67, 68 Vessel. See Ship and Steamm· Viagraph fo r Road Surface Records, 598, 699 VibratiOn. See Balancing Vickers Automatic 14-Pouoder Gun, 18J, 181 Vickers, Sons, and Maxims, Limited. See Field

.Artillery Vickers 7.5·Io. Naval Gun, 745 " Viper," H.M.S., 219 "V on Podbielski," Cable-La.} ing Steamer, 829 Vulca.n Company. Hamburg-American Liner

"Deutschland," 382

Wa~on, 50-Ton Bogie, Caledonian Railwa.v, 82, 83 Walker, W. 0 ., Flying Machine and Air Pro­

pellers, 2:34, 235, 236 Wandsworth Electr ic Station, Coal-Conve.} ing

Plant·, 516, fi24 War Armoured Traction Train, 714, 715 War , South Afri~n, l{imberley Gun " Long

Cecil," 864, 865

Warships : Balancing Engines, 473, 487, 506, 512, 523, 525•

530,531 Ohilian Corvette "General Baquedano " En·

gines of Lhe, 512, 513, 525 ' Gun Turret Electr ically Worked, 103 H . .M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Viper " (Par­

sous), 219 Jap:~.nese llattlcship "Asahi " (Bro,vn, Clyde­

bank), 680, 686, 8!6, 848 Rolling of Warships, 443, 444, 445, 448, 494, 495 Russian Na\'y Steam D yn amo (E. Scott and

.Mountain , Limited), 265 Speed and Depth of Water on Trials, 528, 629 Turbine-Driven Destro,·er" Viper " (Parsons)

219 • I

United States Battleship Electric Jnsta.llntioo, 31, 09, 103

United States P t·otecterlCr uiser" Den ver," 50, 218, 320, 321, 394, 39l Process, Dellwik-Fleischer, ll8 Water Meters, 169, 'lOO, 201 Water Power in Switzerl:\nd, 37, 38, 39 Water Supply, Melbourne, 2, 3 Water-Tube Boiler Efficiency Di~ram, 165 Water-Tube Boilers for Road Locom otives, G65 Waterways, Ru ssian, 128, 275 Watson's Feed-Wat er Filters, 5 L Waverley Station, Edinburgh, 9, 10, ll , 2J7, 218,

249, 744, 752 Wealth of United States, Diagram of, 426 Weaving Machinery, 709, 711, 7lz Western of France Railway Company 's L oco­

motive, 155, 158 Western Railway of F ra nce Screw Thread, 144

\\'estln&lloase C::omDnny's Elect rlc Ins! at. latloo~ :

Generators, Electr ical, 115, 116 Powder Factory Electrical Equipment, 115

116, 117 I

Switchboard, Electrical , 117 Westinghouse Gas Engine Tests, 136, 137, 138 Westwood a nd Co., Limited, Joseph, liopcLown

Bridge over Orange Rh·cr, 31:!3, 386. See 121, 124, 761)

Wheels of .Motor Wagons, 50~, 598, 699, 630 G31 Whitela.w Air Drill, i$fG. See 403 ' Whitworth Screw Thread, 111 \~illans 24~ J.H.-P. ~lectric E ngine, 562 Wood-Bormg Machme, Three-Spindle (Fay

Ciocinna.ti), 252 Workiogtoo, Railway Accident n ear , 264

Works: Soap Works, Mar.chester, 109 Ranelagh Works, Ipswich (Meesrs. R eavell), 173,

174, 176, 177, 207, 210, 211 Worthiogton Water Meter, 200

Zurich Congress, International Screw·Thread System, 179

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (7)



AssOL' AN Masonry Dam on the Nile. To adjoin page 318

Bat,Ueship "Asahi," Japanese (J . Brown and Co., J.imiled, Clydebank). Three plates to adjoin page 680

Brirlge, Arched, across the River Rhine at Bonn. To adjom page 181

Bridge, Arched, acro s the River Rhine at Bonn, Details of Foundations. To adjoin p~t> 348

Br idge, Arched, across the Ri,·er Rhine at Boon, The Central Span. To adjoin page 408

Bridge, Ar<'hcd, across the l<.iver Rhine at Boon, The False Worr. To adjoin page M5

Bridge, Arched, across the Rhine at Dllsseldorf. To adjoin page 737

Cable Steamer, Twin-Screw, " V on Podbielski,"

Acc!DE~T, Prevention in Cotton Factorie , 01 Acc1dent at Southampton Harbour, i26 Aeclde nts, Railway:

Boiler Explo~ion at Crynant Station, 734 Caledonian Railway Accident at Quarter-Road,

301 Collision at Wortley Station, 'i92 Derailment a.t Workington, 26~ Irish Mail Accident at Nor ton Bridue, 301 Tullamore Accident on the Great Southern

a nd Western Railway, Ireland, 362 Wi velsfield Collision on the London, Brighton,

and South Coast Railway, 362 Wortley Junction Accirlent, 301

Accidents to Railway Servants, 125 Action of Bilge Keels, 507, 729 Aerial Locomotion, 233, 361, 526 Aerial Torpedoes, 230, 262 Aeronautic Propellet"s, Lifting Power of, 233 Africa. See nlso South Afri-ca Africa., South, War, Destruction of Bridges, 121,

382, 775 African, West, Railwo.ys, 349 Agriculture, French, 839 Agncultural Implements, 11!>, 814 Ag ricultural .Machinery and Implement, . See

R.()'IJal Show AgriculLural Show, Royal, Permanent Site, 258,

322, 8 ll Air. See also Pneumatic Air Compressor, Four-Cylinder, Rea,·ell, 207 Ail·, Electricity in the, 1 Air Hoist, 207, 398, ~ oa, 4'5 Air, Liquid, 45, 95, 732, 7~2 Air, Liquid, DisLillation and Composition of, :134 Air Propellert~, Lifting Power of, 233 Air Pump~, United States Cruiser "Denver,"

391 Alabama Coalfields, 737 Allot.ropic, Var ieties of Iron, 58 Alloys, Copper -Zt nc, 662 Alloys, H eat of Formation of, 662 Alloys of It·on and Aluminium, Magnetic Pro­

per ties, 796 Almanach du Drapeau, J.ivret du Patriote du

Marin et du Soldat, 100 Alternate-Current Power Transmission, 37, 115.

See Erratum, 96, and Electric Power Dit~· tribution

Alternator, Triphase Eler,t ric, 712, U 6, 846 Alternators. ~ee a l o Rotary Converters and

WetJtinohouse Aluminium Iron Alloy, ~Iagnetic Properties, 796 Amalgamations, Iron Trade, 420 Amendment of Oompanies Acts, 29! America. Sec United States Amcrl~nn t:omJ•etlf hn :

12, 40, 77. See Lg'M"F.RS Mr. W. J. Keep, 77 Mr. Spencer Miller, 77 Professor H em·y )[orton, 12 Mr. II. Io'. J. Porter, 40

American Cr>mpetition, Letters, 24, 131, 164, 165, 195, 229, 262, 298, 392, 425, 5: 9

America.n Society of Civil Engineers, 'i79 Ammuni tiou H oists, Electric, 106 Amos, Mr. E. 0., ou Pneumatic Tools, 230, 304,

335, 365. 398, 403. Erratum, 447. See 757 Ankerwicklungcn und Ankerkonstruktionen

der Gleicbstrom n ynamomachineu, by Profes­sol" E. Arnold, 609

Annuals, 100, 156, 168, 220, 319, 790 Application of the Method of SLrire to the Illumi­

nation of Objects under the Microscope, 796 Aqueduct, Melbourne Water Supply, 3 Arched Bridges over the Rhine, un, 348, 408,

545, 677, 737. See LEtTER, 293 Argon, Helium, &c., Relatin- Rates of Effusion

of, 334 Armour Construction, 483 Armour-Plate Constru~tion in United St:l.tes 224 Armour Plates (Historical), 135 ' Armour-PI11tel> and Defences, 164 Armvur Pro JucLion. }o'a< in l:ritain 719 Armour Te ts, "Belleisle," 72-l, 751 ' Armoured Steam Cars for Sr>uth Africa, 25

IN DE X.-GENERAL INDEX. [ l'PPLI!!~I~~·r TO 1' ~~OIN~Y.RHi01 11 JrLY 20, 1900.]



for the Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke Aktien- ~ Locomoth·e, .Mineral, for the Port Ta lbot and gesellschaft (Uunlop, Por' Glasgow). To ad· Barry Railways (Cooke Company , Paterson,

for Lhe Norddeu tsche Seekabelwerke gesellschaft ( Ounlop, Port Glasgow). join p!\ge 829

Aktien­To ad-

join page 829 New Jersey, U.S.A.). To adjom page 479 Cru iser "Dem·er," United States. To adjoin Locomotive, Passenger , for the Caledonian Rail-

page 50 1 way : Dunalastair No. IlL Class. To adjoin Tempcrley Transporting Plant al Sfax. To ad-P:t!re 6 J6 join page 614

Engines, Six-Cylinder Quadruple Expansion, of the Hamburg-America u Liner "Deutschland" (Yulcan Company). To adjoin page 382

Engines, Triple-Expansion, of the Imperial Japanese Battleship " Asahi " (Brown, Limited, Clydebank). To ndjoin page 846

Bngines, Triple . Expansion, of U.S. Cruiser "Denver." Two plo.tes to adjoin page 396

Locomotive, Compound, for the We8tern Rail­way of France (Societe Als1cienne de Belfort). To adjoin page 155

Locomot ive, Passenger, for the Midlaud Railway. I Temperley Tran porting Plant at Sfax, Oetails. To adjoin page 713 To adjoin page 778

Locomotive, 10- Wheeled Freisrht, for the Union Pacific Railway (Brooks). To adjoin page 99 United States Proterted Cruiser "Denver ." To

adjoin pa~e 60 Mouo-Rail Suspended Railway at Elberfeld­

Barmen (Langen). To adjoin page 501

Paris International Exhibition, Roof of the La rger Fine Art Palace. To a{jjoin page 281

Steamer, Cable Twin-Screw, "V on Podbielski,"

WaYerley Station, Edinburgh, Access from Bridge, with Parcels Department. To adjoin page 9

Waverley Station at EdinlJUrgh of the North British Railway, Details of Koof. To adjoin page 247


Armoured Traction Trains for South Ah;~, 657, 714

Army and Na,·y Expenditure and Or.;anisation, 821 Arsenic Indust ry, British, 588 ArLillery. ee Guns and also Schneider and

F iela A rtilleru Artillery, British, 262, 3:ll, :l92, 425, 488 Artillery , French Cr iticism of British, 522 Artillery, The Recoust t·uction of Our, 293. See

also Field A rtillerv "Asahi," Japanese B:1.ttleship, 442, 581, 617,

68l), 846 Assouan Dam on the Ni le, 318. See 704 Astronomy and Physical Problems, 600 Atlantic Liner "Deutschland," Hamburg-Ameri-

can (Vulcan Compan.r), 59, 382 Atlan tir Passengers, 93 Atmosphere, Electrification of, 1 At.mospheric Railways, 191 Aurora Borealis (Polar I,ights', 658 Australian Post and Telegraphs, 486 Aust ralian Railways, 330 Automatic Gun, Landing Carriage, Field Car-

riage, and Limber (Yickers), 277 Au~omatic Gun, \'ickers 14-Pounder, 180 Automatic Lubricator, 47 Automatic Machinery and Its Infl uence on Cost.

ec Uand "· Machine Labou t· Automatic and Magazine Rifles, lfi2 Automa.Lic Railway Couplin~s, 557 Automatic Tapping Machine for Pipe Fi tLings

(S., Wednesbnry), 27 Automobiles. See also Cars, Jll () tor

Babc:lck and Wilcox Boilers in the United States Na,·y, 20

Bn.cteria and Sewage, 590 Bacteria and Water Purification, 4!;Q Bailey's Tahle of Di~tances , 10 J Balanced Expansion .Joint, 1 M BalancinA' of Steam Engines, 472, 48i, 503, 529,

531, 525 Baldry, The Late Mr. J . D., 261 Balloons in the Ser\'iCe of Science, 22 Balla, Strength of Steel, 81, 464 Bank Cheque Bookmaking Cost, 152 Barnaby's Theory of Cavitation , 25 Ba.rrehnaking, Cost, 248 Barrow-in-Furness Shipbuilding, 48 Barrus Throttling Calorimeter, 231 Barry Railwa.y, Locomotive fo r, 479 forth's Chronograph Experiments, 193 Batteries, Electric, fi56 Battleships. See IV arships Baxtea·'s ~tone-Breaking Machinery, 627 Bearin~s . Mossberg Roller, 133 cc Bt>lletsle " Gunnery Tests, 724, 751 Belleville Boilers, Cost of Repairs, 655. See

Boilers, Water-tube Belting Leather, Cost, 376 Belts, Woven, 815 Benjamin, Mr. 0. H., on Friction of Steam

Packings, 67, 0 Berl in Technica l School, Engineering Labora-

tory, 740 Berthier Method of Coal Calorimetry, 44 Besetting and Watching, 556 Bicycles. See CvclPs Biles, P rofessor J . H., on Large Cargo Steamers,

469, 763 Bilgt: Keels and Stream Lines, 507, 729 Birming ham University, 556 Black Pottery, 522 Blackpool Shore Improvements, 74 Blast-Furnace Blast Equal Temperature, 638, 666 Blast-Furnace Gas fo r Blowing Engine, 87, 228,

624, 625, 845 Blast-Furnace Slag, 638, 666 Blowing Engine Driven by Blast-Furnace, 624,

625, 845. See 87, 228 Blowing Engines Oriven by Crude Blast-Furnace

Gas, 624, ts25. See 87, 228, 845 Blue Prints, Making of, 45 Blyth a nd Whitby Shipbuilding, 48 Boat'd or Trade, UniLecl States, :295 Boats, Submersible, 653 Bodmer , crew Th rend, lll

Boer War and Artillery, 293, 310, 865. See also ' British Warships. See ll.Jlf.S. a nd Warships .Ajdca Broken Tail-Shafts, 560. See al o Fractures

Boers' Searchlig h ts, 298 Bronze Castings, High Tension, 690 Boiler Attendants, Certificated, 5 9. See also Bronze, Nickel, for H igh-Pressure Steam Fi• tin:;s,

380,421, 554 1 329 Boiler Explosion near Bolton , i66 Brooches, Cost, 373 Boiler Explosion, Locomoth·e, at Crynant Sta- ' Brooks Locomotive for Union Pacific, 99

tion, 734 Bruce, The Late William Duff, 591 Boiler Explosion near Newcastle, 722 Bruff, The Late Mr. Peter, 284 Boiler Explosion at Newpor t, 20! 1 Bryan, Professor G. H., on Bilge Keels, 507, Boiler Explosion, Newtown·on·Trent, G82 729 Boiler Explosion at Shipley , 140 I Building Trades Gift of Homes for Discharged Boiler Explosion at Wellington, 8 .6. See LETTER, Soldiers, 59

853 Building, United States Hi~h, 413 Boiler Explosions Act, Working of, 192 Buildings. See Paris Exht1J1tion Boiler Explosions and Parliament, 380, 421, 554, I Burners, Liquid Fuel, 665. See 861

589 Buttermaking, Cost, 276 Boile t" Feed Filter, 51, 748, 817 Button Manufacturing, Cost, 152 Boiler H eating, Gasoliue Gas for, 78 Boiler Insurance, .ManchE:ster Steam Users'

Association, 747 Boiler Manhole Covers Remo\'ed under Steam

Pressure, 267, 331 Boiler Trial , Rule for, 2'il Boiler Tubes Locomoti1 e, Corro ion of, 45! Boiler, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boil~r Boilers , Corrosion of, 33-1 Boilers for Motor Car '- See f61 Bol ton, Boiler Explosion near, 766 Bolts, Iron, Co t , 340 Bonn Arched Bridge o,·er t he Rhine, 181, 348,

40 , 545, 677, i37. See Lt:TTERS, 393 BookmakinG" Cost, 115 Books Recetved , 101, 329, 377, 6l2, 677, 791 Boothman's Feed-Water Filter, 748 Boots and Shoes, Cost , 152 Bol'ing Machine, Three-Spindle (J. A. Fay and

Co., Cincin nati), 252 Borsi~ nnd Siemens·Halskc Electric Power In-

stallation , 712 Boston Railway Sta tion, 183 Bout"delle -, The Late .M , 93 "Boxer" Anti-Foreig n Wn.r in China, 785. See

En·at um, 870 B1-asse.v's "Naval Annua l," 790 Brazilia n Ore, 638 Bread making, Cost, 15:l Breaking of Flywheel , SO Breakdown Hand Crane, 154 Brickmaking, Cost, 152 Br idge, Croc;ar 's, over the Rhine, 393 Bridge Expan ioo, 86 Bridge, Eads, Creeping Rails on t he, 6 Bridge, Hopetown , O\'er Ora nge Rh·er, Rebuilt,

382. See 121, 775 Bridge, Non•als Point, Rebuilding, 775. See 121

3 2 I

Bridge, Old North, Edinburgh, 25 Bridges, Arched, o,·er the Rhine, 181 , 3J8, 408,

545, 677, 737. See Lt;TTERS Bridges, Railway, Under and Floor , 233 Bridges, Swing, O\'er Lhe River Weaver, 153 Bridges, Tran~fer, 251, 377 Br idges, Tugela a nd I<' rt' re, 121. See 3 2, 775 Bridges, Waverley Sta.Lion, Edinburg h, 9, 247,

743. See LETTER, 25 Bl'idgPS, Weig h ts of United States, 'i59 Bridges-Lee, .Mr. J ., on the Flip or J ump of a

Ritte, 389. See LE'M'ERJ; Briqu<'ttes of Bl~t-li'urnace Slag, 639, 666 Britain and United State~:~ in the Pacific, 2!>9 British Armour Construction, 435, 483, 719 British Arsenic Industry , 588 British Artillery, 262, :331, !392, 425, 488 British and Colonial Light Railways, 68i British Commercial Pavilion , Paris Exhibition, 779 British Corporation for Registry of Shipping and

Propeller Shafts, 295 British Creditors and Foreign Debtors, 326. See

LETTER, !Jfaudslay, d:c., 393 British and Foreig n Navies Compared, 57. See 790 British Go,·ernment Commercial Agents Ahroad,

789 British Machine Tools at Paris Exhibition, 780 Briti~h Shippin~ and Foreign Competition, 387 BriLish v. United State Iron anrl Steel, 357 British War hip Building Progre, , 4fi~, 483

Cab Access to Railway Station, Edinburg h, 9. See 247, 743

Cable Companies, Submarine, 268, i47 Cable Core, Fault Tests for Mraided, &c , 163 Cable-Laying Steamer, Fir t German, 829 Cables and Outta-Percha Supply , 7M. See 828 Cables, Submarine Telegraph, 747 Cables, Submar ine Telt'graph, a nd t he State, i2-l < ·msar 's Bridge over the Rhine, 3!13 Cail Company Electric Power Installation, i75 Cnilletet and Mathias and the Critical DeusiLy,

870 Caledonian Railway Accident at Quarter-Road,

301 Caledonia n Railway Pa enger Locomoti,·es, 6 ;6,

771. See LETTERS and Errata, 28 Caledonian Railway Profile, Carlh!le-Aberdecu,

773. See 636. See LIITTERS, C.:atedoJtian Loco­motive. See E'rrata, 828

Caledonian Railway 50-Ton Wagons, 81. See LK'I'TER, 132

Calendars a nd Diaries, 100 Calorimeter, Throttling (M'Inncs, Glasgow), 231 Calorimetry, Coal, H Calyx Drill, 560 Cambering of Steamers' Keels, 422 Cat~~phell Oil Engine, 794 Cana.<la, Trade with , 659 Canadian Canals and Trade, 'ib7 Ca.nadian Exhibitors, Paris BxhilJition, 21 Canal, Elbe-Tra ve, llotopp S) phon Locks on the

571 I

Canal, New Yol"k Ship, 162, 227 Canal, Nica ragua, 259 Cannl, Panama, 119 Canal Project, Rhine-Elbe, 804 Canals, Sibet·ian, 275, 341 Canal, Suez, 332 Canals, Canadian, and T1'0.dc, 787 Canals, Electric Traction 826 Canals of European Countt·ies, 73 Canals, Russian, 73, 12 , 275, 341 Canet Field Guns. See P ield Arti!lfr!J, bl odcnt. Cape Rail ways, 725 Car, Motor, .Boilers, 663. See 861 Car, Motor, ExhibiLion , ol9 Car, .Motors, Electric, 663. See 861 Cars, La rge Freight, on Brit ish lta.ilways, 560 Cars, Motor, 592, 62tS, 725, 812. See Road Luco

motion Cars, Motor, Field Gun, 260 Cars, Motor, Tare Weight of, 60, 98, 132. SPe 355 Cars, Motor , aud 'Wheel Problem, 5i7, 597 (Sj Q

663, 696, 861. See L~1"T.t::R s ' Cars, Steam, for South Afdcn, .Amtr>ured 25 Carbolic Acid and the War, 4~4 ' Carets F reres' Electric Power Plant, 746 Cargo Carrying, Cost of, 469, 763 Uargo Steamers, Lar~e, 469, 763 Carnegie's Steel Profitll, 259. See 420, 624 C:u-pet-.Making, Cost, 175 Carriage Manufactur e, Cost, 176 Carriage, Motor. See Ca?·s, Motor Carriages for Field Guns. See F ield Artillery

Modern ' Carulla, Mr. F. J . R. , on Ingots 638 668 On t Iron, Testing Hardness of, '45 ' Cn ti n~ of Hig h-Tension Bronze, 600


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (8)


( 'rrrLE)IE~T 'ro 1' ).~XOl~EERl~O, 11 J l 'LY 20, 1900.) IN DE X. - G EN ERAL INDEX. Vll

Caucasu , Rivers of, 73 ... . Condensers, Uni ted StatE'S Cruiser " Denver, " Caucasus ~ilwa.ys and Tramways m the, 228 31H Caulking' Tools, .Pneumatic, 280, 30t, 335, 365, Congress, Mechanical Engineers, P aris, 554

398, 403. Erratum,, 447. See 757 Congresses, Paris, 858 Ca,·itation, Barnaby's Theory of, 25 Con ' t ruction of the Simplon Tunnel, 170 Cells, Galvanic, Re\'ersibility of, 334 Consular Ser vice, 789 Cells, Normal, 656 Consulting Engineers and Contractors, 159. See Cement, lag, 638, 666 LETnM, Swiss, <!:c. Central London Railway, 857 Cont,act Electr ical Force, Volta's, 217, 225, 662, Central tation, Wille flen, of the Metr .:>po\ita.n 723, 749

Electric Supply Company, 31<1 Con tiuuou3 Process for Open-llear th Steel, 612, Cer tificates for .Boiler Attendants, 589. See also 623, 832

380, 421, 654 Conti nuous Working of the Open-Hearth Fur-Chains, Iron a nd Steel, Cost, 341 nace, 612, 62:~. 832 Cheap Fuels, 69. See LETTERS, Fuel Econom11 Contractors a nd Engineers, 150. See LETTERS, CheE:semaking Co t, 276 . Swi8s, J:c. Chevalet Feed-Water lleater and l)etu tartser Contt-acts uy Tender, Legal As~ect, HlO

(Boby, London', 817 . Controversy Concerning Voltas Contact F orce, Chili Railway Constructton, 626 662. See 217, 225, 723, 740 Chili~n Training Ship" General Baquedano," 473 «:onl'frf e l'-'• ltot a 1·y : Chimneys, Paris Ex hibition , HO 107, 241, 499, 535 China Crisis and Iodu t rial Prospects, 7 5· See 000-Kilowatt Three-Phase Rotary Converter,

Erratum, 870 T bul d 0 1 1 · · ( hl·na Enrrineers for, 60 a ate a cu at.tons a nd SpecificatiOns,

I Cl 197, 241 China Fort' i~o Trade, 688 Design of Rotary Converter , 197, 241 China, Port of Hong Kong, 22 Ph C d ' · f R 0 9 China. Railways, 620, 721. See LK"ITER, 660 5~e ou tt10ns o otary onverters, 49 , Chinese Rail way Concession Scandal, 721 R . 0 . Chronograph Exl\eri tnents, Dashfot·th's, 193 unmng ondit10ns for Rotary Converters,

y 33 36 ' 499, 535 Circle Squaring, Lay Out, 263, 1• · :. Star ting Rotary Converters, 241 City of London Direct.ory, 303. "'"' ynchronising Rotary Converters, 241 Ci\•il E ngincerJ, Amcncan Soctety of, 119 Voltage Ratio in Rotary Conver ter Systems,

j l 2H t;h·Jl Englnect•s, Instltn ' on o : Sludge, by Mr. B. Ste"ens (Students), 3!. Convc) ing Plant, Coal, at Leed s, 869 The Purification of w ater after Its Use 1n Fac· Co5~~eying Plant at Wandsworth Electric Station,

tories bv Mr. Reginnld A. Tattoo, 61 Swing Brldges on~r t he R h·er W ea.ver at Cooperage Work, Cost, 2-18

Northwich, by Mr J ohu ~rthur Saner, 153 Copenhagen New Central Railway Station, 7!)(l The Constru ction of the Sunplon T unnel, hy Copper, Electrolytic, 162. See LETTf:RS, Electro·

Mr. C. B. Fox (Students), 170 lytic stea111ers for Winter Navigation n.nd Ice- Copper Ores, Pyritic Smelting of, 774

Breaking by Mr. Robert Runeberg, 203 Copper Prod uc tion and Values, 92 Mo,·ing Lo~d · on Railway Under-Bridges, by Copper Steam Pipes, Preschlin's J oint for, 154

Mr. w. B. Farr, 233 Copper Supply, 390 Note on the Floor System of Girder Bridges, Copper Trade and Corner, 826

0 F F. 1 233 Copper Tuuemaking by Electrolytic Centrifugal by Mr. · · rn a.r, 1" 262

A Short History of t he Engineering Works of rocess, the Suez Canal, by Sir Charles A. Hartley, C1s~er-Zinc Alloys, Ac tion of Nitric Acid on,

Co~~~sion of Marine Boilers, by 1\lr. John Cordage and Twine Cost, 250 Dewmnce, 33-i Corks, Cost, 250

The Great Central lbilway Extension, Nor- Cor ners, Multiplication of, 518 thern Di\'ision, by Mr. F. w. Bidder, <t30 Corrosion and Failure of Propeller Shafts, 536,

The Ore at Central Raihvay Extension, Southern 796 Division, by Mr. F. D. Fox, 430 Corrosion of Locomoth·e BoiJ er Tubes, 454

The Development of the Modern Locomotive, Corrosion of Ma rine Boilers, 334 C (S d ts 58 Corrosion of Steel Rails, 501

by .Mr. J. W. ross tu en .'. 4 Corrosion of Steel Shafts, 536, 563, 596, 796. See Annual Meeting, 561 LE'M'ER, 093 Economical Railway Const ruction in New

South Wales, by Mr. H Deane, 526 Cost of Carrying Cargo by Steamer, 469, 763 The Tocopilla Railway, by Mr. R obert Stir- Cost of Electric Energy, 69. See LKTT.ERS, Fuel

Economy J a

1f::fs• ~:rrest Lecture on t he R elation be- 1 Cost of Electric ~laut aml Trnction, 701, 739, tween Electricity and EnJZineering, by Sir 811. See ~35, 5,39,_ 635 . "V H Preece 562 629. See LETTF:ns 659 Cost of . ~Iakmg ' ar10us ArtiCle~. See Hand"· ' · · • ' ' ' flf achnte Labottr 603 I

The Development of t he Manufacture and Use Cost of Navn;t Power, 1 8~ . of Steel Rails in Great 'Britain, by Sir Low- Cost of Repans of B~llev11le Bo1le~ , 655 tbian Bell, 591 Cotton F~tory ~<:Clden_t Pre,·ent l09~, 91

The Wear of Steel Rails in Tunnels, by Mr. Cotton Spmner ~rust m .Japan, 5~2 Thomas And rews, 501 Cost of Water Po,,er, ~ ....

Refuse Destruction, uy Mr. C. N. Rm sell, 653 Counts of Yarn , 642, 67'1. See also.t09 , \>residential A 1dress. br ir w. H. Preece, 203 Countr of Londo~ a nd Brush Electn c Compauy s

Cl · 1 s · tifi ·Ed t ' 25- 296 331 Stat10ns, 226, 524 a!>Slca v. Clen c uca IOn, r' ' ' 0 1. A t t· d A .d t 195 332, 626 oup ~ngs, u oma. •_c, a n. c~t en s, ... Clock Controlled by Her tzian Waves, 621, 823 Couphngs, Auto mat tc Rath~a.), 657 Clook nnd Watches Cost., 208 Cover for Mud Holes, Okes Safety, 363 Ch •de For ts, 6U Crane, Perma~ent Way Hand, 164 Clyde Shipuuildiog, 84, 95 Crams, Electr~c Boat, 195 Coal Calorimetry, 44 Cran~s, Electr~c. T ravelhng, 13. Coal and co*ke in Rul;sia, 268 Credttors, Br1ttsh, ~nd Fore1g n Debtora, 326 Coal Dust, 69. See LE'ITSRs, Fttel Econ(nn; SeP. .LETTB~. Al attds ay, c!:c. , ~93 Coal, Export Duty on, 617 Cr~~pmg RJI~S on t~e Eads Bwfge, ~6 Coal-Hand~og Plan t at Leeds, 869 . Crs~0al Denstty, Cailletet a.nd Mathta~ on the, Ooal·Handhog Plant at t he Wandsworth Electn c 0 t M R E Oh F 1 f El t ·

Station, 524 rom~ on, r . , on ea~ ue or ec n e Coal-Mining Industry , 424, 503 ~~aLlons, ~9. , ~e~. L~TIF.RS, l•uel Economy Coal·Mining in the World, 765 Cnusers. .:se~·' a1 .. htp8 . . . Coal Trade, German, 624 Cry nant Sta.t10n Locomottve Bo1ler ExplosiOn, Coal Tmnsportin~ Plant, Temperley, 614, 778 734 . . . . C'-oal6elds, Alabama, 737 Crystall!sa.t10n Prod uced 10 Sohd Metal uy P res-Coast Defence, 622 su~e , 1~6 . Coast Defence Ouns. See under Schneider Cult~vat10n, Pow_er Reqmred for, 839 co*ckerill Company, 267 Culttvatora, Agn cultu.ra l, 814 . Coherers, 658 Cur ved ~lass, ~lue Prmt t.~achme, _45 Collisions, Railway. See Accidents C~t Off m Mult1ple-Expans10n Engmes, 260 Colonial Light Railways, 6Si 0\ltlery Cost, 276 Colonial Rail ways, 330 Cy~let~, Free Wh~el , 457 . Colour Printing Machinery , 830 Cyhnder ExplosiOn, Pecuhnr Steam, 193, i$31 Colours of Heated Steel Corresponding to Diffe·

rent Degrees of Tentperature, 80 Dairy Plant, 815 11 Coma," Experiments a.s to Aberration, 73 i Dairy Produce Cost, 27·i Combines, Multiplication of, 518 Dam, Assouan, on the Nile, 318. See 704 Combustion in Ltquid Air , 95. See 45 Da mping of Ga lm nometer Needles, 400 Comedie Franc;aise, Paris, Burned, 369. See Dangerous Trades in Fac tories, 786

LETTER, Fireproofing, 424 Da wson, Mr. P . • on Cost of Electric Power P ro-11 Commander Cawley," Steam Pilot Yacht, 19:> duc tion, 701, 739, 841 Commercial Agents, British Government, 783 Dawson, Mr. Philip, on Elect ric Power Di t ribu· Commercial Aspects of Colonial Railways, 330 t iou, 435, 539, 6:35 Commercial Cases (Law), 369 De Beers Diamonds, 547 Companies Ac ts Amendment, 294 Deas, The Late Mr. James, 23 Company Law and Directors, 16C Del,enture-H olders a nd Foreign Debtors, 326. Compensation Cases, Workmen't~, 94, 157, 163, See LETTER, .M audJ~lay, et· c. , 393

202, 232, 306, 281, 300, ti67, 632, 658, 681, 731, Debt of Nations, 189 827. See Erratum, 870 I Deutot·s, F oreign, a nd Bl'itish Creditors, 326.

Compensation for Compulsory Purchase of Land, See LETT.KR, .Jfaud~lay, J:c. , 3:}3 822 Deep Tunnel Railway (London Central), 857

Compensation, Law on , 822 Defence, Coast, 522 Competition, American. See A merican Compe-

1 Defence Expenditure, Or~anisation , 821

titi~n Defences, Our National, 164 Compound Engi nes. See Enginu Delisle Screw Threads, 144, 145 Compound Locomotives in France, 155, 848 Dell wik-Fleischer System of Water Gas, 118, 637 Comprehensh·e R eform. 130 Dellwik, Mr. Cnrl, on t he Manufacture a nd Ap· Compressible Trail for Guns, 673 plication of Water Gas, 037. See 118 Compressing Liquids and Gauges, 183 Densit.y (Critical), Cailletet a nd Mathias on the, Compression and J,iquefaction of Gases, 45, 732, 870

762 "Dem·er" Class, United Sta tes Cruisers, 50, 119, Compressor, Air, Four·Cylinder (Reavell), 207 218, 320, 396 Compulsory P urchase of La nd , La w of Compen- Depth of Steamers , 469, 763

ation, 22 Depth of Wate r and Ship Resistance, 511, 528 Condensers, Electrical, 792 I Derailment a t Workington, 26~

· · d · R · 1 Electric Railway London Central 857 De cn~t10~ of H alllwell's Self-Recor mg a m Electric Railway' Signalling (Tim~is), 647

O!l'ue-e, - 7 Electr ic Station Coal-Handling Plant, 624, 8139 De ' 1g-n of Rotary Co_O\·erLers, 197, 241, 409, 535 E' t, .· St t'o Willesden of the Metropolitan, PneumatiC, 28t .ec n e a _1 n, • Destruction of Life and Proper ty by Lightning-, Coll~pany' ~14: See lJ'estiw.,house n.nd Paris

i60 · Electn~ .S~t10ns. "" Destruction, Refuse, 653 Exh~bttwn. . r.: Deta.rtariser , Che\'alet F eed· Water Heater and ~lectr!c Steam D.) namo, 26:>

(Bohy, London). 817 ~lectr!cal Storms, Causes of, 1 . . ~ " Deutschla.nd" Hamburg American Liner (Vul· Electrtc Stray Currents an~ M~netiC F!elds. 2"

can Compan)•), 59, 382 Electric Suspended Ratlway at Elberfeld · Development of the Modem Locomoti\'e 458 Ba rmen, 41~, 438, 501 Development of the Manufacture a nd' Use of ~lectr!c Teleg~aphone, 826

Steel R ails i11 Oreat Britain, 591 E lectr!c Tract!on, 629 . De,·elopments in the Uses of Price's Ouard in ~lcctr!C T ract!on fo r <;Ja:n!l'ls, 826

Insul~~tion Tests, 168 Electr!c Tract~on ExbllJttlOn, 859 Diagram of Metal Prices, 26, 166,298,456, 59-1,760 c Tra.ctton , J ohnson ·Lundell System of, Diameter of Propeller Shafts, 295 523 . . . . Diamond Minincr Soutb African 547 Electnc Tract10n, MellropoltLan R t\llway, 689 Diamond Saw for' Stone 852 ' Elect r ic Transformers, 197, 2!1, 409, 5a5 Die Sinking and Engra,:ing Cost 277 Electric Travelling C ranes, 13 Die el Oil Engine 5 ' ' El ectric Turret Oun Mountings, 103 Digger , Steam, .A~ricultural, 811 El8~ctri2., Vollta, q_~n9tacli Force, 217, 225,662, 723. Dipper Dredger , S1x Yard, 595 ee (-rra um, r • • Directories. 100, 156. 168, 220, 267, 321, 332, 359 E lectrtc ~V~ves along Wues, R eftect10n and Directors' Liability, 160 Tra~smtSSlOn, 168 Directory of Indust rial Associations, 568 ~lect1·!cal Condense~s, 792 , . , , Disa ppearing Guus. See under Schneide1· Elect.n cal Contact I•orce, ' o ta s, 217, 225, 66 ... Distillation of Liquid Air and Oolllposit.iou of 72:3 .. See fSrratum, 749. . ,...

t he Gaseous a nd Liquid Phases 334 Electncal Disturbances, JJtghtnm£1', r6~ Distr ibution of Gas in an Electric' Field, 400 Electrical Effects at Pa ris, Uigh Tension, 590 Dorks, Thames, 65 1 Donaldson's Engineers' Annual, 100 Doors , Removing Manhole, 331 Door , \\'inciow lt~rames, &c., Cost, 6t6 Drain-Pipe Ma king, Cost, 152 Dredger , ix·Yard Dipper, 595 Dredging for Gold in New Zealand, 491 Drill Calyx, 560 Drillings, Standardised, 61 Drills, Portable Pneumatic, 365, 403. See

Erratum, 447 Drop Tests. See LE'M'KRS, Impact Ductile Materials, Strength under Combined

t resses, 734 Duddell O:.cillograph, 582 "Dunalastair " Locomotives, Caledonia n Ra il­

way, 636, 771. See L ETTERS and En·ata, 828 Diis~eldorf, Arched Bridge over the Rhine, 181,

677, 737. See 348, 546. See L ETTER, 393 Duty on Coal, E xpor t, 517 Dynamo, Steam , for Russian N·;wy, 265 Dynamos, &c., in Battlesh ips, 30, 102 Dynamos, Continuous-Current (Text-B ~ok), 609 Dynamos. See also Altenwtors and Rotary

Converter.<; and Westi11ghotue Dynamograph, A New, 45

Ead Bridge, C reeping R ails on t he, 86 Ea~tern Railway of Fra nce, Screw Thread, 144 Ech elon Spect ro cope, .Michelson's, 239 Economical Railway Constrn<. tion in New Sou th

Wales, 526 Economics of R ail way High Speeds, 422 Economy of Fuel, 166 Edinbmgh Old North Bridge, 25 Edi nburgh " Waverley" Station, 9, 25, 247, 743 Education a nd Competition, 302 Education, Engineering Laboratory at Ber lin,

'i40 Education in .Japan, 260 Education o f Machinists, Foremen , and Mecha-

nical Engineers, 45 Education, Public School, 267, 296, 331, 332, 626 Education, Technica l, 12, 45 Effic iency of Large Car~o St eamer , 469, 763 Efficiency Test of 125 H orse-Power Gas Engine,

81, 135 Effusion of Argon , Hel ium, &c., Relative R ates

of, 334 Egyptian Irrigation Works, 318. See 704 Elbe-Rhine Canal Project, 804 Elhe-Trave Canal, Hotopp Syphon Locks on the,

571 Elberfeld-Barmen, Langen Mono·Rail Suspended

Railwa.y at, 412, 438, fi01 Electric Alternator ,, 712, 746, 846 Electric Application in Different Count ries, 434,

539, 635, 701 , 739, 841 Elect.ric Boat Cranes, 105 Electric Cable Core, F aul t Te3ts for Braided,

&c. , 168 Electric Cells, 556 Elect• ic Central Stations, Cost, 701, 739, 841.

See 435, 539, 635 E lectric Circular Railway, Par is, 705. See 807 Elect ric Coherers, 658 Electric Continuous· C urrent Dynamos (Text­

Book\ 009. See also Dynamos E lectric, Con tinuous v. Polyphase Motors, 362,

489 Electric Energy in Bulk, 22:~, 330, 587. See 419 Electric Energy, Cost of, 69. See LE'M'ERS, Fuel

Economy · E lectric Equipment of United States Qo,·ernmen t

Powder Factor ies (Westinghouse), 115 Electric Field, Gas Distribu tion in an, 400 Electric Generators. See .Altcrn'l t or.~, Dynamos.

Rotary Converters. and Westinghnttse Electric Insulation Tests, Use of P r ice's Guard

Wire and, 168 Electric Light Engi ne, 2400 H or e·Power ,

Willans and Robinson, 552 E lectric Lighting. See also A l!enux,tors, Dy­

namos, Rotary Converters, and Weiitinghouse Company

Elect.ri(; Lighting Stations at St. Luke's, Cler ken-well a nd at Wandsworth, 226, 524

Electric Lighting Undertakin~c. Rating, 766 Electric l\Iac hinery fo r Traction, &c , 859 Electric Power Distribution, Pa r is Exhibition ,

149, 605, 712, 746, 775, 815, 846 E lectr ic P ower Insta llation, 647, 712, 746, 775,

816, 841 Electric Power Production and Installa tion, Mr.

P. Dawson on Cost of, 434, 539, 635, 701, 739, 841 E lectric Power Supply. See also Paris Exhibi·

lion, Dawson, Swiss I nstallations, and Westinghottse Co.

Electr ic PowerTransmis ion ( Al ternate Current), 37. See Erraturn, 96, Pari:J Exhibition, a nd Swi~s Installations

E l ecfl·ica.l E u gin ce•·s, Im;CiC uti on of: Inftnence of Cleap Fuels on the Cost of Elec­

t rical lt.:nerg-r, by R. E. Crompton, 69. See LETTER , Fuel Jsconomv

Swiss Trip, by R. E. Cromptou, 159 The Elect rical Equipmen~ of Ships of War, uy

bll-. C. E. Grove, 619 See Li':T'fER, 694 Electrical Engineeri ng at Home a nd Abr oad, 159,

229. See ~lectric P ower P1·oduction Electrical Engineering, Swiss v. H ome, 159.

See LETTEM, 229 Ele<'trical Equipment of Ships of War, 30, 102,

619, 09.J.. ~ce LE"IT~Rs, 69-1. See 30, 103 Electrical Exhibits at the Royal Society's Soiree,

621, 8~3 Elect rical Installations in Battleships, 30, 103,

619, 694 Electrical Micrometer, 414 Electrical 0 ·cillograph , Duddell, 582 Electrical P rogr ess, Obstacles to, 159, 223, 419,

587. See LETTERS, Swiss, c<:c. Electrical Switchboard, 117 Electrically-Driven F eed Pumps (Me rrywealher),

6H " Electric ians'" Electrical T rades Directory and

Handbook fo1· 1000, 32L Electricity Building, Paris Exhibitiou, 461 Electricity, Contad, 225, 217, 66Z, 723. See

l!.'rratwn, 749 Electric ity and Engineering, Tbe R elation of,

562, 629. See LeTT~-;ns, 650, 693 Electricity for Motor Cars, 663. See 861 Electricity and R efuse D<'struction, 653 ElecLrification of the Atmospher e, 1 Electro-Magnetic Experiment, 662 Electro-Magnetic Separator, 121 Electrolytic Copper , 162. See LETTER, 202 E lectrotyping, Cost, 277 EleYa.tor . See Hoist Elliptical Sections, Strength of, 472 Eu isei Rh•ers n.nd Canals, 275 En~ine Balancing, 472, 487, 503, 525, 529, 531 E ngine , Blowing, 600 H orse-P ower Blast-Furnace

Gas Engine and, 87, 625, 845. See 228 En~ine, Central Valve (Scott), 207. See LETTER,

361 Engines, Gas, Blast-Furnace, 87, 228, 624, 625,

8! 5 Engines, Gas, 376, 814 E ngine , Gas, Dellwik-Fleischer Water, 118, 637 Engine , Gas, at Tramway Exbibition, 859 Engine, Gas, "Mood " (Andrew, Limited, Red-

dish), 815. See Erratum, next Yolume, page 13 Engine , Gas, Tests of, 125 H orse-Power, 81, 135 Eng-ine Governors, Marine, 760 Engine, Oil, Campbell, 79! Engin E's, Oil, 814 Engines, Oil, for Motor Oars, 630. See 861 Eng-ine, Oil, Diesel, 5 Engine Packings, Friction of, 67, 80 En_gine, Six Crank, 4 73, 525. 'ee Engine Balanc·

1ng Engine, Steam, at t he- End of Lhe l Oth Cent.ury,

269 Engines, Steam , Thermal E fflciency of, 742 Engine, Traction (Clayton and ::)hutt lewOl·th),

778 Engine Trials at Ranel:.tgh Wor ks (Scott), 207

361, 392 Engine, Water Gas, 637, 118 Engi ne Working, Ma rine, 332, 361, 393 Engine Works, Rea-veil's, at Ipswich, 173, 207

See L&TTER, 3ol , 392 E ngines of the Corvette " Genern.l Baquedano •

473, 525. ee Engine, Balancing ' Eng ines, 2400 H orse Power Electric (Willans and

Rouinson , Limited), 552 En~ine of the " General Baquedano " 473 525.

See Engine Ba.lancin:J ' ' Eng inC's, 3~,000 I ndicat ed H orse-P ower of Ham­

burg·Am er ican Liner " l>eutschland " 59 382 Engi nes of J apanese Battle hip "Asah'i "846 Engine', Ma rine, United St.a.tes ' Cruise r

cc Denver ," 119, 218, 320. 396. See 50 Enginc!S, .Mul tiple Expansion, Cut· Off in, 260 E ngines, Pumping, 'l'ests of 10 Million Gallon

44 I

Engines, Steam, fo r l\lotor C.1rs, 630,663. See 861

E ngines, Steam, at Royal Agricultur al Show 811 '

Engines, Triple·Exp n.nsion fo r Steam Trawlers (Smiths' Dock Company), 830

Engines, Uniformity of Turning Moments 503 629 I I

~ng~neer Officers. Sec R oyal E n.ginee1· Officgrs Eng meer, The ~laking of the, 293 Engineers. See Civil Engineers, Electrical En·

gineers, and Alechanical Engineers Engineers, American Soc iety of ivil, 779

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (9)

• • • Vlll

Engineers, Consulting, and Contractors , 159· See LETTERS, Swiss, <C;c.

Engineers and Electricity, Tbe R elation of, 562, 629. See Lt:Tit:Rs, 659, 693

Engineers' Lending Library, 230, 'i26, 759 Engineers, Mechanical, in China, Openings for, 60 Engineers, Naval, Status of, 97, 297, 325, 423,

449, 458, 488, 496 558, 559, 659, 692, 726, 757, 758, 853

Engineers in Navy, Status of, 325, 449, 458, 496. See 651. See LETTt:RS

Engineers' Note and J:l"'ormula Book, 677 Engineering at Cape Town, 362 En!iCineering , Grapbica.l Constructions in, 601 Engioeerin~ at Home and Abroad, 159. See

LETTERS, 229 Engineering Laboratory of Berlin Technical

School, 740 Engineering and Shipbuilding in 1900, 29, 48, 8 1,

95 Engineering in the United States Navy, 20 Engineering Works, Luton as a Site for, 467 English Shipbuilding, 29, 48. See 8l, 95 Englishwoman's Year-Book, 100 Engravin~ and Die Sinking, Cost, 277 Entropy Temperature Diagram, 45 Envelope Making, Cost, :300 Equalisation of the Temperature of Hot Blast,

638, 666 Erie and Canadian Ca.nals, 787 Erie Canal, ~62, 227, 787 Esplanade des Inva.lides Railway, 546, 577, 681 Essen Works, Krupp's, 790 Ether Sunshir.e Recorder, 423 European Railway Results, 757 Exca,·ator, Steam, for Ores, 690 Exhibition, Fn.lmouth Art and Industrial, 563 Exh il>ition, Glasgow, 190 l , 058 E xhibition, Motor Car, 519 Exhibition Tra.mway and JJight Ra.ilway, 859 E xpansion J oint, Balanced, 154 E xpansion of .Rails on Bridges, 86 Expenditure and Organisation on Navy and

Army , 82L Experimental Physics, 328 E xpelimenta.l Work on t he Rolling of Ships on

Waves, 442, 454, 493 Experiments, Bashforth's Chronograph, 193 E xperiments Illustrating Syntony , 413 Experiments on Using Ga.soline Gas for Boiler

Heating, 78 E xplosion. See also Boiler Explosions Explosion, Peculiar Steam Cylinder, 193, 331 Explosions, Boiler, Working of Act, 192 Explosive, Maxim's Multi-Perforated, 196, 758,

854 E xport Duty on Coal, 517 E xport Merchant Shipper~· D:rectory, 156

Factories Waste Water Puriftca.tio:1 , 61 Factory Accident Pre,·ention , Cottoo, 9L Factory Act Amend ·nent Bill, 786 Failure of Steel Shafts, 536, 563, 596, 793. See

LETTER, 693 Fa lmouth Art and Industrhl Exhibition, 568 Fans, Lifting Power of Propeller , 233 F a ns, Screw, 66. See L&TrERS, 165 Fault Test for Braided and other Cable Core,

168 F eed Pumps, Electrica.lly Drh·en, Cil4 F eed Water Filter, Boothma.n's, 74S Feed Water Filtera, Watson's, 51 F eed Water Heater and Detartariser, Chevalet

(Boby . London), 817 F erri es, Suspended, 251, 377

Field Artillery, ~lotlern: Vickers, Sona, and Maaim, L imited:

277' 310, 339, 370, 412, 433, 468, 503 Maxim Rifte-Ca.libre Gun, 370 37-Millimetre Automaltic Gun, Landing Car·

riage. Field Carriage, and Limber, 277 75·Millimetre Gun for Field a nd Mountain

Use, 3l0, 339 12·Pounder Gun, 412, 433 Separable 12-Pounder Gun, 433 15-Pounder Quick-Firing Quo, 468 4. 7-ln. Gun .h:quipments, 50.3

Sclnwider-Canet System: 540, 542, 573, 609, 643, 6il

75-Millimetr e (2.952 Io .) Gun, 5i:3, 600, 643, 671

80-}{iJlimetre (3.149-In.) and 75-Millimet re (2.952-In.) Guns, 542, 673, 609

Compressible Trail, 5i3 H ydraulic Recoil, 609, 6i3 H ydro-Pneumatic Recoil, 671 Telescopic Recoil Brake, 573

Field Gun Carriages, Motor, 260 Field Guns. See Field Artillery, Modern Field's Mining Engineers ' Report Book, 229 Files, Cost, 310 \<"1 l ter (Boby), ~17 Filter, Boothruan's Feed Water , 748 Filters, Watson's Feed Water, 51 Filtration of Water, 127, 450 Fine Art Palaces, Paris Exhibition, 192, 213, 281,

520 Finland, Canals in, 73 Finland Railways, 130 F i re Alarm, .May·Ota.wa.y, 766 Fire Prevention in 1899, 25 Fires in Theatres, 359. See LETTER, Fireproof·

ing, 424 Firearms, Cost of Making, 310 }'ir<>clay Pipe Making . Cost, 152 Fireproofin~ Wood Ftttings for Theatres, 424 Firms, Reg1stration of, 656 Fitzgerald, Admiral, on t.he Japanese N:Lvy, 45:J,

461 }!' light, Mechanical, 361. See Aerial Locomotion Flip or Jump of a. Rifle, 389. See LETrttR.<i, 4t-1,

455, 558, 593 Floor-System of Girder Bridges, 233 Fluid Metal in the Open-Hearth Furnace, 612,

<523, 832 Fluid Pressures on Plane Surfaces, 50i Flying .Machines, 233, 361, 526 Flying Machines, Lifting Power of Pro1>eller3,

233 Flywheels, 80


Foreign Competition. See American Competition Foreign Debtors and British Creditors, 326.

See L&TrER., Maudslav, <~<.:., 393 Foreign Trade, China, 638 Foreign Tramway Companies, 331 Foreigners and Mining Enterprise in Japan , 658 Foreshore Protection, 626, 693, 725, 792 Foreshore Protection at Blackpool, 74 Foreshore ltecla.matiou , 722. See 693, 725 For~ings, Cost, 373 Formation of Alloys, H eat of, 662 l!"'or th Bridge and Paints, 591 Forlis on the Clyde, 522 Foster's Plant for Recovery of Crude Gl3•cerine,

109. See LETTERS, Gtyce,.ine Fractures of Flywheels, ~0 Fractures of Steel Shaft~, 536, 1>60, 563, 596, 796.

See LKTTt:R, 693 Framing, Engine, of U.S.S. "Denver ," 320 France, Western Railway Compound Locomo·

tive, 155 Franco-Tosi Eng-ines at the Electric Power

Station, Paris Exhibition, 815 Free Wheel for Cycles, 457 Freigh t Cars on Briti h Railways, Large, 560 French Agriculture, 839 French Ar t illery Screw Thread. 178 F rench Cl"iticism of British Artillery, 522 French Locomotive Practice. ~H7. See 155 French Navy Programme, 189 French P atents and Paris Exhil>ition, 331 Ftench Railway Screw Threa.ds, 143, 144 Ft·ench Screw Threads, 111, 143, 141, 170 French Shipping Subsidies , 387 French State Manufa<:tures, 824 Frequeucy of Transverse Vil>rations of a

Stretched India-Rubber Cord, 168 Frere and Tugela. Bridges, 12 L. See 382, 775 Friction of Steam Packin~s, 67, 80 Friction Tests of Locowottve Slide Valves, 80 Friedmann's Mechanical Lubricator for Locomo·

tives, 428 Fritz, Mr. John, on Iron Manufacture in United

States, 33, 65 Fuel and its Economy, Dear, 165 Fuel, Liquid, 392 Fuels, Cheap, 69. See LETTERS, F uel Economv Furnace, Use of Fluid Metal in the Open-Hearth,

6L2, 623, 832 Furniture, Cost of Manufacturing, 340

Gn.lva.nic Cells, 556 Galva.nic Cells, Reversibility of, 334 Ga.lvanometer Needles, Damping of, 400 Garrison Disappearing Guns. See under Schneider Gas (Blast·Furna<:e) Motor and Blowing En~ine,

600 Horse-Power, 87, 228, 625, 846 Gase~, Compression and Liquefaction of, 45, 732,

762 Gas Distribution in Electric Field, 400 Gas Engines. See Engi-nes Gas, Gasoline, for Boiler Heating, 78 Gas Maschine, by R. Schottler, 376 Gas, Motors, Blast-Furnace, 87, 228, 625, 845 Ga.-s Thermometry, 870 Gas (Water) Process, Dellwik·Fleisher, 118, 637 Gasoline Gas for Boiler Heating, 78 Gauges for High Hydrostatic Pt·rssures, 183 "General Baquedano," Engines of t he, 473, 525.

See Engine Balancin.1 Generators, Elect.ric. See ..4.lternators, Dvnamos,

R otary Converters, and W esil:nghouse. Geometry and Engineering, 601 German Cable-La.ying Steamer, 829 German Can:\.1 Project, Rhine-Elbe, 804 German Coal Trade, 624 Gennan Coiour·Printing Machinery, 839 German Liner " Deutschland" (Vulca.n Corn·

pany), 59, 382 German Ma il Shipping Subsidies, 387 Germa n Navy Programme, 189 German Screw Threads. 144 Gjers, Mr. L. F ., and H a.rrison , J . H ., on the

Equalisation of Temperature of Hot Blast, 638, 606

Gland Packing3, Friction of, 67, 80 Glasgow Exhibition, 1901, 658 G la.sgow U ni ''ersi ty and Naval Architecture, 559 Glass Vessels, Hollow, 369 Glasses, Reflective Power of Metal-Backed, 803 Gloucester Dia.ry and Directors' Calendar, 100 Glycerine, Recovery from Soapmakers' Spent

Lyes, 109. See LETrER.S Glycerine, The Recovery of Crude, 195 Goffe, Mr. E ., on the Kimberley Gun " Long

Cecil," 865. See 390 Gold Dredging in New Zealand, 491 Goldfields of W estralia, 295 Gooch , Tbe Late John V., 789 Government v. Pri,·ate Armour Works, 483 Governors, .Marine Engine

1 760

Graphic Method of BaJancmg: Engines, 487. See 472, 503, 529, 531. See Erratum, 515, and Balamci1l.f

Graphical Constructions in Engineering, 601 Graphica.l Method of Constructing the Entropy

Temperature Dia.gram of a Gas or Oil Engine from its Indicator Card, 45

Gray. Mr. McFarlane, on Graphic Method of Ba.lancin~ Engines, 487. See Erratum, 515. See 472, 503, 525, 529, 531

Great Oentt·al Railway, 430 Grea.t Central Railway Extension, 430 Great Northern R a ilway Train with Automatic

Couplings, 557 Greater Britain a.t the Pa ris Exhibition, 2l Greiner, Mr. Adolphe, on a Blowing Engine

Worked by Blast-Furnace Ga~, f 24, 625. See 87, 228, 845

Grinding Tools. See Lttdwig Loewe, and Co.'s Works

Groynes, Sea.. See Fore,qhore Protection Oun Carriages, ~Iotor , 260 Gun Jump or Fli,), 389. See LB'M'BRS Gunmaking in Beleaguered Kimberley, 390, 865 Gun Mounting, Electric Turret, 103 Gun Tul>es and Propeller Sha fts, 638, 668 Gun, Vickers' Automatic 14·Pound<>r, 180 Gun, Vickers' 7.5·1n., Navat.z. 743 Ouos, Coast Defence. See ;:;chn~ider Guns, Field. See F ieltJ. ..4.rtillery, Modern Guns, Flight of Projectiles, 193

Guns and Steel r ests, 262, 331, 392, 425, 488 Gunnery Tests, " Belleisle," 724, 751 Gutta.-Percha, Future Supply, 754. See 828

Halse, Mr. E., on Tin Ore in Mexico, 270 Ha mburg · American Liner "Deutschland"

(Vulcan Company), 59, 332 Hammer, L ongworth Pneumatic, 280, 30l , :~0 1 ,

331,335, 365, 398,403, 425. See 331 and Erratwrn, 447

Hammer, Pneumatic, 425 Hammers, &c., Cost of Making, 708 Hand Crane, Permanent Way, 151

Band and Machine J.abonr: 114, 152, 175, 208, 248, 276, 30i), 340, 373, 427, 6 .l6, 708

Ag riculture and Agricultural Implemen ts, 115

Bank Cheque Bookmaking, 152 Ba rrelmaking, 248 Belting Leather , 376 Bolts, It·on, 340 Bookmaking , 115 Boots and Shoes, 152 Breadmaking , 152 Drickmaking, 152 Brooches, 373 Buttermaki n~, 276 Button Manufacturing , 15~ Carpetmaking, 175 Carriage Manufacturjng, 175 Chains, Iron and Steel, 341 Cheesemaking, 276 Clocks and Watches, 208 Cooperage Work, 2!8 Cordage a.ud Twine, 250 Corks, 250 Cut lery, 276 Dairy Produce, 276 Die Sinking and Eng raving, 277 Doors , Window Frames, &c., 6!6 Drain Pipe Making, 152 Electrotyping, 277 Engraving and Die Sinking, 277 Envelope Making, 309 Files, 310 Firearms, 310 Fireclay Pipemaking, 152 F orgings, 373 Furniture, 340 Hammers, &c., 708 Hand Tools, 708 Iron a nd Steel Chains, 341 J ewellC' ry, 373 Ladders, 376 Leat her Cup Plungers, 376 , Lime, 376 Linotype Printing, 6!7 Loading and Unloading Railway Wagons, 708 Luggage Labels and Tags, 376 Marble Work, 427 Matches, 647 Nails, Spikes, and Tacks, 427 Needles, 428 Nuts, Iron, 340 Pins, 428 Pipes, Wrought-Iron, 373 Plumbers' Work, 6!7 Printing , 6H Pump Plungers, 376 Railway Wagon Loa.<ling, &c, 70~ Rivets, I ron, 340 Ruling Paper and Books, 152 Screws, 703 Shoes and Boots, 152 Springs for Ca.rriages, 171> Steel and Iron Chains, 341 Stone Work, 427 Tacks, Nails, and Spikes, 427 Timber Cutting, 647 Wa.gon Manufacturing, 175 W a.tches and Clocks, 208 Window Frames, 6!6 Woodwork, 646 Wrought·lron Pipes, 373

Iland Tools, Cost of, 708 Handling Coal, Plant, 524, 778, 869 Handling Ore by Steam Shovel, 690 Han·is, Mr. J. F . W., on Strength of Steel Balls,

81, 464 Harrison, ~1r. J. F. W ., and Gjers, Mr. L. F., on

the Equalisation of Tempe rature of Hot Blast, 638, 666

Hartlepool Shipbuilding, 48 Harvey Process of Armour-Making, 435 Hazell's Anuua-11 100 • Heat of Forrna.t1on of Alloys, 682 Hea.ted Steel, Colours of, 81 Heater , Feed."Water , and Detarta.riser, Chevalet

(Boby , London), 817 Heating, Gasoline Qa~ for, 78 Hele-Sha.w, Professor H . S., oa Road Locomo·

tion, 577, 597, 630, 663, 696, 8S1 Hele·Shaw, Professor, on Stream Lines, 507 Helium, Argon, &c., Relative Rates of Effusion

of, 331 Hennibique. and Accideut at Southampton, 726 Uerbert's Machine Tools at Paris Exhibition, 780 H igh Building, united States, 413 Hi~h H ydrostatic Pressures and their Applica·

t10n to Compressing Liquids : A New Form of Pressure Gauge, 183

High-Speed Steam Launch, 153 History of the Engineering \Vorks of the Suez

Canal, 332 H.M.S. "Belleisle," Prnctkal Demonstration of

Gun Power , 724, 751 H.M.SS. with Belleville Boilers, Cost of Repairs,

655, 751 H. M. Destroyer "Viper," with Pa•son<J Turbine,

218, 625 H .M. Na.v.v Estimates, 291 Hobart, Mr. H . M., on Con,·er ters. See Con·

t:erters Hoist, Air, 398, 403 Hoist, Air, Alley a nd Maclellan , "Sentin<·l," 415 Hoists, Electric Ammunition, 106 Holds of Steamers, Innovations, 471, 477 Holidays, Overtime Ra t es for, 559, 660 Homes for Discharged Soldiers, Building Trades

Gift of, 59

H ong l{ong Port, 22 H ong Kong, Trade a.nd ProsP.ects, 823 Hopetoun, Lord, on Shir.bullding, 452. See 483 Hopetown Bridge Rebuilt, 382. See 121, 775 H orse-Power, Value of, 18,! Horsefall Destructors, 653 H orseless Carriage. See Cars, Motor Hot Bla.-st, Equable Temperature, 638, 666 Ilotopp Syphon Locks on the Ell>e-Trave Canal,

571 Howitzers on Disa.ppea.ring Mounts. See Sch'n~ider

Hughes, The Late Professor , 128 HuU Shipbuilding, 49 Hummel, Mr. F. H., on Oraphir.a.l Constructions

in Engineering, 601 Hydraulic Recoil for Field Gun, 609, 643 Hydro-Pneumatic R ecoil for Field Gun, 671 Hydrostatic Pressures, High, 183

Ice and Cold Storage Trades Directory a nd Handbook for 1900, 332

Ice·Breakiug Steamers, 203 Illumination of Objects under Microscope, Strice

Met hods, 796 Impact, 182. See LETTERS, 262 Implemen t.<J, Agricultural, 814 Inclinometer, Lister's Theodolite, 47 India.-Rubber Cord, Frequency of Transverse

Vibration of, 168 India -Rubber Goods, Government, 327 Indian and Ceylon E xhibitors, Paris Exhibition,

~ L I ndian Light Railways, 687 Indian Railways, 216, 826 Indicator, Mclnnes-l>ohbi<>, 748 Indicator, Ripper's Mean Pressure, 120. See

LETTERS, 165 Industrial Notes, 27, 64, 101, 133, 167, 198, 231,

265, 300, 333, 363, :~97, 429, 457, 491, 527, 561, 596, 62i) 661, 695, 727' 761, 794, 830, 867

Industrial Prospects in China, 785. See Erra­tum, 870

Inftuence of Cheap Fuels on the Cost of Elec· t rica.l Energy, 69. See LETTERS, Ftwt Economy

Ingots for Gun Tubes and Propeller Shafts, 638, 668

Inland Navigation, Russian, 73, 128, 275, 341 lnnes, Mr. Charles H ., on Screw Fans, 66. See

LE1'TEftC3, 165 Innovations in Modern Steamers, 471, 477 Inspection of Boilers, 380, 421, 554, 589 Insulating Gutta·Percha, 828 Insulation Tests, Use of Price's Guard Wire in

168 International Pneumatic Tool Company's Works,

Chippenham, 757 International Scr ew Threads System, 179 Ireland U ght Railways, 260 Ireland Shipbuilding, 86, 95 Irish Mail ~cident at Nor ton Bridge, 301 Iron, Allotropic Varieties of, 58 Iron-Aluminium Alloy, Magnetic Properties, 796 Iron Developmen ts on Pacific Slopes, United

States, 194 Iron Industry, Russian, 193 h ·on Manufacture in United States, 33, 65 Iron Ore for South Russia, Ural, 229 Iron and Phosphorus, 623 Iron Rusting, 724 Iron and Steel, British v. United States, 357 Iron and Steel Chains, Cost, 341 Iron and Steel Exports, United States, 228

Iron antl Steel Institute : 622, 637 ' Date of Paris Meeting, 622 Council Report, 622 The Bessemer Gold Medal for 1900 Presented

t.o Mr. R enri de Wendel, President of the Comite des Forges de Fra nce, 623

" On Iron and Phosphorus,'' by Mr. J. E. Stead, F. I .C. (Middlesbrough), 623

"On the Use of Fluid Metal in t he Open · Heart h Furnace," l>y Mr. James Riley (Stock ton-on·Tees), 612, 623

" On the Continuous Working of the Open· H earth Furnace," by .Mr. Benjamin Talbot (Penooyd, P ennsylvania), 623, 832

u On Blowing Engines Driven hy Crude Blast­Fur nace Gas," by M. Adolphe Greiner (Seraing, Belgium), 624, 625

" On the Manufac ture and Application of Water Ga ," by Mr. Carl Dellwik lStoCk · holm), 637

" On the Utilisation of Bla-st-Furnace Slag," by the R itter Cecil ,·vn Schwarz (Li~ge), 6~, 666

" On the Equalisation of the Temperature of Hot Blast," by Messrs. La.wrence Gjers a nd Joseph H. Harrison (Middlesbrough), 638, 6ti6

11 On Ingots for Gun Tubes and Propellfll' Shafts," by Mr. F. J . R. Carrulla (Derby), 638, 668

" On tbe Ma nganese Ores of Brazil," b,· Mr. H. Kilburn Scott (Mina.s, Brazil), 638 -

Concludin~r Proceedings, 638 Iron Trade Consolidations , 420 Inigation, Dam on the Nile, 318. See 704 Irrigation, Egyptian, 704 I ta.lia.u Warship Speed Trials a nd Depth of Water,

511, 528

J a1nes Forrest Lecture, Institution of Civil En"i • neers, " On the Relation between Electric [ and .h:ngineering," 562, 629. Sec Li-;TTtJR.S 659 (593 > I

J apan Cotton Spinners' Trust, 522 J apan, Education in , 260 J apan Fin:mct, 422 J apau Min ing Enterprise, Foreigners and, 65 .> J apan, Notes from, 284, 8'28 J a pa.n Rail ways and Tram ways, 135 J apan , Russia., and Ko1·ea., 486 J apan Shipping, 788 J a.panese Battleship "Asahi" (Brown Clyde:

bank), 442, 581, 617, 680 ' · J apanese Battleships, Cruisers, and Men, 453

1 461. See 442, 581 J a panese Battleship, Eleotrioal Equipment 6191 694. See 30, 1 0~ '

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (10)


J a.pane e 31-Knot Destroyers (Ya.rr?w), 96 Japanese Navy, 453, 461. See 442, o81 Japanese Railways, Sta~e Purchase, 422 Japanese Statesman on Japan Finance, 422 J ewellery, Cost, 373 Johnson-J,undell System of Electric Traction,

523 Joint Balanced Expansion, 154 Joint' for Copper team Pipes, Prescblin's, 154 Jones' Underfed .Mechanical Stoker, 350 Jump or Flip of a Rifle, 3SQ. See L~TTERS, 424,

465, 558, 593

" Kea.rsarge," Electric Installation of the United States Ship, 30, 102, 619, 694

Keel Cambering of Steamer's, 422 }(eel; and Stream Lines, hips' , 507, 729 Keep, Mr. W. J., on American Competition,

77 Kell) 's Directory of ~lerchants, Manufacturers,

and Shippers of the World, l900, G15 "Kentucky," Electric Installation of United

tates Ship, 30, 102, 619, 694 . J\imberley Siege Gun Con truct10n, 390, 865 Kolben's Electric Power Plant, 746 Korea, Japan, and Russia, 486 Koma River, Russia, 73 Krupp Work~;, 790·a.tory of Berlin Technical School, Engi­neering, 740

Labou r Hours at Reavell's Works, 173 Labour-Saving Appliances. See Hand"· Machine

Labour Lace Tissues, 709 Ladders, Cost, 376 Land Purchase, Law as to Compensation for,

822 Land Reclamation in Norfolk, 722. See 693 LanA"eo Mono-Rail Suspended Railway at Elber­

feld-Barmen, 412, 438, 601 Lar~e Electric Power Areas, 223, 330, 587. See

419 Lathe, Heavy Turret (Pratt and Whitoey Com-

pany, Hartford, Coon.), 54 7 . . . . Lathes Milling Tools, &c., at Parts Exh1b1t10n

(A. Herbert, Limited), 780 Launch, High-Speed Steam, 153 Launches and Trial Trips, 26, iO, 98, 140, 166,

204 217, 272, 303, 319, 400, 426, 463, 476, 532, 560: 600, 682, 668, 766, 800, 836, 851

Laundry Machinery, 622 Law. See Legal Law Cases, Commercia.! , :!69 La.w Reform, Patent, 66, 196, 720, 753. See

L8'ITERS, Patent La-w Laxton's Price-Book, 267 Lean's Royal Navy List, 168, 5 5 Leather Cup Plungers, Cost, 376 Leeds Electric Station Coal-Handling Plan t, 869

Le~al: Amendment of Companies Acts, 294 British Creditors and ForeiA"n Debtors, 326 Commercial Cases in 1899, 369 Compensation for Compulsory Purchase of

Land, 822 Contracts by Tender, 190 Directors' Liability, 160 Factory Act Amendment Bill, 786 Legal Aspect of Contra.ctc; by Tender, 190 Patent La.w Reform, 55. See LETTERS and

Pattnts Registration of Firms, 656 Rights of Riparian Owners, 19, 61.

LEtTERS, 98 See

Strikers and Poor Relief, 356 Traction Engine Decision, 855 Watching and Besettin~, 566 Workmen's Compensatton Act, 94, 15'7, 163,

202, 232, 306, 381, 390, 567, 6a2, 658, 681, 731, 827

Workmen's Compensation Act and Miners' Federation, 94

Lending Library for Engineers, 230, 726, 759 Lesser Fine Art Building, 192, 213, 520 Letters to the Editor, 24, 59, 97, 131, 163, 194,

229, 262, 296, 330, 360, 391, 423, 456, 487, 523, 668, 692, 626, 659, 692, 725, 757, 792, 828, 853

Liability, Directors', 160 Library, Lending, for Engineer~, 230, 726, 759 Liftinr Power of Air Propellers, 233 Light Railway LocomoLive (Hudswell, Clarkc,

and Co. , Leeds), 253 Light Railway and Tramways Exhibition, 859 Light Railways, 687 Light Railways in Ireland, 260 Light Railways in New South Wales and Chili,

526 Lights, Northern, 658 Lighting, Electt·ic, Battleships, :30, 102, 619, 694 Plant, Electric. See Westin{Jhouse and

Paris Exhibition Lightning, Causes of, 1 Lightning, Destruction of Life and Property,

769 Lightning Storm, Win ter, 359 Limb(rs fot· Field Guns. See F'ield Artillery Lime, Cost, 376 Liodley, The Late Mr. William, 725 Linotype Printing, Cost, 647 Liquefaction and Compression of Gases, 45, 95,

732, 762. See 334 Liquid Air, 45, 95, 334, 732, 762 Liquid Fuel, 392 Liquid Fuel Appliances for Motor Cars, 665. See

861 Liquid Pressures and Gauges, 1 3 Liquids and Solutions Mixed, Visco ities, 796 Lister's Inclinometer Theodolite, 47 Literature, 101, 328, 376, 609, 676, 704, 790 Lloyd's Registry Returns of Shippin~, 387 Lloyd's Registry and Ship Constr uctiOn, 453 Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 555 Loading and Uuloading Railway Wagons, Cost,

708 Local Government Annual and Official Directory,

220 Locks on the Elbe-Trave Canal, Hotopp Syphon,

5'11 Lockwood's Builders, Architects, Contractors,

and Engineers' Price Book, 100 Locomotion, Aerial, 526

Locomotion, Road. Sec Cars, Motor, and Road .Locomotion

Locomotive Accident near Workington, 26i Locomotire, Agricultural (Clayton and Shuttle­

wor th, Limited), 778 Locomotive Boiler Explosion at Crynant Station,

734 Locomotive Boiler Tubes, Corrosion of, 454 Locomoth·e, Compound, for Western Railway

of France, 155 Locomotive Development, 458 Locomotive Driviug Wheels, Varying Weight

on, 98 Locomotive, Freight, for Union Pacific Railway,

9:> Locomotive Lubricator, Friedmann's, 428 Locomotive, Midland Railway, 682, 713. See

LETTERS Locomotive, Narrow- Gauge Tank (Hudswell,

Clarke, and Co., Leeds), 253 Locomotive, Netherlands (Nelson, Reid, and

Co.), 691 Locomoth·e Performances, Caledonian, 771. See

636. See LETTF.RS, Call'donian. Locomotives a.nd Errata, 828

Locomotive Practice in France, 847 Locomotive Slide Valves, F riction Tests of, SO Locomotives, Road, 577, 597, 630, 663, 696, 861.

See LE'ITERS Locomotives, Caledonia.n Pa~senger, 636, iil.

See LETTBRs a nd E rrata, 828 Locomotives, Early Outside Cylinder, 789 I.ocomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 759 Locomotives for the Port Talbot and Barry

Railways, 479 I Locomotives, Some Veteran, 63, 97, 131 Locomoti,·es of the Royal AA"ricultural Show,

258, 322. See Royal Show Locomotives, Veteran. 63, 97, 131 London Directory, 100 Lonrlon Docks, 654 London Railway, Central, 857 London Water, 127 London Water Supply, 460 "Lon,- Cecil," Making of the Gun, 390, 865 Longnd~te, Captain 0. C., on the Pyritic Smelt-

ing of Copper Ores, 774 I Longworth Po\\ er Hammer, 280, 301, 304, 335,

365, 398, 403, 425. See LBTTER, 331, and erratum, 447

Looms at Paris Exhibition, 709. ·ee 542, 672 J.orenz, Dr., on Uniformity of Turning Momen ts

of Engines, 603, 529 Lowest 'l'ender, Legal Aspec~. 190 Lubrication ~nd Lubricants, 611 Lubricator, Au tomatic, 47 Lubricator , for Locomoth·es, Friedmann's, 428 Lubricators, Sight-Feed, 660 Luggage Labels and Tags, Cost, 376 Luton as a Site for Engineering Works, 167 Lyddite Manufacture, 484

Mar hine v. Hand Labour. See Baud v. ltlachinc .Labour

Mncbine Tools : Automatic Tapping Machine for Pipe Fitting ·

(S. PJatt, Wednesbury), 27 Bodng Machine, Three-Spindle (J. A. Fay and

Co. , Cincinnati), 252

Mechanicnl Enr:ineers, AmcwJcnn Society or: 44 , 78, 182

New York Meeting, 44 The Berthier Method of Oonl Calorirnetry, by

Mr. C. V. lierr, 4~ Te. ts of Two 10-Million Gallon Pumping

Engines at the Baden Pu10ping Station, St. Louis Water Works, by Mr. John A. Laird, 44

A New Graphical Method of Constructing the Entropy TemperaLure Diagram of a Gas or Oil Engine from its Indicator Oard, by Mr. Henry T. Eddy, 45

Pressura in Pipes Due to Stoppage of Flowing Liquid, by Mr. George M. Peek, 45

Contpression and Li4uefaction of Gases, by Mr. Arthur L. Rice, 45, 732, 762

A Cun·ed Glass Blue Print Machine, by Mr. Paul ni. Chamberlain, 45

A lleta.l Dynan.ograph, by Mr. Paul M. Cham­berlain, 45

Education of Machinists, Foremen, and Me­chanical Engineers, by Mr. M. P. Higgins, 46

Experiments on Using Gasoline Gas for Boiler Heating, by Mr. Herman Poole, 78

Friction of Steam Packings, by .Mr. C. 11. Benjamio, 67, SO

Frict ion Tests of Locomotive Slide Vah·es, by Mr. F. C. Wag ner, 80

A Note on Flywheels, by Mr. A. Firth, 80 An Efficiency Te t of a 125 Horse-Po wer Gas

En~tine, by Mr. C. H. Robertsoo, 81, 135 The Strength of Steel Balls, by Mr. J. F. W.

Harris, 81, 46' The Colours of H eated Steel Corresponding to

Different Degrees of Temperature, by Messrs. Maunsel White and F. \\". Taylor, 81

Excursions, 8 l Impact, by Mr. W. J. 1\eep, 182. See LETTERS The Merhanical Equipment of the New South

Station, Boston, Mass., hy Mr. W. 0. Ken·,183 High Hydrostatic Pressures and their Applica­

tion to Compres~iog Liquids; A New Form of Pressure Oau~e, by Mr. F . H . Stillman, 183

On the Value of 1\. Horse Power, hy Mr. George S. Rockwood, 184

The Steam Engine at the End of the 19th Gen­tur.r. by Dr. Roher t H. Thurston, 269

Rules for Steam Boiler Trials, 271 Mechani~al Engineers' Congress at Pari~, 554, 858 McchnnJcnll!:nglncers, Institution of:

148, 280, 403, 577, 861 Graduates, 62, 123, 221, 350, 612 Annual Report of the Council, 148 Office Bearers, 148 Water Meters of the Present Day, with Special

Reference to Small Flows and Wa t e in Dribbles, by Mr. Wm. Schonheyder , 148, 169, 200. See Erratum, 200

Improvements in the Longworth Po~"er Ham­mer, by Mr. Ernest Samuelson, 280, 301, 403, 425. See LETTER, 3:n ; E1·ratum, 447

Portable Pneumatic Tools, by Mr. Ewart C. Amos, 280, 304-, 335, 365, 398, 403, 425. Erra· tum, 447. See 757

Road Locomotion, by Professor H. S. Ilele­Shaw, 617, 597, 630, 663, 69G. See 861

Congress at Paris, 554

British Machine Tools at P a ris Exhibition, S1tmmer Meetin~:

7 0 Acldress of Welcome to the American .Eo-Lathe, Heavy Turret (Prattn.nd Whitney Corn· gineers, 861

pany, Ha rt ford, Corm.), 547 Road Locomotion, by Professor H . S. Hale-Lathes, Milling Tools, &c., at Paris Exhibition Shaw, LL. D., F.R.S. , 861

(A. Herbert, Limited), 780 Notes on the Construc tion of "Long Cecil. " Milling Tools, Lathe~. &c., at Paris Exhibition n. 4.1·1n. Rifled Breechloading Gun, in

(A. Herbert, Limited), 780 Kimberley during the Siege, 1899-1900, by Pneumatic, &c., Tools, 280. 301. 304, 335, 365, Mr. Edward Goffe, 864, 865

398, 403. See 331, 425, 447, 757 Recent Locomotive Practice in France, by M. Pneumatic Tool Factory, Chippenham, 757 Edouli.rd Sauvage, 847. See next Volume Press, Stamping for Armatures, 727 Polyphase Electric Traction, by Professor C. Screw :&'lilliog Machines (J. Holroyd and Co.), A. Carus Wilson, 864

Limited, Rochdale), 186 Dinner Annual 855 Turning Macbines at Paris Exhibition (A. Her- Mecbnnieal Equip~ent of the New South Station

bert, Limited), 780 I Boston Mass 183 ' Machinery and its Effect on Costs. See H and"· Mechanical Flight 233 361 526

ltfa~hine Labour . . . . . I Mechanical Industry, Continental, 790 Ma.9~mer.v and Chem1cal Buildtngs, Pans Exh1- Mechanical Stoker, Jones' Underfed, 350

btttOn, 3U "Mechanical World " Year-Book 100 Madras Light Railways, 687 Melbourne Water Supply 3 ' 1\!agazi~e a~d Antoma.tic Riftcs, 1G2 ~Ielting l{.atios, lligh, 263


Magnetic Ftelds and Stray Curren~, 22 MercanLile Year-Book a nti Directory of Properties of Alloys of Iron and Alu- porter , 38.3 nnm~w, 796 Mersey Shipbuilding, 49

Mag ncttc Separator , E lectro, 121 Metal-Backed Glasses, Reflcc~i,·e Power of, 803 Ma~neto-TeleJ?hOnograph, 826 Metal Crystallised by Pressure, 796 PneumatiC ;9espatch, ~~. . 1\Ietal Dynamograph, A, 45 Makmg of Gun, Long Cecil., 390, .865 Meta.l Price Diagrams, 26, 166, 298, 456, 59~, 760 Management of Roads, 683. See Vtagraph Metal Use of Fluid in Steel Furnaces 612 623 Ma nchester Sewage, 60 , . . 832 ' ' ' ' ' Manchester Steam Users. Assoctatton, 747 - Metallurgists' Note and Formula Book, 677 Manganese Ores of Bra~tl, 638 Meteorology and Balloons, 22 Manhole Doors, Rem~vmg, :l31 Meteorology Electr ic Phenomena 1 Manhole Cover for Botlers, 363 ' ' Manhole Co,·ers RemoYed under Pressure, 267, lleteorologtcnl !!ociety, Roynl:

331 Annual Repor t, 96 Manufacture and Application of Water Gas, Presidential Address (Mr. F . 0. Bayard), 96

637. See 118 Phenological Observations, by Mr. E. Mawley, .Manufacturing Costs. See lland v. bfachine 263

L abour Percolation Experiments, hy Dr. A. H. Scott, Mar ble Work, Cost, 427 2o3 Marine Enl!ine Governors, 760 Jubilee Celebration, 2 9 Marine Engine Working, 332, 361, 393 The Late Mr. G. J. Symons, 423 Maritime Congress, Paris, 858 Ether Sunshine Record~r, by Mr. W. H . Dines, Marvels of Electt·icity, 659, 693 423 Matches, Cost of Making, 647 Remarks on the Weather Conditions on the Matches, French , State Monopoly and Manufac- Steao1ship Track uet ween Fiji and Hawaii,

ture, 824 by Captain M. W. C. Hepworth, 423 Mathias and Cailletet and the Critical Densi~y, Comparison by Means of Dots, uy ~Ir. A. B. 8~0 MacDowall, 423

Maudslay , Sons, n.nd Field's Affairs, 326. See Jubilee Proceedin~s, 490 393 The Wiltshire Whulwind of October, 1899, by

May-Otaway FiJ·e Alarm, 766 the ! .ate Mr. G. J . Symons, 660 Maxim Field Guns. See Field A rtille1·y, Jfodern 'I he Variations of the Climate of the Geological Maxim Guns, French Criticism of, 622 and Historical Past and their Causes, by Dr. .Maxim Multi-Perforated Powder, 196, 758, 854 Nils Ekholm, 660 Maxim Rifle Calibre Gun, 370 Rainfa11 in the West and East of England in Maxim's Aerial Torpetloe , 230, 262 Relat.ion to Altitude above Sea Level, by Mr. Mcl nnes-Dobbie Indicator, 748 William Marriott, c27 Measurement of Standard Resist..1.nces, 734 Description of Halliwe1l's Self-Recording Rain Measurement of Yachts, 472. See LETTERS Gauge, by Mr. J oseph Baxendell, 827

IX -

Meters, Water, H 8, 169, 200. Sec .B1-ratum, :202 Me tropolitan. See also London . ~it ~ropolitan Electric Supply Company's Wll·

lesden Works, 314 Metropolitan Map, 157 Metropolitan Railway, Electric Traction, 6S9 )Jetropolitan Rail way , Paris, 638, 673 Mexico, Tin Ore in, 270 Michelson's Echelon Spectroscope, 239 Micrometer, Electrical, 414 .Microscopic Examination of Steel Shafts, 536, 563,

596. See LETTER, 693 M irroscopic Objec~s Illumine~ by St :i~ •. 7!l6 . , Midland Locomot1ve a t Parts Exh1utt10n, 682,

713, 759 Military India-Rnuber Goods, 327. • . Miller, Mr. Spencer, on Amenran Compelt•

tion, 77 Millin~ Machiue, Screw ( Holro\ d, Rochdale), J :> Millin~ Tools, Lathes , &c. , ac Paris Exhibit on

(A. Her bert, Limited), 7f)0 Mineral Wealth of the World, 755 Mining Enterprise in Japan, Foreigners and, 6 8 Mining and Haodling Ore by Steam Shovel, 690 Mining in the World, 755 Mirrors, Reftect.ive Power of Metal-Backed, 80:3 Miscellanea, 17, 62, 89, 123, 157, 196, 221, 264,

289, 323, 353, 385, 417, 447, 490, 515, 651, 685, 617, 651, 685, 717,751, 779, 819, 855

" Mond " Gas Engine, 815. See .Erratum next, Volume, page 13

Mono-Rail Suspended Railwar at Elberfeld­Barmen, Langen, 412, 438, 501

Morison, Mr. D. B., on the Naval Engineer, 459, 496. See a lso 325, 449, aod LETTERS

Mortar . 'ee under Schneider Morton , Professor H., on American Competition,

12 Mossberg Roller Bearings, 133 Motor, Oas from Bla t·l'ur nace, and 800 llorse·

Power Blowing Engine, 87, 22 , 625, 845 Motor, Oil, Diesel, 5. See also .1$ngine Motor Vehicles. See Cars, ]Jfotor, and Road

Locomotion Motor Vehicles, 812 Motor Wagons for Boads, 592, 626, 725 Motor Wagons and Wheel Problems, 577, c97,

630, 663, 696, 812, 861. See LETT'ERS and Errata, 828

Motors, Continuous v. PoJyphasC', 362, 489, 86! Motors, Electric, for Battleships, 30, 103, 619 Moulineaux and Champ d e Mars Railway, 546,

677, 617, 673 Mountain Cat-riages for Field Guns. See Field

.tl. rtillerv, Modern Mountings for Coast Defence G·ms. See Sch?uider Mountings for Guns. See Guns and Schn~idtr

and Fuld Artillery Moving Loads on Railway Under-Bridges, 233 Moving Platform, Paris Exhibition, 705, 807 Mud-Hole Co"er, Okes' Safety, 363 .Municipalities and Electrical Pro~ress, 159, 223,

419, fb7. See LETTERS, Swiss, d:c. Municipal Trading-, 419. See 159. 223, 330, 587 Mysterious Fractures of S~e~l Shafts, 536, 563.

See LETrt:n., 693

Nails, Spikes, and Tacks, Cost, 427 Naphtha Iudu try of the Terek Distric t, 757 Naphtha Tank Steamers on the Volga, 789 Narrow·Gauge Locomotive (Hudswell, Clarke,

and Co. , Leeds), 253 National Defence Expenditure and Organisation,

821 National DefE'nce and Politics, 224 ~ational Defences, Our, 164 National Wealth and Debt, 159 Naval Annual, 1900, 790

Nal•al At•chttects, Institution of: 452, 469, 503, 536

Annual Report of Council, 462 Election of the President, the Officers, and

Council, 452 Address b.v the Chairman, the Right Hon. the

Earl of H opetoun, G.C M.G., 462. See 483 Presentation of the Gold Medal to Mr. J

Bruhn, B.Sc. ; and of the Premium to Pro­fessor W. E. Dalby , M.A., B.Sc., 452

The Japamse Navy, by Rear-Admiral C. C. P. Fitzgerald, Associate, 453, 461

A Short Account of Some of the Changes which have been Introduced into the Types, Sizes, and Constr uction of Ships During the P eriod of My ConnecLion with Lloyd's ltegister, by Mr. B. Marten, 453

Experimental Work on the Rolling of Ships on Waves, uy Captain G. Russo, 442, 454, 493

On .Large Cargo Steamers, by Professor J. H . Biles, 469, 763

The Practical Result s of Some Innovations in .Modern Shipbuilding, by Mr. A. B. Wortley, 471, 477

The Strength of Elliptical Sections under Fluid Pressure, by G. W. H oYgaard , 472

On Yacht Measurements, together with Some Remarks on t h e Action of Sails, by Mr. H . C. Vogt, 472. See LETTERS

On the Balancing of Steam Engines, by H err Otto Schlick, 472

The En~ines of t·he Corvette "General Baque­dano, ' by Mr. M. Sandison, 473, 526

On the Uniformity of Turning Moments of Marine Engines," by Professor Lorenz, 503, o29

The Pressure on an Inclined Plane, with Spe· cial Reference to Balanced Rudders, by Pro· fessor H . S. Hele-Shaw, J:<'.R.S., 507

On the Action of Bilge Keels, by Professor G. H. Bryan, M.A., F.R.S., 507, 729

On the Influence of Depth of Water on the Resistance of Ships, by Major Giuseppe Rota, Royal I talian Navy, 511, 528

On :Mysterious Fractures of Steel Shafts, by Signor Roberto Schanzer, 636, 663. See LETTER, 693

Corrosion and Failure of Propeller Shafts, by Mr. A. Scott Younger , 536, 796

Concluding Proceedmgs, 538 Naval Architecture, Science, 559 Naval Architecture, Theoretical, 329


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (11)

X •

Naval Engineers, tatus of, 325, 449, 458, 496. See 651. See Llt'ITER • 97, 297, 423, 488, 558, 559,659,692,726,757,758,853

Na\'al Oun, Vickers' , 7. 5- In ., 743 Naval Gun, Vickers' H-Pounder Automatic, 180 Naval Guns, Ex1Jeriment on "Belleisle," 724, 751 Naval Power and Its Cost, 189 Naval Programme, 719 Naval Shipbuilding, 291 Navies Compared, 56 Navi~raLion Congress, Paris, 858 Na.vipendulums for Recording Rolling- of Ships on

Waves, 442, 464, 493 Navy n.nd Army Expenditure, Organisation , 821 Navy Engineering in United States, 20 Navy E timates, 291 Needles, Cost of, 428 Netherlands Locomotive (Neilson, Reid, and Co.),

691 New Engln,nd Electric Tramway Results, 701,

739, 8n New outh Wales Railwa.\' Construction, 526 New York hip Canal, 162, 227 New York Tramway Re ults, 701, 739, 841 New Zealand, Dredging for Gold in. 491 Newca t le, Boiler Explosion near, 732 Newpor t Boiler Explosion, 204 Newton-on-Trent Boiler Explosion, 682 Nickel Bronze for High -Pressure Steam Fitting ,

320 Nile Dam for Inigation, 318. Sec 70-! Nord and Orleans French Railway ~rrcw

Thread, 145 · Norfolk Foreshore Reclamation, 722. See 603,

725 North Bridge, Edinburgh, The Old , 25 N orlhern Lights, 658 NorLhwich Swing Bridges, 153 Norvals Pont Bridge Kebuilt, 775. See 121, 382 Note on Flywheel Designs, 80 Notes from Cleveland and the Northern Coun­

ties, 16, 53, 88, 122, 156, 187, 221, 255, 288, 323, 352, 384, 417, 446, 480, 514, 550, 584, 617, 650, 684, 716, 750, 783, 81 , 854

Notes et Fom1ules de l'Ing~nieur, du Construc­teur-Mechanicien, du Metallurgiste et l'Ele<'­t ricien, 676

Notes on the Measurement of Some Standard Resistances, 734

Notes from the North, 16, 52, 88, 122, 156, 1 6, 220, 254, 2 I 3~21 352, 3 41 416, 446, 480, 514, 550, 5~4. 616, 650, 684, 716, 750, 782, 81 , 854

Notes from the South-West, 16, 53, 89, 123, 156, 187, 221, 255, 289, 323, 353, 385, 417' 447, 481, 614, 651, 5 5, 617, 651, 685, 717, 750, 783, 819, 855

Notes from South Yorkshire, 16, 53, 88, 122, 156, 186, 220, 254, 288, 322, 352, 384, 416, 446, 481, 514, 650, 684, 616, 650, 684, 716, 750, 783, 8L8, 854

Nuts, I ron, Cost, 340

Obltun.rJ' :

Mr. Thomas Alexander , 13 Mr. J. D. Baldry, 261 :Mr. Andrew Barclay, 547 M. Bourdelles, 98 Mr. Andrew Browne. 445 Mr. W. Duff Bruce, 591 Mr. Peter Bruff, 28t .Mr. James Deas, 23 Mr. William Donalclsou , M.A., 684 Mr. R. W. Eddison, 685 Professor Thomas Egleston , 187 Mr. J. J. Ellis, 123 Mr. Rogers Field, 445 Mr. Charles Gilber t, 98 Mr. Archibald Gilchrist, 53 Mr. John Viret Gooch, 780 Mr. Eliot Hodgkin, 123 Professor D. E . Hughes, 128 Mr. Frederic Josselyn, 62 Mr. William Lindley , 725 Mr. T. D. Little, 717 Sir Francis Marindin, 551 Mr. Martin Morrison, 187 1t1r. J ohn Napier, 16 Mr. J ames Olipha.nt, 16 Mr. R. B. Osborne, 13 Mr. Edward Pri tchard, 660 Pt·o feasor Callcott Reilly, 717 Mr. R. Russell, 662 Mr. John Short , 170 Mr. G. J . Symons, 350, 4~3. See 751 Mr. J . E. Thomas , 263 Sir Renny Watsoo, 481 Mr. William Watson, 750

Oil. See a.lso Petro~um Oil (Effects) on Screw Propulsion, 694 Oil and Enamel Pa ints, Protective Values, 591,790 Oil Engines. See E n.gi11es Oil Fuel Boilers for Motor Cars, 663. See 861 Okes' Safety Cover!> for Mud-Holes, 363 Old Locomotives, 63, 97, 131 Oldest Locomotives in Europe, 63. See 97, 131 Olten-Aarbu rg Power Transmission, 37. ee Er-

ratum, 96 On Iron and Phosphorus, 623 Openings for Mechanical Engineers in China, 60 Orange River Bridges, Rebutlt, 382. See 121,

775 Ordnance. See G lt?tS and Schnetder and F ield

A rtillery Orcloaoce, Vickers' , 743. Sec 180, and Field

Attitlery Ordsa.ll-Lane Soa.p Works, Mn.nchester, 109. Sec

LETTERS, Glycerine O'ReiJJy Or. M. F., on Destruction of Life and

Property by Li~htning, 769 Ore Handling by Steam Shovel, 690 Ores of Brn.zil, 638 Ores , Copper, Py ritic Smelting of, 774, Duddell, 5b2 Overhead Cranes, Elect1;c, 13 Overtime Rates for Holidays, 559, 660

Pacific Cable ancl Gutta-Percha. 'upply, 754 P acific Slopes, Iron De,·elopmenL(United States),

194 Pacific, United States a.nd Great Britain in the,



Packings, l!~dction of Steam, 67, 80 Paddle Engines. ee Enginu Paints, Protective Power of, 591 Paints, Protective Values of Oils and Enamel,

790 Panama Canal, 119 Paris Comedie Fran~;aise Burned, 359. See

LE'M'ER, Fi1·epronji1~3. 424 Paris Congres es, 554, 858

Paris ExhibiC ton : Agricul~ure, }t' rench , 839 Blast-Furnace Gns Engine, 845 Borsig and Siemens-Halske Electric Power In­

sta.llation, 712 British Commercial Pavilion, 779 Bri tish Machine 't'ools (A. Herber t, Limited),

780 Buildings Viewed from Eiffel Tower, 485 Cail Compauy Electric Power Installation, 775 Canadian Exhibitors, 21 Carels Fr~res Electric Power Plan t, 'i4U Ohamps d e Mars, 521 Ohemicn.l and Machinery Buildings, 3-!4 Chimneys, 149 Congresses, 554, 58 CounLs of Yarn, 542, 672. See also 709 Cours la Rei ne and Quai de Billy, 520 Electric Circular Ra ilway, 705. See 807 Electric Light Engine, 2400 Horse-Power (Wil-

la.ns and Robinson), 552 Electric Power Distri bution, 149, 605 Electric Power lostaUation, 647, 712, 746, 776,

815, 846 Electric Ra.ihva.y Si~nalling (Timmis), 647 Electril.:al Generato t'S. See Electric P ower

butallation Electrici~y Building, 451 Engine, 2400 Horse-Power Electric (Willans

and Itobinson, Limited), 552 Entrance, Monumen tal, 314, 519 Esplana.dc des l nvalides Ra ilway , 546, 577, 581 Esplanade des InYalides, 520 f'ine ArL Palaces, 192, 213, 281, 520 F oreig n National Buildings, 58, 520 Franco-Tosi Engines at the Electric Po\\"er

Station, 815 French Patents and Exhibitor , 331 French StaLe Manufac tures, 824 Gas Engi ne, Blast-Furnace, 845 German ection, 855 Grand Cn cade, 451 Greater Britain at the Exhibition, ~1 Gun, 7.5-In., Vickers Naval, 743 Guns, Vickers Pavilion and, 743 Indian and Ceylon E xhibitors, 21 Kolben's Electric Power Plant, 746 Lare Tissues, 709 Larger Fine Art Palace, 192, 213, 281, 520 Lesser Fine Art Buildin~, 192, 213, 281, 520 Locomoti"e, Midland H.ailway, 682, 713. See

LETTJo:RS Locomotive, Netherlanrls (Neilson, Reid, and

Co.), 691 Looms, 709. See 542, 672 Machinery ancl Chemical Buildings, 344 Matches State Monopoly and Manufactu re, 24 Mechanical Engineers' Cong ress, 554. See 85 Metropolitan Railway, Paris, 638, 673 Midland Railway Locomotive, 6&2, 71 3. See

L ETTERS Monumental Entrance, 314, 519 Moving Platform, 705, 807 Nancy General E lectric Company'::; Tri phase

Alternator , 846 Naval Gun, Vickers 7.5-In ., 743 Netherlands Locomotive (Neilson, Reid, and

Co.), 691 Opening, 522 Ordnance, Vickers, 743 Paris Metropolitan Railway, 638, 673 Patents, French, and ExhibiLion, 331 Platform, Travelling, 705, ~07 Power Houses and Supply, 605. See Electric

P ower i nstallation Power Stations, 149 Printing Machinery, 39 Progress of W ot·ks, 57, 485 Railway, Electric Oir t"!ula.r , 705, 807 . Railway Exhtbits, 689 Railway Signalling, Elec tric (Timmis), 647 Railways, 546, 577. 581, 638, 673, 705, 807 Recording Count~ of Yarns, Apparatus, 542,

672, 709, Travelling, 705, t:!07

iemens-Halske and Borsig Electric Power Installation, 712

Signalling, Electric Railway (Tirumis), 647 Sttles at Monumen tal Entrance, 314 Street of Nations, 58, 520 Testing Machine, 50-Ton (Valere Mabille Com-

pany, Belgium), 761 Testing Yarn, 672 Text•le Exhibits, 542, 672, 709 Textile Tissues, Making, 709 Tbomson-ilouston Electric Power Installat ion,

775 Timmis's Electt·ic Railway Signalling, 6!7 Tissues, Textile, Making, 709. See 542, 672 Tobacco State Monopoly, and Manufacture,

824 Transpor t Exhibits, 689 Travelling Platform, 705, 807 Triphase Alternators. See Electric P owe1· I n-

stallations Trocadero, 522 Vickers Ordnance, 743 Vincenoes Annexe, 358, 689 Water-Tube Boiler Exhibits, 606 Weighing Yarns tor Counts, 5 1 ~. 672 Willans and Robinson, Limited , 2400 I ndi­

cated Horse-Power Electric Engine, 552 Yarn "Counting," 642, 672. See 709

Paris Exhibition and F rench Patents, 331 Paris, High Tension Electrical Effects at, 590 Paris, Lyons, and Mecl*ten ancan Railway Screw

Thread, 144 p,u;s Metropolitan Railways, 638, 673 Paris Unde~round Railway, 546, 577, 617, 638,

642, 673, &1 Parliament aud Boiler E xplosions, 380, 421, 554,


Parliamen tar.r Bill for Registration of Firms, 656 Parshall. Mr . H . F. , on H.o tary Converters, 197,

241, 499, 535 Pa r ons Steam Turbine in li :M.S. "Viper ," 218,

625 Passengers, Tra.n atlan tic, 93 Patent Law Reform, 55, 196, 720, 753, 792. See

LETTERS PatE>nt Laws, 196 Patent Office Temporary P remi. es, 25 Patent Record, 35, 71, 107, 141, 171, 205, 237,

273, 307, 33t, 367, 401, 431 , 465, 533, 569, 603, 633, 669, 699, 735, 767, 801, 837, 871

Patents Examination Question, 56, 196, 720, 753. See L lll'M'ERS, 792

Patents, French, and Paris Exhibition, 331 P ercolation Experiments, 263 Percobtion, Rain , 263 Petroleum Engi nes. See E rtgines Petroleum Industry in Terek, 757 Petroleum Steamers, 789 Phase Conditions of RoLary ConYer ters, 499, 535 Phenological Observations, 263 Phosphorus and Iron, 623 Photographic Prints, Making of, 45 Photograph of ound Waves a nd the l{inemaLo•

g raphica l Demonstration of the Evolutions of Re6ected Wave Fronts, 301

Photography, ~licro-. See blicroscopic Physical Problems and Astronomy, 600

Pbl'SI~n.l oeiety : Some Developments in the Uses of P r:ce's

Guard Wire in I nsulation Tests, by Professor A rrton and Mr. Mather, 168

Fault Test for Braided and other Cable Core, by Mr. Appleyard , HIS

Reflection and Transmi::>sion of Elect ric Wa,·es a long Wires, by Dr. E. Ba.rton and .Mr. L. Lownds, 168

Frequency of Transverse Vibrations of a Stretched I ndia-Rubber Cord, by Mr. T. J . Baker, 168

Presidentia.l Address : The Controversy Con­cerning Volta's Contact F orce, by Professor Lodge, 217, 662. See 225, 723, 749

Photographs of Sound WaYes and the I\ine· matographical Demonstration of the E volu­tions of B.efiecterl Wave Fron ts, by Pro­ft•ssor R . W. Wood, 301

Relath·e Rates of Effusion of Argon, H elium, and oLher Gases, bv Dr. F. G. Donnan, 334

The Distillation of Liquid Air and Composi­tion of the Gaseou and Liquid Phases, by Mr. E. C. C. Ba ly, 334

The Reversibility of Galvanic Cells, by Mr. T. S. Moore, 334

The Damping of Galvanometer Needles, by Mr. M. Solomon, 400

The Di tribution of Gas in an Electr ic Field, by Mr. G. W. Walker, 400

Some E xperin'lents lllustra.ting " Syntony," by Mr. P . E . Shaw, 413

An Elect r ica.l Micrometer , b~· Mr. Shaw, 414 Physical Problems Investi~ated at the Sola.r

P hysics Observatory and thei r Astronomical Applications, by Sir Norman Lockyer , 600

On Lhe Con troversy Concerning Volta's Con-tact Forr.e, by Professor Oliver Lodge, 662. See 723, 749

The Heat of Forma.tion of Alloys, by Mr. J. B. Tayler, 662

The Want of Uniformity in the Action of Copper-Zinc Alloys on Nitric Acid, by Dr. J . H . Gladstone, 662

E lectro-Magnetic Experiment, by P rofessor . P. Thompson, 062

"Coma." Experiments, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 734

Notes on t he Measurement of some Standard Resista.nces, by Mr. R. T. Glaze brook, 734

On the Strength of Ductile Materials under Combined Stresses, by Mr. J. J . Guest, 734

Magnetic Properties of Alloy of Iron and Aluminium, by Mr. S. W. Richardson and Mr. L. Lownds, 796

Note on Crystallisation Produ ced in Solid Metal by Pressure, by Mr. W. Campbell, 796

The Viscosities of Mi xLures of Liquids and Solutions, by Dr. C. H . Lees, 7s16

An Application of the Method of Strire to the Illumination of Objects under the Micro­scope, by Professor Wood, 796

Notes on Gas Thermometry, by Dr. P. Chap­puis, 870

A Comparison of Impure Platinum Thermo­meters, by .Mr. H . .M. Tory, 870

The Law of Cailletet and Matbias and t he Critical Density, by Professor S. Young, 870

Physics, Ell.-perimen ta l, 328 Physics, Text-Book of, 376 Picketing, 556 Picric Acid and the War, 48-l Pierucci Range Finder, 695. See LR'M'ER, 726 Pilot Yacht •· Commander Cawley," Steam, 105 Pins, Cost of, 428 Pipe Expansion J oin t, Balanced Stellm, 154 Pipe P ressure Due to of Flowing

Liquid, 45 Pipe Tapping Machine, Automatic, 27 Pipes, Wrought-Iron, Costs, 373 Piston Rings, 694 Plaques d e Blinda~re, 43!i Platefil, Armour, 164, 435, 719 Platinum Thermometers, Compar ison of Impure,

870 Platform, Travelling, Paris Exh ibition, 705, 807 Plum bers' Work, Costs, 64'7 Pneumatic Po t Office Despa tch Syst em, 284 Pneumatic Drills, 366, 403. See .l!:n-atum, 447 Pneumatic Engineering, 191 Pneumatic IToist, 207, 398, 403, 415 Pneumatic H oist, Alley and l\Iaclellan "Sen-

• • tmel," 415 PncumaLic Tool Factory, hippenham, 757 Pneum:lti<' Tools, 280, 301, 304, ~3£>, 365, 398,

403. ee 331, 425, 757. See Erratum, 447 Pohle Pumps, 742 P ola r Lights, 658 Politics and National Defence, 224 Pollution of River Wa~er, 10 See 61, 9~ Polyphase Electric Traction, 159, 86i

-11 Pom-Pom" Vickers Gun, 277 Poor Relief, Strikers and, 356 Port of H ong Kong, 22 Port Talbot Railwa.y, Locomotive for , ~79 Portable Pneumatic Tools , 280, 301, 304, 331, 33:l,

36!>, 398, 403, 425. See En·atum, 447. See 757

Porter, Mr. H . F. J., on American Competition, 40

Post Office Despatch System, Pneumatic, 191 Post Office Telegraphs, 800 Post and Telegraphs of Australia., 486 Pottery, Black, 522 Poulot Screw Thread, 111 Powder F actories, Electric Equipmen t, 115 Powder, Maxim Mul t i-Perforated, 196, 758, 854 Power, Electric, T ransmission and Distributio n,

435, 539, 635,701,739, 841 Power Ham me t·, Longworth, &c., 280, 301, 30 I,

335, 398, 403, 425. See LETTSR, 331. See Erratum, 447

Power H ouses and Supply, Paris E xhibition, 605, 647 I 7121 7461 775, 815, 846

Power Required for Cultivation, 839 Power Stamping Press, 'i27 Power Stations, Paris Exhibition, 149, 647, 712,

746, 775, 815, 846 Power Transmission, Alternate - Current, in

Switzerland, 37. See Erratum, 96 Power Transmission, Electrical, 629. See LET·

TKRS, 659, 693 Prac tical Electrician's Pocket-Book for 1900, 230 Practical Engineers' Pocket-Book, 319 Preece, Sir W. H., on t he Making of t he Eng inet>r,

293 Preece, Sir \V. H., on t he Relation of Electricity

and Engineering, 562, 629. See LErTER , 659, 693

Preller, Dr ., on Swiss Electric Power, 37. ~ee Erratuw, 96

Premium Syst em of Labour, 173 P reschlin's Joint for Copper Steam Pipes, 154 Press Directory, 130, 220 Pre s, Power Sta.mping, 727 Press, S tamping for Armatures, 727 Pressure, H u;rh, Hyd rostatic and Gauges, 183 Pressure on an I nclined Plane, with special

Reference tc1' Balanced Rudders, 507 Pre sure Indicator, Ripper's Mean, 120. See

LE'M'ERS, 165 P ressure in Pipes Due to Stoppage of Flowing

Liquid, 45, 732, 762 Pressures, Fluid, on Plain Surfaces, 507 Price's Guard Wire in I nsulation Tests, 168 P r int ing, Costs, 647 Printing Machinery, 839 Profit Estimates of Electric Lighting l:nder­

ta.kings, 756 Profits in United States, Steel, 259. See 420,

62i Pro~ress of Steam Engines, 269 ProJectile Tests, " Belleisle," 724, 751 Promenade at Blackpool, 74 Propell(>r Shafts, 536, 563, 596, 706. See LK'ITBR,

693 Propeller Shafts, Diameter of, 295 Pt·ooeller Shafts, Gun T ubes and, 638, 668 Propellers, Lifting Power of Air, 233 Propulsion, Oil (Effects) on Screw, 694 Protection, Foreshore, ts26, 693, 722, 725, 792 Protective Power of Paints, 591 Protecti\•e Values of Oils and Enamel Paints,

790 Public School Education. See Education Pump Plungers, Cost of Making, 376 Pumps, Air, United St~tes C1·uiser " Dem·er,"

394 Pumps, Electrically Driven F eed, 614 Pumps, Pohle, 742 Pumping Engines, Tests of 10-Million Gallon,

44 Purchase of Land, Law as to Compensation for,

822 Pnrificatiou of Waste Water from Factories, 61 Purify ing Watet , 98 Pyri tic Smelting of Copper Ores, 774

Quad ruple-Expansion Engines. See E n gines Quartz Thermometers, 486 Queen's Yacht, Accident to the, 58 Queensland P ost and Te legraph Facts 486 Queensland Railways and Tra-de, 388 ' Quick-Firing Guns. • ee Schneider and F ield

A rtillery

Railroads and Cana ls , Uni ted States 227. See 162 I

Rails, Creeping, on the Eads Brida-e, 86 Rail , Steel, 61H Railway Accidents. See Accidents Railway Bridges. See Bridges Railway Bridges, Load on Floors, 233 Railway, Centr-al London, 57 Railway Construction Records, 822 Railway Couplings, Automatic, 567 Railway Diary and Official 'Directory, 100 Railway Electric Circular, 705, 807 Railway, Electric, Exhibition, 859 Railway Exhibits, Paris Exhibition, 689. See

L ocom otives and Pan's Exhibition Railway Freight Cars, La rge, 660 Railway, Great Oentral, 430 Railway, High-Speed, Economy of, 422 Railway, Lan~en Mono-Rail Suspended 412 488

50 l I I 1

Ra~lway Map of th_e United Ki!lgdom, 289 Ratlway, Metropohlan, Electric Traction, (189 Ra ilway Pet·maneu t. Way B and Craue, 154 Railway Rates, Proposed Increase, 454 Railway Results in Europe, i67 Railway, Rus o-Finnish, 130 Railway Ser \'ants, Accidents to, 125 Railway, Siberian, 130, 75 , 82~. ee Erratum

870 I

Ra~lway Signalling, Elect ric (Timmis' ), 647 Ra.tlway, Speed on Caledonian, 771. See 636.

See LETTBRS, Caledonian L ocomotives, and Errata, 828

Ra ilway Station, Boston, 183 Railway Station, Copenhagen, New Central 700 Railway Sta.~ion, Edinburgh WavPrley, 9, ':~47,

743. See ~TrER, 26

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (12)

(, 'UI'PLEm~~T TO 11 F.NOINEERINO, '1 JrLY 20, 1000. ) IN DE X.-GENERAL INDEX.

Ra.ilwo.y, Tmns-Siberian, 130, 785, 822. See Jtrratttm, 870

Rn.ilway Wagon Loading, OosLs, &c.,. 709 Ita\lwa.r Wa,,.oos (50-Tou), Ca.ledoman, 81. See • 0

J,grn:as, 132, 560 H.ailwa) s, Atmospheric, 191 Railways in China, 620, 721. Sec LETTER, 660 Railwa.JS, &c., in Ch iu o. and "Boxer " ~love-

ment, 7 5. E1'ratum , 870 Railways, China's, 660 Railway Construction in New outh Wales and

Chili 526 Ra.ilwa)•s, French, 546, 577, 5~ 1 , 638, 673, 705 , 807 Railways, Indian, 216, 826 Railways, J, 135 Railways, Light, 526, 687. ~ee 859 Railways, Light, in Ireland, 260 Railways in New Countries, 330 Railway , South African, 725 Railways, tate Purc~ase of Japan , 42~ Railways and Trade m Queensland, 388 Railwa)·s and Tramways in the Caucasus, 228 Railways, West African, 349 Rain Gauge, IIalliwell's, 827 Rain Percolation, 263 ltainfall in the West and East of Engla nd in Re­

lat ion to Alt itude a bO\'e Sea. Level, 827 Ranelagh Works, Ipswich , 173, 2CJ7. See LE'M'ER,

361 Range-Finder, Pierucci , 695. See LETTER, J26 Rank of Naval Engineers. See N aval E ngtneen; Rates Railwav, Proposed, 454 Po'\\ret· Transmis iou, 37. See E rra ·

tum,96 ~ Rating Electric Lighting Undertakjngs, t56 Rea,•ell, Works at Ipswich, 173, 207. See LETTBR,

361 Recent Locomotive Practice in France, 847 Reclamation in Norfolk, 722. 'ee 626, 693, 725,

'i92 Itecordiog Counts of Yaros, Apparatus, 542,

672 709 Reco~er.v of Crude Glycerine from Soapma.kers'

'peat !.yes, 109. See. L~rnas, 195 . Reflection and Transmtsston of ElectriC Waves

aloo~ Wires, 168 Reflective Power of Metal-Backed Glasses, 803 Refuse Destruction, 65a Refu e, Sludge, 34 Refuse, Towu, 130 Registration of Boilers, 380, 421, 564, 689 Registration of Firms ~ill, 656 . Relative Rates of EffusiOn of Argon, Helium, and

other Gases, 334 Removing Manhole Doors, 331 Repairs of Belle\'ille Boilers, Cost of, 655 Reser voir, Irrigation, on the Nile, 318. See 7C4 Reservoir, ~Ielbourne, 3 Resistance of Ships and Depth of Wat er, 511, 528 Resistances, Measurement of Standard, 734 Reversibility of Galvanic Cells, by Mr. T. S.

Moore, 334 Rhine Arched Bridges, 181, 348, 408, 545, 677,

737. See LP.TTER, 393 Rhine Bridge, Orosar's, 393 Rhioe-Elbe Oaoal Project, 804 Rhodes' Steamship Guide, 73 l Rice, Mr. A. L., on t be Compres ion and Lique·

faction of Gases, 732, 762 Rifle J ump or Flip, 3~9. See LBrrt:ns, 424, 455,

558, 693 Rifle ·, Automatic and Maga:tinc, 162 Right of U.ipal'ian Proprietors~ 1~. See 6~, 98 R iley, Mr. JaUles, on Use of 1' lutd Metal m t he

Open·llearth Furnace, 61:.>., 023. See ~32 Rings, Piston, 694 Riparian Proprietors, Righ ts of, 19. Sec 61, 98 Ripper's Mea.n Pressure Indicator, 120. ~ec LETTF.R.~ , 165

River Communication at Seine, Houen, 251, 377 River Pollution, 19. See 61, 98 Rivet·s, Rus ian, 73, 128, 275, 341 Riveting Tools, Pneumatic. 280, 304, 335, 365,

398, 403. See Erratum, 447. ~ee 757 RiveLs, Iron, Cost, 340 Road Locomotion, 577, 597, 630, 663, 696, 861.

See LETTERS and (Jars, ill otor Road Locomotive (Clay ton and Shuttlcworlh),

778 Road Locomotives, 592, 626, 725 Road Srari6ers, 813 Road Surface Indicator, 577, 597. See 861 Roads, Management of, 683 RoberLson, C. H., on Tests of a 125 1Iorse- Powe1·

Cas Engine, 81, 135 Roller Bearings, Mossberg, 133 Rolling of Ships on Waves, 442, 454, 493 Rontgen Ray Exhibits at the Royal Society

Soiree, 621, 823 Roof, Waverley SLa.tion, Edinburgh, 247 Roofs. See Buildings under Paris Exhibition Rota, Major G., on the Influence of Depth of

Water on the Resistance of Ships, 511, 528 Rotary Converter, 900- l< Three-phase,

Tabulated Ca.lculations, 197, 241 Rotary Converters, 197, 241, 499, 535 Rouen Transfer Bridge, 251, 377 Royal Ag ricultural Show, Permanent Site, 258,322

RoyniAa:ric ultornl Soeieu··~ Show, 'l'ork: Ag ricultura l Implements, 814 Belts, Woven, 815 Cars, Motor, 812 Cult ivators, Agricul t.ural, 814 Dairy Plant, 815 Digget·s, Steam, 811 En~ines, Gas, 814 Engines, Oil, 814 Eng ines, SLeam, 814 Implements, Agricultural , 814 Locomotive, Ag ricultural (Cla) ton and Shuttle ·

worth, Limited), 77'l!> .\lotor Vehicles, 'l!>12 Road Scariflers, 813 Saw (Diamond) for Stone, 52 Scariflers, Rond, 813 Steam Diggers, 811 Vehicles, b'lotor, 812

Royal Engineers, 25, 61, 97, 296, 300, 392, 456, 489 Royal Navy List Diary, 100 Royal Society' Soi rc~ , 6~1, 823 Royal Yacht, Accident to the, 58

Rudders of SLeam ers, 471, 477 Rudders and t r eam Lines, 607 Rules for Trials of Boilers, 271 Ruling Paper a nd Books, Oost of, 152 Running Conditions for Rotary Oonv<.rters, 499,

535 Rus ia, J a pan, and Korea , 486 Russia, Ural Iron Ore for South, 229 Russian Coal and co*ke, 268 Russian Iror. Industr.r, 193 Russian Mercantile Ma rine, 327, 359 Russian Navy Stea.m Dy namo, 265 Russian Waterways, 73, 128, 275, 341 R usso, Captain G., on Rollin g- of Ships on W~wes,

442, 4!i4, 4113 Russo-Finnish Railways, 130 Rusting o f Iron , 724

Snmuelson, Mr. E., on Long worth's Power llam-mer, 2, 0, 301, 335, 365, 398, 40:3. See 757. E rratwn, 447. See LETTltRB, 331

andison, .M. M., on En,~rines of t he "General Baquedano," 4 'i3, 525. See Engine, Balanci119

Sauvage, .M. Edouard on French Locomoti,•e P ractice, 847. See next Volume

Sauvage Screw Thread , 178 Saw, Diamond, for Stone, 862 St. Luke's, Clerkenwell, a nd Wandsworth Elec­

t ric Stations, 226 carifl ers, Rond, 813

Schanzer , Mr. R., on Mysterious F ractur es of Steel Shafts, 526, 563. See 596. See LE'M'ERS, 693, 796

Schlick, .Mr. 0., on Balancing Steam Engines, 4 72, 4S7, 531. See 503, 525, 529

Schneider · Field Guns, 540, 542, 573, 609, 643, 671

Schnertlea• nntl C!o. •s \lrcwk~:

90-Millimetre Gun on Disappea.ring CarriagE>, 212

12-0entimetre 26-0alibre <~uick- Firing Coast Defence Gun, 145

12-Centimetre 46-Calibt·e Quick-Firing Coast Defence Gun , 145

12-Centimetre Gnn on Disappearing Carriage, 212

15-Centimetre 26-0ali bre Gun on Disappearing Carriage, 244

15-Centimetre Howitzer on Disappearing Car· riage, 213

15-Cen timetre .Mortar on Disappearing Car· riage, 21:1

155-Millimetre and 120-Millimetre Howitzers on Double Brake Mounts, 213

24-0entimetre Gun on Dieappea.ring Carriage, 246

24 -Centimetre and 32-Centimetre Coast De­fence Gun on c·entral P ivot .Mountings, 112, ll4

27-Cen•.imet re 28-Cnlibre Coast Defence Gun, 41 27-Centimetre 28-Cnlibre Gun on Disappearing

Carriage, 246 27-0en t imetre Ooa-st Defence Mortar, 145 30-Centimetre Muzzle-Loading Coast Defence

Morto.r, 145 6-I n. 50-Calibre Quick-Firing Coast Defence

Gun, 145 12-In . Coast Defence Guns, 78 Defence Disappearing 0 uns, 212 Coa t Defence Gun , 41, 78, 112 Coast Defence .Morta rs, 145 Coast Defence Quick-Firing Guns, 145 Disappearing Gun Carriages, 212, 244 Field Guns. See .Field Artitfer.v, .Modern Oarrison Disappearing Guns, 212 0 un Proving Grounds, J 2 Guns on Disappearing Mounts, 212 liartteu t· Proving G rouuds, 12 H owitzers on Disappear ing Mounts, 212 Mortars for Coast Defence, l 45 Mot'tars for Disappeal'ing Vania.ges, 213 Mountings for CoasL Defence Ouns, 41 , 78, 112 Mountings fot· Coast. Defence Mortars, 145 Mountings for <luick-Fil'ing Coast Defence

Guns, 145 Quick-Firin~ Coast Defence Guns, H5 Transvaal Disappearing Guns, 212, 214

Schneider's Field Guns. See Ji'ield .A1·tillery, bfodern

Schonheyder, Mr. W., on Water Meters, 148, 160, 200. Sec E1·rat1tm, 202

School Education , Public, 257. See L to:TTERS Schwarz, RitLer Cecil von , 638, 666 Scientific v. Cl~sical Educa.tion, 257. See LWIT~RS

Scotland, hipbuilding and Engineering, 84, 95 Scott Centra l Valve Engine, 207. See LETTER, 361 Scott Engine Tria.l · at Ranelagh Works, 361, 392 'crew. See a lso Propelle>·

Screw Engines. See Enaines Screw Fans, 66. See LETTER~, 165 Screw Milling Machine (J. liolroyd a nd Co.,

Limi ted , Rochdale), 186 Screw Propeller Cavitation, Ba.rnaby's Theory of,


Screw Threads, t.he Stnudnrcll!mtfon or: 75, 110, 143, 176

Bodmer Screw Thread, 111 Delis le Screw Threads, 144, 145 Eastern Railwa.y of France Screw Thread , 144 French A1tillery Screw Thread, 1 ;g French Railway Screw Threads, 143, 144 French Screw Threads, 111, 143, 144 French Standard Thread , 179 German Screw Thread, 144 International System (S";sc; E-xecutive Com­

llli t tee), 179 I n ternationa l Sy tem, Zu rirh ('ongres , 179 Nord and F ren(·h Hai I w:n Sc rew

Thread, H:~ Paris, Lyons, a n<l .Mediterranean Railway

• Screw Thread, 144 Poulot Screw Thread, 111 Sauvag-e Screw Thread, 178 Sellers Screw Thread, 143 Standard French 1 hreatl, 178 Steinlen Screw Thread , 143 Thury Screw Thread for Watchmaking, 177 Western R ail way of Fran<'e. 'e t·ew Thread 144

• I

Wbi t,worth Screw T hread, 111 Zurich Cong ress, International S~ s tem, li9

Screws, Oo ts of ~laking, 708 Scudoscope, A New, 301 Sea Encroa.chment in Nor folk, 722. See 626, 693,

725, 792 Sea Shore ProtecLion, 626, 693, 722, 72i, 792 SearchJighls Used by t he Bocrs, 298 Seine, Tran~fer Bridge at Rouen, 261, 377 Self-Propelled Traffic. See Ca rs, .blotor, and

R oad Locomotion Sell's Director y of Telegraphic Addresses, 359 Sell's Press Directory, :t20 Sellers Screw Thread, 143 "Sentinel " Air H ois t , 416 Separable 12-Pounder Gun, 433 Separator, Electro-Magnetic, 12L Sewage, Manchester , 60 Sewage Purification , 500 Sewage, Purification of Factory Wast e Water, 61 Sewage Sludge, ~H Shaft Lubrica.lor, Automatic, 47 Shaft F ractures, 560, 693 Shafts, Diameter of Propeller, 295 Shafts, Ingots for, 638, 668 Sha.fts, Propeller, 536, 563, 596, 796. See LETTER,

693 Shafting Accident (Engineering at Cape Town),

362 Shaw, Dr. See H ele-Shaw, D1·. Sheffield a nd the Wa r, 195 Ship. See also Steamer and ll'ar~hip Ship Cana l, New York, 162, 227 Ship Construction Pro~ress , 453 Ship Design Progress, 453 Ship Propulsion, Effects of Oil on, 694 Sh ip lte istaoce and Dept h of Water, 511, 528 Sh ip Holling on Waves, 442, 454, 49:$ Ships' Armour, 164, 224, 435, 483, 719 Ships' Keels a nd Stretun JJines, 507, 729 Ships' Rudd ers a.nd Stream Lines, 507 Ships of War, Electrical Equipment, 619. See

LETT Jr.R, 694 Shipbuilders' Facilities fot· Warship Building , 719 Shipbuilding, 452, 453, 555 Shipuuilding Boom, 555 Shipbuilding Congress, Paris, 858 Shipbuilding and Engineering in 1900, 29, 48, 8l, 95 Shipbuilding Facilities of Country, 7J9 Shipbuilding Innovation ', 471,477 Shipbuilding, Theoretical, 329 Shipbuilding Trade Prospect s, 95, 555 Shipley Boiler Explosion, 140 Shipments of Coal , Duty, 517 Shipping International Competition, 387 Shipping in J apan, 788 Shipping , Russian, 327, 359 Shipping World Year-Book, 319 Shoes and Boots, Cost of .Ma.king, 152 Shore Improvements a.t Blackpool, 74 Shore Protection, 722. See 626, 693, 725, 792 Shovel, Steam, Ore Mining and H andling, 690 Siberian Canals, 275, 341 Siberia.n Progress and Ra ilway, 130, 785, 822.

See .l!.'n·atum, 870 Sidewa lk, Travelling, Paris Exhibi t ion, 705, 807 Siemens, Halske, n.nd Borsi(t, Electl'ic Power

Installation, 712 Sight-l"eed Lubrica.tors, 660 Sij:!'nalling, Electric Railway (Timmis's), 647 Sihl Power Tra nsmission , 37. See E 1Tatum , 96 Simplon Tunnel, 61, 170 Site for Engineering Works, Luton as a , 467 Six · Crank Eng ine, 473, 625. See E ngine

Balancing Slag , Blast-Furnace, 638, 666 Sludge, 34 Smelting, Py ritic, of Ooppe r Ot·es, 7i4 Soa.pmakers' Plant for Recon~ry of G I) ccrinc,

109. ::iee L~TTERS, Glycerine Social Pro~ress of Queensland, 388, 486 Sola r Physics Observatory, 600 Sound Wave , 301 Southampton, Accident at, 726 SouLh African Diamond Mining, 54i South African Ra.ilways, 725 South African War, 25, 59, 97, 131, 163, 194, 195,

230, 262, 297, 330, 361, 391, 421, <J55, 487, 523, 659, 603, 750, 28, 853, 725

RouLh African War a nd Artillery, 293 South African Wa.r, Bridge Demolition , 121, 382,

776 SouLh African Wa r, Carbolic Acid and tbe, 484 Spectroscope, Michelson's Ech elon , 239 Speed Trials and Depth of Water, 511, fi28 Springs for Caniages, Cost of Ma king, 175 Squaring Lay Out, Circle, 263, 33!, 362 Stampino- Press, Power, 7'1.7 Standard, French, Screw Thread, 178 Standardisation of Screw Threads. See Screw

Threads Standardised Drillings, 61 Sta ndat·dising Cells, 556 Star .Ma p, Monthly, 100 Stat·ting Rotary Convert ers, 241 State Purchase of J apanese Railways, 422 State Purchase of Submarine Cables, 724 Station, CoP.enhagen, New Central Railway, 790 Station, Ratlwa.y, Boston, 183 Station, Wa.verley, Edinburg h , 9, 247, 743. See

Lf:TTER, 25 St;.,1.tions, Electric, a.t St. Lnke'. , Clerken well, and

Wandsworth, 226 Status of Na,·al Eng ineers, 325, 449, 458, 496. See

661. See LETTERS ..;team C) lind~r E >..l)losion , Peculiar, J93, 331 Steam Di~gers , Agricultura l, 811 Steam Dynamo for R ussian Ntw y , 26"i Steam. Eng ine at the End of the Century, 269 Steaw Fittin~s. NickPl Bron?e for Hi~h Pres-

su re, !329 St<"am Indicator, MC'Innes-Dohbie, i4S . ' team Launc h , liig h-SpeE'cl , 1 t'1:S Steam Pnckings, Friction of, 67, 80 , 'team Pipe Expans ion J oin L, Balanced, 154 , 'team Pressure I ndicator, Ripper'~, 120. See LF.TTJo~RS, 165

t eam Trawlers' Engines, 830 St ea-m Turbine, Parsons', in U .M. B. '' Viper,"

218, 625 Steam Users' Association, 1\bnc hesLer , 747 Steam Yacht" Commander Cawley," 195 SLcamu, Ilambur~·An~ cr:cnn " Dcutsch land,"

59, ~~

• Xl

Steamer's Cargo H olds InnovaLions, 471, 477 Steam er's Deadwood CutJ Away, 4?1, 477 Steamer First German Cal.>lc-Laymg, 829 Steamers, Ice-Breaking , 203 Steamers' Keels, Cambering of, 422 Steamers, Large Cargo, 469, 703 Steamers Naphtha. Ta nk, on the Volga, 780 Steamers' for Winter N a,·ig-ation and Ice-Break-

ing, 203 . Steamship ' ' Deutschland," llamburg-Amen can

(Vulcan Com pany), 59, 382 St eel Balls, Stren_~rth of, 81, 464 Steel , Colours of H ealed, 81 Steel Furnace, Use of Fluid Metal in the Open·

H earth, 612, 623, 832 Steel and I ron , British v. UniLed StaLes, 375 Steel and It·on Chains, Cost, 341 Steel and Iron Expor ts, U nited • ' tates, 228 Steel Ma nufacture, Continuous Process, 612,

623, 832 Steel Profit s in United States, 259. See 420, 624 Steel Rails, 591 Steel Shafts, Fracture of, 693 Steerin~ Road Motor Car s, 630. See 861 Steering Ships, Stream Lines Theory and, 507 Steinlen 'crew Thread, 143 Steinle's Steel Mercury Thermometer, 41 5 Stellar Spectra Problems, 600 Stiles at Monumental Entrance, Pa ris Exhibitioll,

314 Stock Exchange Year-Book, 100 Stolter, J ones' Underfed Mechauical, 350 Stone-Breaking Machinery, 627 Stone, Diamond a w for, 852 Stonework , Cost of, 427 Storm of ~"'ebrua.ry 13, 359 Stoves, American, 77 Stray Currents and .Magnetic F ields, 22 Stream Lines, Fluid Pressure 0 11 Pla ne Surfaces,

507 Str eet of Nations, Paris Exh ibition, 58, 520 Strength of Ductile Materials under Com binccJ

St.resses, 734 Streng th of Elliptical Sections under l"luid Pres­

sure, 472 Strengt h of Steel Balls, 81, 464 Striro .Methods Applied to Illumine Objects under

Microscope, 796 Strikers and Poor Relief, 356 Subma rine Boats, 553 Submarine Boats, Strength of EllipLical . 'ections,

472 Submarine Telegraph Cable~:~, State Purchase,

724 Submarine Tele~raph Enterprit;e, 208, 747 Subsidies, Shippmg, 337 Suez Ca nal, 3;$2 Sulphut· Production in England, 786 Suspended Fet·ries, 251, 377 Suspended Railway at Elberfeld·Darmen, Langen

?tlono-Rail, 412, 43 , 501 Sw~dish yoal a nd Ore Company, 690 Swmg Brtdges over the River Weaver a t Nor Lh­

wich , 153 Swiss Electric Installations, Costs, 37, 38. See Er­

ratum, 96 Swiss En~ineering Practice, 159. See LET'IERs,

2:~:9, 759 Switchboard, Electrical, 117 Synchronising Rotary Converter , 241 Syntony, Some Experiments Illustrat ing, 413 Syphon Locks on the Elbe·Trave Canal, H otopp,


Tncks , Nails, a nd Spikes, Cost of Mald ng-, 4:27 Tail Shafts, Broken, 560 Tnlbot, 1\lr. B. , on the Open-H earth Continuous

Steel Process, 623, 832. See 612 Tank SLeamers, Naphtha, 011 the Volga, 7 !) Tapping Machine for P ipe l•' it.tings, Autoo1aLic,

27 Ta re-Weight of Motor \'ehicles, GO, 98, 132, 81 ~ Technical Education, 12, 45. ~ee also Edu cation Techniral Engineering Laboratory, Berlin, 74.0 Tees Shipbuilding, 48 Telegraphs, • tate Purc hase of, 724 Teleg raph PneumntiG Despatch , 2S l Telegra ph, Submat·ine, Enterprise, 268, 7 17 Telegraphs, P ost Office, 800. See 284 Telegraphone, 826 Telephonograph, 826 Telescopic Recoil Brake for Field Gun, 573 Temperature Diagram, Entropy, •JS Temperature, Equalisation, Hot Blast, 638, G66 Temperat,ure of Uas, 870


Temperley Transporting Plant a.t Sfax, 614, i 78 Tender, Legal Aspect of Contracts by, 190 Ter ek District , Naphtha Industl'y of, 757 Test Bars, I mpact, 1'l!>2. See LE'ri'Jm , I m2Jact Testing Machine, 50-Ton (Valer e Ma.bille Com-

pany , Belgium), 761 Testing Ya.rn, 672. See a1'3o 542, 709 Tests, ll"'riction , of Locomotive Slide Valves, 80 Tests of a 1~5-Horse-Power Gas Eng ine, 81 125

135 I )

Tests of 10-Million Gallon Pumping Engines '.14 Text-}jook of Physics, 376 ' Text-Book of Theoretical Naval ArchiLecture 3~9 Textile E xhibits, Paris Exhihition , 542, 672 7o9 Textile Ti s<mes, Ma king, 709 ' Thnn1es Docks, 654 Thames Shipbuilding, 49 Thames Water Filtration , 1ii, 4f,U Theatre ri.reproof Wood Fittings, 424 Theatr e Fire~. 359. See L t::TTER , Fi ,.e;JI uoif. no

424 ~\ • ' Theodolite, Lister·s Inclinomete r, 4i Theoret1ca l Na,·al ArchitecturE", ·>29 Therma.l Efficienc~ ot :Steam En~1ne!'l , i ~ ' Thermomete1·, BL~inle '~ Steel M~:n·m,, 415 Th(:rmometer~, Compari~on of lm 1mre Platinum ~70 /

ThcrmomcLet:a, Quartz, 4 G Thermom eLt') , Oa..<~, 870 Thomson · H on Lon Electric PO\\ et· I 1! tn llation

~~~ ) {(;)

Threads, Scr ew. See Screw ThrPads Throttling Calol'llne ter (Mc lnnes, Ola,.gow), 231 Thunders t,orms, Causes of, 1 Thunderstorm, Winter, 359 Thmston, Dr. R. H ., on Sten.m Engi ne Pt·oat·ess

~()\) "' ,

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (13)

• • Xll

Thury Screw Thread fot· Watchmaking, 177 Timber Cutting , Co·t of, 647 Timnus' Electric Ra-ilway Signalling, 647 Tin Ore in Mexico, 270 Tin Prod uction , ., ~4 Tinplat es, United State , 'i57 Ti ·ues , Textile, Making , 709. See also 542, fSi.?. Tobacco, l<"'rench Sta-te Monopoly a nd Ma.nufat·

t ure, 824 Tocopilla Ra ilway, 526 Toolli'actory, Pneuma tic, English , 757 Tools, P neumatic, 2 ~o, 301, 304, 335, 365, 3:l ~

403. See 331, 425, 757. E r,·atum, 417 Torpedo-Boat De t royers. .'ee Warships Torpedo· Boat . ~ee W arshi21s Torpe<lo('s, Aerial , 2:30, 26i Town Refu e, 1:m. 'ee a l o Refuse Traction. See also Blectric T ract ion and T1·am ·

'Wa l/8 Tract.ion , Electric, 434, 539, 629, 635, 701, 73:>,

841 Tract.ion , Electric, for Ca nals, 826 Tra.ct.ion E ngi ne {Clayton and huttlewor t.h), 773 Traction Engines for Sou t b Africa, Annoured ,

657, 714 Trade Consolidations, Iron, 420 Trade wit h Canada, 550 Trade of H ong Kong, 823 Trade of Queensland, 38S Trade, United Strates, 161 Train, An11oured Tract.ion, 657, 714 Tra in , Hig h-Speed Economics, 422 Tra in Speed , Caledonian , 771. See 636. See

LETTERS, CaledCin!an Locomotives a nd E r rata, 828

Train ing of Naval Engineers. See Naval E ngi-neers

Tramway Ca r Roller Bea rings, 133 Tra mway Companie · Abroad , 3~1 Tra m way Pro!!t'e ·s and Municipalities, 15!>, 233,

41!>, 587. See LETT8Rs, Swis11, ,(·c. Tram way', Electric, 435, 539, 6~9, 635, 701, 739,

841 Tr~mwn.ys, J apan, 135 Tra m ways and Ligh t Railway Exhibit ion, 859 Trnmwa\ sand Railways in the Caucasus, 228 Transatlan t ic Pa ·engers, 93 Transfer Bridges, 251, 377 Transformer T urhines, 130 Transformers, 197, 241, 499, 535. See Converters Transmis, ion of Alter na.te-Cunen t Power, Swiss,

37. ee Erraf !ttn , 96 Transmission of hlectl'ic Powt>r, 435, 5'39, 6:29,

635, 701, 739, 84 1 Transpor t E xhibits, Pa ri -, 689 Trauspot·ting Pl:\nt, Temperley, 614, 7i8 Trans- 'i beri~n Ra ilway, 758, 822. See 130, a nd

Erratum, 8i 0 Transva al Disa..ppearing Guns, ~12, 244 Transva~l Wa r, 25, 59, 97, 131, 163, 194, 195, 230,

262, 297, 330, 361, 391, 424, 455, 4~7, 523, 659, 693, 725, 759, 82$, 853

Tra ns\'aal War and Art illery, 293 Tra nsvaal War, Bridge Demolition, 121, 3f<2,

775 Tr~nsvaal War, French Criticism of British Gun ,

522 Tra ve- El be Canal, Hotopp Syphon Locks on the,

571 T ravelling Cr~nt>s, Electric, 13 Travelling Platform, Paris Exh ibi tion , 705, 807 Trawlers, Engines fo r Steam (Smit h&' Dock Com-

l'~ny), 830 Tnals of Boilers, Rules for, 271 Trials, Sh ip Speed a nd Dep th of Water , 511 ,

528 TricycletS. See Cycles Triple- Expa nsion Eng ines. See E ngines Triphase Electric Alternator, 712, 746, 846 l'rust, Cotton Spinners', in J apan, 522 Trust , Mult iplica tion of, 518 Tubes, Corrosion of Boiler , 454 Tugela and Frere Brid~es, 121. 'ee 382, 775 Tullamore, Arcident on the Grea t Southern a nd

Western Rail wn.y, Ireland, 362 Tunnel , .Melbourne W~ter Supply, 3 Tunnel, Simplon . 61, 170 Tunnels, Paris Railway, 546, 577, 61i, 638, 612,

67:3, 681 Tunnels, Pneumati~ De patch, 191 Tunnels, Wear of Steel Rails in, 591

I N DE X. - G.ENERAL I NDEX. (Slll'PLEM&NT ·ro "ENGl l\"K&.RIN0,11 JuLY 20, 1000.1

Turbine, Parsons' Steam Turbine in ll. l\I.S. " Viper ," 218, 625

Turbine , Transformer, 130 Turning Machines at Pa ris E xhibWon (A. Iler ­

bert, Limited), 780 Turning Moments of Engines, Uniformity o f, 503,

529. See E ngine Balancing T unet I ,athe, Hea vy (Pratt and Whit ney Com-

pany), 547 Twin-Screw En~ines. See Engines Ty ne Shipbuildmg, 29 T.' phoi<l and Water upply, 450. See 127 Ty res for Motor Cars, 577, 5!>7, 861

Unclerg rottnfl R ail way, Paris, 546, 577, 617, 638, 6 12, 6i3, ~1

Uniformity of l'urn iog Momen ls or E ngines, 503, 529. See En.gine 8alanci1'1{1

Uni ted States Armour-Plate Prices, 22J. See a lso A rmmu

Uniteti S ates Bat.tlcship's Electric I nsl albtions, 30, 102, 619, ('04

United States Board of Trade, 2!).3 Uni ted. 'tates Bridge , Weights o f, 759 Unired Sta t es aud Britain in the Pn.cific, 259 United States v. Brit ish Iron a nd Steel, 357 United States Coalfields, 737 United States Competition . See Ameri can Com·

pl'tition. United tates Cruisers, "Denver " Class, 50, 119,

218, 320, 3U6 Uni ted • 'tates Electric Cen tra l Stations, Cost,

701, 739, 41 . ee 4:~5 , 53Q, 635 Uni ted • t.ates Government Po wder Facto ries,

Elect.ric Equipment, 11 5 United States Iligh Buildings, 4H United tates Iron De\'elopments o n Pacific

lopes, 19! Unit ed SLates I ron M~nufacture, 33, 65 United • tat es Iron and Steel Expor ts, 228 United States La kes a nd Canals to Atlantic, 2:27,

787. See 16~ United States Locomotive, 99 United tates N~vy, Engi neering in , 20 Uni ted States, Notes from, 15, 52, 96, 130, 163,

19f, 229, 254, 288, 351, :39 1, 41fS, 490, 524, 549, 594, 616, 650, 713, ; 48, 778, 827, 8!)·~

Uni ted ta tes, Or e H andling hy Ste~m , bo,·el, 690

United Sta t es R ailroad · and Canals, 227. See 162, 7'b7

United tates Sh ipping ubsidies, 387 United States Sh ips wit h Water-Tube Boilers, 20 U nited States Steel Profits, 259. See 420, 624 United States Sto,·e Trade , 77 Unit ed States Tinplates, 757 United States Trade, 161 United States, Wealt h of, 426 Un iversity, Birmingham, 556 Ural Iron Ore for South Russia, 22!) Utilisation of Blast-Fu rnace Slag, 63 , 666

Valuat ions of Electric Ligh t U nd er takings, 756 Value of a Horde-Power , 184 Ya lve, Cen t tal, for Eng ine (Scott\ 20i. 'eo

L ETTER, 36 l Valves, Locomoth·e ~licle, Friction Tests of, 80 Ya riations of t he Climate of the Geological and

llist<lrical Pa~t. and t.heir Cau~ es. 660 Vehides, Motor , 812. See Cttrs, Afoto'" Via~rapb for R oad Surface Records, fl77, 597,861 Vibration , Frequency of Stret<'hed Ind ia- Rubber

Cot d, 168 Vickers' I<'ield Guns. See F iel l A rtille1·y, Modern Vickers' It -Pounder Automatic Gun, 1 '0 \'ickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, F ield Ar til-

ler.v, 277, 310, 339, 370, 412, 433, 468, 603; Gun Equipments, 503

Vickers' Ordnance, Pa ris Exhibitiou, 743 " Victoria nod Al bert," Acciden t to the Royal

Yach t, 68 Yieille Montagne, 690 " Viper ," H .M.S., wit h Pa rsons Turbine, 218, t\25 Viscosities or Liquids a nd Solutions Mixed, 796 Volga. Naph tha Tank Steamers, 789 Vol ta Contact Force, 217, 225, 662, 723. See

Rrratum, 749 Vol tage Ratio in R otary Con verter Systems, 241 " V on Pod bielski," Germa n Cable · La.) ing

Steamer , 829

Wagon, 50-Ton R ailway, 8 1, 132, 560 Wagon Ma nufactut·ing, Cost of, 1'15 Wa~ons fo r Caledonian Railway, 50-Ton, 81. See

L ETTERS, 132, 560 Wagons, Motor, The Weig M of, 355, 812. See

L ETTERS Wagons, Motor, 592, 6~6, 725. See C.z,rs , Alolor Wa lker , Mr. W. G., on Li ft in :.; Power of Air Pro·

pellers, 233 Wa ndswort h Electric Station, 226 Wandswor th Electric Station , Coal-H andling

Plant, 524 Want of Uniformity in the At•Lion of Copper-

Zi nc Alloys on Nitric ~cid, 662 Wa r, Ann oured T raction Tra ins, 657, 714 War, Electricity in, 629 Wa r in South Africa, 25, 59, 97, 131,163, 194, 195,

230, 262, 297, 330, 361, 391, 424, 455, 48i, 523, 659, 693, i 25, 759, 828, 853

Wa r, South African, a nd Bridge Destruction , 121, 382, 775

Warsh ip Electrical Eq uipment, 30, 102, 619, 6!>4

l\'ar,.hips: Armour Construction, 164, 224, 435, 4 3, 719 Brassey's "Naval Annual ," 790 British Ar mour Construction, 435, 483, 719 British a nd F oreign Navies Compa red , 67,

790 British Warship Building, Progt·ess, 452, 48S Chilian Training Ship '' Genera l Baqueda no,"

473 Electrical Eq u ipment of Ships of Wa r, 30, 102,

619, 69! H .M. Destroyer "Viper," with PArsons Tur­

bine, 218, 625 H .M. Navy Estimates, 291 H . M.S. " Belleisle ," P ractical Demonstrat ion

of Gun Po wer, 724, 751 H . M.SS. with Belleville Boilers, Cost of R e·

pairs, 655, 751 I talian War.3hip Speed Tria ls and Depth of

Water, 511, 528 J apanese Battlesbip "Asahi" (Brown, Clyde­

bank), 442, 581, 617, 680, 8i 6 J apanese Battleships, Cr uisers a.nd .aten, 453,

461 J apane e Battle ·hip, Elect rical Equ ipmen t,

619, 694. See 30, 102 J apanese 31-Knot Destroyers (Ya.rrow), 96 Naval Engineers, 325, 449, 458, 496. 651. See

L ETI'ERS Rolling of Sh ips on Waves, 412. 454, 493 Russia n Navy St eam Dynamo, 265 Shipbuilders' F acilit ies for War hip Bu ilding ,

719. See 435, 483 Su bmarine Boat s, 553 United Stat es Armour-Plate Prices, 224 , 483 Uni ted States Battlesb ips' F.lectric l nstalla·

tions, 3•1, 102. See 619, 69-i U ni ted States Cruisers, •' lJen ver" Class, 50,

119, 218, 320, 396 United States Cruiser " Dem·er," Machinery,

119, 218, 320, 396 Un ited St~tesShips wit h Wa ter-Tube Boilers,20 Vickers 14-Pounder Automatic Gun, 180 Yickers 7!-In . Naval Gun, 743

Waste from Fact or ies, Puri6cation of, 61 Watches a nd Clocks, Cost. 208 Watching a nd Be~ettin~. 5:>6 Water Filter, Feed , n1, 748, 817 Water Filtration a nd Typhoid , 127, 450 Water Gas Process. Dellwik-Fleischer , Ll8, 6~7 Water Hammer , 4!) Water, London, 127, 450 Water Meters of the Pre ·en l D.1y, with Specia

Reference to Small Flows and Waste jn Dribbles, 148, 169, 200. See E rra ttun, 202

Water Power Supplies, 10. See 61, 98 Water Power, Switzerland , Costs, 37, 38, See

E rratum,96 Water, Purificat ion of ·w aste, 61 Water , Purifying, 98, 127, 450 Water Supply for Factor ies, &c., 19. ee 61, 98 Water Supply, London . 127, 450 Water Supply , Melbourn e, 3 Water-Tube Boiler E xhibits, Pa r i ·, 606 Water-Tube Boilers, Corrosion of, !l34 Water-Tube Boilers, Cost of Repairs, 655 Wn.ter-Tube Boilers for Motor Uars, 663. See


Water -Tube BoiJers in U nited Sta tes Na,•y, 20 Waterproofing , Govemment I ndia Ru bber, 327 Waterways o f Russia , 73, 128, 275, 3!1 Water Works, J apan, 135 Watson's Feed -Wa ter Filters, 51 WM•e, Sound , Photographs, 301 Waverley Station, Edinburgh, 9, 247, 743. See

LETTER, 26 Waves, Electric , a long Wires, Reflectiou a nd

Transmission , 168 Weal th of Na tions, 189 Weal th of United States, 4 26 Wear Shipbuilding , 30 Wear of Steel R a ils in Tu nnels, 691 Weather Condit ions on the Steamship Track be·

tween Fij i a nd H awaii, 423 Weaver , Swing Bridge over t he Ri ver, 153 Weighing Ya rns for Counts, 542, 672. See a ls•

709 Weig h t on Locomotive Dridng Wbeels, Varying ,

98 Weight of Mot or Wagons, 60, 98, 132, 355, 812.

See LETTERS, 592, 626 Wei~h t of Unit ed States Br:dgc3, 759 Wellington, Boiler Explosion n.t, 836. Sec

L ETTER,853 West African Railways, 349 Western Ra ilway of F rance Screw Thread, 144 Western Union Telegraphic Code a nrl In ter .

nationa l Cahlc Direc tory , 267

\Vestinebouse Company's Etcetrte lo· s r.aJinttoos :

United States Governmen t P owder F actories, Electric Equipment, 11 5

Westing house Gas Eng ine, Tests of a , 81, 135 W estratia Goldfields, 295 Whitwo rt h Scr ew Thread , 111 Who's Who, l OO Who's Who at t he Wa r (Black), 330 Wilde, Mr. H., on Aeria l Locomotion, 52o Willans a nd Robinson, L imited, 2400 Horse·

P ower Electr ic E ngine, 552 Willesden Works of t he Metropolitan Electric

Supply Compa ny , 314 Willing's Press Gu ide, 268 Wilson, Professor C. A. Ca.rus, on Pneumatic

Despa tch , 284 Wiltsh ire Wbirlwind of October , 1, 1899, 660 Winches, E lectric Boat, 105 Window Frames Cost, 646 Wi velsfield Coll ision on the London, Br igb ton ,

a nd South Coast Railway, 36~ Wood wa.rd, Naval Co nst ruct.or , J . J ., on Electric

Inst.allations in Battleships, 30, 102. See also 619, 694

Woodwork, Cost, 646 Wor k ington Railway Acciden t, 264 Workmen's Compensat ion Act, 94, 157, 163, 20:?,

2~~2. 306, 381, 390, 567, 632, 658, 681, 731, 82i. See E1·ratum, 870

Workmen's Com pensation Act a nd Miners' Fede· ration, 9<!

\\'orks: In terna t ional P neu matic Tool Company's

Works, Chippenham, 757 Orsall-Lane Soap Works, Manchester, 109. See

LETTERS, Glycerin~ Ranelagb Works, Ipswich, 173, 207. See

LETTER, 361 Wor t ley Junction Accident, 301 Wortley, Mr. A. B., on Inno,·ations in Modern

St.eamers, 471, 477 Wrough t-Iron Pipes, Cost, 37a

Yacht, Acciden t to R oyal , 5S Yacht Measurements, tog-ether wit h souae Re·

ma r ks on t be Action of Sails, 47:l. See LE'l'TER , 559, 593

Yachts, Steam Launch, 153 Yarn " Counting," 542, 672. See 709 Year -Books a nd Ann uals, 100, 156, 168 Venesei River and Canal , 275 Younger, Mr. J . Scott, on Corrosion and F a ilu re

of Propeller Shafts, 536, 690. See 563 and LBTURS

Zinc, Vielle Montagne, 690 Zurich Cong ress, I nternational, Screw-Thread

System, 179

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (14)

, •


• LITERATURE . Patriote du Experimental Physics. By Bugenc Lon11nel. l Lond on Direoto1·y, 100

1 Translated from t he Germa.n by G. W. i\ley<·rs, Lt<bricat.ion a nd Lubricants. By Leonard Arch · of Ur bana, Illinois, U.S. A., 328 IJutt and R. Mouotford Deeley, CH I

ALMANACR d u Drapeau , L ivret du Mnrin et la Soldat , 100

Annuals, 100, 156, 168, 220, 319, 790

Bailey 's Table of Di tance , 100

Calendars and Diaries, 100 City of London Directory, 393

Export Merchan t Shippers' Directory , 156

Field's Mining Engiueers ' Report Book, 223

Olouc(ster Diary and Directors' Calendar , 100

Hazell's Annual, 100

11 Mechanical World " Year-Book, 100 Mercantile Year-Book and Direclory

porters. 385 Metropolitan Map, 157

of Ex-

Na val Au n ual, 1900. Edited by John Leyland, 790 Notes et Formules d e l 'ln~ts.n ieur, du Construe-Die Ankerwicklungen u nd Ar.ker~onstruktionen

der Oleichstrom Dynamomaschmen. By P ro­fessor E. Arnold, 609

Ice and Cold Storage Trades Directory a nd teur-.Mecha niden du ~leta.llurgiste et l' Eiec -Handbook for 1900, 332


tricien, 676 Die Gas .Maschine. By R. Sch~ttler, 376 Director ies, 100, 156, 168, 220, 267, 321, 3:32, 369,

385, 615 . . I\.ell}'s Directory of Merchan ts, Manufacturers, Plaques de Blindage, 435

and Shippers of the World, 1900, 616 P ractical Electrician's Pocket- Book for 1000, 230 Directory of Industr"al AssoctatJOns, 56S Donaldson's Engineers' Annual, 100

Egyptian Irrigation . By W. Willco*cks, 70~ " Electrician " Electr ical Trades Directory and

Handbook for 1900, 321 Englishwoman's Year-Book , l CO

Laxton's Ptice-Book, 267 Lea n's Roya.l Navy List, 168, 585 Local Governmen t Annual and Official Directory,

220 Lockwood's Bu ilders, Arch itects, Contractors,

a nd Engineers' Pa·ice· Book, 100

.. Practical Engineer " Pocket-Book, 319 Press Directory, 130, 220

Railway D iary and Officials' Directory, 100 Railway Map of t he United Kingdom. 289 Rhodes' Steam ship Ouid e, 73-! Royal Na,·y List Dial'y, 10C

- - -

ACCIDENT at Southampton. L. G . .Mouchel, 726 Aerial Torped oes. R. H. Ang ier, 230; D. H . A .,

262 American Competition. A Practical Expor ter,

24 · Member Woolwich 1st Branch, A.S.E., 131'; A P ractical Exporter, 16i ; F . G. Ha lsey, 165 ; blember Wool wich 1st Branch, A. S. E. , 195 · A Practical Expor ter, 229; A Member Wo~lwich 1st Branch , A.S.E., 262 ; British Insulated Wire Company, Limited, 298; F. H., 392; R. H. Thurston , 425 ; Colonial Obser ver, 659

Annour-Plates and Defences. Anglophil, 164 Armoured Steam Cars for South Africa. .A.lfred

J . AUen, 25 Artillery, British. An.8"lophil, 262 ; Suum

Cuique, 331 ; Ang lopbtl , 392 ; El Pasog, 392 ; Out.sider, 425 ; Disgusted Briton, 488

Barnaby's Theory of Cnvitation. P . M. Stn.u nton, 25

Boers' Searchlighto. Ransomes, Sims, and J efferies, 298

Boiler Explosion at Wellington .. James Ferrabee, 85:3

Bridge, Crosar's over the Rhine. S. Flood Page, 393

Bridge, Old North, Edinburg h . Aldobrand Oldenbuck, 25

Bridges, Wejgh ts of United States. H . G. Tyrrell, 759

Brit ish Art illery. Anglopbil, 262; Suu m Cuiqne, 331 ; Ang lophil, 392 ; El Pasog, 392; Ou tsider, 425; Disgusted Briton, 488

Broken Tailsh nfts. A. Erskine .Muirhead, 560

C::esar's Bridge over the Rhine. S. Flood Pag e, 393

Caledonian Locomotives. H. R., 828 Calyx Dril l. B. L., 560 Canada, Trade with. The Editor Britilfh

Columbia Review, 559 Cars, Large Freight, on British Railways. J . D.

Twinberrow, 560 Cars, .Motor. Leonard J. Todd, 592, Alfred J .

Alien , 626; F . C. Nunn, 725 Cars, Motor, Tare Weight of. II. Wilcke, 60 ;

A. J . A., 98 ; W . Wilcke, 132 Cars, Steam for South Africa, Armoured Steam .

Al fred J . Alien , 25 Cavitation, Baroaby's Theory of. P . )f.

Staunton , 25 China, Engineers for. J . Stevens, 60 China's Railways. J . Whittall and Co., Limited,

660 Circle Squaring , I ,ay Out. James Horsfall, 263 ;

A. S. E. Ackermann , 331 ; Olaude Pain , 362 Cla.ssical 1J. Scientific Education See Education,

Public Scltool Coal-Mining Industry. Colliery Manager, 424 ;

One Interested, 593 " Commander Cawley," Steam Pilot Yacht.

George E. Bu rn, 195 Competit ion , American. See Am.erican Compe­

l it iml. Condensers, E lectricaL R. Shand, 792 Copper Tube-Mak ing by Electrolytic Centrifugal

Process. S. Cowper ·Coles, 262 Cylinder Explosion , Peculiar Steam. Inquirer,


Defences, Our Na t ional, Anglophil, 164 Doors, Removine- .Manhole. George B. Rtchards,

331 Drill Calyx. B. L., 560 Drillings, Standardised. Thomas 0 . West and

others, 61 " Dunalastair " Locomotives. H . R., 828

Economy of FneL George Craig , 165 Edinburgh, Old North Bridge. Aldobrand Olden­

buck, 25 Education and Competit ion. F . H . , 392 Education, Public SchooL W. W . .Ma rriner, 296 ;

H. B., 296; A. Sonnenschein, 296, 332; N., 331 ; s. J . w., 626

Electric Cont inuous v. Polyphase Motors. R. F. Fessenden, 362; T. 0. Littleboy, 489

Electrical Condensers. R . Sha nd, 792 Electrical Engineering at Home and Abroad.

C. E. L. Brown, 229 . Electrical Equipment of Warships. Alfred Jian~en ~


Electl"ir:ty, Marvels of. P . H . W., 659; Great Harry-~o treet·, S. W., 693

Electrolytic Cen t r ifugal Process for Copper T ube Production . S. Cowper-Coles, 262

En::rine Governors, Ma t·ine. E Odagil"i, 760 Engine Trials a t Ranelagh Works, Scott. En ·

quirer, 361 ; R eavell and Co., Limi ted, 392 Engine Working , Ma rine. Charles E. Russell ,

332; L. 0. P. Y. Z. , 361 ; Oeorge Claret, 361 ; F leet Engineer , R. N., 393

Engineer Officers. See Roval Enginee,-s Eng ineering a t Town. P . F . , 362 Engin eering at Home and Abroad. C. E. L.

Brown, 229 Engineers' Lending L ibra ry. E . W. Wh iteford ,

230, 726; M. Walton Brown, 759 Engineers , Mechanical, in China, Open ings for.

J . St.evens, 60 Engineers, Naval. Hopeful , 97 ; X, 297; Lieu·

tena n t , 423; Eng ineer, R. N., 488; New E. R. A. , 558; Naval Engineer, 558 ; A. Ma rsha11, 559 ; Hopeful, 659 ; Lieut enant, 692 ; Am icus, 693 ; Fairplny, 726; Fleet Engineer, R. N. , 757 ; A. Ma rshall, 758 ; H. 1<. , 853

Explosion, Peculiar Stea.m Oylinder . Inqu irer, 331

Explos ive, Maxim Multi· Perforated. Thomas A. Hill, 196; H udson Ma.xim, 758; T. A. IJ ill, 854

Fans, Screw. C. II. Innes, 165 Fire Prevent ion in 1899. D. Anderson and Co. ,

Limited, 25 Fireproofing Wood F it t ings fot· Theatres. H . C.

Standage, 424 Flig ht , Mechani~l. Horatio Phillips, 361 Flip or Jump of a I·tifte. An Old Volun teer, 424;

J. Bridges-Lee, 455 ; J ohn Rigby, 558; Horatio Phillips, 593

Foreign Competit ion. See American Compe­tition

Forei~n Tramwa.y qompa nies. J . Gilchrist, 331 ForeshOre Prot ectton , W. H . T .. 693; R. G.

Allanson-Winn, 626, 725 ; Traveller, 792 Fracture of Steel Shafts. A. Schanzer, 693 Freig ht Cars on B1·itish R ailways. J . D. Twin­

berrow, 560 Fuel a nd its Economy, Dear. Oeorge Craig, 165 Jt uel, Liquid . Kermode's I ,iqu id Fuel System,


Glasgow University and Nava.l Architecture. P . M. Staunton, 559

Glycerine, The Recovery of Crude. Frank W. Scott, 195

Governors, Marine Engine. E. Odag iri, 760 Guns and Steel Tests. Ang lophil, 262 ; Smun

Cuique, 331 ; Anglophil, 392 ; El Pasog, 392 ; Outsider, 425 ; Disgu.,ted Briton, 488

Gutta-Percha. H . G. Standage, 828

Hammer, Longwort h Power. E . Samuelson, 331 Hamm ers, Pneumatic. J . B., 425 H ennibique a nd Acciden t at Southampton. L. G.

Mouchell, 726 Holidays, Overtime Rates for. Engineer, 559 ;

Lex , 660

Impact. 11. Erskine Mui rhead, 262 Indica tor, Ripper's Mean Pressure. F . Boulden ,

165 Insula.t ing Gutta·Percha. H . 0 . Stnndage, 828

Jump of a Rifle, Flip or. An Old Volunteer, 424 ; J, Bridges-Lee, 455; John Rigby, 558; Horat io Phillips, 593

Lendmg Li brary for Engineers. E . H . White· ford, 230, 726 ; M. Walton Brown, 759

Library , Lending , for Eng ineers. E . H. White· ford , 230, 726 ; M. Wa.lton Brown, 759

Liquid Fuel. Kermode's Liquid Fuel Sys t em, 392

Locomotive Driving Wheels, Vary ing Weigh t on . George K. Grieve, 98

Locomotive, Veteran . R. v . Helmholtz, 97 ; Alfred R. Bennett , 131

Locomot ives, Caledonian. H. R., 828 Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition. Que' qu 'un,

759 Longworth Power Hammer. E. S~muelson, 331 Lubric~tors, S ight-Feed. Archib"l<l J~ittle1 66(\


Manchester Sewage. 0. J . Kirby, 60; Hill· Ha.r t la nd, 60

Ma nhole Doors, R emoving. George B. Richards, 331

Marine Engine Oo,·ernors. E. Odagiri, 760 Marine Engine Working. Charles E. Russell,

332; L. 0. P. Y. Z. , 36t ; George Claret,361 ; Fleet Engineer, R.N, 393

Marvels of Electr icity, P . H . W., 659; Great H arry-street, S. W. , 693

Maudslay, Sons, and Field's Affairs. Tarry , Sherlock, and King, 393

Max im Mult i·Perforat ed Po wcf er. Thomas A. H ill, 106 ; Hudson Maxim , 758; T. A. Hill, 854

Maxim's Aer ial Torped oes. R. H. Angier, 230 ; D. H. A., 262

Measuremen t, Yacht. H . C. Yogt, 559; Tha-lassa, 693

Mechan ical Fli~ h t. Hora~io Phillips, 361 Melting· Ratios, Hi~h. Robert Buoha nan , 263 Midland Locom otive at Paris Exhibition. Que'

q u 'un , 759 i\Iowt Wagons for R oad·. l.eonard J . Todd,

592 ; Al fred J. Alien , 636 ; F. C. Nu n n, 725 Motors, Con t inuous 1J. Polyphase. R. F . Fessen­

<len, 362; T . C. Littleboy, 4" 9

Nn.tional Deftmces, Our . Anglophil, 164 ~a,·al Architecture, Science. P . .M. Staun ton ,

559 Naval Engineers. H opefu l, &7; X., 297 ; Lieu ­

tenan t, 423; Engineer lt. N., 488; New E.R.A., 558 ; No.val Engi neer, 558; A. Ma rshall, 559 ; H opefu l, 659 ; Lieu tenant , 692; Amicus, 692; Fai rplay, 726; Fleet Engineer, R. N., 757; A. Ma1·shall, 758; II. K., 853

North Bridge, Edin burgh, The Old. Aldobrand Olden buck, 25

Oil , Effects on Screw Propu lsion . R. M. K., 694

Old Locomoth ·es. R. v. H elmholt?., 97 ; Al fred R. Bennet t, 131

Openings fo r Mechanical Engi neers in China. J . Stevens, 60

Over tim e Rates for Holidays. Engineer, 559 ; Lex, 660

Paris Exhibition a nd French Patents. E . P . Alexander o.nd Son, ~31

Pa ten t Laws. H . Dawes Cripps, 196 Paten t Office Tempora ry Premises. M. R., 25 Paten ts Examination Quest ion. H . D. Pearsall,

792 Pilot Yach t "Commander Cawley," Steam .

George E . Burn, 195 Piston Rings. 0. B. R. , 694 Pneumatic Tools. J. B .• 4 25 Pow'ler . Ma.xim Mul ti-Perforated. Thomas A.

Hill, 196 ; Hudson Maxim , 75 ; T. A. Hill, 854 Power H am mer, Longwor th. E. Sam uelson,

331 Pressure Indicator, Ripper 's Mean. F . Boulden,

165 Propu lsion , Effe~t of Oil, on Screw. R. M. K,

694 Protection, Foresh ore. W. H ., T. 693. R. G.

Allanson-Winn, 626, 725 ; Tt·aveller , 792 Public School Education. See Ed'!tuttwn Purify ing Water. J . li'er rabee, 98

Railway Freig h t Cars, La rge. J . D. T winberrow, 560

Ra ilway Wagon, !'iO-Ton . Traction, 132 ; J. D. T winberrow, 660

Railways, China's. J . Whitta.ll and Co., Limited , 660

Range Finders. R. Field and Co., 726 Rank of Navnl Engineers. See Naval E'fl{}ineers Recovery of Crude Glycerine. Frank W. Scott,

195 Removing Manhole Doors. Oeorge B. Richards,

331 Rhine Bl"idge, Cmsar 's. S. Flood Page, 393 R ifl e, Flip or Jum p of a. An Old Volunteer,

424 ; J . Bridges-Lee, 455 ; John Rigby , 558 · Horat io Phillips, 5l13 '

Rings, Piston . 0. B. R., 694 Ripper's Mean Pressure Indicator. F. Boulden

165 I

Road Locomotivee. Leonard J. Todd, 592 ; Alfred J , Allen 1 e26 i ~'. 0. N•Jnn ; 7?~

. , . Xlll

Sdl's Directot·y of R egistered Telegraphic Ad-d resses, 359

Sell's Press Directory , 220 ''Shipping World" Year-Book , 319 Star Map, Mon thly , 100 Stock Excha nge Yea.r-Book, 100

Text-Book of Physics. Dy W. Watson , A R.C.S. , B.Sc.,376 .

Text-Book of Theoretical Naval Arcllltecture. R~· E. L. Attwood, 329

Western Uuion T elegraphic Code a nd Inter· national Cable Dir ecto ry, 267

Who's Who, 100 W ho's Who at the " a r (Black), 330 Willing's Press Guide, 26

Year-Books and Ann uals, 100, 156, 168, 220, :319, :~85, 790

J3ooks Received, 101, 329, 377, 612, 677, 791

Royal Eng ineera. Vigilan t, 25; J . T . Bucknill , 6L; F. D. B., 9i; R. 0 . Rand all, C.E., 296, 360; Sapper, 360; Vigila nt , 392; Royal E ngi· neer, 456 ; Critic, 489

School Education . See E d'ttcation Scient ific 11. Classical Education. See Ed'ttcati<m,

P ublic School Scott Engine Trials at Ranela~h Works. En­

quirer, 361 ; Reavell a nd Co. , Lim ited , 392 Scre'v Fans. C. H . Innes, 165 Screw Propeller Ca vitat ion, Ba rnaby's Theory

of. P. M. Staunton , 25 Sea Encroachment. W. H . T., 693; R. 0.

Allanson -Winn, 626, 725; T ro.veller, 792 Searchlights used by t he Boers. Ransom es,

Sims, a nd J efier ies, 298 Sewage, Manchester . 0. J . Kirby, 60; llill·

H ar t la nd, 60 Shaft F t·actures. A. Schanzer, 693. See Ta,ilsha.ft Shafting Accid en t (Engineering a t Cape Town).

P. F., 362 Sheffield and t he War. 0. A. , 195 Ship Propulsion, Effec·ts of Oil on. R. M. K. ,

694 Sight Feed Lubricators. Archibald Litt le, 660 Sim plon Tunnel. C. B. F . , 61 South African War . Al fred J . Alien , 25; Field

Officer in 1884, 59, 97, 131, 163, 194 ; G. A. , 195; Field Officer in 1884, 230, 262, 297, 330, 361, 391, 424, 455, 487, 523, 659, 693, 759, 828, 853 ; ll. C. Standage, 725

Sou thampton, Acciden t at. L . G. Mouche11, 720 Squar ing Lay Ou t , Circle. James Ilorsfa ll, 263;

A. S. E . Ackerma.nn, 331 ; Claude Pain, 362 Standardised Drillings. Thos. D. West and

others, 61 Status of Na val Eng ineers. See NavctlEngirnters Steam Cylinder Explosion , Peculiar. Inquirer,

331 Steam Pressure I ndicaLor , Rip per's. F. Boulden,

165 Steam Yach t "Commander Cawley." George

E. Bu rn, 195 Steel Shafts, Fracture of. A Schanzer, 693 Swiss Eng ineering Practice. C. E. L . Brown

229 ; M. Walton Brown, 759

Ta il-Sha fts, Broken. A . Erskine Muirhead , 560 Ta re Weigh t of Motor Vehicles. H. Wilck e, 60 ;

A. G . A. , 98; W . Wiloke, 132 Theatre Fireproof Wood F ittings. II. C. Stand­

age, 424 Torped oes, Aerial . R. II. Angier, 230; D. H . A. ,

262 Trad e with Canad a.. The Ed itor, British Colum­

bia Review, 650 Training of Naval Eng ineers. See Nava l Engi­

neers T m mway Companies Abroad. J. Gilchrist, 331 Tra usvaal Wa r. Alfred J . Allen , 25 ; Field Officer

in 1884, 59, 97, 131, 163, 194 ; G. A , 195 ; Field Officer in 1884, 230, 262, 29i , 330, 361, 391, 424, 455, 487, 523, 659, 693, 759, 828, 853; H . C., 726

Tun nelling the Simplon. C. B. F. , 01

U nited States Bridges, Weigh ts of. H . G. Tyrrell, 759

Uni ted Statc~tCompetit.ion . See American Com­p eti t ion

Wag on, 50-Ton R ailway. Tract ion, 132; J . D. T winberrow, 560

Wagons, Motor . Leonard J . Todd, 592; .Alft·ed J . Alien , 626; F. C. Nunn, 725

Wa r in South Africa. See South African Wa1· Warship Electrical Equipm ent. Alfred Ha nssen

694 I

Water, Purifying. J. Ferrabee, 98 Weig ht on Loco~otive DriYing Wheels , Va ry ing.

George K. Grteve, 98 Weight of Motor Wagons. Leonard J. Todd,

592 ; Alfred J . All en, 626 Weig h t (Tare) of Motor _Yehicles. II. Wilcke,

60; A. J . A ., 98; W. Wtlcke, 132 Weig h t s of United States Brid ges. H . G. Tyrrell

i o9 I

Wellington, Boiler Explosion at. James F en abee 853 ,

Yacht HeMuremeut. H. 0 . Vo~t, 559 ; ThalasRI\ 60S

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (15)

• Xl V

A.rrleulture : Show, 650, 117 Engine Expor~, 714 Irish Produce in Refrigerating Stores, 323 Royal Society Show Site, 322

A.JIO)'S. Seo Jltt 1HU'Iicl

Appotnt m e u te : Board of Trade Commercial Advisory Board,

818 DerwenL Valley Water Engineer, 651 D. Se. (Cambridg-e) to Sir B. Baker, 819 Electrical Engineer for Ne\V Zealand Gover n-

ment Railways, 16 ·Engineer to Clyde Trust, 584 LL.D. to Mr. Robert Caird, Shipbuilder, 515 Manager at Vickers' Barrow Works, 550 Secretary Glasgow Pig-Iron Association, 782

Armour. s .. N a.•aJ

Art llle rJ'. Bee 9vm Boners. See E~ an<~ ltoU•"

Brld&'el : Bridge-Building at Motherwell, 584 Canadian Bridge-Buildi•Jg, 75 L Cantilever Bridge, St. Lawrence, 779 Cathcart, New Bridge, 220 Leith Harbour Swing Bridge, 614 New York East Ri ver Bridge, 252 Newport Br idge, New, 855 Por tbkerry Via.duct, 89, 514 Railwa.v Bridge Structures, 481 Swansea Footbridge o,·er t he River, 585 Swing Brid~e, Carnar von, 353 Sydney Briage, 323, 617 Tower Bridge, 512 Tugela. Bridge R('pair, 86. See GEnRAL INDEX United States Bridge-Building , 447, 807 · Washington Memorial Bridge, 651 Wear Bridge at Sunderland, 585

anals: Berlin-Stettin Cana.l , 210 French Canals, 827 Ma.nchester, 255, 289 North Sea Ba.ltic Ca.nal, 586 Pa.nama, 17 Suez Canal, 630, 651, 615, 685 Suez Cana.l Shipping Returns, 686 United States Canals, 274 Wilts and Bet·ks Canal, 685

~ars, ltlot ors : Automobile Club Dinner, 221 Bea.ring Springs, 287 Exhibition at Agricultural Hall, 490 Liverpool Trials, 779 1000 Miles Ride, 336 Progress of Motor Traction, 88 Traction Engines in War, 221, 551, 779 Wat· and Power Traction, 221, 551, 779

(!ataloaues : J. Adamaon and Co .. Hyde, 585 Alldays and Onions Co., Limited, Birmingham,

828 Allgemeine Electricitiits Gesellscha.ft, 322 American Blower Company, London, 170 Ashwell and Nesbit, Limited, London, 557 Atlas Engineering Company, Manchester, 585 Aultma.n Company, Oh10, 322 Willia.m Bain and Co., Coatbridge, 527 Baldwin Locomotive Co., 855 T. B. Batsford, London, 716 Bickford Burners Co., Camborne, Cornwall,

255 Robert W. Blackwall and Co., London, 95 Robert Boyle a.nd Son, Limited , London, 322 British Steam Specia.lities, Limited, 716 British Thomson-Houston Company, 95 British Westinghouse Electric and Manufac-

turing Company, London, 187, 557 Bullock Electric Ma.nufacturing Company,

Cincinnati, 716 Canadian Motor Co., Toronto, 828 Chapman Valve Company, Indian Orchard,

Mass. , 557 Chatteris Engineering Company, Cambridge-

shire, 187 Columbian Fireproofing Company, London, 255 Qeorge Cradock and Co., Wakefteld, 557 Cresswell's Asbestos Co., Limited, Bradford,

828 S. A. Daniell, Limited, Birmingham, 716 F. W. Darlin!!ton, Philadelphia, 391 Delta Metal ~ompany, Limited, London, 716 Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited, London, 716 })udbridge Iron Wor ks, Limited, Stroud, 716 Edison and Swan United Electric Light Com-

pany, London, 95 Elektricitats Actien Gesellschaft, Niirnberg,

478, il6 Qotreen Manufacturing Compa.ny, Canton,

Ohio, 255, 716 Hathorn, Da.vey, and Co., Leeds, 95 R. E. Hattersley and Co , Halifax and Bra.d-

ford, 170 Alfred Herbert, Limited, Coventry, 716 Hilles and Jones, Wilrnington, Del., U.S.A., 265 Husson's Safety Acetylene Syndicate, Limited,

London1 667


P A R A G R A P H S.

Cfltal opeS-C'JtUinu~d.

B. Richard Isaac, Liverpool, 187 Johnson and Phillips Charlton, 353 Kirchner and Co., London, 229 Klein Engineer ing Company, Limited, Man·

chester, 170 Ludwig Loewe and Co., Berlin , 716 H . and G. Measures, Croydon, 391 Michaelsen and H eine, London, 170 R. J. Moss, Birmingham, 585 J. Muller and Co., London, 716 National Boiler and General Insurance Com-

pany, Limited, Manchester, 255 H. F. L. Orcutt, London, 716 W. H. Palfrcyman and Co., Liverpool, 95 Thomas Parker, Limited, Wolverhampton, 322 A. E. Pillatt, Nottingham, 716 Pollard and Co., N ewcastle-on-Tyne, 170 Rankine, co*ckayne, and Co., Limited, Liver-

pool, 478 Ransome and Marshall, Liverpool, 557 Rugby Portland Cement Co., Rugby, 855 Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Limited, Lincoln ,

716 Schuckert and Co., Nl\r nberg, 478, 716 E. Scott and Mountain, Limited, Newcastle,

229 L . Smit and Zoon, .Holland, 828 G. F. Smith, Limited, Halifax, 353 Standard Pneumatic Tool Company, New

York, 792 Sun Fan Company, Limited, Bradford, 322 N. C. Szerelmey a nd Co. , London, 585 A. A. Tattersall, Blackburn, 828 Webster and Bennett, Coventry, 7L6 J ohn Wilson and Co., London, 527 Joseph Wright and Co., Tipton, 716

Coal: Admjralty Coal Contract, 123 Admiralty and Welsh Coal, 481, 651, 685 Belgian Briquettes, 250 Belgian Coal, 236, 335, 444, 447 Belgian State Railway Fuel, 89 Bristol Coalfield Output, 855 British Coal in Brazil, 481 British Co3.l Exports, 591 Br itish Coal iu Germany, 515 Cardiff, 16, 53, 89, 123, 156, 187, 221, 255, 289,

323, 353, 385, 417, 447, 481, 514, 551, 585, 617, 651, 685, 717, 760, 783, 819, 855

Cardiff Coal Shipments, 53 Cleveland. See J}ziddlesbrough Coal Prices in all Countries, 335 Coal Supply Shortage, 52, 62 Coal for Transpor ts, 167 co*king System, 353 Co-operative Colliery Scheme,48 l Cost of Coals in Leeds, 7l6 English Coal at Ostend, 59 English Coal for Sweden, 332 English Colonial Coal, 265 French Coal, 255, 658, 694, 731, 760, 762 Gas Coal, 616 German Coal Expor~, 532 German Coal Syndicate, 95 Germany, Coal in, 284, 532, 682, 748, 31 Glasgow Coal Representatives, 254 Great Central Railway and the Coal Block, 288 Gunpowder for Coal Mines, 322 Hulam Coal Company, Hartlepool , 17 Hull Shipments, 53, 220, 352, 481, 616, 779 Leeds and the Cost of Coal, 716 Llanelly Coal, 363 Llanelly Mines, 53 Machan, Coal at, 255 Middlesbrough, 53, 88, 123, 156, 187, 221, 255,

288, 323, 352, 417, 446, 481, 514, 550, 585, 617, 650, 684, 717, 750, 783, 818, 855

Midland Coal Mining, 382 Nova Scotia, Coal in, 464 Prices Advancing, 17, 156 Prices in all Countries, 335 ~ilway Coal Bill, 266, 3i7, 751 Railway Coal Contracts, 854 Ra.ilway Deadlock at Grimsby, 186 Russian Coal, 228, 36~ Russian Fuel, 748 Russia.n Orders for Welsh Coal, 3a5, 417 Scotch Coal Bill, 377 Scotch Coal Pt·ices nod Iron Works Clo ing, 818 Scotch Coalfields, Duration, 782 Scotch Orders, Big , 685 Sheffield, 16, 53, 88, 122, 156, 187, 220, 265, 288,

322, 352, 381, 417, 446, 481, 514, 584, 616, 650, 684, 716, 750, 783, 818, 854

Sheffield Coal Supply, 220 South Wales Coalfield, 614 South Wales Shipments, 89, 221, 353, 514, 651,

819 South-West England, Mining in the, 819 Spain, Coal in, 779 Tees Shipments, 585 United States Coal, 187, 747 United States Coal in France, 123 United States Exports, 628 Vancouver Coal, 238 Welsh Coal for the Navy, 123, 481, 651, 685 Welsh Coal Seams and Pits, 385 Weleh Colliery, New1 685


{'Oal-cominued. Welsh Seams, 123 West Yorkshire Coal, 157 Yorkshire. See Sheflie!d Yorkshire Corporation Contracts, 783

Collisions. See GsNuu h'l>EX Acci.dcnu

Companies : Alexandra (Newport), Docks and Railway

Company, 289 Belgian Companies in Russia, 355 Bell Brothers, Limited, 384, 447 H. Bessemer and Co., Limited, 186 Bolchow, Vaughao, and Co., Limited, 255, 283,

352, 514-Bristol and South Wales Railway Wagon Com·

pany, 187,221 John Brown and Co., Limited, 818 Bute Shipbuilding, &c., Company, 585 Charles Cnmmel and Co. , 384, 416 Consett Iron Company, 123 Delta Metal Company, I,imited, 391 Earle's Shipbuilding Company, Limited , 96,

122, 818 Ebbw Steel, Iron, and Coal Company, 855 Great Western Colliery Company , Limited, 353 Hadfield's Steel Foundry Company, 854 Head. Wrightson, and Co., 750, 783 Wm. J essop and Sons, Limited, 322 Joint-Stock Enterprises, 168 Laird Brothers, Limited, 323 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Company, S82 Milford Dock Company, 289 Mount Stuart Graving Dock Company, 221 North's Navigation Collieries, Limited, 323 Par kgate Iron and Steel Company, Limited,

716 Patent Nut and Bolt Company, 819 Patent Sha.ft Company, Birn1ingham, Remov-

ing to South Wales, 751 Powell Dutfryn Steam Coal Company, 417 Rhy mney Iron Company, Limited, 12.3 Rol.ley and Co., 385, 464 Ruston, Proctor, and Co., 681 Sheffield District Railway Company , 220 Sheffield Limited Liability Comp:mies, 53 Tha.rsis Sulphur and Copper Company, 446 Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, 288, 322,

384 Wea.rdale Steel and Coa.l Compan.v, 88 Yarn and Stubbing Dyers' Combination, 254

D e fe nce Of Coast&. See NallaJ

Dratnaa-e. See Sew&gt

Eleetr l e Tra mwa)'&. See Trc:nnvov•

Eleetrteity : Aluminium for Electric Transmission, 7i9 Arc Lamps, 201 Balloon Tests re Wireless Telegraphy, 196 Cable·Laying Steamer, German, 303 Cable, New Transatlantic, 713 Cables, Submarine, 62 Ger man Companies in Norway, 349 Glasgow Contracts, 264 Insulating Gloves for Linesmen, 7H Lan,p s at the War , 779 Lighting Bristol, 481, 783 Lighting Cape Town, 751 Lighting Cardiff, 617 Lighting Companies and Lamps in the Uni ted

States, 685 Lighting Doncaster , 446 Lighting Dublin, 17, 447 Lighting Edinburgh, P rices, i 50 Ligh ting Greenock, 818 Lighting Grimsby, 264 Lighting Hull, 650 Lighting Leeds, 95 Lighting Monmouth, 17 Lighting Orders for 1900, 17 Lighting Railway Carriages, 157 Lighting Russia, 680 Lighting Santos, 353 Lighting Sunderland, 693 Lighting Torquay, 353 Whitby, 382 Lighting York, 336 Metropolitan Railway and Electric TraC't.ion,

123 Ningara Falls Power, 464 Niaga.ra Po .. ver Plant Extensions, 651, 668 Nia.gara Turbine Tests, 196 Pacific Cable, 855 Parsons Tur bine Results, 89, 353 Poplar Works and Dust Destructors, 617 Power at California, 353 Power at Rome, 376 Power Scheme, West Riding, 716 Power in Shops and Economy of Water and

Fuel, 490 Price of Current , Aberdeen, 88 Railroad, Prize for, 615 Railways in Berlin, Underground, 62 Railways, Light, for Goods Traffic , 385 Steam T urbines, 323 Telegraph, African Tra ns-Continental, 271 Telegraph, South African, 385 Telegraphy, Brazilian, 445, 511, 748 Telegt·aphiY; South Afriean1 206

E lecir iei(y-continued. Telephone in Argentina, 698 Wales La.rg e Area Supply Scheme, 17 Wireless Telegraphy, 157, 196, 585, 751, 19 Wireless Telegraphy with Goodwin Sands, 751 ' Vires and Storms, 221 Wiring, Cost of, 238

E ogiDeel•in g . See Shipbuilding and tnlll8'rii'J

Enr:tnes a nd B oile r s : Boiler Composition, Vulite, 870 Boiler Registra.tior. Bills, 323, ~34, 36!3 Curious Engine, 167 Engine Leather Belt, Immense, 651 Kermode's Oil F uel, 323, 353. ee LET'TRn, 392 Pocket Revolution Counter, 89 Steam Fire Float, 819 Steam Turbine, De Laval, 157 Steam Turbine Lecture, 289 S team Turbine Results, Parsons, 89, 353 Traction Engines a.t the War, 221, 551, 779

E x h ib ition s : Barking Electrical Exhibition, 490 Glasgow Exhibition, 447 Huddersfield and the Paris Exhibition, 166 Paris Exhibition Congresses, 447 Paris Exhibition, Great Eastern Locomoth·e

for, 478 Paris Exhibition, Machinery at the, 551

E x plos ions. See Bnginu IMitl lfoilers

Explosives. See Gum

Gns a nd Gas En~iues : Acetylene Decomposed, 751 Arrol-Foulis Stoking System, 446 Benares Railwa.v and Acetylene Gas, 71i Brig~ Gas Supply , 25 Calctum Carbide Manufacture, 349 Clevedon, 751 Explosion at Dover , 551 Ga making Difficul t ies in West Riding, 584 Glasgow Gas Works (Provan), i 50 Indiana Natural Gas, 268 Johnstone Gas Works , 514 Par is Gas Supply, 62, 203, 417, 5 1 Price of Gas in Scotch Towns, 750 Rio J anei ro Gas, 748 Shott's Ammonia Explosion, 416, 446

Guns. Explosive~. ~~c.:

Am1onr-Plates and Projectiles, 650 Arsenal at Trubia, Spain, 323 Ar tillet·y for Chili, 683 Brown 10-In . Segmental Gun, 157 Cordite Supply, 417 Corrosion of Guns, 717 Explo ives, 751 F rench and English Artiller.r, 384 Government v. Private Competition, 446 Gunpowder for Ooal Mines, 322 Heating of Air Caused by E xplosions, 41 i Italian Army Field Gun, 417 I...yddite Howitzers, 17 Mortar Battery Tests. 196

• Naval Guns in Transv.lal War, 26 Rifles, Different Army, Compa r ed, 12:l Vickers' Gun Mount ing, 550 Vickers' Guns, 617

R arbon1'8. P ier s, &e. : A,·on, Docl<isation of, 783 Barrow Dock Accommoda.tion, 447 Barry Deep Water Lock, 385 Barry Docks, 751 Dell Rock Lighthouse, 716 Bristol and Barry Docks, 4 ::. Bristol Trade, 289, 855 Burry Port, 617 Cardiff Docks, 685 Clyde Trust and Renfrew Docks, 381 Copenhagen, 385 Cumbrae Light house, 203 Dart Impro,'ements, 651 Durban, 89 Glasgow, Prince's Dock Railway, 514 Grimsby Docks, 352, 750, 783, 828 Hamburg Results, 591, 617 He.rsham Harbour, 423 Holderne s Coast, Protection of, 416 Hull, 53 Ipswich, 782 Leith Harbour Swing Bridge, 614 Ligh thouse, A Memorial, 416 Llanelly Harbour, 17, 4 1 London Dock Bill, 490 Lynmouth Pier, 89 Mer ey Board, 32 Milford Haven Docks, 289, 819 New York, 106, 233 Newport, Alexandra Docks, 289 Newport Harbour, 514 Parrett Navigation, 157 Pena rth, 255 Port Talbot, 256 Renfrew Docks, Clyde Tru t and, 384 Rosario, 232 Sa.ndefjord, Norway, Floating Dof'k, 323 Sunderla.nd Hnrbour, 657 Swansea Trade, 53, 289, 685, 819 Tampico Wharves1 867

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (16)

.- - -


Jlnrb01ll'S• Pi<"r!O, &c.-continued.

Tees Ha.rbou r, 62 Thames Navigable Channel, 717 Usk Navigation, 385 Wemyss Bay P ier, 783

Jndu!'lt rles (''arions): Briton Ferry T inplate Works, 89 Canadian Bonuses for .Manu facturer , 594 Cement Trad e, 157 Cement Works in H.ussia, 668 Copper Supp~y fro~ Un! ~ed States, 617 Engmeering m Umt.ed K10gd om, 17 . Glasgow Bolt and Rtvet Trade Coml.nne, 818 Glasgow Engineering, 352, 416, 514, 550 Glasgow Tubemakers a nd Ironfounders, 384,

r.:~gmotive Building in New South Wales, 651 Locomotive Expor ts, 132, 135, 330, 366, 489,

662, 773 Mothenvell Bridge-Building, 584 Nettlefold's Wor ks a.t Newpor t , 17 Nickel Ore Ind ustry, 16 Review of Trade, 89 Russo-American E nterprise, 423 Sheffield File an~ Steel Trad e, 8~8 Sheffield Industn es and t h e Hohdays, 16 Sugar Machinery, 818 Tinplates, 65, 385 Trade Returns, 89, 353, 651, 819 United States Steel and Wire Amalgamation ,

617 d St t' t ' ,.._9 United StateJ> Tra e a LS tcs, '' Welsh House Coal, 1i Woollen I ndust.ry, 156

JnJ tltutions. See Techn ical Soci•lfu

Iron and St e<"l. Seo al11o JJarkett

Barry Smelt ing Works, 17, 1 7, 819 Bel:iuru Iron, 334, 545 Birmingham, 65, 102, 135, 168, 200, 232, 266,

SOO, a33, 364, 398, 429, 468, 492, 5tH, 696, 02~, 662, 695, 728, 762, 83 l , 868

Blast-Furnace Charging Plan t, 585 Blast-Furnaces, Belgian, 119, 515, 760 Blast-Furnaces, Daghestan, 651 Blast -Furnaces, Scotch, 6 Blast·Furnaces, Unit ed Kingd om, 89, 515 mast-Furnaces, United St.'\tes, 25, 271, 414,

526, 648, 734 British Rail Exports, 95, 267, 364, 490, 026, 783 British Steel E xp or ts, 681, 7H , 817 Britcn Ferry Trade, 651 Canada Metallurgy, 870 Cleveland, 16, 53, 88, 123, 156, 187, 221, 255,

288 324 352, 384, 417, 446, 480, 514, 550, 584, 617

1 650: 684, 717, 150, 783, 818, 855

Colt n'es Company and Spanish Mines, 514 Iron Works, 779, 81!> Dowlais Rails, 617 Dowlais Steel Product ion , 53 East Coast Works, Rumoured Extensive Sales

of, 323 E uropean Iron Ore in United States, 52 French Iron Trade, 36 French Steel Making, 50S German Metallurg ical Ind ustry , 93 German Pig Iron, 782 German Rail Expor ts, 359 Glasgow. See Scotch H ema.t ite P ig Iron from Spain t o Cleveland,

550 India, Iron and Steel in, 417 Lancashire, 28, 64, 102, 134, 167, 199, 231, 266,

300, 333, 364, 397. 429, 468, 49~, 527, 561, 596, 628, 661, 695, 728. 762, 831, 86r

Madagascar Iron, 89 )fetal Repor t , 89 Metalliferous Deposits, ! 38 Middlesbrough. See Cleveland .Middlesbroug h Shipmen ts, 16 .M iddJesbrou~h Statistics, 481 Motherwell Works, Briskness of, 480 New South Wa les Out pu t, 17 New Zealand I ron Sands, 170, 515 Nova Scot ia, Iron in, 464 Nova Scot ia Metallurgy , 748 Park head St.eel Work E xtension, 52, 616 Pi~-Iron Stooks Decrease, 550 Ra1l E xports, .British, 95, 267, 364, 49~ Rails, Belgian, 187 Reheating and Annealing Furnaces, 122 Rolling Bars, 157 Russian Pig Iron, 82P Scotch, 16, 53, 88, 122, 156, 186, 220, 254, 288,

323, 352, 384, 416, 446, 480, 5l4, 550, 584, 616, 650, 684, 716, 750, 78'l, 818, 54

Scotch Iron and Competition, 818 Scotch Iron Warrants, Abnormal Price, 52 Scotch Pig· lron Sh ipments, 480 Scotch Pig-Iron Statistics, 52 Sheffield, 16, 53, 88, 122, Hi6, 187, 220, 255,

288, 323, 352, 384, 416, 446, 481, 514, ~84, 616, 650, 684, 716, 750, 783, 818, 854

Sheffield Furnace Smoke, 254 Shotts Ammonia Works, Fire, 416, 446 South Wales Shipments, 89, 22 1, 353, 514, 651,

19 South Wales Steel Trade, 187 Stockton Works Ex tensions, 323 Swansea. Shipbuilding , 53 Swansea Valley Wol'ks, 323, 353, 44'1, 551 Sweden , Steel in, 828 Tees Shipments, 585 United States Iron Works, 36 Uni ted States Steel-Making, 400 Vancouver Iron , 22 Wolverhampton, 28, 64, 102, 131, 168, 200, 232,

266, soo, 333, 364, 398, 429, 458, 492, 527, 561, 596, 628, 662, 695, 728, 762, 831, 868

World's P ig-Iron Production, 810 World's R ecord for Rteel Rail Production, 615 Yorkshire. See She,(teld

Jrrl~ntJon : Argen tine Irrigat ion, '17'!. Nile Dam, 157

J.abour Questions. B•• f'r/Jd" Ion'""· l e. l.ltrbt, Eleetrle. !M .. uctrWUr

Jlll(aeht•~ TooJ.s. BM ¥tehcnM9

Jlarket8: Cleveland I ron , 16, 52, 88, 122, 156, 187, 221,

255, 288, 323, 352, 384, 417, 446, 480, 514, 550, 584,617, 650,684,716, 750,783,818,854

C.oal and Metal Exchange fo r Sheffield, 220, 446

Copper, Glasgow, 16, 52, 88, 122, 166, 186, 220, 254, 288, 323, 352, 884, 416, 446, 480, 514, t50, 584,616,650,684,716,750,782, 81 1854

Glasgow Pi~ Iron , 16, 52, 88, 122, 156, 186, 220, 254, 288, 322, 352, 384, 416, 446, • 0, 514, 550, 584, 616, 650, 684, 716, 760, 782, 18, 854

Sulphate of Am mon ia, ~. 166, 1 6, 220, 352, 416, 446, 480, t8!, 650

!Ueellnnlel, &e. : Aeronau tics, Est imate of Powet·, 751. See 353 Aeronautics at t h e War, 717 Air as L ubricant of Shaft , 264 Aluminium Alloyed with Tungsten, 585 Aluminium Attacked by R ifle Shot, 123 Aluminium Bronze Powder Explosions, 123 Argent ine Timber , Quebracho, 685 Artificial Stone, 17 Asphalte 11. Wood Paving, 61 i Ball Bearings, '117 Balloons, Military, 353. Sec 751 Bicycles, Resistance E xperienced by, 17 Brake Shoes, Compound, 385 Brickmaking, 417

Carborundum vice Ferro-Silic ·.m in SLeel, 417 Cement , 62, 157 Comp ressed Air Tools. 68S Ooppe1· for Coati ng Rai lway Cars, 515 Cork Floorin~, 264. See l!:rrat um, 289 Dam Failure m Texas, 651 Destruction of a Dam , 7i9 Doors and J oist Fi re 'rests, 220, 417 Dl'ills with Suctiou Arrangement for Adhe. ion,

196 Earth Foundations, 264

. Factory Reorganising Exper ts, 685 Fi re Alarms, Ma.y·Otway, i 66 Fire Tests, 220, 289, 417, 551, 651, OS4, 694,779 F loot· Fire Resis tance, 220, 417, 651 Gas Ma in , 685 Granite, The Origin of, 123 Hig h Temperatures for R educing R efractoa·y

Metal Oxides, 89 Ice-Making, 264 India-Rub ber Tests, 400 Locomotive Boiler, Use of Soft Water , 447 Locomot ive Firebox Sh~pes a nd Stay Bol ts,

490 .Machine Tool-Ma king in United States , 264 Ma<'hines for Coun ting Yotes, 17 Mooring Chains, H eavy, 221 Naph tha Fuel on Russian Railways, 685 Nickel , The Properties of, 157 Nile Works a.nd J:t'ish Destruction, 19 Par tition Fire Tests, 551, 684, 779 Part it ions, Thin, and Fire Resistance, 551 Pav ing, Aspha.lte v. Wood, 617 P neumatic Tools, U.S., 399 Portland Cemen t, 62 PorLland Cement R egula.t.ions in flolla nd, 157 Railway Sleepers of Beech , 196 R ipper's I ndicator for Locomot ives, 490 R iveting and FJa.nging P res mes. 264 Rolling Bat·s in United State., 157 Royal Mint, 154 Safes , }<~ire-Resisting, Fire Tests, 2 ~ Sand Blast, 26t Screw Cutting Tool, 447 Sea Salt on Telegra ph Wires and Insulation ,

89 Sleepers ," " Burnettiserl, 717 Slide Rule for Engine Calculation , 547. See 515 Smit h's Spiral Slide Rule, 515. • ee 547 Sound Propagat ion, 685 Stt>el Balls for Ba ll Bearings, Swed en Factory ,

717 Steel Rail Tests, 44 7 Steel Skeleton Structu rfs, 350 St resses on T h ick Cylinders u nder Int ernal

Pressures , 362 Struts, E xperimen ts on, 476 Tackle, Friction of, 264 T imber, Analysis of, 89 Train Traction Resistance, 779 United States Pneu matic Tools , 399 Weighing Machines, H eavy, 363 Whitworth Forging Press, H eavy, 353 Wra pping Machines, 385

lUe tnls. See I ron and Steel nncl Jlec11M1ic&.

Mlnll'll:: Austra lasia n Gold, 53, 526, 627 Au t ralian Mining Laws, 417 C hina. Mining, 264 Copper in United States, 323 Gold a nd Pla t ina in Ru ·sia , 265 H:m; Mourttain's Min ing Seven - Hundred th

Anniversar .v, 779 New South Wales Gold, 17, 761, 817 Russian Mining Industry, 221 South African Mining Interests, 284 T ransvaal Gold , 86, t>26, 731 Transvaal Mining, 525 Un ited Kingd om Gold Imp or ts , 268, 3GG, 557,

791 Victorian Gold, 62 W est ralian Gold, 140 World's Gold , 194 Yukon Gold Ont put., 779

Ulscellaneous : Bedford Gramma r School, 2n Brine Pumping, 317 Card iff Public Works, 1 i Du nn , .Mr. James, 22 Elect.r ical Engineer Volunteers , 287 Errata, 96, 163, 202, 44 7, 7 49, 828 Fire Tests, 220 Geological Sur vey Commi t tee, 71 7 Glou ces ter Boundaries, 585 Ilu tments at Salisbury for Military, 783 Japan Census, 717 Japan , Foreig n Competit ion in , 89 Jarrah Sleepers for Buenos Ay res. 67 Man-Ea ting Lions on Uganda Ra ilway, 289 Napht h a Deposits, Bihi -Ebat, 651

M tscellaneou s-contlnuecl. Rnl hvnys-conttnued. Grea t Indian P en insula. Railwa~·. 819 Great Western Corridor Trai n, 71i. 751 Great Western Railway and Cardiff, 417 Great Western Railway Report, 221 Great Western Smooth T ravellfng, 156 Harro~ate Lo Leeds R ailway, 726 Hawaii, 25

New York , Greater , 166, 391 On tuio Explorat,ion, 783 Paris Oct.roi Duties, 129 Personal and T rade, 22, 62, 96, 123, 157, 187,

321, 423, 447, 523,551,651, 604, 747 Petroleum in H ungary, 108 Petroleum Lamps at t he War , Iligh Power,651 P hotography of Colours, 353, 417 Population of Germany , 550 Population of Greater New York, 166, 391 Popula t.ion of Rio J an ei ro, 447 Provender Factory, Rom ford, Orent Eastern

Hail way, 616 Russin.n E mig ration , 792 Sheffi eld Boundaries, 750 Sheffield Trade Mar ks, Pi rat i og, 416 South-American Area and Population, 165

Nn,•nl: Armour-Plate Material, 38! Armour-Plate, Teeside Works, 58i, 68i Armour-Plate Trials, 186 Barry Island For t, 123 Belleville v. Cylindrical Boiler , 353 Cellulose Packing for Shot H oles in Uni ted

Slates h ips, 62 Chatham Building Slip, 289 Devonpot·t Dockyard Appr en tices, 447 Devonport Dockyard Progra mme, 2 9, 323 Dockyard Activity, 481 Dockyard Staffs , 363 Dutch n estt·oyer " H yd ra" (Ya1 row), (10 Du tch Torpedo-Boat· (Yarrow), i66, X!il E ngineers in t.he Navy, 051 French Cruiser " Montcalm ," 47G F rench Uestroyer cc Fram6e," 2l7 F rench River Gunboats (Thornyca·oft), 532 F rench Submarine Boat, 385 Ge1·man Shipbuilding, 89, 322 11. M. Destroyer " Albatross" (Thornycroft),

426, 651 II.M. Destroy er "Ostrich," 463 H . M. Destroyer " P eterel," 463, 532 H . .M. Destroyer " tag," 851 H.M. Destroyer " Tiger " (Bro wn), 800 Il. M. Destroyer "Viper," 59 H .M.S. " Abouki r ," 766 H .M.S. ''Achilles," 551 H .M.S. " Belleisle" Gun an d Armour Tests,

751. See G ENKRAL l NOEX H .M.S. " Bl'itomart," 166 H .M.S. "Drake," 783 H .M.S. " Glory," 217, 303, 319 ll.M.~. " Ken t," 320 H .M.S. " Minerva" and " H igh flyer," 353 H .M.S. "Mon tague," 89 · 11.1\I.S. "Pandora," HO, 156 H .M. S. "Rosario," 166

H . M.S. " Seagull " a ncl Niolausse Boilers, 140, 551

H .M.S. Second-Class Cruisers , 515 H .M.S. "Spart iate," 323, 385, 481 H . M. S. " Victor ia" :1.nd " A I bcr t ," 123 H . M. SS. " Bulwark " and "Mon tagu," 551 H. M. SS. cc H ighftyer " a.nd " Miner va," 353 H . M. SS., Obsolete, 53 H .M.SS. cc Sh earwater " and "Vestal," 217 Inspector at Barrow, 157 Japanese Armoured Cruiser "Iwat.c," 463 J apanese Destroyers (Thornycroft), 9 , 166 l{eyham Gun Mounting Stor es, 717 Milford a nd th e Admiral ty, . 19 NM·a l Progress in Recen t Years, 490 Nor wegia n Battleship "Norge," 463 Parsons Torpedo-Boat DestroyC'r ' ' Viper," 59 Pembroke Dockya rd, 323 Portsmouth Defence Tactk s, 855 R eview at Spithead, 651 R oya l Yach t, 123, 417, 447, 481 R ussian Destroyer cc Som "(Laird), 319 R us ian New Battlesh ip, 21i Spanish Wa rsh ips, 751 Stonehouse Coast Defence, 385 Submarine Boats, H olla nd, 299 Torpedo-Boat Attack on Por tsmouth, 855 United States Ammu nit ion Storehouse, Iona

Island, 613 United States Arm ou r-Plates, 17, 617 United States Submarine Boats, 166 Wa t·sh iRs Bu ilt in Germa ny , 89, 322 W elsh Coal for Navy, 481

Obituary. See G BNJUUL u»&x Pllys tes. See Muhcmi u

PlerR. See Harbour• Railways :

Acciden ts Bill, 492 Acciden ts, Brit ish Statistics, 62 Algerian Railways, 731 Argen tine Railways, 153, 4H, 747 Australian, 581 Barry Railway, 187 Behr's Monorail Railway, 34, 157 Brazilian Railways, 62 Bt·econ a nd .Mer t hy r Tyd vil R ailway, 255 Buenos Ayres and Rosario Ra ilway, 489 Canadian Pacific Mountai n L ine, 751 Canadian Pacific Railway, 447, 527 Canadian Railways, 685 Cape Governmen t Railways, 393 Carnegie Railway from Ore Docks to Steel

Wo1·ks, 685 Ca rs for Egypt, Steel, 256 Ca rs , Pressed Steel, 400 Cat·s , Steel, 129 Cent ral Argen t ine Railway, 747 City and Sou t h London Extension, 289 Coal Bill , Railway , 751 Uommunication in Trains, 289 Con~o Railway, 236, 6ii Copper Railway Cars , 515 Conidor Trains, Great Western, 717, 761 Engine Desig n , 385 Engli h Railway R esults , 220, 289 E us ton E xtensions, 651 Fog Sig nalling , 585 Fren ch State Railway, 11, 25 German Ra ilways, 154 Glusgo\\' a nd Sou t h-Western R ailway Widen­

ing, 480 <treat Cent ra l Railway i{esnltSJ , 157

H ull and Barnsley Rail way, 202 Indian Railway Maintenance, 816 J apan Railway Progr ess, 52:1 J u ngfrau Ra.ih vay, 323 . Lanco.ihi re, Der bysh ire, a nd East Coast, R tul-

way , 22 Lo.rge Ra ilways, 20i L ig h t Railway, Tickhill, 750 Ligh t. Railways Orders, 617 Li~rht Railways, Yor kshire, 709 Locomotive "Bad en-Powell," th·eat Western,

651 Locomotive Buildin~ in New Sou th W ales, 651 Locomotive Design , 385 Locom otive, First Danish-Bu ilt, 323 Locomotive (Great Ea~tern) and P a ris Exhib i-

tion, 478 Locomotive: Indian R enewals, 825 Locom otive, United States, 385 Locom otives, Baldwin, 819 Locom otives in Belgium, 481 Locomotives in Germany , 59 Locom otives for Ita ly, 662 Locom otives, United Stat es, 526 Lond onandNorth ·Western Eu ton E xt.ensions,

651 London nnd Nor th -We tern in Yorkshire, 70 London a.nd Sou th -Wester n Traffic, 417 l...ouisvi lle and Nashdlle Railway, 632 Lyn ton and Barostaple, 446 Madagascar Railway, 819 Manchester a ud Li verpool Elec~ric Ra ilway,

34, 157 Manchuria Railways, 552 Metropolitan R ailway and E lec t.r ic T ract ion ,

123 Mexi~a.n R ail ways, 716 Midland Ra ilway Wid eni ng, 514 Mono-Rail Expr ess Service, 617 Natal Railway Locom oti\·e, 88 New South Wales Ra ilwa)IS1 760 New York Rapid ';rrans it Subways, 74i Nor th -Eastern R a1lway, 332 Nor th -Eastern Ra.ilway Enterprise, 322 Nottingh am Central Station , 717 Orleans R ailway, 651 Orleans R a ilway Rolling Stock, 749 Por t Talbot Railway a nd Dock Company, 255 Rail way Lectures, 95 Rating Railway Signal Boxes, 726 Rhodesian Railways, 260 Rhondda. a nd Swansea Bay Railway, 265 R hymney Railway, 187 Russia. Rolling S'ock, 681 Russia State Railways, 515 Russian R ail way Napht h a F uel, 685 Sheffield Dist ric t Railway, 550, 584, 684 Sheffield a nd th e MidlantlRa.ilway, 322 Siherian Railway, 17, 217, 792 Stockwell Subway Extension , 751 Swed en a.nd Norway Ra-ilways, 515 Swiss Railways, 825 Taft' Vale Railway, 187, 255, 751 Tra in 6000 F t. Long, 5 5 Train Traction Resistance, 77~ T rans-Siberian Railway, 748. See GENERA L

I NDEX Uganda Railway, 490 Union Pacific Railroad , 651 United IGngdom Coal Bill , 266 United Sta.tes Goods Ra tes of Freig h t , 196 United States Railroad Building in 1899, 800 West and Midland Service, 750 Workm en's Train F ailure a.nd Compan y Lia-

bilit.y ' 684 . Yorksh ire Railway E xtensions, 416

Sewal[e: Bacteria Bed Experiments, 196 Bacter iological Treatment, 585 Chester Sewage Scheme, 867 Chicago Dra inage Cana l, 156 Glat~gow Meetin~ Cleansing Su perin tendents

of Grea t Brita.m, 62 Glas2o'v Pump ing Machin ery Con tract, 322,384 Glasgow Sewerage Contract , 783 Leicester Sewage, 481 Rhy mney Pollution, 617 Sanita ry Institute Examinat ions, 289 Waketield, 332

ibtpbulldlnl[ and Shtpptne : Brazilian Shipping, 284, 568 Bristol Oompa.ny , 783 Brit ish Corporation R egist ry, 685 Canadian Shipbuilding, 81d Clyde Shipbuilding , 16, 288, 352 416 446 514

550, 6~41 750 I I I - I

Cramp's Uompany, 526 Danish St eam Ferry, 323 Elevating Ferry Steamer for Glasgow 446 Franco-Canadian Line, 717 ' F rench Shipbuilding, 530 Fren ch Transat lantic Liner " SltVoie " 53? German Ma rine, 266 ' -Grangem ou t h Company at Greenock 322 Hamburg-American Line, 428 ' H am burg-Amer ican Liner "Deutschla nd » 551 Ha mburg Line to India , 99 ' H a rla nd and W oltJ and Bel fa t 221 Ice-Breaking St eamers, 89 ' Lake Ore Steamers, 323 Messageries .Marit imes, 748 N ewport Shipbuildin g, 53 Nort h-East Coast Sh ipbu ild ing fi.') N orwegia.n Marine, 268 ' Para. a nd N ew York, 713 Point h ouse Shipyard , 716 P01·t Ta.lbot Shipbuildins- 53 Russian Mercantile Mar1~e, 581 Salvage of "Ibex," 779 Shipbuilding in For eign Countries 98 South-Ea~tern Asia a nd Oerma.n Ships 221 Ta.nk Ste~mers Building at Plymo\tth,


Weet Indlan Tru•t Steamen, 751

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (17)

• • XVI

ll)blpplna. Bee Sht~tldtng, •c. 8oeleUea. Bee T.:cllnfCGl, ~c., or f'rcNI, ~e. ltrlk.eN. Set' Trad• BocUtfu, le.

l'eeboleal 8 oeleUes, &e.:

Associa.tion of Technica.l Institutions, 165 British Associat,ion of Dra.ughtsmen, 651 Briti h Assoc1ation of Water Works Engineer ·,

55 City and Guilds Institute, 396 Congresses at Paris, ••1 East of London Foremen and lla.rine Engineers,

65 Gla.s~row Students, Inatitution of Civil Eogi·

neera, 53, 264, 322 Glasgow University Students in Sheffield, 514 I nst1tute of Marine Engineers, 131, 385 Institution of Electrical Engineer s and Paris,

7li Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in

cotland, 122, 254, as•. 550 Institution of Junior Engineers, 15<1, 204, 323,

•ln, 617, 685 Institution of Naval Architects, 157 International Congress of Hy(iene and Demo· ~r&phy 1 651

I pswich l!:ngineerinr Society, 551 Iron and Steel Institute Gold Medallist, 323 Iron and Steel In titute, Paris Meeting, 819 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 749 1\in::r's College Students, 585 Leeds A sociat,ion of Engineers, 157 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society,

121 Meetings of Yar ious Institutions Arranged,

423, 551 Newca.sUe Branch of the British Association of

Draughtsmen, 323 Nor th East Coast, Institution, 385 Royal Inst.itut.ion, 478, 792 Royal School of Mines' Students, 89 Royal Scotti h Society of Art , 220 Royal Society of Edinbut·gb, 322, 3 ! Sanitary Institute, 5, 5 Society of Arts, Albert Medal, 819 Society of Arts Medals, 831 Society of Engineers, 779 Society Meet,ings, 423, 551 Society of Modtl Engineers, ~89, 490 South Wales I nsti tute of En~tineers, 585 Students. Institution of Oivil Engineers, 287,

362, 476 Surveyors' Institute, 447 Uni,•eraity College tudents, 196 Watt Anniversary, 122 Yorkshire Engineering Society, 364, 385

Tele~rrapby. See EUctricU~

T e l e phony. See ~rlcU~

Trade . See Coe&l, Iron and Steel, IICJrketl, SMpbtdld· ffljf, Jtl~tr•dt11, &nd lndwtrfu

rrnlle Societies, Unions, Strikes, &c. : Aberdeen J oiners and Carters' Strikes, 492 Agricultural Workers' Accident Compensation,

429 Amsterdam Compositors' Str ike, 697, 628 Antwerp Dock Labour Leader Convicted, 728 Associated Iron and Steel Workers, 333 Austrian Coal Strike, 135, 168, 200, 232, 266 Baking Trade Dispute, 102 Belgium Glassmakers, 364 Belgian Labour and Eleotoral Campaign, 135,

200 Berlin Carpenters and Joiners' Strike, 301 Berlin Tramway Strike, 728 Binningham Corporation Workers' Dispute,

728 Blackburn We:\\'ers, 65 Blacksmith , Associated, 102

I N D E X.-P ARAGRAPHS. (SUI'l'Lt!ME~T TO 11 ENGI!'iEERUW," J ULY 20, 1900.]

Trades Unions , ~trlkeR, 4l e.-c~nttnuccl.

nlind nrushmakers, 28 Doard of Trnde P1·ogress Diagrams, 221 lloa.rd of Tmdc Report ns to Labour, 6·1, 101,

133, 167, 265, 397, 561, 661, 695, 830. See LET'rER, Coal.Mining, 424

Bohemia Miners' Strike, 334, 364, 398, 430 Boilermakers and Shipbuilders' Society, 134,

266, 397, 561, 695, 727, 31 Bolton J oiners' Strike, 597 Boot and Shoe Operatives' Union, 28, 199, 333,

628 Boy Workers in Mines, 728 Brassworkers' Disput~, 334 Bricklayers, 28. l:>ee 45 , 626 Bridgewater Canal and Coal, 398 Bristol Dockei'S, 430 Building Trade Dispute , 364, 430, 527, 597

628 Carpenters and Joiners' Society, 101, 23 1, 363,

458, 492, 527, 596, 661, 795 Carters' Time and Wage!!, 52i Chainmakers' Wages, 662 Child Lal>our in .Mines Bill, 491 Cleveland Mineni, 562 Clyde J oiners and Carpenters, 334, 458, 492 Clyde Rivet-heater , 364 Coal Mines Regulation Act, 457 Compensation Act Cases. ee GBNERAL I NDEX Congresses, 794 Con ett Works, Eight Hours' Dispute, 429 Co-Operative Congress, 794 Cotton Operatives Emi~rating, 728 Cotton Spinners' AssoCiation, 64, 231, 628, 795 Ootton Spinner ' Strike, 762, 31 Cot,ton Trade Disputes, 168, 200, 232, 301, 333,

334, 364, 398, 492, 561 Dispute Between Unions, 602 Dock Laboure1-s, London, 135, 831, 808 Dock Strike at Goole, 65 Docket'S' Wages, 662 Dockyard Labourers, 364 Douglas Tailors, 102 Druids' Congress, 795 Dundee Dock Labourers, 10'3 Durham Miners and the Sliding Scale, 867 Early Closing Shop Bill, 72S Eight Hours in London Engine Works, 28 Employers' Liability, United States, 385 Engine Machinists' St,r ike at Chicago, 385, 515 Engineers' AmalJ!amated Society, 134, 266, 397,

527, 695, 761, 31 Engineers on North-East Coast, Wages of, 301,

696, 762 Engineet'S' Wages Advance, 562 Factory Act Amendment Bill, 662, 68 Factory and Workshops Bill, 594, 597 Factories Bill, 363, 42Q, 492 Federation of Trade, 728 Fleetwood Joiners' Strike, 628 Foresters' Friendly Society, 457 French Miners, 28, 65, 266 Fr iendly Society Congresses, 794, 795 Ghent Dock Labou rers' Strike, 796 Great Central Railway Dock Workers, Gl'imsby,

728 Ha rland and Wolff, Riveters' Strike, 795 Huddersfield Tramway Men, 527 Hull Dockers, 628 Industrial Situation, 27, 133, 265, 397, 561, 661,

695, 830 I ronmoulders' Society, 28, 193, 397, 527, 661,

795 Italian Navvies' trike, 562 Keighley Foundry Labourer , 527 Labour Conference, 627 Labour .M. P.'s, 65, 333 Labour Representation in Parliament, 333 Lanark hire Malleable Iron Workers, 527 Lancashire Card Room Workers' Di pute, 596


Tl'ade l ' nlon , Sh•lk('~. 6[('.- continued.

Lancashil·e Cotton Trouble, 102 Lancashire Minen~, 28 Lancashire .Miner and the Eight Hours' Day,

762 Leeds En(.rineers' Dispute, 429 Leeds Pattern maker ,, Strike, 440, 492, . 527,

597 London and American Labour Amity, 831 London Bakers, 492 London Brickmakers' Dispute, 458, 620. See 2, London Dockers' St,rike, 831 London Plasterers, 3<54, 430 London Tramway Ten Hours' Day, 429 .Macclesfield Building Dispute, 762 Manning of Briti h Ships, 458 Matchmakers and Phossy Jaws, 458 May-Day Demonst ration, 597, 627 Middlesbrough Dock Labourers, 527 Midland .Miners' Federation, 65 Midland Wages Board, 6!, 300, 301, 492, 627 i\Iiners, 53, 102, 135, 200, 232, 364, 430, 628, 3 l ,

867 Miners' Eight Hours' Bill, 333 Miners' Facilities on the Midland Railway, 550 Miner ' Federation 102, 457 Nor th BritiRh Raiiway Platelayers' Dispute,

762 North·East Coast Engineers' Wages, 301, 696,

762, 855 North-Eastern Railway Platelayers. 662 North-Easter n Railway Employee, 168, 232 North of England Board of Conciliation SHd·

ing Scale, 53, 199, 301, 417, 867 Northumberland Bootmakers' Umpire, 102 Nort.humberland Concihation Board, 492 Nor·thumherland Miners' Wages, 53, 135 NorLhwich Painters, 562 Oddfellows' Congr·e s, 794, 795 Old-Age Pensions, 27, 199, a03 Paris Exhibition Strike, 168, 200 Pa rliament, 28, 102, 231, 333, 36:3, 429, 491, SD-I,

662, 728, 868 Penrhyn <~uarrymen, 628 Picketing, 364 Picketing r~aw, 28~ Poor Law Grants to Unions, 232 Postal Employes' Combination, 301 Potteries Dispute, 492, 527, 597, 628, 762 Railway Accidents Bill, 492 Railway Union Federation, 65 Rio Tinto Strike, 831 Roanhead Mines Dispute, 868 Russian Textile Works a.nd English Workers,

301 Scotch Blast-Furnacemen and Sliding Scale,

514 Scotch Miners, 696 Scotch Sliding Scale, 458 Scottish .Miners' l''edera.tion, 28, 65 Scottish Trade Conciliation Board, 135, 168 Shepherds' Congress, 795 Shipbuilders' Weekly Pays, 795 Shipbuilding Workers' Wages, 628, 696, 795 Shop Assistants' Association, 527 Shop Assistants' Seat Act, 28 Shop Clubs, Compulsory, 167 Shop Hours' Bill, 231 Skilled Labour Report, 133, 265, 397, 661, 661,

695, 830. See L.t:l'TER, 424, Coal AtininJ South African Labour, 728 South Wales Colliery En~tinemen's Strike, 762 South Wales Iron Workers' Dispute, 662 South Wales Miners' Wages, 45 South Wales Railway Strike Averted, 430

outhampton Electric Trams, 102 Spanish Miners' Strike, 562

t. Louis Tramcar Men's trike, 779, 831 St..'\fforrlshire Chainmakers, 65 Stafford~hire Rivet-Makers, 334, 458, 527




I Trade 1Jn ions , Sf rlke,;, &e.-continued.

Staffordshire and Worcester Sliding Scale, 527 Stoke·on·Trent Printers, 430 Strike Statistics, 64,101,133,167,265, 397,561,

661, 695, 30 weden Strikes and Lock-Outs, 89

Taunton J oiners, 527 Telephone Wiremen Strike, 301 Trade Union J ealousy, 728 Trade Union Secretaries' Union, 28 Trade Union Statistics, 101 Tyneside Labourers , 364 Union Grants to trikers (Legal), 232 United States Labour Union School of Ora-

tor), 264 UniLed States Trade Federation, 596 United States Trade Union Progress, 867 Wales and Monmonth hire Sliding Scale, 795 Weavers' Strike, 831 Woollen Operati,·es' Strike, 65 Woolwich Dockyard Strike, 597 Working-Class Progress, 27 Welsh Tinplate Dispute, 527 We t Australian Ra1lway Strike, 102 Year's Strike , 64 Yorkshire J oiners, 527 Yorkshire Miners' Association, 16, 81

Tramways: Buenos Ayres Tramways, 154 Cape Tramways, 366 Cardiff, 17, 385 Cologne Tramways, 362 Dunedin (N.Z.), 526 Glasgow, 166, 352 Glasgow Tramway Car Contracts, 288 Gr·imsby, 481 Havre, 595 Huddersfi eld Elect,ric Tmmways, 221, 254 Hull Eler.tric, 514 Leeds, 22, 6R5 Llanelly Electr·ic Cars, 651 London and Electric Traction, 855 Plymouth Tramways, 617 Sheffield Electric Tramways, 16, 122, 818 Swansfa Tramways, 481 T raction, Electric, 779 West Riding Projects, 650 York Report, 220

'l'nnnellln~ :

Avonmouth and the Severn Tunnel, 221 Subway a t Mansion House, Bank, &c., 62

V e h ieles. See f:ar1, Motor•

\Vnrs hips . Se• No.•aZ

Water \Vorks, &e.: Briton Ferry Water Supply, 353 Cape Town Water Supply, 272 Cardiff Water Supply, 617 Clevedon Supply, 255 Dam Failure in Texas, 651 Dawson, Klondyke, 585 Derwent Valley Water Works, 122 Dursley Water Supply, 760 Ga.insborough Water, 187 Ice and Water Supply, 515 Irrigation Work in France, 515 Leeds Supply, 350 Llanelly Reservoir, 385 London County Council Scheme, 717 London Water Samples, 447, 551 Motherwell Water Works Bill, 716 Nation's Supply and its Effective Control, 323 Paisley Works Ex ten ions, 352 Sorocaba, 591 Staines Re ervoir, 855 Waste, Data for Cardiff, 819 Waste, Data. for New York, 685 Well Sinking in 1\ent, 264

The P atent Index is classifie d under t h e following sub-titles :-AGRICVLTURAL APPLIANCES; E LECTRICAL APPARATUS; Gas ENGI.NES, PRoDUCERS,




SUBJECT MATTER. l..a'r!euUural Appllanus:

71, 307, 669, 735, 767 Centrifugal Machine. G. Daseking, 669 Cultivator. G. H. Coleman and A. R. Morton,

307 I mplement Points. W. 11. and R. H. Sleep

and W. Parkin, 767 Plant Washing Apparatus. J . H. Lamprey,

767 Plou~h Carria,.es. E. ~Ianclel and Co., 307 Plouj!h, One-\Vay. R. Bawden, 'iJ5 Tea·Drying Machinery. E. G. '"'cott, 71

JHeetrJcal ApparatuH : 35, 71, 107, 141, 171, 206, 237, 273, 307, 337, 367, <101, 431, • 65, 533, 669, 6(13, 633, 669, 699, 716, 761, 8011 37, 'i~

E lectrical APtULrftfus-continuecl. Accumulator Plates. E. Goller, 273 Alternating-Current Motor. M. Deri, 801 Alternating-Current Motor. J. and W. Yates

and J. B. Bent, 801 Arc Lamps. R. E. B. Crompton and E. A. N.

Pochin, 205 Arc Lamps, Preventing Noise in Alternating

Current . W. M. Mordey and H. Be,'is, 7 1 Battery, Secondary , Elements. J. T. Niblett

and M. Sutherland, 569 Batteries, Stor~e. E. W. Jungner, 669 Batteries, torage. H. Leitner, 699 Battery. W. S. Rawson, 71 Batteries, to rage. P. K{'nned.r, 37 Batterie~, Storage. A. Lehmann , a7 Ba.Ltery, Stora2e. N. Wilsoo\ ) • Mc. l.

Oater1 ia

Eleett·leal AJ)Jlaratu!'4-co11tlmud.

Bell Signals, Electromagnetic. Siemens and Halske, 633

Bulbs for Incandescence Lamps. C. Barten­stein, 533

Cirouit·Breaker for Iligh Potential Alternat· ing Curl'ents. E. M. Hewlitt, 401

Coherers. E. Ducretet, 337 Coherers. A. S. Popov, 735 Conduits and Turn-Outs. A. M. Taylor, 735 Connecting Circui ts. Callender's Cable and

Construction Company, Limited, and Cal· lender, T. E.. 71

Controlling Apparatus Act.uated by Electric, &c., Waves. A. Orling and C. G. G. Brauner· hjelm, 307

Controlling Mechanism by Electric Waves. A. Orlini ~nd 0 • Q, Braunerbaehn1 735

E lcctricl\l Apparatus-cont1nuecl. Controlling Moving Objec ts. N. Tesla, 171 Crane. .J . G. W. Aldridge, 837 Crucible for Ca ting Lead under Pressure.

E . J . Cl ark, 107 Current Collector for Underground Traction

Siemens and Hnlske, 237 Distribution System. B. G. Lamme, 603 Distribut ion System. P. teinmetz, 205 Dynamo. 0. L. J( ummer and Co., 735 Dynamo Constant Potent ial. G. Koppelma.nn,

465 Dynamos. H . G. Reist, 431 Dynamos. J . G. Statter, 603 Electric Condenser and Apparatus for Produc­

ing Hertz Waves. A. Orling and C. 0. 0 . Draunerhjelm, 205

Electrical Retietanoe and Inc~ndeacence ot


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (18)

•• [ t'PPL~~~NT TO " E~GINEERlNG," J rLr 20, 1000.1 IN DE X.-PATENT RECORD. xvu

Electrical ADDRJ at u s-continued. . Oxides (Nernst Lamp). AJig(meine Elektr1 citats Oesellschaft, 3o

Electrolytes fo1· Deposition of Metal. Dr. Courant, 337

Electro-Magnetic Separation of Ores. E. lireuser, 465

Electro-Pneumatic Controller. G. Westing­house, 205

Eler troplating. W. 1. Buck. :3i Exciting Alternating Dynamo . La Societe

Anonyme pour la Tran~ mission de la Force par EJectricite, 633

Facia for Electrical Instruments. l\l. Byng and R. P. Eidsforth, 237

Filament . J. tarch , Bayidsche Glutlampen Fabrik, E. M. Reiniger and G. Ludeche, 83i

Filter. Elertric Water. W. L. Teter and J. A. Heany, 465

Frequency Indicators. W. E. Burnand, 237 Furnace. E. B. Phi11ips and W . H. Brar , 35 Gal\'anic Batteries. Siemens and Halske, 273 Galvanometer, Te ting. W. C. Fraser and

G. K. B. Elphinstone, 767 Generators. E. L. Anderson, 171 Hertzian Receiver. J. C. Schafer , E . Ring,

and P. Lippold, 837 Hertzian Telegraph Rereh·ers. F . Bra nn, 837 IIertZJan Wave Apparatus. P. H . Cole and

B. Cohen, 669 Incandescence Lamps. A11gemeine Electri·

citlits Ges elEchaft, 401. See 107, 141 Incsnde~cence Lamps. G. C. Allingham and

W. Fenoell , 465 Incandescence Lamps. W. Mengal'ioi , 465 Incandescence Lamps. C. P . Steimnetz, 307 Incandescence Lamps. W. L. Voelker. 465 Incandescence, Lamps. F. 1\I. F. Cazin, 735 Incandescence, Lamps. E. Sander, 76'i Incandescent, Lamps. L. W . Oans. 107 Induction Coils. G. Muconi and Wireless

Telegraph Company. 603 Influence .Machine. C. S. Lemstrom, 367 Interruptet· , Electroly tic. F . de Mare, il Interruptor. H. T. iruon, t 69 Lamp Brackets. H. Hirst and J. Murphy. 107 Lamps. Al1~emein e Electl'icitats Gessellschaft

(two patents), 107, 141. See 401 Lamrs. S. Berditschewsky-Apostoloff, 633 Lamps. Street. G. Li"esey. 699 Magnet Generators. Mi:x and G~nest. 801 Meter Clocks, Winding Apparatus. H. Aron

.and Aron Electricity Meter Company, 171 Mmers' Safety Lamps. W. Best. 569 Motors, Alternatin~ Current, J . Burke, 735 Power Generation, Liquefied Ah and. E. C.

Thrupp, 142 Preventing the Cr eeping of Acids. J. T. Nib-

lett and .M. Sutherland. 141 Producing High Vacua. J. W. Howell, 401 Rail Bonds. H. Birst and J. Y. Zealander, 107 Receiver fo r Waves. A. Orling and C. G. G.

Braunerhjelm, 237 Regulating Distance betw·een Hermetically­

Sealed Objects. A. Orling and C. 0. G. Bra.u­nerhjelm, 237

Regulating Sensitiveness of Receh·ers. A. Orling and C. G. G. Braunerhjelm, 237

RelaJ s. S. G. Brown, 669 Relays. A. C . Crehore and G. 0. Squier, 669 Resistance Meter. J . A. Fleming, 533 Rotation, Effecting, at a Distance. A. L

Croneau, 669 Safety De\'ice for Transformers. E. Thomson,

307 Stage Li~ht Regulator. Siemens and Halske,

767 Submarine Cable Telegraph. A. C. Crehore

and G. 0. Squier. 431 Subo1arine Mines, Firin~. F. 1\Iavlander, 801 Suspension Dence for Lamps. ·A. J. Fahre,

603 Switch. R. W. Crull, 801 Swi~bes. W. F. Jones, 603 Switches and Cut-OuUI. Crompton and Co.,

Limited , and H. W . W. Dix, 465 S,,;itches, Resistance. J . H. Holmes and F .

Broadbent, 603 Telegraph Posts. Siemens Brothers and Co. ,

Limited, and G. W. Perry, 633 Telegraph Receiving and Translating Instru-

ment. A. Muir head. 801 TelEphone, Portable. L. M. Ericsson, 767 Telephone Receiver. A. T. Nye, 141 Telerhone Tran~mitter. A. T. Kr e, 141 Telef>hones. Siemens Brothers and Co.,

Limited, and A. S. Schloemer. 569 Telephonic Speech Recorder. Valdemar Poul­

sen, 633 Traction, Surface Contact. S. P . Thompson

and M. Walker, 367 Tram Rails, Bonding. D. 1''· Pug rue, D.

J ames, and C. Mitchell, 1il Tramways. Siemens and Halske, 71 Transfo1 mer$. M. Det; , 205 Trolley Wire Apparatus. Siemen and Halske

71 I

Trolleys for o,·erbead Conductors. W. Wood 10i '

Welding Apparatus. A. F . Berr.r and R. J. Wallis-Jones, 633

Welding Apparatus. The G. L. Thompson Manufacturing Company, 36i

Wi nd-D1·iven Dynamo. l\lax Gehre 871 Wire Holder. W. Routledge, 837 ' Wire or Strip, Manufacture of Copper. S. 0.

Cowper-Coles, 171 Wireless Telegraphy. G. Marconi and the

-~-ireless Telegraph and Signal Company, 533 \\ !reless Telegraphy. L. B. 1\lilJer, 801 Wueless Telegraphy. R. G. Williams 735 Wiring Candelabra. B. M. Drake a~d J. M.

Gorbam, 801

Gns En~tines, Produce 1s, Holders, &c. : 35, 107, 141, 171, 206, 273, 307, 367, 401, 431 465, 569, 603, 633, 767, 837, 871

Acetylene. C. Kellner, 10'i Acetylene Purifier. 0. Ernst and A. Phili )lS

569 ' Buoy Lights. W. J . 1\lurphy, 206 Burner. H. A. Kent, 401J

Gas Engincs-c~ntmued.

co*ke o,·en. R. Brunck, 634 Compres o r, Air and Gas. Taite, IIoward, and

Co., Limited, J. E. Howard, 837 Cylinder, Explosion 1\Iotor. N. \'incke, 837 Engine Exhaust Silencer, W. J . Crossler and

J . Atkinsoo, 35 · Eng~ne Flywheels. M. Ot to, 171 Eng mes, Gas. A. G. Kew, 8'il Engines, Gas and Oil. H. M'Phail, 465 Engine, Ig niter for. F. W. Lnnche ter, 35 Eng!ne I~nition Apparatus. G. Daimler, 465 Engme, Internal Combustion. W. E. Phil-

hrow, 633 Eng!ne, Rotary Explosion. P. Blanc, 307 Engme Starter fo r Explosion Motors. F. Est­

<:oort, 35 Engine, Starting Appa ratus for. W. J. Cross­

ley, 431 Engines, Starting Gas. H . N. Bickerton and

H. W. Bradley, 569 Gas Generator. American Stoket· Company,

431 Gas Manufacture. H. G. Colman, 36/ Gas Pre~ure Regulator. R. Hein and T.

Habn, 603 Gas Pressu re Regulator for Incande cent

Lighting. W. T . Sugg, 6d3 Generating- Gas. G. Wanderpapen and A. \'an

Berckelaer , 603 B) drocarbon Motor Pres Ul'e Iodic at or. A.

Duflo , 273 Incandescence Gas Lamp. E. Cen·enka, 171 Incandescence Gas Lighting and Heati;

P. G. deSchodt, 1il o

I ncandescence Mantles. \\'. H . A. Siever ts 141 ,

I ncandescent Gas Burners. S. Burnstein, 634 Incandescent Gas Lamp. B. Beese, 274 Incandescent Gas Lamp, Outside. C. H. Dent

367 I

Incandescent Lamp . L. Denay rouze, 633 Internal Combustion Motors, W. J. Crossley

and R. D. Rulley, 569 Internal Combustion Motors. W. Baines, 172 :\Iarine Torch. J. A. Watson, 273 Oxygen Producing Apparatus. F. Brown and

F. J . Steadman, 273 Purifying Anthracene . T. \\'ilton, 367 RefriJ,rerating and Liquefying Apparatu .

E. C. Th rupp, 10i Retort Pipes, Clean ing. G. Elliott, G. Damp,

and J. McDade, 767 Scru bbers, Gas. G. E. Ste,·eoson, 767 Separa ti ng Gnses. E. N . .Mazza, 'i67 Water Gas. J . E. Dow on, 37

Gnn~ and ExJ)Iosives: 3~. 141 , 171. 205, 237, 273, 307, 33i, 367, 431, 465, 533, 569, 604, 634, 669, 699, 735, 767, 801' 8~~. 871

Ammunition Hoists. A. T. Dawson, T . Tbaoke· t·ay, and J . Horne, 71

Ammunition Wa~ons and Limbers. \ickers, Sons, and .Ma.x1m, Limited, A. T. Dawson, and G. T. Buckbam, 237

Automatic Guns. L. \'. Benet and H. H . .l'tlercie, 634

Automatic Guns. A. T. Dawson and L. Sil· \'erman, 465, 669

Brakes for Gun Cat,·iages. F. Krupp, 23'7 Brakes, Recoil. Fried. I\rupp, 838 Breech Mechanism. Skodawerke Aktien-

gesellschaft, 699 Breech Mechanism of Guns. Sir W. G. Arm­

strong. Wbitworth, and Co., A. G. Hadco*ck, and S. M. Murra.r, 604

Breechloading Guns. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whi twortb, and Co., Limited, and A. G. Hadco*ck, 273

Breechloading Guns. A. T. Dawson and 0. T. Buckham, e99

Carri~ge, Field Gun. Sil: \~' · G. Armstrong, Whttworth, and Co , Lm11ted, Sir A. Noble, and R. T. Brankston, 604

Carriages, Gun. J. F. Mei~s and R. P. Stout, 699

Car nages, Gun. W. H. Wright, W. Roths­cbild, and G. D. Smith, 802

Carriag e , Light Gun. A. T . Dawson and G. T. Buckham, 801

Cat tridge Belts for Machine Guns. A. T. Dawson and L. Sih·erman, 141

Car tlidge Clip . H . Preener, 871 Cartridges. W. Brand, 569 E levating Adjustment. F. Krupp, 670 Envelope for Charges. F. Krupp, 570 Explosi\·es. A. Luck, 533 Explosives H . . Maxim, 569 Fastening Torpedo Tube Doors. Sir W. G.

Armstr<'ng . Whitworth, and Co., Limited, and E. W. Lloyd, 307

Filling Cartridge Belts, Machine. J. Ramsay and C. Salmon, 273

F irea t f!1 S, Deadening Report and Diminishing Recotl. J. Borresen and S. Sigbjornsen 35

Gun8 and Expi08h·el'!-c(llltinued. l'tllnilag, l'tlehalhn•.ry, &e.-co~ttintttd.

Rifles, Repeatin~. F. R. \'On 1\fannlicher and 0. Schonauer, ·168

Separable Guns. A. T. Dawson and G. T.

Detonators. .1. W. Fowler, 308 Elec t r·olytic Separation of Zinc from Zinc

Oxides. 0 . J. Steinhart, J . L. F. Vogel, and H. E. Fry, 238 Buckham, 767

Shrapnel Shell. G. Roth, 307 Shrapnel hell . Sir W. G. Armatrong, Whit­

worth, and Co. , and A. G. Hadco*ck, 431 Si~htiog Ordnance. L. K. Scott, 307 Shags for Lifting Shell . ir w. G. Armstrong,

Whi tworth, and.Co., Limited, and J . Honner, 367

Ta.rgets. T. B. Burns, 735 Telescopic Sights. Ft·ied . 1\rupp, 83 ' Torpedo-Steering Mechanism. A. E. Jones,

669 Trunnion Bearings. G. Ehrbardt, 768 Trunnion Bearings. F. Krupp, 838 Tubes, Gun. Morris Tube Ammunition and

Safe ty Range Company, Limited, a.ndA.J.H. W) att, 801

Tubes for G\tns, Practice. Morris Tube Com­pany , Limited, aud J . H . Wyatt, 171

Workin~ Ordnance. R. Matthews, 205 Worm Gear for Training Guns. Vickers , Sons,

and Maxim, Limited, A. T. Dawson, and G. T. Buckham, 337

Hydraulic AllJmJ•atus : 36, 71, 274, 337, 367, 4011 533, 604

Ba.ll and Float Vah·es. J . Wellard, 36 Centrifugal Pump. E . E. Marchand, 604 Check Feed Yal"es. J . Menzies, 71 Closet Supr ly Valve. H. L . Doulton , 367 Governing Water Motors. S. C. Davidson and

A. B. Wilson, 274 Impulse Turbine. S. C. Davidson, 337 Meters. W. G. Kent, 533 Nozzles for Water Motors. S. C. Davidson and

A. B. Wilson, 274 Tap. W. H . Moore, 368 Vah·es. J. Prest";ch, 401 Water or Steam VaJns. J . Prestwich, 401

l.ifUng and HauUne A.pvat·ntu s : 36, 71, 107, C04, 634, 699, 736, 802

Ammunition Hoists. A. T . Dawson, T. Thackeray, and J . Horne, 71

Bearing Bracket, Adjustable. W. T. Roun-sh·ell, 36

Da,·its. W. Jones and W. Cook, 699 Derrick Swinging Gear·. W. H. Wise, 802 Elevators. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner, 634 Grain. EleYator, Por table. H. Mayan, 107 Sustaming Block for PulJey Blocks and Lifting

';l'a ckle. S. Gi~bs ,and A. E. Downing, 604 Wmch Gea r.. ~1r". G. Armstrong, Mitchell,

and Co., L1mtted, and L. Newitt, 736 ltlacbh•e and otbe1• Tools, SbaJ'tlng, &e

• 35, 71 , 108, 141, 171, 274, 308, 337, 401, 481, 466, 533, 604, 634, 6i0, 700, 768, 838

Ball Bear ings for Sewing Machine. Singer Manufacturing Company, 431

Belt Gear. A. Goodwin and A. T. Booth, 308 Boring Bar. J . Brown and T. Haddock, 768 Callipers. H. H. P . Powles, 838 co*ke Breaker. S. Stevenson, 71 Cutting Links of Mortising Machine Chains.

E. S. Higgins, 36 Drill , Portable Electric. A. L. Croneau, 6'70 Fric tion Gearing. J . C. Howell, 1il Gear for Transmitting Motion. P. Mallet, 604 Gearing, Variable SJ:eed. T. A. Edison and

C. M. J ohnson, 401 Guillotine Paper-Cutter. R. E. Sproule, 634 Ind ia-Rubber Working .Machine. J . T. Wicks,

533 ME chanical MovEment. R. W. Paul, Ul Mechanism for Rolling Meta l Tubes. 0.

Klatte, 466 M~tal Rolls. W. H. Dunkley, 108 Mrc rometer. C. J . Banks, 466 Pipe Wrench es. T. E. Ryan, 141 Pn~umatic Riveter. H. J . Kimman, 401 Pu lping Machinery. J . .Almond and S. F.

Andrews, 108 Ratchet Mechanism. P. C. H enriksen 337 Re-Rolling Old Rails, Machine. J . E. Y~rk, 274 Rock Drill. Siemens and Hal ke, 768 Roller and Ball Bearin~s. L. Brennan, 700 Roller Bearings. J . Dertina, 108 Rollin,:r Metal Tubes. T. B. Sharp, 60' Screw Threads. S. Frank, 36 Shearing and C1ipping Machine. W. W. and

A. T. Barton, 466

Forgings. D. B. Morison, 534 Fuses, Electric. 0. Smith and D. Corrie, 735 Gla~s .Manufacture upon Metal Articles. P. T.

Sievert, 33'i Gold Recovery. J . F. Duke ,838 Mortar BoxeS for Stamp Mills. New Steam

Stamp Mill Syndicate, Limited, and C. S. Madan, 2'74 (two patents)

Separating Metals _from Ores. F. E. Elmore, 337

Steel Manufacture. L. Perin, 337 Washing and Disintegrating Apparatus. J . H.

Darby, 308 ltliseeJJnncous :

72, 108, 142, 172, 238, 308, 368, 402, 432, 466 570, 670, 700, 736, 768, 838, 8i2

Bolt Fnstening Device. J. A. Saner, 768 Brewing Appat·atus. J . A. Ruhdeschel, 83 Captive Balloons. A. Riedinger, 5'70 Cement Kilns. J. C. Swan, 108 Cement .Manufacture. J . Hastie and J . Gill,

402 Cheques, Prevention of Fraudulent Alteration.

J. 0. Parvin, 432 Coin-Controlled Wardrobe. S. von Canstatt,

466 Coupling Flanged P ipes, &c. W. H. Dugard,

670 E vaporating Substances and Rendering Them

Anhydrous. W. Mather, 736 Excavators. T. Wbitaker, 768 Filter. F. R. Lipscombe, 368 Filter of Liquids. D. Wickham, 768 Gold Recovery. J. H. Duke, 838 Heat Radiator. E. A. Denyer, 670 J oists, Shoes for Ends of. .M. M'Callwn, 402 Life Savin~ Appliances. W. J . Orr and J .

Thomas, r68 Lighthouses Apparatus. J . A. Purves, 238 Liquefied Air as Power Generator. E. C.

Thrupp, 142 Lubricators. C. H. Berry, 872 Marine Building Construction. N. R. J eckel,

466 Oils, Treating .Mineral. W. Fraser and T.

Bryson, 838 Pack Saddles. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit­

wor th, anrl Co., Limited, and C. Carthew­Yorstoun, 238

Paper Reeling Machinery. C. H. Rookes, 72 Phosphorus, Treating Amorphous. S. P .

Thompson , 700 Pianoforte Hammers. C. V. Burton , 570 Pier Construction. N. R. J eckel, 466 Sewer Cleansing Machine. P. J . Healev 142 Silk, Artificial. M. Fremery and J . ·urban,

368 Sounding Apparatus. J. C. Dobbie, 838 Strong Rooms. D. R. R atcl*tf, 670 Stuffing-Box Packing. W. Whyte and J . .M.

Robson, 308 Tele~ra.phing by Sound Waves. S. A. Varley,

432 Valves, Waste, for Sinks and Baths. J. Shanks,

172 Pump~:

36, 72, 238, 402 Air Pump. G. H . Wailes, 402 Direct· Acting Steam Pumps. Tangyes, Limited,

and J. N. F loyd, 72 Mercurial Air Pump. H . S. Maxim, 36 Reciprocating Machinery, Gearing fo r Drh·ing.

R. E. B. Crompton, 238

R allwA:J" and Tramways : 36, 108, 171, 274, 337, 431, 634

Brakes, Automatic. La. Soci~t~ des Freins Automatiques "Stop," 171

Continuous Call Bell. F. J . J. Gibbons 10 Intercommunication tn Trains. W. E:­

don, 108 Operating Swi tch Points. T. and G. S. Holmes,

and J . H. Barnes, 36 Signal Apparatu s. Siemen s and Halske, 634 SleepC"l'S. P . Korff, 337 Treada for Carriages. A. Spencer, 2U Whitening Railway Platfonn Edges, Mach ine

for . J . Hill, 431 Toothed Gearing. G. T. Smith and W. Gard­

ner, 533 Ships and JWauth.•al AJ)plfnnus :

Traction Engine Couplings. J . Marshall, 431 Treadle Mechanism fo r Sewing Machines.

J. K. Macdonald, 466 Turret Lathes. S. Simpson, 35 Yariable Gear . Tangyes, Limited, a nd J . Rob­

son, 308 Wei_ghi~g Mac~ines . W. E. H ipkins, 768 Whitenmg ~arlway Platform Edges, Machine

for. J . Htll, 431

108, 141, 206, 274, 337, 432. 534. 634, 736, 871 Bnlkhead Door Gear. A. W. Moore Lee and

J . Preston. 2C6 Dredgers. W. D. Priestman and H . Richard­

son , 736 Hand-Steering Gear. J. Muir, 274· Hull and Keel Cleaning. H. W. ·B. Branch

736 ' Liners for Screw Shafts. L. J . Lyall 432

Gas Check. H . S. Maxim, 699 ' l\hchine-Oun Mounting. A. T. Dawson , G. T. Bu~kham, and C. A. Larsson, 35

:rtltJJJng and SfJlnrauna- :rtlaeblnery: 72,141,308, 402,700, 802, 838

Fibrous Material Washer. J . H. Annandale

Marine Propeller. R. Be,:ras , 337 , Navi~able Ships. M. Bouchet, 141 Navipendulum. G. Russo, 634 Paddle-Wheel. T. Hope, 142 Machme Guns. A. T. Dawson and L. Silver-

man, 205: • Mountings. Sir W. G. Annstrong, Whit­

WOI th, and Co., Ljmited, and R. T. Branks­ton , 273

Pack Sa.Odles. Si r W. G. At·mstrong Whit­n.:orth, aud Co., Limited, and C. C~rthew-1: orstoun, 238

P ercussion Primer. A. T . Dawson and J . Parker, 367

ProjectiiE:s. .A. T . Dawson, G. T . Buckham, and L . S. Silvet man, 871

Projectiles. H. S. Maxim 533 570 Pro~ect~es. H. v. Simpson, 699 ProJeCtiles. F. Stubbs and L. Burrows 533 <tuick-Firing Gu n Mounting. A. T . Dawson

and G. T. Buckham, 699 Ramme1·. F. I\t1lpp, 871 Range-Finder. A. B. Brown 367 Re~ulati ng Position of Proj~ctiles and Cart­

ndges. Norddeutsche Munitionsfabrik and Albert Totte a nd Paul Pondorf 35

R ifle Ba r·t el CoYers. J . W. Ottle)·, 763


802 I

Gr:i~ding and Buffing Mill. H. Simon, 700 .M1lhng Apparatus. G. T. Smith and W.

Gardner, 402 Paper Pulp Machines. W. N. Bertram and S.

Milne, 838 Paper Reeling Machinery. C. H. Rookes 72 TreatiJ?g Crushed Ores and Mineral Slimes.

G. Fischer , 141 Washing Grain. W. E. Westrup, 308

MJnln~, MefalJorgy, and Metal Work· In~:

'71, 171, 206, 238, 274, 308, 337, 432, 534, 670, 735

Alloys of Aluminium and Magnesium. L . Mach, 432

Alloys. H. H. Grenfell, 1'71 Alloys. L. Mach, 2f 6 Anhydrous ZiLc Chloride Manufacture. 0. J .

Steinhart, J. L. F ., and H . E. Fry, 238 Coal Cutter. Lord Masham, 71 • Coa l-Mining Apparatus. Lord Masham, 670

Paddle Wheels, Feathering. C. J . R idsdale, 534

Propeller Shafts. J . Mollison, 142 Screw Propeller. C. R. Emrich, 432 Screw Propellers. R.1 T . Preston and W. H .

Martin, 108 Stee.ring Gear. W. B. Thompson, 141 Uprights. A. Buchanan , 871 Ventilators. R. Thon1pson, S. J . Glover, and

J . Porter, 206 Wave Recorder, Ship Rollin~. G. Russo 634 Wind Scoop for Ships' Ports. R. M:eldntm

206 I

Yachts, Racing. T. Paterson, 634

~t.-am Engines. Boilers , Evaporatoa·" &e.: .,,

36, 72, 108, 142, 172, l206, 238, 308 338 368 402, 432, 466, 534, 570, 634, 6'701 700 I '736 I 8021

8'71 I I t

Air and Steam as Motive Fluid. E . Field 72 ' Boiler Circulation, ImproYed. J . R. Rh~es

872 '


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (19)

• • • XVlll

.S team .Enatnes, Boners, &c.-::on~inued. Boiler , Combined Fire and Water. J. Schtitte,

. 32 Boiler Flue. G. Cooper and Leeds Forge Com­

pany, 142 Boiler Flues. E. Gearing (two patents), 338,

368 Boiler Furnaces. J . Cowa.n, 534 Boiler, Steam. A. J . Liversedge, 8i2 Boiler, Steam. H. C. Pla.tts and T. Lowtber,

872 Boiler Tubes. Societe J . et A. Niclausse,

634 Corliss Valve Gear. C. Da.vy, 72 Ejector. D. N. Bertra.m and S. Milne, 534 Feed-Water Filter Heater. H. Hooking, 700 Feed-Water Heaters. D. B. Morison, 338 Feed-Water Heater s. The Hon. C. A. Parsons,

1i2 Feeding Boiler Furnaces. Oompagnie Comp-

teurs a. Gaz, 172 Filters for Wa.oor-Tube Boilers. A. Harris, 72 Firebars. J . , T., and J . Vicars, 72 Fuel Injector. E. A. Vetillard and E . Scherd­

ing, 3tS8 Gauges, Water. R. G. Brooke, 8il Generator and Superheater. H . McPhail,

432 Governor, Drum. A. S. F . Robinson, 33g Governors, Drum. F. M. Rites, 402 Governor, Engine. P . A. Low A.nd Willans and

Robinson, Limited, 338 Gover nor, Marine Anti-Racing. P. Bowie and

W. Guildford, 700 Heat Radiators. W . T . Sugg, '32 High-Speed Eogint>. J. M. M 'Lean, and A.

Sykes, 108 High·Speed Engines. E . Buss, 308 High-Speed Engines. S. C. Davidson and A. B.

Wilson , 466 Injecto r. W. Eaton, 368 .Joints for Steam P ipes. R. R ea.y, 36 Locomotive Boiler. C. Vanderbilt, 570 Motors. H . l{ocb, 670 Mules, Self-Acting. T. Wilde, 871 Pistons. A. W. Hroughton, 570 R educing Valve. Scbatier and Budenberg,

570 Road Locom otive. R. Gascoigne, 172 R otary Engine. D. Garter and 0. J . Smith,

72 Safety Valve. B. H . H erma.n, 570 Shutting Olf Steam, Means for. L. da Rozir,

F. \V. Aldrich, L. P. Cote, and H. A. Hatch, 238

Steam Engines. See also H i(jh-Speed E ngines Steam Engmes. J . Murrie, 570 Steam Engines. L. Serpollet, 206 Steam Engines. Simpson, Strickla.nd, and

Co., Limited, ani W. Oro~. 308 Steam Engines. F. A. Spa.ngenberg, 142 Steam Radiators for Hospitals. J . E . Williams,

and J. T. Wal!ord, 33S Steam Separator. J . I. Thornycroft, 368 Steam Trap. J . Stumpf, 72 .steam Traps. V. 0. J . Ortmans, 368 Steam Turbine. 0. A. Parsons, t-!02. See 432 Stokers, Automatic. Compa.gnie Compteurs

a. Gaz, 172 Stuffing- Box Packing.

Robson, 308 W. Whyte and J . M.

Superheater. F . von Grubinski, 700 Superheater . T. Sugden, 802 Surface Condensers. W . B. Thompson, 142 T raction Engine. R . Gascoigne, 172 Tube Stopper. W. Ward and H . J . Waterston,

206 Turbine. J . F. Brady, 238 Turbines. Hon. C. A. Pa rsons and A. D.

Wass, 432. See 802 Utilisation of Waste Steam. S. Prager, 338 Utilising the Energy of Steam. F. Ander-

heggen, Jun., 36 Valve, ilala.nced Slide. J . McDonald, 402 Valve Gear. M. F. Gutermuth, 142 Valve Gear, Oscillatory. L. Szekelyhidy, 172 Water Gauge. J. A. and S. Fietcher, 634 Water-Tube Boiler. J. Cowan, 466 Water-Tube Boiler. E. Dolby and A. C.

Auden, 604 Water-Tube Boiler. J. Ha.llett and G. Halli­

da.y, 634 Water -Tube Boiler. J . Miyabara, 670 Water-Tube Boiler. J . I. Thornycroft, 368,

700 Water-Tube Boilers.

Company, 308 Water-·rube Boilers. Water -Tube Boilers. Water-Tube Boilers.

son, 802 Water-Tube Boilers. Water-Tube Boiler . 'Vater-Tube Boilers. Water-Tube Boilers. Water-Tube Boilers.

700 Water-Tube Boiler.

W. A. Cloud, 872

Babco*ck and Wilcox

D. Croll, 238 C. D . .Moberg, 338 H. J . C. and J . A. Patti·

F. R ensing, 736 H . Siebert, 872 R. B. Smit.h, 802 J . E. Thornyoroft, 736 T I. Thornycroft 368,

G. F. G. des Vtgnes and

Textile ~laeb1ner7 : 142, 172, 402, 634, 736, 8721

Beetling Ma.ohine. D. :MoKellar, 534 Bobbins. J . T. Ward and J . B. Curtis, 402 Mercerising Threads. H . E. Aok:royd, 402 Mules, SeU-Acting. T. Wilde, 872 Mules and Twiners, Winding Arms a nd Quad­

rants of. A. Lees and Oo. and J . Clegg, 172

Throstle Spinnina- Frame. G. lfitchell a nd A. Craven, 142

Unwinding Bobbins. C. Haklo, C. E. Lie­breioh, and A. Downbrough, 736

Yarn, Treating. J . H. Bolton, 736

Ve bJelee : 72, 172, 206, 634, 604, 700, 802, 872

Brakes. La Soci6t6 Anonyme des Freins Auto­matiques "Stop," 206

C ooling Brakes. G. Daimler, 53j Driving Mechanism, Prima ry. G. Daimler ,



V e h l c l es-co11tlnucct. }<"'ender and Brake for Tramcars, Combined.

W. M~k, 604 lb nsom Cab. W. Dickson, 72 Internal Combustion Motors. W. Baines,

172 Mot o Oycles. H . S. Maxim, 802 Motor Road Vehicles. W. Baines, 172 P ropelling Vehicles. C. d e Mocomble, 8i2 Wa rming Motor Vehicles. G. Daimler, 534

NAMES OF PATENTEES. Ackroyd, H. E. Mercerising Threads, 402 Aldrich, F . W. and others. Means for Shutting

oti Steam, 238 Aldridge, J . G. W. Electric Crane, 837 Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft. Ele~trical

Resistance and Heating Bodies composed of Metal Oxides, 35 ; Electric Incandescence Lamps, 107, 141, 401

Allingham, G. 0., and F ennell, W. Electric In­candescence Lamps, 465

Almond, J ., and Andrews, S. F. Pumping Ma­chinery, 108

American Stoker Company. Gas Generators , 431

Anderheggen, Jun., F. Utilising the Energy of Steam, 36

.Andet·son, E L. Electric Generators, 171 Andrews, S, F., and Almond, J . P umping Mn.­

ch inery, 108 Annandale, J . H. Fibrous Material Washer,

802 Armstrong, Whitworth , and Co. , Sir W. G., and

another. Breechloading Guns, 273 ; Gun Mountings, 273 ; Pack Saddles, 238; Shrapnel Shells, 4~1; Slings for Carrying Shells, 367; Breech Mechanism, 60! ; Field Gnn Carriage, 604 ; Fastening Torpedo Tube Doors , 3\J7 ; Winch Gear, 736

Aron, H., and Aron Electricity Meter Limited. Winding Apparatus fo r Meter Cloc ks, 171

Atkinson, J . , and Orossley, W. J . Exhaust Silencer, 35

Auden, A. C., and Dolby, E. Water-Tube Boiler , 60!

Babco*ck and Wilcox Company. Water-T ube Boilers, 308

Baines, W. Motor Road Vehicles, 172 ; In ternal Combustion Engines, 172

Banks, C. J . Micrometer, 466 Barnes, J ., and Holmes, T . and G. S. Operating

Switch Points, 36 Bar tenstein, C. Bulbs for Incandescence Lamps,

533 Barton, W. W. n.nd A. T. Shearing and Clipping

Machine, 466 Bawden, R. One-Way Plough, 735 Ba.yirische Glutlampen !4~abrik and others.

Hollow and Coated Filaments, 837 Beese, B. Incandescence Gas J,amps, 274 Begas, R. Ma rine Propeller, 337 Benet, L . V., and another . Automatic Guns,

634 Bent, J . B , a nd others. Alternating-Uurrent

Motors, 801 Berckelaer, A. Van, and another. Generating

Ga9, 603 Berditschewsky-Apostoloff, S. Electric Lamps,

633 Berry, A. F., and another . Electlic Welding,

633 Berry, C. H . Lubricators, 872 Bert ram, D. N., and Milne, S. Ejector, 534 Bertram, W. N., and .Milne, S. Paper Pulp

Machines, 838 Best, W. Miners' Safety Lamps, 569 Bevis, H., and Mordey, W. M. Preventing Noise

in Alternating-Current Arc Lamps, 71 Bickerton, H. N. , and Bra.dley, H . W . Start ing

Gas Engines, 569 Blanc, P. Rotary Explosion Engine, 307 Bolton, J. H. Treat ing Yarns, 736 Booth, A. T., and another . Transmitting Motion

through Belting, 308 Bouch et, M. Navigable Vessels, 141 Bowesen, J ., and Sigbjornsen, S. Firear ms

Deadenwg Report and Lessening Recoil, 35 Bo,vie, P., and Guildford, W. Marine Anti­

Radng Engine, 700 Bradley, H. W ., and Bickerton, II. N. Starting

Gas Engines, 569 Brady , J. F . Turbine, 238 Branch, H . W. B. Ship's Hull a nd Reel Cleaning,

736 Brand, W. Car tridges, 669 Brankston, R. T:, a nd another. Gun .Mountings,

273 Brankston, R. T., and others. Field Gun

Carriage, 604 Brann, F. H er tzian R eceh·er, 837 Braunerhjelm, C. G. G., a nd anoLher. Electric

Condenser and Apparatus for Producing Hertz Waves, 205 ; R eceiver for Waves of Ligh t, H eat, Electricity, &c., 237; Regulating Sensi­tiveness of such Receivers, 237 ; Regulating Distance Between H ermetically Sealed Objects, 237 ; Controlling Apparatus Operated by Waves, 307; Controlling Mechanism for Elec­t r ic Waves, 736

Bray, W. H ., and Phillips, E. B. Electrical Furnaces, 35

Brennan, L. Roller and Ball Bearings, 700 Broadbent, F., and Holmes, J. H. Resistance

Switches, 603 Brooke, R . G. Water Gauges, 871 Broughton, A. W. Pistons, 670 Brown, A. B. Range-Finder, 367 Brown, F., and Stedman, F. J . Production of

Oxygen, 273 Brown, J . , and Haddock, T. Boring Bar, 768 Brown, S. G. R elays, 669 Brunck, R. co*ke Oven, 634 Brunnerhjelm, G. G. , and another. Controlling

Mechanism for Electrical Waves, 735 Bryson, J., and Fraser, W. Treating .Mineral

Oils, 838 Buchana.n, A. Uprights, 871 Buck, W. Y. Electroplating, 837

Buckham, G. T., and .o~her . Machine ~un ~lounting, 35; Ammum t10n Wa~ons and Lun­bers, 237 ; Worm Gear for Tra.inmg Guns, 3.37; Quick-Firing Gun Mount , 699; Breechloadiog uuns, 699 ; epa rable Guns , 767 ; Light Gun Carriage, 801 ; Projectiles, 871

Burke, J . Alternating-Current Motors, 735 Burnand, W. E. Frequency Indicator for Alter-

nating Currents, 237 Burns, T . B. Targets, 735 Burnstein, S. I ncandescent Ga.S.Bu~ner, 634 Burrow, L., and Stubbs, F. Prr J •ctiles, 533 Burton, C. V. Pianofor te Hammers, 570 Buss, E. H igh·Speed Engines, 308 By ng, M., and another. Fa.oia. for Electrical

Inst ruments, 237

Callender's Cable and Construction Company, and T. E. Callender. Connecting up Branch Circuits, 871

Canstatt, S. von. Coin-Controlling Wardrobe, 466

Carter, D., and Smith, C. J . Rotary Engine, 72 Oater, J . Mc.I. , and Wilson, E . Storage Battery

System , 35 CarLhe.v-YorsLoun, C. , and another. Pack

Saddle, 238 Cazin, F. M. F . Electrical I nca ndescence Lamps,

735 Cervenka, E. Incandescence Gas Lamp, 171 Clark, E. J. Cr ucible for Casting Lead under

Pressur e, 107 "'legg, J., ~nd Lees and Co., A. Winding Arms

and Quadrants of Mules and Twiners, 172 Cloud, W. A., and another . Steam Gentrator,

872 Cohen, B., and Cole, P. H. Her tzian Wave

Telegraphy, 669 Cole, P. H ., and Cohen, B. H er tzian wa,-e

Telegraphy , 669 Coleman, G. H., and Morton, A. R. Cultivator ,

307 Coleman, H. G. Gas Manufactu re, 367 Compagnie Compteurs a. Gaz. F eeding Boiler

Furnaces, 112 Cook, W., and J ones, W. Davits, 699 Cooper , G., and Leeds Forge Oompany. Boiler

Flue, 142 Corrie, V., and Smith, G. Electric Fuses, 735 Cote, L. P., and others. Means for Shutting Off

Steam, 238 Cou rant, Dr. Electrolytes fo r Deposition of

Metals, 337 Cowan, J. Boiler Furnace, 534 Cowan, J . Water-Tube Boiler, 466 Cowper-Coles, S. 0. Copper Wire or Strip, 171 Oraven, A. , and a nother . Throstle Spinning

Frame, 142 Crehore, A. C., and Squier, G. 0. Relays, 669 Crehore, A. C., and Squier, G. 0. Submarine

Cable Telegraphs, 431 Croll, D. Water-Tube Boiler, 238 Orompton and Co., Limited, and l>i<, H. W. W.

Switches a nd Cut·Outs, 465 Crompton, R. E . B., and another . Arc Lamps,

205 Crompton, R. E. B. Gearing for Driving Re­

ciprocating Machinery, 238 Croneau, A. L. .Means for Effecting Rotation at

a Distance, 669 ; Portable Elect ric Dt·ill, 670 Cross, W., and others. Steam En~ines, 308 Crossley, W. J. Starting Gas Eugmes, 431 Orossley, W. J., and Atkinson, J. Exhaust

Silencer, 35 Crossley, W. J ., and H ulley, R. D. I nternal

Combustion .Motot·s, 569 Crull, R. W. Electric Switch, 801 Cur tis, J. B., and Ward, J. T. Bobbins, 402

Daimler, G. Cooling Brakes , 534; Wam1ing Motor Vehicles, 534

Daimler , G. Ig nition Appa ratus for Explo ion Motors, 465

Daimler, G. Primary Dri\'ing Mechanism for Motor Cars, 700, G., a nd others. Cleaning Retort Pipes, 767

Darby, J. H . Washing and Disintegrating Ap-paratus, 308

Daseking, G. Centrifugal Machinery, 669 Davidson, S. C. Impulse Turbine, 337 Davidson, S. 0., and Wilson, A. B. High-Speed

Engines, 466 Davidson, S. C. , and another . Governing Water

Motors, 274; Nozzles, 2i4 Davy, C. Corliss Valve Gear, 72 Dawson, A. T., and others. Machine-Gun Mount­

ing, 35 ; Ammunition Hoists, 71 ; Car tr idge Belt for Machine Guns, 141 ; Mach ine Gun , 205; Ammunitiou Wagons and Limber s, 237; Worm Gear for Training Guns, 33i; Per­cussion Primer, 367 ; Automatic Guns, 456, 669 ; Breechloa.ding Guns, 691> ; Quick-Firing Gun Mount, 699; Separable Guns, 767; Light Gun Carriages, 801 ; P rojectiles, 871

Denayrouze, L. Inca ndescence Lamp, 633 Dent, C. H. Outside Incandescent Gas Lamp,

367 Denyer , E. A. Heat Radiators, 670 Deri, M. Alternatin~·Current Motor, 801 Deri, M. Transformers, 205 Dertina, J . Roller Bearing , 108 Dickson, W. Hansom Cabs, 72 Dix, H . W. W., and others. Switches a nd Cut­

Outs, 465 Dobbie, J. C. Sounding Apparatus, 838 Dolby, E., and Auden, A. C. Water-Tube

Boilers, 604 Doulton, H. L. Closet Supply Valve, 367 Downbrough, A., and others. Unwinding Bob­

bins, 736 Downing, A. E., and Gibbs, S. Sustaining Ap­

paratus for Pulleys and Tackle, 604 Dowson , J . E. Water Gas, 837 Drake, B. M., and Gorha.m, J. M. Wiring Can­

delabra, 801 Ducretet, E. Coherers, 337 Duftos, A. Pressure Indicator for Hydrocarbon

Motors, 273 Dugard, W. H . Coupling Flanged Pipes, &c.,670 Duke, J. F. R ecovering Gold, 838 Dunkley, W. B. Metal Rolls, 108

Eaton, W. I njector , 368 Edison, T. A., and Johnson, C. M. Variable

Speed Gearing, 401 Ehrha.rdt, G. Gun Trunnion Bearin~s, 768 Eidsfort h, R. P., and another . Facta for Elec­

t rical I nstruruents, 237 Elliott, C., and others. Cleaning Retort Pipes,

767 Elec tric Transmission Company. Exciting Al­

ternating Dynamos, 633 EJmore, F . E. eparating Metals from Ores, 337 Elphinstone, G. K. B., and Fraser, W. C. Test-

tni Galvanometer, 767 Ernnch, C. R. Screw Pr opeller, 432 Ericsson, L . M. Porta.ble T elephone, 767 E rnst, 0 ., and Philips, A. Acetylene Puri fier ,

569 E tcourt, F. Starter for Explosive Motor s, 35

Fabr e, A. J. Suspension Device for Elect ric Lamps, 603

Fennell, W., and Allingham, G. C. Electric In ­candescence Lamps, 465

Field , E. Air and l:iteam as Motive Fluid, 72 Fischer , G. Treating Crushed Ores or Mineral

Slimes, 141 Fleming, J. A. Electrical Resistance Measur ing

Instruments, 533 Fletcher, J. A. and S. Water Gauges, 634 Floyd, J. N., and Tangyes, Limited. Direct-

Acting Steam Pumps, 72 Fowler , J. W. Detonators, 308 Frank, S. Screw Threads, 36 Fra.ser, W., and Bryson, J. Treating Mineral

Oils, 8:l8 Fraser, W. C., and Elphinstone, G. K. B. Te t­

ing Ga.h'anometer , 767 F remery, M., and Urban, J. Artificial Silk, 368 F ry, H . E. , and others. Electrolytic Sepa ration

of Zinc from Zinc Oxide, 238. Manufacture of Anyhydrous Zinc Ohloride, 238

Gans, L. W. Electric Incandescence Lamps, 107 Gardner, W., and Smith, G. T. Elevators, 634 Gardner, W., and mith, G. T. Toothed Gea r-

ing, 533 Gardner, W., and another. Milling Apparatus,

402 Gascoigne, R. Road Locomotives, 172 Gearing, E. Boiler F lues (two patents), 338, 368 Gehre, Max. Wind .Motor for Dynamo, 871 Gibbons, F. J . J . Continuous Call Bell, 108 Oibbs, S., and Downing, A. E. Sustaining Ap-

paratus for Pulley~, &c., 604 Gill, J. , and Hast ie, J. Cement Making, 402 Glover, S. J., and others. Ships' Ventilator ,

206 Goller, E. Accumulator Plates, 273 Goodwin, A., and anoth er . Tran mitting Motion

through Belts, 30 Gorham, J. M., and Drake, B . )1. Wiring Can-

delabra., 801 Grenfell, H. H. Alloys, 171 Grubinski, F. von. Superheater, 700 Guildford, W., and Bowie, P. Marine Anti­

Racing Engine, 700 Gutermuth, M. F. Valve Gear for Steam Engines,


Hadco*ck, A. G., and others. Breech Mechanism, 604

Hadco*ck, A. G. , and others. Breechloading Guns, 273

Hadco*ck, A. G., a nd others. Shrapnel Shells, 431

Haddock, T, and ijrown, J. Boring Bar , 768 Hahn, T., and Hein, R. Cas Pre sure Regulator,

603 Haklo, C. , and others. Umvinding Bobbins,

736 Hallett, J., and Halliday, G. Wat er-Tube Boiler,

634 Halliday, G., and Rallett, J. Water-Tube Boiler,

634 Harris, A. F ilters fot· Water-Tube Boilers, 72, J., and Gill, J. Cement-Making, 402 Hatch, .8. A., and others. Means for Shuttiog-

Off Steam, 238 Healey, P. J. Sewer CleansinO' Machine, 14:? Hea.ny , J. A., and Teter, W. L. Electric Water

Filter, 465 Hein, R., and Hahn, T. Gas P ressure Regulator

603 I

Heorik en, P.C. Ratchet Mechanism, 337 Herman, B. H. Safety ValYe, 570 Hewlett, E . .M. Circuit- Breaker for High

Potential Alternating Circuits, 401 Higgi ns, E. S. Cutting Links of Mor ti ing

Machine Chains, 36 Hill, J. Machine for Whitening Railway Plat­

form Edges, 431 H!pkins, W. E. Weighing Machines, 768 H1r t, H., and ~lurphy, J . Electric Lamp

Brackets, 107 Hirst, H ., and Zealander, J. V. R ail Bonds

107 ' Hocking, H. Feed-Water Filter lleater, 700 Holmes, J. H ., and Broadbent, F . Resistance

Switches, 603 Holmes, T., and G. S., a nd others. Operating

Switch Points, 36 Honner, J., and others. Slings for Carn·ing

Shells, 367 ~ Hope-J ones, R. Organ Coupler, 107 Hope, T. Paddle-Wheel, 142 Horne, J., and others. Ammunition Hoists 71 Howard, J. E., and other . Air and Cas Com-

pre sor, 837 Howell, J. 0. Friction Gearin~, 171 llowell, J. W. P roducing High Vacua, 401 Hulley, R. D. , and Cros ley, W. J. Internal

Combustion Motors, 562

James, D., a nd others. Bonding Tram Rails, 171

Jec kel, N. R. Marine Building Construction 466 '

J ohnson, C. M., and Edison, T. A. Variable Speed Gearing, 401

J ones, A. E. Steering Mechanism for Torpedoes 669 '

J ones, W. F. Electrical Switches, 603

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (20)


Jones, W., and Cook, \V. Davit~, &99 J uogoer, E. W. torage Battencs, 669

Kellnerf C. Acetylene, 107 Kenned v, P. Batteries, 837 Kent, H. A. Gas .Burners, 401 Kent W. G. Liquid Meters, 533 Kim~an, H. J . Pneumat ic Rivetet·, 401 Klatte, 0. Mechanism for Rolling Metal Tubes ,

466 Koch, H . Motors, 670 Koppelmann, G. Constant Potential Dynamo,

465 Korff, P. Railway Sleepers, 337 . Kreuser, E. Elect.romagnetic Separatton of Ores,

K~~p, F. Brakes for Gun Carriages, 237; En_ve-lopes for Cha rges for Or~na~ce, 570; Work10~ Ordnance, 670 ; Telescop tc S!ghts, 8~ ; Re~otl .Brake for Guns, 838; Trun01on .Bearmgs, 838 ; Rammer, 871

Kummer and Co. , 0. L. Dynamos, 735

Lamme, B. G. Electrical Distribution, 603 Lamprey, J . H . Plant Washing Apparatus,

767 d 0'1 E . I . t Lanchester, F. W. Gas an 1 ngme gm er,

La~gdon, W. E. Intercommunication in Rail­way Trains, 108

La.rsson, C. A., and others. Machine Gun Mounti ng, 35

Lee, A. W . .Moore, and another . Bulkhead Door Gear, 206

Leeds Forge Company, and G. Cooper. Boiler Flue, 142

Lees and Oo. , A., and Clegg, J . Winding Arms and Quadrant.s of Mules and Twiners, 172

Lehmann , A. Storage Batt~ries, 837 Leitner H . Storage Batten es, 699 Lemstr~m, C. S. Electric Infl uence Machine,

367 u . d" Liebreich, C. E., and others. nwm mg Bobbins, 736

Lippold, P., and othe_rs. H ertzian Receivers, 837 Lipscombe, F. R. Filter, 3~ Liversedge, A. J . Steam Botler, 872 Li vesey, G. Street Lamps, 699 . Lloyd, E. W. , and others. Fastenmg Torpedo

Tube Doors, 307 Lowtber, T., and another. Steam Boiler , 872 Low, P. A., and others. Engine Governors, ~

Luck, A. Explosives, 533 Ludeche, G., and others. Hollow and Coated

Filamen ts, 837 Lyall, J. Propeller Shaft Liners, 432

.Macdonald, J . K. Treadle Mechanism fo r Sewing Machines, 466

Mach, L. Alloys of Alumjnium and Magnesium, 432. Alloys of Aluminium, Magnesium, a nd Antimony, 206, W. Combined Fender and Brake for Cars, 604

McOallum, M. Shoes or Pockets for Ends of J oists, 402

McDade, J . , and others. Cleaning Retort Pipes, 767

McDonald, J . Balanced Slide Valve, 402 McKellar D. Beetling Machine, 634 McLean, J. M., and Sykes, A. High-Speed

Engines, 108 McPhail, H. Gas and Oil Eng ines, 465 1\!cPbail, H. Steam Generator and Superheater,

432 .Madan, C. S., and another. Mortar Boxes for

Stamp Mills (two patents), 274 Mallet, P. Gear for Transmittin~ Motion, 604 Mandel and Co., E. Plough Carnages, 307 :Mannlicher, F. R. von, and another. Repeating

Fireanns, 768 .Marchand, K E. Centrifugal Pump, 604 Marconi, G., and another. Wireless Telegraphy ,

533 ; Induction Coils, 603 Mare, F. de. Electrolytic Interrupter, 871 Marshall, J . Traction Engine Couplings, 431 Mart in, W. H ., and Preston, R . T. Screw Pro-

pellers, 108 Ma.sbam, Lord. Coal Cutter, 71 Ma3ha.m, Lord. Coal-Mining Apparatus, 670 Matber, W. Evaporating and Rendering Sub-

stances Anhydrous, 736 Matthews, R. Apparatus for Work ing Ordn:mce,

205 .. Maxim, H . . Explosives, 669 ; Projectiles, 570 Maxim, H. S. Gas Check, 699 Maxim, H . S. Mercurial Air Pump, 36 Maxim, H. S. Motor Cycle, 802 Maxim, H . S. Projectiles for Ordnance, 533 .Mazza, E. N. Separating Gases, 767 Mayan, H. Portable Grain Elevator, 107 Maylander, F. Firing Submarine Mines, 801 Meigs, J . F., and Stout, R. P. Gun Carriages,

699 Meldrum, R. Wind Scoop for Shlps' Ports, 206 Mengarini, W. Incandescence Electric Lamps,

465 Menzies, J . Check Feed Valves, 71 Mercie, H. H., and another. Automatic Guns,

634 Miller, L. B. Wireless Telegraphy, 801 .Milne, S., and Bertram, D. M. Ejector, 534 Milne, S. , and Bert ram, W. N. Paper Pulp

Machines, 838 .Mitcbell, G., and Craven, A. Throstle Spinning

Frame, 142 l litchell, G., and others. Bonding Tram Rails,


Mix and Genest. Magnetic Generators, 801 Miyabara, J . Water-Tube Boilers, 670 Moberg, C. D. Water-Tube Boiler , 338 Mocomble, C. de. Propelling Vehicles, 872 Mollison, J . Propeller Shafts, 142 Moore, W. H . Tap, 368 . . Mordey, W. M., and Bevis, H. Preventmg No1se

in Alternating-Current Arc Lamps, 71 Morison, D. B. ~'eed-Water Heaters, 338 Morison, D. B. Iron and Steel Forgings, 534 Morris Tube Ammunition and Safety R ange

Company, Limited , and another. Gun Tubes, 81)1

Morris Tube Compa ny, Limited, and Wyatt., J . H. Practice T ubes for Guns, 171

Morton, A. R. , and Coleman, G. H . Cultivator, 307

Muir, J . Hand-Steerin~ Gear for Ships, 274 .Muirhead, A. Telegraph Receiving o.nd Tra ns­

lating Instrument, 801 Murpby, J ., and Hirst, H . Electric Lamp

Brackets, 107 .Murphy, W. J . Buoy Lights, 206 . Murray , S. M., a nd others. Breech Mechamsm,

604 Murrie, J . Steam Eo~ines, 570

New, A. G. Gas Engines, 871 New Steam Stamp Mill Syndicate Limited.

Morta r Boxes for Stamp Mills (two patents), 274

Newitt, L., a nd others. Winch Gear, 736 Ni blett, J. T., a nd Sutherland, M. Seconda ry

Battery Elements, 569 Niblett, J . T., and another. PreYenting the

Creeping of Acids, 141 Niclausse, Soci~t~. J . et A. Boiler Tubes, 534 Noble, Sir A., and others. Field Gun Carriage,

604 Norddeutsche Munitionsfabr ik and a nother.

Projectiles and Cartridges, 35 Nye, A. T. Telephone Receiver, l41 ; Telephone

Transmitter, 141

Orling, A., and another. Controlling Mechanism for Electrical Waves, 735

Orling, A., and another . Elect ric Condenser and Apparatus for Producinf:f H ertz Waves, 205. R eceiver for Waves of Ltght He:~.t Elec­t ricity, &c. , 237 ; R egulating Sensitiveness of such Receivers, 237 ; Regulating Distance between H ermetically Sealed Objects, 237 ; Controlling Apparatus Operated by Waves, 307

Orr, W. J ., and Thomas, J. Life-Saving Ap-pliance, 768

Ort mans, V. C. J . Steam Traps, 368 Ottley, J . W. Covers for Rifle Ba rrels, 768 Otto, M. Explosion Engine Flywheels, 171

Parker, J. , and Dawson, A. T. Percussion Primer, 367

Parkin, W. , and Sleep, W. H . and R. H. Im­plement Points, 767

Parsons, The H on. C. A. Feed-Water Heaters, 172 ; Steam Turbines, 802

Parsons, Hon. C. A., and Wass, A. D. Steam Turbines, 432

Parvin, J. G. Prevent ion of Fraudulent Altera­tion of Cheques, 432

Paterson, T. .Racing Yachts, 634 Pattison, H . J . C. and J. A. Water-Tube Boiler,

802 Paul, R. W. Mechanical Movement , 141 Perin, L. Steel Manufacture, 337 Perry, G. W., and Siemens Brothers and Co.,

Limited. Telegra ph Post, 633 Philb row, W. E. Internal Combustion Engine,

633 Philips, A., and Ernst, 0. Acetylene Purifier,

569 Pbillips, E. B., and Bray , W. H . Electrical

Furnaces, 36 Platts, H. C., a nd Lowther, T. S team Boiler,

872 Pochin, E. A. N., a nd another. Arc Lamps,

205 Poodorf, Paul, and ot hers. Position of P rojec-

tiles aad Cart ridg-es, 35 Popov, A. S. Coherers, 735 Porter, J. , and others. Shlps' Ventilators, 206 Poulsen, Valdemar. Telephone Speech R ecorder,

633 Powles, H . H . P. Callipers, 838 Prager, S. Utilisation of Waste Steam, 338 Preener, H. Car t ridge Clips, 871 Preston, J., a nd another. Bulkhead Door Gear,

206 Pr eston, R. T., and Martin, W. H. Screw Pro­

pellers, 108 Prest wich, J . Valve~:~, 401 ; Water or Steam

Valves, 401 Priestman, W. D., and a nother. Dredger, 736 Pugrue, D. F. , and others. BondingTram Rails,

171 Purves, J. A. Ligh t house Appa ratus, 238

Ramsay, J ., a nrl a nother. Filling Cartridge Belts, 273

Ra.nson, W. S. Electric Battery , 71 Ratcliff, D. R. Strong Room, 670 Reay, R. Joints for Steam Pipes, 86 Reiniger, E. ;\l., aud others. Hollow a nd Coated

Filaments, 837 R eist, H. G. Dynamos, 431 Rensing, F. Water-Tube Boilers, 'i36 Rhodes, J . R. Improving Circulation in Boilers,

872 Richardson, H. , and another. Dredger , 736 Ridsdale, C. J . Feathering Paddle-Wheel, 534 Ried inger , A. Captive Balloons, 670

Ring, E ., a nd others. Hert.zian R eceh era, 837 Rites, F . .61. Drwn Governors, 402 Robinson, A. S. F. Drum Governor, 338 Robson, J . M., and another. Stuffing-Box Pack-

ing, 308 Robson, J ., and others. Variable Gear, 308 Rookes, C. H . Paper Reeling Machinery, 72 Roth, G. Shrapnel Shell, 307 Rothschild, W ., and others. Gun Carriages,

802 Rounsivell, W. T. Adjustable Bearing Bracket,

36 Routlectge, W. Wire Holder, 837 Rozir, L. Da , and others. Means for Shutting off

Steam, 238 H.nhdeschel, J . A. Br ewing Appa ratus, 838 Russo, G. Na.vipendulum, 634. See 444, 448,

494, 495 Ryan, T. E . Pipe Wrenches, 141

Salmon, C., and another. Filling Car t ridge Belts, 273

Sander, E . Incandescenc.e Lamp~, 767 Saner, J . A. Bolt-Fastemng Devtee, 768 Scbafer, J . C., and others. H er tzian Receiver,

837 Scba fier a.nd Budenberg. Reducing Valve, 570 Scherding, E., and another. F uel In jector, 368 Schlremer, A. S., and Siemens Brothers and Co. ,

Limited . Telephones, 569 Scbodt, P. G. de. Incandescence Gas Lighting

and Heating, 171 Schonauer, 0., a nd another. Repeating Fire­

arms, 768 Sch Utte, J . Combined Fire-and -Water-Tube

Boiler, 432 Scott, E. G. T~a-D_rying Machinery, 71 Scott, L. K . Stghtmg Ordnance, 307 Serpollet, L. Steam Engines, 206 Shanks, J . Waste Valves for Sinks a nd Baths,

172 Sharp, T. B. Rolling Metal Tubes, 604 Siebert, H. Water-Tube Boilers, 872 Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and Perry ,

G. W. Telegraph Posts, 533 Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and another.

Telephones, 669 . . Siemens and Halske. Trolley Wtre Apphances,

71; Electric Tram ways, 71; Curren t Collectors fo r Underground Traction, 237 ; Galvanic Batteries, 273 ; Electromagnetic Bell Signal, 633 ; Railway Signal Apparatus, 634 ; Stage Light Regulator , 767; Rock Drilling Machine, 768

Sievert, P . T. Making Glass on Metal Articles, 337

Siever ts, W. H . A. Incandescent Ma ntles, 141 SiglJjornsen, S., a nd .Bowesen, J . Firearms,

Deadening Repor t and Lessen ing Recoil, 35 Silverman, L., a nd others. Cartridge Belt for

Machine Guns, 141 ; Machine Guns, 205 ; Auto­matic Guns, 465, 669 ; Projectiles, 871

Simon, H. T. Inten ·uptor for Electric Currents, 569

Simon, H. Grinding and Buffing Mill Rollers, 700

Simpson, H . V. Projectiles, 699 Simpson, S. Turret Lathes, 35 Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited, and

Cross, W. Steam Engines, 308 Singer Manufacturing Company. Ba ll Bear ings

for Sewing Machines, 431 Skodawerke Aktiengesselschaft. Breech Mecha­

nism, 699 Sleep, W. H. and R. H., and Parkin, W. Imple­

ment P oints, 767 Smith, C. J ., and Ca1-ter, D. Rotary Engine,

72 Smith, G., and Corrie, D. Electric Fuses, 735 Smith, G. D., a nd others. Gun Carriages, 802 Smith, G. T., and Gardner, W. Elevators, 634 Smith, G. T., and Gardner, W. Toothed Gear -

ing, 533 Smith, G. T., and a nother. Milling Appara t us,

402 Smith, R. B. Water-Tube Boiler, 802 Soci~t~ Anonyme pour la Transmi sion de la

Force par l'Electricite. Excit ing- Alternating Dynamos, 633

Soci~t~ d es Friens Automatiques cc Stop." Auto-matic Bra kes, 171

Spangenberg, F . A. Steam E ngin es, 142 Spencer, A. Treads for Railway Carriages, 274 Sproule, R. E . Guillotine Paper Cutter , 634 Squier, G. 0., and Crehore, A. C. Submarine

Cable Telegra phs, 431 ; Relays, 669 Starch, J., and others. Hollow and Coated

Filaments, 837 Statter, J. G. Dynamos, 603 Stedman, F . J., and Brown, F. Product.ion of

Oxygen, 273 St.einhart, 0. J ., and other s. Electrolytic Sepa­

ration of Zinc from Zinc Oxide, 238. Manu­facture of Anhydrous Zinc Ubloride, 238

Steinmitz, P. Electrical Distribution System, 205

Steinmetz, C. P. Incandescence Electric Lamps, 307

Stevenson, G. E. Gas Scrubbers, 767 Stevenson, S. co*ke Breaker, 71 cc Stop," La Soci~t~ Anonyme des Friens Auto·

matiques. Brakes, 206 Stout, R. P ., and Meigs, J. F. Gun Carriages,

699 Stubhs, F. , and Burrows, L. Projectiles, 533 Stumpf, J. Steam Trap, 72 Sugden, T. Superheater, 802 Sugg, W. T. H ea.t Radiators, 432 Sugg, W. T. R egulating Gas Pressure in Incan-

descent Lighting, 603 •


Sutherland, M., and Niblett, J . T. Secondary Battery Elements, 569 .

Sutherland, M., and another . Preventmg t he Creeping of Acids, 141

Swan, J. 0. Cement Kilns, 108 Sykes, A., and McLean , J . M. High -Speed

Eng ines 108 Szekelyhidy, L. Oscillating Valve Gear, 172

Taite, H oward, and Co., Limited, and E. H owa.rd. Air and Gas Compressor , 837 .

Tangyes, Limited, and Floyd, J . N. Duect -Acting Steam Pumps, 72 .

Ta.ngyes, Limited, and Robson, J . Van able Gear, 308

Taylor , A. M. Conduits a nd Turn·Outs, 735 Tesla, N. Controlling Moving Objects, 171 Teter, W. L., and H eany, J. A. Electric Water

Filter, 465 Thackeray, T., and others. Ammunition Hoists,

71 Thomas, J ., and Orr, W. J . Life-Saving Appli·

ance, 768 Thompson Ma nufacturing Company , G. L . Elec­

t ric Welding Apparatus, 367 Thompson, R., and others. Ships' Ventilatore,

206 Thompson, S. P. Treating Amorphous Phos·

phorus, 700 Thompson, S. P., and Walker, M. Surface Con­

tact Electric Traction, 367 Thompson, W. B. Ships' St eering Gear, 141 ;

Surface Condensers, 142 Thomson, E . Safety Device for Tra nsfom 1ers,

307 Thornycroft, J . E. Water -Tube Boilers, 736 Thornycroft, J . I. Steam Separator, 368; Water ­

Tube Boiler, 368; Water-Tube Boilers, 700 Thrupp, E. C. Gas Refrigerating a nd Liquefy

ing Appa ratus, 107 Thrupp, E. C. Liquefied Air for Power Genera­

tion, 142 Tl)tte, Alber t , and another. Position of Projt:c-

tilea and Cartridges, 35

Urban, J ., and Fremery, M. Artificial Silk, 368

Vanderbilt, C. Locomotive Boiler, 570 Va.rley , S. A. Telegraphing by Means of Sound

Waves, 432 Vetillard, E. A. , and Scherdiug, E . Fuel Injec­

tor, 368 Vicars, J ., T., and J . Firebars, 72 Vickers, Sons, a nd Maxim, Limited, and others.

Ammunition Wagons and LimberS", 237; Worm Gear for Training Guns, 337

Vignes, G. F. des, and Cloud, W. A. Steam Generator, 872

Vincke, N. Explosion Motor Cylinders, 837 Yoelker, W. L. Incandescence Electric Lan1ps,

4M Vogel, J . L. F., a nd others. Electrolytic Sepa­

ration of Zinc from Zinc Oxide, 238 ; ~lanufaa­t ure of Anhydrous Zinc Chloride, 238

Wailes, G. H . Ai r Pump, 402 Walford J . T., and, J . E . Steam Ra­

diators, 338 Walker , M., and Thompson, S. P. Surface Con­

tact Electric Traction, 367 Wallis-J ones, R. J ., and another. Electric Weld­

ing, 633 Wa.nderpepen, G. , a nd another . Generating

Gas, 603 Ward, J . T., and Curtis, J. B. Bobbins, 402 Ward, W., a nd another. Tube Stopper, 206 Wass, A. D. and anoth er . Steam Turbiues, 432 Waterston , H. J ., and another. Tube Stopper,

20G Watson, J . A. Ma rine Torch, 273 Wella rd, J . Ball and F1oat Valve, 36 Westi nghouse, G. Electro-Pneuma tic Con t roller,

205 Westrup, W. E. Washing Grain , 308 Whitaker, T. Exca,·a tora, 768 Wbyte, W., a nd a nother . Stutling-Box Packino-

308 O l

Wickham, D. Filter for Liquids, 768 Wicks, J . T. llachine for Working India­

R ubber, 533 WiJde, T. Self-Acting Mules, 872 Willa.ns and R obinson, Limited, a.nd a not.her.

Engine Governors, 338 Williams, J . E., a nd Wnlford, J . T. Steam

Radiators, 338 Williams, R. G. Wireless Telegraphy , 735 Wilson, A. B., a nd Davidson , S. 0. H igh-Speed

Engines, 466 Wilson, A. B., a nd anoth er. Governing Water

Motors, 274 ; Nozzles, 274 Wilson, E., and J. Mc. I. Cater . Storage B:~.t­

tery System, 35 Wilton, T. Purifying Anthracenes, 367 Wireless Telegraph Company and Sig nal Com­

pany and Ma rconi, G. Wireless Telegraphy 533 ; Ind uction Coils, 603 '

Wise, W. H . Derrick Swinging Gear , 802 Wood, W. Trolleys for Overhead Conductors

107 I

Wrig h t , W. H. , and others. Gun Carriages, 802 Wyatt, A. J . H ., and others. Gun Tubes 101 Wyatt, J . H., and Morris Tube Co~pany

Limited. Pract ice Tubes for Guns, 171 '

Yates, J. and W., a nd Bent, J . B. Alternating­Current Motors, 801

York, J. E. Machine for R e-Rolling Old Rails 274 I

Zealander, J . V., and Hirst, H. Rail Bonds, 10i

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (21)




A e etJ'Ie u e t,;n:-;. .Acetylene Illu1nlnAting Co. , Ld. :J, Victoria Street. W~:stmlnster,

s.w. A.&Tieultural ltlaeblDerJ". Clayton a: Shuttlewortb. . •• Lincoln Davey, Pax man a: Co., Ltd. • . Colchester JI'Mter, W ., 6 Co .. Ltd. • . . • Lincoln Jl'owler, J. , a: Co. (Lee<b), Ltd... Leed.a &arrett. R .• a: Bona, Ltd. • . Lelaton W ork.a, Butrol.k B ornaby, R., a: Sona, Ltd. • • Gra.ntbam )I an ball, Sou.a a: Co., Ltd. • . Ga!Mhorouah Jlan10mee, Sima a: Jetrerlea. Ld. Ipswich Jr.obey a: Co .. Ltd. . . • • Lincoln Ru.ston. Proctor a: Co .. Ltd. • • Shw Ironworks, Lincoln Turntr, E. R. a: F., Ltd. . . (132) Ipsw1ch «::ompresson. .Allia, Edwarl\ 1'., Co. . . . . Milwaukee, W la., U.S.A. &Uey, W . B ., .t Co .. Ltd. .. AlblonWka.Sallord,?dancheat'r Bellias &: M• rcom Ltd. . . • • LedMDl St. W orks, Birm.IDgh&m Brotherhood. P. • • • • • . Belvedere Road, S.B. Cotes. B . J ... • . • • . L ondon Crane W orks, Derby Cralg, A . F ., &: Co., Ltd .. .. P aiJ•ley, N .B. Da•ey, Paxman &: Co .. Ltd. • • Colche~<ter Fruer .t Cbalnlers, Ltd. . . 43, Thl'ea.dueedle Street, B.C. Bathorn, Davey .t Co. • • • . Leeds LB.W . H~hee .t Lancaeter • . . . 47, Victoria St., W estminster. H umboldt Engineering Worke

Co. . . • . . • . . • Rat k . near Cologne Jllckmnn. J. W ., & Co. . . .. 39. Yictorta Street, S.W. J esaop a: Apple by Bros. (Leicester

and London), Ltd. . . • • Leicester and London (S W. .Korti.Dg Brothers • . • . • . 68, Victoria St., Weatmioeter, Leeda Eng1neeriug a: H ydraulic } Prov1dence W or k.e, Croee Stam ·

Co. • . . . • . . . ford Street. Leeds N e" Taite H oward Pneumatic

Tool Co .. Ltd. . . • . , . 63, Queen Victoria Street, F..C. Reader, E .. &: $one .. .. Phcenix Works, Nottingham Reavell &: Co., Ltd. . . . . Rnnelagh Work!, I pswich Schram, Richard, a: Co. • . • . Cannon Street H ouse, E .C. Scott. Geo., .t Son.. .. .. '4. Cbrlatian Street, P. Tbwaltee Broth en. Ltd.. . .. Bradford Vauxh&ll Iron,,orke Co. Ltd.. . Wandsworth Road . S.W . W'ailea, George, &: Co. .. . . ~. Euston Road, N.W. W alltu Broth en . . . . . . Pagefield Ironworlu, W lgtn W eet.l.nghouae Brake Co., Ltd... York Road. KinJr'a Crou. N.

.Air PUWJ)8o Belliaa & Mor,om Ltd. . . • . Ledum ~t .Work.a,Blrmln~rh&m Edw&rds Air Pump Syndicate, } 3 .t 5, Crown Court, Old Broad

Ltd. . . • • . . • . Street. E.C.

.A IIOJ"8.-(Set Jleto.ll, .tc.)

Alumlol11m. B ritish Alumi n ium Co., Ltd .• • 9, Victoria St., Westminster,


B e arina;r:s (Ollless <'arbounte d). Fleming, Blrkby .t GoodaU, Ld. Cliftou Bridge M1lls, Brlghouae

B e aJ•ini:'l" (Rolle J•). Kynoch, Ltd. . . . . . . MoJ SOOl'g Rulltt· ~enriug11, Ltd . Roller·Beariuge Co., Ltd. . .

Be lt .Adjus t e r s .

Wit.tvu, BirminFbam (S. W. 6, Yictoria Stret:t, We:~tmineter, 1, Delahas St., Weatmln.ater,


Wal.lach Bros. .. - _ G7, Gracechurch Street. E.C.

B e lt DrE' :-~ iu:,r:o. .

Cre ll\\t'll~' .\'~bestulo Cv .. Ltd ...

B e lt F a10t e n e r s. Bllurcated Rh·et Co., Ltd. Cb!Ut>, Wm. H . . . . .

Welliugtuu .Mill~. Bmdford , York~

10. Wool E xchange, E.C. 16, Little Trinity Lane, E . C.

Belttna- (l.eatber, ~nvas, &e.). Beat Belting Co., Ltd. . . • • 13, Cullum Street. E.O. Dick, R. &: J . . . . . . . Greenhead W orks, Glasgow Flemlng, Birkby & Goodall, L td. W eet Grove :Mill. BaUfA.x Gaudy's Belt :Man1g. Co., Ltd... Wheatl.a.nd W ork&, Beacombe,

Cbeshlre ~burg Gebrok ena. 0 . Otto • . • . India Rubber, Gutta P ercba and Tele~ph W ork& Co., Ltd. . .

I pswich Tannery, Ltd. . . . . J a..rdiDe, J. . . . . . . . . Lancashire Patent Belting and

B oee Co. . . . • . . . Moeeley. Dav1d, .t Son.a • . • • P rice'• Patent Candle Co., Ltd.

Groase Ba.ckerstraeae 12, Ham·

Bilvertown, Essex I pswich, Sutrolk Nottingham

:Manchester Ardwick.. Manchester Queen Street (Bradford), Man·

cht>ster Tal.lls, John, .t Son W&llach Bros. • .

.. .. . . Bt. Am t'e LeatherWk.e.,Giaego.,. • • 67, Gracechurch Street. E C.

W'ebb .t P~>n .. W'Hlco;\, W. B ., .t Co. , Ltd.

. . Comb& Tannerv, Stowm&rket • • 23, Southwark Bt., S.E .

Bleaebtns M.aeblne r)'. Ed.meston, A., &: Son s . .

Blinds. Layco*ck, W. B. .. • •

Blowe n.-(&• Fa.n•.)

. . Ca.nuon Street W or ks, Salforcl

• • VIctoriA Works, Sheffield

Boile r «::omposlttone.- (See )

JJoUe r ~'·erlngs.-(See /l'on·Conducting Compolition.)

Crosier . ...,tt>phtll8 &: Co ... . . 2, Collingwood l:llreet. New- Boiler Furnaees. ea tle-cn·T}ue

Amme t ers. • . Sheffield • • South wark Park Road, S. E.

Nalder Bros. & Thom pbon, Ltd. 34, Queen Strett, E .C.

Brown , J ohn, & Co .. Ltd. Donkln, B., .t Clen ch, Ltd. Leeds Forge Co .. • . .Meldrum Bros., Ltd. ..

• • Leedfl . . 10, City Road, Manchester

Aaebon. .Abbot. John, .t Co., Ltd. Jeeaop, W ., .t Bone, Ltd. Spencer, John, .t Bona. Ltd. Steel Co. of Scotland, Ltd. Wrlght, Joaeph. 6 Co. • •

A rbltraton.

.. P arkW orka,Gateahead-on.Tyne BoiJ e t• Ju~o-))<'Ction Societi~s.

.. Sheffield (caatle·on.-Tyue 1\Iauchcst er Uscra',.\asocfa.

.. Newburn Steel W orks, New· t inu .. .. .. .. 9, ..Mount Street , :Ma n ch eJ;te r • • 28. Royal Exchange Square, .. Tipton [Glugow Jloile J• Insurance «::ompanles.

Yulcnn Boiler and General In·

•• 49, Queen Victoria Street. E .O. ; &ura nce Co., Ltd. . . . . 67, King Street , Manchester

K irk. w ., Price .t Co. . . and Albert, M'cheew :Poll e r Man boles.

Armour Plates. Brown, John, & Co., Ltd. • • Sheffield CammeU, Charles, a: Co., Ltd. • • Cyclops Steel .t Iron W ork.e, Vickers, Bona .t Maxim, Ltd. • . Sheffield [Sheffield

A sbeeto& Good~. Flttlnas. &e. Aabeetoa Co., Ltd. IBeU'a) • • Aabeltoa Co., Ltd. (The Untted) Bllllngton & Newton . .. Cresawelle Asbeatos Co., Ltd ••

69J, Southwark Street. S.B. Dock H ouse. Billlter St., E.O Longport. Statfordahlre W elliu gtt.n .Mills, Bradlurd,

WallAch Bros. • . .. W itty A Wyatt, Ltd. .. .A.Kb E.Je etorf'. Trewent, F. J . .. ..

Yorks .. rr;, Gracechurch Street, E.O. • • 88. Leaden hall Street, E. C.

• . 43. Billiter Buildings, Billiter Street, E.C.

A uc11clDeeu 4Jl•urlneE> rtnrd. F uller, H orsey, Son a oS: Ca.sseU.. 11, Bill iter· Square, E .C .J:lrk. W ., Price .t Co. . . • • ~. Queen VIctoria Street, E .O.:

~d All>E-rt floU&r e. ?d'oheet#r • . 42, S tlring Gardens, Mancbeater 'Wvod &. Ncwl.and .. ..

Axles. Be~mer. Henry, & Co., Ltd. • . Sheffield Brown,Bayley'a Steel Work.a,Ld. Sheftielo .Brown, John, a: Co., Ltd. . • Sheffield F1rth, Tbos .. a: Sons, Ltd. • . N orfolk Works, Sheffield Fox, Samuel, .t Co., Ltd. . . Btockabr ldge Wks.,nr. Sheffield B adfteld 'a Steel F oundry Co. , Ld. H ecl.a W orka, Sheffield Jeeaop, W .. a: Bona, Ltd. .. Sheffield f'aU»t Shaft a: Axletne Co., Ltd. W edneabury Pickerlng. R. Y., &: Co., Ltd. • . Wiehaw, near Glaagow Woodbo\llje &: Rlxeon . . . . Sheffield

Ball BearJn~s.

Auto Machinery Co., Ltd.

Barrows., Ltd. .. ..

. . CoYentry

• • Berk.e Ironworks, Readina

Ban cSt eel a nd Iron). Abbot, John. .t eo., Ltd. • • Park Wka., Gateahead-on·Tyne Be&rdmore, Wtll1&m, .t Co. • • Parkbead lronwor k.e , Glugow BeB&emer, Henry, .t Co., Ltd. . . Sheffield Brow:u, Bayley'eSteel Work.&,Ld. Sheffield Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd. . . • . Wrex.bam Coh1lle, Dav1d, .t Bona, Ltd. . . ?dotberweU, ne&r Glaag~, '~ Ebbw Vale Steel Iron A Coal

Co., Ltd. .. .. .. .. :Mon., South Wales Glasgow Iron .t Steel Co .. Ltd... 19, Waterloo Street, Glasgow B addeld'aSteel FoundryCo., Ld. H ecla Works, Sbeffield Jack.aon. P . R., .t Co., Ltd. .. Baltord.RolHngMWe,Manchst 'r J eaeop, W .. & Bona, Ltd. .. Sheffield t .anark.ablre Steel Co., Ltd. • . Motherwell, N.B. Leedl F ortte Co., Ltd. . . . • Leeda Leeda Steel Workl, Ltd... . . LeedJ lliUor . A . .t T. .. Globe Ironworks, Motherwell Paterson Dol\ US &: J~Udine . . Coats Iron and Steel Works,

' Coat bridge, N .B . Shelton Iron. Steel and Coal Co. } Stok.e-on-Trent. A 122, Oan.non

Ltd. . • . . . . . . Street. E . C. Spencer, John, a: Bona, Ltd. • • N ewburn Steel Work.e, New.

~tle·OD·Tynl (Gl.ugo.,. Steel Co. of Scotl&nd, Ltd. • • 23, Royal Exchange Square. W eardale Irou A Coal Co., Ltd.. . George Yard, Upper Thames

Street. E.C.

Gallo"ays Limited .. • . Manchf'ste7 Jat·kson , P . R ., &: Co. , Ltd. Leed'l l'' l'lrge Co., Ltd. ..

. . Sa.lfordRolling Milla . .Mnnchat'r • • Leeda liOW

lll 'Neil. C'. .. .. P iggott, Thos., & Co., Ltd..

• • Kinnlng Park Ironworks, Glaa· . . S'PriDihill.

BGtler Mountlnae. A•beetoa Co., Ltd. (Bell'a) .. B \ lley. W . B ., .t Co., Ltd. • . BUilngtrn .t Newton .. .. .. Cri's by SteAm Gage .t Valve Co. J.o'rauce & :Morgnn . . . . . .

69J, Southwark Street. S.E. A.lbion Wka,Saltord,Mancheatr. Longport, St&ft'ordahire 'liS. Queen VictoriA Street, E .C. Whltefteld BrtUs W'ks., Govan ,

GJ.Mgow GrPPn & Bouldlng. . . . J ackMon. P. R .. & Co .. Ltd. Natinnul Boiler & General

. . 106, Bunb ill Row, E. C. . . Sa.JfordRolling Mills,Manchst'r

Jn. suranc-e Co., Ltd.

Plggott. Tboa . . & Co .. Ltd. Royle, J. J ., .t Co. . . Schlltft~r & Buden berg ..

. • 22, St.Ann'a Square, :Mancheat'r

. . S'Prinf!'hill, Blrmin~h&m

. . Gt. Bridgewater St. ,Manchester

. . Wbitwortb St., London Road, Manchester

Spencer, John, & Bone, Ltd. . . Newburn Steel Work.e, New. caatle·On·Tyne

Storey, l ., .t Bone.. .. .. Thomvcrort. J . I .. &: Co. . . T rel\8\lre. J . B .. &: Co. . . . . T un\ hull. Ale'\.,' Co., Lhl. .. W allach Bro . . . . . . .

Bone r s (Pe trole um).

l£mpress Foundry, Manchester ChLswick, W . 8, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool 'Ri~bopbriR'n. Gl.uwow IS7. Grac4jch urch Street, E . C.

Green A Bouldlng.. .. .. 105, Bunhill Row, E .C.

wtoUers (St e am). Abbot. John, & Co .. Ltd. .. Park Wka., Gateebe&d-on·Tyue A bhott a: Co. INewark), Ltd. .. Newark-on·Trent Alley .t HacleUan . • • • . Sentinel Works, Glasgow Bel\, John , Ltd.. .. .. ?d.lllwall, E . Bodlev Broth ere & Co. • . • • Exeter Bow, McLacbltln & Co. . . . . Thistle Work.e, Palaley Burnet, L., .t Co. . . . • .. Govan., Glaagow B1UT6U. C., .t Bone, Ltd. • • Tbetford C'J&mpbell & Calderwood . . . . Soho Engine W orks, Pal.eley C~ntral l\lar1ne En gine Works.. West Hartlep ool Oh&plln. A.Jex .. .t Co. . . Govan, Gl.M~row Cln~'ton Son, & C'•J .. Ltd. , Leed" City Boiler Wklj., Lcctla oo~)bnn. Co ' All l Ull\, Ltd. • . Annan. N .B. ColtffiJ\n, H . & . . • . Midland lronwork e. Lough· Croig, A. F .. , Co., Ltd .. .. Palaley, N .B. (borough Oavey. .t Co. , Ltd. . . Colchester Day, Sumau~:rs & to. Northatu I ronwork to, outh ·

amp ton Dodwan . .Alfred, Ltd. . . . . H lghgate Workll, Klng'a L yt• D Dllbseldorf·~l !ng.,r RUb.renkes· } Ra tingeu. near Du~wldorf,

sdlaurik . . . . . . . . Germauy E\·ans &: W idow field . . . . 5, Bute Crescent, Carl.iilf Potter W ., .t Co., Ltd. . . • • Lincoln F owler, J ., a: Co. (Leed.e), Ltd.. . Leeds Frnaer & Chalmere, Ltd. • • 43, Tbreadneedle Street, E .C. Fruer, John, .t Son • • • . llllllwall BoUer Works, E. Gallowa)'l Limited . . . . Manchester Gr.rrett. R., .t Bona. Ltd. .. Lelaton W ork.a, Sutrolk Banna, Donald .t WU.on.. .. Palaley, N .B. Bartley .t Sugden, Ltd. . • . . Halifax Hawthorn, R . .t W ., Leelle .t eo.,

Ltd. .. .. .. .. Newcaetle"'n·Tyne Rayt~~, Edward .. .. .. Stony St•atlord, Woherton Henecb el J: l)ohn . . . . . • C11113el, Germany Hornaby, R .. .t Bona. Ltd. . . Grant.nam

Boilel'~>' (St eam).-Continued. Humbvldt Engineering W orks eo. . . . . . . . . . Kalk, near Cologne, Germany I.eca Foundry .t Eng1neerlng Co. Newport. Mon. J esso1> .t A PI>Ieby Bros. (Leicester

and London ), LW. . . . . Leicester and London Kinca1d, J ohn 0 ., & Co. . . Greenock, Scotland Leed.e F orge Co .• Ltd. . . . • Leed.e Lees , T . &: R . . . . • . . Bollinwood, near Manch ester Manlove. .Alliott A Co., Ltd. • . Nottingham MarelutJJ, Bona .t Co., Ltd. • . Gaineborough McKie &: Ba.xter . . . . • . Copl.a.nd Wks., Govan, Gl.a.agow Mum ford, A . G. .. .. .. Culver St. Ironw'ks, Colchester .Napler Brothen, Ltd. • • . . 100, Hyde Park Street. Glugo.,. Norman. John • • • . . • ISh, Bt. Vincent Bt., Glugow Normand, A., & Co. . . . . Havre, France Oll'lck , L ., & Co. • • • • • • Z7. Leadtmball Street. B.O. Penman .t Co. . • • • • • 877, D&lmarnock. Rd .. Glugow Plggott, Tboa., .t Co., Ltd. . • Bpdnghlll, Birm..lngham Plenty & Son. Ltd. . • . • Eagle Ironwotk.a, Newbury, Ran.aomea, .t Jetreriea, Ltd. I pswich ('Ber ka Robey .t Co .. Ltd. .. .. .. Lincoln Roee, Down.a & Tbompaon, Ltd. Bull Rosa & Dun CAD • • • • • Glasgow R owlo.nd, B. R., .t Co., Ltd. 12, Excha"gl! t ., Manch ester Royal l>ntch F urge Co. . . . . Leiden, Holland RU88eU, Geo., & Co. . . . . Motherwell, near Glasgow R uaton, Proctor & Co., Ltd. . . Sheaf Ironworks. Lincoln B• hram, Richard, & Oo. . . . . Cannon Street House, E . C. S u clai r , George .. Alblon Boiler Wks. , Leith, N . B. Bwedley Brothers, Ltd. . . . . Bel per, P ., Jr. . . . . Rotterdam, Holland Smi th, A. & W ., & Co. , Ltd. Eglinton EngineWks., Gl.aagow Sochlt6 Anonyme d ea Ateliers d~ Construction de La Meuse

Ttwgyea Limited . . • • • . Tbompson, John . . . . .

Liege, B elgium Cornwall Works. Bl.rm.1n.ghAm Ettingshall, Wolverhampton Cbiswick, W . Tbornyc1 oft, J . I . , < Co.

Tinker, Bhenton .t t.o. • . Toward, T . , & Co. .. .. Turner, E. R . & F. , Ltd .

. . Hyde, ne&r :Manchester

.. Ouseburn, Newcastle·on.Tyne • . (132) Ipswich

Voaper & Co , Ltd. . . • • Portsmouth W alker Brothers . . . • • Pagefteld Ironwork&, W ipn

. . W ickham Market. and 84. .Mark Lane, E.C.

Wh1tmore .t Bin.yc 11, Ltd.

Yarrow .t Co., Ltd. .. . . Poplar, E .

Boile t•:, (\Vater·tube). Blech ) o d-:u Pa tent Boiler Co ...

Coulthnr<l, T . , & Co. .. .. D1w~:y, Puuoan & Co., Ltd. . . Homsby, R., &: SoDB, Ltd. . • l\lirrlee , Watson &: Yaryau Co.,

Ltd. . . . . N onuan d, A., & Co. . . . .

High Bridge W orks, New<:a.lltle· on·T) ne

Preston Colcbeate1 Grantham

Scotland Street. Glasgow Ha\'1-e, F~nce

Ro" laud, B. R., & Co., Ltd. Stirllng Boiler Co., Ltd. Thornycro!t, J . 1., &: Co. Yarrow &: Co., Ltd.

12, E xchange t., Manch ester .. 2, St. Andrew q . , Edinbur gh . . Cbiswick, W . . . Poplar, E.

Bolt Force r s . Tangyea Li.mlted •. .. .. Cornwall W orks, Birml.ngham

Bolt and Nut Mnklng .ltlnC"blnt-J'Y• Green" ood & Batley, Ltd . Platt . &m uel . . . . Rnukln & Lud ing ton, Ltd.

. . Albion Works, Leecla . W ednesbury

. . 10 & ll, Stonecutter Str Pet, Io'arringdon Street, E.C.

Bolts , Rive t s , Nut&, 8ere w &, &e. Armetrong, Stevene & Son . • W hlttall Street. Birmingham Bayllas, J ones & Bayllss.. .. Victoria Wks .. Woh·erhampton Clyde Rivet W ork.e Oo. .. .. Glasgow Gr.lloways Limited • . . • Manchester MacLellan, P . & W., Ltd. . • Clutha lronwork.a, Glasgow Pha~n.ix Bolt .t Nut Co. . . • . Bandewortb. nr. Birmingham

BorJn11: T ools and .ltlac blne ry. Warner, R ., & Co.. . .. .. 97, Queen VIctoria Street, E. C.

Brakes (B.aJlwa)'). Brake Co., Ltd.. . Canal Road, Ktng'a Oroaa, N.

Brass .Founde n and Brass Flnlsb e r e. Abbot, J ohn, .t Co., Ltd. .. Park Wka., Gate&bead-on.Tyue Aabeetoa Co., Ltd. (BeU's) • . 691, Southwark Street, B.B . Bailey, W . B ., & Co., Ltd. . . AlbionWk.e,Saltord,?d.ancheet'r Baker Blower Enrineeriug Co.. . Stanley Works, Sheffield BUlington .t Newton . . . . Longport. Bta1J'ordahue Bodley Brothers & Co. . . • . Exeter Rroughton Copper Co., Ltd. . . :Manchester Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co. 75, Queen VIctoria Street, B.O . Fmnce & Morgan . . . • Wbitefttld Bross Wkl!. , Govan,

Hunter .t Bngllah . . . . Gla.sgow

• . Bow, London, E . L<mgsd on, A. & W. . . M orlon, Francls, &: Co., Ltd. . . Pluott, Tboe., a: Co., Ltd. . . Pu.l.aometer EngineeringCo., Ltd. Rhodee, B., .t Son . • • . • • Bchl11'er .t Budenberg • • • .

Bcott, Erneet. .t Mountain, Ltd. Smith. Sydney, a: Bone • . . • Steven A Btruthera • . • • Storey, I ., .t Bona, Ltd. . . • .

Waterloo Tr onwork3, Poole B.n.milton I ronworks, Ga.r11ton Bpringhlll, Blrmiogbam Nine Elm.e. S.W . Bow Braaa Works, London. E . W'hi t wortb St ., London Road,

?dancheeter Close Wka., Newcaatle-on·Tyue Baeford BrauWk.e. N ottingham Glasgow E tapre F oundry, ?danche.ter

Bread•ltla klne ltlacbinery. Dryad&le .t Oo. • . • . • • Bon Accord Eng. Wka., Glaagow BAyw/U'd.Tyler .t Co. . . • . 90 & 92, Whitecroee Street, E C. Werner,Ptlelderer&Perklns,Ltd. .jJ, Regun t Squnre, Gmy'1:1 I nu

Rvad, W .C.

Bre~ e r)' Plant . liuHter .t Engllah .. .. .. Lou~sdon, A. & W . . . . . Moreland, Richard, & Son, Ltd. P on tllex & Wood, Ltd. .. ..

Bow, London, B. Waterloo Iron works, Poole 3. Old Street, E.C. Un ion Foundry, Derby

Brtell and TUe ·Itlak.lna ltlaebJue r)'. Bmdle) &Cmven, Ltd... .. Weatgate Common Fo'Ulldry,

Waketleld J olulaon. \\, ,\. Son:. SmiJth, F'. L., & Co. . .

Zauag, t' .. \ ., &: Cv. ..


. . Castleton Fndy., Armley , Leeds

. . Cba m ben, 9. Bridge treet, W estru lnst-!r, S. w.

. . 11, Queen \ ·ictoria l:lt., E . C.

Burham Brlck, I.lme & Cement Oo., Ltd. .. .. .. .. 7, Nlchol.u Lane, B.O.

Glenbolg Union Fire Clay Co., Ltd. • • • . . • . . 48, W est Regent St., Gla.sgow Foundation ~J'IInders. Clay Orota Oo., The ~· • • ClAy Croea, ne&r Obeeterdeld Banna, Donald a: Wilton . • Palaley Ieca Foundry a: Bngtneerlng Co. Newport. Mon.

Brlda-.,s. An·ol, S lr WUliam, & Co. , Ltd.

Arrol'e Bridge .t R~of Co., Ltd .. Aah bury RaU wayCarriage.t Iron

<» Ltd .. .. .. Clyde Structural Iron Co., Ltd.

De Bergue .t eo .. L td. • • • • Findlay, A.leXADder, .t Co. • • B andyeide, A.ndrew, .t Oo., Ltd. B an na Donald .t W U.on •. • Heman .t Froude • . • • • . Bou.ston, J . & R. . . • .. leca Po\l.lldry .t Bng1neerlng Co. Morton, Francla, .t Co., Ltd. . . Pr.tent Shaft & Axletree Co .. Ltd. ~mlth, .A • .t W .. .t Co, Ltd. .. Sm1 th . G. B .. & Cto, • • • •

Dalm arnock ll'onwks. , Budge· ton, Gla.sgow

Germ.laton Worlu, Gt.u,o ...

Openehaw, Manoheeter Clydeslde Ironworks, Scot.i·

toun, Gla.sgow Mancheeter lllothenrell, N.B. Britann ia lronwork.e, Derby Palaley :Ma.ncheeter Greenock, N .B. Newport. Mon. Hamilton Ironworks, Ganton Wedneebury .Egllnton Ena1n11 Wlta., GIM«ow Croigball l m nworklt, Sa.r.1ceu

Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding [Street, Ghl g"w Black waJl , E . and Engineering Co., Ltd. . .

Walker Brothers .. .. ..

Bun en. Brown, J obn, & Co. , Ltd. . . Midland Rallway Carrtage and

Wagon Co., Ltd. . • . • Spencer , J ohn. .t Bona, Ltd. ..

Pagedeld l.ronwork.a, Wip11


Abbey W ork.a, SbnwabtU'Y Newburn Steel W orlu, New.

caatle-on -Tyue Tnrlon, T. , .t Bona, Ltd ..• .. Sheaf W ork&, Sheffield

BU078 Uron and Steel). Bellam y, .Tuhn, LW. - .. MUJwall. F .

( 'n blc ltln kinc: a nd \Vh•e Co vering l'tlac hlne a·y J obu sou .t PLilllps . . . . Victoria Wor ks, Old Ob.arlton


«::able & (Eie etrle T e lepapb and Tele· J)JlOn~}.

Britisb Insu lated Wire Co., Ltd. Glo' er, W . T., &: Co .. Ltd. .. . JobiWln & Pbtllt'ot Johnson & Pbi!Ups' Electric

Prescot . La..ocasltire Tm.fford Park, Manchester 14. Union Ct.. Old Broad 8t., B.O •

Cable Works . . . . . Old Cbarlton, Kent

Cap tans CD.J'draullc). Berry, Henry, & Co., Ltd. .. Croydon Works, Huu.slet.~ Fieldlng &: Platt. Ltd. . . . . Gloucester

Carbon& ror Electrical PurPO&e& (• turer& ot).

Job.naon a: Phllltpa - •• 14. UnionCt.,Old Broad St., &.0.

Carrlaae (RaUwaJ') BuUdere. Aahbnry Railway Oa.rriage and

Iron eo .. Ltd. • . . . Burst, N elBou & Co. , Ltd. . .

:MiloCLellan, P . .t W ., Ltd. • . :Metropolitan Rallway O&rriaie

and Wagon Co., Ltd. • . . . ?d.Jdland Railway Carriage and

Wagon Co., Ltd. • . . . Oldbury RaUway O&rriaie and

0 'D6.n.aba • M',." n b 1111 '"'~ Gla.sgow Rolling Stook auc:t

Plant Wo1·ks, :Mothe1·well Olutba Worlta, Gtaaaow

Baltley W ork.e, Btrm.lDf.haa

Abbey W or k.a, Bhl'ewabur7

Wa!fon ClG., Ltd. . . f'ullmnu Co. . .

Oldburv 'WK11., nr. Btrm.t.n.h•m • • 26, Victoria Street, We.t·

miuster, S. W.

~arrtaee (RallwaJ') Flttln.a8. Layco*ck, W . 8. .. .. .. Victoria Work&, Bheffisld

t 'a J•h id ge ~lakint.r iUac bine a·y. Greenw,•od .t B&tley, Ltd. Albion Works, Leeds Rank ln ,\: Ludington , Ltd. . . 10 & 11 , Stonecutter Street,

F a.rringdon St reet, E.C. Tu.ylor ~ Cballen, Ltd. . . . . Birmingham

t:a!'e Jla a·d e uiug ( 'ompositiou!'. P:llfreyman, W . H.,~ Co. . . 1'1, GQree·PiAzr.a.~. Liverpovl

CUtlnas (Iron). Abbot, John, & Co., Ltd. .. Baker Blower Enlrineertng Co ..., J ones & . . Bodley Brothers & Cl'. . . . . Bow, .McLaohlan & Co. . . . . Clay Croa8 Co. . . . . . Coltman. H ., & Sons .. .. Cratg, A. F ., & Co., Ltd .. .. Darlington F orge Co., Ltd. . . Bandyalde, A. , & Co., Ltd. .. B 'Ull ter & Engllab . . . • • • l.eca F oundry & Engineering Oo. J ack.aon, P . R ., & Co., Ltd. • • M a.c k.J es Llml ted . . . . . . ?dldl&nd Railway Carriage and

Wagon Co., Ltd. ..

P a.rk Wks., Gatt>abea.d-on·Tyue Sta.n.ley Wn.-h. Sheffield Victoria. Wks., Wolverhampton Exeter Tbil>tle W orks. P&laley Clay Oroea, uear Cbeatertleld Midland Ironwork.e. Longh· Paisley, N .B. (borongh Dlillington .BritAnnia lronwork.a. Derby Bow, London. B. Newport, Mon. Balford Rolling ?d.lllll.'r Berka Ironworks, .Ra.dlng

Morton, Francl..s, & Co., Ltd. Piggott, Tboa., & Co . . Ltd. Storey, I., & Sons. Ltd ...

A bbE>y W ork s. brews bury H ... miltoo I ronworks, G:~.ntun

. Springblll BtrmJ.ngh .. n • • Empress Fuundry. Manche.ter • . Globe F oundry, Leeda Towlcr, Willlam . . . .

Walle.~. G\'Urge, & Co. . . Yc.uug, H ., & C•"'·• Ltd ...

. . 258, Euaton R•'ad, N . W.

. . Eccle.;ton Ironwor ks, Pimllco, a nd Hayle l''ouudry Wharf, .: iue Elms, S. \\'.

€:83tlDJ:S (ltla Ueable l.ron). Hadtleld'eSuel F oundry Co. ,Ld. B ecla Works, Sheffield Bandya1de, A. , A Co., Ltd. • • Britannia lronworlta, Derby Parker Foundry Co. . • . • Derby Tangyea Limited • • . • • • Cornwall Work.e Birmiogham Towler, Wlll ln.m . . . • . . Globe Fowtdry, Leeds

<:aatln~e (~teeu.

Allen, Edgar, .t Co., Ltd. . • Allkham Bros. & WUaon, Ltd .•• Baker Blower Engineering eo ... Beaeemer, H enry. & Co. , Ltd. •. Rrown, Bayley'eSteel W ork.e, Ld. Brown, John, & Co. , Ltd. .. Cam m ell, C'bartes, & Co. , Ltd. Da.rl ington F orge Co., Ltd. . . Fl\irley, Jamea, & Sons .• .Firth, '1 bos., .t SoDB, Ltd. .. B ad field 'a Steel FoundryCo., Ltd. J ackaon, P. R .. .t Co., Ltd. • • J easop, Wm., .t Bone, Ltd. •• Oeborn, 8., & Co. . • • • • • Parker Foundry Co. . . • •

lmperi.&l Steel Work.a, Sheffield Sheffield Stanley W ork.e, Sh effield Sheffield Sheftield Sheffield [Shetlleld Cyclops Steel .t Iron W orkt, Da.rl ington ShadweU Street, Birmingham N orfolk W orkl!, Sheffield Heel& Work&, Sheffield Sa.ltord Rolling Mllla,Ma.nchst'r Sheffield She.ffield Derby

Reioh wald, August • • _ 9. New BrMd St., E.O. .t Lol4· bard St., Newca.stle-on·T'f'l e

• • W ol.singha.m, R .S.O., Co. Dur· ham

Rogerson, John. .t Co., Ltd.

Spencer, John. A Bona, Ltd. .. Newburn Steel WorkJo. New·

Steel Co. of Scotland, Ltd. • . To" !er, William . . . • . . Vickers. Sons & Maxim, Ltd .•• Weardale Iron & Coal Co., Ltd •••

caatle-on ·Tru• (Glasgow 23, Royal '!Uchange Square, Globe Foundry, Leeda Sheftield G~>orge Yard, Upper Tlame3

Street. E.O.


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (22)

[St'l'l'LEMEZ\T TO "Exona:.BR tNG," JuLY 20, 1900.)

(}ement. BaJTOD, F. 0., & Co .• LtAI. .. Bll.\'biUD Brick, LJme & Cement

eo., LW. . . · · • · • • Franola & Co., Ltd. • • • • oreavea, Bull & Lakin .. .. Rag by PortJ.and Cement Co. • •

9, St. !ltldred'aCt.,Poultry , B.C.

7, Nichol.aa Lane. B.O. 4, F.astcheap, E C. Warwick Rugby, Warwickshire

cement·Moldne Plant. Dell Wm. R .. < Son . . . . 26. Mt~rk Ll\nc, E . C. Joh;taon, Wm .• & Sons .. .. Castleton Foundry, Armlty, Kru >P·Grusonwerk . . • . Maedebu.rg-Buckau LLeeds PuJiometerEngineerlngCo.,Ltd. Nine Elm&, s.:. 9 Bid smJdtb, F. L . • cl eo. • · • • P~~:et~~!'!t;:nste~. stsmm. w. (Krupp-Grusonwerk) 21S, College Bill, E.O. Wbitmore & Binyon, Ltd. . . W ick ham Market ; aml 64,

Mark Lane. E .C.

(;eutrtrugnl Dr)•ing Bl nchin es. Manlove, AUiott & Co., Ltd. . . Nottingham lli.rrlees, \Vatson clt Yaryan Co., .. .. -Pott, Ce.s.sela & Will i:nnson ..

ScotlAnd Street, Glasgow :Motherwell, near GlJulgow Glasgow Wal.lluo, J,aidln.w & Co . . · · ·

aaalDJ and Cable&. ,\boot. J obn, & Co., Ltd. Dempster, Moore & Co . • • Wright, J oe., & Co. ..

• . Park Wka., Gateehead-on-TyL ~ .. 49, R~bertson Street, Glugow • • Tlpton, StAtl'ordahire

( 'hninl4 (GeaJ•Jng). Bt~gsbawe & Co. . . . . . . 3, Tower Royal, Caunoll Street,

E. C.

C'hemleal Woi'kl (Plant tor). 'Pi(gott. Tboa., & eo .. Ltd. . . BlrminghaD'I fRoad •. W.C. Wc:rner.Pfleiderer&Perkins,Ltd. JS, Regent Square, Gray e Inn

~Jlemteal&. Aa~n Chemical eo. .. ( 'huek !il. Taylor, Charles .. • • . . Bartholomew St., J3lrmlugham

{:lotk8. ll 'Iunes, T. S., &: Co., Ltd. .. 42, Clyde Pl:'lce, Glaegow

(:loHa Flnlebine Jlacblnery. Cmig, A. F.,&: Co., Ltd.. .. Paisley, N .B.

O•tebe& (FI'letton). Baph&W, J ., & Son.e, Ltd. Bever, Dorl1ug & Co., Ltd. Bridge, Da vid, &: Co. . .

• • Batley . . Union F oondry, Dewabury .. King St. E ng. W orks, Salto1·d,

Manchester Brooke, J . W., & Co, Ltd. .. Coli Clutcb & Pulley Co., Ltd ... Qowl.l.ebaw, Walker & Co., Ltd. .ldmeston. A., & Sona .. ..

Adrinn Ironworks, Lowestoft Broad Street H ouse. E. C. Etruria, Stoke-on -Trent Ce.nnon Street W ork.a, 8al.tord,

Manchester .. Ring, H. J. B .• & Co.

Napler Brotben, LW.. •• Walker Brotben ••

. . Nailsworth, Glos. • • 100, Hyde Park Street, Gl.aagow • • Pagedeld Ironworlu, W!gr.n ..

t:oal washtne and 8ereenlne Plant. Bumboldt RDgineerlng W orks

Co .• , • • • • . • • • K&lk, near Cologne, Germany

Coeki.-(Su J"abe•, Ga~, SteMn, Wotw, &c.)

(;oft'ee lUnchlnery. Camp bell & Calderwood • . . Soho Engine Works, Palaley Way good, R ., & Co. , Ltd. .. ¥&Unout.D !toad, ~.~.

C'olnha.: Jlnchlne•·Y· Taylor & Cballen, Ltd. . . . . Birmingham

Colllery Plant. Abbot, John. & Co., Ltd. .. Park Wka., Gateahead-on-Tyne Brown Hoisting and Conveying

M.acblne Co. • . . . . . Cleveland , Ohio, U.S . .A. Clay Croa• Co. . • . . . • Clay Croae, ne&r Obe.t.erfteld Evans &; Widorield . . . . 6, Bute Crescent, Cardiff Hadfteld'a Steel FoundrrCo.,Ld. Hecl11. Works, Sbeffield Hatbom, Davey & Co. . • • • Leeds Home by, R., & Soua, Ltd. • . Grantbam B umboldt Engineering Work.a

Co. . . . • . . . . .. . Kalk, near Cologne, Germany Jaca Foundry & Engineel'ioi Co. Ne'W1'0rt. :Mon. J essop, Wm., & Sons, Ltd. . . Bl'ightside Works, Sheffield Walker Brotben . • • • • • Pagedeld Ironwor lu, Wigr.n

t:olllery Proprietor&. Brown, J obn, & (Jo., Ltd. . . Sheffield ClAy Cro11 Co. • . • • • . Clay Croea, near Obeeterfteld l bbw Vale ! teel Iron & Coal

Co. , Ltd. • . .. .. . • Mon ., South WtJea Glasgow Iron A Steel Co., Ltd.. . 19, W&terloo Street, GlaPgow

Compaeau. Nlll'8tti & Z.mbra .. .. B olborn Viaduct, B.O.

~ompo&IUon IOI' C::ovei'IDK BoUen. ae. - (See Non·CMUI.uctmg Compo..Uion.)

( 'onerete <:onRtJ•ncf Ion. 1\Iouchel, L. G. .. • • .. 124, Holbom, E.C.

f:onerete Mtxen. J esaop lit Apple by Broa. (Leice..ter

and London), Ltd. • • . . Leiceater and Londoo lluon Bros. • • • • . • Brand on Street, Letceater Willon, John B . , & eo., Ltd. • • Sudb tlla, Liverpool

Conden&en (Fft&h Water).-See Di1tilling ( Water) .Appar4tm.

CondenBen (for SteAm Ena1ne&). Alien, W. B ., Son. & Co., Ltd... Queen'• Engineering Works,

Belllas & blorcom Ltd. . . Boby, . . . .

Cai.rd ~ Ra.yner . . . • Campbell & Calderwoodl .• Cnig, A. F ., & Co., Ltd ... Davey, Paxman & Co. Ltd. !o'raaer lit Ch.almers. Ltd. Fmaer, J obn, clt Son .. Green, Tbomas, & Son , Ltd.

Bedlord . . IA>dsamSt.W orb,Blrminrham . . 16, Union Court, Old Broad

Street, E.C. . . m, Commereil.l R oad, B. . • Soho Engine Worka, Paialey . • Palaley . . Colchester • • 43, Tbru.dneedle Street, E .C. . . M111wall Boiler Works, E . . . Smitbdeld Ironworks, Leeds;

a.nd Surrey Works, Black· friars Road, S.E.

J mCJp & Appleby Bros. (Leiceater a.nd London), Ltd. . . • . Leicester and Loa d on

Kleln Engineering Co., Ltd. . • 94, Market Street. Manchester Ledwud, T., & C~. . • • • 86, Queen Victoria Street, B. C. lllrrlees, Wataon .t Yaryan Co. ,

Ltd.. . . . . . . Ptgcott, Tboe., • Co. , Ltd. . • Pu!Jometer RDgineerm,eo.,Ltd. Reader, E., .t Sona .. .. Royle, J. J ... .. .. ..

Sc~tland Street, GIMgow SprlnghUl, Blrmingham Nine &lma, S.W . Phrenix W orks, Nottingham G t. B1 idgewater St. ,Manchester Cloae Wu., Newcutle-on-Tyue 8cott. Erneat, & K ountatn, Ltd.

Wheeler Condenaer r.nd Engi· neerlng Co. . . • • • • 1i9. Queen Victoria Street, E. C.

Wortbiogton.PumpinrBngineCo. 1DS, Queen Victoria Street, B.O.

C:onveyon. Brown Rolstlng aud Coa veying

MachiJ:le Co. . . . . . . ClevelAnd, Ohio, U.S.A. Con'f'lyor t.nd Elevator Co. • • Accrtngton , Graham , Morton & Co., Ltd. . . Black Bull Street, Leeds OrMnwood & Batley, Ltd. .. Albion Work.a, Leeda rLeeds Jobnaon, Wm., & Sona . . • Cutleton F oundry, Armley, l>ott, Casaela & W1ll.lamaon . , Motht>l'well, n~r Glasgow Teruperley Tranaporter Co. . . 72,BlahopsrrateSt. Within, E.O. w~t.on t Ll\ldlaw A eo •. ' • . Gl'l"&OfV




<:ooklne Apparatu s. liummencalea, W ., & Soru, Ltd. Ph~nix Foundry, Kelgbley

()oppe r Jneots. Bare and 8h eete. Broughton Copper Co., Ltd. • • :Mancheater

<:opper smltbs. Abbot, John. cl Co., Ltd. • • Birmingham Battery & Metal Co. Blai.r, Ca mpboll & M cLean . .

Park Win .. GatMhead-on·TyDe Birmingham Scotland Street Copper Worka,

GlAsgow Lougsdon, A.. & W. Storey, I ., & Sons .. Wa.Uca, George, & Co.

•• .. ..

. . Waterloo I ronworks, P oole • . Empress l"ollndry. M~~onchester . . ~8. Euston Rnad, N. W .

Corrueated Botlei' Furnaeee. Famley Iron Co., Ltd. . . . . Leeds Leed.s Forge Oo., Ltd. • • • . L~l!(l.a

Cotton Pre&&ea. Berry, B enry, & Co., Ltd. Colea, B . J... .. .. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. Uaywa.rd-Tyler & Co. . . Piggott, Thos., & Co. , Ltd. Rice &t Co. .. . . . . Tangyea Limited . . . .


. . Croyd <.on W orks, Hunslet,Leeds • . London Crane Works, Derby . . Aluiou Works, Leeds • • 90 & 92. Whitecroea Street, B.O. • • Birmingham . . N ev Ule Wks., E llt.nd M ., Leeds . . Cornw&l.l W orks, .tS1rmiogbam

M'Innea, T . S., &: Co., Ltd. . . 42, Clyde P lace, Glueow

C::oupltnes (Railway). Gibbins, R . 0 .. & Co. . • . • Berkley Street, Birmingham Roger, Robert., & Co. • • . • Stockton-on-Teea

Coupling& (8ban). Bagahaw, J ., lit Son11, Ltd. Bridge, David, & Co. . .

. . Batley, Yorksh*te

. . Kiug St. Eng. W orks, Salford, :Ma nchester

Cowllahaw, Walker & Co., Ltd. .Ma.ckles, Limited.. . . . . Smith & Grare Screw Boss Pulley

Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . Taylor & Ch.allen, Ltd. • • • •

Etrurla, Stoke-on-Trent Berka Ironworks, .keadjng

Thrapeton B irmingham

CI'anes. Traveller&. Wtnebe&, ae. Arrol, Sir W illiam, cl Co., Ltd. Dalmarnock Ironwks., Bridge­ bury Rtill wayC&rriage.t Iron [ton, Glasgow

Co., Ltmited . . • • . • Openahaw, Mr.nchester Baker Blower Engineering Co... Staoley Woru, Sheffield Bedford Engineering Co. . • Bed!urd Berry, H enry, & Co., Ltd. . . Croyd on W orks, Hunslet,Leeds Booth, Joeeph, & Bros., Ltcl. • . Rodley, Leeda Bow, MeLa.chlan .~ Co. . . . . Tbjstle WorkP, Paisley, N . B. Britis h Schuckert Electric Co., } Clun House, Surrey Stre~:t,

Ltd. . . . . • . . . Strand, W.C. Broadbent, Thoa., & Son.e, Ltd. Chapel Hill, Hudden6eld Brown H oisting and Com ·eying

Machine Co. . . . . . . Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Butten Brothers & Co. • • . . 20, Waterloo Street, Gl.aagow Chaplin, Alex., & Co. . • • . Govan, Glasgow Cochrane, Jno. .. .. .. B&rrhea.d, N.B. Coles, H . J ... • • • . . . London Cran e W orks, Derby Cowans, Sheldon & Co., Ltd. • . Carlisle Dem pster, .Moore & Co. . • • • 49, Robertson Street. Gla.egow Detombny, Delange &: Cle. . . H oboken, near Antwerp Dryad&le & Co. . . . . . . Bon Accord Engine Works,

Raat Ferry Road Engineering Gla.egow

Works Co., Ltd... .. .. .Millw&l.l, B. Ea.stou, Anderson&: Goolclen, Ld. Erith I ronworks, Eritb, K ent .Fielding &: Platt. Ltd. • • • • Gloucllllter Gibbina, R. C., & Co. • • • • Berkley Street, Blrm~b.Am Gn.!ton & Co. • • • • • • Bed!ord Grieve, John. & Co. • • • . Motherwell, Scotland Elanna., Dould & W Ueon . . Paialey, N.B. l sca F oundry & Engineering eo. N ewport. Mon. Ielea Ltd. . . • . • . • • Sto.nningley, Leeds J a.ckmo.n, J. W ., & Co. . . . . 39, Vidorla Street, S. W . J essop & .A ppleby Bros.(Letcester

and London), Ltd. . . . . Leicester and London Leeds EDgineerlng & Hydraulic} Providence Work.e, Croaa Sta.m-

Co. .. .. .. .. .. tord Street. Leeda Maraball , Flemiog & Jack .. Motherwell, N.B. .Morton, Francis, &: Co., Ltd. . . Hamilton Ironworks, Garston Mnsgrave Broe. • . •• • • Crown Point Foundry, Leeds Nal>ier Brothers. Ltd. • • • • 100, Hyde Park Street, Gla.agow Rice & Co. • . . . . • • • Neville Wka .• Elland Rd.,Leeda Roger, R., & eo. I Ltd. • • • • Stockton-on-Teea Roae, Do"tfD.B & '.l'hompeon. Ltd. Old F oundry, B ull &uaaell, <Ho., & Co. • • . • Moth erwell, neal' Glasgow Bmitb, A., & Stevena . . . • Queen's Road, Battenea, S. W . Smith, A. &: W., & Co., Ltd. . . Egliuton Engine Wks., G-lasgow Sm ith, Thos. . • • • . . Rodley, Deal' Leeda 8tamm, W . (Krupp·Grnsonwerk) ~.College B ill, E.O. Btannah, J... • • • • • • Sklu Market Place, Emerson

Street, Bankside, S. E. S~tbert & Pltt. Ltd. • • • • Bath T •nnes Limited .. .. .. Cornwall W orb, Taylor & Hubba.rd.. . . . . Leicester Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding

and Engineering Co., Ltd. . . Black wall, B. Waygood, R., & Co., Ltd. . • FaJ.mouth R~ad. S.B. Wellman-SeaverEngineeringCo. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Whitalter Bros., Ltd. • . . • B onforth, near Leeda Wlhon, J ohn B ., . C~ . • Ltd. .. Sa.ndhille. Liverpool W ood, R. D., & Co. . . . . Philadelphia, U.S.A.

()rank Axles • Beesemer, Henry, &: Co., Ltd. . . Sheffi eld Hadfield 's Sleel l<'oundry Co., Ld. Hecla W orka, Sheffield Jesaop, W ., & Bona, Ltd. • • t!heffield 8pencer, John, & Sona, Ltd. . . Newburn Steel Work.a, New­Woodbonse & Rixson . . . . Sheffield (caatle-on·Tyne

Cl'a.D.Juhane. Beardmore, W llltam, & Co. • • Parkhea.d Ironworb, GiuJow Beuemer, Henry, & Co., Ltd. • • Sheffield Bro'W'Jl, J ohn, .t Co., Ltd. • • Sheffield DeJUlYatown Forge Co. • • • • DumbM'ton Badfield'sSteel F ounllryCo.,Ld. H eel a W orks, Sheffield J a.ckson, P . R., & Co., Ltd. . . SalfordRollingMUla,Manchst'r Jeaapp, W ., & Sons, Ltd. • . Sheffield Ricbanbon. T., & Sons, Ltd. • • .EIArtlepool [ham Rogerson, John, & Co .• Ltd. .. W oleingham, R .S. O., Co. Dur· Bpeneer, J ohn, & Son.e, Ltd. .. Newburn Steel W orb, New­Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd. • • Sheffield [cutle-on-Tyne

(.'I·cnnt Sepnrnf Ot'l';. Watson, Laidlaw & Co. .. .. Glugow

c::reoeotlne Plant. .Ablfot, J ohn, & Co., Ltd. • • P&rk Wlu. , Gateahead-on-Tyne Oowr.n.a, Bheldon & Co. , Ltd. .. C&rl11le

c::ruetblee. Doulton & Co., Ltd. • • . . Lambeth, S.E.

~ruehlne ltlaehlnery.-(au .D1nntegrator• cua4 JIUlf.)

CUpolaa. J a.ckma u, J. W ., & Co. . . Thwr.ltea Brotbere, Ltd •• •

D estructors.

. . 39, Victoria Street, S. W . ... V wean .llonwor.a.e, BnwUord

Mr.nlove, Alltott & Co., Ltd. .. Nottingham Meld.rum Broa., Ltd. • • • • 10, City Road, Mancheater

D18l.Jleruetante. A.Jbeetoa Co., Ltd. (Bell' a) •• AI ton Obemie&l Co. • • • • Creat~well's Asl>estos Co., Ltd ...

59t, Southwark Street, B.B. B lrmingbam W ellingtoll .Mills, Bra.dford,

Yorks Palfreyman, W . H., & Co. Robey & Co. 1 Ltdi .1

• . 17, Goree ·Piazzas, Liverpool , . L'n~:oln

Dl81nfeetoH. Bradlord, Thoma.t, & Co.

Tullla, D. & J ., Ltd. • •

• . High Bolborn, W .O.: and Oree· cent Ironwork.a, K.ancheate.T

. • Kilbowie I ronwks .. 11r. GlMf:OW

Dl&lnteei"atore. Ask ham Broa. & W tlaon, Ltd. . • Sheffield Bradley Pulverizer Co. • . • • ll7, Walbrook. B.O. Fraacr & Chahners. Ltd. . . 43, Threadneedle Street, E . C. Greenwood & Bo.tley, Ltd. • • Alblon W orks, Leeds Hardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd. . . Sheffield Krupp-Gruaonwerk • • • • Mason Bros. . . . . . . Brandon Street, Leicester Stamm, W . (Krupp·Gr Wlonwerk) 25, College Rill, E. C.

Distille ry Plant. Hunter & English.. . . Pomlfe.:< & Wood. Ltd. . .

. . Bow, London, E.

. • Union Fnundry, Derby

D18UIIID& (Water) A.pparatUA. CrJrd & Rayner • • • • • • Tn, Commercial Bo.d. B. Ohaplln. .A..! ex., & Co. • • • • Govan. Gl.aagow KirkAJdy, John, Ltd. .. .. 101, Leadenllall Street, B .C. Normantly's Patent Marine

.A.I!rated Fresh W ate.r Co., Ld. Victoria Dock R oad. B. R oyle, J. J... .. .. .. Gt.Brldgewater St.,Ma.nchester

Drawtne Instruments. Clark, Gordon P. . . • . . . 7, Red U on Square, W .C. Eyre & Spottlawoode • • • • Ureat .New ij~rt~tt, ~.0. Negrettl & Z&mbra .. .. H olborn ViAduct, E.C. Stn.nley, W . F ., & Co., Ltd. .. Great To.roatile, H olborn. W .C. Thorn ton, A. G. . . . . 67, St. 1\iary Street, ~la11chester

Drawtne&. Traclne~t. &e. Balden, J ., & Co. . • • • . . 8, Alber~ Square, Manchester Kell, T., & Son • • • • • • 40, King Street, Uonnt Gar<len :Mesaer & Thox-pe • • • • • • 8, Qu.tillty Court. E .O. Rice, Tboa. S. • • . • • • 60, Wa.tling Street, E.O. Stanley, W . F .. & Co., Ltd. . . Railway Approach, London

Britlge, S. E.

Dretleer~; (Suction). Gwynne, J . & B., Ltd. • . . . 81 , Caltnon Street, E . C.

Dredetna Maehtnee. Colea, H . J. .. .. .. .. London Crane W orks, Derby D etom bay, Delange & Cie. . . H oboken, near Antwerp Edwa.rds & Co. . . • • • • Mlliwa.J.l, E . Fleming & Ferguaon, Ltd. • • Paisley, N.B. Gwynne, J . & II., Ltd. . . . . 81, Cannon Street, E. C. Hadfteld's Steel Foundry Co.,Ld. H ecla Works, Sheffield Banna, Donald & Wilson . • Palaley, N.B. Hunter&: Bngl.ish.. . • Bow, London , B. Je~sop& Apple by Bros. (Leicester

and L ondon), Ltd. . . . . Leicester and London Lobnitz & Co., Ltd. . . Renfrew, Scot land Prieatmr.n Bros. . • .. . . Holderne811 .Foundry, llull Rose, Downs & Thompeon, Ltd. Old Foundry, Bull Simon.e, W., & Co., Ltd... . • Rentrew, N.B . Smit, L., & Zoon . . . . . . Kinderdijk, Holland Smuldera, A. F. .. .. .. R otterdam, B ollr.nd Stotbert & Pltt. Ltd. . . . . bath ThaUles I ron works Sh i pbuilding

and Engineering Co., Ltd. . . Blackwall, E.

Drying AppaJ•atus. Ameriean Blower Co. . . • . 70, Gracecbnrch Street, E. C.

Dust Collector&. Simon, Henry, L td. .. • • 20, Mount Street, Manchester

Dynamoa.-tsu B14ctrlc Lighting Platnt.)

Ebontte. India. Rubber. Gntta. Perch& and

Telegraph Works, Co., Ltd. . . SUvertown, Esaex Moseley, David, et Sona • • • • A.rdwicll:, Manchester Winter, F. .. .. .. .. 8, R edcroas Street, E .C.

Eeonomlsen (Fuel). Clay Croas Co. . . • • Lowco*ck, Arthur. Ltd. . . Meldrum Bros., Ltd. • •

• • ClAy Cross, near Chesterfield . . Shrewsbury • • 10, City Roa.d, Manchester

Eledi"le Bells and 81pab. Ba.J.ley, W . H., & Co., Ltd. . • .A..Ibl,nWka. Bal1ord,Mr.neheet'r Blackburn, StArling & Co., Ltd. Gresbam Works, NottiJl&'ha.m

Eleetrle Cable&. India Rubber, Gutta Percba a.nd

Telegraph W orks Co., Ltd. • . Silvertown. Easex Johnson & PhUllps . . • . V ictoria W orks, Old Charlton, Telegraph ManufActuring Co. , [Kent

Ltd. . • • . • • • • Helaby, near Wt.rrlngton

Eledrle J.tehttne Plant. Alien, W . H., Son, & 0 <'., Ltd... Queen'• Engineering Work.a,

Bedford [Street, E. C. Becker , R., A Co. .. .. .. 50A, Rivington St., Gt. East-em Bellies&: ~orcom Ltd. . . . . LedsamSt.Worke,Binniugham Bow, McLacblan & Cl). . . . Thistle Works, Paisley, N. B. British Iusnlat.ed Wire Co., Ltd. Prescot, Lancashire British Schuckert Electric Co., } Clun Houae, Surrey Street,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . Strand, W.C. British Tbomaon-Houaton Co.,

Ltd. . • • . . . . 83, Cannon Street, B . C. British W eatinghouae Electric

and Mfg. Co., Ltd. .. .. Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. Clarke, Chapman & Co .. Ltd. Gateshead-upon-Tyne Clayton Eugineeri11g & 'Electrical

Con6truction Co., Ltd. . . Newton. Hyde, nr. Manchester Crompton & Co. , Ltd. . • • • Mansion Rouse Buildings, E. C. Dorman & Smith . . . . • • Manchester .Edleon & Swan United Electric } 86 & 37, Queen Street, Cheap-

Light Company, Ltd. • • . . side, E.C. Electric Cont~tructlon Co., Ltd. Wolverhampton Electrical Co., Ltd. . . . . 122 & 124, Cbaring Cross Road,

Electrical Power Storage Oo .• Ld. Fowler , J., & Co. (Leeds), Ltd ... Greenwood .t Batley, Ltd. • • Hall, J . P., & Co. .. .. .. B.a.rtnell. W llaon • . • • • • B ayward-Tyler & Co. . . . . H olmes, J. B ., .t eo. . . . . I ndi11. Rubber, Gutta Perch& and

w.c. 4, Gt. Wineheater Street, B .O. Leeds Albion Works, Leeda Oldham Kirk.stall Road, Leech 90 & 22, \VhitecrossStreet, E.C. N ewcaatle-on-Tyne

Telegraph W orks Co., Ltd. • . Stlvertown, Essex J~ckaon, P. R. , & Co., Ltd. .. SalfordRolling1!IUls,Ma.n chst'r Job.naon & Phillipe .. .. 14, Union Ct.,Old Broad St.,B.O. Laurence, Scott & Co. , Ltd. . . Norwich Panona, 0. A., .t Co. • • . . Beaton Worlu, Newcaatle Po.terson, Cooper & Co. • • . . Patella Work.l, Paisley Peebles, D. B ruce, & Co. . . Tay Works, Edinburgh Scott, Brnest, & Mountain, Ltd. Newcastle-on-Tyne Shanks , Alexr., & Son, Ltd. . . A.rbroatb, Scotland !lemens Brothers & Co., Ltd. . . 12, Queen Anne'e Gate, B.W. 'J:hames IrClnworks Shipbuilding

and Bugineering Co., Ltd . . . Blackwa.ll , E.

Eleetrle Moton. Allen, W. H., Son & Co , Ltd. Queen's Engineering Works,

l3ed1ord !Street, E.C. Becker, R. , & Co. . • .. • • ISOA, Rivington St .. Gt. East-ern Bow, McL'\cblan & Co. • • . . 'I'hlstle Works, P aisley, N. B . British Schuckert Eleutric Co .• } Clun House, Surrey Street,

Ltd. .. .. .. .. Strand, W .C. British Thom son-Houston Co.,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . 83, Cannon Street, E . C. British Westingbouae Eleotric

and Mfg. Co., Ltd. . . . . N orfolk Street, Strand, W.C. Clayton Engineering&: Electrical

Elech•ic .lUof oJ·~ .-Oontinucd. Electrumotors L I m i t l'd . . . . ManclleKter L d Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. • . .A ibion W orks, ee • llartnell, Wilson .. .. .. K i rkstall Road. Leedi lleap, J oshul•. & Cu., Ltll . .. Asltton-under-L_yn€' llolm ea, J. H., & Co. . . . • N ewca.stJe.on-Ty ne Jndia Rubber , Gu~ta P ercha &

ff k c LW SUvertown, Essex Telegraph \\ or a o.. . .. SalfordRollingMille,M.anchst' r

Jackson, P. R., & Co., Ltd. · · J oboson·Lttudell Electric

Traction Co., Ltd. . . J ohnsoo & PhJllips . . . . Lauren c:e, Scott & Co., Ltd. . . Parsons, C. A., &. Co. . . . · Pater80U, Cooper & Co. . . · · Peeules, D. Bruce, & Co. . . Scott, Ernest, & Mountain, Ltd. Siemena Brothers & Oo., Ltd . ..

17. Soho Square, W.C. 14, UoionCt.,Old BrCJad St.,E.C. Norwich H eaton Worka, Newcastle Patella Works, Paisley Tay W orks, Edlubureb Ne wcastl e-on-Tyne 12, Queen Anne's Gate-, S.W.

£teeti"teal En&1.neen. .Allen w. B., Son, & Co. , Ltd.. . Queeu'a Engineering W orks,

' Bedford Bellias & Morcom Ltd. .. .. Led~~&.HlSt.Worka,Birmiugham BritLsb Schu~kert Electric Co.,} CJun H ouse, Suney S treet,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . Strand, W.C. Britlah Tllomson-Hc;ueton Co.,

Ltd. . . . . . . . • 83, Cannon Street, E . C. British Westingbouae Electric

d ""'f c Ltd Norfolk Street, Stran d. W . C. an m g. o., . . . Clarke, Chapman A Co. , Ltd. . . Gateabead-upon.Tyne Clayton E ngln eeriug& Electrical

Construclion Co., Ltd. . . Crompton & Co. , Ltd. . . . . Dorma.n & Smith . • . . Electric Construction Co., Ltd. Electrieal Co., Ltd. . . . .

Greenwood & Ratley, Ltd. • • Hall, J. P., & Co. 1 .. ..

H artnell. W Uson • • • • • • B aywartl·Tyler -~ Co. . . . . India Rubber, Gutta Perchaand

Teleg-raph Works Co., Ltd. . • Jackson, P. R., ,t,e Co., LW. . • J ohnaon & PbUlipe . . . Johnson & Phillips' Electric

Cable Wot·ks . . . . . . Nn.lcler Bros. & TbompsCln, Ltd. P&nona. C. A .. & Co. • • • • P at erson, Cooper & Co. . . . . P eebles, D. Bruce, & Co. . . Scott, Erneat, & Mountain, Ltd. Slemena Brothen & Co., Ltd. . • Telegraph Manu1acturl.Dg eo.,

Ltd. • . . . . . . •

Ne,Tton 1Jyc'e,nr. M'anchcRt&r .Mans!~ H ouse Bulldinga, E. C. Manchester \Volvcrhampton 122 & 124, Charing Cross Rol'ul,

w.c. Albl.on Works, Leeds Oldhaw Kirk8tall Road Leed• 90 & 9'.?, Wbltecrossf-ltreet, RC.

SHvertown. Euex Sal ford Rolling MI Ua, Manch~>t' r 1.1, Union Ct.,Old Broad St. , E. C.

Old Clla.rlton, Kent 34, Queen Stret~t, E. C. Hea.ton Works, NewcaaUe Pa.tellu. W orks, Pal t~ley Tay Work~. Euloburgh Close Wk.a. , Newcaatle-on-Tylle 12, Queen Anne's Gate, 8. W .

B eleby, nearW&rrlngton

EJectro l'tln~nets • S&ndycroft Foundry ancl Engine

W orks Co., Ltd. . . . . Near Chester

Elevators. GI'atn, Coal, &e. Coles, B. J. • • • • • • • • London Crane W orks, Derby Conveyor and Elevator Co. . . Accringtoll, Laneaehue Eaat Ferry Roa.d Engineering

Works Co., Ltd. .. .. )t Wwall. E. Black .Bull Stre~ot, Leed!\ Gralla.m, Morton .~ Co., Ltd.

Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. Jobnsen, Wm., & Sons ..

0 1 Albion W orks, Leeds [Leeds

Poole, R., &; Son Co. . . . . Pott, Cassels & Williamson ..

Caatleton Foundry Armley, Baltimore, 1lfd., U .S.A.. Motherwell, near Glasgow

Rose, Do"tfD.B & Thompeon, Ltd. Old F oundry, B ull Smulden. A. F. .. .. .. R ntterdam, Holland W atson, Laid law & Co. . • . . GlasflOW Whi tmore & Binyon, Ltd. . . Wickba.m Market ; and 64,

Mark Lane, E .C.

EmerJ' and EmeQ ()loth, &e. Davies, W. J. , & Sons • • • • 109, W eaton Street, S.B. Goldawortby, T ., & Sona.. • • B, Manchester [E. C. London Emery Works Co. • • 10 & 12, Vine St. , Clerkenwell, Oaltey, John, & Son.e, Ltd. .. W estminaterBridgeRoad, S.R.

Emei'Y GI'lndlna ltlaeblnei'J'. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. .. Albion W orks, Leeds ( &.0. Londoo Emery W ork.a Co. . . 10 & 12, Vine St. , Clerkenwell, Luke & Spencer, Ltd. • • • • Broadhea.tb, neal' MlUlchester Steroe, L., & Co. , Ltd. . . . . Crown Ironworks, Glasgow

Emei'Y Wheels. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. • • Leeds [E.C. London Emery Wo'tka Co. • • 10 & 12, Vine St., Clerkenwell, Luke .t Speneer, Ltd. . . • •, Deal' M&nchester Mitchell's Emery Wheel eo. . . Mill St. , Bradford, Manch eatet Pfeil & Co. . . . . . . . . 1415/9, St.. John Street, Clerk.:\\·

well, E .C. Shelby & Co. . . •• • . 66, L eonard Street, E . C. Sterne, L ., & Co., Ltd. • • • • Crown Ironworks, Gl.aagow

E mployment A~reucy. Rieha.rdson, C., & Co. • • . . 65, Imperial Buildings, Lnd-

gate Circus, E.C.

EDa1De and Botler FIUlnKI• Aabeetoe Co., Ltd. (Bell'a) • • 69 • • Southwv.rk Street, B.JL Bailey , W . H ., & Co., Ltd. .. Alb1onWka.S&ltord,1d&ncheat'r Dempeter, Moore & Co. • • • • 49, B.obertson Street, Glaaiow Gallowaya Ltmtted • • • • M&.nchester Green & Boulding .. .. 105, BunhW Row, E . C. M'Nell. C. . . • . . • • • Ktoning Park Ironworlu, Glaa· Piggott, Thoe., & Co., Ltd. • • Spr inghill, Birmingham (gow R hodee, B., & Son.. . • • • Bow Brass W orks, London, B . Royle, J . J . . . . . . . Gt.Bridgewater St.,Manchester Scbi1fer & BudenberJ .. .. Whitwortb St., London Roau,

Mr.nchester Scott, Erneet, • Mount&io, Ltd. Close Wk.a., Newcaatle-on -Tyne Storey, I., & Sona, Ltd. • • • • Empress F ouudry, M&ncbester Tangyes Ltmlted • • • • • • Cornwall Works. Birmiutham WtJlt.cb Broa. • • • • • • 67, Gra.cechurch Street, B.O. Weir, G. & J'. , Ltd. .. .. Cs.thcart, Gl.aagow

Enelneers (C::oneultlne and Inspeetlne). Crosier, Stephens & Co. . . . . 2, ColliDgwood Street, New·

cutle-on-Tyne Rice, Thomas S. • . . . . . 60, Watling Street, E .O. West, Nlch olas J., & Sons . . 186. Gresbam Rouse, Old "81'01\d

£n&1.ne8 (A..II'). Bailey, W . B . , & Oo., Ltd. Bellis!l & Morcom Ltd. . . llayward-Tyler & Co. • •

Enelnea (Blowtna).

Street, E. C.

• • A.lbionWke, S&l1ord,Mancheat 'r . . Ledsa.m St.Works,Birmingham • • ~ & 92, Whitecroae Street, B .O.

A.llis, Edward P . , Co. • • • • Milwaukee, Wia. , U.S.A. Baker B lower E.ngineeringOo... BtADley W orke, Sheffteld Belliss & Morcom Ltd. . . . • Ledsa.mSt.Works,Binningbam Ga.Uoways Limited • • • • Manehester LE. C. Gwyune & Co. . . • • . . Brooke Street W orks, H ol born, Scott, Geo., & Son • . • • 44, Christian Str1let, B . SocidW Anonyme des .Atelillrs

de Construction de La Meuse Liege, Belgium Thwaitea Brothers, Ltd. • • Vulcan Ironworks, Bradford Wa.lker Broth era • • • • • • P a.eedeld Ironworks, W ip.n

Enelnes (Ga&). A.ndrew, J'. E. B. , & Co., Ltd ... Camp bell Gas Engil\e Co. , Ltd. Clayton & Shuttleworth •• Croaeley Bros., Ltd. • • . • Browett, Lmdley & Co. (1889),

Ltcl. . . . . . . . . Dick, Kerr & Co .. Ltd.. • • • •

R eddish, near Stockport Ra.lifax, England Lincoln Mt.neh eater

Construction Co .. Ltd. . . Eaaton, Anderaon & Goolden, Ld. BleQtric~l Co., :Utdt • • •

Newton, liyde, nr. Mancbeater Erith Ironwork.a, Brlth. Kent 122 .t 124, Charing Cro111 R o:>1.d, w.c;

Dudbridge Iron Works, L td . .. Fielding & Platt, Ltd. • . • , Forward Engineering Co., Ltd.

Patricro(t, ~Ia.uchester 110, Cannon Street , E . C. Dudbridge, near Btron<l Gloucester B irmingham

Gardner & SoJla , , • • 1 1 Po.trlcrott, Manehetter

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (23)

• • X1 ll

Ena lnt" (Gn .. ).-t:o,•tlnu .. t. (o r:fcto, "Ill , ""ull!l, l ,ttl , Kvrtta Brotben .. ..

. • t'"ultr Htr. t. Blrmlnrham • • &.1. Victoria St.. W eatmlu h·t

t .n,. u 1• rk r .. • • ~t.. \uu '11 ( rhamt.._,.... Ut t-111lth

Xanlon, Alllott A Co .. LvJ. • • ~allvna l (• ED!;IIIf lu , Ll•l ... Robey A Co. Lt.te. • • • St.amm, W .tk:ruw Ont onwerltt) Tan11• Limited • • • • • .

ltnllflne (l.ocomothe•· \'on~ I· le En gin C\). • 1~1. W . o .. Ltd. .. .. t:n,.,k.e Lo<x>wut he \\' urka • Burn ham, W llllama & Co. • • D lt:ll:, Kerr cl Co. , LW. • • . . Fu..-ltr, J ., & Co. (Li'eda), LW ... Gr~o. Tl1omu, k :4ull , I hi ..

11 111 l.o~~<_ Otuvl he: \\'uru Ha ..-thorn. R • .t W ., Ltalie & Co.,

Lttl. • . . . • • • • I hm h..t &. ~1111 .. . HuJ.a..-eU, Cl&rll:e .t Co .. Ltd •• H unalet BntrLne Co. . . . • Jeaaop .t AJ>ph 1·~ Bro..(l, ler

unll J.(•Od"u I, Ltcl. • • • • k~n. btuart A Co .. LW. • • lilaunlnr. w~~H• .t Co. • • • • 'dii<IU, lttl1l (. •. .. ..

.. Peckett & Suoa • . • • • • l't'HIIt'f. Ale:t.&Ddtlr, .t Cv. • . Pit llbllTth l .v<uw ut 1\ ,. \~ vr~11 . Jtlo·bwond Lo<: ut.uoth c and Mu-

chh•" \\ vrk.a • • • Ro~1 <l Co .• LW. • . • . Ro,en Locomulln Co. • • . • ltuatuu, Pr~~.:~r .t Co .. LW. • • ~ \ 1 lo t'• t.lul} l .. >~. vllll•lh eo \\ ork1 ~'<•• lt lA· At"'li~W olc Atdlt:rl

de ('uu •trut tlou 1lt'1 La lleu~t: \\ul~•l' Brotben .. .. .. i'.-dlf, (.. A .. o\ ( o. . . ..

E oalne& (~larloe•.

~tr~t . \\ 1 troln•l .. r , . \\ :\uttlu1ha111 I t• r .\ahtOU•Iltnltr·Lyne, Mauclu:• lJuroln 2.5, CoUrie Ulll. B.O. Cornwall Woru. Blrmi.Daham

Bnalt>l CutJe Enri.De Woru, 8 taa'ord Duu .. ITk., N Y., U$ \ . PbU.W,.Iphla. U.8 • .&. 110. Cauuou Street, a.o. l.t.oedl t-mlthllt hi I ronwork•. l.t'eda;

end ~o-unt-y \\ orkt. Ut.u k · ft iar Road, S . E.

J' ofnrl , t• ~:nu1UJ)

N e•cutle-on-Tyue <. ...el. Ocn.nAny Leed.l Letdl

~lceater ~~ood London 20, Bucltlenbul'J', B.O. Bu}ne Enl!'lne W orkl. ~· lly\le l'ar'- LocuwvliYt \\ '- , ~J•rln,horu. Gtaaauw

Bueh L'lll' lluu t•, ( ':muuu ~lT et. f~ C

AUu Kntrfne Woru. Brietol 10'i, J 'eu~.;hurch Street. E .C. l'lttabur.,ll, Pa., U M. \ .

lUdnnood, \a , V.l:L\ . LJnoolu Patenon, N. J . , U.S.A. Sh"f lroo..-orb, Llncoln 1:-•htllltUIII) . ~~" \ urk, \ ' :- \

lie •e. lit-lp:lum J'aat\'lh:ltl Jruuwork•: W lr!!' ll , Queen \ ktorlA !3t.. , ~~. ( .

\Ill·) ;\. Maclellao .. .. • • &toUnel Woru, Glaagow Tbl.alle W ork•. Pal.aley &"". lh 1.-blau .s. li<•. • •

HrazU, Holboro~ .l Btraller, LJ. Burnll, C., & &111, Ltd. • • ~)•bell .t Cahler•ood . . • • Chapltn, AJex., a Co. . •. Cuduao & Co .. :\uuan, 1.1.<1. •• li.Ly, Suuuucn- 1\: (.'o. • . U··lmllu, \lfr~:•l, ~ Co., l.vl. . Edwarda A Co. . • • • • ~:,ana,\. ~::wn • . • . • • Fl~mlng .t Fef'I'UlOO, Ltd. • • Offtn & Bouh.llur • . • . IIAnn&. Donald & Wllaon •• Ha-.rt.born, B. & W., Lellle .t Co.,

LW. . • . . • • • • Ha) ~A, Ed war\! . . . . Hunter cl EugUah • . . . • • ~ ln~;ai\1, J oltu (: . .\ Co. .. I.olmttz .t <.:o ., Lt•l. • . . wui{Wull, A 6. W. . . . . L)lham tshlt•1Julldlnr cl Enrt·

ueerlnr Co. • . - •• )I wnfurd, A. 0 .. .. .. Plent1 A Son. LW. • • • • RJcb.ardavu, Tboa .. A Bona, Ld. R~er, R.. a Co., Ltol .. • Roae, l>owna & ThomJ)IOn, LW. llou .t Dun can • • • • • • Ekbt<:bAu, P . .. .. .. l::lcott. Ern eat. A )I o u.n tal n, LW. SlmoD&, W ., & Co •• Ltd. . . . • I:Sim.-on, StnckJa.nd .t Co .. Ltd. l:-tull. L., &. Zouu . SmJt. P ., Jr. .. .. .. TbOrDJCJ"Qft, J . J., 6 Co. .. Vauxhall lrouworu Co., LW . .. Voeper .t Co., LW. .. .. 'lt.JTU\1 .1. eo .. Ltd. • • • •

Eallflne8 (011). C'~tul •l•dl {.. Eu~hH• Cu., Lttl Cla)1.Gn & Sbuttlto•ortb .. .. Cro.aleJ Broa., Lt.d. .. .. Cunclall, R . .t vu a, LW. • • Fll hllui & Pl.1tl, LW. .. .. <:urtlnl!r <\ l:)vllll • • • . Gree.o cl Bouldlng . . • • llorneby, R, & oue, LW. .. l'ullu~:k. " byte .\ \\ lW tiei . Prle.ct.ruan Hroa. • • • • • • Rul.k>· & <:o., LW. . • • • Tan &Yet 1.1 ml t.ed • • • • • • Tulcb 4L Co. • • • • • • • • \ o per & Co., LIAI. .. ..

Enctae & (Portable•. B&rro..-a & Co. • • • • • • Clayton & Shuttlewortb . • • DaveJ, Paxman A Co .. Lhl. .. Poeter, W ., .t Co., Ltd. .. .. Garrett, R., .t SoDI, LW.. • • Hlndley, E 8 . .. .. .. B ornaby, B ., & 8o111, Ltd. .• Manh&U, 8o111 & Co., Ltd. •• ptgott, Tboe., & Co., Ltd. •. Ba.naome., Siml & JeJJerlea, Ltd. B.obey a eo., Lt.d.. • • . . • Rllllton. Proc:tor & Co .• LW. • . Smeclley Broth en, Ltd. • • . . Turoer, E. B . .t 1-'., LW. ..

a..,lDM CPumplDa•·

\ ul<.;&n lronworka, Brutnl TheUord Sobo Eni1De W oru, Pal.aleJ OoviW, Gluro• \mau, ~ .B. (ampton

::>. ortha111 J ronwor kl, !:-lout.b. Jl hchpw W urka. K ing·, Lyon lllUwall, E. ;,:,!, ::>. urth treel, Pu)IIAr, R. PaiaJey. N .B. 103, Bunhlll Row, E.C. P..Wey, N.B.

N e•c:utle-on ·TJD~ t ony Stratford, Wolvertoa

Bow, £ . On:euuck, Scotland lttufrew, Scotla11d \\ atcdw I roD\\ ork.11, Poole

Lytbam. Lancaahin (cbcxtt·r Cul ver Street. Iron worU, Col­Eagle lron..-oru, Newbury, Hartlepool (B«rka Stockton ·OD·T-Hull Wbltetleld Woru . Glufow Elbln~t·Danz1&. Pruula (;l.,•tl WU., :Newcutle-on-T)'ne Rentre..-, N .B. Dartmoutb, 8. Dnon Khull!rdlJk, llullAntl Rotterdam, Holland Cbllwiclt, w. Wanda..-ortb Road, S.W. Port.mouth llllc of Do~CW. London, B.

H .11l fal., Euf( lallll LJnc:oln llaocbeater Sbipley, Yorlu C:luut: tt-r l'nl r kTuft. llaut helter HI!), BuohUI Ro'1, E . C. Onmtham Olobu l~ug. Work.e, Johnetonc lloldcrne..a Fou.ndry, Hull Lhlloln Cornwall Woru. Blrmineham The Boatyard, Fulbaw, 8 . W. Pon.ruoulh

Ban bury Lincoln Col cheater Llncoln Lellton W orU, 8aJrolk .Huurton, Doraet Grantham Oalnlborouah Spn.n.hlll, .8lrmln1ha• lpawicb Lincoln Sbeallron..-oru, Lincoln Bell)er (132) Ipe•lch

Ahtx.t.. John, .t Co. , LW. .. Park WU., Gat.bea.d-on-Tyne Allla, Edward P , Co .. .. .MUwau.kee, W U., U.S.A. Bailey, W . H .. A Co., LW. .. AlblonWU.Saltord, &lllu ~ l1urtuu1 LW. . . . . lA-d•w t.. Work1,.8lrm~haw .M.·rry. Tleury, ~ Co .. LW. .. Cro) dun Worka, Bunalet,Lood• Cualhrookdal• Co., LW. . • Cualbrookda.le, R .B.O. , Shl"'J>· D vey, Pa).JDAU .t Co., LW. . . olche.ter (lllllrtl f"lchlln& & PlAtt. Ltd. . • • • CHvo011ter 1-'raaer &. Cl1aiU\1R, LIAI. . • 4J. Thnadneedle 8trMt.. B.C. (lwynn~ .a. Co. • • .. Urwke Street Worka, B ot born, llatlwrn. DaH·f A.(. l. •• ~la ( E.C J-p.t .\pplel>) Hrw. (Lel~ter

an• I Londun), Ltd. • . • • Lekeaur and London Leed.e En&' .t Byclraullc } Provtdenc. W oru, Croea Stam-eo. . . . . . . . . . . ford Street , Leeda Muarrave Bra.. • • • • • • Crown Polnt F oundry, Leeda Puleometer EntrLneerlJlaOo.,Ltd. NI.De Elma, 8. W . RI• eA Co. . . • • • • • E l laud RO&d, Leeda .Robey cl Co., Ltd. .. .. .. LiD colD bmitb, Hugb. & Co. • , • • Pu- 11 Engine Work11, Olaa w TI.DfYel l.lmltecl • , • • • . Cornwall Workl, Blrmio ba111 Warner. R .• .t Co. • • .. 9'i, Qnt•·n \ h:wria tr.:"t• 1-~ C

&allflnee ( t a tlonai"J')• Al.Jbot, John . & Co. Lt.d. •• Para WU.., Oat.eabead-on-Tyuc Allen. W . ll., Son, & Co., LW... Quet>n'a KD&ineeriD& W orlu,

Becllord Alley .t Maclellan . . • • • • Stntlnel W orU. G~o..-Alh , EJwanl P., Lo>. .. .. .MUwallk ... WLII., U.S.A. SaUeJ, W . B., .t Co., Ltd. .. AlblonWU..Saltord,lla.ncbeat'r Baker Blo..-er EnJtneertn1Cc... Stan.ltJ Wortu. Shedleld B..lh· o1. llol'\:om Ud. .. .. lAc.lam St.. Worlu,Blrml.n,fham tk'\.:T, Uurliui .\: l lu., LW . • Union F ou.ndry, Dewabury BrazU, H olhciluw .t btralt~r. L.l. \ ulcan lrunworlu, Bri tul Brotherhood, P. • • • • • • Belveden Road, W•tmln•ter

Bridge Road, S . • . Campll&ll .t (.'alclawood .. .. l:'ubo .t-;ualne Wort.a, Palale1 r!b.aolln, Al,x .. A Co. • . .. OuYIU), Q~o•


E n"l D ~'I (!'oiC Rl lOOt\ r) ).- Cuti/ ;,. ,,~d. Clarke. ('llaJ•IJI I) " r~ . Lt..l .. (, 'U: lJ~·UflUU ·T) ne (1&} , llt>urtqn1 .~ Oo, l.t•l. llt'll lour) ( lt)tuo r.u [lillt• rln.r, Ulc.'<1.rl<•l

Conalrtll t luu ( • , J.t,l .. Clayton & ShutUu..-ortb •• CochraDt~, J. .. .. .. Col ea, B. J . . . . . . . . . Coltman, H ., A. Suna • • • •


't "tuu, ll}tlc,ur. '\I llll h eeler Lincoln &nlt..-ad I ~·wlon Cmoc \'\- urka, Oorby lldl. nrl Jr onworka, Lough· l•·rouelt

1'1 • lull Comltl•anl. T .. .t (.o • Cra1~:r, A. 1-'., & t u., Ltd • Cl-o..-, Barve1 .t Co. .. Dney. Puman .t Co , Ltd. Dem), Moore & Co •.. I>odtJttl.ll, \lfN><I, ,\. ( .. , J, td. Uunkln, B • c·tt·n•lt , LIAI.

.. Patllle). •" . B. . • Part Oroveiron•orlu, Gtuco• . . Colcheetu • . 49. RoberteoD Street. Glugow

Jl l~ehpu \\ ork , 1\ lng'• -. .. utbwurl.. Rul•l , I'l l~

Douelu & Grant • • • • . • l>unnlkler Fou.ndry, K.lrll:caldJ,

Drnd.ale .t eo. .. .. .. Ea.atGu • .A Ollt"nou ~ o.~td~o . TA!. E nt:r ·l•ln t ouh:ntum Ku¥n•u P oetu, W., A Co., Ltd. .. .. P o..-ler, J ., .t Co. (Leed•). Ud ... P'ralt!r .t Cha.hnt!n, LW. • • Oallowaya Limited .. .. Garrett, R., .t 80111, LW.. . • Orcen .t Bouldlug.. . • • . C:reen• ood & BatleJ, Ltd. . • (h') noo & Cu. . . . . . Hatborn, Dave1 & Co. • . . . Uay.,.&.l'\1-Tyler a Co. . • • • H "enan A Froutl~ . . . . • • H t:lllt:bd ,\, 1:-!uhll • JJ l11dlc), H. 1:1. .. .. Uonub). R •• .t Suna, l.ttl. JJ mu boldt Jl'.nglnecring Wk.e. Co. H \lnlcr .t Englltb.. .. .. bell J.' uundry & Bntrlneer1~ Co. Jta o pd. AJllll~by .8roa. (

and Luodon), l..ttl. • • • . ~ • T. 6.. R . • • • • • {.(,opdoo, A & \\ • • • .M~t.ulu' e. Autott & Co. . . • • M an hall , fsu11a d. Co., Lt.d. • • llcOulc, llan ey & Co. , Ltd. . . Mordaud, Richard, .t Soo, Ltd. NaJ)Ier Brotben, Ltd. • • • • PanouJI, C. A. , & Co. •• . • Pecketl & BoWl • • . . • • Pt~ott, Tboa., & Co., Ltd. • • Batu1c me, A .. & Co. . . • • Raruomea,Siml & Jeft'ertea, L td. Reader, B., & Solll • . • • Re&vell .t <.. o , LW. .. Rc>dpatb cl Pa.rl.a .. .. .. Robe1 & Co., LW. .. • • • • Roger, R., a Co., l.W. • • . . Rosu, Dow111 & Thompaon, Ltd. Ruuell, Geo., & Co. . . .. Rnaton. Proctor .t Co., Lt.d. • . ~cott Broa. .. .. .. .. 'cotl, Ernt<~t , & ) l ouutalu, LW .

lShaut..a •• \ln.r , <.\ Son, Lttl . • . ' btmkl, Thunlll.l, .\. Co. • . . impeoo, Strtck!Aod & Co., Ltd. medley .Broth en, Ltd. . . • •

tsmlt h . A. & W., & Co. , Ltd. . . oc16t.6 Auon) me lle6 A tell era de Conalnu;Uun d e La Mcu~u

Tangyea Limited .. .. .. Taylor .t CbaUen, Ltd. • • • • Tullle, D. cl J., LW .. .. Turner, E. R. .t F . , Ltd. .. Vauxhall lronworlu Co., Ltd ... Walker Brotben • . . • • • Wbltmore & BIDyon, Ltd. • •

N.B ( Gl&~~o• Boo Accord ~ne Woru, V.rlth lronwnrka, Frith, hent HO, \\ "~twlu• Brttl~~ Rtl • J.lucolD (S 1-!. lMda ~3. Thread needle Street, E C. M&ncheater wlaton Woru. Suffolk 1 0~. HuuloUl Ruw, R C. Alblon W orlu. Ltedl \E.C. Uruok" btr~.;el \\ ork , Jlol11.1nl, Leeda 90 & 1'12. WhJ~ouStnet, E. C. Mancbuter ( < ' "'· Gtrmany Bou rton. Grantham Ralk, near Colo~e. Germany Bow, B. Newport. Moo.

Lelceeter and Lontlon Hollln"uod· uwr Mancheater \\ aterloo ll un" urk , P\XIl t! l\ ottluJtbam Oainaborougb (Glalrow bcoUand Street Eu~ne Woru. 3, Old Street, B.C. 100. B ydePark Street, (ll11$g•>W llcalon Works, ~ewcut.le Atlaa Work1, Brlatol 8priDgbUI, B1rmlngbam StADIIY Worlu., Cbelaea lpnrlch Pha.:nu Wortu, Not.Unrbam R&.oel"tfb W<•rlu, Ip1wlch ~Cut.lronworlu, r.tmeholllf, LI.Dcoln [E. Stockton-on-Teea Old Foundry, Bull MotbcT'Vo'ell, near Glufo• Sheaf I ron '1\ orkt, Lincoln Hall.fa.x ~ e'1 cutJe-on -Tyu c Arbroath. ::X:ollantl

uJou l rou'll orke, J ohnatouo Dutmoutb, 8. Devon Eagle Ironworlu, &lper Eallnton Bnglne Wk.l., GIn.!! go"

Liege, Belgium Cornwall Woru, BlrmJ11gham BIJ'Ullngham h.11Lu" ie lronwu., or. Gw:o• (1321 11,." icb Waudawortb Road, 8. W . Page6eld lronworlu, Wlp.D Wltkbam Market ; aDd IH,

Mark Lane, E .C. W Ulana & Roblnaon, Ltd. • • RuglJy, Warwlc;kthlre

Ena1ne8 (Traetlou). Bnrrell, C .. .t Bona, Ltd. • • Tbettord Clayton & Shuttlewortb.. .. Lincoln F oater, Wm., cl Co., LW. • • Lincoln F o..-ler, J . , & Co. (IMda), Ltd... Leedt B orne by, R., & Bona, Ltd. • • Graut.haDJ ld.anball, Bona & Co .. Ltd. • . Galnaborouab R&naowea, 81ma & Jeft'ertea, Ltd. lpalrich Robey & Co., LW... • . • . Lincoln Rnaton. Pl"'ctor & eo., Lt.d. • • Bbt~af lronworu, LiDcolD

£natne8 ("'IDdJD&). Abbot, J ohn, .t eo., LW. • • :Btover, Durllug d. Co. , LW. . . CMDpbeU & CIIJduwood • • • • CbapllD. AieL, .t eo. . .. Davcy, P~t'\muu & Co .. Ltd. . • Evaua & \\- ldowll~ld . . . . Fr&ler & Chuhnen, Lt.d. • .

Park Wu., Oale.tbl~l.on-1') ne \, lllun 1-'oundr). o .. w.loury 'obo Botrlue Wor\.1, Palalty

Uovao, U~&~~o• ( 'ult:b c11 er 0, llulu t'resccnt, Cartll t! ~:.1 . Thrwdneedle Street, .E.C.

J t:''OP <\ A pplub) Brue. ( Ltlt:c•Wr and Lou1hlu ), Ltd. . . • • Lellual and Lontlon

Leeclt Bt..trLneen.n. &} Providence W orlu, Croea St.a.m. Co. .. .. .. .. .. ford Street, Leeda

B.obey .t Co., Ltd... .. .. Lincoln oclc:t~ Auvn) mt• d8 A tA!Uera de Con trucllon ~~~La .Meuae

Tan.i'Yea Llmtt.ed .. .. .. Turner, B. R . .t F ., Ltd. ••

Liege, Belgium Cornwall Woru, Blrmln1bam (132) l ptwich

ED&Taven. U eebanJeaJ. &e. B:uus, W ., .t Soo .. .. .. Perfuratlug Worka, Chalton

Evaporaton. Burn~t. L .• .t Co. • • - •• CuJJ'\1 & Rayner • . . • • • CampbeU .t Culdtntood.. • • B ouaton, J. & R. .. .. .. McOolc, Jianey .t Co., LW. • . Mmlees, Wat.aon & Ya.rya.u Co.,

LW. • . . . • • . . Rlcbardaon, Tb011. , .t So111, Ld . Rorte. J . J ... .. .. .. Weir. G . .t J .. Ltd. .. ..


hlreet, . w.

Ouhrn, Gla.t.Jow ~ ii. Commercial Road, E. bobo Enetne Wur .t'at.ley Or~nock, N .B. 8 \.'0tl.a.Dd Street Enrloe Worb,

IOWJOW \.'Otland Street, O~u¥ow

llartlt:pool Ot. Hridgewaur St.,lla.ncbeater Catbcart, G~o..-

Chaplin, Alex., & Co. • • • • Go van, Glugo..-Colea, R . J . . . • . . . • • London Crane Work s, Dtrby Flemlng & P'erguaon, Ltd. • • Pailtey, N .B. Lo'()nitz d. Co., Ltd. . • . . R cnLrow, &oee, DoWD.I cl TbomJ)IOn , Ltd. Old Fou.ndry, Bull Ruston, Proctor .t Co., Ltd. . . Sheaf lronworka, Lincoln Schram, Richard, .t Co... .. C..Unon treet. B onae, E . C. Smwden, A. P . • • • • • . Rotterdam, R olla.nd Tbamea 1n.n..-ork.e Shipbulldiui

anti Euvlneerlug eo .. Ltd. . . Black wall, E . Whitaker .8roa., Ltd. • . • • B oraforth, near Leeda Wll.aon, John H., .t eo., Ltd. • • Sa.ndhilla, Liverpool

Exha1l8te n. .. Soutbwa.rk Park. Road, S. E. Donltln, B .. & Ch:nch, LW.

Rortiul 6roa. • • • • '\aUt:•, {o cur~;t.', Co. • •

.. 6:1, \ lcturi& St..,, • . ~ , E\blun Rd , ~ W. (S. W,

E x vaocle cl ~letaJ. hr-udeotl Co., LW. • • 39, t •pJler Thamea Street, E . C.

Ex plo,ot ~·ea.

• • tl, Uute Cr~nt. Carc.Hf:r Evan• & \\ ldowt\t:ld •• ~ e" E'J>Iu ht> (;<J , Ltd. • • 7:1, Quct>n \ lctor1a t'lr~ut, E C.

Fan& a nd Blowe n. Allm, W . B., Son, & Co., LW. • Que.:n '• En( W orlu,

.Bed.lurd .\muriaw Hlowcr Co. • • • . 70, G~un;h Street.. B. O. .Ma.&er Blower Rnaineerl.neCo... Stan.ley Worlu, Shet.Beld Blackman VeoUiat.lJlr eo., LW. 63, Fore Street, &.C. .&m . McwhlaD ~ C''· • • Thtatle Woru, Patalcf, NB RrotherhOCKl. P . • • • .. Bel vedere RO&d, We.tmlnater

ritlJre R • "<!, K

Fnos n otl Blo " e ro~o . -ContlnuML. Cburo·hlll, Cha • ~ C'o , LW • fl to HI, Leonar.l • tr et. E .C. U 'lcl c.n & ( :0• .. Lt•l. • • • • ~lro<•"' J:o:Ugin r ing Work~.

l>ou 'Id . J m• 1 • 4\ Co , l.t•l •. Donllln, D , .t { lo u ch , Ltd. • • Dl'J'I(IAie & Co. .. .. ..

f\ctr.~t. ·a~. \fl11· le Mrttt. C:la 1:0"' -.outh "•rl.. l'ark Road, 8 E. Boo Accord Eu(ine Worlu,

OlM(COW :r;, 1\na \\ l<lowfteld Jo'aa rh;w1. ( u •• G raoaer. W \ . • •

• • • • r,, Hnt.c t'r~·u·nt, :ucll1l .. • • 16. Ore t f:&.leru Mr~:•t . E.<. .. • BrO<l'-e Ud , btoke ::\ e lrin(U>o

Gllntber, W., .t Bona •• n .. D&D • Proude . . • •• U uwboltlt. F.nrrinttrlne Wlta Co. .Tac~IU&Il , J W .\. C'•• •. KISrtluiJ Brot. . . • • • •

\ Worka, Oldba.m Atton, Blnnlnlham Kalk . near Colurn~. Gcrwao1 3'1, \ ll t..•rlll 1'\lr,·Cit, 1--. W 63, VIctoria St.. W eatmlntur,

s.w. lhldn1111 Uro , l ,tcl . • • . 10, City lt~tl • .Mancbe10ter f>.\nOoa, C \ , A. eo. . . . . Jl ..al4Jn \\ orl..•. ' l'"'' tlu t-.amuelton & Co • Ltd. • . • • Ban bury, Oxou s ebJcle Union Enflneerin& Co.,} Poll&rd Street A.ncoate.

LW • • • • . . • . lla.nche.ttor v lt, Erneat, & Mountain. Ltd. Cloee Wb . . Newcutle-on.Tyne

Sturte't'I.Dt Eng1.neerin& Co. • • i6, Queen Victoria Street.. B. C. Tbwaltea BrotbV'I, Ltd... .. Vulcan l ron..-orlu., Bradlord Walker Brotben . . • . . • Put~,ftld TronwoTiu. Wlpn Wallml, H cury, & Honl • • • . U 4rb llrldllO \\ url..•. ~ cw-

cutle-on-1') ne.

F eed Cbeek Vah'e8 ( ComblDaUoo•. Green A Bouldlur .. • • • • 103, Bunhlll Ro " . R C. Welr, 0 . .t J . , Ltd. .. .. Cathcart, Gl fOW

F eed-Wa te r B eate n. . .\weri~,.;w 131o"~r eo. .. . iO, (; t"'lcl.'t;burch Slrcet., .E C. Bcolley, W. B., & Co •• Ltd. . • .Ubi on W1u. l.i&Uora, Manch•t'r &ker .81o..-er Enlfl.neeriniCo. . St.anleJ W oru, Shet.Beld Buruet, r •.. .t Co. . . • . . . Gonw, GltuiO"'

lrd RAyner • . • . "iii, Cotuuaenlal Road. E. OU-. Icl .. n R..tiuger Ruhl'\.n~• } Ralingt:u. n r I>U d•t.orf,

dhhrk . • • • . . t:o.ntlAliY Bd wanle ~ &rnca • • Hruad " uctuuy <..1uuul~N.

\~eatuol~ter, ' ' '· Jo~r &. CluLiwen, LW . . • 4.3, Threadn~lle t:ltl'eel, E .C. Green .t Boulding.. • • • . 10$, BuuhUI Ro " , KC. Klrk&ldy, John, Ltd. • • . • 101. Leadeuhall Street, B.C. Lowcrn.:k, rthur, LW. • . • . i:>hrewsbury Meh.lnuu liroa., Lt•L .. .. 10, Clt.y Rood, Mancbe.ter NormaUtly'e Marlne Patent

Al!rat.tU Fruab Water eo .. Ltd. VIctoria Dock Road, E. Hartlepool Rlcha.rd.aon., Tboa., & 8o111, Ltd.

Rorte, J . J . .. .. .. .. Gt.Brldgewater St.,Man cbeater All•luiJ Fuu.ndr) , llanlcy, Short:, 1 , .\ Oll• . . . •

Staff. . • • ••

Tangyea Limited •. Weir, 0. & J ., Ltd. Wbet!ler Cood~:n~

oeerlug Co. ..

. • Cornwall Worka, Blrml.nibaro • • Cathe&rt. GJ.ueo•

antl Euai· .. Wrigbt, Joa., & Co. .. • . li9. Queen Vlct.orla treet, E . C .

. • Tip ton, Statrordahire

F eed· n ·a te r Jtc c:ulaCor!'l. Tl1omycroft, J . I., ~ Co. Yarro" < Co., Ltd. • .

Fe oeln&.

ClJi'lwlck. W . . • Poplar, E.

Ba) llu, J out' a .t Ba) 11•. • • . Yltt.uria Wkt~ .. W uh•erbAitlpton E.xp:mdt:d Mt:tal Co .. LW. • • 39, Upper Tbamt4 Street, 2 .C. Mortou. fraucl~. Co, Ltd. . . Hamut .. n Irvuwo1 k . Oant.un Swith, t: Jl , <.\ Cu. . . Cru~tball J n.uwurlu, Samceu

tre;:t, G la.sau"

nbre (Vulean lsed). lloeeley, Davld, & So111 _ , • Ardlrick, lilancbeater

FUe8. Alien, Edp.r, & Co., Ltd. • • Impe.rW Steel W orlu, 8be1!ield Cammell, Cb.arlea, & Co., Ltd. Cyciopa Steel .t Iron W orlu.

Sheffield Firth . Tb • ~ •ru. Ltd. . Had6eld ., t.t.t~l Foundry eo., Ld J e••OP. \\ • .t une, Ltll . • •

·orfolk Work~. beffield llecla Wuru, bbo:tfleltl bt:fHeld

Jl<; llt:t:r, John, cl Bona, Ltd. •• Newburn Steel Woru, N ew. cutle-on·TJD•

File~ f o r .Le u e r l'l. &~. .\rnl~t·J'i J'Jie autl Jude' Co. . . 27, Llt.t.le Britain, E. C. Sbnunun, Limited • . R o)ll'ruakcr lrl't!t . E .C

.l'llte rtna Appa.rato•. Brlatowe, L. Buah, .t Co., Ltd. Albe.ny BuUdinp, 47, VIctoria

Ca1rd .t RAm er .. C'ro• , Ban-ey .t Co. Edwa.nll <\ &n1ua

.. .. .. Stre-et. 8. W .

.. 777. Commercial Road, B. • . l'uk Grove Ironworlu.Glufo..­. • Hruad ~octul\ry Chamb.:-1"'1,

GreenwOCKl ,~: BaU~y. LW. . • W Cllttn !3. W.

Albien Worka, Lceda Greenock, N.B. B ounou, J . & B. .. .. ..

PulaomeurEnrtneertnaCo., Ltd. W ella, A. C .. .t Co. • • . •

Nlne Elma. S.W . 102, M.idlaod Rd. , N. W .

Fire B an. Meldrum Broa., Ltd. .. . . 10, Cit1 Road, Mancbuter

Flre·Ex tln&U18blne Appa:ratu. Meuyweatber .t So111, Ltd. .. 83, Long Acre, W .O. Wort.hlnc'tonPwnploiEllfineCo. liSS. Queen Victoria Street, B.O.

Flre Jlroor t:oo troe clon. Expand~.;-d Co., Ltd. • • 39. Upper Tbamea Street, E. C. lluocbel, l.. 0 . . • . • • 124, l:iolborn, t; C Smith, 0 . R , <I. <..v. .. .. ln1lghall l rull" urk, N ratlll

::-tre~t. (li'"SO\\

F loulln&: D ock • 'cbolidtl, Hagerup ,\: Duu;.(ltl) ,

Ltd. .. .. .. .. Tlte ' llip)'llrd, Great. OrimaiJy

Flour .!1111 ltlae b ln e r)'.-(.SU MUI Machi~v-Flour, C•rn, anc.l Rict.)

Forced Draucrbt Appnrntu&. CalnJJ\lell CaldeT'Vo'ood .. • • bobo Engine Work,, Palaley Granger, W . A. • • • • • • Brooke Rd., Stoke N ~wlnetoo, liJlpro' tt1 Pat. F orced Dnught (.::-. .

VonUKu b)'Utllcate, l.W. .. l.l, Queen VIctor ia Sl.r~;ct, E . C. Meldrum .Bro:\., Ltd. . . . 10, City R ol\d , M&nchuur

l'oraes (Port~ble•. Beck er, R , ~ Co. .. ..

F airb&ul. Co . . • • Sturtevant BJo..-er eo. . . Tbwalt.el Broth en, Ltd ..•

For& toe Itlacb lDeiJ. F ieldltlf Platt. Ltd. .. Oreeowood &tlcy, Ltd . Ryder Will lam •• Taylur .1. 'ltAllen, LW .•

I'OI'a1ll&' Plant. Bt·ny, Henry, .t Co., LW . Fleldws & PlAtt.. Ltd. • • Groouwood & Batley, LW. Rlt:e a Co. .. .. .. bmltb, B ugb, .t Co. ..

• • GO.&, R htnatuo tr.:et, Great Euttom treet. E C.

• • 16, Great. Ea.t.• rn St!'\let, E. C. • • 70, Queen Vlct.Ori& Street, 8..0. • . Vulcan lronworu, Bradtcrd

• Oloncel!tA!r • Alblvn Worlta, LMda • . Beehive W orlu, Bott~a . • BinulJtgbaau

.. r oytlou Work~. U uuallt., Leeds • • G louceater • Alblon W oru, Leeda • . Elland Road. Leede • • Pu.. U EDilno Work , Gla.aaow

For&lDn (I ron a nd teel). A\.!Lut. J ohn. & Co., Ltd. .. Park Wb., Gateabead-on -Tytle B&ker Blower Kn&'lneertntCo... Btanley W orlu, Shet.Beld a..rdmore. w uua.m. cl Co. • . Parkhaad lron..-o-rkl, Gwro• Benemer, Henry, & Co. , Ltd. • • Sbetlleld Brown. Bayley'e Steel Worlu, Lcl. Sbet.Beld Bl"'wn John. .t Co •. Ltd. .. Shet.B.eld Camruell, Charles, .t Co., Ltd. Cydops Steel & Iron Woru, T>ovllnrt~ " I vN" C•1 , J,t•l H rlln~Jl f Sl\.-t.Bel•l

('it I'I'Lf'\IP\'T TO u E~OJXF.P.RI~W,'' .Tf r,\ l!O, IQ(IO.)

Oeur.yetown Fol'lff Co. • • Falrlc), Jamu, ·n• ••

.. Dullll&rt.oD

.. 1:-u I• 11 " tl'f(t, BlrminstLaw .'\'urfulk \\ orb. ""lu~lllcl t P I rt h, l'b .. 6: '·•11 . 1.1.•1

Hedfteltl'aStt-- It ·unclr) LD, L.l 8&-.rt.born, R. & W ., lMIIe A Co.,

U la \\ o rlu, bettlcltl

LW. • . • . • . • ll unt, ~·daoo .!.. Co , J.l<.l

New U~o ·,J'D.e Gll.l t> W Uvllln ~t.Qck &U<I

Ilea Foundry & &ngineerlQJ Co. Jaduc>n, P. R., .t Co., LW. ..

l' laut Work , llot L r~f ll Newport, Mon.

Jeuop, Wm., A SoDJ.. Ltd. • • Kirutall P oJP Co. • . . • Le• J.a F ort• Co .. LW. .. .. Midland Ra..Lhray Ct.rrtare a.nd W~on Co. , Ltd. . • • •

S:illonl RolUo1 Mllla, Maochlt'r Sbtmeld N-.r Luola Luola

' fuuut \ ' •·n loll Iron \. 1-\teel Co , Abbey W oru, 8hre1r1bUl'J'

:-hrtth 1.>•11, (H~-iOW I_,W . • • • • • • 01born, 8., .t Co. • • • • • • &orenon. J ohn, A Co .. LW. • • Spencer, J uhn . .t Bona. LW. • •

Steel Co. of Scotland. Ltd. . Vlc.: ken. Bona. A lf .xam, Ltd. • \\- IIWhou e .t Rluon

Sheffield I h m W ot.inrbam. n .... o . Cu OUr· Newlourn Steoel Worlu, Nt..-

1 t.atle-on ·'I)'l.e 23. Royal &xcL.aQ(e Squar-e, Sbedleltl [Olaquw b b I! t.fl cl tl

l'ornae.e& tor D e&troJ'1ne R erwue.-(s.. IXrint«:tor• ~and DutructM-1.)

Fur o nees and Fur•aee F lttlDn. ijldd orcJ Uuruere C<• . am\)ome, Cornwal l Uro"ll· John • .S: Co., L t.<J. • • :-.htttler.J Churclull, Cluu., .1. Co., LW. . • 9 tu 1~. IAoon.ard t.reet E C Dt•ll(htutl'l l'at•ut Flue .t Tube } \ ulct~n W orb, Pept~er RW<I,

<.;.1 , L t,. I. . . • • uuda Faruley l ruu Co., LW. • .. Leeda Gallo..-aya I,lmited • • • • M &ne beater (ton, i\ <lr&JIIfer, W . • \ . .. .. .. Bro~>ll. e l!ua.l, HU!ke .. otuv llor..fall l> t..t rudor to., J W. .. J, l •rto:-k -.llld, 1.•. 1l J 111(•1 u\·\'<1 l'a.t.. 1-'urn<l I>runrht

h tnta•·t> :-.yudlcatto. Ltd. • • 1.1. Qu · u \ I• loriA strt' t, llC. l .et llu wl & Cu., u . t. .. .. 'IIJ•tun Meldrum BrM . Lt<J. • • • 10. Cttf Road, laJancheater ''" " llwd, R , ,\ twu, Lt•J. • • ~. 01•1 :-.trc:t'l, KC

f ' u .. i bl Piu.:~.

Sallorul Boiler and J u u ran.:e Co., Lttl .

{ll'JJl'r&l } 2'2, l:)t \1111 • . . . chtatt:r

Gal vanized Iro nwork. \ ah, J u•eph. ,\. un Rt. \\ orlr R Str .. t:t SuutiJ,

Blrtuln h "' Black wall Gal van h«l lt'On Co.,

Ltd. . • • . . • • . Cor bet CoW't, B.O.

••as (At"<' f) l t' Ut').-(~ .l<:lllll'ne Oa .)

G u Enetnea.-(Bu Z ngtna. 9<u.)

Gae Exba1l8ten. Alien, W . B., So Lt,.l .

B&ker Blower Bngineerl..n( Co ... Ooo.ltln. B., & Chmd1, LW. • • Gwynue & Co. .. .. .. K6rtlug Brotben . . • • • • .Meldruua Broa. , Ltd. .. .. Owena, 8 . , & Co. .. .. .. Samuel.on & Co .. Ltd. • • • •

Qneeo'a Eoi1neerlne W orkl, BeJ.Conl

Bt&n.ley Worlu, Sbet.Beld South'l\-ark Park Ru:kl. B.E .. Brooku8t Wka ., U olborn. R.C. 63. \ lctorlA St., Westmllli!A'r 10, Cl t} RMd, n~·be.ttor WhJtetri&n Str~t. B.C. Banbury, Oxon

GM llolder~< .

Dct om bay, Delanae ~ Cle. • . lloboken , near A ntwerp

Ga~ PI'Otlucer ij. Dowaon P.con omlc Oaa & P ower } 39, Oltl Qut·tn ~ .• L W. . .. .. •. m inet"r, . W

.Ma...on, W . F ., Lttl . • • • . i\iau c-hwl~r

Str~et , W • t·

G M WoriUJ (Plant ror). Fleltllng .t P lAtl, T.t..l. .. .. Gluuleater Rauna, Dona.ld & WU.On . . Paialty, N .B. Patent Shaft & AxletneCo.,LW. Wednuabury Pl~Urott. Thoe .. .t Co. , Ltd. .. Sprin i'hUl. Slrmlull!h&m \\ uoo, lt. :0. , & Co. • . . • P hJla1lt'IJ1hla, t -~ ·'

Gauee Gl888 Cutte r a • Green & Bouldlng •• • • • • 105, Bunh Ill llo\\, E C.

Gauae GtasseiJ. Bntte.nrortb Broa., LW ... • • Nt~wton Bath Glaat Workt .

Gullbert·Martin .. .. Klhltli.·r. R lcbnTd, & Co ... l\1cl u ut , '1' '., & Cu., Lt..l. Moncrletr, J ohn .. .. Scb1ifu & Budmberr •. Tomey, JOI4lph, & Bone, Ltd.

llancbellter t ltO • • • !), Echu111ul l'hH •, Altl t!l'lf!lh•. • . 61!, 1-'l'uchur. 11 1--tn' t , E C. • . 42, •tytlo Pl.t~·~.;•, (:I ~uw • • Pt~rth, tkotland ( ll lln•·b .. ltr .. \\,_tll\1ortb t, London Rvatl , . • &.ton, Blrml.oibam

(~u n &rt',.. a ud ll~n .. u r h a&: Jl ll ll 1\D(·e ... Lc:ot•\\C, Lud w.. Cu. . . 30 ~ :t~. Jo'arthiJ.:~Ion R r>&d, ~ .. C.

Gauees (Pressure ). BaUey, W. H ., .t Co., Ltd. Crew er, Rlthard .. .MclDJlea, T . S. , cl Co., LW. Nqrt~tU & Zambra .• 8chUU & Budmberf ••

• . Al bloo Wlu. Salford,llancb•t·r • • -1 , 0 ltord PLH to, fA,'(). • • 42, Clyde Plac:e. G!Aq"o..-• . B olborn VIaduct , &.0.

Stun·y, I., .t So111, LW •. TN!ulll'e. J . B., & Co.

• • W hltworth t • London Boat!, .M &De bee

• . Empre~- Fouutlrf , M:&ncheater • • 8, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool ..

Gearln&.-(Bu W11•fl•, 914rtd.)

Gl.rd en. .\rrol, Sir W illlam, & Co., LW.

Arrol'a Brl~e & Roof Co. , Ltd .. Aahbury R.allwayCarrt&re& Iron

Co. . • • . • • . • ( lyd e tnu:tural trun Co., Ltd.

Cralr. A. f'., .t Co., LW . .. De ~e .t Co., Ltd. . • . • Oormao, Loua & Co .. Ltd. •• Ed .t Co. .. .. .. FIDdlaJ, Alexander, .t Co. • • Beenan .t Froude • • • • . • leca F oundrv a .E.n.srinee.riq Co. L..·c.'\1 l~;d W ork.a, LW... .. Ma lll, .\. ~ J ., <.\ Co .. LW. . • lleuure~ Broe. , Ltd. . . . . Morelaod, RJcbard, .t Son. LW. )lurt.ou, Franc!., <.\ Cu . Lttl •. PiUott, Tboe., cl Co. , Ltd. .. Smith, A. & W ., .t Co., LW . • • :::.mtth, (. B • ;\. t ' .. ..

Dalmarnock lroow tu .. BTitl :f· ton. Glur ow

Germt.non Woru, Glufow

Open1ha•, Ma.ncbeat.r (.;lyd<· Jd~• lrooworl..~, cuts

loUD , 01& •O 'I\ . P alaley, }. . B. lla.ncheater (mln.lter 8. W 19, VIctoria Street, Wut lUilwaU, E. MotberweU. N.B. Newton B e&tb lronworlte, near Newport, lion. [ Maocbeat.-1 l.A:to<t. Clyd..,·dalc Ironwor k.&, Owgu'l\ South..-ark t:ltreet. S . .K. S, Old Str~t. &.C. HaruUtvn lruuworks, 0AT"'t.un Bprlnghill, .8lrmlngbam Eglint.on Enrtn• WU., Glaqow CralgLall lr nwurk ,'fll

I r~ l Gla...:uw \ ouu~. ll ., .1.: Co., LW .. .. Eucle l4Jn ln.uwurka, Plmllco,

a u•l Uayle F uuudry \\- ltarl, NLD~ El rua, ~ W

t;lazLDa • Grover & Co .. Ltd. luloo P latt: c:tau

.. .. Britannia Woru. Wbt.rl Rd.,N. . . P• ... k•·t \"" J., M IJd.,u

Golci·Crush tn g 4 Amaleamatlne llaeb1De l7• Broe. & W llton, Ltd. .. Sheffield Da' ty, Pnlll&n & Co., LW Col b ter F 6. Cltalmen. Ltd . . • 0. Tbnadneedle treet, B.C. Je ur• & Appl~lJy Broe. (Lelreat.!r

and London), LW . • • • • £A! I~ 8tH and IA:>n~lun J oh naou, W m . • & lSoru .. . . Calltletuo f'oundry, Armley, K rupp-Grnaon..-erlt .. .. .M..aidebUJ'I·Bocll&u ( ~'" Rvlt\1)' ~ Co .• Ltd. .. .. Lincoln S~•uDJ '\\ I l-\: rur•P·OMlt<ln..-erk) ~. Cc.llt:l8 B ill R.t!,



Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (24)

' ,

• •

.. •

( l pJlL&m~!\T TO 11 ENOINEERINO," Jl' L\ 20, 1900.)

-Gold I,u\mlt SiUluU

Dr<'d,:<'rl'i. ,\. Cu T.hl \\ ,\. < " Lttl

• • • • Rcnfn ", Swllatnl . . Rl'nfrc" , ~~.:utlanu ..

Gove rnors (En•dne). Bnlth\\rlll<', J :1 .. 1<", ,t 1-'•'U . . Kencl~<l

.. Yult Wkt~., Kitk t<t.all Rd.,Lt'ed8 . . Bostuu, 1\l al<l>., U .S .• \ . H.Artucll. \\ tl ••11 • • •

.M~un R<1111latur (.'u. • • Napler Brotbeno, Ltd. · · Pollock . Macnall & H lgbgate Bcbl.lfer & Buuen berg . · Bt.even .t St.rotben •• Atorey, I . • & SuUJ. Lt.d. · · Tannea Limited . • • TUrner, E. R . .t F ,LW.

• • 100. H yde Park Street, Gla~;;ow . . Shettle~~ton, Ola~~a:ow . . Wbitwort.h l:lt .. London Road, • • Glu gow I Mancb eater • • Empreu .Jo'nuudry. Mancbeater , , Cornwall W orkl, Birmingham • • (132) Ipew1cb

Grain C::lcanJn~ llacbloe ry. Hnhy JtolJcrt, Ltd. .. • . 1'\t. Andrt>w"s Works, 11ury Rt.

' Btlmnnds J}dl. \\ ro R .. , Snn . • 2G. ;\ff\rk IMmt'. F..(' SIUlou. Heurv, Ltd. . . . . i O. Mount ~treet, Mnuchc~lt·r \\ hlhu 11te & Hln)ull. T.t.l. .. Wickh&lll Market ; l!.lltl li-1,

Mn.rk l.ane, E.C.

t;rnln Storlnr: a nd Wnrebousln& PJnot. Siroou. Henry, Lt<l. • • • • 20, .Mount Street, Manchtat er

t; rnpblte (l.ubrleatin~). Dl>.:on, Jos., Crucible Co. • • 28, VIctoria Street, S. W.

Grlodlo~ Machinery. Aekham Bros . .t W Uaon. Ltd. . . Sh e1fteld Jiadth•ld"s teel Foundry Co.,Ld. JieclA Works, Sheffield Hnrdy Patent Pick Co .. LW. . • Bbeftleld Jc.•sup, w., ~Sous, Ltd. . . . Shefttold !Leeds Juhu•ou, Wm. , & 8ous . • . • Castleton Foundry, Anulcy, lluoo Bro~. . . . . . Branrlou Street. Lelceatu St.'Uulll, w. (Krupp-Gruaouwcr k) 25, Coll<"gc Illll, E. C.

Cju arnntee Su<·ietiN•. L:n• Cluur:lnll <' . Tru~t Society,

49, Chancery Laue, W C. •.

(~un·i'tlnklug- 31nchlne t•y. Oreen1100d" Batter. Ltd. . . Albion Works, Leeds

Gunpowde r mad Gnu Baker Blower Engineering Co ... liAil, J . .t E .. Ltd. . . . . Stamm. W.(KnqJp·GTUBonwerk) 'l'avlor & C'h"lten. r,t.d. Werul!r, Pflelderer 'Pct·k · ns, U d.

t •otcou Machine ry. Stanley W orks, Sbetlleld Dnrttord Ironworke, Kent 25. Colleqe .1:1 ill. &.0 . B In>• hur h M)'l

43. Regent quL\re, Clmy·ll Tun Road, W.C.

Guns and Gun Foraln~~t. Brown , J ohu. & Co. , Ltd. . . Sheffield Stalutu,W. (Krupp-Gr uaonwerk ) 3, East I ndia Aven ue, E.C. Vlcken, Sons & .Mux lm, Ltd. . . ~heffield

Gntta•Perchn ltlacblnery. Werner,Pfieiderer&Per ldna,LW. 43, Regcut • quart' G nl) '.; I nn

Rood, W.C.

Bnmmers (GS\8). 'l'aDJYtl Limited • • • • • • Cornwall W orlu, Birmlnrham

H a mmers (Powe r). Gre<'uwood & Batley. Ltd. . . Juckuulo, .T. \\ . , ,\. ( 'll. . . • • Muaey, H. & 8 . . ::O.t>ll 'IU!te How!\rd Pn <'UIIIat"c

ToN •! <.'!1., Lld. . . . . . Tbw~~oltn Hrotben . Ltd... • Yl·ltkley Vat'n um Hammer Co.

Albion W orks, Lee<le 39, Vlt-t.o•·la. treet. R \V. Openaba w, .M.ancbener

G:J, Queen Victoria Street, E . C. VuJMn lrouworka. Br&df11>tl 3, Roche11tcr Row, Wt•st·

min&tet·, S. W.

Hammers (Steam).-(Su SUam BamJMrl .)

Dentin~ Apparatus. Arocrlc:m Blu11 er Co. • • Bradford, Thomae, a: Co.

• • 70, Gracecburch Street, &.C. • • HJgb H olbom. W.C.; and Cree·

('rompt••n & Cu .. Ltd. Fra•er, W. J .. 1\. Co. Kllrtlufl Broth era .. Roy ll•, .T. J . . . . .

• •

• •

cent Iron works, Mancheeter . . Mansion H ouse Bulldlnga, E . C. . . 98, Commercial Road Rut, E . • • 63, VIctoria. Bt ., Wutmln•ter

• • 'I ulll~. D • .k J , Ltd. • •

. . Ot. Brldgewntor St. ,Mnuchester

. . K ilbowie Irouwb., ur.Glugow

Hoisting ltlacblnery.- (See auo Cran u .) B&Uey, W. B .. & Co., Ltd. .. AlbionW1te. Sallord,M.ancheat'r Bedford Engineering Co. • • Be<lford u..-rr}, H~:nry, & <.:o .. Ltd. . . Cr(lydon Work!>, Huuslet,Leeds ~roll 11 Hoisting lllld Conveying ~lnchiue Co. • . . • . . Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Burtou, C. W., Orlffiths & Co ... 1, 2 .t 3, Ludgn.te Square, Lud· gate llUJ, KC.

Cbaplin, Alex., & Co. . . . . Govan, Glaagow Cola , H. J ... . . . . .. London Crane Works Dcr iJy Cralg, A. F., & Co., Ltd .. . . Paisley, N.B. 1Ja1·ey, Paxmau & Co., Ltd. • • Colchester [Glugow Dryedale .t Co. . • • . • . .Bon Accord Engine W ork.a, Fielding & Platt, Ltd. . . . . Glou ceeter Fruer .t ChAimera, Ltd. • . 43, Threadneedl e Street, E. C. Glbbl.n.a, B. C., .t Co. • • • • Berkley Street,Birm.lnrham Houttoo, J . .t R. • . . • Gnoenock, N .B. Hunter .t Engll.ab .. . . • . Bow, London, B. Jackaun, P. R., & Co. , Ltd. . . &1JordRolllDg Mllls,l!anchst'r J euop & Apple by Broa.(Lelcestor

ami London), Ltd. . . . . :\cw Talte B owar u Pnelllllatlc

Tout Co., LW. • • . . . . Robey .t Co., Ltd... . . • . Bmltb, A. , & Stevene • . . . Stam.m, W. (Krupp-Gruaon wer k ) Btannab , J. • . • • • • • •

'1\o.gyee I.lmited .. • . • • Wdhuan:::S_caver EngineeringCo. WLIJoo, J ohn H., & Co., Lt<l. . •

Bo8e PJP4'8.

Leicester aud London

63, Queen Ylctorill Street, E . C. Lincoln Queen'• Road, Batteraea 6'2, Cannon Street, E .O. Skin Market P lace, E merson

Street, &.nksid e, S.E. Cornwall Work.e, Birmingham Clevela nd, Oh io, U.S.A. Sa.ndhW., Liverpool

Aabeetoe Co., Ltd. (Bell '•) • • 69t, Soutb wtuk Street, S.B. lletiyweather & So01, Ltd. • . 63, Long Acre, W.O. Moaeley, David, & Bone • • • • Ardwlck. .Mancheater Tullle, J ohn, a: Son • . .. Bt. Ann'eLe&therWks.,Glugow Wlllcox. W. H ., & Co., Ltd. .. 23, Southwark Street, S.B. Wdodlte Wor k• . . . • . . Mitcba.m Com mon , S11rrey W~rthl.ngtonPumpingEngineCo. 163, Queen Victoria Street, B.O.

lf)'dl' llRtJol . ('lny, nenrl•jUI!ll o\ Co., Ltd. . . newsbur y

BJ'draullc Macblne ry. ALbot , John. & Co., Ltd. . • P&rk Wkl, Oatesbead-on-l'yne Anol, Sir Williaw, .t Co., Ltd . Dalmarnock Ironwk1. , B1 idge-

ton , Glaagow BaUey, W. H .• .t Co., Ltd. • • Albion Wkl. , S&ltord, .M'cheeter .Berry, Henry, & Co .. Ltd. . . Croydon Wurks, Huu~let, Lcedt~ Catu J•~II & Cahlerwood.. . . Soho Euglne Work.a, Pahley Colee, H. J. . . . • • • • • Londou Craue W orks, Dt-r by Cow&DJ, Sheldon .t Co.J Ltd. • • Carllale Cralt. A. F ., & Co. , Ltd .. . . P~illley, N.B. Dryld&li & Co. • • • • . • Bon Accord En.g. WU., Glurow !~ut Ferry Road Engi.ll&erlng

Worlu Co., Lt.<l. •• .. MLllwall, B. Fielding .t Plat t, Ltd (Tweddell 'e

:Syatctu ) . . . . . . Glouceeter Glenlleld & Kt nnedy, Ltd. . . Kilmarnock , N.B. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. • . Leeda llathorn, Davey & Co. • • • • Leeda J .. uu hert"n -~ Co • • • . Cootbridge, N . B. Leec1l &ngineering .t Hydraullc} Providence Woru, Croea Bt&m·

,....,, .. .. .. .. .. l ofd Rt.rMt, Let<!.


llydt•aullc lUnc hJucry.-Continucd. Mt.l'11hall, Flemlng & J ack • . Motherwell, N. B . Middletou. Robert . • • . Sbeepacnr Foundry, Leede Mu.sgrave Broe. • . .. .. Crown Point F oun dry, Leede Owena. S., .t Co. . . . . . . StTeet. E.O. Pulaometer E nlflneeri.rut Co. ,Ltd. N Ehne. 8. W . Ranklu ~ Lutllngton, Ltd. . . 10 & 11. St<>ucrutter Street,

Fa1·rlugdon Street, E.C. Rice & Co. . . • . . . • • Nev1Ue Work a, Elland Road, Roee. Down8 & Thompson, Ltd. Old Foundry. B ull [Lee<.b Smith , A., .t Stevena • • . • Queen "a Road, Bat tenea Smith Brotllere .t Co. . . • . K1ng11ton En gine Wke.,Glt\agow 8mltb , llugh, & Co. . . . . Po11sll Enbrine Works, Olfisgow T&ngyea Llmited . . • • • Cornwall Works, Blrmlngllam Wt.rner. R ., .t Co... . . . . 97. Queen Victoria Street, E . C. ' Vood, R . D .. < Co. • • . • Phlhulelpbla, l.Ut A.

Hydraulic Presse8. Artol, Sir W llllam, & <.:o., U.d. Dnlmarnock Jron wk s. , Bridge·

ton , Glasgow Bailey, W . H ., .t Co., Ltd. . . AlblonWiu. Salford,Manchl!lt'r llcrry, H em·), &. C.:o •• Ltli. . . Cruy•lou Works, llutu1let, LcL'(I!4 Beuemer , H enry, & Co., LW. . . Sbe.tlleld Cotes, H . J. . • • • • • . . Loo don Cmne W orkH, Derby Dryada.le & Co. . . • • • • Bon Accord Eng. Wk.e., Gl.ugow Fielding & P latt , Ltd. . . • • Gloucester Greenwood .t Batley. Ltd. . . Leedl Had field "s Steel FoundryCo., Ld. Heels. W orks, Sboffield Hny ward-Tyler .t Co. . . . . 90 & 92, Whlt.eeroaa Street, &.C' . J cssop & A pplt'by Bros. (Lolceatcr •

nud London), L td. - • • Leicester aod London Kntpp Gruaonwerk . . • • Magdeburg-.Buclt&u Leede B.nglneerlng & H ydraulic} Providence W ork.e, Cro .. Stam·

Co. . . . . • • • • • . ford Street, Leeda MidcUet.>n, R obert • • . • Sbeepecar Foundry, Leedl Mut~grave Bro1. .. . . .. Cr·own Point Foundry, Leede Piggott, Thoa .. & Co . • r.t.d. . • Sprlngh ill, Birmingham Ran kin & Ludlngtoo, Ltd. . . 10 ,~ ll , Stonecutter Street,

F ttr rlugdou Street, E.C. Rice & Co. . . .. • • • • NevUle Wke.,Elland Rd .. Leed~ Roee. Dowtll & Tbompaon . Ltd. Old F oundry. B ull Suuth, H ugl•. &: Co. . . . . P osall Eugine Works, GlAsgow Stothert & P itt, Ltd. . . • . Bath l'angyea Limited . • . • . . Cornwall Worlt.a, Bl.rm.lnrham Tuylor & Challeu, Ltd . . . . . B lrmlogbam Waygood, R ., & Co., Ltd. .. F&lmouth Road, S.B.

HydrauUc Rams. Ba.lley, W . B . , .t Co., Ltd. Slake, J ohu , Ltd... . .

Owena, S., .t Co. . • Warner, R ., & Co .. .

• • .. Hydro-Extractors.

. . Alblon W1te. Salford ,Mancbeat'r • . Oxlord Street Work.a, Accring·

too , Lancaahlre • • Wbl tefnan Street. B.C'. . . 97, Queen VIctor ia Street, E. C.

Broadbent, Tboa., .t Bone, Ltd. Chapel Bill, H nddera1leld Manlove, Alllott .t Co., Ltd. • . Nottingham Tulll11. D. & J . , Ltd. . • • • K Ubowieironwlu., nr. Glasgow Watlloo, Laldh~w &: C(l. .. Glasgow

Hydroklneten and T e mperature Equal18en. Weir, G • .t J ., Ltd. .. .. Holm Foundry, Cathcart,


lce·MakJn~ ltlacblnee. Alien, W . H .. Sou, .t Co .• Ltd.. . Queen's Eng. Worb, Bedford Allls, Ed ward P ., Co. • . . . Milwa.u k ee. Wi~ .• U.S.A. B a ll. J . & E ., Ltd... • • . . Ddrtf<Jrd I ronwor ks, Kent Llnde Briti.ah Refrireration Co.,

Ltd., Tbe . • . . . • • • 86, Queen VictoriA Street, B.O. Pou tlfex .t Wood, Ltd. • . . . Union Foundry, D er by Pulaometer E ngineeringCo .. Lttl . Nine Elms, B.W . Rtandnnl An hydrous Ammonit\

Cu. of Gt. Britain . Ltd. M. Gro.rcch urcb "treet, E . C. • tcn1e, L .. , C:o., Ltd. . . Crn\\ 11 I rou works, 0 lasgow

lncan•tescence l..amps. Brltlab-T hom son H ouston Co.,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . 83, Cannon Street , E . C. . Ediaon .t S wan United Klectrlc } :ltl & :17, l,lueen St.ree~. Cheap-

Light Company, Ltd. . • • . aide, E. C.

lndla·Rubber Good.8. A.abeatos Co., Ltd. (Bell 's) . . 691, Southwark Street, B. B. Cndi&Rubber, Gu ttA P er ch& and

Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. • • SUvertowu. Baeex Moselev. David. & Sona . . • • Ardwick. Mancheeter Woodite W orks . . . . . • Mitcbam Comm on, Surrey Winter . F . . . . . . . . . 8, Redcross Street , E. C.

ludin·Rnbbe l' 31nchlnery. Johnaon & Ph illlps . . Victoria. 'Vor k 11 , Old Char t ton,

Ken t

Indicators (Steam Ena-lne). Ba.Uey, W . B . , .t Co. , Ltd. . . AlbionWks. B&ltord,.Manche~t'r Croaby Steam Gage .t Valve Co. 715, Queen Vi ctoriA Street, B.O. lluunan & Buchnna n . . . . 76, Rober t.son Street , G lasgow .Mclnnes, T. S., & Co., Ltd. . • 42, Clyde P lace, GlAsgow Scb llfler & Budenberg • . . . Wllltworth St., London Roa.<l,

InJectors. Be.Uey, W . H ., .t Co., Ltd. Dempster, .Moore & Co. • • Ftdrbanks Co. . . G r&en .t Bou1dlng . • • • Greeham & Craven. Ltd .•. llauco*ck In11plrator Co ... Holden & Brooke, Ltd. • •


• • Albion Wka. Ballord,.Mancheer r • • 49, Rob ertaon Street. Glugo• . . 16, Great E M tern St reet , B. C. • • 105, Bu n!JW Row, E . C. • . Manchester (Bridge, E . C. . . 0\d Swa n W h nrf, London • • Sirius Works, West Gortun,

Mnncb eatet· Klinger , R ichard, k Co. . . 66, F eu church Street, E.C.

63, Victoria St., W eatmlnater Nottingham

KiSrtlng Brothen . . . . • •, Alllott & Co., Ltd. . • Patent Exhawt Steam InJector

eo .. Ltci. . • • • • • • • Rhodea, B., & Son.. .. .. SchlU!"er & Budenberg .. ..

4, Bt. Ann 'aSqn&re,Mancheetet Bow Braas Worka, London. B. Whltworth St . , L ondon Road,

MIUlcheater Will cox, W . H., & Co. , Ltd. • • 23, Southw&rk Street, B. B.

Instrume nt& (Snrveyln~). llu,lden, J .. (\: Co. . . . . N egrettl k Za10 bra .. ley, W . F., tt Co., Ltd.

• . 8, Al bert. Square, Ma n ch est er . . Holborn Viaduct, I£. C. . . Great T urnstile, llolborn

luealatln& Matertab. Wtggine, F ., .t Bone ... • • 10, Tower Hill, and 102 & 108,

Mlnortee. B.O. Woodite W orb •• .. • • Kitcham Common, Bnner

ln8uranee CompanJee. National Boiler .ud General

lnaurance Co. , Ltd. . . • • 22,St. Ann 'eBquare,.Man cheat'r Rall wn.y Passengers' J\Mumnce

c;,,, . . • . • . .. • . 64, Comb ill, E. C. Sun Inanrance Otllce • • . . 63, Threadneedle Street, B.O. Vulcan Boiler llltl Gen eral I n -

euran ce Co. , Ltd. • . . . 87, K inr Street, .Mancheeter

Iron Bll1Jdlna-s. Ash, .Toseph, .t Son • • • • Rea Works, Rea l:itrcet Sou t h ,

Blnnlngbam Blackwall Galvanized Iron Co.,

Ltd. . . • . • , • , Heenan & Froude • • • • • •

Corbet Court, E .O. Newton H eath I.ronworb, near

Manchester Keep. F. A .. Juxon & Co.

.Main, A . & J., ,t Co. , Ltd. Mor ton , .Froul"le, & Co., J,td . Sm ith , G. B., & Co. . •

• . Em)llre Works, Barn treet, Blno~lngham

. . ClydeMdale Iron works, 0 lru~gow

. . H a m ii Lon I ron works Gar uton

. . Cro.lgba ll Iron worka: Saro.cen Street, Glasgow

ll'on Jlonndera.-(S~t C~tlng•, 11'on.)

Iron Merchant&. Birch. J ohn, & Co .. Ltd ... Dorman , Long .t Co., Ltd. Heodenon .t GlMe . • Penney, AlexAnder, &: Co. Rothtruu:l, Paul . . . .

Iron (PI~).

• . 10 & 11, Queen Bt. Plac., B.O. .. 19, VictoriA St., W eetminetel". .. Llve11>00l [8 . W . . . 107, F enchurob Street, E. C. . . 10~. Leaden hall St.reet, E. C.

Browu, Jobu, .t Co .. Ltd. . . Sheffield Ebbw V&le Steel Iron .t Coal

Co .. LW. . • . • • . • • Mon .. South Wale. Glasgow I ron & Steel Co., Ltd. . . 1!1, Waterloo litreot, Glu~:ow

lron and Steel Work& (Plant for). Cralg .t Donald , Ltd. • • • • J ohn.ltone, near Glurow Cl·ow, Harvey & Co. . . . . Park Grove Tronwork&,O iru~gow Detomlmy , Delango & Cle. . . Uoboken, near Antwerp Field ing & Pl&t t , L td. . . • • Oloncester Galloway• Limited • . • • Mancbe~~ter Lambert on & Co. . . . . . . Contbridgt>, N .U. [Oin..~gow McOule, Ila r v ey .t Co., LW. • • Scotlun u Street E ogiue Wor k r, Muagrave Bros. • • • • • • Crown P oint Foundry, Leeda Poole, R., &: !:Ion Co. . . . . Bal t imore, .Md ., U.!:I. A. Ra o kln & Luu iugton, Ltd. . . 10 & 11 , Ston ecutter St reet.

F'a rringdou Street, E. C. Rice .t Co. . . . . .. . • N evWe Wke., El land Rd .. Leede Sm ith, Ilngh, &: Co .. Ltd. . . PoaaU E ngine Work..s, GlAsgow T hwaites .Bros. , Ltd. . . • . Bradford Walker Hro11. . . . . . . Page6eld Ironwor ks, Wlgnn Wcllmnn-Sca vcr Engln cel"iug Co. Cleveland, Oh io, U.S.A .

.Jack8 (l.tnlng). Dempeter , .Moore .t Co .• • GibblD.e, R . C. , & Co. l'angyea Limited • •

• • (9, Robertaon Street, Glaagow .. • . Berkley Street, Bl.rmlngbam .. • • Cornw&ll W ork.e, Birminrh.t.m

Jointlng 31aterlals. A.abeatoa Co., LW. (Bell'e) . . Asbestos Co., Ltd. (The Un ited) Cresewcl h!' At!bestos Co. , Ltl . .•

69l. Southwark Street , S.E. Dock H ouae, Bllli ter St., E.C. W ell1n gtcm Mil ia, B ru.dford,

H obd ell, Way .t C o., Ltd. Jeuki ue Bro1. .. .. :Uoaele}· . David, & Bona • .

Yorks LFriarB, 1£.0. . . 1 & 2. Rangoon Street . Cr utch ed .. il, John S~ . • New York, U.S.A.

Ardwick. Mancheater .Moasee & Mitcbell. . . . • • 68, 69. 70 &: 7 J. Cblswell St ., E .C . Volen t to Lhnited . . . . • • G, Greeu Terrace, R osehery

A venue, E .C.

Joist&, Rolled (Iron and Steel). Mea.suree Bros. , Ltd. • • • • Southwark Street, B. B. P cnney, Alexan der , & Co. .. 107, l<'enchurch Street, E.C . Shelton Iron, Steel & Coal Co.,} Stoke-on-Trent, .t 122, Cannon

Lt d. . . . . • • . • Street. E .O. Young, ll., & Co., Ltd. . . . . .Ecdeston Ironworks, Pimllco,

and H ayle Fouudr y Wharf, N ine E lms, S.W .

Keys. ( 'otteri' and Pins. .M ills, J am es, E xors. of .. . . .Bredhury Steel Work s, n ea.r

Stock port

J.adde l's . B eatbman ;\: Co. . . •• . . Endell Street, W .C.

J.adles. M'Nell, 0. . • .. - •• Klnnl~ Park Ironworks, G1a.s·


l.amJ)A. Wella, A. 0 .• & Co. .. • • 102, Midland Road, St. Pancru,

N .W. J.atbes.-(See Machine Toou .)

. . Tblatle W orka, Paialey J.auncbe& and Yacht&. Bow, McLacblan & Co. . . Burnet, L., & Co. • • • • Camp bell & Calderwood .• Ohaplin, AieL, .t Co. • •

• • Govan, Glaagow • . Soh o Engine W ork11, Pa.isley • , Cranatonblll Eogiue Worka,

Cocbran & Co., Annan, Ltd. • . Day , Sum mers & Co. . . . . &d.wa.rda & Co. .. . . .. F leming & Ferguaon, Ltd. • • F orreatt .t Son, Ltd. • • • • Green .t Bo11lding.. • • • • R.anna, Don.ald .t Willon •• Ha.yes, Edward .. • . .. McKie & Bnxter • • • . . . Reid, W m ., .t Co. • • • • • • Roaa & Duncan . • • • • • R oyal D utch J.o'orge Co. . . . . Bchicbau, F . .. • • .. Bimona, W . , .t Co., L td. . . . • 8lmpaon, Stricklan d .t Co., Ltd. Smi t, L ., &: Zoon . . . . Tham es lrou work..s !:lh l pbulld iug

a nd .Euglneeriug Co. , Ltd. • • Thornycroft, J . I ., .t Co. .. Voeper & Co., Ltd. • • • . Yarrow & Co., Ltd. • • • •

J.auodry Macbinery.

Glaagow Anna.n , N .B. [n m pton Nortba.m Ironwor ks, South· M!Uwall, E . Paialey, N.B. 101, Leadenhall S treet, B .O. 21, Fea.thentone ~t.reet, B.O. Pailley, N.B. Stony Stratfor d, W olverton Copland W.ka., Govan , Gla.sgow 112, F enchurcb Street. E .O . Whitefield W ork.e, GJ.uiow Leiden, H olland Elbing-Danzlg, Pruasu. Renfrew, N .B . Da.rtmouth, S. Devon K ln<lerdijk, llollAnd

Blackwa ll, E . Chl.nrick, W . P orta mouth Poplar, E.

Brad1ord, Thnmu, .t Co. • • 11.1gb H olborn, W .O. ; and Oree-cent lronworlu, Mancheeter

Bra it h walte, l anae, & Son • • K enda.l Man love, A..LUo~~ et Co. , Ltd. • • Nottingham Summencalea, W . , & Bone, Ltd. Phcenix Foundry, Kelghley Tull.l.a, D . .t J ., Ltd. • • • • Kllbowie lronwlu., nr. GLurow

.J.eatber Maebtnei'J'. Dryeda.le .t Co. • • • •

Reader , E ., & Sone Stothert .t .Pitt, Ltd.

.. ••

.J.enthcr~ (Pump). Eastwood "t~ TLH1uery , Ltd.

.J.tns. Abbot , J oh n , .t Co. , Ltd. Ba.lley, W . H ., .t Co., Ltd. Berry, H eni1f, &: Co., Ltd. B rook e , J . W. , & Co., Ltd . Colea, H . J . . . • • • • Dryad&le .t Co. • • • •

• • Bon Accord B.ngine W orks, GJ.uiow

. . Pbc.cnix W orks, :N ottingham • • Bath

. . Derby

• • Park Wk.e., Gateehead-on-Tyne .. Albion Wks. 8a.l1ord,.M.ancheet' r • • Croydon W orks, Hunalet,Leeds • • Ad11Ar. Ironwork•, Loweatoft • • L ondon Ct-ane Wot·ka, Derby .. Bon Accord Engine Worb,

Gl.uJOW Easton , Auderson&Goolden, Ld. Britb I ronworks, Erlth , K ent Field ing &: Platt, Ltd. • • • • Glou ceater GibblDJ, .1:1.. C., et Co. • • • • Bukley Street. BlrmJ..ngbam RaJ), J . .t E ., Ltd. .. .. Dartford Ironwork• K en t Ranter .t Btlglilh.. • • • • Bow, E. ' J essop & Apple by Bros. (Lei.ceeter

a.ud London ) Ltd. • • • • Leicester and London R ice &: Co. . . . . . • • • Ella.nd R oad Leeds Smith, Archd., & Btevena • • Queen'• Road Batteraea Btannab, J ... .. .. .. Skin Market Place, Emerson

Tangyea Limited • • • • Waygood, R . , & Co., Ltd.

Street , Be.nkside, S. E. • • Cornwall W orlu, Birmlnrh&m r• Falmouth R oad, B.B.

.I.J&bt Ratlwa;n.-(Bu Railway•, !Aght and Portabu.)

l.t&btln& .&pparatue. W el.J.jj, A. 0., & Co. • • 102, Midland Road, Bt. Pancn.a

N .W. ' ••

J.lsbtntna- (}onducton. Bailey, W. H ., & Co., Ltd. .. Albion'Wb.,.Mancheat'r Blaokbum, Star ling & Co., Ltd. Gresham W orks, Nottingham

Ume Works (Plant. for). Bmidtb, F. L., • Co, • • • • Palace Chambers, 9, Bridge

Street, We~~tminster, S. w.

••• XXlll

J.Jquld Fuel (Apparatus lor Burn!Da-). Green .t Bou1d1ng .. . . . • !06, B unbUJ ~ow, f . C. Kem1ode's Lh1utd F uel System ,g, Rt. Dommgo ' ule. Li vor·


J.ttboerapben. Cook, R obt. J . , & Hammond .. 2 .t 3, Toth ill Street, Weat-

X ell, Tboa., 6 Son • • .. m jn ster, S .W. {W.O. • • 40, Kinl Street, Oovent G&rden ,

I.ock Nuts and Nut.J.ocktn~ A.ppUanee&. Jlayllss. J un es & .B.."l.ylus.. • . Victor ia W ks.,W olverbampton Graver & Co., Ltd. . . • • Road, N. llellcoid Locknut Paten ts

t) Co L•·• Acton Hill Works, At>ton , W . ( Pareu . , "". . . • •

f.oeomotlve •n~rtnea.-(BH ~. LooomotiN.)

J.ocomotlves (Mountlua-& tor). Bailey, W . H . , & Co . . Ltd. .. All>lonWka. Sa.lford,.Mancha.t 'r Storey, 1., .t SoW', J, td. .. • • Elll llt et~a F ounfh·y, .Ma ncbutAir

J.oome. ~

Cralf , A. F . , & Co., Ltd . • . . Paisl ey, N . B .

.. .J.ubrlcante and on.. A.lbeltoe Co., Ltd. (Bell '• ) B&rna, W ., & Son . • • •

69t. Southwark Street, S.B. • • P erforating Worka,Chalton Bt.

N .W . Bra.dford, J . , & Bone • • • • (4, Chapel Street, L iverpool Brem.ner, John A .. & Co. D!.xou, J os. , Crucible Co.

• • Albert Street , Man cheater • • 28, V ictoriA St reet, ~. W .

Rngelbert .t Co. . . • . Henry Wells OU Co. . .

. . 44-47, Blabopsgate Street. E .O.

. . Im perial Oil Works, Uea.Wlgatt>,

Mica Lubricant Co. • • Pa lfrcymnn, W . 11. , & Co. . . Pnce'e Pa.tent Candle Co. , Ltd. Price"• Patent CancUe Co., Ltd. Ragoelne .t Co. • • • . • . Rcld, 'l'hos. . . . . . . • . Sam uel. W111 1aut H ., ,. Co. . . Snowdon, Son e & Co., Ltd. . . Stern Bros. . • .. • . .. Trier Broa. • • . . . . • . WUlCOL W . H .. .t Co., Ltd. • •

Ma.n cbuter South Shleld.a 1 i , Goree-Piaz.z.t\8, L lvcrpoiJl Ba.ttenea, S.W . 8, Croas Street, HAncheater 7, Idol Lan e, E .C. Glasgow Leeds Street , L iverpool Mill wa ll. E . 57, Gro.cecburch Str eet , B .O. l, Gt. George Bt., W eetmlnater 2l, South wltJk Btre.t. B . .R.

I.ubrlcatore. A.abeltoe Co. , Ltd. (Bell's) BaUey, W . B ., .t Co. , Ltd. B uttenrorth Broe., Ltd.

.. 69t, Southwark Street, B. E . • • Alblon Wk.e. Ba.lford, .Ma.n cheet'r •. NewtonHeathGlaaaWk.e. ,Mau.

chest er Croeby Steam Gage and Valv e Co. 76, Queen Victoria Street, B .O. Detroit Luurlcator Co. .. . . Det roi t, Mtcb ., U .S.A . Green .t Bouldiog. . .. . • 105, Bunhlll Row, E . C. llu.n t & Mltton . . • • • . Oo.zells St. North, Birm ing ham K lluger, Ricbard, k Co. . . 66, lt'en cb urch Street , E . C. Kllrtlng Broth era . . . • . • 53, Victoria St. , Weetml1111ter Michigan Lu bricator Co. . . Detroi t , Mlch ., U .S.A. Nettlefolda Limited . • • . Birmingham P a lfreyman, W . H .,&: Co. . . 17, Goree-P iazza..t, Liver p ool J:'iggott, Thoa., .t Co. • • • • SprtnghW. B irm.lngnam Reid, W m ., & Co. . . • • • • 112, Fenchurch Street, B.O. 8chl1fer .t Budenber& .. • • 'Vhitworth St. , L ondon Road,

Ma.ncheeter • • Stern Broa ...

Tangyea Llmited • • Trier Brothen Vacuum Oil Co. . .

• • . . 57, Gracecburch Street, E . C. . . Cornwall W orke, Birmingham • . 1, Gt. George St.. W eetmiuater

.. .. .. ... WLllcox, W • .f:I. , .t Co .• Ltd.

• . Albany BuUdioga, V ictor ia Street, Westmins ter, S.W .

. . 23. South wark Street. B. B.

llacblne Tool&. • • American Blower Co.

Archdale, Ju., & Co. A.tlaa Engineerln.ct Co. . • Beck er , R ., & Co .•.

. . 70, Grac&church Street, E .C. • . Ledaam Street, B1nningb.t.m .. • . LevenBhulme. Mancheeter • • OOA, Rlvlu gton Street, Great

Efl.stern !:Street , E . C. ••

Bem ent, MUea & Co. Berry, F . , .t Bone ••

.. . . Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A . • • C&lderd&Je lronwork.e, Sower by

Bridge ..

Berry, H enry, & Co. , Ltd. . . Blgu aU &: K eeler ~Ifg. Co. . . Brl tau u ia Co. • . . . . . !:Suck & Hickm&n . . . • . • Bu1lard Machine Tool Co. . . B urton, C. W ., Griffithe & Co .. .

Croydon Works, H unslet ,Leeds Ed wardaville, Ill., U.S.A. Colch ester 2 & 4, Whltech&pel Road, &. Bridgeport, Con n .. tJ.S.A. 1, 2 .t 3, Ludgate Squar e, Lud-

gn.te Hill , E .C. Butler , J ., & Co. .. .. Oameron. J obn • • . •

.. V Ictoria. Iron works, Halifax . . OldAeld Road.lronwks., Sa.lford • • 9 to 15, Leonard St .• Finabury, Ohurchill , Chu., .t Co., Lt:l.

Cleveland Maob ln e Screw Co .. • ChCton &: W addell . . • . Ccatg & Donald, L td. • • • • Crow, lla.rvey & Co. • • • • Cuuli tfo:~ & Croom , Ltd. . . . •

E .C. (Mtln ch est er 203A, Chapel Street , & lford, J ob uaton e, near Glasgo w J ohnetoue, near Gla.sgow Park Grove Ironwo1·ka, Glaagow Brought<~n lruuwor ks, Man-

ch ester . . 10, Garden St reet, Bridgeport,

Conn. , U .S.A. Curtla .t: Cu r t ia • • • •

Davia .t Prim.roee .. • • • • De Bergue .t Co. , Ltd. • • • . Dempater, Moore 11: Co. . • , • D ex ter & Co. . . . . . . Donald , J a m es T ., & Co., Ltd .. F air banks Co. . . • . • . Fielding & Plat t, Ltd. . . . . Galloway• Limited • • • . Greenwood .t Ba.tley, Ltd. •• Heap, Joebua, .t Co., Ltd. .. Hendey Machine Co. • • • . Herbert, Alfred, Ltd. . • • . H etherington, J ohn, & Bona .• H Ul, Cla.rke & Co. . . . . . . H!ll, laaac, & Son . • • • • •

&tn.a Ironwork.e, Bangor R os.d, Manchester (L eith, N.B. 49, R obertaon Street, Gl.ugow High W ycom l>e ~5. Argyle Street, Glasgow 16. Great Eas tern St reet , E .C. Gloucest er .Mancheeter Albion W orks, Leeda A.lhton-under-Lyne Torrington , Conn. , U .S.A. Coventry Ma.ncbuter Boston, l'tlass. , U .S.A. St. George 'a Wb

W ood'• Lane, Derb y ' . . Perseverance W ork.e, .Milnrow,

near R ochda.le, L.'l.nca.shire B nlae .t Co. , Ltd. . . .. .. Ordeal W ks. S&llord M'chester Iuterna.tional Pneum atic Tool} PalA.Ce Cb~mbere , '9, Bridge

Co. , Ltd. ·. . . . · . . Street, Westmins ter, S.W . J ones k Lamson Machine Co. . . E x change Bdgs. , Stephen.aon

B otroyd, J ohn, & Co. , Ltd.

Place, Birmingham Xelghley Engineering Co. • • K elghley l[end&ll & Gent • • • • • • Mancheete.r, J., & Sone . • • . . • John.atone, N .B. Leeda .E.ngineer tnr & Hydra.uUc } Provldence W, Oroaa StAm.

Co. . . . . .. .. . . ford Street, Leeda Lodge & Sh ip ley :Ma.cbiue Tool

Co. . . .. . . .. . • Cinclnn a.t!, Ohio, U .S .A. Loewe, Ludw., k Co. . • . . 30 & 32 Farri.ngdon Roa.d E c Loud on Brothen . . • • • • Clyde ' Engineerlruc w~rka ."

J ohnaton e, N .B. 129, Trongate, Gla.agow N e w Y ork, U.S.A .

MacLellan, P . & 'V. , Ltd. . . Manu lug , Max well & Moore . • Muir, Wm., .t Co. , Ltd. • • • • Muagrave Broe. • • . • • • Newark Machine Tool W orka . . N ew Taite lloward l'n ewnatlc

Tool Co., Ltd. . • . . . . Nich olson, J os. C., Tool Co. . . NUee Tool W orlu Co. • • .. NUee T ool Works Co. . . .. N oble & Lund, Ltd. . . . . N orthern Eoglneerln g Co., Ltd. P ond Ma.chlne Tool Co. • . . . Chuck Co. . . . . . . Rice & Co. . • . . . . • • Richarda, Geo. , & Co., Ltd. .. Ryder, Wllllam • • • • • • Bcott Broe. • • • • • • • • Scrlven &I Co. • • • • • • Sellen, Willia.m, & Co. (Inoorp.) Bhe.nb, '.fhoma., .t Co. .. •• Smith Brothen & Co. • • • • Smit h & Cov ent.ry , Ltd. .. .. Smith, G . 1<'. , Ltd. . . • . Smith , H ugb, .t Co. . • • • TanK}'~· Ma chine Tool Co., Ltd. Taylor, Charles . • • • • • Taylor & Cb&llen, Ltd. • • , ,

Sberbourne Street, Mancheeter Crown Point Foundry, Leeda Newa.rk, N .J. , U .S.A.

63, Queen V ictoria Street, E. C. Newcastle-on -Tyne Hamilton. Ohio, U .S.A.. 23 & 2.5, Victoria. treet , S.W . Felling , ur. N ewca.etle-on 1'yue K ing Croee, nta.r Ral11ax: ~ & 25, Victoria Street, S.W • 1' ra.nkfort. New Y ork. U .S.A. N evllle,Ell&nd Rd., L(>eda Broadheath, near Mancbeater B eehive W orks, Bolton Ha.lifax [Lane. Leecll Leeda Old F oundry, )i{anb Philadelphia, P enn., U .S.A . Union I.ronworka, Johnatone K lngaton Engine Wb., Gl.upw Ordaa.l Lane, Mancheeter Paragon Ironwork&, Halifax P osail Engine W orks, Gla..arow Oxlord Works, Birmingham Bartholomew St., Birmtnlb•• B irmingham '

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (25)



llachfne Tooh. -C'ontinued. T ullls, D . & J ., U d . .. .. Kilbowie i ronwks., nr.Glllllgow T um e1·, J uhn . . . . • • W ell Lan e. H alifax Wa.rd, H . W ., &. Co. • . • • I.ion el Street, Bir min gham W cbster & l3ennett . . . . Covent ry W l.ddow11on. J . H .. . • . Ordsa.l LAne, & lford Wlgley Tool hftg. Co., Ltd. . . Regent Place, .B:nulngham

ltlan~anese Steel <:a&tlnae and Foratnee. Had f\el<l's Steel F oundryCo., L c.l . Hecla. Works, Sheffield

llnuhole Doors . McNeil , C. .. .. .. .. ?tfoun t Veruon Iron & Steel Co.,

Ltd. . . . . . . . .

Klnnlng Park Iron works, Glas·

Sh et t leston , Gla.s, ow [~ow

Hatbematteal lnstrument8 Olaken). Negretti .t Zambra .. .. Holbom Viaduct, E .O.

tanley, W. Jo'., ,\: Co., Ltd. .. Great Turnatile, Holborn, W .O.

H nlden, J., & Co. • • •• , Al bert Sctuare, 1\fauchester

MecllaJaical Engineers (Con8ultlna). Davey, Paxman &. Co., Ltd. . . Colchester

lletnllle Pnckina. Lancaster .~ Tonge, Ltd. • • P endleton , near Ma nchester :Murmy, MoVtm1ie & Co. . . Mavlsbnnk Quay, Gla.sgow United tatea Metallic Packiug } Sobo W orlra, Thomton Road,

Co .. L td. .. .. .. .. Bradford Vou d u Heyde, J. Beunett . . 6, Brown Street, Ma nchester

Metal& (Pbo8pbor. Alloys. &e.). Ajo.x !it tal Co. . . . . 26, Victoria. Street, S.W . ADti·Attritlon Metal eo., Ltd... Emerson St., Southwark, S.E . BUlington & Newton . . • . Longport, Stafl'ordshlre (S.W. Britt&b Aluminium Co .. Ltd. .. 9, Victoria Street, Westminster , Hull's Metal & Melloid Co., L td. Leadenbl\11 Chambers, St. Mary

Dlllta Metal Co. , Ltd. • • • • Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd. • . Rtl.·nn & Strnthen; . . . . S torey. I ., ~ Soruo, Ltd. . • . • Tan dem Smelting Syndicate, Ld.

Axe, E.C. 110, Cannon St. , E .O. Sumner Street, S.E. Glasgow Empress l<'oundry, Manchester J u bilee Buildings, Queen Vie·

tor io. Street . E . C. U n l ted .A lka ll Co .. Ltd •.. W o.tson, Henry, .t Sollll • .

. . Rxchangl' Buildings, Liver pool

.. H igh BridgeWorks, Newcast le· on.Tyne

He ten. Bcott. Erneat. & Ltd. Close Wka. , Newca.atle-on-1) ne W orthlngtonPumpingEDgineCo. HiS, Queen Victoria BtrPet. B.C.

Hiea ltlerchants. Wiggtna, F., .t Bona .. , • 16. Tower Hill, and 102 A 103,

Mtno1 les, B.O.

Hlll Gearine. 8baRtne. &e. Baker Blower Engineering Co.. . Stanley W ork.t, Sbdlleld Beuemer, Henry, .t Co., Ltd. • • Shemeld Bodley Bros . .t Co. . . • . Exeter Brown, Bayley'aSteel Works,Ld. Bhemeld Greenwood .t Batley, Ltd. . . LeedJ Hadfteld'a SteelFonndryCo .• Ld. Hecla. W orks, Bb effit:ld HAwthom, R . .t W ., Lealie.t Co.,

Ltd.. . . . . . . • • J o.ckson , P . R . , & Co., Ltd. . . Jessop, W., & Bona, Ltd. .. Kirkatall Forge Co. • • • . Mack..ies Limited . . . . . . Unbreakable Pulley and lUll

N ewcaatle-on -Tyn" SalfordRolling Mills,Manchstr. Shemeld Leeds Berks lronworka, Reading

Gearilli Co .. Ltd. . . • • West Gorton. !bncheaw W bitmore & Binyon, Ltd. . . W ickham Market ; o.nd ~.

.Ma.rk Lane, E ,C.

.ttlill ltlacblnery (Flour, Corn & Riee). Allis, Edward P., Co. .. .. .Milwaukee, W ls. , U.S . .A. Clayton .t Bhuttleworth. • • • Lincoln Dell, W m. B., & Son . . . . 26, Ma rk Lane, E. C. Hunter .t English .. . • . . Bow, Londo~ B. Manhall, Bona & Co., Ltd. . . Galnaborough Poole, R., & Son Co. . . . . Baltimore, Md. , U.S.A. Ransomea. Sima .t Jefferlea, Ltd. Ipswich Robey .t Co., Ltd. .. . • . . Lincoln Rohlnson, T , &: Son , L td. . . Rochdale Ruaton, Proctor .t Co. , Ltd. • • Sh eaf Ironwork.e, Lincoln Slmon, B enry, Ltd. • • • . 20, Mount Street. Manchester Stamru, W. (.Kzu pl>Grusonwtrk) 25, College Hill , E.C. 'l'umer, E. R. & F., Ltd. . . (182) I pswich Whitmore .t BlnyoD, Ltd. • • Wickham Market ; and ~.

Mark Lane, E. C. Milling hatte r s anti (;utter Blanks. J essop, W., & Sollll, Ltd. • . Sheffield Wlgley Tool Mfg. Co., Ltd. . • Regent P lace. B irmingha111 Wrlgley, E. G., & Co., Ltd. . . 232A, .At~ton Road, Binningha.m

Hllb (Paint. ou. Mortar, &e.). Greenwood .t Batley, Ltd. • • Leeda Krupp.Gl'Uionwerk • • • • Magdeburg-Buck.&u Mason Bros. . . . • • • Brandon Street. Leicester Rose, Downs .t Thompeon, Ltd. Old Foundry, Hull Smedley Bros. , Ltd. • . • • Belper, Derbyshire

ltlinina ~laebtneQ'. ..Ukham Bros . .t WU..on, Ltd.. • Sheffield Bailey, W. H., .t eo., Ltd. .. AlblonWlu Sal1ord.Mancheat'r Clay Cro88 Co. • • • • • • Cll\y Croaa, near Cbeater8eld Colea, H . J . .. .. .. .. London Crane W orks, De1·by Da vey, Pnxwan & Co., Ltd. . . Colcbeater Fowler, J ., .t Co. (Leeds), Ltd. .. Leeds Fmser & Chalmera, Ltd. . . 43, Threadneedle Street. E . C. B addeld'a Steel Foundry Co.,Ld. Hecla W orka, She11ield H.athorn, Da.vey & Co. . • • • Leeds B a yward·'l'yler .t Co. (Pum pe).. 90 .t 92, Whitecro .. Street, B.O. H omaby, R ., & Bona, Ltd. • • Grantham Humboldt Engineerina Wki.Co. K.alk, near Cologne Jessop & Apple by Bros. (Leicester

and London), Ltd. . . . . Leicester and London J essop, W ., &: Sons, Ltd... . . Sheffi eld Napier Brothen, Ltd. • • • • 100, Hyde Park Street, Gl.uiow Pul.aometerEngineeringCo.,Ltd. Nine Elme, S.W. Ranaomes, Slma & Je1ferlea, L td. Ipswich Robey .t Co. , Ltd... . . • • Lincoln Ruston, Proctor .t Co., Ltd. • • Lincoln Schram, Richard, & Co. . . . • Cannon Street House, E . C. Soci6~ Anony me dea Ateliers

de Construct ion de La Meuae Stamm, W . (Krupp·GnlBonwerk)

L iege, Belgium 25, College Bill, E .C. Comwa.U Works, Birmingham Wiga.n

Tangyea Li m1tec1 • • • • • • Walker Broa. .. .. Wllitmor e& BiDyou, Ltd. . . Wickbam Mtu·ket ; a nd ~.

Mark .Lane, E.C.

ltllnt Maebiner7. Greenwood .t Batiey, Ltd. Taylor .t Ohallen, Ltd. •


.. Alblon W ork.t, Leeca • . Birmingham

Werner,Ptlelderer &Perkins,Ltd. 43, Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, W. C.

Young, H., .t Co., Ltd. . . . • Ecoleston Ironworks, Plmllco, o.nd HAyle Foundry Wbar!, N ine Elms, S.W .

Itlodel Makers. L ucas " Davles .. ••

ltlortar .lt1Ul8. F letoher, John, & Son.e .•

Houldtne ltlaebtne&. J11ekutan , J. W .. & Co. .. Wblttalter, Wm., .t Bona

Naval At•clllteccs. Wiogate, W U..ou . , • •

• • f/1, Farrlngdon Road, E . C.

- Eagle Foundry, Salford, Mlln· eh ester

. . 39, VIctoria Street, S. W. •• Oldham

, • 11, Queen Victoria S!reet , E. C.


• N on-Conducttna- Composttlom. A.Bbeatoa Co .. Ltd. (Bell'a) • • IS9l. Southwark Street, S.E . Aston Cbemicl\l Co. . . • . Birmingham [Yorks Cresswtlls' Al:lbestoa Co .. Ltd. . . W elllngt<,u .!\fills. Bradlord, Leroy, F .. .t Co. • • • • • . Gray St., Commercial Rd., E . Wallach Broll. • . . . . • r/1, Gracechu1·ch Street, E.O.

Nnt•ll~\kfn~ ltlnclalnes. R enscbol •\: Sobn .. • •

00 Caw. Kaye, Joa., .t Bona., .. OU·DI8tUUne Plant. Napier Brothers, Ltd.

011 Extraetors.


. . C'asscl, Oermany

.. Lock Work.e, LeedJI

• • 100, H yde Park St., Glaarow

Baker's Patent Appliances Co. , L td . . . . . . . . . 13, H untriss Row. Sca.rboro ugl1

Haigb, W . B. , .t Co., Ltd. • • Globe Ironworka, Old ham

on Fllten. Gr eenwood & Bo.tley, Ltd. . . Albion Works, Leeda She! by & Co. . • . . • . 66, Leonard Street, fil. C. weu., A. c., .t eo. . . , • 102, Midland Road, N.W.

00 ~ltll .ltlacbtnery. Colee, H. J . .. .. .. .. London Crane W or ks, Derby Greenwood .t Batley, Ltd. • • Albion W orka, Leecb Je&~op&: Appleby Bros. (Leicester

an d London), Ltd. . . . . Leicester and London Manlove, Alliott .t eo., Ltd. • . Nottingha.m Middloton , Robert . . . . Sheepscar Foundry. Leeds Mu"gra."e Bros. . . . . . . Crown Point Found ry, Leeds Poole, R., & Son Co. . . . . 'B•lt illlore. I nd . • U.S.A. RoPe, D own.e .t Thompaon, Ltd. Old Foundry. Hull Stamm, W . (Kr upp.Gru.son werk) 25, College Erlll, E . C. Tangyea Limited • • • • • . Cornwall Worka, Birmingham Turner, E . R. & F ., Ltd. .. (132) Ipswich Wo.ygood, R., .t Co., Ltd. • • Falmouth Road, S.K.

0118.-t 8u Lubrlc4mtl. )

Ore·Crusbtne Maebtner7. Bradley Pulveri.zer Co. . . 37, Walbrook, E. C. Davey, Pa).wnn & Co . . Ltd. . . Colchester Fraser & Ch rum ers, Ltd. . . 43, Threadneedle Stret t, E .C. Had field 's Steel F oundry Co.,Ld. Hecla. Works. Sheffi eld Home by, R .. .t Bona.. Ltd. . . Grantham B um boldt E ngineeringWke.,Co. Kalk., n ea.r Cologne, Germany J cssop &: Apple by Bros. (Leicest er

a nd London), Ltd. . . . • Leicester and London Jessot>. W m., &: Sons, Ltd. . . B righ tslde W orks, Shemeld Mason Bros. • . . . • • Brandon Street, Leicester I to bey .t Co., Ltd. .. . . Lincoln Stamm ,W. (£rrupp.Grusonwerk) 21S. College Bill, E .C. 1'urner, E. R . .t F ., Ltd. . • (132) I pswich

Paektne (Endue and Dydraulte).-(See al•o JJetaUic Packtng.)

Aabeatoa eo., Ltd. (Bell'a) • . IS9l, Southwark Street. S.E. .Aabeatoa eo .. Ltd. (Tbe United) Dock H ouse, BUliter St.. E.C. Frictionless Engine Packing Co., } Cable Mills, Glasshouse Street,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . Oldbaru Road, Manch ester Green .t Bouldlng. . • . . . 105, Bun bill Row, E. C. J~:nkins Brothers . . . . 71 , John St., New York, U.S.A. Llndsa.y, R. B. , .t Co. .. .. Plantat ionQuay(Weat)Glaagow Mica Lubricant Co .. Tbe • . South Sh ields Murray, McViunie .l.: Co. • • .Mavisbank Quay, Glaagow P la.tta &: Lowther . . . . . . 2!$, Lime Street, E. C. Tuck & Co., Ltd. . . . . . . 116, Cannon Street, E.O. United l:Gngdom Sel!·Adjusting

Anti·F l'iction Metallic Pack· lng Syndicate, Ltd . . . 14. Cook Street, Liverpool

Uni~d States Metall1c Packlng} Soho Works, Thorn ton Road, Co., Ltd . .. .. .. .. Bre.dlord

Walker, Ja.mea, & Co. . . . . L ion Works, Gartord Street , Poplar, E .

W illcox, W. H ., .t Co , I ,td. • . 23. Southwark Street. S.B. Woodite Works . . . . • • Mitcba m Com mon, SUJTey

Paint and Putty ~laeblner7. Wemer,P.6eiderer&Perk ina.Ltd. 43, Regen t Square, Gray':~ I nn

Road, W.C.

Painters and Deeoraton. Paul, Je.mea, .t Sona .. • . 888, Paisley Road, Gla.liow

Paints. Varnishes. &e. Asbestos Co., Ltd. (Bell 'a) .• Asbestos Co. , Ltd. (The United) llajroslne .t eo. . . . . . . Wailes, Dove & Co., L td. . .

IS9l, Southwark Street, S.E . Dock House, BW.iter St., E.O. 7. Idol Lane, Great Tower St. Newca.stle·on.Tyne

Paper·~lakine ltlaebinery. Douglas .t Grant . • • • • • Kirkcaldy, N.B.

Pa.Jler (Watea•Jn•ooo. W illesden Paper &Canvas W orks W illeaden Junction , N. w.

Patent Aeent&. .Alexander, E. P . .. .. Brewer & Son . • . • Cruikabank & Fairwea.tber Harria & MULl • • • • J ellllen .t Son .. .. Phiillpa .t Leigh • • • • Redlem, G. F .. .t Co. . . Thomaon, W. R. M., .t Co. .t Son • . • •

Perforated ~letals. Barns , W., & Son •• .. Permanent Way.

• • 86, Southampton Bldga, W.C. • • 88, Chancery Lane, W .0.

62, St. Vincent St reet, Glasgow • • 23, Southampton Bldp. , W .o. . . 'n, Chancery Lane, W .O. .. 22, Southampton Bldge., W.O. • • 4, South Street. Fin..abury, E .O. • • 96, Buchanan Street , Glasgow • • 67, Chancery Lane, W.O.

• • Perforatlnf W orks, Chalton Street, N . W.

Bagoall , W . G., Ltd. • • • • Castle EDgine Worka, Staft'ord 10 .t 11, Queen St. Place, B.O. Laurence Pountney Hm, E.O. 110, Cannon Street, E. C.

Bir ch , J ohn, .t Co., Ltd. . . • . Bolling .t Lowe • . . • . • Dick, Kerr & Co., Ltd. • • . • E vans & Widow8 eld . . Iaca Foundry & EDgineering Co. P11nney, .Alexander, .t Co. • • Zadig, C. A., .t Co. • . . •

5, Hute Crescent, Cardiff Newport, Mon. 107, Fenchurch Street. E .C. 11, Queen VIctor ia. St., E . C.

Pboto&:ra.pby: ltlate a·inls anti AJ•pllnnces ror Pboto&r~•nphfe Pt·intioe and ~opyin& Pa·o· cesses.

Halden , J ., & Co ... .. . . 8, Albert Set uare, 111an cbester

Plek~t, Shovels and 8padee. Hadfteld'aStcel 'FoundryCo., Ld. H ecla. Work s, Sbeftleld

Pile Driven. Gibbina, R. C., .t eo. . . . . Berkley Street, Birmingham J essop &Appleby Bros. {Leicester

and Lond&n), Ltd. • • • • Leicester and London Whitaker Broa., Ltd. • • • • H onforth, near Leeds

POee nnd Pfle Shoes. Harr ie, A nthony .. Le Grand & Sutclift

.. .. • • 73, Queen Victoria St. , E . C. • • 12.5, B un hill Row, E. C.

Pipe Founden.-(..See auo Tul>u.) .Abbot, J ohn, .t Co., Ltd. .. Pa.rk W ka. , Gateshead·OD·Tyne Ola.y Croaa Co. • • . . . • Clay Cro88, near Ohester:UelQ Iaee. Foundry .t Engineering eo. Newport, Mon. Pulaometer Engineering Co .. Ltd. Nine ElDlll. S. W. United States Cast I ron P ipe &}Land Tttle Building, Pla llA·

Foundry Co. . . • • . . del ph la, Pa., U.S.A. Wood, R . D. , & Co. .. .. Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Pipe Sct·ewin&: a nd {'uttfu&: ltlncWn ery. I•'airbanks Co. • • . . • . 16 Great Eastern Street , E . G. ll~p. c. R. • , • . i • • 47, VIctor ia Street , s, W.

Pipes (Drain nn d Stoneware). Donlton & C'o., L td . . . . . T..o.mheth . ~ . F..

Pipes ( J.ap-weldeel). Aird. Joseph . . . • . . Great Bridge, Staffordshire Deigbton 's Pat ent Fl ue & T ube } V ulcan W orks, Pepper Road,

Co .• Ltd. .. . • . . . . Leeds B oweJI & Co., Ltd. .. .. Brook Steel W orks, Sheffi eld Lloyd & Lloyd, Ltd. . . Alblon Tube W orks, B1rmin 2-blanhnll. J ohu &: Son11 . . • . G ll\sgow (bum Plggott, Tlaos. , & Co., L td . . . 'pringh ill, Birwingham Stewart, .A.&: J. , & .Menzies, Ld . 41, Oawalc1 St reet , Glasgow

Pl8tow and Pl8ton Rln~rs. B uckley, W m., ~t Co., . . . . Patent P iston Works, Sheffield £dmeaton, .A . .t Son.e . . • • Cannon Street, Sa.lforc1 Ja.ckeon, P . R ., & Co., Ltd. • . Salfocd RoUingMUlB,'r Lanca.ater .t Tonge, Ltd. . • Pendleton, Mancheater Lock wood & Ca.rlial e. Ltd. . . Eaele Foundry, Sheffield Patent Equilibrium P laton.

P is ton Vu.l ve, & Engineertug Co. . . . . . . . . East Moors, Cardiff

Planin& Maebines. - (Sec Machine Tool1.)

Plates aron and SteeU. Beardmor e, WUliAm, .t Co. . • Park head Ironworlu, Glaago;r Brown, Be.yley 'a Steel Worka, Ld. Shemeld Brown, J ohn, & Co., Ltd. . • Shemeld Colvl.Ue, David, .t Sons, Ltd. . • Motherwell, near GlaA«ow Gla.sgow I ron .t Steel Co. , Ltd.. . 19, Water loo Street, Gllll!gow Jesaop, Wm., & Son.e, Ltd. • • Shetlleld Lanarkshire Steel Co. , Ltd. . • Moth erwell, N.B. Leeds F orge Co. , Ltd. .. .. Leeds Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co., } Stoke-on·Trent, .t 122, Cannon

Ltd. .. .. .. .. Street. E.C. Spencer, J ohn, & Son.e, Ltd. • • Newburn Steel W orka, New·

caatle·on-Tyne l Glasgow Steel Co. of Scotland,. Ltd. • . 28, Royal Exchange SqUATe, Weard.&le Iron .t CoalCo., Ltd... George Yard, Upper Tbamet

Street, E .O. . Plummer Bloeks. Coles, H . J . . . . . .. • . London Crane W ot·ka, Derhy H unt , R. , & Co., Ltd. Ma.cki ea Limited . . . . Riclla rds, Geo. , & Co., Ltd. Smith & Gn~ce Sct·ew

. . .At las Wks .• Earls Colne, Essex

. . Berks Iron works. Reading • . Broad heath, ueo.r Manch ester

Boss Pulley Co .. Ltd. .. . . Thmpston

Taylor .t Challen, Ltd. . . Unbreakable Pulley and

. . B l.rm iugham Mill

Gearing Co., Ltd. • • • • W eat Gorton, Manch u ter

Pue umnilc Tools. Intnnafional Pneumatic T ool } Pal.tce Chambers. 9, Bridge

Co . . U d. . . . . . Street, Wutmlnster, S. W. New Talte H oward Pnemuatlc

T ool Co. , Ltd . . . . . 63, Q 11een Vict oria Street, E. C.

Portable- Enetnes.-(Bu lhlglnu,

Portable RaOways. -(Bee Ra:fwafl, Portabl4. )

Potter7 and Eneaustle TOe Maebbler7. Bod ley Brothers .t Co. .. .. Exeter

Pre8ses (Fly and icrew). Taylor ,\: Challen, Ltd. . . . . Birmingham

Preese& (DydrauJJe).-(Sec D!J(lra"Zic Preuc1.)

Printe t•s nod Stationers. Atlautic P rinting & Publishing

Co .. Ltd. .. .. .. .. Pat tridge &: Cooper . . . .

WeymouthSt .. M:m c;hester ,S. E. 191 and 192, F leet Street, and

1 a nd 2, Cha ncery Lane, E. C. Prlnttna- Hacbiner7 • Greenwood .t Batley, Ltd. .. .Albion Work.a, LeedJ

Propeller&. Baker Blowe.r BnglneerlnR' Co . . • Donkin, B .• & Clench, Ltd. (Air) Rose .t Dnncan . . . • • . Scott. Erneat, .t Mountain, Ltd. Thornycroft, J. 1., .t Co. ..

Stanley Worka, Shem eld Sou th wark Park Road, S.E. Gla.&gow Close Wka., N ewoutle-on-Tyne Chiawiok. W,

Pabllsben. Cbapma.n & Hall . . . . Griltln , Cbas .• & Co., Ltd. Technical P ublishing Co.

11 , Henrietta Street, W. C. • . Exeter Street . Strand, W .C. . . 31, Wb ltworth St. , Manchester • • Paternoster Square, £ .C. W hittaker .t Co. . • • •

Pulley Block&. Bailey , W. H ., .t Co., Ltd. • • B urton, C. W., Grlft\ths & Co .. .

.Albion Wka. Sa.lford.Ma.ncheat'r 1, 2 & 3, Ludgate, Lud.

p.te H ill, E.C. Gibbl.n.a, R . C .. .t eo. Tangyea Limited ..

.. • • Berkley Street, Bl.rm1.ngham • • Cornwall W orks, Birml.ngham ..

Pulleys (CAst Iron). Baphaw, J ., .t Sona, Ltd. • . Bodley Brothers & Co. • • . • Coil Clutch .t P ulley Co., Ltd . . • Croft & Parkins . . . . • .

Fletcber , J ohn, & Sons • • .. F ro.ser, Dougl~. & Sons .. . . Hunt, R., &: Co., L td. . . J ackson, P . R ., .t Co., Ltd. • • .Mackiea Ltd. • . • • • • Platt. Samuel • • . • . • Reo.der, E., & Sons • . . • Richards. Geo. , & Co., Ltd. . . Sm.ith & Grace Screw Bosa

P ulley Co. , Ltd. . • Taylor .t Cballen, Ltd. . . . •

Batley, Yorkahin Exeter Broad Street R ouse, E.C. .Moor Works, Tbom bury, Brad·

ford [cheater Eagle F oundry, Salford, .M.a.n· At las W ka., Earls Col ne. Essex Sal ford Rolling Mills,.Ma.nchat 'r Berks Ironworks, Reading Wedneabury Pbamlx Works, NottiDgba.m Broo.dheath, near Manchester

Thrapaton Birmingham

Pulleys (Wood). Bmith waite, I BMC, & Son . . Kendal Buck & Hick man . . . Dell , Wm. R., & Son .. Platt, Samuel • • • •

. . 2 & 4, W hitecha.pel Road, E. • • 26, Mark Lane, E. C. .. Wednesbury

Pulleya <Wrouabt Iron). B&pbaw, J . , & Sons, Ltd. • • Batley , Yorkahire (ford Croft & Perk ins . . . . . . Moor W orks, Th orn bury, Brad-Crowther, Hunry . . . . . . Rolling .M ills, Cleckheaton Douglas, Lawson & Co. . . . . Biratall, near Leeds rvorks : l<'letcher, J ohn , & Son.e .. .. Eagle Foundry, Salford, Man·

cheater F raser , Douglas, &. Sons. . . . Ar broa tb Hud.awell, Ol&rke .t Co., L td. . • Railway Foundry, Leeds Ma.ckies Ltd. • • , • . • Berks Ironworks, Reo.diog Platt. Samuel . . . • . . Wedneabury Srui tb .t Grnce Scrow Boas

Pulley Co. , Ltd. • . . . Thrapston Thorupson & Co. . . . . Victoria Wka., Unbreakable Pulley and Mill

(Staffs. Tamworth,

Gearing Co., Ltd. . • . • Weat Gorton, .Manchester Wallach Bro11. . • • • • • 157, Gracechurch Street, E.O.

Pulvertzers. Bra.dley Pulverizer Co. . . 37, Walbrook, E .C . Fraser & Chalmers, Ltd. . . 43, Threadneedle Street, E .C. Hardy Patent Pick Co .. Ltd. . . She111eld, W . (Krupp.Grusonwet·k ) 25, College B ill, E . C.

Pann)l (A.h•).- (Su .dir Pumps.)

Pumps («::entrtcoeal). A Hen, W. H., Son, .t Co .• Ltd ..• Queen's Engineering W orks.


Pump~ (('Na t t•ffn&S\1).- Continucd. Detom hay, Delange & Cle. . . Hoboken , neo.r Antwerp DryadAle .t Co. • • • • . . Bon Accord Engine Worlu,

Glasgow Gunt her , W ., & Solli .. .. Central Worka. Gwyune &t Co. . . • . . . Brooke St reet Works, H o I born Gwynne, J . & H ., L td. .. .. 81, Cannon Street, E . C. iE.C · HAthorn, Davey & Co. • • • • Leeds B'eeDAn & 'Froude . .. .. Aaton, Birmingham ?t!a.rshA.ll, Bon a. & Co. , Ltd. • • Gains borough Owens. S., & Co. , • . • . . . Street, E .O. P ulsometer Engineeringflo .• Ltd. Nine El ms. S. W . Ruaton. Proctor & Co., Ltd. . . Sh eaf Ironworks, Lincoln Scot t , Emeat & Mountain, Ltd. Close Wka .• Newcaatl&oon·Tfllt Stm ooa, W., & Co., L td. .. .. Ren1rew, N.B. Ta.ngyea Limited . . • • - Cornwall W ork.s, Birmingham Vauxba.ll Ironworks, Co., Ltd.. . Wandsworth ROAd, S. W. WV11er, R . , .t Co. . . . • • . 97, Queen Victoria. Street, ~.0. W a.tson , Henry, .t Sons . . . . High Bridge W orka, New.

castle·On·T yne

Pumps (Colonial). Bailey , W . H ., & Co., Ltd. . . Al bion Wka.Salford,.MA.nohest'r Jln.ywa.rd.Tyler & Co. . . . . 90 & 92, Whltecross St., E. C. J ea sop&: Apple by Bros. (Leicester

a nd London), Ltd. . . . . Leicester an d London 'Pulsometer EngineeringCo.,J,td. Nine Elms, 8 . W. We.mer , R ., .t Co... • • • • 97, Queen VIctoria Street, E.O.

Pumps (J)onke7)• Bailey, W . H ., .t Co .• Ltd. .. .AlblonWlu.Saltord,Manoheat'r Blake & Knowles Steam P ump

W orks. Ltd. . • • • • • l'i9. Queen VIctoria St ., E. C. Cameron, J ohn .. .. .. Old.fleld Rd. Ironworks, S..Uord Clarke, Ch.apman .t Co., Ltd. .. Gateshead·upon.Tyne Cochrane, J ohn • • • • • • Barrhead. N.B. Colea, H .. T. • • . • • • • • London Cra n e W orks. Derby E llisou. W. T., & Co., Ltd. . . I rlam,·O'·th '·Helgbt, Ma.n<"hst't• H all, J . P. , .t ::ions, Ltd. . . Peturborough Hathorn. Davey .t Co. • • . • Leeds Klrkal.dy, J ohn, Ltd. • • . . 101, Leadeuhall Str eet , B. C. Mum ford, A. G. •• . . . • Culver Street Iron works, Col.

Owen.e, S. , .t Co. . • . • . • Piggott. Thos., .t Co .. Ltd. . • Pnisometer En!tineeringCo., Ltd. Robey & Co. , Ltd. . . . . Roger , R ., & Co., Ltd. . . . • Scott. Erneat, .t .Mountain, Ltd. StannaL, J . . . . . . . . .

Tangyea Limi ted . • . • . • T owa rd, T., .t Co. .. .. .. Vauxhall I ronworks Co., Ltd ... Voaper & Co., L td. .. .. Wamer. R ., & Co... .. .. WorthlngtonPumpingEngineOo.

cheater Whitefriara Street. E . C. Springhill , Birmiu.gbam Nine Elm.a, R W. Lincoln Stockton-on·'reea Close Wlu., N ewcastle-on·'l'yue Skin Mo.rkot Pl•lce, t<:m cr~on

Stre'et, B.'\nkside, S.E. , Cornwall Works, l:sirmln.rbam 0 111eburn, NAwcaatle-on·Tyoe Wandsworth .Road, B.W. Portsmouth 97, Queen Victoria Street. lU '!. 153, Queen Victorla Stree1, E. 0

Pumps and Pumpine ltlaehfnery. Abbot, J ohn , & eo., L td. . . Park W k.s., Gn.teshead·On·Tyne .Alien, W. H., Son , .t Co • Ltd.. . Queen 's Engineering Works,

American Blower Co. . . . . Bailey, W . H., .t Co. . • • • Baker Blower Ensrl.neering Co .. • Berry, H enry, & Cn. , Ltd. . . Bever . Dorling & Co., Ltd. . . Blake .t Knowlea Steam Pump

W orks, Ltd. . . . . . . Braitbwaite, Isaac, &: Son .. B razil. Holborow & Straker, Ltd. Cameron, J ohn . . • • • • Camp bell & Ca.lderwood . . • • Carruthers, J . H ., & Co.. • .. Cbaplln, .Alex . , .t Co. • • • • Clay Crosa eo. . . . . . . Clay, H enrlques & Co., Ltd. . . Cochrane, Jno. • • • • • • Colea, H . J . . • • . • • . . Crow, Harvey .t Co. . . • . D1wey, Pax man &: Co .• Ltd. . . Dempster, Moore & Co. • • • . Orysdale & Co. .. .. .. East Ferry Road EDgineering

W orka eo., Ltd.. . . . . . Euston, Aoderaon & Goolden, Ld. .b:lli.son. W. T . , & Co .. Ltd. .. Fraser & Cbalmera, Ltd. . . Glentleld & Kennedy, Ltd. . . Greenwood & Batley, Ltd . . • Gwynne & Co. . . • • • • Gwynne, J . & H., Lt.ol. .. .. Ranna, Donald .t WUaon •• B'atborn, Davey .t eo. . . . . Hayward · l'yler .t Co. • • • • Hornaby, R . , & Sons, Ltd. • • B'ughea .t Lancaster • • . • Hunter .t &nglish . . . • • • laca Foundry .t Engineering eo raler . c., & eo. . . . . . . J a.cklson, P . R. , & Co., Ltd. . .

Bedford 70. Gracecbu rcb Street. E .C. .Alb ion Wka, Salford, M'chea: er Stanley Work.B, Sbemeld Croydon W orks, H un•let.Leeds Union Foundry, Dewabury

1i9, Queen V ictoria St . , E .O. K ooda.l V ulcan Iron worka, B ristol Oldtleld Rd. Ironworks. 8al1ord Soho El'lgine Works, Pais ley Polm.ad1e Iron Works, Glasgow Govan , Glasgow Clay Cross, near Cheater8eld Dewsbury Barrhead London Crane Works, Derby Park Grove ll'onworks,Glaago• Colche.:~ter 49, Robertson Street, Glasgo• B'>n Accord Engine W orks,

M Ulwall, E . (Glasgow

E r ith Ironworks, E r lth, Kent lrl&ms ·o' -th '·Heigh t,l'!fa och<~t'r 43, T breadneedle Street, E.C. Kllme.mock, N.B. Leeds B rookeStreet Works, H olboru, 81, Cannon Street, B.C. (E.C. Paisley Leeds 90 & 92. Whitecrou Street . E . C. Grant he.m (S. W. 47, Victorl.a St. , Weatmi nster, Bow. E . Newport, Mon. Artesian Wka., Bear Lane, S. ~. SallordRol ling .llills ,lfunchst.'r

J essop '~ Appleby Bros. (Leicester and London), Ltd. • • . . Leicester a nd London

Karting Brothers . . • . • • 63, Victoria St., Weatmi.llllter .Lancaster &. Tonge, Ltd. . . Pendleton, near Mancbeater Le Grand .t SutcWf . • . . 125, Bun h ill Row, E. C • Lee, H owl .t Co. , Ltd. . . . . Ti p ton Leeds Engineering & Hydraulic } P rovidence W orks, Croas Stam· eo. . . . . . . . . . . ford Street. Leeds Lobnitz & Co., L td. . . . . Renfrew, Scotland Morela.nd, R ichard, & Son, Ltd. S, Old Street. E.C. Mwruord, A. G. . • . • • • Culver Street Ironworks. Col

.Muagrave Bros. . • • • • • Owen.a, S., & Co. . • • . • • Parsons, C. A. , &. Co. . . . • Pea.rn, Frank, & Co., Ltd. . . Picking, H opklns & Co. . . . . Piggott. Thos., & Co., Ltd. • • Pulsometer EngineeringCo.,LtJ. Rice .t Co. . . . • . • • • Robey .t Co., Ltd. • • . . • • Ruston. Proctor .t Co. , Ltd. . . Sob wade, Otto, & Co. . . Scott. Emest. & Mountain, Ltd. Stannab, J . . . . • • • • ,

cheater Crown PoiDt F oundry, Leeds Wbitetrial'll Street. E .C. H eaton Wor ks, Newcast le Manchester Aruold Works, Bow, E. SpringhW. Birminglmm Nine .t!;lma, 8 . W. NevW e W ka.,Elland Rd., Leed Lincoln Shea! Ironworka. Lincoln Erfurt, Genw:lny Close Wk:a., Newcaatle-on-'I'yoe l:okin Ma.rket P lace, E111er~r n

Stothert .t Pitt. Ltd. .. Street, .Bank&dt:, S. E.

• • Bath Tang-yes Limited .. .. Thwaites Brothers, Ltd. Turn bull Engineering Co.

.. Coruw&ll W orka, Birmlngh au

. . Vulee.n Ironworks, Brad ford

. . 18, B lytbswood qm~ro. Olas gow; and :)9, Victoria Stt'l't~t, W t:stmi11skr, S. W.

Vauxhall lronworka Co. , Ltd... Wandsworth Road, S.W . Wa.rner, R. , .t eo... . . . . 97, Queen Victoria. Street, E.O Watt, Ja.mes, & Co. • . . • Soho Foundry, Binningha.m Welr, G . .t J. , Ltd. .. .. Cathcart, Glasgow Weatinghouse Bmke Co .. Ltd... York Road, King's Cross, N WUloox, W. H., .t Co., LW. .. 23, Southwark Street, S. £ . WorthingtonPumping Engi.neCo. 1118, Queen Victoria Street., E.O

Punebtna- and 8beartne ltlaebtnes. Becker, R. , & Co. .. .. .. 50A, Rivington Street, Great

Eastern Street, E .C. • • C&lderdaJe Ironworks, Sower by

Bridge :Serry, Henry, & Co., Ltd. . . Croydon Works, Hunslet,Le~cl'l Craig &, Ltd. • • • . J ohn.stone, near Glasgow D!! B~rgue & Co. , Ltd. . • • . Strangewa.ya Ironwork&. Mau-Fleldmg .t Platt, Ltd. . . . . Gloucester (cheater Greenwood & Be.tley, Ltd. . . Alblon W orks, Leeds Lee<1ll .&ngineeri.Qg " l:lyd.raullc} Providence Work¥, Oroaa Btam·

Co. • • . • . - • • ford Street. Leeds Musgrave Bros. . . . . . . Crown Point F oundry, Leeds Pollock, Macnab & Higbgate • . Shettleston , Gl.aagow Scott Brothers . . . • • • Hall tax

Berry, F ., .t Bona •• ..

Smith Brother11 .t Co. . • • • KingstonEDglne Wk.e.,Glasgow Bailey , W . H ., .t Co., Ltd. CamlJbell .t Calderwood .. Cher ry, John & Sons .. Cll4'tou 11 Sl• u~ Llvworth

• • .Albion Wlu. Sallord,.Mancheat'r • • Soho Eugine W orks, ey I•;,-t•otu e t e r s. . . P ULop Works, &\·or ley, York· Cromer, Rlch:ud . • . . . . • • Llullol.u l,.IJ ixe . f:icieutltic l n )tl'Umuut Co., LW.

4, Oxford Place, IA>edo 0\mbr\tlRt~


Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (26)



r 1LJPI'L!'.MitNT 1'0 .. ENOIN~ltRI~G,'' J uLY 20, 1000.]

Rall Benders. F ielding ..t Platt, Ltd. . • &lbbiJla. R. o .. a: eo. . . PeD.tley. Aleunder . • ~ Co. Tan$0'111 Umlud . . . . Wo~ O. . · •· ••

aan unen. De Bcrg-oe & eo., Ltd. • •

" R. 0 .. a: Oo. • • Rotherruel, Paul .. • •

. . 0 loucestcr • • BerkJey Street. BlrmJngbam . . 107, F encburch Street. E. C. . . Cornw.U Works, BlrmlnghiUXI • . Tees Ironworks, Hiddleabro'


• • Strangewaya Ironworb, Man . cheater

• • Berklev Street. Blrmln.vbam . . 10S, Leadenhall Street, E . C.

aans (Steel and Iron). BolUng a: Lowe . . . . . . 2, Launnce Pountney HUl,E .C. Brown. B&Uey'aBteel Worka.Ld. 8he1!ield CMnroell, Charles. & Co., Ltd. Oyclopa Steel & Iron W orks, Bbbw Vale Steel Iron & Coal (Sheffield

Ltd • . • • Mon., South W&lea F~~ t Wid~wlleid . . . . 5, Bute Cro!ecent, CArdiff Fo:t. S:wuel, -~ eo .. Ltd. . . Stocks bridge ,Vks.,nr. Sheffield Lawsou Mordaunt .~ Co., Lttl. Wo• klugtou t>eDlleY: Alexander, a: eo. . . 107, Fenchurc:h Street. B.O. Shelton IrOn. Steel, a: Coal eo., } Btoke-on-Trent. a: li2. Cannon

Ltd • • • • Street. B.O. [Glugow Steel eo. of S~tltoUd, Ltd. • • 23. Roval ll:xch~e Bqu~.n. Zadig, C. A., ~ eo. . . .. 11, Q\leeu Vlctona St ., E. C.

Rallw~ and Contraetors' Plant. Bagllall, w. G., Ltd. • • • . Cutle Engine Works, Bta1l'ord BJ.rch J ohn a: eo. Ltd... .. 10 & 11, Queen St. P l&ce, B.O. Bolll~g a: U:we :. .. .. 2,LsurencePountney Hill, B. C. Brown Bayley'a Steel Worb,Ld. Bhetlield Dick. Kerr & Co., Ltd. . . . . 110. Ca.nnon Street, B.O. Fowler J ., & eo. (Leeda), Ltd... Leede OlbblU R. C .. .t Co. . . . . Berlcley Street, Blrmlngham Hadtleld's Steel Fou_udry Co.,Ld. Reel& Works, She1!ield Houtton, J. & li. .. .. .. Greenock, N.B. Hunt Nelson & eo., Ltd. . . GlMgow Rolling Stock and

' Plant Works, Motherwell Jaca Foundry & Bngineerlng Oo. Newport, H on. KclAchlAD & Co. . . . . . . Darltngton Oldbury Railway Carriage and

W C Ltd ..-... . Oldbn,.....Wks., nr. Blrmlnllh•m agon o., ., ....... · · · -~ Orensteill .s: .Koppel . . . . Bush Lane House, Canuon

Street, E. C. PatentShaft&Ax.letreeeo., Ltd. W ednesbury Penney, Alexander, & Co. . . 107, 1-'enohurch Street, E. C. St.amm, w. (Grusonwerk) .. 25, College Hill, E .C. ~..,n.Tee~ Wood, c. . . . . . . . . Teet Ironworke. Mid IAAbro'· Zadlg, c. A., & Co. . . . . 11, Queen VIctoria St., E.C.

Rallwn7 SJpal8. Ilea FoD.tldry a: Rngineerlllg Co. Newport, .Mon.

RallWRT ll'heele.-(Bu IJ h,cel.s, Railwuv.)

BallwftJ'B (J.Jght and Portable). Bap1all. W. G., Ltd. .. .. B!Rb, John, & eo., Ltd... ..

Caatle Engine Worlu, 8t.&1!ord 10 & 11, Queen St. Place. B.O. 2,Laurtnce Pountney Rlll ,E.C:. 110, Ca.nnou Street, B.O.

BolllDg & Lo'ffe .. . . .. Dick. Kerr cl Co., Ltd. • . • . Fowler, J., & Co. (Leeda), Ltd .• • Kerr, StlllU"t & eo., Ltd. .. ..

Leeds 20, Bucklesbnry, B.O. P enins11lar House, Monument Darlington lStreet. R.C. Buah Laoo H ou_ae, Cann on

Koppel, Arthur • • . . • . llcLIIc!llan .t C'..o. • • • • • • Oa .:uxt.fiu & Kop1>el . . . .

Str~et. E . C. r enney, Alexander, & Co. Wood1 0. . . · · · ·

2::\dlg, C. A., .t Co.

Reduelae Vah•ee. Auld, David. & Bona .. BaUey, W. H., & Co., Ltd. Klrkaldy, J ohn, Ltd. • . lla.son Regulator Co. . . Royle, J. J... .. .. ScbU'er & Budenberlt ..

Wataon, Henry, ll: Sons ..

. . 10i, Feochurch Street, E .C.

.. Tees Ironworlu, liUddleabr o' · on-Teea

. . 11, Queen Victoria St., E. C.

• . Wbltev&le F oundry, GlMgow . • AlbionWks.Salford,Mt.ncheat'r .. 101, Leadeuhall Street, E.C.

Boston, U.S.A. • . Gt.BridgewaterSt. ,Mancheater • • Whit worth St., London Road,

.Mancbe~ter (on -Tyue . . High Bridge Works, Newca.stle·

Rel'l'leerati.Dc Maehtner7. A lion, W. H ., Son, & Co , Ltd... Queen's Engineering WorkP,

Bedford AUla, Rd ward P ., Co. • ouglaa a: Grant ..

.. .. . • ).[tlwaukte. Wia. , U.S.A. • • Dunntkler Foun<lry, K11'k·

ctJdy, N.B. Rall. J . a: B., Ltd. . • • • Haalam Foundry & Engineering

Dartford Ironworks, Kent

Union Fou_ndry, Derby Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . Ll.nde British Refrigeration Co.,

86, Queen Victoria Street, B.O. Union Foundry, Derby

Ltd. . . • • • . • • Pontllex & Wood, Ltd. .. ..

Nlne Blms, S.W. Pulaometer Engineering Co.,Ld. Sterne, L., a: Co., Ltd. • • • • Crown Ironworlu. GlMgow

Camp bell & Calderwood .. Dell, Wm. R ... ~ Sun •. Douglaa & Grant • • • • Runter & . . • • W~yrood, R .. a: Co., Ltd. Wbitmore & Binyou, Ltd.

.. Soho Engine Works, Paisley

. . 26, .Mark Lime. E. C. .. K.lrkcaJuy, N.B. . . Bow, London, B. . . .FAhnouth Road, S. E. .. Wick ho.m .Market ; and 64,

Ml\rk Lane, E. C. Jttncs.-(Src SmaU ArllU. )

RJvets.-(.!u 8 oU., Rheu, .tc.)

JUvettne Maebtaes. A~Wol, Slr WUliam, &: Co., Ltd. lJalmaroock Ironwks., Bridge·

ton, GlM~tow Bomen t, Miles & Co. . . Berry, Henry, & Co , Ltd. Crow, Rarvey & Co. • . De Beryue .t Co., Ltd. .. Dryadale & eo. . . . . Fielding .t Plntt, Ltd. • • Bros., • • • • Rice a: Co. .. .. .. Smith Brothen a: Co. • • Smith, JJugh, & Co. . .

. . Philadelphia, Pa., U .S. A. Croydon Work s, Huuslet,Leeds

.. Pa.rk Groveironworks,GlMgow

. . .Man chester [Glaagow • , Bon Aocord Engine Worka, • • Gloucester • • Crown Point Foundry, Leeds .. NevUleWke .. EllandRd .. Leed.e .. K lng11ton &ngine Wka.,Gh.agow . . Posail Enalne Works, GIMgow

Road Rollers (l!tteaw). Manball, Sons, & Co., Ltd. • • Gains borough

Roek Drtll8. Cotee, R . J. . • . . . . • . London Crane W orke, Dtl by J.'m.eer .t Chalmers, Ltu .. . . 43, Thread needle Street, E .C. Jack~on , P. R., & Co., Ltd. . . SaliordRolling bliJls,Manch:~t'r J t '-"UP &: .\ pplchy Hr en •. (Leicester

And Lomlon), L~l. . . . . ~iceatcr &uti London 8cbn.m, .IUcbiUd. & Co. . . • . C:nnnon Street HouHe, E. C. ltaukin & Ludlugtou, Lt.d. . . 10 ,(; ll, St.uuecut ~trcet.,

Farriug<lou ~t.rcet, JS.C.

JCollc r Bcaa·iu,:r~ . -(~\·c /Jcariii!Jt, J.'t.lllcr. )

JCoiJing llill 11 achinc t·y.-(&c lru11 cwcl :stctl ll'orJ.,, l'talll jQr.)

Rolllne Mlll8.-(Bu Iron .t 3tffl. J'l'orkf, Pl<J.nt tor.)

Roll8 (Cbllled and Gratn). 8t.amm, W. (Kl'Ullll·Gruaonwerk) 2S, College l:llll , E. C.

Rooh (Iron, Steel and Zlne). Abbot, John, & Co., Ltd. .. ParkWka., G~teahead-ou-'f)ne Arrol'a Bridge & Roof eo., Lt.d.. GennJ.aton Worka. Ulurow Atb, J O$e11h, .t Son • . .. Rea Workt~ , Rea Street t:;outh,

Alhbury Ra.IJwayCarriage&lron Co., Ltd. . . . . . • . .

Blackw.ill G&lvauiscd lrou Co. , LW. . • • . • • • •

B u-ualng bum

OpenahAw, l'IIAncheeter

Corbet Court, B .O.


Roof" (It·on, Sf eel nn•l Zhac).-Contimtcd. 01\mpbell .t Calderwood.. . . Clyde Structural Iron Co., Ltd.

Crolg, A. F ., &: Co., Ltd .. . . Ue Bergue & Co., Ltd. . • • • Edwa.rda & Co. .. .. .. Findlay, Alexander, & Co. . . H.andyelde, Andrew, & Oo., Ltd. Hanna, Don Ald & W U.on •• lleenan & Froude . . • . • . tac:a F oun<lry a: EJlgin eerin,g Co. Keep , F . A., Juxon &: Co. . .

Main. A. ,r,: J ., & Co .. Ltd. . . Morton, Frn n cle, & Co., Ltd. . . Patent Shaft & Axletree Co.,Ltd. Piggott, Tbos., & Co., Ltd. • • Smith, A. & W ., & Co., Ltd. . . Smith, G. B .. ,~ Co. . . • .

Soho Buglne Worluo, PaWey Clydet~lde Ironwork11, Sc()t·

toun, 0 lasgow Paisley, N .B. MAnchester Mlllwall. E. Motherwell, N .B . Britannia Ironworks, Derby PaWey, N.B. N ewton Heath lronworke, near Newport, Mon . rManche.ter Emt>lre Works, Barn Street ,

Bl rm I ugbam Clyde!dnle Ironworks, Qll\8gow Hamlltoo Ironworks, Go.rst on Weclneabury SprlnghUl, Blrmlngbam Eglinton Englne Wka., 01MgO\Y Crolgball Ironworks, Saroceu

Street. GIMgow Walker Broth en .. •• • . Pagelield Ironworks, W iga.n

Rope Tramwa)'8. Ropeways Syndicate, Ltd. . . 30, St. Mary Axe. E. C.

Ropes (Dt•lvlng). Ironmongors' Rope W ork•, Ltd. Dr lck6eld St ., W olverhampton

Ropes (Wil'e).-(Su Wtr• .t W(r• R.op• JlaM1'1.)

Rus t Prc , •e uth•e . Po.Ureym11n, W . 11., & Co. . . 17, Gorce-Piazzas, Lh•erpool

Safety Apparatus. Reid, W m .. & Co .•• Wallacu BI'OS. . .

.. • • 112. Fenchurch Bt.reet. 'R.O. •• . . 57, Cmccch u_rch Street, E. C.

SanJtar7 AppUanus. Doulton & Co .. Ltd. Ht1,1thea & Lancaster ..

. . Lambeth, S.E. (S. W.

. . 47. Victoria St . , 'Vestmiuster ,

Snw Gnnt•ds. Glover , M., ,t;; Co .. . •• • . Lee<l:s

Snw lUnkt>rs. Beardshaw, J .. & Sou, Ltd. . . Baltic Steel Works, Sheftleld Firth, Thos., .t Sons, Ltd. . . N orfolk W orks, Sheffield

Screew. Same, W . & Son •• .. • • P erforating Works, Cb&lton

Street, N.W.

Serew Pl'Otlellel'S and Propeller Blades. Brown, J ohn. & Oo., Ltd. . • Sheffield l£MUield'aSteel Foundry eo., Ld. B ecla Works, Sheffield Jeeeop, Wm., & Sone, Ltd. . • Sheffield Spencer, John, & Sona, Ltd. . . Newburn Steel Worka, New­

cutle-on -Tyne

Screwh•,;r :unehlnes. Bign&ll & Keeler llfg. Co. . . Edwardnille, Mad ison Co.,

111., U.S. A. Cl1atwiu, Thos. Cu_rtla & Curtis

.. . . Gt. 1'lndall St., Birmln~thMn •• . . 10, Garden St., ~ridgeport,

Coun., U.S.A. Fairbauk s Co. . .. Heap, Joshua, & eo., Ltd.

. . 16, Great Eastern Street, E.C'.

Kendall & Gent . • . Ash tou-unoler· Lyne

. . &Hor d , Niles Tool W orks Co. . . . . liamllton , Ohio, U.S.A. Shanks, Thom:LS, & Co. . . Union Ironworks, J ohllilt one

Seareh Ur:h ts. British Scbuck ert Electric Co., } Chm Houqt>, Suney Street ,

Ltd. . . . . . . Stro.ud, W . C. British Thomaon-llouaton Co. ,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . 83, Cannon St .. E. C. Clarke, Chapman & Co., Ltd. .. Gateshead-upon-Tyne ( B'ent Johnsou & Phllllps • • . . Victoria Work s, Old Cbarltou,

Sewnge \Torks (Plant for). Smith, J ohn, & Co., • • . . Grove Ironworks, Canh&lton,

Surrey Young, H ., & Co., Ltd. . . Eccleaton Ironworks, Pltnlico,

and llayle F oundry WhMf, Nine Elms, S. W .

SbaRtng & SbaR Fltttnes.-(See al1o Plummer LJlcc"".) Bagahaw, J ., & Sons, Ltd. • • Batley, near Leeda Beaaemer, Henry, & eo., Ltd. . . Sbetlield Brown, Bayley'a8tee1Wrlu.,Ltd. Shdeld Brown, John, & Co., Ltd.. .. Shetlield Colea, H. J . .. .. .. .. London C1nne W orks, Derby Craig, A. F ., & Co., Ltd .. Paisley, N.B. (ford Croft,~ P erklns .. .. .. Moor W orks, T horn bury, Brod-Crowtber, H enry . . . . . . Rolling Mills, Cleckheaton,

Hall.lleld'll Steel F oundry Co .• Ld. H uctswell , Clarke &: Ce>., Ltd. . . Hunt, R ., & Co .. Ltd. . . Jack son, P . R., & Co., Ltd. . . J essop , W ., & Bona, Ltd. . . Kirks tall F orge Co. • • • . Mackies Ltd. . . • • . . l>latt, Sam uel • • • • . . Poole, R., & Son Co. . . . . Reader, E. , & Sons .. •• RichiU'ds, Geo. .t Co. , Ltd. . . Rich ard.sou , Thos., & Sona, Ld. Smith &: Grace Screw Boss

Pulley Co., Ltd. . . • • Spencer, John, & Sons, Ltd. .. T&ylor & Challen, Ltd. • . • • Trier Bros. . . . . . . Unbreakable P ulley nnd Mill

Ytlrks. H ecla Worka, Sh effield Leld:s Atl:LS Wkll., Earls Colue, E ssex Salfonl Roll inK Mills ,Manchst'r She!Jield Leeda Berks lroaworks, ReadlnJ W edncebury Ballimore, Md. , U.S.A. Phamix Works, Nottingham Broadheath. near Manch ester H artlepool

1'llnpston [ caatie-on -Tyne Newburn St.fel Works, New· Blrmingh&m 1, Gt. George Street, West-

Gea.ring Co., Ltd. . . Wailes, George, • Co. . . Woodhouse .s Rlxaon ..

[minater. S. W. West Gort on, Manchester

. . 258, Euaton Road, N. W. • • Sheffield

beerle~s. Day, Summers & Co. . . Northam Ironwork~. South·


Sheet ltletal 'Vorkiur: ltlnchinery. Ttlylor & Challen, Ltd. . . , . Birwlugham

Sheet ltletals. WUkinson, J., & Sow • • • • &ltley, Binn1ngha,m

8hlpbullden. Alley a: Maclellan .. . . Bow, McLacblan ~ Co. . . J~r0\111, John, & (;v., Ltd.

•• Glugow . . 'fhbtle Work s, Paish:y . . Shefti cld

Day, ::;urnmcra ~ <.;o. . . . . N ortbam Ironwork ~!, South· ampton

&twardll & Co. . . . . l'' leming a: Ferguaon, Ltd.

. . .Mill wall, .it. • • Palaley, N.B.

l•'orreatt &: Son , L td. . . Uayee, Bd ward . . . . K incaid, John G.,&. Co.

. . 101, Lcadenhall Sh·c~:t, K.C. . . Stony Stratford, W olverton

Lobnltz &: Co., Ltd. • . . . Lytham Shipbuilding & E ngi-

neerin g Co. . . . . . . Mc.Kic & Ba.xtcr . . . . . . Ro88 & Duncan • • • . . • Royal Dutch 1rorgc Co. . . . . Bchlchau. F. • • . . • . Slmona, W ., a: eo., Ltd. . . , • Smit, L., & Zoon .. .. .. Smit, P., Jr. • . . . . . Thames I ronworks::;b ipbuilding

and Engineering Co., Ltd. . . T hornycroft, J . 1., & Co. .. Yarrow & Co., Ltd. • • • •

Greenock, Scotland Ueu!row, Sootlan d

Lytham, Lancashire CClpJ.tu lll Wks., Gov~n. Glasrow Glusgow IA,1deu, H olland Elblng-Danzig, Pruaela Renfrew, N.b. KindenUJk, Holland Rotterdam, Holland

B lack"all, E. Ohiswick, W. lale of Dogw, B.

• Shovels and Spade8.-(SH PWcl, .tc. )

Sleepers (Ralhva7)• Ebbw Vale Steel Iron a: Coal

Co .. Ltd. • • . . • • Mon .• South Walea Penney, Alexander, .t Co. • • 107, Fencburch Str eet. E .C.

Slotting & Sbapln,;r ltlaehlaes.-{Stll AftlChfne Too'•·>

SJDe ltJng Plant. Fraser & Cho.lmen, Ltd .. . • 43, 'l'hreadnecdle Street, E. C.

Smiths' Fires. Thwaltea Brotherw, Ltd . Vulcan Ironworlu. Bndtor4

8prtn..-e. .Brown,Bayley'a SteelWrks.,Ltd. Shel!ield Brown, John, & Co., Ltd. . • Sheffield .Brown , W . S .. J u n.,&: Co. .. 6i, Wnsblogton St, Glasgow F ox, Samuel, & Co., Ltd. .. Stock8brldge Wks., tu. Sheffield Oaboro, Samuel, & Co. . . • . Sbetlield [caatle-on-Tyne Spencer, J ohn, & Sona, Ltd. • • Newburn Steel W orks, New·· Sterne, L., a: eo., Ltd. . . • . Crown Ironworka, Glaqow Turton, Thoa., & Bona, Ltd. • • Shea.f Works, 8hel!iel4

Sprinkle r s . Dowson, Taylor & Co., Ltd. . . 14, Victoria St., W estminster


Taylor &: Challeu , Ltd. • . • . Blrmingbam

Stamptn.:s (Iron and Steel). Armatrong, Stevens & Son . • Wblttall Street, Blrmlngham

Steam Hammen. Baker Blower Engineertng Co... Btanley Worlu, 8he1!iel4 Cochrane, J ohn .. .. .. Barrhead, N.B. Crow, R arvey& Oo. •• .. Pa.rkGroveironworlu,GlAagow Davi.e & Primrose .. • • • • Btna Ironworks, kngor Road,

Leith. N .B . Dempster , .?doore a: Co. . . . • 49, Robertaon Street. GlMJow Detonabay, Delange &: Cie. . . lloboken, near Antwerp Keighley EngineerinJ eo. . . II.autax Maasey, B. & S. .. .. .. Openahaw, Hanche.ter P ollock , lll acNab & H ighgo.te . . Shettleston, GlMgow Rosa, R . G., & Son • . . • GJugow Bcott Brothers . . • . • • Ha.lltax Smit h Brothen & Co... • . Klngaton EngineWlu. , GlMJow 'l' hwaitea Broth en, Ltd... . • Vulca.n Ironworks, Bradlord Walker Brothera • • . • • • P&f{elield Ironworka, Wfgan

Stenm I•JJ•t' ~"· aiton & Co. . . . . .. • . 2-i. Laureuce Po11ntney Lane,

E. C. Steam Separators. Gouber t Mfg. Co. . . . . Ha.igh, W . B .• .t Co .. Ltd. Holdto k Brooke, Ltd. . •

. . Nuw York, U.S.A. • • Qlobe Ironworka. Old ham . • Sir ius Works, WeBt Gorton,


&team Traps. Bdmeaton. A. , a: SoD4 .. . • Cannon St. Wks., S& HaD·

cheater Haigb, W . B. , & Co., Ltd. Holden ..t Brooke, Ltd. . .

. . Globe I ronworks, Oldham

. . SLrius Works, W ellt Gorton, Manchester

Lancaater & Tongt', Ltd .•. Picking, H opkiM ,~ Co ..• Royle, J . J . . • . . Sohl1!'er A Budenberg ..

. . Pendleton, Manchester

. . Amold Works, Bow, E. ltcr

. . GreatBridgewaterSt.,.Manches· • • Whit. worth St., London Road,

Manchester Steam Turbines. ParsoM, C. A ., & Co. .. .. lleaton Works, NewC.'\:Itle

Steel and Iron Works (Plant lor).-(Bu JNw.cut<l Stul Work.l.)

Steel Maken. Allen, Edgar, & Co., Ltd. • • Ask ham Bros. & W llaon, Ltd .•. Beardmore, W Ullam , & Co. • • Beardslu.w, J., ,~ on, Ltd. . . Beaaemer, H enry, A Co., Ltd ..• Brown,Bayley'eSteelWorlu.,Ld. Brown, John, & eo., Ltd. .. Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd. . . . . Colv1lle, David, & SoDJ, Ltd. . • Darlington Forge Co., Ltd. . . Bbbw Vale Steel Iron & Coal

Co .• Ltd. . • • . • • l"airley, James, & SoDJ . • . . Firth, Tbos., & SoM, Ltd. . . F ox, &muel, & Co. , Ltd. • .

I mpertal Steel Wka., Shemeld Sheffield Pa.rkhead Ironworlu. Cli.Mrt~w Baltic Steel Works , Sheffield 8he1!ield Sheffield Sheffield Wrexham Motherwell, near Glasgow Dn.rliugton

Mon., South Wa.lee Shadwell Street, Blrmingham N orfolk Works, Sheffield Stock ebrldge Wkt!.,nr. Sheffield H eela Worka. Shetllel<l Brook Steel W orlu. She1!ield ~alfordRolling Mills, Ma n cbat'r

Hadlield'aSteel Founcl.ryCo.,Ltd. Howell & Co., Ltd. . . • • Jackson , P. R ., & Co., Ltd. Jesaop, W ., & Sona, Ltd. Lanarkshire Steel Co., Ltd. Leeds Forge Co., Ltd. • .

•• 8he1!ield .. Motherwell, N .B. • • Leeda

Leeds Steel \Vorks, Ltd ... Oaborn, B., & Co. . • . . Paterson, Downs .~ Jardiue Rogeraon, John, & Co., Ltd.

. . Leed11 • • Shetlield (Coo.tbr ldge, N . B. . . Coats Iron and Steel W orks, . • Wolsiugham, R.S.O., Co. Dul'·

ha m Lcn.stle-on ·T) n e Spencer, John, & Sons, Ltd. Steel Co. of Scotland, Ltd.

• • Newburn Steel W orks, New­.• 23, Royal Exchange Square,

Glasgow Stewart. A. & J ., a: l\Ienzies, Ld. Turton , T., & SoDJ, Ltd... • • Vickera, Bona & .Maxim, Ltd. . . Weard&le Iron & Coal Co., Ltd. WoodhoUBe & Rixaon .. ..

8teerJnc Gear.

41, O:~wald Street, Gl~gow Sheaf Works, She1!ielc1 She1!ield [Street, B.O. George Yard, Upper Thamee Sheffield

Camp bell & Ca.ldenvood. . .. Sobo Engine Wor ks, Paisley Napier Brothera, Ltd. • • • • 100, B.yde Pa.rk Street, Gluf:ow Piggott, Thoa., & Co .. Ltd. • • SprlnghUl, Birmingham Roger, R., & eo., Ltd. . • • • Stock ton -oa -Teea (ham R ogerson, John, & Co., Ltd. . . Wolslngham, lt.S.O. , Co, Our-

8teken (MechanJeal). Haigh, W. B., & Co., Ltd. - Globe Iron works, Oldham Proctor , J . .. .. .. .. Burnley, La.ncuhire Ransomes & RApier, Ltd. . . 32, Victoria Str eet , S. W . Sinclair, George . . . . • . A llJion BoUer W k s .• Leith, N. B.

Stonebreaken. Aakham Bros. & Wllaon, Ltd. . . Shemeld .Baker Blower Engineering Co.. • Stanley Worlr.a, 8he1!iel4 &.xter, W . H. , Ltd. • • . . Leeds Fraser & Chalmers, Ltd. . . 4;3, Threa.dneedle Street, E .C. Bad6eld's S teell-'ou_ndry Co.,Ld. Hecla Works, Sheffield J essop, W., & Sous, Ltd.. . . . Sheffield Jobnson, Wm., & Sons . . • • Cnatleton Fou_nclry, Axmley, Manden, H . R. .. .. .. Soho Foundry, Lee<U [Leeds Mason Broe. • • • . • • Brandon Street, Lelceater Robey a: Co., Ltd... • • . • Lincoln Stamm,W. (Krupp-Cnllsonwerk) 25, College Hill, E. C.

8h·n.w llo1•cs fot• t;oa·es. St.cen berg, R. , ~ Son • • . . Nuwcastle-on-'l'yue

8uaar Maehlner)'. Campbell & Calderwood.. .. Craig, A. F., & Co., Ltd. . . . Crow, Harvey • Co. • • • • Davi.e & Pri.m.roee . • • • , • Houston, J . & R. • . . . . . .Manlove, .Alliott & Co., Ltd. . • H cOuie, A. & P. W. . . • . McOn ie, liiU'v&y & Co., Ltd. . . Mirrleea, \Vataon &: Yaryan Co.,

Ltd.. • . . . . . • . Piggott, Tboa., & Co., Ltd. • • Ro~y &:: eo., Ltd. . . • • Ruston, P roctor & eo., Ltd. • • Smith, A . a: W ., & eo., Ltd. . . Stamru,W. (Krupp-Grusouwel'k ) Watllon , !Aidlaw & Co. . . . .

Soho Engine Works, Paisley Palsley, N.B. Pa.rkGrove Ironworks, Glugow Etnalmwke.,Bangor Rd., Lelth Greenock, N .B. N ottingham Govan, Glasgow Scotland Street Engine Work s,

[Qhugow Scotland Street, Gla.sgow Sprlnghlll, Birmingham Lincoln Sheaf Ironworlr.a, Line Jln E~tUnton Enlrlue Wlu. ,Glasgow 25, College Hill, E.C. Glasgow


Sulphate or Ammonia Planu. Slmo1:1, Hell11', Ltd. • , • • 20, Mount Street, Mancheaur

So per heaters. Frnser & Chalmera, LW.. . . 43. Thread needle Street. E. C. Schmidt Stationary Engine Co., } Brna.d ~n<.1.ury Chambers,

Ltd. . . . . . . . Westuun:ster. S.\V. , Sinclalr. Qeorge . . . . AllJion BoUer Wks. Leith, 1-l.B

8wltdaes and Crossta.:s. J F -'- Co . . . . Ne..rnor t, Mon . sea oun..,., · .. .. r H ""· Orenswln & Koppel . . Bush Lane ou.,e, ..,..uuou

. Street, E. C. Penney, Alexander, & Co. . . 107, Fench urcb Street, E. C.

SJ'l'ens. Smith, Sydlley, & Sons .. . . Baaford Braaa Wlr.a., N ottl.ngba w

Tanks. Ath J ose1>h, & Son .. .. Rea W ork11, Ren. Street Soul.h

' Birmingha m Beltamy, Job.D , Ltd. .. .. Mlllwall,J£. Blaek "all Galvanized I ron Co., } Oorbet Court, Gracechurcb

Ltd. . • • . . . Street, E. C. Brnby, Fredk., & Co. . . . . Fitzroy W orks, 3-'S2 to 362,

E uston Road, N.W. Clay Croes Co., The • . • . Clay Cross, nea.r Ch eaterdt ld eoltmn.o, H., & Sons . . . . :Midland Ironwork8, Lough· Cralg, A . F . , & Co., Ltd .. . . Paisley. N .B. [borough Deighton'e Patent Flue&: 'l'ube } Vulcan Work.s, Pepper Road,

eo., Ltd. .. .. .. .. Leeds Flndlay, Alexander, & eo. . . Motherwell. N .B. Hanna. Don.ald & W llaon . • P auley, N.B. Keep, F. A. , Juxon & Co. . . Empire Works, .lhrn Street,

Birmingham Morton, J;'rnn cis, & Co., Ltd. . . Hamilt •m I ron works, Garst•m Oreneteln & Koppel . . Bush Lane H ouse, C'anuon

Street, E.C . Piggott, Thos., & Co., Ltd. . • Springhlll, Blrruiughaw

Tannen and Currlen. Tull.l.e, John, & Son .. .. St.Ann'aLeatherWlu.,Glugow Webb & Son • • - • • Stowmarket

Tea-Dresstnc Maehlnen. Bever, Dorllug &: Co., Ltd. . . U nion Foundry, Dew8b ury .M&rahall, Sona & Co., Ltd. • • Galneborou_gb Ranaomea, Slma & J eO' erica, Ltd. Ipnrich

Telepaph Instruments. India. Rubber, Gutta l>ercha and

Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. .. Silvertown. Essex Johnaon&Phllllps .. .. 14,UnionCt., OldBro3dSt.,B.C SiemeDll Brothen & Co., Ltd. • • 12, Queen Anne'e Gau, S. W . Telegn.phManufacturingCo.,Ld. H elaby, near Warrlngton

Telegraph Wil"e and Cable&. I ndia Rubber , Gutta Perchaand

Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. . . SUvertown, Essex Johnaon & Phlllips .. .. l4,UnionCt.,OldBroadSt.,E.C. SiemeDll Brothers & eo. , Ltd. . • 12, Queen .Aooe'a Gate, S. W. TelegraphManu.facturingCo.,Ld. H e1aby, near Warrtngton

Telegraphs (Engi.De and Steering). Cbadbua,\ 'a (Ship) Telegraph Co.,

Ltd. . . . . . . . . 11, Waterloo R oad, Llverpool

Telephones. Telegraph .Manu!acturingCo. ,Ld. H e1a by, near W a.rrlngton

Testlne Maehlnee. A very, W . & T ., Ltd. . . . . Soho Foundry, Binuiugluuu Balley, W . H ., & Co., Ltd. . • .AlblonWlu.Sa.Uord,.Mancheat 1 Denlaon. Saml., & 8oD4 . . • • Hurullet Carr, Leeds, S. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. . • ..Alblon W orb, Leeda Leecla Engineering & H ydraullc}Providenoe W orlu, Oroaa Stam·

Co. . . • • . . • . • . ford Street, Leedl Smith, lingh, &: Co. . . . . P ossil Euglue Worlul, Gllt.6gow Tangyea Limited • . . . . , Oornw.U Worka,

Timber ltlerehants. Kennedy, James, & Co. , Ltd. . . 69, Bucbanan Street, Glasgow

Timber Preser,•ing • Hnskin Wond Vulcanizing Co .• }2. Dean's Ytml , 'VeatiUinster

LW. .. .. .. •. S W.

Tlme·Cheektnc Maehlnee. Bailey, W . H ., & Co., Ltd. • • .AlbionWlu. Salford,blanchu:~t 1 LlewelUn .Machine eo. . . . . Bristol

Tool Handles. British V1acoid Co., Ltd. . . 35, Seethiu_g Lane, F.. C.

Tools (Hand and Small). Angular-Hole Machine Co., Lttl. Buck A Hickman . • • • • • Chatwln, Thoe. . • • • , • Churchill, Cbaa., & eo., Ltd. • •

Da.sbwoocl H ouse, E .C. 2 ll 4, W!Utecb.J\pel !toad. E. Gt. Tinda.l St., Blrm.i.ngham 9 to 15, Leonarll St., FinsbiUT,

B .O. Dempster, Moore & eo. . . . . 49, Robertson Street, G lasgow H eap, Joshua, & Co., Ltd. . . Aahton -under -Lyue Intenli\tloual Pneuma. tic 1'ool } Palace Chambers, 9, Bridge

Co., Ltd. .. .. .. .. Street, We~tminsttlr, S. W. Midland Mfg. Co., Ltd. • • . • Sheffield Nettlefolda LJmited • .. Blrmin.gham New 'l'aite H oward Pueulllatic

Tool Co., Ltd. . . . • . . Northern Engineering Co., Ltd. Rothermel, P aul . • • • • • Taylor, Charles • • , • • • Well.a, A. 0., & eo. . . . .

63, Queen Victoria Stree t, E . C. King Cross, near l:lalilax 105, Leadenhall Street. E.C. Bartholomew Bt., Blrmin.gham 102, Midland Road, St. Pancru,

N.W. W idd{IWSOn , J . H ... .. Wigley Tool M!g. Co. , .Ltd. Wllllams, J . H., &: eo. . .

. . Ordsn.l Lane, Maucbestet· . . R egent P lace, Birm ingba111 . . 9·31, Richards St ., Brooklyn,

New York, U .S.A. Tools (Pnenmatic).-(See Pneumatic Tool1.)

TOJ"PCdO Boats. Edwarde & Co. . • • • Hanna, Don.ald a: Wilton Schlchau. F. • • . .

~· .Millwall, B. . • P aisley

S1nit, L ., & Zoon . . . . Thornycroft, J. I ., & Co. Yarrow & eo., Ltd.

• . Elblng-Danzi!. Prusa1a . • KinderdiJk, H ollantl . • Ohlawick. W •

• • • . lele of D oge, B.

ToJ"Pedoes • Greenwood & Batley, Ltd. . . .<U bion Works, Lood:s

Tramwa7s and Tramway Plant. Askham Bros. & W llaon, Ltd ..• Blrch , J ohn, & Co., Ltd... • . B olling & Lowe . . • • . . Dick, !{err & eo., Ltd. . . . • li!\<llielcl's Steel1l'oundry Co., Ld. fl&wthorn,R. & W ., Leelie& eo.,

Ltd.. . • . • • • • • llorneby, R. , & Son.a, Ltd. , • llw'lll, Nelson & Co., Ltd. .

laoa F oundry & Engineering Co. Kerr, Stuart a: eo., LW. . . • . Penney, Alexander, & Co. . . Zadig, C. A., &: Co. . . . .

Tube·Drawtna Plant.

Sheffield 10 & 11, Queen St. Plll.Ce, E.C. 2.Laurence Pouutuey H ill, E.C. llO, Cannon Street, E.C. Hecla W orks, Sheftlelll

N ewca.stie-on -Tyne Glasgow R olling Stuck a n d

Plan t Worka, Mother well Newport, Hon. 20. Bucklenbury, B .O. 107, Fenchuroh Street, E.C. 11, Queen Victoria. St., E .C .

Fielding &: Platt, Ltd. • • • • Gloucester Platt, Samuel .. • • • • Wed.neab ury

Tube·Haktnc llachtner7. Fielding & Platt, Ltd. • • • • Glouc8$ter P!Att, Samuel . . . . . . W tldn&shun-Rnukln S: l.uuingtou, Lt.u. . . 10 .t ~1, Stou~cutto.!l' ::,treet,

F a rrtnifdOn . treet, E.C.

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (27)


Tube Scrn.vers. Wallach Bros. • • • • • • 57, GracechUNb Street, E . C.

TabeWelb. ~er, C., ll Co. . . • • • • ArtesiAn Wb., Bear L&ne, S.B.

Grand ll Butcliff • . . . 1215, Bunh1ll Row, E .O. ~ea IJmlted •• • • • • Cornwt.U Works, Birmingham

Tubes (Brau and ~opper). B l.rmingbam Battery ll Metal

Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . Blrmingh&m Broughton Copper Co. , Ltd. . • Ma.ncheater Grlce. Grice &: Son • • • • Sheepcote Street. Blrmingham )luntz's llt et:~ol Co., Ltd.. . . • French Walls, BirmJngharu R oyle, J . J... . • .. .. Gt.BridgewaterSt.,Mo.ncb ester W Ukinaon, J., a: Sona • • . . Saltley, Blrmingha.m

Tabes (Iron and Steel). Aird, Joe. • • • • • . • . Great Bridge, St&flordah!re British Tube Co., Ltd. . . . • Birmlorbam BPOwn, John, & Co., LW. .. Sheffield Chishohn & La'" . . . . . . Saraceo Tube Wo.-ks, Gl&"iOW Gallowaya I.lmited • • • . Manchester Bildlck. a: BJldJck • • • • Tube W orlu, Walaa.U H owell ll Co., Ltd. • • • • Brook Steel Worlu, 8bdeld Lewia, E., ll Son•.. .. .. W olverhampton Lloyd ll Lloyd , Ltd. . . • . Alblon Tube Wk.e.,Blrmingha.m llarahBJJ, J ., a: Bona • . . • Glugow J>iuott, Tboa., &: Co., Ltd. . • 8pringbill, Birmingham R u.uell, Jas.,&: SoDJ, Ltd. • . Crown Tube Wk.e .• Wedneabury Ruasell, John, & Co., Ltd. • • Alma Tube Works, Walaa.ll 8tewa.rt. A • .t J ., ll Ml'nzies, Ld. 41, Oswald Street, Glasgow Tubu Ltd. . . • . . • • Birmingham W eldleu Steel Tube Co., Ltd... l cknield PortRd., Birm1ngbam

Tubing (.Flexible ltletallic). United F lexible Metallic Tubing

Co. . . . • . . • • • . 11~. Queen Victoria Street, E. C.

TaKBoatl. CampbeU &: Calderwood.. • • Sobo Engine W orks, PaJeley Edwarda &: Co. • • • • • • MU! wall, B. Hayea, Edwe.rd . . . . . . Stony Stratford, W olverton Lytbam SbipbuUdlng &: Engi-

neering Co. . • . . • . Lythi\Dl, Lancash ire McK ie & Buter • • . . ... Copland Wks., Go van, Glasgow Roaa ll D uncan . • . . • . Glasgow Ro1al Dutch l'' orge Co. . . . . Lei<len, H olland Slmpson, St ricklruld & Co., Ltd. lJartmoutb, S. De\'On Smit, L ., ll Zoon . . . . . . Kinderdijk, Holland Smlt. P .• Jr. . . . . . . Rotterdam, B oll&nd Tlmm es I ronwork!! Shipbuilding

and Enginll(:ring t;o., Ltd. . . Black wall, E .

Turbines. Allen, W . H ., Son, .t Co. , Ltd.. . Queen's Engineering W ork s, Dell, Wm. R., & Son • • . • 26, Mark Lane, &.0. (Bedlord Fraaer a: Cbalmera, Ltd... • • 43, Thread needle Street. B.O. GUnther, W ., & SoDJ . . • • Central Works, Old ham Gv.'Ytlne & Co. . . .. .. Brooke Street W orks, H oll>orn. H anna., Donald .t W llaon .. Paisley, N.B. lE. C. P oole, R., & Son Co. . . . . Baltimore, .Md., U .S.A. Scb.ram, R ichard, &: Co. . • • . Cannon Street House, E. C. Simon, H enry, Ltd. . . • . 20, Mount Street , MAnchester Btothert & Pltt, Ltd. . . . . Bath W t.rner, R .. a: Oo.. . • • • • 97, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. Wbitm ore & BIJ.lyon, Ltd. . . W ick ham Market ; and 6-!,

MArk Lane, E.C.

Turns toes. Elliaon. W. T., ~ Co., Ltd. • • lrlams-o'-th '-H eight,Manclt'tst'r Iller, C., &: Oo. .. .. • • Artesiau Wka., Bear Lane, S. E . Le Grand ll Sutcillr •• • • 1215, Bunblli R ow, B .O.

Turatables. Cowan.s, Sheldon ll Co., Ltd. • • Carlhle leca Foundry eo. . . . . . . Newport, Mon. Ot·enstein & KupJ!Cl • . • • Bu11h Laue H ouse, Ca nnon

Patent 8b.&1t ll A.xletreeCo.,Ltd. P enney, Alexru~der, & eo. . .

a<lig, c. A . , & eo. . . ..

TJ'res (RallW87)• Beaaem er, H enry, ll Co., Ltd ..• Brown, Bayley'e Steel W orks, Ld. Brown, J obn. & Co., Ltcl. . • Ca.mmell ChArles, & Co., Ltd. 1-' irtb, Tbo<i., & Sous . Ltd. . • Fox, Samuel, & Co., Ltd. . • Vlck era, SoDJ ll Mu rim, Ltd • ••

S 1 re et, E . C. Wedneabury 107, Fencburcb Street, &.C. 11, Queen Victoria St . , E .C.

8hel!leld Bbefl:leld Sheffield [Bhetlleld Cyclops Steel .t lrou Works, Norfolk W orkl!, Sbefl:leld :Stock llbrldge Wka.,nr. Sb cftleld Sheffield

Vacuum Pans and Pumps. Houaton , J. ll R . • • • • • • Greenock, N .B .

Valuen (En~tlneerln~r). Fuller, Horsey, Soua &: Case~ll . . 11, BUliter Square, E. C. Ha.rrisou & Ro bb . . . . . . Hull and Leeds Kirk. W ., Price a: Co. . . • . 62, Queen V ictoriA Street, E .C.;

N orman . John •• Wood & Newlaud ..

.. and .Albert Square, M'ch eater • • 181A, Bt. VIncent St.. Gl.M~row

• • . . 42, Spring Gardens, i\lancbester

Valve& (Gas, Steam, Water, &e.). Abbot, J ob n, & Co., Ltd. .. Alley &: MacLellan • • • • Aabeat.oa Co., Ltd. (Bell's) . • Bailey, W . H ., a: Co., Ltd. . • Berry, H enry. &: Co., Ltd. . . Clay, H enriq u es &: Co .• Ltd. . . Croaby Stet\m Gage a: Valve Co. Don kin, B ., .t Clench , Ltd. • • Fair banks Company • . . • Glen6eld & Kennedy, Ltd. • • Green &: Boulding . . . • • • B a.nnr., Donald & Wllaon •• Hulburd Engineering eo. . . Hunter&: English.. • . . . J enkina Bros. • • . . • . Metallic Valve Co. • • . .

Owens, S., &: Co. . . . . . • Paln.tille Engineering Co., Ltd.

Plggot.t, Tbos., & Co., Ltd. • • Reid, W m., ll Co. • • • . . • Rh odes, B ., a: Son . • • • . • Royle, J . J . . . . . . . • • Schlffer ll Budenberg . . . .

Scott, Ernest, a: Mountain, Ltd . S01>tt. Geo., & Son . . . . . . Storey, I., & Sons. Ltd. . . • Wailes, George, & Co. . . • . Walker Bros. • • • . . • Warner, R ., ll Co. .. . . . • W oodite Works .. .. ..

Valves (Re lle t). Norma.ndy '11 P atent Marine

P ark Wks , Gate.sbead-on -Tyne Sentinel W orks, Glaagow 69., Southwark Street, S.E . Alblon Wke. SaUord,Manch eat'r Croydon W ol"kA, Hunslet. Leeds Dew11bury 76, Queen VictoriA Street, &.0. Southwark Park Road, S.E. 16, Great Eastern Street, E.C. Kil.m&rnock, N.B. 105, Bunhm R ow, E .C. Paisley, .N.B. 160, Leaden hall Street, 1£. C. Bow, E . 71, J ohn St., New York, U.S.A. Tower B uildings, W ater Street,

Liverpool Wbitefriara Street. &.0. 10, Blackatock Street, Liver-

pool Bl.rmingha.m 112. F enchurcb Street, &.C. Bow Bl'MI W orka, London, E. Gt . Bridge water St. ,Manchester Wbitworth St., London Road,

Manchester Close Wke., Newcaatle-on-Tyne 44, Christian Strl'et , E. Empress l<'oundry, Manchester 2-58, Euston Road, N.W. Pagefteld Ironworks. Wlgan 97, Queen Victoria Street, E .C. Mltcham Common, Surrey

.AI!rated Fresh W att'r Co., Ltd. Victoria Dock Road, E .

Valves (Saret;y). Aahton Valve Co. . • • • 1 -~ 2, Rangoon Street. E . C. B~iley, W . H ., .t Co., Ltd. .. Albion Wke. Salford,Manch est'r Orosby Steam Gage ll Valve Co. 76, Queen VictoriA Street. B .O. Royle, J. J . . . • • • • • . Gt.Bridr ewater St.,Muu ch ester 8cbll.1fer .t Budenberg . • . • W hitworth Street, London

Road, Manchester Scott, Erntlllt, .t Mountain, Ltd. Close Wke., Newoutle-on-Tyne Turn bull, .Alex., • eo. I Ltd. . . Bilhopbrigge, Glaagow

Ventllator&. Abbot, John , & Co., Ltd. • • Park Wk3., Gateshead·on -Tyne Allen, w. H ., Son , .t Co., Ltd... Queen 's .Kngiueering Works,

Bedford American Blower Co. . . . . 70, Gracechurch Street, E. C. Bl&ckman Ventl.lating Co., Ltd. 63, F ore Street, &.C. Boyle, R ., .t Son, Ltd. • • • • 64, Holborn Viaduct, E . C. B eenan &: Froude . • • • • • As ton Lane, Birmingham l.ayco*ck, W . S. • • • • • • Victoria St. W orks. Shefileld

Vleel!. Crampton Bros. • . Taylor, Ch a rles

.. • . Sheffield .. .. • • Bartholomew St,. Blrmlngbam

Voltnae ters. Nalder Bros. & 'l'homl>Son, Ltd. 34, Q\tecn Street, KC.

Valcan1te and Vulcanised .Fibre. Moeeley, Davtd, &: SoDJ . • • • Ardwlck, Manchester Winter, F . .. .. • • • • 8, Reclcros.s Strcl't, E .O.

Wacon (R.allway) Bullden. Ashbury Railway Cturu~e •ud

1ron Co. , Ltd. . . . . . . l:iagnt\11, W . G., Ltd. • • • • Burst, Nelson & Co., Ltd. • •

Kerr, Btua.rt &Co., Ltd.. . • • ltlacLellan, P • .t W ., Ltd. . Metropolitan Railway Carriage

&: Wagon eo., Ltd. • • • .

Openah aw, Maucheater Cutle Engine Worke, Sta.fford 0 lll.t'gow Rolllng Htock aud

Plant Work11,·well 20, Bueklenbury, B.O. CluthA W orlu, GlMgow

Baltley Worka, Blrmingham

I •

'Vngon (R nilwny) B uihlers.-ContitttUd. Midland Railway C&rr:l&ge and

Wagon Co., Lttl. . . . . Abbey W ork.e, Bluewabury Oldbury RaUway Carriage and

W&gon Co .. Ltd .• The . • . • Old bury Wka .. nr. Birmln~rham P enney, Alexander, &: Co. . • 107, F enchurch Street, E . C. P icker iug, R. Y, & Co., Ltd. . • \, near GIMiOW

wacons (Tip). Bagn&ll. W . G., Ltd. • • . • Cutle EDglne W orks, Stafford Dick . Kerr &: Co .• Ltd. • . . . 110, Cannon Stt·eet, E. C . Had field's Steel Foundry Co.,Ld. Jiecl.a. W orke, Sheffield Jobnaon, W m ., & Sons • . . . Ca.atleton Foundry, A rmler,

Leeds Penney, Alexander,&: Co. . . 107, Fencbur cb Street, E. C. Zadig, C. A ., &: Co. . . .. 11, Queen V ictoria t., E. C.

Wa.sbers. Jardine, J . .. .. 'Vatcbes. Bensou, J . W ., Ltd.

• •

.. Smith. S .. & Sont•, Ltd. • • Wl1ite, H., Wa.tch Mfg. Co.

.. Nottingbaln

.. zr;, Olcl Bonll .'tred. W .. and 62 & 6 J. I,udgatc H ill, E . C.

. . 9. Strand , W .t;. • . 1 OJ, Market St., Ml\llchester

Water ( 'oollng Pln.nt, Klei n l".ngineering Cu. , Ltd. . . 9J, Market Strel!t, Mancbe:iter

Water ltleten. Glen1leld ,f>. K eunedy, Ltll. • . Kllmamock. N .B. WortbtngtonPump1D.gEngineCo. 163, Queen VictoriA Street, E. C.

W ater Purll)rln~t A.pparatm. Baker'11 Pa.tout Appliances Co.,

Lt<l. . . . . . . . . J 3. H Wl triss .Row. Sc.1.r borough Boby, W ilUa.m . . . . . . 16, U n ion Cuurt, Old Broad

Street, E .C. (Street, S.W . Bristowe, Bugb. L., a: Co., Ltd Albany Buildings, 47. Victoria Edwa.rds & Barnes . • . • Broad San ctUB.ry Chl\mhers.

West minster, :3.\\ . Green&: Boulding . . . . 105, Bunhill Ruw, E . C. La.WTe!l~e Patent Water Softener } Norl~d Yard, Uxbridge Road

Stenhzer Co. . . . . . . Station, W. Ma ther & Plutt, Ltd. . . . . Sal ford Ir on wor ks, Manchester PulaometerEnginee~Co., Ltd. Nine Elm.e, B.W . Water Softening and Pw·ifylng

Uulted Patents, Ltd. . . . . 30 & 31, St. Switb ln's Laue, E. C.

W ater Wheels. Bodley Brothers ll Co. . • .Fra.aer & Cbl\lmers, Ltd. Stothert .t Pitt, Ltd. . • Turner, E. R. & F., Ltd. Warner, R., & Co... . . WbJtmore& BinyoD, Ltd.

Weighing llachlnes.

. • &%eter

. . 43, Threadneedle Street , E . C . •• Bath . • (132) Ipswich . . 97, Queen Victoria Street , E . C. . • W iokham Market; and 6-!,

Mark Lane. &.0.

A very, W . & T ., Ltd. • • . . Sobo F oundry, Birmingham DeBieon ,, a: Son . . . . B Ull!!let Carr, Leeds, S. East Ferry Road Engineering

W orks Co., Ltd... . . . . Mlllwall, R. Falrba uks eo. .. .. .. 16, Gre..'l.t Eastern Street. E. C. Pooley, Henry, & Son .. .. Albion F oundry, Liverpool Smith, A. & W ., a: Co., Ltd. . . Eglinton Engine Wks.,Gla.sgow Watt, J ames, a: Co. . . . . Sobo Foundry, Birm.iughi\m

We ll .Engineers. Ialer, C., & eo. . . Le Grand & Sutcliff

• • .. .. Artesla.n Wk.e., Bear L&ne, S.H. • • 126, Bunhlll R ow, &.0.

Wheelbarrows (ll·on) • Bay lies, J oues & &:; lies.. .. Victoria W urk11, Wol\ er·bam p-


\Vhcel•t.'utting ~lnchinct·y. Waile~~, Gcorge, & Co. .. 268, E ustou Road, N.W .

Wbeel8 (Geare.d). Bodley Brothers & Co. . . • . Exeter Browu , D .. & Sous.. . . . . Huddersfi eld Croicr. A. 1•' .. & Co., Ltd .. . . P aisley, N .B . [che~tlcr Fletcher, J ohn, &: Sons . . . . Eagle 1•'oundry, Su.lford, .Man· Hndl\eld'aSteel Fouudry Co., L<l. H ecla. W orkll, ~hetliold B a.wtborn, .R. & W ., Lealle and

Co., Ltd. . • . • . . • . Newcaatle-on-Tyne Jackaou, P. R ., &: Co., Ltd. • • &llord RolUngMllle.Mancb.atr . J eaaop , W., & So1111, Ltd. • • Sbe.fl:leld Man love, Alliott & Oo., Ltd. • • Nottingham

l o111e, Willll\ms & Co. • . . . l'hiladelpltia, Pa., .S.A. Nuttall , R. D., eo. . . . . Allcghany, Pa., U.S.A .

\l' h cels (Gt'tU't"d). -C'onUnued. Pool e. R.. & ~ou Co. Rof{en.on, Jobn, & Co., Ltd. ::)chrciher, S. (R:~<wbhle) ..

Spencer, J ohn, & Sons, Ltd.

Sunderland, John .. 1'owler, Wllli:~om . . . • Wbittaker, Wm., & Sona

. . Baltimore, .Mcl. , US. \ . [hl\tu

. . Wohtiogb:un, H.S.O., Cu. Dur . . 8, \ ' ict .. ril\ ,\ \'enuP, Bi:-h"l'

gate Stn•ot, .KC. .. N ewburn Steel W orks, J:\ c \1•

caatle-on-Tyue . . Fle!'ce l\1 111'1, Kelghley . . t;lobe F oundry, Let:<lg . . OlclhAm

Wheels (Rallway). A.abbury Railway Carriage and

I ron Co., Ltd. • . . . . . Opeuah~w. M.ancbe~~t.~~ .. Had field 'a tu! F oundry Co., Ld. lleclu Work,_, S ht:llicld

Glasgow Roll in~\: k .wd llurst, Nelson & Co., Ltd. . .

.TcllliOP, W ., to: Soru1, Ltd... . . Plant Wurk11, MutLer wl'll

Sbofl:lehl Metropolitan Railway Cl\lTiage

and Wagon Co. • • . • . • Saltley, Birmingham

Abbey W orb, Shrewsbury Midla.nd Railway CarriAge and

Wagc.n Co., Ltd. . . . • Oldbury Railway Cal'TiAge. and

Wagon Co . • LW .• Tbe .. Patent Shaft&: Axletree Co .. Ltd. Pickcring, R. Y., & Co., l.t.d. . .

Old bury Wka., nr. Binning ham Wedneabury Wlsba w, near Glasgow

\\' la N~ 11'1 (S IH' CH" k 4.' 0. Bug~ohawe ~ Cu. •• • • ;J, 'l'llWt:l HoyaJ. WUUOII ~tlccl ,

BC. Winches (8team).-{Bte Oranu.J

W i ntllasses. Clarke, Cl1apman & Co., Ltu . .. Gate!!bead ·upou-l')ne Wil~ou , J olm H., & Co., LW. • • ::!andhills , Li\·crpool

Windmills. P lck iug, Tiopklus & Co. • Warner, R., &: Co... . Whltmore &: Binyor, Ltd.

. • Arnolll \V(lt'kll, B<J\1. ~.

. . 9i, Quecu \' icluria Street. KC • • Wick.ham Market ; twu li I,

Mark Lane, &.C.

Wire and Wire ROJle ltlakers. Birmingham Battery &: Metal

Co. , Ltd. . . . . . . . . Birmingham Brltillh Insulated Wire Co .. Ltd. Pr~cot.. l ,lUJ ~; ~~lti1·\: Cradock, Geo., & Co. . • • • Waketl.eld 1 mh t ... r EUiot. George, & Co. . • . . 16, Grel\t Oeorlle Street, W ... .. ~'·an'l & Wldowfield . . . . 5, Bute Crescent. CardiJf .Fowler, J., & Co. (Leeds), Ltd. Leed4 Fox, Samuel,&: Co., Ltd. .. tocks l.lridge Wk,..,tu .. 'hcthdol G luver, w·. T ., &: Co., Ltd. .. S;~H·ml, ) ~r JohDJon & Pbillipa .. .. H ,Un.ivu Ct.,Old Broau ' t .KC Warrington W ire Rope W orks,

Ltd. . • . . . . . • • • 13, GoNe PiAUu, Ll verpool W llklnson, J., & Sons . • .. Saltley, .Birmtngha.m

ll'ire •\Vol'li iug ;u~whinea·y. Rankiu & Ludlugtou. Ltd. . • 10 ~ ll, Stune~nlt~r ~tn·ct

Farring•lou . tt·eet, E.l:.

Woodite ror Steam, Electrical aod llydrnulic Packtnr:s.

\Voodlte W orks . . . . • • .Mlt cham Common, Surrty

\\' oocl (Non·Fhun anable). Lnnrlt•ll N on-Fb~totuf\lJhl \\' unll } .. .Rcgeu t HousP,' Regctt t Hl.

Cu., Ltcl. .. .. .. .. W.

\l"ood•Worklng ltlacbinery. Becker , R., & Co ... • •

Dempster, Moore & eo. . . E!,•an Co. . . . .

F :\y, J. A., 6': Co. .. .. Greonwood & B:.tlcy, Ltd. Lees, T. & R. . .. Marahall, Sons & Co., Ltd. P oUock , .Macnab & Hlghgate R:u uome, A., &: Co., Ltd. RidtArcl", Geo., & Co., Ltd. Robey & Oo .. Ltd... . . R obinson, Thos. , & Son, Ltd. Ruaton, Proctor & Co., Ltd. Scott Bros. . . . . . . ::!teoue, J. B., & Cu. . .

\\'orm (;nioJ:. BCII\\ 11, n., & Sou.... . . )lurse, \ ,\. Co. . .

. . 50.\, Rh iugton :'\treet, (.; r~ 1t E.\steru ~treut, E.C .

• • 49, Robert.son 8tree&. Glasgow . . 14 t u :J.J, ,J coJ1n trect, <.:tu·

ciuuati. Ohin, U.S.A. .. 20 to 40. J ohu tre"t. Cw-

cinnAti, Oh in, U .•. A. .. 1\lbion Workl!, Leed:l . • H ollinwood, n~:ar Manchester • • Gainaborougb . • Sbettl8$ton, GlAsgow . • St.anley Works, Chelsea . . BroadL&~tb, near • • L incoln . . R ochdale . • Sheaf Irouworkl, Lincoln

HalUax . . 136. l•'ln •ltmy l'ti\'Ctnent, 1!:. (; .

. . lhuiJtt ~tt,•l. l .. Ph.iladdphuL, !',,,, U.S.,\.

Yac h ts.-(.SU Launchu a1ld TachU.)


Abbot, John, a Co., Ltd., Park Works, Gateehead-on-Tyne ~ Abbott a Co. (Newark), Ltd., Newark-on·Trent - •. Acetylene lllumtnatb:Jg eo., Ltd., 3, Victoria Street, West·

minster, S. W. .. .. .. . . .. • . .. .. .. Atrd, Jos., 46, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. . . .. .. •• +trd, Joa., Wrot. Iron and Steel Tube Works, Great Bridge, Staffs Aiton le eo., 25, Laurence Pountney Lane, E . C. . . . . . . Ajaz Metal eo., 26, Victoria Street, S. W. . . . . . . . . Alexander, E. P., 86, Southampton Buildings, W.O. .. .. +lien, Edgar, le Co., Ltd., Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield .. AUen, W. B., Son, le Co., Ld.. Queen's Engineering Wk~., Bedford

AJI4m, W. B., Son, le Co., Ld., 27, Old Queen Street, S.W. -Alley a MacleUan, Sentinel Works, Glasgow . . . . . . AlUs, Edward P., Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. . . .. .. Ambet"g Flle aud Indez: eo., 27, Little Britain, E. C. . . . . American Blower eo., 70, Gracechurch Street, E. C. .. . . Andrew, J. E. H., & Co., Ltd., Reddish, near Stockport .. Angular-Hole Machine Co., Ltd., Dashwood House, E. C . .. Aatl·Attrltlon Metal Co., Ltd., Emerson St., Southwark, S.E. ArohdaJe, Ju., a Co., Ledeam Street, Blnntngbam . . . . Armatroag, Stevena le Son, Wbittall Street, Birmingham .. ArroJ, Sir WUUam, le Co., Ltd., DaJmarnock Iron Works,

Bridgeton, Glugow .. - . . .... _ - .... • ..

I Abbot, Gateshead Abbott, Newark

VlgUantla, London VlgtJantla, Tlpton Channeled, London Lustroso, London Epa, London AJJen, ShefBeld Pump, Bedford Pump, London AJJey, Glasgow Allls, MUwaukee, Wie. , U.S.A.

Erithus, London Andrew, Reddish Anywtse, London FrtotloDleas, London ArohdaJe, Blrntta,gbam A.rmatroqs, Blrmtagham

Tay, Glasgow


Arrol's Bridge le Root Co., Ltd., Germlston Works, Glasgow . . Asbestos Co., Ltd. (Bell's), 69~, Southwark Street, S.E. . . . . Asbestos Co., Ltd. (The United), Dook House, Billiter St., E.O. Ash, Josepb , & Son, Rea Works, Rea Street South, Birmingham Ashbury aanway Carriage Co., Openshaw, Manohester .... Ashton Valve Co., 1 & 2, Rangoon Street, E. C. • • . . . . Askham Bros. le WUson, Ltd., Sheffield . . .... - •. Aston Chemical Co., Birmingham - - . . .... -Atlantic Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., Weymout h Street,

Manchester, S.E. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Germtston, Glasgow Belfry, London Asbestos, London Tanks, Blrmtugham Ashburys, Mauohester Sprocket, London Askbam, ShefBeld eompoattlon, Birmingham

Catalogue, Manchester Atlas Engtneering Co., Levenshulme, Manchester .. Auld, Davtd, • Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow ..

_ Atlas Works, Levensbulme _ Reducing, Glasgow

Auto Machinery Co., Ltd., Coventry . . . . . . . . Avery, W. le T., Ltd., Soho Jtoundry, Birmingham .. A VOil81de Engine Co., Bristol . . . . . . . ..

. . Auto, Coventry • . A very, Birmingham .. Walker, Bristol

BagnaU. W. G., Ltd., Oastle Engine Works, Stafford _ _ Bagnall, Stafford Bagabaw, J., • Sons, Ltd., Batley, Yorkshire - _ _ Bagsbaw , Batley Bagshawe le Co., 3, Tower Royal, Cannon Street, E.O. . . . . Outburst, London BaUey, W . B ., & Co., Ltd., Albion Works, Saltord, Manchester .. Beacon, Salford Baker Blower Engtne ertn.g Co., Stanley Works, Sheffield •. EUvaa, ShefBeld Baker's Patent Appliances Co., Ltd., 13, Hun•·r 'ss !Ww,

Soarborough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orr, Soar borough

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (28)



Perforation, London Noclaf, London Knapplng, Leeds Bayltss, Wolverhampton

Barns, w., & Son, Perforating Works, Chalton Street, N. W. . . Barron, F. C., & Co., Ltd., 9, St. Mildred'e Conr•, Poultry, B. O. ~· Baxter, W . B., Ltd., Leeds . . • . . . . • .. .. BayUss, Jones & B ayliss, Victoria. Works, Wolverha~pton .. Beardmore, Willtam, & Co., Park:head Forge Rolling Mills and

s teel works, Glasgow .. •. •. _ - - •. Beardmore, Glasgow Beardsba w, J ., & Son, Ltd., Baltic Steel Works, Sheffield . . Beardsbaw, Sheftleld Beardsba w, J ., & Son, L t d., 118, Cannon Street, E. C. . . . . Democracy, London Becker, B., & Co., 50A, Rivington Street, Great Eastern St., E. C. Cleavage, Lon don Bedford JCngtneerlng Co., Bedford . . . • . • . . . . Cranes, Bedford Bell amy John, Ltd., Mill wall, E. .. • • .. .. .. Bellamy, London Belllas a Morcom Ltd., Ledsam Street Works, Birmingham . . BeWas, Birmingham Benson, J . w., Ltd., 25, Old Bond Street, W. •• •• .. Jiggt} mbob, London Benson, J . w., Ltd., 62 & 64, Ludgate Hill, E. C. ... . . •• Chronog raph, London Berry, F., & sons, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire . • _ . . Berrys, Sowerby Brtclge Berry, Henry, & Co., Ltd., Croydon Works, ~eeds :. . . Bive tter, Leeds Bertrams Limited, St. ltathel'ine's Works, Sc1ennes, Ed1nburgh Bertram, Edinburg h Bessemer, Henry, a eo., Ltd., Sheftield .. ~ - ~ · Bessemer, Sheftlel4 Best BeltiDg Co., Ltd., 13, Cullum Street, E. C. - .. ~ Notwithstanding, London Bever, Dorling & Co., Ltd., Union Foundry, Dewsbury . . Foundry, Dewsbury Bever, Dorltng I& Co., Ltd., 69, Old Street, E. C... . . . . Blckford Burners Co., Camborne, Cornwall.. . . . . .. Bickford, Camborne Bifurcated R iv et Co., Ltd., 10, Wool Exchange, E.O. . . . . Bifarcated, London Bignall & Keeler Mfg. Co., Ed wardsville, Madison Co., Ill., U.S. A. BUllngton & Newton, Longport, Stoke·on-Tren• ... •• ~ Blroh, John, & Co., Ltd., 10 & 11, Queen Street Place, E.O. u

Bb"mtngbam Battery and Metal Co., Ltd., Birmingham-. Blackburn, Starling & Co., Gresbam Works, Nottingham .. Blackman Ventllatlng Co., Ltd., 63, Fore Street, B.O. •. Blackman Ventilating Co., Ltd., 3 & 6, Todd St., Manchester Blackman Ventilating Co., Ltd., 27, Viotoria Square, Leeds . . BlackWall Galvanized Iron Co., Ltd., 4, Corbet Oourt, E.C. BlaokWall Galvanized Iron Co., Ltd., Orchard Pl. , Bla.ckwall Blair, Campbell & McLea n , Scotland Street Copper Works,

Bronze, Longport Endeavour, London Battery, Selly Oak Blackburn. Nottlngham Ventuator, London Drier, Manchester Blackman, Leeds Promptitude, London Sllverlne, London

Glaegow . . .. - .. .. .. .. .. . . Blazon, Glasgow Blake, John, Lt d., Oxford Street Works, Accrington, Lancashire Rams, Accrlngton Blake & Knowles Steam Pump Works, Ltd., 179, Queen

Victoria Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Steampump, London Blechynden Patent BoUer Co., care of High Bridge Works,

Newcastle-on·Tyne -· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wateons, Newca stle


Boby, Jt.obert, Ltd., St. Andrew's Works, Bury St. Edmunds . . Screens, Bury St. Edmunds Boby, Willlam, 16, Union Court, Old Broad Street, E. C. . . . . Buccula, London

· Bodley Bros. I& Co., Old Quay Foundry, Exeter . . . . . . Bodley, 'Elreter -Boiling & Lowe, 2, Laurence Pountney Hill, E. C. . . . . . . Bird, London Booth, Joseph, I& Bros., Ltd., Rodley, Leeds .. .. .. Cranes, Bodley Bow, McLachlaD & Co., Thistle Works, Paisley . . ... . . Bow, Paisley Boyle, 'B., & Son, Ltd., 64, Holbom Viaduct, E.O. . . ~ ... Bypostile, London Boyle, R ., & Son, Ltd., 110, Botbwell Street, Glasgow ... .. Bypostlle, Glasgow Bra by, Fredk., & eo., Fitzroy Works, 352 to 362, Euston Rd. , N. W. Courteous, London Bradford, J., & Sons, 44, Chapel Street, Liverpool - .. Lubricants, Liverpool Bradford, Thos., & Co., Crescent Ironworks, Salford, Manchester Vowel, Manchester Braclley & Craven, Ltd., Westgate Oommon Foundry, Wakefield Craven, Wakefleld Bradley Pulvertzer Co., 37, Walbrook, E.C. . . •• •• Equestrian, London Braitbwaite, Isaac, & Sou, Kendal . . . . . . . . . . Braithwaite, Kenda l Braitbwaite, Isaac, & Son, 24, Garlick Hill, Cannon St., E. C. .. Thereupon, Londou Brazil, Bolborow I& Straker, Ltd., Vulca.n Ironworks, Bristol Hydraulic, Bristol Bremner, J . A., & Co., Albert Street, Manchester . • . . ~ Roman, Manchester Brewer I& Son, 33, Chancery Lane, W. O. . . . . ... •• Infa.Jltble, London Bridge, Davld, & Co., King Street Works, Salford, Manchester Coupling, Manchester Brtstowe, L. Bugh, & Co., Ltd., Albany B'gs, 47, Victoria St., S. W. Foliosus, London Britannia Co., Colchester . . . . . . . . . . . . . Britannia, Colchester British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 9, Victoria. St., Westminster, S. W . Cryolite, London British Boiler Cleaning & Enamellb:Jg. Co., 201, Stobcross

Street, Glasgow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anticorrosive, Glasgow Britlah Insulated Wire Co., Ltd., PreRcot, Lancashire . . Insulator, Prescot British Schucke r t Electric Co., Ltd ., Clun House, Surrey

Street, Strand, W. C. .. . . . . .. .. .. ~

British Thomson-Bouston Co., Ltd., 83, Can11on Street, E.C. Aateroidal, London British Tube Co., Ltd., Birmingham .. . . . . . . . . British, Birmingham British Vtscoid Co., Ltd., 35, Seething Lane, E. 0. . . . . Brit ish Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Ltd., Norfolk

Street, Strand, W.C. . • . . u • • • • • • • • Mobilized, London Broadbent, Thos., I& Son s, Ltd., Ohapel Hill, Hudderetleld . . Broadbent, Huddera4e14 Brooke, J. W., & Co., Adrian Ironworks, Lowestoft . . . . Brooke, Lowestoft Brooke, J. W ., & Co., 77A, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. . . . . Laborless, London Brooks Locomotive Works, Dunkirk, N. Y., U.S.A. . . . • Brooks, Dunkirk, U.S.A. Brotherhood, Peter, Beln dere Road, Lambeth, S.E. ... ~ Brotherhood, London Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., Glasgow ... .... - .. Copper Co., Glasgow Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., 122, Cannon Street, E. C..... ... Copper Co., London Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., Manchester . . . . . . • . Copper Co., Manchester Browett, Llndley & Co. (1899), Ltd., Pa.tricroft, Manchester Sandon, Patrlcroft Brown, Bayiey's Steel Works, Ltd., Sheffield ~ .... .. Bayley, Sheftleld BrowD, D., I& Sons, Huddersfield . . . . . . . . . . Gea ring, Huddersfield Brown Hoisting & Conveying Ma chine Co., Cleveland,

Ohio, U. s. A. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . Brownhoist, Clevel a nd, U .S.A. Brown Hoisting & Conveying B a chtne Co., 39, Victoria

Street, Westminster, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shovelling, London Brown, John, & Co., Ltd., Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . Atlas, Sheffield Brown, W. S., Jun., & Co., 67, Washington Street, Glasgow... Spiral, Glasgow Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd., Wrexham •• . . ... ... ... Steel, Wrexbam Buck I& Bfckmau, 2 & 4, Whiteobapel Road, E. • • - ... Boebuck, London Buokley, Wm., & Co., Patent Piston Works, Sheffield . . . . Buckley, Sheffield Dullard Mach tne Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn., U.S.A. . . Bullard, Bridge port, U.S.A. Bull's Metal • Melloid Co., Ltd., Leadenhall Chambers,

4, St. Mary Axe, E. C. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Melloid, London Burbam Brick, I.tme and Cement eo., Ltd., Nicbolae

Lane, Lombard Street, E.O. ... .. • . .. ... • • Burnet, t.tndeay, a Co., Moor Park Boiler Worke, Go van, Glaegow, Glaegow


Sander s, London Baldw.ln, Philadelphia Burrell, Thettor4

Burnba m, WUUa ms • Co.,Dashwood House,9,New Broad St.,E.O. Bumham. WUUams & Co., Philadelphia, U.S.A. · • · · B1UTell, Cbas., & Sons, Ld., St. NioholM Wke. , Tbettord, Norfolk Burton, C. W ., Gr iftlths & Co., 1, 2 & 3, Ludgate Square,

. . Bibou, London Ludgate Hill , E. C. .. .. .. .. .. · · · · Butler, Baltfa.x, England

Butler, J., & Co., Victoria Ironworks, Halifax · · · . · · Butters Bros. & Co., 20, Waterloo Street, Glasgow .. .. Butte rs, Glasgow Butterworth Bros., Ltd., Newton Heath Gl&88Worke, Manchester GJaues, Newton Heatll

Calrd I& Rayner, 777, Commercial Road, Limehouee, E. .• •. Vaporize, London Cameron, John, Oldtleld Road Iron Works, Salford . • - •. Orlg1Dal, Manchester

• Cammell, Charles, I& Co., Ltd., Cyclops Steel and Iron Works,

Sheffield •. _. . . . . . • . . . . . . •.• Cammell, Sheftleld Cammell, Charles, & Co., Ltd., 1, Victoria. Street, S. W. . . Campbell & Calderwood, Soho Engine Wke., Paisley, Scotland Camp bell Gas Eugine Co., Ltd., Halifax, England •• . . Carruthers, J. B ., I& Co., Polmadie Ironworks, Glasgow ... Central Marine Engine Works, West Hartlepool . . ~ ·

Soho, Paisley Camga s , Halifax BotstiDg, Glasg ow Central, West Bartle p ) Ol

Chadburn•s (Ship) Telegraph Co., Ltd., 11, Waterloo Road, Liverpool . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . Chad burn, Liverpool

ChapUn, Ales., I& Co., Govan, Glasgow .. - ~· •• ChapUn, Glasgow Cha se, Wm. B ., 16, Little Trinity Lane, E. C. . . . . . . • . ChatwtD, Thos., Great Tlndal Street, Birmingham . . . . . . ChatwlD, Btrnttngbam Cherry, John, & Sons, Pump Works, Beverley, Yorks. . . . . Cherry, Beverley Chisholm & L a w, Saracen Tube Works, Glasgow . . . . . . Kosmos, Glasg ow ChurchiJJ, Chas., & Co., Ltd., 9 to 16, Leona.rd Street, Fins bury ,E. 0 . Opodeldoc, London Clark, Gordon P., 7, Red Lion Square, W.C. . . . . ·. Clarke, Chapman a Co., Ltd., Gateehead·upon·Tyne . . · · Cyclops, Gateshead Clay Cross eo., Clay Oroes, near Ohester1leld •• - - ~ Jackson, Clay Crou Clay, B enriques & Co., Ltd., Dt\wsbury . . . . . . . . Benrtques, D ewsbury Clayton Engineering & Elec t rical ~Construction Co.,

Ltd., Newton, Hyde, near Manchester . . . . . . . . Dyua mo, Hyde Clayton & Shuttlewortll_ Lincoln . • - - ... - Clayton&, Lincoln Clayton & Shuttleworth, 95, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. ~ ClaytonShuttleworth.,London Clay, on, Son, & Co., Ltd., Leeds City Boiler Works, Leeds . . Gas, Leeds Cleveland Machine Screw Co., 203A, Chapel St-reet, Salford,

Manchester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland, Manchester Clifton & W a ddell, J ohnstone, near Glasgow . . . . ... Clyde Rivet Works Co., Glasgow - - - ... •• Blvet, Glasgow Clyde Struc tura l Iron Co., L td., Clydestde Ironworks,

Scotstoun, Glasgo\v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coobran I& Co., Anuan, Ltd., Annan . . . . . . . . Cochrane, John, Barrhead, N.B. . . . • . • . . ... _ Cohen, I., & Co •• 239, 240, 241, Blackfriars Road, S. E. . . . . Coll Clutch & Pulley Co., Ltd., Broad Street House, E.C. . . Coles, B. J •• London Crg.,ne Works, Derby •• ... .. -

Corrugate d , Glasg ow Multitube, Annan, N. B . Cochrane, Barrhead Surfacing, London Irradiating, London

Coltman, H., & Sons, Midland Ironworks, Loughborough . • Coltmans, Loughborough ColvWe, Davld, a Sons, Ltd., Dalzell Steel and Iron Works,

Motherwell, near Glasgow _ • . _ ... _ _ .... Colvllle, Davld & Sons, Ltd., 64, Old Broad Street, E.O. _ Conveyor and Elevator Co., Aocrlngton, Lancashire • • • . Cook,Robt. J., & Bammond, 2 & 3, Tothill St., Westminster, S. W. Coulthard, T., & Co., Preston . . ~ . . . . . . . . Cowaus, Sheldon • Co., Ltd., Carliale - ~ • • ... Cowlishaw, Walker I& Co., Ltd., Etruria, Stoke·on·Trent .. Cradock, Geo., I& Co., Wire Rope Works, Wa.kefield- _ _ Craig, A. F., & Co., Ltd., Paisley . . • • • . • • ... Cratg & Donald, Ltd., Job.nstone, Rentrewshire, N.B. - -Crampton Bros., Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . . . Cremer, Richard, 4, Oxford Place, Leeds . • • • . . -Cresswells' Asbestos Co., Ltd., Wellington Mills, Bradford,

Colvllle, Motherwell Colvllle, London Conveyor, Acortngton Cartoons, London Coulthards, Preston St. Nichola•, Carlisle CowUshaw ,Etrurla, Stoke-on• Cradock, Wakefleld [Trent Craig, Paisley Craig-Donald, Johnetone Cramps, Sheffield Cremer, Leeds

Y orks • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asbestos, Bradford Croft & P erkins, Leeds Road, Bradford, Yorks . . .. . . Pulleys, Bradford Crompton & Co., Ltd., Mansion House Buildings, E. C. . . . . Crompton, London Crompton & Co., Ltd., Arc Works, Chelmsford . . . . . . Crompton, Chelmsford Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co., 76, Queen Victoria St., E. C. Crosby, London Crosier, Ste phens & Co., 2, Collingwood St., Newca.stle·on·Tyne Cromll, Newcastle-on-Tyne Crosaley Bros., Ltd., Opensbaw, Manchester _ - - Croasleya, Open•baw Crow, Barvey • Co., Park Grove Iron Works, Glasgow.. ... Cook, Glasgow Crowther, Henry, Rolling Mills, Cleck.beaton, Yorks. . • . • Crowther. Cleckheaton Crulkshanks I& Fairweather, 62, St. Vincent Street , Glasgow Patents, Glasgow Cundall, R., • Sons, Ltd., Shipley, Yorks . . . . . . . . Cundall, Shlpley CunlUie & Croom, Ltd., Broughton Ironworks, Manchester • . Lathe, Manchester Curtis & Curtls, 10, Garden Street, Bridgeport, Cono., U.S.A. . . Curtts, Bridgepor t , U.S.A.

Darltngton For ge Co., Ltd., Darlington • • . . • . . . Davey, Paw maD & Co., Ltd., Standard Iron Works, Colchester Davey, Paxman & Co., Ltd., 78, Queen Victoria St reet, E. C ... Davidson & Co., Ltd., Sirocco Engineering Works, Belfast .. Davtes, W. J., & Sons, 109, Weeton St reet, S.E. _ •• ... Davts • Primrose, Etna Iron Works, Bangor Road, Leith, N.B ... Day, Summers & Co., Northam Ironworks, Southampton .. De Bergue & Co., Ltd., Strangewayslron Works, Manchester .. Deighton's Patent Flue & Tube Co., Ltd., Vuloan Works ,

For ge, DarliDgton Paxman, Colchester Paxman, London Sirocco, Belfast Emery, London Btna, Leith D a y Summers, Southa mpton Debergue, Manchester

Pepper Road, Leeds u _. • • • • • • • • • • Flues, Leeds Dell, Wm. R., I& Son, 26, Mark Lane, E.O. . . . . . . .. Cosgrove, London Delta Metal Co., Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, E.O. ... - ... Delta, London Dempster, Moore • eo., 49, Roberteon Street, Glaegow - Demp•ter, Glaegow Dentson, SamJ., & Son, liunelet Oarr, Leeds, S. • • ... . . Weigh, Leecla DenDystown Forge Co., Dumbarton ... •• • • •• •. Forge, Dumbarton Detombay, Delange • Cle., Engineering Works, Hoboken,

near Antwerp . . . • . . . . . . . . . . - . . Chesoaut, Boboken-Anvers Detroit Lubricator eo., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. . . . . . . Deluco, Detroit, U.S.A. Dexter • Co., High Wycombe . . . . . . . • . . ... Dick, Kerr a Co., Ltd., 110, Oannon Street, E.O. ... - ... Dick, R. • J., Greenbea.d Works, Glasgow .. .. .. ..

I D ixon, Joa., Crucible eo., 28, Victoria Street, s.w. .. ..

Dlcker, London Guttapercha, Glasgow Luatroso, London

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (29)



DodmaD, Alfred, & Co., Ltd., Higbgate Works, King's Lyon . . Dodman. KtDg's Lynn Do11ald. James T., & Co .. Ltd., 3i5, Argyle Street, Glasgow •• Mechaatkos, Glasgow DoDkiD, Bryaa, & Clench. Ltd., Southwr.rk Park Road, S.E. . . Donktn Company, London Dorman, LoDg & Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough .. .... .. Dorman, lllddlesbrough Dorman, LoDg & Co., Ltd., 19, Viotorta St., Westminster, S. W. DormaD, 19, Victoria Street,

Westminster Dorman & Smith, 94, Oh:u ing Croaa Road, W.O. .. ~ u Preb, London Dorman & Smith. SaUord, Manchester . . • • - .. • . Current, llaDchester DousJes & Grant, Dunnlkier Foundry, Kirkcaldy, N.B. _ .... Douglas, Kirkcaldy Douglas, Lawson & Co., Biretall, near Le<dJ . . . . . . Douglas Lawson, Birstall Doulton & eo •• Ltd., Lambeth .. .. .. .• - •• Doulton, LoDdOD Dowsoa Economic Gas & Power Co., Ltd •• 39, Old Queen

Street, Westminster, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaseous, LoDdon Dowsoa, Taylor&Co.,Ltd., 14, Victorit.Street, Westminster, S.W. Sprinklers, London Drgsdale & Co., Boo Accord Engine Works, Glasgow - .... Bonaccord. Glassow Dudbrldge Iron Works, Ltd •. Dud bridge, near Stroud •• Bumptdge, Catnscrou

•• •• Duueldorf-Ratlnger Rohrenlu saelfabrik, Ratlngen, near

DUsseldor1, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . ..

J:a1t ~erry Boad Zng1Deer1Dg Works Co., Ltd., Mlllwall, E. Bydroatattc, London Eastoa, ADdersoD & GooldeD, Ltd., Erith Ironworks, Erith,

Kent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eastons, Erlth Eaatoa, Auderaoa & GooldeD, Ltd., Broad Sanctuary

Chambers, Broad Sanctuary, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . :J:astwooll's TaDnery, Ltd., Derby . . . . . . .... . . Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron & Coal Co., Ltd.,I22, Oannon St., E.O. Zbbw Vale Steel, Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Mon., South Wales E«lson & Swaa UDlted Electric Light Co., Ltd., 36 & 37,

Egyptian, London Eastwood, TanDers, Derby Fnrnaces, London Company, Ebbw Vale

Queen Street, Cheapaide, E.<i. .. .. .. . . .. . . Edtswan, LoDdon E«meaton, A., a SoDS. Cannon Street Ironworks, Salford •• JCdmestoD, Adelphl, Salford Edwards Air Pump Syndicate, Ltd., a & 6, Crown Cout t ,

Old Broad Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llaaagement, London Edwards & BarDee, Broad Sa.notuary Chambers, Westminster,

S. w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaterite, London :J:clward.a & eo., Millwall, E. .. .. .. .. .... .... Yola, LoDdOD Egan Co., 14 to 3,, J obn Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A . . ... Egau, ClnciDnatl, U.S. A.. Electric CoDstructlon Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton . . . . Electric, Wolverhampton Electric CoJJatructloD Co., Ltd., Dashwood Hc.use, 9, New

Broad Street, E.O. •. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Concordance, London •lectrlcal Co., Ltd., 12'2 & 124, Charini Cross Road, W.O. Galvanoscope, LoDdon Eleotrtcal Power Storage Co., Ltd., 4, Gt. Winoheeter St., E. C. Storage, London :J:leotromotors Limited, Manchester .. . . . . . . . . Magnet, Manchester J:Wot, George, & Co.,l6, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W. J:Utot Company, London •ntot, George, & Co., Cardiff • . • . - ~ ~ .. muot Compaay, Cardiff Elllson, W. T., & Co., Irlame·o'-th'-Height, Manchester •• .. w:ntsoD, Irlams-o'-th'·Beight Energising Momentum Engine, 130, Westminster Bridge

Road, S. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W:nselbert & Co., 44-47, Blshopegate Street, E.O. • • - .. "ZngtDeertDg," 86 and 36, Bedford Street, Strand, W.O. . . -Evaus & Son, 32, North Street, Poplar, E. . . . . . . . • Evans & Wtdowfleld, 6, Bute Crescent, Cardiff . . . . . . Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., Stranton Works, West Hartlepool Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., 89, Upper Thames Street, E. C. . . ilyre & Spottlswoode, Great New Street, E.O. ... ... ..

Energising, London Engelbert, London EDgtaeertDs, London

Bra.ttice, Cardiff ExpaDsion. w. Hartlepool DlsteDd, London Spotleu, London

FalrbaDks eo., 16, Great Eastern Street. E. C... . . . . . . Falrbaaks, London Fatrley, James, & Sons, Old Mint, She.dwell Street, Birmingham Fatrley, Birmingham FarDJey Iron Co., Ltd., Leeds . • . . • . . . - . . Farnley, Leeds Fay, J. A., & Co., 20 to 40, John Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. EgaD, Cincinnati, U.S.A. Fielding & Platt, Ltd., Gloucester • . . . . . . . •. Atlas, Gloucester Fl.Ddlay, AlexaDder, a eo., Motherwell, N.B. .. .. •. Findlay, Motherwell Firth, Thos., & Sons, Ltd., Norfolk Works, Sheffield . . . . Firth, Sheflleld nemtng & :J'erguaoD, Ltd., Paisley, near Glasgow .• . . PhoeDtx, Pataley Fleming, Blrkby & Goodall, Ltd., Clifton Bridge Mills,

Brighouse . . • • • • • • •• • • •• . . . . Goodalls, Brighouse FlemJDg, Blrkby & Goodall, Ltd., SaUord Card Works,

Brigbouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Salford, Brtghouee nemtag, Blrkby a GoodaU, Ltd., West Grove MUle, HaWax FlemtDg. BaUtax Flemlng, Birkby & Goodall, Ltd., Woodfleld Mills, Liveraedge Wood1leld, Liversedge Fletcher, John, a Sollll, Eagle Fouodry, Salford, .Manchester . . Wheels, Manchester Foot, B. G., & Co., 12, Great St. Tbomae Apostle, E.O. • • • • Footpost, LondoD :J'orrestt a Son, Ltd., 101, Leadenhall Street, E.O. - - Forestlere, LondoD Forreatt & Son. Ltd., Wyvenhoe, Essex . . • • ... ~· Forrestt, Wyvellhoe Forward Engineering Co., Ltd., Birmingham .. .. . . GaseDglne, Birmingham :J'otlter, wnuam, a eo., Ltd., Wellington Foundry, Llnooln .. roster, t.tDcolD Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 6, Lombard Street, E.O ... Steamplow, London Fowler, John, a Co. (Leede), Ltd., Steam Plough Wks., Leede :J'owler, Leeds Fox. Samuel, a Co., Ltd., Stocksbridge w, rk ::., 11 :u Sheffield Fox, Deepoar Fox, Samuel, & Co., Ltd., Palace Chambers, n, idge Street,

Weetminster, S. W. .. .. .. .. •. .. .. .. Fraace & MorgaD, Whitefleld Brass Works, Go van, Glasgow . . France, Glasgow Fnm.cla a Co., Ltd., 4, Eastcheap, E.O. . . . . . . . . CemeDtum, LondoD Fn•er & Cbalmera, Ltd., t8, Tbreadneedle Street, E.O. . . V aDDer, London Fraser, Douglas, & Sons, Arbroath, Scotland . . . . . . Fraser, Arbroath Fraaer, John, & Son, Millwall Boiler Works, E. .. . • .. Bighpressure, London Frictionless EnglDe PaokiDg Co., Ltd., Oable Mills, Olase·

house Street, Oldham Road, Mauchestu . . •. . . . . Packless, Manoheater Fuller, Boraey, SoDs & Cusell, 11, Billiter Square, E. C. .. Fuller Horsey, London

Galloways Limited, Manchester • • . . • . . . . . Galloway, Jlaaohuter G&Ddy Belt Mfg. Co.,Ltd., Wbeatl&nd Works, Seaoombe, Obeehtre Gandy, Blrkellhead Gently JJelt Jlfg. eo., Ltd., 97, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. .. Gandy, London Gaady Belt Mfg. Co., Ltd., SS, Queen Street, Glasgow . • • . Gandy Belt, Glasgow Gaady Belt BUg. Co., Ld., So, Guardian Bdgs., Cro88 St., M'oheeter Gand.y Belt, Man cheater


GardDer & Sons, Bartoo Ila.ll Engine Wks. , Patricroft, Manchester Theorem, Patricroft Garrett, a., & Sons, Ltd., Let.non WorkJ, Suftolk . . . Garrett. Lelaton Gehrckena, C. Otto, Hamb~ . . . . . . . . . . . BtemJaser, Hamburg Olbbtns, B. C., & eo., Berkeley Street, Birmingham . . . . GibbtDa, Btrmtn&ham Glasgow Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., 19, Waterloo Street, Glasgow Ingot. Glasgow Glenbotg UDloD Fire ClayCo.,Ld.,48,West Regent St., Glugow Glenbotg, Glasgow Glenfteld & Kennedy, Ltd., Kilmal'nook, N.B. . . . . . . Glen8eld. KUmaraoolr Glover, M., & Co., Leeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glovers, Engiueers, Leeda Glover, W. T., & Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manches ~er . . . . Glovers, Saltord Goldaworthy, T., a Son, Hulme, Manchester •• - .. Goldsworthy, JlaDcheater Goabert Mfg. Co., New York, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . Goubert, New York Goubert Mfg. Co., 47, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W... .. Unisonally, London GrattoD & Co., Bedford • • . . . . . . . . . • - GraftoD, EnglDeers, Bedford GraftoD & Co., 118, Cannon Street, E.O. - - - •• .... GraftonlaD, LondoD Graham, Mort on & Co., Ltd., Black Bull Street. Leeds . . Accoul)le, Leeds Granger, W. A., Brooke Road, Stoke Newington, N. . . . . Nozzles, London Greavea, Bull & I-aktn, 18. South Wharf, Paddington, w. . . I·laa, LondoD Greaves, Bull & Lak1n, Warwtak . . . . . . . . . . Greavea, Warwick Greavea, Bull & Laktn, Birmingham . . . . . . . . Greavea, Blrn~tngbam GreeD a BouldlDg, 106, Buohill Row, E.O. . . . . . . . . Temperature, London GreeD, T., & SoD, Ltd., Smith field Ironworks, Leeds . . . . Smith1leld, Leeds Green, T ., & Son, Ltd., Surrey Works, Blackfriars Road. S.E. .. Surrey Works, London Greenwood & Batley, Ltd., Albioo Works, Leeds.. - .. Greenwood. Leeda Oreaham & Craven, Ltd., Salford, Manchester . . . . . . Brake, Manchester Grice, Grtoe & Son. Sheepoote Street, Birmingham . • • . Grice, BlrmtDgham Grice, Wm., & Sons, Ltd., Fazeley Street, Birmingham .. Grieve, John, a Co., Motherwell, Scotland . . . . ~· . . Grieve, Motherwell GrtfRD, C., & Co., Ltd., Exeter Street. Strand, W.C. . . • . Grover & Co., Ltd., Wharf Road, City Road, N. - ... •• Adopted. LondoD GuUbert-llartlD, 9, Edmund Place, Alderegate, E.O. .... .. Photophore, London .. Gunther, W., & Sons, Central Works, Oldham •• •• •. Gunther, Oldham GWJDDe & Co., Brooke Street Works, Holborn, E.O. •• .. Gwynnegram, LondoD Gt;rynne, J. a B., Ltd., Hammersmith Ironworks, W,, & 81,

Oannon Street, E.O. . . . . . . . • • . ~· . . . . GwgnDe, LoDdOD

B&dfleld's Steel Foundry Co., Ltd., Hecla Works, Sheffield .. Badfleld, Shefllel4 Bagans Locomotive Works, Erturt, Germany . . .. .. Balgh, W. B., a Co., Ltd., Globe Ironworks, Oldham . . • . Baigh. Oldham Bald en, J. & C o., 8, Albert Square, Manchester . . . . . . Ran, J. & E., Ltd., 23, St. Swithin's Lane, E.O. ... - .. Ball, J. & E., Ltd., Dartford, Kent . • •. _ .... •. Ball, J. P., & Co., Oldham . . . . . . . . . . . . Ball, J. P., & Sons, Ltd., Peterborough . . . . . . . .

Rallford. LoDdon Ballford, Dartford Dynamo, Oldbam

Banco*ck Inspirator Co., Old Swan Wharf, London Bridge, E.C. Inspirator, LoDdon Bandyslde, Andrew, & Co., Ltd., Britannia Ironworks, Derby Bandyslde, Derby Bandystde, Andrew, a Co., Ltd.,l04, Queeo Viotoria St., E.O. Bandystde, London RanDa, DoDald a Wllaon, Aberooro Foundry, Paialey.. .... DoDald. Paisley BaDDan & Bnchanan, 76, Robertson Street, Glasgow . . . . BannaD, Gle sgow Hardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd., Sheffield . . ~ .. . . Bardypick, Sheftleld Barrts, Anthony, 73, Queen Victoria Street , E. C. . . . . . . Wiudttght, London Barrla & lltlls, 23, Southampton Buildings, W.O. _ _ .... PrtvUege, LoDdon Barrison a Robb, 19, East Parade, Leeds . . . . . . •. Technical, Leeds Barrison & Bobb, Burnet Avenue, Scnte Lane, Hull . . . . Arbitrate, Bull Bartley & SugdeD, Ltd., Halifax • • ~- . . . . . . BoUers, Halifax BartDell, Wllaon, Volt Works, Kirketall Road, Leeds _ .. Bartnell, Leeds Baskln Wood VulcaDlzlDg Co., Ltd., 2, Dean's Yard,

Westmio~tter, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baskintzed, London Baalam Foundry & Engilleering Co., Ltd., Derby . . . . Zero, Derby R&tborn, Davey ~ Co., Sun Foundry, Leeds - .• •• Batborn, Leeds Hawthorn, R. a W., Leslle a eo., Ltd., Newoaetle-on-Tyne .. Locomotive, Newcastle Bayes, Edward, Stony Stratford, Wolverton . . . . . . . . Bayes, Stony Stratford Bayes, Edward, 12, Ot. St. Helen'd, E. C. . . . . _ ... Seyab, London Bayward-Tyler a eo., 90 & 92, WbltecrosJ Sueet, E.O. . • _ Tyl~roz, London Heap, C. R., 47, Victoria Street, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . Unlsonally, London Heap, Joshua, & Co .. Ltd., Aehton-under-Lyne .. ... _ Beap,Ld.,Aahton-under-Lyne Beathman & Co., Eodell St reet, W.O. . . . . . . . . . . Beenan & Froude, Newton Heath Ironworks, Manobester ... Spherical, Newton Heath Beeaan & Froude, Astoo, Birmingham _ _ ... •. Spherical, BlrmtDgham Helicoid Locknut Patents (Parent) Co., Ltd., Ac\on Hill

Works, Acton, W. . . •. . • • . . . . . . . . E«ectible, London Benderaon a Glass, Liverpool . • • . .. - _ • • Vulcan, Liverpool BeDdey MachtDe Co., Torriogton, Coon., U.S.A.. . .. .. Henry Wells Oil Co., Imperial Oil Works, Deanegate, Manchester Benaohel & Sohn, Oassel, Germany ... . . . . ~· . . Berbert, Alfred, Ltd., Coventry . . . . . . _ .. BethertDgton, John, ~Sons, Ltd., Manchester _ .. BUdlck a Bildtck, Walsall Tube Works, Walsall .• .• u

Bill, Clarke, a Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. . . . . • . . . BtU, Isaac, & Son. St. George's Eng. Works, Woode Lane, Derby Bindley, E. S., Bourton, Dorset . . . . . . . . . . . . Blndley, E . S., 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. .. .. .. BobdelJ, Way & Co., Ltd., 1 & 2, Rangoon Street, Orutched

Friars, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . Holden a Brooke, Ltd., Sirius Works, West Gorton, Manchester Bolmes, J. B., & Co., Portland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne ... Bolmes, J. B., & Co., 17, Soho Square, W. . . . . . . •• Bolmes, J. B., & Co., Examiner Buildings, Strutt St., Manohester Bolroyd, John, & Co., Ltd., Perseverance Works, Milnrow,

near Roohdale, Lanca~ hire . . . . . . . . . . Bornaby, R. a Sons, Ltd., Spittlegate Iron Works, Grantham .• Bornab~, R., & Bona, Ltd., 76A, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. . . BouatoD, J. & R., Co.rtsburn Foundry and Glenburn Iron Works,

Greenook, N.B. . . . . • . ~· . • _ . . • . B owell a eo., Ltd., Brook Steel Worke, Sheffield _ .... .... Bud.awell, Clarke & eo., Ltd., Railway Foundry, Leeda ... B ttshes & Lancaater, Liverpool _ .... ... .... ...

Lubricant, Manchester L 11 comotive, Cassel, German Lathe, Coventry Beth, Manchester BUdtok, Walsan HUclark, Boston, U.S.A . BW. Derby Bindley, Bourton Steamport, London

Bobnalls, London Inftux, Manchester Bolmes, N ewoastle Vermntonette, London Compound, Manoheater

Knit, Mllnrow Bornabys, Grantham Bornabys, London

Iron. GreeDook BoweD. Shealeld Loco, Leeda Diagram, Liverpool

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----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~---­Bughes a Lancaster, 47, Victoria Street , Westminster, S. W. . . Voidance, London Bughes a Lancaster, Acrefalr, Ruabon - .. . . .. Voidance, Ruabon Bulburd Engineering Co., 160, Leadeohall Street, E.O. . . Unwavering, London Bulae a eo •• Ltd., OrJ£al Works, Saltord, Manchester . . . . Esluh, Manchester Bumboldt Engineering Works eo., Kalk, near Cologne . . Bumboldt, K alk Bunslet Eng1De eo., Leeds . . . . .. .. .. • . Engine, Leecla Btlllt & lfitton, Oozells Street North, Birmingham . . . . . . Mitton, B irmJngbam Bunt, B., a eo., Ltd., Atlas Works, Earls Colne, Essex . . . . . Bunt, Earls Colne Buater a EngU.h, Bow. F. . . . . . . . . . . .. Venator, London Burst, Nelson a Co., Ltd., Glasgow Rolling Stock and Plant

Works, :Mothenvell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelson, Motherwell

Improved Patent Forced Draught Furnace Syndicate, Ltd., 73, Queen Victoria Street, E. 0. . . . . . . · · . . Openwork, London

IcuUa aubber, Gutta Peroba and Telegraph Worka eo., Ltd., 100, Cannon Street, E.C. ~· - ... •. ,. SUvergray, London

India Bubber, Gutta Peroha and Telegraph Worka eo., Ltd., SUvertown, Es8ex . . ... - - -· ... GrayaUver, London

Iaternational Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Pal11ce Chambu e, 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W. .. .. - . . . . Giantry, London

Ipswich Tannery, Ltd., Suffolk .. •. . . . . . . The Tannery, Ipswich Ironmongers' Bope Works, Ltd., B1ickfl eld Street, Wolrer·

hampton .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. R eliance, Wolverhampton J.1oa J'oundry Co., Newport, Monmouthshlre .. - ... Isca, Newport Jtoa J'oundry Co., 10, Bush Lane, Oannon Street, E.O. . . ... lsca, London Jaler, C., a Co., Artesian Works, Bear Lane, S.E. .. . . •• lsler, London Jalea Limited, Steam Orane Worke, Stanningley, Leeds . . . . Isles, Stanntngley

Jackman, J. W., & Co., 39, Victoria St reet, S. W. . . . . . . Molders, London Jackaon, P . B ., & eo., Ltd., Saltord Rolllog Mills, Manchester Jacksons, Manchester Jardtne, John, Nottingham .. •. .. - .. .. Jardine, Nottingham JeDkln Bros., 71, John Street, New York, U.S.A. .. - -- Plpkln, New York Jensen a Son, 77, Cbr.ncery Lane, W.C. •. •.. - - Venture, London Jeatop & Apple by Bros. (Leicester & London), Ltd., Leicester.. Jeuop, Leicester Jeaaop & Appleby Bros. (Leicester & London), Ltd., 22, Wal·

brook, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . Mill wright, London Jetsop, Wm., a Sou, Ltd., Brighteide Works, Sheftleld ... Jeesops, Sheflleld JohDSOn a Phtlllpa, 14, Union Court, E.C. .. .. .. •• Juno, London Johnson a Phllltps, Victoria Works, Old Charlton, Kenb - Juno, Old eharlton Jobnson a PhUllpa' J:leotrlo Cable Works, Old Charlton,

Kent .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . Cables, Old Charlton Jobn•on, Wm., & Sou, Caatleton Foundry, Armley, Leeds .. Bonksley, Armley Jones a Lamson Machine Co., Exchange Buildings, Stephen-

son Place, Birmingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compact, Birmingham

&aye, J os., a Sou, Look Work8, Leeds . . . . . . • . Kaye, Bunalet Keep, F . A., JuxoD a Co., Empire Work~. Bun ::it reet,

Birp1iogba~1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structures, Birmingham Kelghley Engineering Co., Waddington Street, Keighlcy . . Engineering, Keighley Kell, T., a Son, 40, King Street, Covent Garden, W.O. - •. Lithographer, London Kendall a Gent, Belle Vue, Hyde Road, Mancheeter • . . . Tools, Manchester Kennedy, James, a eo., Ltd., 69, Buchaoan St reet, Glasgow .. Lignum, Glasgow Kermode's Liquid Fuel System, 79, St. Domingo Valt,

Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warmth, Live rpool Kerr, Stuart a Co., Ltd., 20, Bucklerebury, E.O. . • _ •. Mellaa, London Kerr, Stuart a Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent • • •• • • ... California, Stoke·on·Trent Ktncaid, John G., & Co., Greenock, Scotland • . . . . . Klncaid, Greenock KtDg, B . J. 11., & Co., Nails worth, Glos. . . . . . . . . King, Engineer, Nallsworth Ktrk, Wheatley, Price a eo., 49, Queen Victoria Street, .1!;.0. . . ln41oes, London Kirk, Wheatley, Price ~ Co., Albert Square, Manchester . . Indicator, Manchester Ktrkaldy, John, Ltd., 101, Leadenhall Street, E.C. ... .. eompactum, London Klrk.ltall Forge Co., Leeds ... - -- _ - _ Forge, Klrkat.all Kletn EngJneerin g Co., Ltd., 9<!, Market Street, Manchester . . Modernize, Manchester KIIDger, Richard, a Co., 66, Feochurch Stceet, F. C. . . Suatained, London Koppel, Arthur, Peoinsular House, Monument Street, E. C. . . Alighting, London Korttng Bros., 63, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. _ .. Kortlng, London Krupp-Gruaonwerk, Magdeburg-Buckau, Germany .• .. Kynoch L1mtte4, Witton, Birmingham .. . . .. . . Kynoob, Birmingham

Lamberton & eo., Coatbridge, N. B. .. .. .. .. .. Lamberton, eoatbrldge L•Darkahlre Steel Co., Ltd., Motherwell , N.B. .. .. .. Slemeu, Motherwell LaDcaahire Patent Belting a Hose Co., Manchester . . . . Macmechan, Manchester Lancaster a Tonge, Ltd., Pendleton, near Manohester ... •• Pistons, Manchester LPDB, John, a Sou, Lathe Makere, J ohnstone, N.B. ... u, Johnstone Laurence, Scott & Co., Ltd., Norwich .• . . ... . . Gothtc, Norwich Law Guara ntee a Trust Socie ty, Ltd., 49, Chancery Lane,

w.o. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. L egallte, London Lawrence Patent Water Softener Sterilizer Co., Norland

Yard,_ Uxbridge Road Station, W, .. . . . . . . . . . . Lawson, llllordaunt a Co., Ltd., Work io.;to :~ . . . . . . Mordaunt, Worklngton Lawton a Parker, St. Ann's Chambers, Great Smit,h SLreet,

Westminster, S. W. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. Layoock, W. S., Victoria WorkJ, Sht ftl l.lld . . ... . . .• Invention, She11le14 Ledward, T., a Co., 36, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. .. .. . • Prefermont, Lon4oD Le Grand a Sutollff, 126, Bunblll Row, E.O. ... ... .. Abyutntan, Lon4on Leeda Engineering a BydrauUc Co., Croes 8tam1ord St. I Leeds Pumps, Leecla Leeda l'orge Co., Ltd., Leeds •. - - - - . . Vulpes, Leeda Leeds Steel Works, Ltd., Leeds ... .. .. .. .. Besaemer, Leecla Lee, Bowl a eo., Ltd., Tipton ... . . . . . . . . .... Bowl, Tlpton Lee, Bowl a Co., Ltd., 5, Dowgate Bill, Cannon Street, E. C. . . Prepollent, London Lees, T. & R., Hollinwood, near Manchester . . . . . . . . Lees, Bollinwood Leroy, F., a Co., Gray Street, Commercial Road, E. - - ... Eftlciency, London Lewll, Z., .-Sou, Wolverhampton - .... ... - ... Le'W'la, Wolver'bamptoa

Ltnde Brltiah Refrig eration eo., Ltd.,36, Queen Victoria St. Separator, London Ltnde British Refrigeration eo., Ltd., Lower Shadwell, E. Refrigeration, Lon4on r.tndsay, R. B ., a Co., 48, Mair Street, Plantation, Glasgow ... Conical, Glasgow Llewelltn Machine eo., Bristol _ _ - •• • • LleweUins, Bristol Lloyd a Lloyd, Albion Tube Works, Birmingham - - .. Lloyds, Birmingham Lobnltz & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland .. .. .. .. LobDitz, Renfrew Lookwoo4 & Carllale, Ltd., Eagle Foundry, Sheffield - ... PistoD, Sheftleld Lodg e a Shtpley Machine Tool Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. DrUl, Cinclnnati, U.S.A. Loewe, Ludw., a eo .. Hulten Str. 17·20, Berlin . . . . . . Loewe, Ludw., & Co., 30 & 32, Farringdon Road, E.O. . . . . Orcutt, London London Emery Works Co., 10 & 12, Vine St. , Clerkeowell, E. C. Naxium, London London Non-Flammable Wood Co., Ltd., " Rege11t House,"

Regent Street, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antlg uardo, London Longsdou, A. a W ., Wa~erloo Iron~ orh, Poo!e . . . . •• lronworlta, Poole Loudon Bros., Clyde Engineering Works, Johnstone, N.B. . • •. Achilles, Glasgow Lowco*ck, Arthur, Ltd., Shrewsbury - . . . . - Trlton, Shre wsbut"y Luoas & Davles, 67, Farringdon Road, E. C. . .. .. . . . . Luke a Sl)encer, Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester •• .. Emery, Broadheath Lytham Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Lytham, Lnoc. . . Sternwheel, Lytham

Maokies Ltd., Berks Iron Works, Reading .. . • .. .. Machinery, Reading llllacLellan, P, a W ., Ltd., Clutha Ironworks, Plantation, Glasgow MacLeUan, Glasgow MacLellau, P. & W., Ltd., Oftlces : 129, Trongate, Glasgow . . MaoLellan, Glasgow llllaoLellan, P. a W., Ltd., 7 and 8, Great Winchester Street, E.O. MacLellan, London Main, A. a J ., & Co., Ltd., Olydesdale Ironworks, Glasgow .. K e lvin, Glasgow MaiD, A. a J., & Co., Ltd., 49, Cannon Street, E. C. . . . . K elvin, London Manchester Steam Users' Aesooiation, 9, Mount Street,

Manchester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . StEam Users, Ma.-:1chester Brlanlove, AUiott a eo., Ltd., Nottingham - - ._. Manloves, Notttngbam Man love, Alltott a Co., Ltd., Glaegow - • • • • • • Man loves, Glasgow llanlove, Alltott a Co., Ltd., 67, Graoechurch Street, E.O. .. llllanlovea, London [cheater Manlove, AWott & Co., Manchester . • -- . . • • . . Manloves, Engineers, Mau-Bianntng, War41e a Co., Boyne Engine Works, Leeds .. •. Manniug, Leecla Marsden, B. R., Soho Foundry, Leeds - ... _ . • - Mars den, Leeds Marshall, Flemlng a Jack, Motherwell, N.B. - . . • . Dell burn, Motherwell Marshall, John, a Sons, Glasgow Tube Work!, Glasgow, N.B. . . 'l'ube, Glasgow llarshall, Sons a Co., Ltd., Gainsborough ... .. ... . . Marshall, Galnsboroqb llarshaU, Sona & eo., Ltd., 79, Farrlngdon Road, E.O. .. ... Engine, London Mason Bros., Brandon Street, Leicester • • •• . . . . Breaker, Leicester Mason Regulator eo., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. . . . . . . Masoutoa, Boston, l1.S.A, Mason, W . F., Ltd., Longsight, Manchester .. . . . . . . Gasify, M anchester Maaaey, B. a S., Openshaw, Manchester .. -- •. •. Masseya, Openabaw Mather & Platt, Ltd., Salford Ironworks, Manchester . . . . Moinnes, T. S., a eo., Ltd., 42, Clyde Place, Glasgow . . .. Indicator, Glasgow McKie a Baxter, Copland Works, Govan, Glasgow . . . . Cllldad, Glasgow MoLachlan & Co., Darlington . • . . . . • . . . . . RaUway, Darlington McNeU, c ., Kinnlng Park Iron Works, Glasgow .. .. . . MacneU, Glasgow MoOnie, A. a P. W., Cessnock Engine Works, Gon n, Glasgow. . Melada, Glasg ow McOnte, Barvey & Co., Ltd., Scotland St. Engine Works, Glasgow Maoonie, Glasgow Measures Bros., Ltd., Southwark Street, S.E. - . . •. Measures, London Meldrum Bros., Ltd., e6, Victoria Street, Westmios~er , S. W. .. Meldrum, London Meldrum Bros., Ltd., 10, 01ty Road, Manchester ... .• .. Meldrum, Manchester Merryweather & Sons, Ltd., 63, Long Aore, W.O. .. . . Merywether, London Meuer & Thorpe, 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, W. C. . . Metallic Valve Co., Tower Bldgs., Water Street, Liverpool .. Valve, Liverpool Metropolitan RaUway Carriage Co., Birmingham - •. Metro, Birmingham Mica Lubricant Co., South Shields .. • . - - . . Mica, South Shields Michigan Lubricator Co., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. . . . . Lubricator, Detroit Mld41eton, Robt., Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds .. - ... ... BydrauUc, Lee4a Mid41eton Robt., 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.O. .• - .. Intenalfler, London Midland Mfg. Co., Ltd., Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . F .i.ttlngs, Sheflleld MtdJand RaUway Carriage and Wagon eo., '3hrewsbury . Mtdlan4, Shrewsbury Miller, A. & T., Globe Ironworks, Motherwell . . . . . . . . Globe, Motherwell Mills, James, Exors. of, Bredbury Steel Works, near Stockport Mills, Woodley Mirrlees, W a tson & Yaryan Co., Ltd., Scotland St., Glasgow Mirrlees, Glasgow Mltchell's Emery Wheel eo., Mill Street, Bradford, Manchester Mitchellll, Bradford,M'chestr Moncrleff, John, Perth, Scotland •• .. •• •. •. Moncriefl, Perth Moreland, R., ~ Son, Ltd., 3, Old Street, E.O. - - ... KQ&Daion, London Morae, Willlama & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. . . . . • . Morton, Francfs, & Co., Ltd., Hamilton Ironworko, Gar3~cn . . Ironaidea, L\verpool Moseley, Davld, a Sona, Ardwick, Manchester - - - Moseleys, lrlanohester Mossberg Roller Bearlugs, Ltd. , 6, Victoria Street, S. W. . . Moasberg, London Mouohel, L. G., 124, Holborn, E.C. .. .. .. .. .. Mount Vernon Iron & Ste el Co., Ltd., Shettleston, Glasgow Dies, Shettleston Mutr, Wm., a Co., Ltd., Sherbourne Street, Manchester - .... Britannia. Manchester llllumfor4, A . G., Oulver Street Ironworks, Colchester - - Mumford, Colchester's Metal eo., Ltd., French Walle, Birmingham . . . Muntzs, Blrmlugham Hurray, MoVlnnle & Co., Mavisbank Quay, Glasgow •• . . Metallic, Glasgow Musgrave Broa., Crown Point Foundry, Leeds .. .. .• Musgrave, 11, East St., Leecla

Nalder Bros. & Thompson, Ltd., 34, Queen Street, E.O. . . Napier Bros., Ltd., lOO, Hyde Park Stree~, Glasgow _ •. National BoUer & General Insurance Co., Ltd., 22, St.

Ann's Square, Manchester . . . • . • . . • • • • . . National Gas bglne Co., Ld., Ash ton-under· Lyne, Mlnchestc r Negretti ~ Zambra, Holborn Viaduct, E.O. _ _ _ _ NeUson, Reid & Co., Hyde Park Locomotive Works, Spriogburn,

Glasgow . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nettlelolda Limited, 16, Broad Street, Blnningham _ _ N'ettlelolcla Ltmtte4, London •• _ _ _ _ _ New Explosives Co., Ltd., 76, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. . . New Tatte Boward Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 63, Que~n

Victoria Street, E. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newark Machine Tool Work a, Newark, N.J ., U.S.A. . . . . Nl~holson, Joa. C., Tool Co., Newcaet!e-on·T) ne _ . .

Occlude, London Wlndlau, Glasgow

National, Manchester N atlonal, Ashton·under-Lyne Negrettt, Loadoa

NeU1ou, Springburn N ettlelolcla, Birmingham N ettlelolcla, London Detonator, London

Caulking, London •

Binue, Newark, N.J. Maoh\neTy, N 'csstle-on-Tyne

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (31)



NUes Tool Works Co., Hamilton, Oblo, U.S.A. •. .. .. NUes, Bamttton, Ohio, 'U.S.A. Ntles Tool Works Co., 23 & 26, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W. Nlltacu•, London Noble a LUDd, Ltd., Felliog, near NewoasMe-on-Tyne . . . . Lathes, FelliDg Nor111•n, John. 131.6, St. Vlnoent Street, Glaegow _ - .. Nor mu, Glasgow !I ormaa.d, A., lt Co., Havre, France . . . . . . . . . . Nc.rmudy's Patent Marllle Aerated Fresh Water eo.,

Ltd.. Victoria Dock Road, E. .. - - •• .. .. NoriJl•ndy, London Northern ::Engineerlllg Co., Ltd., Kiog Cr JSP, near Halifax .. NuttaJl, R. D., Co., Allegheny, P.l., U.~.A. .. .. .. .. Nuttall,Allegheny,Pa., 'U.S.A.

Oalley, John, a !ons, Ltd., Weeta.lnster Bridge Road, S.E. .. Oakey, Londoll Oldbury Battway Carriage 1t Wagoll eo., Ltd., Oldbury

Works, near Birmingham .. .. .. •• _ ... ... Olrtck. L., a Co., 27, Leadenball Street, E.O. •• .• - .. Olrick. London Orellatelll lt Koppel, Bush Lane House, Cann n Str~c t, E. C. . . Cuneatic, London Os"c»om, S., a Co., C.yde Steel Works, Sheftleld - - •• Osbom, She11lel4 0 1rena, S., a Co., Whitefriars, E.O. ... .. • . . . - OweD•, London

Palatine Ensmeering Co., Ltd., 10, Blackstcck Street, Lh·crpool .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Watte, Live1 pool

Palfreymav, W. B ., a C~., 17, Ooree Piazz\', Lh•erp ~ol . . . . Palfre:gman, L iverpool Parker Foundry Co., Derby . . . . - . . . . • . Parker, Derby Parsons, C. A., a Co., Heaton Works, Newoutle .. .. •• Turbo, Newcastle-on·'lyne Parsons, C. A., lt Co., 66, Victoria Street, S. W. .. .. ... SUelltly, London Partridge & Cooper, 1 9l & 192, Fle3t Street, and 1 & 2, Cblncery

Lane, E.C. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . Partridge Cooper , Loll don Patent Equlllbrium Platon, Platon Valve lt En ..

glo eerlng Co., E~st Moors, Cardiff . . . . . . •• -Patellt +,xhaut Steam ID,Jector eo., Ltd., St. Ann's Square,

Manrheatt:r • • • . - - - •• • • • • . . Patent Shaft lt Axletree Co., Ltd., Wednesbury.. .. .. Paterson, Cooper a Co., Patella Wotks, Paisley . . . . . . Paterson, Dowtll!l lt Jardlne, Coats Iron and Sted Works,

+,xhaut, Maucheeter Shaft, Wednesbury Patella, Pafsley

Coatbridge, N. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coats, Coat bridge Paterson, Downs & Jardlne, S6, Lime Stree\ E. C. . . . . Troughs, London Paul, James, lt Sons, 886, Paisley Road, OJaogow •• •. . . Pe&rD, r., a eo., Ltd., Weet Gorton, Manoheeter •. - •• Peckett a Sons, A11laa Engine Works, Br's~ol. . . • .. . . Peebles, D. Bruce. 1t Co., Tay Works, Edinburgh . . . . . . Penman a eo., 877, Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow . . WO ..

Penney, Alez:&llder,lt Co., 107, Fenoburch Street, E.C. .. .. PfeU 1t Co., 145·9, S~. John Street, Clerkenwell, E.C. .. .. PhUUpa a Leigh, 22, Southampton BuUdings, Obe nceryLane, W.C. Ph~nlx Bolt a Nut Co., Handsworth, near Dinniogham .. Phosphor Bronse Co., Ltd., Sumner Street. S.E . . . . .. Phosphor Co., Ltd., B1rm1nghfdll • . . . . . . . Phosphor Bronse Co., Ltd., Liverpool .• . . . . . . Pickerlng, R. Y ., 1t Co , Ltd. , Wi::haw, near Olasgow . . . . Pickerlllg. R Y ., a Co., Ltd., 3, Vict·Jfia Street, S. W. . . . . Picktog, Bopktns a Co., Arnold Works, Bo N, E. • . . .

Pumpe, Maucbester Peckett, Brtatol Peebles, Leith Penmau, GJ•sgow Finitlmus, London Pfell, London Rotnevnl, London Bolts, Birmingham Phosphor Bronse, Londoll Phosphor, Blrmtngham Phosphor, Liverpool Plokering, Wiahaw VVago»load, London

Piggott, Thos., a Co., Ltd., Birmingtu m . . . . . . . . Atlas. Birmingham Plggott, Thoa., lt Co., Ltd., St. Thomas Ap >stle, E C. • • .. Intersection, London Pittsburgh Locomotive WorJur, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A, . . Platt, Samuel. Wednesbury •. .. u •• •• •• Platt, Wedllesbury PJatts 1t Lowther, 28, Lime Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . Plenty 1t Son, Ltd., Newbur y, BukebJre .. .. - .. Pollock, MacNab 1t Blghgate, Shettleston, Glasgow .. -Pollock, Whyte a Waddel, Globe Engineering Wks., Johnstone Pon411Jallhtne To o; l Co., 23 & 26, Victoria St., Wcstm1nster, S.W. Pontifex a Wood, Ltd., Union Foundry, Derby .. .• .. Pontifez: 1t Woac!, Ltd., 3,, New Bridge Street, E. C. .. .. Poole, R., lt Son Co., .Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. .. .. ••

Plenty, Newbury Btghgate, Shettleston Pollock, Joh.Dstone Nillaous, London Zero. Derby Ponfex, London

Pooley, B., a Son, Alblon FJundry, Llvt rpoot .. .. . . Pooley, Liverpool Pott, Cassels lt Willlalllson, Motherwell, near Olasgow . . Pott, Motherwell Pratt Chuck Co., Fraokfort, New York, U S.A. .. . . .. Prlce'• Patent Candle Co., Ltd., Belmont Works,Battenea,S. W. Belmont, London •rtoe•a PateDt Candle eo., Ltd., Bromborough Pool, Liverpool Prices, Blrkellhead Price's Patent Caadle Co., Ltd., 8, Oroee Street, Manchester.__. Palmttine, Manch•ter Priestman Bros., Bolderneee Foundry, Hull .. • . • . .. Prtestmau, Bull Priestman Bros., 73A, Queen Vlotorla Stree,, E. C. . . . . •. Prlestman, London Proctor, Jas., Burnley, X..noaahlre .. •. .. .. .. Proctor, Bu.rnley Pullm&n Co., 26, Y.ctori• Street, Westminster, S. W... . • . . Stvad, London pulaometer bgtneerlDg eo., Ltd., 61 & 68, Q 1een Vtctort ~

Street, E 0 . . ... •• . . . . . . . . . . . . Pu.laometer, London Pnl•ometer W:ngtneerlllg Co., Ltd., 8. York Street. Glasgow .. Pulsometer, Glaegow Puleometer J:ugtne e rtJJg Co., Ltd., 1, East Parade, Leeds . . Puleometer, Leeds

Ragoable a Co., 7, Idol Ln.r.e, E. C. . . . . . . . . .. Bqoaine, Loll40D Railway Pasaengers' A s surance Co., Gl , Cornbill, E.C ... Ranktn 1t LudlDgtou, Ltd., 10 & 11, Stonecutter Street,

F.uriogdon Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Ludgero, London Bankin 1t Ludinston, Ltd., ~o & 22, Rue Richer, Paris .. Ludgero, Paris Rankin a LudtngtoJJ , Ltd., Waterbury, Conn., U.S.A. .. Ludgero, Waterbury, U.S.A. Ru8ome, A., a Co., Ltd.,'s Road, Chelsea, S. W. - - Bauaome, LolldOil RaJUtomes 1t Rapier. Ltd., 32, Victoria Street. S. W. .. . . Ransomes Rapier, London Ranaomes & Rapier, Ltd., Water&ide Works, Ipswich . . . . Waterside, Ipswich Ban•omea, Sima a JeJreriea, Ltd., Or\\'ell Work~, Ipswich . . Ban•omea, Ipewtoh Ranaomee, Slme lt J effer tes, Ltd., 9, Gracechurch St., E.C. Allglla, Lon4on Reader, B., a Sons, Phamix Works, Nottingham . . . . .. Readers, Nottingham Reavell & Co., Ltd., Rmelagb Works, Ipswich . . . . . . R eavell, Ipswich Bedtern, G. F., a eo., '• South Street, Fin&bury, E C - .. Invention, Lon4on Retchwald. August, Lombard Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne .• . . Reiohwal4, N 'castle-on·'l'ylle Reichwald, Auguat, 9, New Broad Street, E. C. . . •• .. Reichwald, London Reid, Thos .• Olas~ow .. .. . .. .. .. .. B eid , P aisley Reld, Wm., a Co.,ll2, Fencburch Street, E.C. .. .. .• ReldwUl, Lon4on Reid, Wm., a Co., Newoaetle·on-Tyne ~ - ... - . . Reldwt.ll. Newoastle-on·'l'yne


Reid, Wm., 1t Co., Liverpool • • - .,. . • • • • · Rhodes, B., lt Son, 284 & 240, Bow Road, E. • . •• . . •• Rice 1t Co., Neville Works, Elland Road, Leeds.. . . . • . . Rice, Thos. S., 60, Watllng Street, E.O. . • . • • • .. .• Bicharda, Geo., a eo., Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester . . Richa1'daon's Engineer&' Agency, 66, Imperil! Buildicg~,

Ludgate Circus, E. C. . . . . . . . . · · . . •• Richardaon, Thoa., a Sons, Ltd., Hartlepool .. . . . . Richmond Lo,omotive and Maohtne Works, Richmond,}

Va., U.S.A. . . . . . . • . . . •• •• •• R tcbmond Locomotive and Machine VVorks, 2), East-


RetdwUl, Liverpool Intuaion, Lo11don Preu, Leeds Ricto, Londoll Richard.a, Altrlllch&m

Biohard.aons, Hartlepool Locomotive, Richmond,


cheap, E. C. •. . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . Locofoooa. Londoll Kobey a Co., Ltd., LJnooln . . . . - u - • • Robey, I.tncob:a Bobtnson, T., a Son, Ltd., Rocbdale •• • • .. • • • • RobtneoD, Boohdale Roger, R., a Co., Ltd., Stockton Iron Foundry, Stockton-on-Teee Boaer, Stocktoll-Gil•Tee8 Rogers Locomotive Co., Patenon, New Jeney, U.S.A. . . •• Rogenon, J., a Co., Ltd., Wolsingham, R.S.O., Co. Durham .. Roller-Bearings Co., Ltd., 1, Delabay Street, Westminster, S. W Ropeways Syudlcate, Ltd., 30, St. Mary Axe, E.C. .. •• Rose, DoWIUI a Thompaon, Ltd., Old Foundry, Hull ... •• Rou a Duncan, Govan, Glugow - - - - •• Rou, R. G.,lt Son, Glasgow •. .. .. - •• •• Bothermel, Paul, 1C5, Leadenhall Street, E. C. . . . . . . Rowl•lld, B. B. a Co., Ltd., 12, Exobange Street, Manche&ter Royal Dutch Forge Co., Leiden, H~lland . . . . . . . . Royle, J. J., 66, Waterloo Street, Glasgow . . . . . . . Royle, J. J., Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. .. •. Royle, J. J., Gt. Bridgewater Street, Manchester - •• •• Rugby Portland Cement eo., Rugby - - - •• Ruuell, G., a Co., Motherwell, N.B. .. .. .. .. .... Russell, Jas., 1t Sons, Ltd., Crown Tube Works, Wednesbury .. Bussell, John, 1t Co., Ltd., Alma Tube Worke, Walsall . .. Ruston, Proctor a Co., Ltd., Sheaf Iron Works, Lincoln .. Ryder, Willtam, Beehh·e Works, Bolton . . . . . . . .

Steelworks. WolalDgham Attaching, London Ropeways, LolldOD Rose, Bull WhlteGelct. Gl•egow Glen.roa, Glasgow Rothermel, London Heroic, Manchester

Syphonta, Glasgow Syphont~ London Ely or, Manchester Ceme11t, Rugby Bnssell, Motherwell Russell, Wednesbury Alma, Walaall R11Bton, Lincob:a Beehive, Bolton

Samuel, Willlam B., 1t Co., Leeds Street, L\\'erpool . . . . lrlachlDery, Liverpool Samuelaon a Co., Ltd., Banbury, Oxon - - .• •. Samuelaon. Banbury Sandycroft Foundry 1t Engine Works Co., Ltd., near

Chester .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sandycrott, Bawa.1'den .. Scbaft'er a Budeu.berg, Whitwortb St., London Rd., M.mchester Manometer, Manchester .. Schaft'er lt Budenberg, 77A, Queen Victoria Street, ·E.O. .. Pyrometer. Londoll Sohenectady Locomotive Works, Sobenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Locomotive, S ohenectady, Schlohau, F., Engineer, Elbing-Danzig, Prueeia • • .. _ (U.S.A. Schlele Union Engllleerlllg Co., Ltd., Pollard St., Manoheater Schiele, Manchester Schmtdt Stationary Engine Co., Ltd., Broad Sanctuary

Chambers, Westminster, S. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . lCJJrich, London Schofield, Bagerup 1t Doughty, Ltd., The Shipyard, Ore~t

Grimeby . . . . • • . . _ . . • . . . . . Scbram, B., a eo., Cannon Street House, E. C. .. . . . . Sohrelber, S., 8, Victoria Avenue, Bisbop~gate Street, E. C. .• Schwade, Otto, & Co., Erturt, Oermaoy . . . . . . . . So!entlfio Imstrument Co., Ltd., Ca.!nbridge .. .. .. Scott Bros., Wee' Mount Works, Hal1tax.. .. .. .. .. Scott, Ernest, a Mountetn, Ld., Close Wk8., Newoast le-on-Tyne Scott, Ernest,lt Mountain, Ltd., Oloth Hall St., Huddersfield Scott, Ernest,lt Mountaln, Ltd., 20, New Bridge Street, Black·

Cantilever, Gt. Grlmaby Schram, Lon4on Toughness, London Automat, Erfurt. Germany Inatrument, Cambridge Scott, BaUtax Y!aco, Newcastle-on-1'yne Dyuamo, BuddersGeld

friars, E. C. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. Poteattal, London Scott, Ernest, 1t Mountatn, Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa Soott, Geo., & Son, u, Christian Street, E - • • _ . • Thirty four, Loll don Scott, Geo., lt Son, 67, Lord Street, Liverpool .. .• .. Earnest, Liverpool Scriven lt Co., Mareh Lane, Leeds - . . . • • • . . Soriven, Leecla Sellers, Wm., lt Co. (lncorp.), Philadelphia, Penn., U.S A. . . Sellers, Philadelphia , U.S,A.. Sbanks, Atexr., lt Son, Ltd., Arbro~tb, Scotland . . .. Shanks, A1'broath Sbanks, Alexr., lt Son, Ltd., Bueh Lane House, E.O. . . . . Sb.aDkson, London Shanks, Tbomas,lt Co., Union Iron Wks., Johnstone, nr. Glasgow Shanks, Johnstone Shannon Limited, Rc.pemaker Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . Exactitude, London Shelby a Co., e6, Leonard Street, E. C. . . . . . . . . . . Sbeldaple, London Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Tren' .• Sbelton, Stoke-on·Tre>nt Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal eo., Ltd., 122, <Annon St., E.C. SbeltoDtan, London Shore, T ., 1t Sons, Albion Foundry, Ilanley, Staffs. .. .. Shores, Engineers, Balllcy Siemens Brothers & eo., Ltd., 12, Queen Anne's Gate, Weet-

mineter, S.W... .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .... Siemena, Londoll Slmon, Benry, Ltd., 20, Mount Street, Manchester_ _ _ Reform, Manchester Slmons, W., a Co., Ltd., Rentrew, Scotlfdld - •• •. .,. Slmona, Rentrew Simpson, Striokland & Co., Ltd., Dartmouth, S. Devon . . bgtneen, Dartmouth Stnclair, George, Albion Boiler Works, Leith, N. B. . . . . Sinclalr, Leith Smedley Bros., Ltd., Belper, Derbyshire . . _ •. • . Smedleya, Belper Smidth, F. L.,lt Co., Palace Chambers, 9, Bridge Street, S. W. . . Chalkt.nesa, London, L., lt Zoon, Kinderdijk, near Rotterdam, Holland . . . . Smlt-Zoon, KlllderdJjk Smlt, P., Jr., Rotterdam, Holland- ~ •. .. .• .. P . Smit, Jr., Rotterdam Smith, A. & W., a eo., Ltd., Egllnton Engine Works, Glasgow Bngllle, Glasgow Smith Brothers a Co., Kingston Engine Works, Glasgow .. Planer, Glasgow Smith lt Coventry, Ltd., Grealer lrnwks., Ordeal Lane, M'ohester Grealey, llauohester Smith, G. B ., lt Co., Oraighall Ironworks, Saracen Street,

Olaegow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire, Glasg ow Smitb, G. F ., Ltd., Paragon Ironworks, Halifax, England . . . . Radial, BaWax Smith a Grace Screw Boss Pulley Co., Ltd., Tbrapeton .. Grace, Tbrapston Smith, Bugb, a eo., Possil Eniine Works, Glasgow . . . . PouU, Glasgow Smith, Sydney, a Sons, Baetord Braee Work!, Nottingham •. Smiths, Nottingham Smith, S., lt Son, Ltd., 9, Strand, W.C. .. .. . • . . Smith, 9, Strand, London Smith, Thomas, Steam Crane Works, Rodley, near Leeds .. . . Smith, Rodley Smuldera, A. F ., Rotterdam, Holland ... •• ... . . .. Aamulders, Rotterdam SnowdoD, Sons 1t Co., Ltd., Mill wall, E. . . . . . . . . Snowdrift, London , , Societ e Auonyme d es Atcllera de Construction de La } Chantlere lleuse, Sciessln

Me u se. Li~ge, Belgaum - . . . . . . . . . . Liege, Belgium Spencer, John, a Sons, Ltd., Newburn Steel Works, Newoaetle

on·'ryne . . .. .. • • - .. .. •. . . Newbu.rD,Newoastle·oD-Tyne

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (32)

• •

==~IS;or~P;~E;Ml;~~ro~"E;~~·o;t~~ER;~t~N~o,="~Ju=LT==20~,=1 9=oo~.)~===J~~==[)=J~E==}{~· ==J\==D=V~E=R=T=I=S=E=R=S='=1~'=E=L=E=G=JR=A==P=H~I=C~f\~D~D~R~E=S~S~E~S~(=IF==A=N~Y==)·======~j===~~~~~~X~X~X~ NA~I S AXD ADDRESS OF A D\'EllTISBa. I TBt.EGRAJ.' lliC ADDRRSS. NAMK AND A DDRFSS OF A DVERTISJilR. . I 'IELKGRAPJIIC ADDRESS.

------------------------------~~~~~--~~~--- -------------------~------------------Spencer, Job.D, a Sona, Ltd., Ouse burn Wks., Newoaetle-on-Tyne 'I'yne, Newoaatle-on-TJne Vacuum Oil Co., Albany Buildings, Victoria St., Westminster, S. W. Vacuum, London Spencer, Job.D, a Sons. Ltd., 189, Cannon Street, E.O. . . •• Newburn. London Vaughan & Son, 67, Chancery Lane, W. O. •• - •• •• Stamm, w., 26, College BiJ1, E.O. . . •. • . .. _ Pyzor, London Vau:a.hall Ironworks Co., Ltd., Wandsworth Rd., S. W. • • Wellhole, London Stantey, W. r., & Co., Ltd .. Great Tumstlle, Holbom, W.O. . . TurnstUe, London Vickers, Sons & Ma~tm, Ltd., River Don Works, Sheffield •• Viokera, She11leld Stanley, w. F., & Co., Ltd., Railway A pp roach, London Bridge, Vickers, Sona & M a xlm, Ltd., 28, Victoria St. , W estmioster,S. W. Vickera, London

s. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actinometer, London Volentte Ltmit ed, 5, Green Terrace, R~sebery A ,·enue, E . C. . . Alooranic, London Stannab, J., Sk'n Ma.rk~t Place , EmArson S ' re~t, B-lLk:~i~ e. S. E. Lltta, London Von der Beyde, J. Bennett, 6, Brown Street, Manchester .. Vonder, Manchester Steel Company of Scotland, 28, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow Steel, Glasgow V os per a Co., Ltd., Broad Street, Portsmouth . • - - Bepeov, Portsmouth Steenberg, tr ., & Son. Newcastle on-Tyne . . . . . . . . Steenbergs, N'oastle-on Tyne Volcan 'Roller and General Insurance Co., Ltd., 67, King Stern Bros., 57, Gracechurch Street, E. C. .. .. .. . . Centumvir, London s•reet, Manchester .. ... ... •• - ... ... •• BoUer, Manchester sterne, L., a Co., Ltd., Orown Ironworks, Glasgow . . . . Crown. Glasgow Sterne, L., & Co., Ltd., Donington House, Norfolk Street, W. C. Elsterne, London Steven a Struthere, Brassfounders, Glasgow • . . . u Bronse, Glasgow Watles, Dove & Co., Ltd. Newoa~tle-on-Tyne .. .. . . Bltumastlc, N'castlc·on-Tyne stewart, A. a J., a Menzles, Ltd., 41, Oswald St., Glasgow .... Lapweld, Glaacow stewart, A. • J., & M~nztee, Ltd., Ooatbridge . . . . Stewart, Coatbrtdge Stlrltag BoUer Co., Ltd., 2, ~t. Acdrew Squue. ~io)urg'l .. Evaporate, Edinburgh Stone, J. B, & eo., 135, Finqbury Pavement, E. C. . . . . . . Sightseer, London Storey, 11&30, a Sona, Ltd., 1\mpn ss Foundry, Manchrste~ . . Stork. Manchester Stotbert • Pttt. Ltd., Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . Stothert, Bath &totbert a Pttt, Ltd., 53, Vict >ria St., S. W. .. .. .. Stothert, London Sturtevant Engineering Co., 75, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. . . Crosby, London Summerscales, W., & Sons, Ltd., Phamlx Foundry, Kelghley.. Ph~nm, Keigbley Sun Fire Oftloe, 68, Tbreadneedle Street, E. 0. . . . . . . Sunderland, JohD, Fleece Mills, Keighley .. .. . . . . Sunderland, Wheel Cutter, Sykee, BeuTy, Ltd., (6, B~nkslde, Southwat k, S. E. . . .. [Kelghl ey

Tandem Smelti.Dg Syndicate, Ltd., Queen Victoria St., E .C. Analyz1ng, London TWY• Ltmtted, Oomwall Works, Birmingham . . . . .. Tangyea, Blrmlllgham TaDQe& J.tmtted, 86, Queen VIctoria Street, E.O. •. . . . . Tangyes, London TaD«JU Ltmtted, Sl Nlcholaa Bulldinge, Newoastle-on·Tyne . . Tangyee_ Newcastle TaDIJ'M Ltmtted, Deanegate, Manchester . . . . . . . . Tangyee_ Manchester Tangyes Limited, Argyle Street, Glasgow . . • • . . . . Tangyee, Glasgow Tangyes' Machine To)l Co., Ltd., OxCord Works, Birmlugh1m Tangyes, Birmingham Ta)'lor a Challen, Ltd., Derwen' Foundry, Bl.rmtngbam . • . . Derwent, Blrmtngham Taylor, Charles, Bartholomew Street, Birmingham . . . . . . Lathes, Birmingham Taylor & Bubbard, Leicrst!r •. .• . • .. •• . . Lifting, Letcester Telegraph llanufacturtD.g Co., Ltd., Helsby, near Warrington Llm.Jted, Belaby Telegraph Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 11, Queen ViotoriaSt.,E. C. Couoentrlo, London Temperley TranRporter Co., 72, Bishopsgate St. Within, E. C. Transumo. London names Ironwor•e ShlpbuUdin~ & Engineering Co.,

Ltd., Black wall, E. . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . Thames, London Tbompeon & Co., Victoria Woll .. s. Tamworth, Statio. . . .. Thompson & Co., Tamworth Thompaon, John, EttlDgshall, Wolverhampton . . . . . . Boiler, Wolverhampton Thom.aon, W. B. M., a Co., 96, Buobanan Street, Glasgow • . Inventlona, Glasgow Thornton, A. G., 67, St. Mary Str(et, Manchester . . ~ . . Drawing, Manchester Thomyoroft, J. I., a Co., Churoh WhArf, Obiswtok . . . . Thornycroft, London Tbw&ltel Bros., Ltd., Brad1ord, YorkshlJ'e • . • • . . .• Thwattea. Bradford TtDker, Shenton a eo., Hyde, neu Manchester • • •• . . Duplez, Byde Tolch a Co., The Boatyard, Fulh1m, S.W. • . .. •• .. Tolch, London Tomey, Joeeph, a Sons, Ltd., Manor Glass Works, Aston, Bir·

mingham • • • • • . . • . . . . • . • • . . Tomey, Aaton, Btrmtngham Towards, T., & Co., Ousgburn, Newcastle on-Tyne .. - •• Toward, Newcastle·on·Tyne Towler, Wllltam, Ol>be foundry, Leeds . . . . . . . . Towler, Water Lane, Leeds Treasure, J. B., a Co., 8, Va uxhall Road, Liverp: ol . . . . Treasure, Liverpool Trewent, F. J., 43, Billiter Bulld ngs, Billiter Street, E. C. . . . . Trewent, Lo~: don Trie.r Bros., 1, Great George Street, Westminster, S. W. . . . . Vlacoelty, London Tu bee, Ltd., Birmingham . . . • • • . • . . . . . . Cylinders, Birmingham Tuck a eo., Ltd., 116, Oannon Stree•, E.O. - - ... . . TucluJ, London Tuck a Co., Ltd., 18, Aston's Quay, Dublln •• - .. •• Tucks, Dub11D Tu.l.U8, D. & J., Ltd., Kilbowle Ironworks, near Glasgow • . Tullls, Clydebank Tullis, D. & J., Ltd., 52, Queen VIctoria Street, E.O. •• • • KUbowte, London Tul11IJ, John, a Son, St. Ann's Leather Worn, Glasgow . . - '1 unts, Glasgow Tun:lbull, AlelL, & Co., Ltd., Bishopbrigge, Glasgow •. - Valve, Blshopbrigge Tul'nbull Engiueerln~ Co., 18, Blythswood Square, Glasgow . . Turbine, Glasgow Turn bull Engineering Co., 39, Victoria St., Wes~minster, 8.W. Turner, E. B. & F., Ltd., 82, M .. rk Lane, E.O. •• - •• Canvassers, Londcn Tun:ler, J:. B. & F., Ltd. (132), Ipswich •• .. •• .. Gippeswyk, Ipswich Turner, John, Well Lane, Halifax . . . . . . . . . .

TllrtoD, T., a Sona, Ltd., Sheaf Works, Shctfeld . . -· . . Turtona, Shealeld

Unbreakable Pulley & Mtn Gea.rtng Co., Ltd., 66, Cannon Street, E.O. •. •• •• •• ... • • .. .. •. Horsepower, London

Unbreakable P1llley and Mill GearlDg Co., Ltd., Wee' Oorton, Manobeeter •. •• - _ •• _ _ ... Strength, Manchester

Unton Plate Gla11 Oo., Ltd., Pocke~ Nook, St. Helens . . _ Unfon, St. Helens UnitEd Alkall Co., Ltd., Exchange Bu' ld ings, Liverpool . . Ubtque, Liverpool United Flexible Metalllc Tubing Co., Ltd., 112, Quee n

Victoria Street, E.O. . . •. .. .. .. .. .. Tuyaux, London United KlDgdom Selt· Antl·Frlotton Metallic

PacklDg Syndicate, Ltd., 14, Cook Street, Liverpool .. Isham, Liverpool United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., Philadelphia,

Pa., U.S.A. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. McNealpipe, Philadelphia United States MetaWo Packtng Co., Ltd., Soho Worke,

Tbornton Road, Bradford . . • • ._. • • • • ... • . lletantc, Bradford

Wanes, George, & Co., 258, Euston Road, N. W. . . . . . . Watlee, 1Custon Road, London Walker Bros., Page66ld Iron Works, Wigan _ .. . . .. PageGeld, Wigan Walker, James, & Co., Lion Works, Gartord Street, Poplar, E. Lioncelle, London WaUach Bros., 57, Oracechurch Street, E. C. . . • . • . . • Bammerman, London Ward, B. W., & Co., Lionel Street, Birmingham •. . . u Tudor, Birmingbam Ward, T. W., Albion Works, Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . Forward, Shetlield Warner, Robert, & Co., 97, Queen Victoria St r< et, E.O. . . •• Bydrologtcal., LondoD Warner, Robert, & Co., Walton-on-the-Naze . . . . . . Foundry, Walton-on-Naze Warrtngton Wire Rope Works, Ltd., Liverpool .. . • Wlrop, Liverpool Water Softening & Pur1fy1Dg United Patents, Ltd.,

30 & 31, St. Swithin's Lane, E. C. •• . . . . . . • . . . DUuteness, London Watson, Henry, & Sons, High Bridge Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne Watsons, Newcastle Watson, Latdlaw & Co., Glasgow .. •• . . .. .. Fugal, Glasgow Watt, James, & Co., Soho Foundry, Birmingham • • •. •• Watt, Soho, Smethwick Waygood, R., & Co., Ltd., Falmoutb Road, S.E. •• •• •• Waygood, London Weardale Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Upper Thames Street, E.O. . . Weardale, London Weardale Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Manchester ... - •. Weardale, Manchester Weardale Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Newcastle - •• •• Weardale, Newcastle Weardale Iron & Co ll Co., Ltd., Spenn) moor, DUJ'ham _ Weardale, Spennymoor Webb & Son. Combs Tannery, Stowmarke• .. •• •• •• Webb, Combs Weuter & Bennett, Coventry .. •• . . •. . . .. Profile, Coventry Weir, G. & J., Ltd., Holm Foundry, Oathcart, Glasgow •• .. Giwelr, Glasgow Weldleee Steel Tube Co., Ltd., loknleld Port Rd., Birmingham Weldleu, Blrxntngham W ellman-Seaver Eagineering eo., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S A . . . Wellman-~eaver Engineering Co., 47, Victoria Street,

Westminst e r, S. W. •. .. . . . . .. .. •• . • Wella, A. C., & Co., 102, Midland Road, St. Pancras, N. W.. . • • Wella, A. C., & Co,. Oarnarvon Street, Cbeetham, .Mancheste _ Werner, Pflelderer a Perktns, Ltd., 43, Regent Square, Gray's

Prlnoipium, London Unbreakable. London Unbreakable, Manoheatf r

Inn Road, W. C. .. . . .. . . . . •• •. . . Arktoe. Lon~on West, Nicholas J., & Sons, 186. Oresh~m House, Old l?r.>ad

Street, E.O. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. Unlapped, Lo11 don Weetlllghouae Brake Co., Canal Road, KiDg's Crose, N. •• Mobilized, London Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 179, Queen

Victoria Street, E.O. . • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . Suspend, London Whltaker Bros., Ltd., Horsforth, near Leeds . • • • • • Quarries, Leeds White, B., Watoh Mfg. Co., 10J, Market Stre, t, M:mohester . . Whltmore & Btnyon, Ltd., 64, Mark Lane, E. C. • • •• • • Accelerate, London Whttmore & Binyon, Ltd., Wickbam Marke• _ ~· ... Worlul, Wiokham Market Whit taker & Co., Paternoster Square, E. C. • • • • • • • • Whtttaker, Wm., & Sou, Oldbam •• ... •• •• .. Widdowson, John B., Ordsall Lane, Saltord, Man oh ester • • Tape, Salford Wtggtns, F., & Sons, 10, Tower Hill, e.nd 102 & 103, Minories, E.O. Wiggina, Minories, London Wlgley Tool Mfg. CD., Ltd., Regent Place, Birmingham ..

Wilklnson. J., & Sou, Saltley, Birmingham.. .. • . .. Syenlte, Birmingham WWans & Boblnson, Ltd., Rugby, Warwickshire .. .. WWane, Rugby WWcoz, W. B., & Co., Ltd., 23, Southwark Street, S.E. • . . • WWooz,Southwark St., Lndn. Wlliesden Paper & Canvas Works, Willesden Junction, N. W. WiUiams, J. B., & Co., 9·31, Ricbuda Street, Broo'klyo, New

York, U.S.A. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. WUaon, John B., & Co., Ltd., Sand hills, Liverpool • . •. Wllson, John B., & Co.,Ltd., 15, V1ct oriaSt. , Westminster, S.W. Wlngate, Wileon, 11 , Queen Victoria Street, E . C. . . . . . .

WUlrlcb, Brookl}'n, u.s. &. En3tDeers,ldverpool Dra gue, London

Winter. F., 8, Redcross Street, E.O. •• • • .. • • •• Instantly, London Witty & Wyatt, Ltd., 88, Leadenhall Street, E .O. . . .. • . Witwy, London Wood. Chas., Tees Iron Works, Middlesbro'-on-Te&e .• ... ... Wood & New land, 42, Spring Gardens, MancbE'ster . . . . Wood, R. D., & Co., Philadelphia, U.S A. . • . . . . . . Wood house & Bixson, Attercli1fe, Sheffield.. . • • . . . Woodlte Works, Mitoham Oommon, Surrey _ ... . . •• Worthtngton Pumping Engine eo., 158, Queen Victoria St., E.C. Wrtght, Joa., a eo .. Tipton, Staflordablre __ _ _ _

Wrlgley, E. G., & Co., Ltd •. 232A, Aston Road, Birmiogham ..

Yarrow a Co., Ltd., Isle of Doge, Poplar, E. _ _ _ Yeakley Vacuum Hammer Co., 8, R?ohester Row, West·

n'linater, S. W. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .

Tuokahoe, Phlladelpbta Rilteon, Sheftleld Woodite, Mttcham Pumping, London Wright, Ttpton

Cutters, 'Birmingham

Yarrow, Lo1uto». •

Young, B., & Co., Ltd., Eccleston Jrooworks, P:wlico, and} Hay le Foundry Wharf, Nioe Elms, S. W. .... . . • • . .

YoUJJg, Engtneera, London

PlmUoo ...

Zadlg, C. A., & Co., 11, Queen Vict oria S~reet, E.C. • • . . Zadlg, London

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (33)


T ELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES (KEY). (.Sl'Pr LE,tE'IT TO "E~OINEERt ~o, '' J rLY 20 , 1900) • •




Abbot, Gateshead.. . . .. Abbot, John, & Co., Ltd., Park Works, Gatesbead·on·Tyne Abbott, Newark .. .. •. Abbott & eo. (~ewark), Ltd., Newark·On·Trl'Dt Abpatntan, London .. .. Le GrAnd & Sutotur, 125, Buohill Row, E.O. Accelerate, London •. .. Whitmore & Btnycn, Ltd., M, Mark Lane, E.C. Accouple, Leeds . . . . .. Graham, Morton & Co., Ltd., Blaci Bull Street, L1cds AchWea. Glasgow .. . . London Bros., Clyde Ecgi~ eer ing Works, Johostooe, N.B. Actinometer, London . . . . Stanley, W. F., & Co., Ltd., Rtdway Approach, London Bridge, Adopted, London . . • . . . Grover & eo., Ltd., Wharf Road, City Road, N. [S. E. Alcoranic, London .. .. Volenite Limited, 5, Gr.en Terrace, Ros~bery Avenue, E.C'. Alighting, LClndon .. .. Koppel, Arthur, Peninsular House, Monument Street, E. C. AUea, Sheflleld .. .. .. Allea, Edgar, & Co., Ltd., Imperial Steel Works, Sheftleld Alley, Glasgow . . .. . . Alley & Maclellan, Sentinel Works, Glugow Allls, Mil waukee, Will., U.S.A. Allls, J:dward P., Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. Alma, Walsall - .. . . Ruuell, John, & Co., Ltd., Alma Tubo Works, W•lsall Analyzing, London . . - Tande m Smelting Syndicate, Ltd., Queen Victoria St., E. C. Andrew, Reddlah .. .. .. Andrew. J. E. B., & Co., Ltd., Redditb, oen Stockport Anglia, London .. . . . . Ransomee. S tm s & Jefferies, Ltd., 9, Gracechurch St., E. C. Anticorrostve, Glasgow .. Britteh Boiler Cleani" g & Enamelling Co., 201, Stobcross

A ntiguardo, Londou

Auywtae, London . . . . Arbitrate, Bull . . . . Arohdale, Birmtngtlam Arktos, London . • • .

Street, Glasgow . . London Non-Flammable Wood Co., Ltd., '' R£gcnt Ilou!f',"

Regent Strett , W .

.. Angular-Hole Machine Co., L ' d., Dasbwood House. E.O.

. . Harrlson & Robb, Burnet A\'enue, Scale L~nl', Hull

. . Archdale, J aa., • eo., Manchester w orka, Led ea m St. I Binntogbac • . Werner, P8eiderer & Perk1na. Ltd., 43, Regent Sqn u e, Gray's

Inn Road, W.C. Armstronga. Birmingham . . Armstrong, Stevens & Soa, Whit~ll Street, Birmingh11m Aabesto•, Bradford .. .. Cresswell&' Asbe~toa Co., Ltd., Wellington Milh, Br~dforJ,

Yorks Aabeatoa, London .. • • - Aabeatoa Co., Ltd. ('l'he Unltecl). l>ook House, BUllter St., E. C. A8hburya. Manchester. . • . Aahbury Railway Carriage eo., Mancheeler Aamuldera, Rotterdam .. Smulders, A. F., Rotterdam, Holland Aakham, Sheflleld • . . . Allkham Broa. & Wilaon. Ltd., Sheffield Aeteroidal, London .. .. British Tllomson-Bouaton Co., Ltd., 83, C11nooo Street, E. C. Atlas, Blr•ntngbam - •. Plggott, Thos., a Co., Ltd., Birmingham Atlas, Gloucester . . . . . Fielding & Platt, Ltd., Gloucester Atlas, Shealeld .. -· .. Browa, Joha, & Co., Ltd., Sheffield Atlas Work•, Levenahulme · · Atlas Engineering Co., Levenshulme, ~hnchester Attaching, Londou · · · · Roller-Bearln&s Co., Ltd., 1, Delahay Street, Westminster, S. W. Auto. Coventry . . . . . . Auto l!tlachtnery Co •• Ltd., Coventry Automat, Erfurt, Ge:many . . Schwade, Otto, & Co., Erfurt, Germany AverJ', Blrmlngham .• . . Avery, W. a T ., Ltd., Soho FouDdry, Birmingham

Bagnall, Staflor4 . . •• Bagshaw, Batle:v .. .. BaldwlD, PbUadelphla ..

• Battery, Selly Oak .. Ba:vley, Sheflleld . . .. Bayllee, Wdverhampton BeacOD, Salford . . •• Beardmore, Glasgow ••

.. Bagnall, W . G., Ltd., Caatle Engine Works, Stafford •• Bagshaw, J., a Son.a, Ltd., Balley, Yorkehlre •. Burnham, & Co., PhlladelpbJa, U.S.A . - Birmingham Battery & Metal eo., Ltd., Birtnil)gham . . Browa, Baytey'a Steel Works, Ltd., Sheffield . . Bayllss, Jones & Baylisa. Victoria Works, Wolverh1mpton .. Balley, W. B., & Co., Ltd., Albion Works, Salford, MYCheetea • • Beardmore, WUUam, a Co., Park.bead Forge, Rolling M1lls aoc

Steel Works, Glasgow Beardehaw, Sheftleld •• •. Beardshaw, J., a SoD, Ltd., Baltlo Steel Works, Sheffield Beehive, Bolton . . . . . . Ryder, Wllllam, Beehive Works, Bolton Belfry, Lond.on •. .. .. Asbestos Co., Ltd. (Bell'a), 69l, Southwark Street., S. E. Bellamy, London .. .. .. Bellamy, John, Ltd., Millwall, E. BeJUsa, Birmingham .. .. Belliu & Morcom Ltd., Ledslm Street Works, Birmingham Belmont, London . . . . u Price• a Patent Candle Co,, Ltd., Be.ttersea., S. W. Berr:v•, Sowerby Bridge .. Berry, F., & Sons, Sowerby Bridge, York<Jhire Bortram, Edinburgh . . . . Bertrams Limited, St. Katherio&'s Works. Scieones, Edinburgh Beasemer, Leeds .. .. Leeds Steel Works, Ltd., Leeds Beuemer, Sheflleld .. .• Beuemer, By., & Co., Ltd., Sheffield Bickford, Camborne .. .. Bickford Burners Co., Camborne, Cornwall Bifurcated, LondCln .. .. Bifarcated Rtvet Co., Ltd., 10, Wool Exchange, E.O. Blnsse, Newark, N.J. .. .. Newark Machine Tool Works, Newark, N.J. , U.S.A. Bird, London . . . . · · Bolling & Lowe, 2, Laurence Pouotney Hill, E.O. Bitumaatic, N 'castle-on-Tyne Wailes, Dove & Co., L t d., Newcastle·oo-Tyne Blaokbuna, Nottingham .. Blaokburn, Starllng & Co., Ld., Gresham Works, NolLingbnm Blackman, Leeds .· .. .. Blackman Ventilating Co., Ltd., 27, Victoria Square, Leeds Blazon, Glasgow . . · · · · Blair, Campbell a McLeaD, Scotland Street Copper Works, BodleJ', J:zeter .. •· .. Bodley Broa. & eo., Old Quay Foundry, Exe~r (Glasgow Boiler, Jlauche•ter .. ... Vulcan Boiler and Generallnaurance eo., Ltd., 67, Kin~:

Boiler, Wolverhampton Boilers, Halifax . . . . Bolta, Blrmtngham .. Bonaccord, Gla•gow .. Bow, Palaley .. . . . Bradforda, London ..

Street, Manchester .. Thompsoa, John, Ettingshlill, Wolverhampton · · Bartley a Sugden, Ltd., Halifax · • Ph<enlz Bolt & Nut eo., Hands worth, near Birmingham •. Dryadale & Co., Boo Aooord Engine Works, Glasgow . . Bow, McLachlan & Co., Thistle Works, Paisley · · Bradford, Thos •• & Co •• HO to H8, High Holborn , W 0.


Braithwalte, Kendal .. . . Bra1thwalte, Iaaac, & Son, Kendal Brake. Manchester .. .. Gre8ham a Craven. Ltd.. Salford, Manchester Brattice, Car~Hff . . . . . Evaus & Widow8eld, 6, Bute Crescent, Oardiff Breaker, Leicester - . . Mason Bros., Braodoo Street, Leicester Britannia, Colchester . . . . Britannia Co., Colchester Britannta, Manchester .. Mutr, Wm., a Co., Ltd., Sherbourne Stree•, Manchester British, Birmingham . . . . British 'I'ube Co., Ltd., Birmingham Broadbent. Buddera8eld - Broadbent, Thos., a Sona, Ltd., Obapel Hill, Huddersfield Brou.e, Glasgow .. ... .. Steven & Struthera, Braae Founders, Glugc. w Brou.e, Longport - •• . . BUUngton a N ewtoa, Longpon, Stoke·OD·Treot Brooke, Lo"eetoft . . . . Brooke, J. W., & Co .. Adrian Ironworks, Lowestoft Brooks, Dunkirk, U.S.A. .. Brooks Locomotive Worlu, Duvkirlr, N.Y., U.S.A. Brotherhood. London - - Brotherhood, Peter, Belvedere Rd. London, S.E. [Ohio, U.S.A. Brownhotst, Clevdand,l7.S.A. Brown Hoisting & Conveyl.Dg Machine Co., Clc ,·eland, Buccula, London .. .. .. Boby, WUllam, 16, Union Court, Old B·o1d Street, E.C. Bucllley, Sheftleld .. .. Buckley, Wm., & Co., Pattnt Piston We;rks, Sheffie!d Bullard, Bridgeport, U.S.A. .. Bullard Machtne Tool Co., Bridgt'port, Conn., U.S.A. Burnet, Glasgow _ _ . . Burnet, Ltndsay, & Co., Moor Park BoUer Worke, Govao, GlM~ow Burrell, Thetford.. _ _ Burrell, Cbaa., a Sona, Ltd., St. Nloholafl Wkeo., Thetford, Norfolk Butler, Halifax, England ... Butler, J ., & Co., Victoria Ironworks, Halifax Butters, Glasgow . . . . Butters Bros. & Co., 20, Waterloo Street, Glasgow

Cables, Old Charlton •• Call dad, Glasg ow .. . . California, Stoke-on-Trent Cam gas, Ballfaz . . • . Cammell, Sheflleld •. Canvaasera, London .. Camtllever, Gt. Grimsby

Cartoons, London . . . . Catalogue, Manchester

Caulking, London ••

. . Jobnson a PhWipa Electric Cable Works, Old Charlton,

.. McKie & Bazter, Coplaod Works, Gonm, Glasgow [Kent

. . Kerr, Stuart & Co., Ltd., Stoke·On·Treot

. . Campbell Gas Eogtne Co., Ltd .. Halifax, Eot:laod

. . Cammell. Charles, a Co., Ltd .. Cyclops Steel and Iron WorkA,

.. Turner, E. R. a F., Ltd., 82, Mark Lane, E.O. [Sheffield

... Schofleld, HagErup & Doughty, Ltd., 'Jhe Shipyard, Great GricniJy

.. Cook, Robt. J •• & Hammond, 2 &3, TothillSt., Westminster,S.W.

. . Atlantic Printing & Publishing Co ,, Weymouth Street, Manc.he&ter, S. E.

.. New Tal~ Boward Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 6'l, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.

Cement, Bugby .. _ .. Rugby Portland Cement Co., Rug-hy Cementum, London .. .. J'rancla & eo., Ltd., 4, Ea~tzheap. E.C. Central, Weet Hartlepool .. Central Marine Eogine Works, West Hartlepool Centumvtr, London • . .. Stern Bros., 67, Gracechurch Stre<.t, E. C. [Liverpool Chadburn, Liverpool .. .. Cbadburn's (Ship) Telegraph Co., Ltd., 11, Waterloo Road, Chalkineu, London .. .. Smidtb, F. L., & Co., Palace Chambel'8, 9, Bridge St reet, S. W. Channeled, Lon~on •• . . Aiton & Cc., 2 l, Laurence Pountoey Lane, E. C. Cbantiers Meuse, Sclessfn- } Soclete Anonyme des Atelters de Construction d e La

Liege, Belgium . . Meusl', Lit>ge, Bs'gium ChapllD, Gla•gow.. • • • . Chaplin, Alez., & Co., Govao. Glasgow ChatwiD, Blrmtngham .. • . Chatwln, Thos., Great Tiodal Street, Birmingham Cherry, Beverley .. .. .. Cherry, John, & ~ons, Pump Works, Beverley, Yorks. Chescaut, Boboken·Auvers .. Detombay, Delange & Cle., Engioeeaiog Works, Hoboken,

near Antwerp Chronograph, London .. .. B e11son , J. W., Ltd., 62 & 6!, Ludgate Hill, E C.

• ClaytonShuttleworth,London Clayton & Shuttleworth, 96, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Claytona, '·lncoln . • • • • . Clayton & Shuttleworth, Lincoln Oleavage, Londoll .. .. Becke r , R ., a Co., EO .\ , Rl vington St. , Great E.1stern St, E.C. Cleveland, Manchester .. Clevel and Machine Screw Co., 203A, Chapel Strlet, S.tlford,

Coata, Coat bridge •• Cochrane, Barrhead .. Coltmana, Loughborough Colville, London . . _ ColvWe, Motherwell ..

Compact, Birmingham

Compaotum. London •. Company, Ebbw Vale .. Composition, Birmingham Compound, llllanchester Concentric, London •• Concordamce, London . .

Conical, Glasgow . • . . Conveyor, AccrlDgton .. Cook, Gla•cow - -Copper Co., Glasgow .• Copper eo., London . . Copper Co., Manchester Corrugated. Glasgow ..

Cosgrove, London • •


. . Pateraon, DoWDS & Jardine. Coats Iron and Steel Works,

.. Cochrane, John, Barrhead, N.B. [Coatbridge, N. B.

• • Coltmau, B., & Sons, Midland Ironworks, Loughborough ... ColvWe, David, & Sons, Ltd., M, Old Broad SI reeL, E C _ Colville, Da~id, & Sons, Ltd, Dalzell Steel and Iron Works

Motherwell, near Gbsgow . . Jone.J & L a m t on Machl!i.e Co,, Exchange Buildiqg ~, Stephen·

son Place, Birmingham •• Kirkaldy, John, Ltd., 101, l eadeohall Street, E C. _ Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Moo., South Wal69 . . As ton Chemical Co., .. Bolmea, J. B., & Co., Ex1miner Buildgs., Strutt St., Ahncbeeter . • Telegraph Manufacturing Co •• Ltd.,ll, Queen Vlotoria St., E. 0 . . . Electric Construction Co., Ltd., DMhwood House, 9, New

Broe.u, E.C'. . . Lindaay, R . B ., & Co., 48, Mair Street, Plantation, Glasgow . • Conveyor & Elevator Co., Accriogtoo, Lancashire •. Crow, Barvey & Co., Park Grove Iron Works, Glasgow . . Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., Glasgow .. Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., 122, Cannon Street, E.C. • . Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., Manchester .. Clyde Structural Iron Co., Ltd., Olydeside Ironwor~ s.

Scots,oun, Glasgow .. D ell, Wm. R ., & So o, 2G, Ma k Lane, E.C •



Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (34)

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(SOI'PLtnaasT TO 11 ENOt~lli.R1N9," J ULY 20, 1900.)

-TsnouPoro Aooaus. I N AM& Al.'<D ADDllBSS OP AliVEilTISRll.

coulthards. Pre•ton · · CoupUug, Maucheater · · courteous, Loudon ..

. . Coulthard, T., & Co., Preston Bridge, Davld, & Co., King Street Works, Salford, Manchester

:: Bra by, Fredk., & Co., Fitzroy Works, 352 to 36 ~. Eust'ln Rd., N. W.

Cow~ .... ~ ... w, Etrurla, Stoke- rl Stok T t J.&,Dua Cowltshaw, Walker & Co., Ltd., Etru a, e-on· ren

on-Trent .. .. .. .. Cradock. Geo., & eo .. Wire Rope Works, Wakeftrld Cradook. Wake&eld . . . . Cralg a Donald, Ltd., Johnetone, Renlrewe.blre, N.B. eralg-Donald, John•tone · ·

. . Cralg, A. F., & Co., Ltd., Paisley Cratg, Paisley · · · · crampton Bros., Sheffield Cramps, Sheftleld . . . . Bedford Engineering Co., Bedford cranes, Bedford · · · · · · Booth. Joseph, & Bros •• Ltd., Rodley, Leede cranea, Bodley ~· · · · · F d w k fl ld Craven, Wake8eld .. •. Bradley & Craven, Ltd., Westgate Oommon oun ry, a e e Cremer, Leeds . . . . . . Cremer, Richard, 4, Oxford Place, Leeds CromU, Newcastle·on·TYJle .. Crosier, Stephens & Co., 2, Oolliogwood St., Newcastle-on-Tyne Crompton, Chelmsford . . Crompton & Co., L•d., Aro Works, Chelmsford CromptoD, London . . . . Crompton & Co., Ltd., Mansion He. use Buildings, E.C. CI'08by, London ... ... .. Crosby Steam Gage a Valve Co., 75, Queen Victoria St., E. C.

Sturtevant Engineering Co., 76, Queen Viotoria Street, .E.C. crosby, London .. .. .. CrouleYBt Opensbaw .. .. Crouley Bros .. Ltd., Openshtlw, Manchester crown, GlaSgow .. .. ... Sterne, L., & Co., Ltd., Crown Ironworks, Glasgow Crowther, Cleckheaton . . Crowther, Henry, Rolling Mills, Cleckheaton, Yorke.

. . British Alumlntum eo., Ltd., 9, Viotori~ St., Westminster, S. W. cryolite, London · · · · cundall, Shtpley . . .. .. Cundall, R., & Sons, Ltd., Shipl~y. Yorks. cuneatic, London OrenattiD & Koppel, Bush Lane House, Cannon Street. E.C. current, Manche8ter . . . • Dorman & Smith, Salford, Manchester Curtle, Brtd geport., Conn.,

u.s.A. . . · · · · .. cutters, Birmlugham - • · Cyclops. Gateshead •· -CJ ltnders, Birmingham · ·

Day summer•. Southampton Debergue, Manchester ... Dellburll, Motherwell . . •• Delta. London · · - · · Deluco, Detroit, U.S.A.. · · Democracy, London · · •· Dempeter, Glasgow .. .. Derwent, Btrmtngham •. Detonator, London ~ · Dtagram., Ltverpool . . · · Dloker, London ... - -Dies, Shettleston . . . . . . Dlluteneas, London . . . .

Distend, London .. .. .. Dodman, Ktng's LJDD . . . . DonaJ.d, Paisley -· · · -Donktn Company, London .. Dorman, Middlesbrough .. Dorman, 19, Vlotoria Street,

Curtls & Curtla, 10, Garden Street, Bridgep:>rt, Cllnn , U.S.A. Wrlgley, E. G, & Co., Ltd., 232.&, Aston Road, Birmi'~g harn

Clarke, Cnapman & Co., Ltd., Gatesbcad·upoo-Tyne Tubes, Ltd,, Birmi:-gbam

Day, Summers & Co., Nortbam Ironworks, Southampton De Bergue & Co., Ltd., Strangeways Iron Works, Manchester Marshall, Flemtng & Jack, Motherwell, N. B. Delta Metal Co., Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, E.O. Detroit Lubricator Co., Detroit, Mich. , U.S.A. Beardshaw, J., & Son, Ltd., 118, Cannon Street, E.C. Dempster, Moore & Co., 49, Robertson Street, Glasgow Taylor & Challen, Ltd •• Derwent Foundry, Birmingham New Explosives Co., Ltd., 75, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Rughes & Lancaster, I.Jverpool · Dick, Kerr & Co., Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, E.C. Mount Vernon Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sbettleston, Glasgow Water Softening & Purifying Untted Patents, Ltd.,

80 & 31, St. Swithio's, E. C. Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., 39, Upper Thames Street, E.C. Dodman, Alfred & Co., Ltd., Highgate Works, King's Lyon Banna, Donald & Wllaon, A be room Foundry, Paleley Donktn, B., & Clench, Ltd., Southwark Park Road, S.E. Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough

Westminster .. ... - Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., 19, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W. Dougla8, Kirkcaldy ... ... Douglas & Grant, Dunnlkler Foundry, Kirkoaldy, N.B. Douglas LaweoD, Blrstall . . Douglas, Lawaon & Co., Birslall, near L<eds Doulton, London .. ... - Doulton & Co .. Ltd., Lambeth Drague, London .. .. - WUson, John B., & Co., Ltd., 16, Victoria St., Westminster, S. W. Drawtng, Manchester . . . . Thornton, A. G., 67, St. Mary Street, Drier, Manchester .. ... Blackman VentUatlng Co., Ltd.., 3 & 6, Todd St., Manchest.:lr DrUl, CiDctnnaU, U.S.A. . . Lodge & Sh\pley Machine Tool Co., Ciocinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duplez. Hyde _ _ - Tinker, Shen ton & Co., Hyde, near Manchester Dynamo, Buddersfleld - Scott, Ernest, & Mountatn, Ltd., Lancaster Yard, Cloth Hall

Dynamo, Byde • •

Dynamo, Old ham ..

Earnest, Liverpool Eastons, Erith . .


• •

• •

• •

Street!, Huddersfield .. Clayton EnglneeriJJg & Eleotrioal Construction Co.,

Ltd., Newton, Hyde, near Manchester . . Ball, J. P., & Co., Oldham

. . Scott, Geo., & SoD, 67, Lord Street, Liverpool

.. Easton, Anderson & Goolden, Ltd., Erith Ironworks, Erith, Kent

Ea•twood, Tanners, Derby. . East wood's Taunery, Ltd., Derby Ediswan, London.. .. •. Edtson & Swan United Eleotrlo Light Co., Ltd., 36 & 37,

, Queen Street, Cheapside, E. C. Edmeston, Adelpht, Salford .. Edmeaton, A., & Sons, Cannon Street Ironworks, Salford Uecttble, London .• .. Helicoid Loclmut Patents (Parent) Co., Ltd., Acto:1 Hill

&ftlolenoy, London -Egan, Cincl.Dnatt, U.S.A. J:gan, CiuctDUati, U.S.A. Egyptian, London ..

Works, Aoton, W. ... Leroy, P'., & Co., Gray Street, Commercial Road, E. .. Egan Co., 14 to 3~, John Street, Cinci nn~ti, Ohio, U.S. A. . . Fay, J. A., & Co., 20 to ~ 0. J ohn Street, Cinciunati, Ohio, U.S. A. . . Ea.ston, Anderson & Goolden, Ltd., Broad s~nctuary

Chambers, Broad Saoc~uary, S. W. Electrlc, Wolverhampton .. Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Wolverhamp ~on mtvaa, Shealeld - .• ... Baker Blower Engineering eo., Stanley Works, Sheffield mllot Company, Cardiff •. ElUot, George, & Co., Cardiff J:Utot Company, London .. JCUtot, George, & Co., 16, Great George Street, Wesbminster,S. W. EWson, lrlams·o'·th'·Beight Elltaon, W. T., & Co., Ltd., Irlams·O'·th'·Heigbt, Manchester Xlsterne, London.. ... ... Sterne, L., & Co., Ltd., Donington House, Norfolk Street, W.O. Elyor, Manchester ... .. B.oyle, J. J., G~. Bridgewater Street, Manchester

llei'V, Broadheath - - Luke a Spencer, Ltd., Broadheath, near Miloohester Emery, London .. - - Davles, W. J., & Sona, 109, Weaton Street, S. E. l:.ndeavour, London ... .. Btroh, John, & Co., Ltd., 10 & 11, Queen Street Pla~e, E.C. Energising, London . . . . EnerglaiDg Momentum Engtne, 130, Westminst~r Bridge J:ngelbert, London ... ... Engelbert & eo., 44·47, Blahopsgate Street, E.C. [Road, S.E. ~e, GlaaJOW .. ... - $Plith, A. & W., a Co., Lt4., Es'llnton Engine Works, Glaegow


&DJine,Leeda - -bJine, London . . • • Englneertng, Kelghley ICnJineertng, London .• EngiJleers, Dartmouth . . Engineers, Liverpool -EnrlciJ, London • • . .

Epa, London.. . . -Equestrian, London ... Erlthus, London . . ... Esco, Newoaatle-on·12YDe Eslub. Manchester ... Etna, Leith . . . . . • Eva.pora t e, Edinburgh . Exactitude, London .. Exbauat, Jlanoheater .. J:•panalon. London .. Expansion, W. Hartlepool

• • Fairbanlls, London Falrley, Birmingham -Farnley, Leeds .. l'tndlay, Motherwell FiDitlmua. London Firth, Sheftleld .. FittiDgs, Sheftleld Flemtng, BaJifa.Jt .. Flues, Leeds . • .

.. -.. • •




Bunalet Ingtne Co .. Leede • . Marshall, Sona & eo., Ltd.., ~ 9, F ,uringdon Road, E .. c. ~ : Keighley Engineering eo., Waddiogton Street, Ketghley . . .. Engineering, 86 and 86, Bedford Street, Strand, W.O. ~ · Stmpson, Strlokland & Co., Ltd., D_artmoutb, S. Devon . . Wllaon. John B., & eo., Ltd., Sandhills, Liverpool . . Schmidt Stationary Engine Co., Ltd., B. old Sanc~uary

Obambers . Westminster, S. W. _ Alexander, E. P., 86, Southampton Buildings, W.C. . . Bradley Pulverizer Co., 37, Walbrook, E.C. . . American Blower Co., 70, Graceohurch Street, E.O. _ scott, Ernest. & Mountatn, L4., Clo~ Wks., Newoaetle-on-Tyne . . Bulse & Co •• Ltd., Ordsal Works, Saltord, Manchester

Davts & Primrose, Bangor Road, Leltb, N.B. : : Stirling Boller Co., Ltd., 2. St. Andrew Squ~re, Edinburgh . . Shannon Limited, Ropemaker Street, E.O. • r::

Patent Exhauat Steam Injector Co .. Ltd.. St. Ann :t ... quart', :: Morelancl. R., a Son. 1 td., 3, Old Street, E. C. [Mancheste r . . Expa1lded Metal Co., Ltd., Stantotl Works, West Hartlepool

. . Fatrbanks Co., 16, Great Eastern Street, E. C.

. . Fatrley, Ja.mes, & Sons, Old Mint, Shad well Street, Birmingham

. . Farnley Iron eo., Ltd., near Leeds •. Ftndlay, Alexander, & Co., .Motherwell, N.B. •. Penney, Alexander, & Co., 107, Fenohuroh Street, E.O. . . Firth, Thos., & Sons. Ltd., Norfolk Works, Sheffield . . Midland Mfg. Co., Ltd., Sheffield _ Flemtng, Btrkby & Goodall, Ltd., West Grove Mills, Halifax . . Delghton's Patent Flue & Tube Co., Ltd., Vulcan Works,

Pepper Road, Leeds Follosus, London .• •. .. Bristowe,L.Bugh &Co.,Ltd.,AlbanyBdgs., 47, ViotoriaSt.,S.W Footpost, London.. .. .. Foot, R. G., & Co., 12, Gr.oat St. Thomas Apostle, E.C. Forestiere, London . . . . Forrestt & Son, Ltd., 101, Leadenh~ll Street, E. C. Forreatt, Wyvenhoe . . . . Forrestt & SoD, Ltd., Wyveahoe, E98ex Forge, Darltngton _ _ Darllngton Forge Co., Ltd., Darlingtoo .Forge, Dumbarton •. .. Dennystown Forge Co., Dumbarton Forge, Ktrkatall . . .. •. Kirks tall Forge Co .. Leede Forward, Sheftleld . . . . Ward, T. W., Albi1n Works, Sheffield roster, I.tnoolD •. ... .. Foster, Wm., & Co., Ltd., Wellington F,>Uodry, Lincoln Foundry, Dewsb11r7 .. .. Bever, Dorltng & Co., Ltd., Uoion Fuundry, Dewsbury Foundry, Walton-on-Naze . . Warner, Robert, & Co., Walton-on.thc-Naze Fowler, Leeda _ _ _ Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Steam Plough Wks. Leedd Fox, Deepcar . . . . . . Fox, Samuel, & Co., Ltd., Sto~sbridge Works, near Sheffield France, Glasgow .. .. . . France & Morgau, White6eld BraH WorkJ, Govan, Glasgow Fraser, Arbroath.. . . .. Fraser, Dougla!, & Sons, Arbroa h, Scotland Frictionless, London . . ... Antl·Attrltion Metal Co., ~td., Emcrson St., Southwark, S. E. Fugal, Glasgow .. . . . . Watson, Laidlaw & Co., O!asgow Fuller Horsey, London . . Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Cassell, 11, Billiter Square, E. C. Furnaces, London ... •. Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., 122, Cannon St.,E.O.

Gallowa)', llanohe•ter ... Galvanoscope, London Gandy Belt, Glasgow ... Gandy Belt, Manchester Gandy, Btrkenhea4 ... Gandy,London ... _ Garrett, Leiaton . • ... Gas, Leeds . . . . .. Gasengtne, Birmingham Gaseous, London . . • .

.. Gaslfy, Manchester Gearing, Huddersfield Germtston. Glasgow Giantry, London -

• •


_ Galloway& I,tmtted, Manchester _ Electrical Co., Ltd., 122 and 124, Charlng- Cross Road, W.C. . . Ga.ndy Belt Mfg. eo., Ltd., 33, Queen Street, Glasgow

- Gandy Belt Mfg. Co., Ld.., So, Guardian Bdlt:8., Oro88 St., Jrl'chester . . Gandy Belt Mfg. Co.,Ltd., Wheatland Works, Seacombe, Cheshire -· Gandy Belt Mtg. Co., Ltd., 97, Queen Viotoria Street, E.C. . . Garrett. R., & Sou, Ltd •• Leieton Works, Suftolk . . Clayton, Son, & Co., Ltd., Lelds City Boiltr Wo~ks, Leeds . . Fo1ward Engineering Co., Ltd •• Birmiogham . . Dowson Economic Gas & Power Co •• Ltd., 39, Old Queen

Street, Westminster, S. W. .. Mason, W. F., Ltd., Long&igM, Manchester . . Brown, D., & Sons, Hudd.!rs6eld . . Arrol's Bridge & Roof Co., Ltd., Germlston Works, Gla~ow . . International Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Palace Chambers,

9, BriJge Street, We&tminster, S. W. Gtbbtaa, Btrmtngham ... _ Glbbtns, lt. C., & Co., Berkeley Street, Btrmlngham Glppeswyk, Ipswtoh ... ... Turner, E. R. & F., Ltd. (182), Ipswioh Glwelr, Glaagow .. .. .. Weir, G. & J., Ltd., Holm Foundry, Oathcart, Glasgow Glasses, Newton Heath . . Butterworth Bros., Ltd., Newton Heath GlaBB Works, Manchester Glenboig, Glasgow - . . Glenboig Union Fire Clay Co., Ltd., 48, West Regent Street Gledeld, Knmarnook.. ... Gledeld & Kennedy, Ltd., KUmamook, N.B [Glasgow Glenros, Glasgow.. - -· Ross. R. G., & Son. Glasgow Globe, Motherwell .. - Miller, A. & T., Globe Iroawork3, Motherwell Glovers, Engineers, Leeds . . Glover, M •• & Co., Leedd Glovers, Salfor4 .. .. .. Glover, W. T., & Co., Ltd., Trafford p,.,k, M.mohester Goldsworthy, Manchester •. Goldaworthy, T., & Son. Hulme, Manoheeter (Brighouse GoodaUs, Brighouse . . . . Flemtng, Blrkby & Good all, Ltd., Clifton Bridge Mill s Gothic, Norwich . . . . . . La.urence, Scott & Co., Ltd., Norwich Goubert, New York . . . . Goubert Mfg. Co., New York, U.S.A. Grace, Thrapeton.. - .. Smith & Grace Screw Boss Pulley Co., Ltd., Thrapston Gratton. EoglDeers, Be41or4 Grafton a Co., Bedford Grattontan, Lon4on - - Grafton & Co., 113, Oa.nnon S~reet, E.O. GrapUver, Lon4on - - lndta Rubber, Gutta Peroha & Telegraph Works eo.,

Greavee, Blrllltngham .• Oreavea, Warwick -Greenwood, Leecla ... Greale)', Jrtanoheatel' -Grioe, Btrmtngham .• Grieve, Motherwell .. Guntller, Oldham . . _ Guttaperoha, Glasgow • GwyDD.e, London . . ... GwJ'nnegram, London .•

Lt4., SUvertown, E88ex - Greavea, Bull & Laktn, Worcester Wharf, Blrm!ngbam ... Greavea, Bull & Laktn, Warwtok - Greenwood & Batley, Ltd., Albton Worke, Leedt ... Smith & Coventry, Ltd., Greeley lrnwka., Ordeal Lane,K'oheater • • Grice, Grlce & Son. Sheepcote Street, Birmingham • • Grieve, John, & Co., Motherwell, Sootland - Giinther, W •• & Sons, Central Works, Oldb•m .. Dick, R. & J., Greenbe'd Works, Gla.3gow ... Gwynne, J. & B., Ltd., Hammersmith lronwks.,W., & 81, Oannon • • Gwynne & Co,, Brooke Street Works, Holborn, E. C. (~t., E.Q

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BadAeld. Shetlleld Baigh, Olclham . . Balltortt. London .. Ballforct. Dartford Bammerman, London . • Bandyslde, Derby Bandyslde, London BaDD&D, Glasgow Bardyplck. Shetlleld •• Bartnell, Leeds -·



• • • •

-.. ••

Bu kinizecJ, London • •


. . Badfleld's Steel Foundry Co .. Ltd., Hecla Work&, Sheftleld

. . Baigh, W. B., & Co., Ltd., Globe Ironworks, Oldh&m - Ball, J. & Jr:. , Ltd., 28, St. Swithln'a Lane, E.O • •. Ball, J. a E., Ltd., Dartford, Ken* . . Wallach Bros., 67, Gracechurch Street, E.O. . . Bandyside, Alldrew, & Co., Ltd.. Britannia lronworka, Derby - Bandyslde, Alldrew, a Co .. Ltd., l 04, Queen VIctoria St., E.O. . . B&DDaD a Buchanau, 76, Robertson St reet, GlMgow •. Bardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd., Sheftleld . . Rartllell, WUson, Volt Works, Kirkstall Road, Leeds . . Baskin Wood Vulcaniz.fDg Co., Ltd., 2, £ean'd Yard, We3t ·

minster, S. W. Ba thorn, Leeds r • • • - Bathorn, Davey a eo., Sun Foundry, Leeda [E.C.

Bayes, Edward, Stony Stratford, Wolverton, & 12, Gt. St. Helen's, Beap, Joa., & Co., Lt4., Aahton·under-Lyne [S. W. Edw ards & Barnes, Broad Sanctuary Chambers, Westminster, Clay, BenriquE s & Co., Ltd , Dewsbury

Bayes, Stony Stratford .. Beap,Ld.,Aehton·under-Lyne Beaterite, London .. .. Benriques, Dewsbury . . . . Berotc, Mamcheater . . . . Rowland, B . B., & Co., Ltd., 12, Exchange Street, Manchester

Hetherlngton, John, & Sons, Ltd. , Manchester Beth, Manchester . . .. Btbcu, London . . _ .. Burton, C. W ., GrUiltha & Co., 1, 2 & 3, Ludga~e Square, Ludga~e

Blghgate, Shettleston -Blghpresaure, London .. BUclark, Boston, U.S.A. Btldick. Walsall _ _ Bill, Derby -· - ... Bind.ley, Bourton . . Bobnane, London •.

Bolsttng, Glasgow Bolmea, Newcaatle Bonaabye, Grantham Bornabya, London Horsepower, London _

-... -

Bow en. Shemeld . • . . Bowl, Tfpton . . .. Bumboldt, . . . . Humpidge, Catnscrosa . Bunt, Earls Colne .. Hydraulic, Bristol . . Bydraullc, Leeds . . •• Bydraullca, London _ Bydrologtcal, London .. Bydro•tattc, London •. Bypostlle, Glasgow .. Bypostlle, Lomdon ...

Indicator, Glasgow .. Indicator, Manchester Indices, London . . .... Infallible, London ~ Influx, lrlanchester . . Infusion, London ... Ingot, Glasgow . . . . In•plrator, London .. Instantly, London . . Instrument, Cambridge Imsulator,Prescot ... IntensUler, London _ Intersection, Loudon . . Invention, London _ Invention, Shdllel d .. Inventiona, Glasgow _ Iron, Greenock ... . .

Ironsldes, Liverpool Ironworks, Poole . Irradtattug, London Isca, London _ Isca, Newport . . Isham, Liverpool

Isler, London _ Isles, Stanntngley


• •

• •

--• •

• •

• •

Jackaon, Claycrou -Jack.aona, Manchester . . Jardtne, Nottingham .• J euop, Leicester . . _ J esaopa, Sheflleld .. .... JJggumbob, London . . JD.Do, London . . .... Juuo, Old Charlton ..

Hill, E.C. . . Pollock. MacNab & Blghgate, Shettleaton, Glasgow . . Fraser, John, & Son, Mlllwall Boiler Works, E. ~ Bill. Clarke, & Co., Boston, Mass. , U.S.A. - BUdick a BUdick, W&lsall Tube Works, Walaa.IJ ~ Blll, Isaac a Son, St. George's Eng. Works, Woods Lane, Derby . . Bindley, E. S., Bourton, Dorset .. Bobdell, Way & Ct>., Ltd., 1 & 2, Rangoon Street, Crutched

Friars, E. C. •. Carruthers, J. B., a Co .. Polmadie Ironworks, Glasgow - Bolmes, J. B., & Co., Portland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne - Bornaby, R., & Sona, Ltd., Splttlegate Iron Works, Grantht m - Bornsby, R., a Sona, Ltd., 76A, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. ... Unbreakable Pulley & MW Gearing Co., Ltd., 66, Cannon

Street, E.O. - Bowell & Co., Ltd., Brook Steel Worka, Sheffield . . Lee, Bowl & Co., Ltd., Tip ton .. Bumboldt Englneerll:Jg Works Cc., Kalk, near Cologne - Dudbridge Iron Works. Ltd., r udbridge, near Stroud . . Bunt, R ., & Co., Ltd., Atlas Wcrks, Earls Coloe, Essex .. BrazU, Bolborow & Straker, Ltd., Vulca.n Ironworks, Bristol ~ Mldd.leton, Robt., Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds •. Smith, Archlbald, & Stevena, Janus Wks.,Queen'a Rd. ,Batterse~r

.. Warner, Robert, & Co., 97, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.

.. East rerrov Road Engt.neertng Works eo .. Ltd., Vlllwlill,E. ·- Bo~le, R., & SoD, Ltd., 110, Bothwell Street, GlaEgow . . Boyle, If., & Son, Ltd., 64, Holborn Viaduct, E. (1.

.. Mcinnes, T. S., & Co., Ltd., 42, Clyde Place, Glaagow

. . Kirk, Wheatley, Price & Co., Albert Square, Manohestu

.. Kirk. wheatley, Price & Co., 49, Queen Victoria Street, E.\ .

.. Brewer & Son, 33, Chancery Lane, W.O. •. Holden & Brooke, Ltd., Suius Worbs, West Gorton, Manch(ster . . Rhodes , B., & Son, 284 & 240, Bow Road, E. . . Glasgow Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., 19, Wa~erloo Street, Glasgow . . Banco*ck Inspirator Co •• O!d Swan Whart, London Bridge, E.O. .. Winter, F ., 8, Redcross Street, E.O. . . Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Caa..bridge .. Britta.h Insulated Wire Co., Ltd., Preecot, Lancash)re .... Mldd.leton, Robt., 9, Fenohuroh Avenue, E.O. .. Plggott, Thos., & Co., Ltd., St. Thomas Apostle, E.O. _ Redtern. G. F ., & Co., 4, South Street, Finsbury, E.O. _ Layco*ck, W. S., Victoria Works, Sheffield •. Thomson, W . R. M., & Co., 96, Buchanan Street, Glasgow . . Houston, J . a R., Oarteburn Foundry aod Glenbum Iron Works,

Greenock, N.B. . . Morton, Francfs, & Co., Ltd., Hamilton Ironworks, Garston . . Long edon, A. & W., Waterloo Ironworks, Poo!e . . Coil Clutch & Pulley Co., L td., Broad Street House, E. C. ... Isea Foundry Co., 10, Bush Lane, E.O. - I sea Foundry Co., Newport, Monmouthahlre •. United K tn gdom Self Adjusting Anti·Frictton Metalllc

Packtng Syndica te, Ltd., 14, co*ck Street, Liverpool •. Isler, C., & Co., Artesian Works, Bear Lane, S.E. . . Isles I·i mlted, Steam Crane Works, Stanningley, Leeds

_ Claycrosa Co., Olayoroee, near Oheaterfleld ~ Jacksou, P. R., & Co., Ltd., Salford Rolling lllills, Manchester •. Jardine, John, Nottingham _ Jessop & Apple by Bros. (Leice3ter and London), Ltd.., Leicester .. Jesaop, Wm., & Sona, Ltd., Brightelde Worke, Sheffield . . Benson, J. W., Ltd., 25, Old Bond Street, W. . . Johnson a PhUltps, U , Union Coon, E.O. .. Johnson & Phillips, Viotor!a Wcrlts, Old Charlton, I<ent

Kaye, Bunalet • • _ . . Kaye, J os., & Sona, Look W orb, Leede BelviD, Glasgow . . . . . . Main, A. a J., & Co., Ltd., Clydesdale Ironworks, Glasgow Kelvin, London . . . . . . Main, A. & J ., & Cc., Ltd., 49, Cannon Street, E.O. Kllbowie, London .. • • .. Tullis, D. & J., Ltd., 62, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. Kincald, Greenock . . -· Kincaid, John G., & Co., Greenock, Scotb.nd King, Eng ineer, Na111worth King, B. J. B., & Co .• Nailsworth, Glos. Knapping, Leeds .. . . . • Baxter, W. H ., Ltd.. Leeds Knit, llrltlDrow . . . . . . Bolroyd, John, & Co., Ltd., Perseverance Works, Milnrow,

near Rochdale, Lancashire KortbiB, Loodoo - • •

• • • . Kortt.Dg Bros., 63, Victoria Street, W eetminster, S. w.



Koemos, Glasgow •• Kynoch. Btrmtngbam ..

•. Chlsholm & Law, Sara.cen Tube Works, Glasgow . . Kynoch Limited, Witton, Bumingh \m

Laborless, London . . . . Brooke, J . W., a Co., 77 A, Queen Victoria Street, E.O . Lamberton, Coatbridge . . Lamberton & Co., Uoatbridgf', N.B. Lang, Johnstone .. .. .. I,, John, & Sons, Johnstone, N.B. Lapweld. Glasgow •. .. Stewart. A. a J., & Menzles, Ld.. •t, St., Glaagow Lathe, Coventry .. .. .. Berbert, Alfred, Ltd., CJventry Lathe, Manches ter . . . . Conllfle & Croom, Ltd., Brc.ughton Ironworks, Manchester Lathes, Birmingham . . . . Taylor, Charles, Bartholomew Street, Birmingham Lathes, Felling . . . . . . Noble & Lund, Ltd, Felling, near Newcastle-on-Tyne Lees, Bolllnwood .. . . . . Lees, T. & R., Hollinwood, near :Manchester [W.C. Legallte, London .. . . .. Law Guarantee a Trust Socit.ty, Ltd., 49, Chancery Lan•, Lewta, Wolverhampton . . Lewta, E., & Sons. Wolverbamp*<ln Ltas, London _ .. .. Greaves, Bull a Lakln, 18, South Wharf, Paddington, W. Lifting, Leicester • . . . . Ta~lor & Bubbard, Leicester Lltte, London _ _ •. Stannah, J., Skin Market Place, Emerson St reet, Bankaide, S.E. Lignum, Glasgow.. •. . . Kennedy, Jamee, & Co., Ltd., 69, Buchanan Street, Glasgow Llmtted, Belaby . . . . •. Telegraph Manufactur!Dg Co., Ltd., Helsby, near Warrinltton Lloncelle, London .. . . Walk~r. James, & Co., Lion Works, Oar ford Street, p, ph r, E. Lithographer, London.. _ KeU. T., & Son, to, King Street , Coven• Garden, W.C. Llewentus, Bristol - u Llewenlu Machine Co., Bristol Lloyds, Birmingham •• .. Lloyd & Lloyd, Ltd., Alblon Tube Works, Birmlnrham Lobnttz, Renfrew • . . . Lobnttz & Co •• Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland Loco, Leeds .. .. . . .... Budswell, Clarke a eo., Ltd., Railway Foundry, Leeda [E.O. Locofocos, London . . .. Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works, 20, ... ear , Locomotive, Cassel, Ger·

many .. .. .. . . Locomotive, Newcastle .. Locomotive, Richmond, }

U.S.A • Schenectady,

Benschel & Soh.D, C'a.~sel, Germany Hawthorn, R. & W .. Leslle, & Co., Ld.. Newoastle-on·TfDt B icbmond Locomotive and Machfne Works, Richmoo:i,

'fa., U.S.A. Locomotl ve,

U.S.A. •• • • • •

Lubricant, Manchester Lubrtcanta, Liverpool -Lubricator, De1roit ..

.. Schenectady Locomotive Works, Schenectady, N.Y., U.S. A.

.. Henry Wells OU Co., Imperial Oil Works, DeanFgate, Manchester _ Bradford, J., & Sou, U, Chapel Stree•, Liverpool .. Michigan Lubricator Co., 630 670, Beaubien Street, Dettoit,

Ludgero, London .. . . . . Ludg ero, Paris . . . . . . Ludgert', Waterb11rl", U.S.A. Lustroso, London • . . ., London . . . .

Mich., U.S. A. [ Farringdon Street, E.O. Rankin & Luding tor, Ltd., 10 & 11, Ston£cutter Street, RanklD & Ludington, Ltd., 20 & 22, Rue Riche", Paris RankiD & Luding ton, Ltd., Waterbury, Conn , U.S .\ . Ajax Metal Co. , 26, Viot.ofia Street, S. W. DlxoD, Jos., Crucible Co., ~8, Victoria Street, ~. W.

Machinery, Liverpool . . . . Samuel, Wllltam B., & Co., L~eds Stree~, Liverpool Machinery, N 'castle-on-Tyne Nicholson, Jos. C., Tool Co., Ne lVCa~tle-on-Tyne Machtnery, Reading .. •. Mackles Ltd., Berks Iron Works, Reading MacLellan, Glasgow .. . . MacLeUan, P. & W., Ltd., Clutha Ironworks, Plantation, Ol.aagow MacLellan, Glasgow . . •. MacLeJJau, P. & w .• Ltd., Oftloes : 129, Tronr ate, Glasgow MacLellau, London .. ~ MacLellau, P. a W., Ltd., 7 & 8, Great Winchester Street, E.O. Macmechan, Manchester .. Lancashire Belting and Hose Co., Manchester Macnell, Glasgow - - _ McNell, c., Klnnlng Park Iron Worlcs, Glasgow [Glasgow Maconle, Glasgow . . .. McODie, Barvey & Co., Ltd., Scotland Street Eoglne Works, Mag net, Mancheste r . . . . Eleotromotors L1m tted Manchfste r Ma n agement, London . . . . Edwards Air Pump Syndicate, Ltd., 3 & 5, Crown Curt,

Manloves, Glasgow - -Manloves, London . . •. Manloves, Engineers, Man-

chester . . .. - -ManJovea, Nottingham _ Manning, Leeds .. . • ... Manomete r , Manchester -Marsde n, Leeds . . ·.. -Mareballs, Gatnsborough ... Masonica, Boston, U.S.A. .. Maaseys, Openaha w . . -MeN ealpipe, Philadelphia .. Measures, London - -Mechanikos, Glasgow . . . . Me lad a, Glasgow . . - . . Meldrum, London - . . Meldrum. Manchester .6 • •

MeUsa, London - - _ Melloid, London .. .. •.

OU Bcoad Street, E.O. Manlove, AUiott a Co .. Ltd.. Glaagow Manlove, AUtott & Co., Ltd., 67, Gracechuroh Street, &.0.

MaDlove, Alltott & Co., Ltd., Manchester Manlove, Alllott & Co., Ltd.. Nottingham Manntng, Ward.le & Co., BoYJ. e Eoglne Worka, Leedl Scbaffer & Budenberg, Whitworth St., London Rd., Manchester Marsden, B. R., Soho Foundry, Leeds MarabaJJ, Sona & Co., Ltd., Galnaborough Mason Regulator Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Masaey, B. & S., Openshaw, Manobeater [Pa., U.S. ! . United States Cast Iron Pipe a Foundry Co., Philadelphia, Measures Bros., Ltd.. Southwark Street, S.E. Donalcl, James T •• & Co., Ltd.; 3i 5, Argyle Street, Glasgow McOnle, A. & P . W ., Cessnock Eogioe Works, Govc.n, Glasgow Meldrum Bros., L td., C6, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. Meldrum Bros., Ltd., 10, Oity Road, Manohe~ter

Kerr, Stuart a Co., Ltd., 20, Buoklerebury, E.O. Bull's Metal & M elloid Co., Ltd., Leadenhall Chamlers,

4, St. Mary Axe, F. C. Merywether, London . • Metantc, Bradford

- Merryweather & Sons, Ltd., 63, Long Aore, W.O. ...

Metallic, Glasgow .. Metro, Birmingham _ Mica, South Shields . • lll.ldland. Shrewabury ... Mills, Woodley . . . . MWwright, London ..

. • United Statea MetaWc Packtng Co .. Ltd., Soho Works, Thorn ton Road, Bradford

.. Murray, McVillnle & Co., Ma\i. b.u.k Quay, Glasgow - MetropoUtan RaUway Carriage Co., Birmingham ... Mica Lubricant Co., South Shields [ ~hrewebory

- lllldland Ratlway Carriage & Wagon Co .. Abbey WorkP, . . Mills, James, Exors. of, Bred bury Steel Wcrks, near Stockpo. t - Jessop a Appleby Bros. (Leicester and London), Ltd •• 22, Wal·

brook, E.C. Mlrrlees, Glasg ow . . . . Mirrlees, Watson & Yaryan Co., Ltd., Scotland St., Glasgow Mltchells,BradJord,M'chestr. Mltohell's Emery Wheel Co., MUl Slreel, Bradford, Manohester Mitton, B i rmingham . . . . Bnnt & Mitlon, Oozelle S~reet NorLh, Birmingham Mobilize d , London .. - Brit ish Westblg house Electric & M fg. Co., Ltd., Nortolk

Modernize, Manchester Molders, London . . . • Moncrleff, P e rth . . . . Morda unt, Worktn gton llrtoseleys, Manchester .. Mossberg, Londoa .. Jlultltube, Aun~u . .

Street, Strand, W.C. . . Klein Engineer in g Co., Ltd., 94, Market Street, Manc. hestcr . . Jackman, J . W ., & Co., 39, V.c oria Street, S. W. . . Moncrieff, John, Perth, Scotland . . Law son, Mordaunt, & Co., Ltd., W~ rkiogton

.. Moseley, Davtd, a SODS, Ardwtok, M.anobeater

. . Mosaberg Roller B earingB, L t d ., 6, Victoria Strec\ S. W .

.. Coobraa • Co., An n an, Ltd., Anoan, .N.B.

Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (36)

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•umford, Colchester . . . · Mum ford, A. G., Culver Street Ironwork9, Colchester •UDts•, Blrmi.Dgbam · · · · MtJntz's Metal Co., Ltd., French Walls, Birmiogbam Mugrave,ll, Eaat St., Leeda Musgrave BroL, Crown Point Foundry, Leede

Natlona~Aahton-under-Lyne National Gas EDgiue Co., Ld., Ashton-under Lyne, Manohoster lfattoDal, Manchester . . . . National BoUer a General Inauranoe Oo., Ltd., 22, St.

Ann's Square, Manchester Naslum, London . • lfe.-rettt. London •. Nellaon, SpriJJ gburn . .



llelaoD. Motherwell ••

.. London Emery Works Co., 10 & 12, Vine St., Olerkenwelt, E. C. •. Negretti ~ Zambra, Holborn Viaduot, E.C. .. NeUson, Reid & Co., Hyde Pa·k Locomotlve Works, Sp;iogburo,


. . Burst, Nelson & Co., Ltd., Glasgow Rolling Stock and Plant works Motherwell

lfettlefolda, Bt:rUJtngbam _ Nettlefolda I.fmlted, 16, Broad Street, Birmingham Nettlefold.s Llmtted, London lfettlefolda, London - ••

Jrewburn. London .. . • lfewbun:J.Newcaatle-on-'1 yne

Spencer, JobD, a Sona, Lt4.,189, Cannon Street, E.O. Spencer, John. a Sona, Ltd..Newburn Steel WJrks, Newclstle·

on Tyne 110-. Ramnton. Ohio, U.S.A. NUes Tool Worka Co., BatoJlton, Ohio, U.S.A. NIUacus. London.. .. .. NUes Tool Works Co., 23 & 25, Victoria St. , Wc.etminster, s. w. JIWacus, LoE don . • • . . . Pond :MachJne Tool eo., 23 & 26, Victoria St., Westminster, S. VI' . lfoolat. London - - .. Barron. F. C., a Co., Ltd., 9, St. Mildred's Court, Pcultfl, E.C. Norman, Glasgow - - Norman, John. 181A, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow lformandy, London .. .. NorUJandys Patent llart.De Aerated J'reah Water eo.,

Ltd., Victoria Dook Road, B. J(otwlthstandtng, London ~ Best Co., Ltd., 13, Cullum Street, E.O. Houles, London .. .. .. Granger, W. A., Brooke Ro~d. Stoke Newington, N. Nut.taU, AUegheny,Pa.,U.S.A. Nuttall, R. D., Co., Allegheny, Pa., U.S. A.

OaiEeJ', London .... Ooclude, LoJJdon .. 0111ok, London .. Openwork, London




Opodeldoo. London Oi't«tDaL •ancheater .. Oroutt, London Orr. Soarboro1Jgb ..

Gaborn, She8leld .. Outburat, London Owens, London -



• •

-P. Smlt, Jr., Rotterdam Packleas, Manchester ..

- Oakey, John, a SoDa, Ltd., Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. . . Nalder Bros. & Thompson, Ltd., 34, Queen Street, E. C. .. Olrlck. L., & Co., 27, Leadenball St., .E.O. . . Improved Patent Forced Draught Furnace Syndicate,

Ltd., 73, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. ~ Churchtll, Cbas., & Co .. Ltd.. 9 to 15, Leonard St., Finsbury, E.C. .. Cameron. John. O!dfield R>ad Iron Works, Salford

Loewe, Ludw., & Co., 3(1 ~ 32, F .. rringdoo Road, E. C. ... Baker's Patent A ppllan.ces Co., Ltd., 13, Huntriss Row,

~oar borough . . Osborn. S., a eo., Clsde Steel Works, Sheffield .. Bagahawe & Co., 3, Tower Royal, Cannon Street, E.C. •• Owena, 8., a eo .. Wbitefriara, F.O.

- Smit, P., Jr., Rotterdam, Holland • • Jt rictionleas Engine Packlng Co., Ltd., Cable Mills, Glas>·

house Street, Oldharn Road, Manchester P .. eaeld, Wtgan . . . . . . Walker Bros .. P..\gefield Iron Works, Wigan J'alfre:gman, Liverpool . . Palfreyma n, W. If., & Co., 17, Goree Piazzas, Liverpool Palmlti.De, Manchester . . Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., 3, Croae Street, Manchester Parker, Derby .. .. .. Parker Foundry Co., Derby [Lane, E C. Partridge Cooper, I.ont!on . . Partridge & Cooper, 191 & 192, Fl~e~ Street, and 1 & 2, Chancery Patella, Pahley .. .. .. Paterson, Cooper, & Co., Patella Works, Paisley Patents, Glasgow . .. .. Cruikabanka & Fairweather, 62, St. Vioo~ot Street, Glasgow Pa•man, Colchester . . . . Davey, Pa• man & Co., Ltd., Standard lrcn Works, Colchester

· •asman, London.. . . . . Davey, Paxman a Co., Ltd., 78, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. Peokett, Bristol .... .... . . Peokett a Sons, Atlas Engine WorkB, Brtst<.l Peables, Leith . . . . . . Peeblea, r. Bruce, & Co., Tay Works, Ediobur~h Pnman, Glasgow . . . . Penman & Co., 877, Vatmarnook .Road, Glasgow Perforatlo. London . . . . Barns, W., & Son, P~rtoratfng Works, Cbarlton Street, N. W. PfeU, London . . . ~ _ Pfeil & eo., 145·9, St. J.>bn Street, Clerkeowell, E. C. Phoentx, Kelgbley • . ... Summerscales, W., & Sons, Ltd., Pboooix Foundry, Kelgbley

. Pllaentx, Patsley .. _ .... Flemtng & Ferguaon. Ltd., Paisley, near Glasgow Phosphor, Bt:rmtngbam _ Phosphor Bronze eo., Ltd., Birmingham

, Phoephor Bronse, London .... Phosphor Bronze eo .. Ltd., 87, Sumner Street, S.E. Plloephor, Liverpool _ .... Phosphor Bronze eo .., Liverpcol Photophore, London _ •. Gullbert-Marttn, 9, Edmund Pbce. A'dersgate, E.O. Ptckeri.Dg, Wtahaw . . . . Plckerfng, R. Y., & Co., Ltd., Wisbaw, near Glasgow PtpJdD, New York, U.S.A. .. Jenklna Bros., 71, J ohn Street, New York, U.S.A. Pt.aton. She8lel4 •. _ _ Lookwood & Carl18le, Ltd., Eagle Foundry, Sbeftleld PLRona, Manoheater .. .. I•noaster a Tonge, Ltd., Pendleton, near .Manobea'u Planer, Glasgow •• _ Smith Brothers & eo., Kingston Kn&ine Works, Gla&g<'W Platt, Wedneabury . . .. Platt, Samuel. Wednesbury Plenty, Newbury.. .. _ Plenty & Son. Ltd., Newbury, Berkshire Pollook, Johnatone .. .. Pollock, W.byte & Waddel, Globe Eogin!erlng Wks., Johnatone Pontex, London .. _ .. Pontifex & Wood, Ltd., 84, New Bridge Street, E. C. PooleJ', Liverpool .. .... Pooley, B., a Son. Alblon Foundry, Liverpool PouU, Glasgow .. . . •. Smith, Bugh. & Co., Poasil Eoglne Works, Gla.sgow [friars, E. C. Potential, London .. . . . . Scott, Enaest, a :Mountatn, Ltd., 20, New Blidge Street, Black-Pott, Motherwell . . . . Pott, eassela a Wt1Uamson, M~therwel', near Glasgow Preferment, London .. .. Ledward, T., & eo., 3o, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. Preb. London .. .. .. DorDJaD & Smith, 94, Charing Cross .Roa.d, W.C. PrepoUent, London .. .... Lee, Bowl& Co., Ltcf., 6, Dowgate Hill, Oanncn Street, E.O. Press, Leeds.. .. .. . . Rice & Co., Neville Work.e, Elland Road, Leeds Prloea, Bl:rkenhea4 _ .... Prioe'a Patent Candle eo .. Ltd.. Bromborough Pool, Lh·erp >ol Prlestman, Bull ~ .. .. Pdestman Bros., Holderneas Foundry, Hull Priestman, London •. . . Prieatman Bros., 73A, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. Prlaoiplum, London .• .. Wellman·Seaver Engl.neertDg Co., 47, Vlotoria Street, West.·

Prlvllege, London _ Proctor. Burnley . • _ Pi'olle, Coventry . . • • Promptitude, London .. PuUeJs, Bradford .. Pulaometer, Glasgow _ •ullomoter, Leeds ..

minbter, S. W. •. Barrla a MUle, 28, Soutbamp~n Bulldtnge, W.O. _ Proctor, James, Bumley, l•noaeb.lre . . Webater & Bennett, Coventry .. Blackwall Galyantzed Iron Co., Ltd., 4, Corbet Court, E.C . . Croft & Perklns, Letds Road, Bradford, ~orks. . . Putaometer E.ngl.neertDg Co., Ltd., 8, York Street, Glasgow , , Faleometer EDglneering Co., Ltd,, 1, !aet Parade, Leed3


Pulsometer, London - . . Pnlsometer eo., Ltd., t 1 & 68, Queen Vll tor la Street, E.C'.

Pump, Bedford .• Pump, London -PumplDg. London


.. . . AJlen, W. B., Son, & Co., Ltd., Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford . . AUen. W. B., Son. & Co .. Ltd, 27, Old Queen Street, S. W.

Pumpa, Leeds ... Pumps, Manchester Pyrometer, London


• • .. ..

.. Worthtngton Pumpl.n« Engtne Co .. 168,Queeo Viotorla St. ,E.C.

. . Le eels Engtneeri.Dg & Bydraullo Co., Cross Stam1ord S ~reet.

.. Pea.rn. ... , a eo .. Ltd., West Gonon, Manchester [Leeds

. . Schafl'er & Budenberg, 77A, Queen Vlotoria Street, E. C. Pyxor, London ... - . , Stamm, W., 25, College Hill, E.O.

Quarrtea, Leeda •. - - Whttaker Bros., Ltd., Horafortb, near Leeds

Radial, Halifax . . . . . . Smitb, G. F., L 4 d,, P<lrago:1 Ir.>nw. rks, ral fa.x, Eoghnd Ragostne, London " . . ltagostne & eo .. 7, Idol Lane, &. 0. RaUway, Darlington .. .. :McLachlan & Co., Darllngton Rams, Accrfngton . . . . Blake, Jo~n Ltd., Oxford Stre~t Works, Accring'on, Lancashire R.ansome, London - . . Ran.some, A., & eo., Ltd., Klnjl"s Road, Chelsea, S W Bansomes, Ipswich - . . Ransomes, Sims a Je«erlea, Ltd., Orwell Works. Ipswich Ransomes Rapier. Lo»don . . Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., 32, Victoril Street, SW. Readers, Notti.Dgham . . . . Reader, E ., & Sons, Phoooix Works, Nottingham lteavell, Ipswich .. .. .. Reavell & eo., Ltd., RaneJagh Works. Ipsw'c':l, Glasgow - ~· Auld.. Davld, & Sons, Wbitevale Foundry, Glasgow Reform. Mancheater .. _ Slmon. Henry, Ltd., 20, Mo1Jnt Street, ~hnchester Refrigeration. London .. l·tnde British Refrigeration eo., Ltd., Lower Sh~well, E. Relchwald.. London .. .. Belchwald, August, 9, New Broad Street, E.O. Reichwald, N'castle-on-'lyne Retchwald, August, Lombard Street, Newcaatle-on.Tyoe Reid, Paisley .. .. .. Reld, Thos., Gl:.soo.v Reidw111, Liverpool .. -· Reld, Wm., & eo., Liverpool Reidwlll, London _ .. Reld, Wm., & Co .. ll2, Fenchurch Str.:e', E.C. Reldw111, Newcastle-on-'lyne Relet, Wm., & Co., Newcas'l£·oa-Tyne [ hamp~on

Relfat:.ce, Wolverhamptrn . . lrona:ongers' Rope WorkJ, L td., Brickfield Street, Wol ver-Repsov, Portsmouth _. _ Voaper & eo., Ltd., Croad Street., Portsmouth Rtohard.s, Altrlncbam.. ... R.icbarcls, Geo., & Co., Ltd..,, near Manchester Rlcbardaons, Hartlepool . . R.ichardson. Thos., & Sons. Ltd.. Hartlepool Ricto, London .... . . . ., Thos. s., 60, Watling Street, E. C. Rlemlager, Hamburg.. •. Gebrckens, C. Otto, Hamburg Rivet, Glasgow .. .. .. Clyde Rivet Works eo., Glaegow Bivetter, Leeds . . . . . . Berry, Benl'Y, & Oo., Ltd., C.o) do:l Work~. Leeds Rtxson, Sheffield . . . . . . Wcodhouse & RiKson, AttercliffJ, Sheffield &obey, I.tncoln . • ~ . . Robey & eo .. Ltd., Lincoln &obtn•on. Rochdale ... •. R.obtnson. T., & Son. Ltd., Bochd~ole &oebuck, London.. ... .... Buck & Biokman, 2 & 4, Wbiteobapel Road, E Roger, Stockton-on·Teea ... Roger, B., a Co., Ltd., Stockton Iron Foundry, Stookton·OD Tees Roman, Manchester ~ . . Bremner, J. A., a eo., Alben Street, Manchester Ronkaley, Armley ~· . . Johnson, W., & Sons, Ca.<Jtleton Foundry, Armley, Leed3. Ropeways, London •. .. Ropeways Syndicate, Ltd., 30, St. M.Hy Axe, E. C. &oae, Bun - .. - . • Rose, Downa & Thompson. Ltd., Old Foundry, Hull Rothermel, London . . . . R.otherme~ Paul, 105, Leadenhall Street, E. C. &otDeVDl. London . . _ PhiJllpe a Lelgh, 22, Southampton Balldtoge, ObanceryLane,W.C. &uuell, :Motherwell u _. Rusaell, G., a Co., Motherwell, N. B. Russell, Wednesbury . . . . Russell, Jas., & Sons, Ltd., Oro" n l'ube Works, Wedneabury B.uston, t.tncol.D .. .. .. Ruaton, Proctor & eo., Ltd., Sheaf Iron Works, Lincoln

Salford, Brighouse .. Samuelaon. Ban bury .• Sanders, London . . -Sandon, Patricroft u

Sandycroft, Bawarden

. . Fleming, Birkby & Goodall, Ltd., Salford Card Worl.s,

.. Samuelson & eo., Ltd., Banbury, Oxon [Btighouse _ Burnbam, WUUama & Co.,Daehwooo Bouse,9,New Broad St.. ,E <..:. . . Browett, Lindley & Co. (1899), L · d., Plltricroft, Macchester . . Sandycroft Foundry & Engine Wo1 ks, Co., L~d., nenr


Scblele, :Manchester . . . . Soblele Union Engtneeri.Dg eo .. Ld., Pollard Street, Manoheat< r Schra.m, London .. _. . . Schram, R., & Co., Cannon Stree~ House, E.C. Scott, Balttax .... _ __ Scott Bros., West Mount Works, H~Efax Screen&1 Bury St. Edmunds Boby, RobErt, Ltd •• St. Andrew's Works, Eury St. Edmunds Scriven. Leeda - . . - Scriven • eo., Marsh lAne, Leeds Sellers, Philadelphia .. .. Sellers, Wm., & eo. ( lncorp.), Phih1elphia., Penn., U.S.A. Separator, London .... _ I.tnde British Refrigeration eo •• Ltd., 86, Queen Viotorla

Street, E.C. Seyab, London . . . . Bay&s, Edward, 12, Grea~ St. Hel~n·a, E.O. Shaft, Wednesbury .. .. Patent Shaft & Axletree Co., Ltd., Wednesbury Shanks, Arbroath .. . . Sbankt, Alexr., & Son, Ltd., A1 broath, Scotl.1Ld Shanks, Johnstone . . . . Shanks, Thomas, & Co., Union Lroo Wks, Jobnstone, or. Gb~g.>w

ShankeoD, Londom .. . . Shanks, Alex.r., & Son, Ltd., Butb L1ne House, E.C. Sheldaple, London . . . . Shelby & Co., 66, leona:d Screet, E. C. Shelton. Stoke-on·Trent •. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal eo .. Ltd., Stoke-:m·Tcent Sheltontan, London .. _ Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal eo .. Lt4.,122, Cannon St., E.C. Shores, Engineers, Banley . . Shore, T., a Sons, Albion Foundry, Hanley, Staff~. Shovell1Dg, L,ndon . . . . Brown Hoisting & Conveying Co., 39, V1otoria

•• Siemens, London -Siemens, :Motherwell .. SightEeer, London SUently, London .. SUvergray,London

• •

• •

••, London Simons, Renfrew ~ Sl.nclair, Leith .. Sirocco, Belfast .. Sivad, London .. .Smedle;va, Belper .• Smlt-Zoon. Ki.Dderdij k


-• •



-.Smith, Bodley - -Smith, 9, Strand, London Smtthfleld, Leeds. . . .


S~r ... et, W£stmioster, S.W. . . Siemens Brothers a Co., Ltd., l 2, Queen Anoe'a Gate, W d&t­. . l·aDarkehtre Steel Co., Ltd., Motherwell, N. B. [minster, S. W . . Stone, J. B., & C IJ., 135, Finsbucy Pav"ment, E.O. .. Parsons, C. A., & Co., 66, Victoria Street, S. W. .. Indta Rubber, Gutta Perch.a, a Telegraph Works eo.,

Ltd., 100, Oannon Str£et, E.O. .. Blackwall Galvanized Iron Co., Ltd., Orchard PI., Blaokwall - Stmons, W., a eo., Ltd., Reolrew, Scotland • . Sl.nclatr, George, Albion Boiler Works, Leith, N. B. .. Davidson & Co., Ltd., ~irocco Engineering Worko, Belfas~ . . PalJmau Co., 26, Victoria Stret;t, Westminster,~. W. . . Smedley BroL, Ltd., Belper, Derbyah1re . . Sm1t, L., & Zoon, Kinderdijk, near .Rot:erdam, Ho!land .. Smtth, Thomas, Steam Orane Works, Rodley, near LeedJ . . Smith, S., & Son, Ltd., 9, Strand, W.C. .. Green, T., & Son, Ltd., Smitbfield Iron \Vorks, Leeds

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Engineering Vol 69 Index - [PDF Document] (37)



Smiths, Notttngham . • Snowdrift, London . . Soho, Palaley . . _ SpherioaJ, Birmingham Spherloal. Newton Heath Spiral. Glasgow . . . . Spotleu, London .. •• Sprinklers, London .. Sprocket, London .. Steamplow, London .. Steam port, London . . Steampump, London . .


- Smith, Sydney, & Sons, Baaford BraeeWorka, Nottingham ·. SnowdoD, Sons & Co., Ltd., Mill wall, E. .. Camp bell & Calderwood, Sobo Engine Works, Paisley, Scotland . . Beenan a Froude, Aaton, Btrmlngham .. Beenan & Proude, Newton Heath Iron Work1, Maoohester .. Browu, W. S., Jun., & Co., 67, Washington Street , Glasgow · · Eyre & Spottlswoode, Great New Street, E.O. [S.W. ·. Dowsou, Taylor & Co., Ltd., 14, Victoria Street, Westminster, .. Ashton Valve Co., 1 & 2, Rangoon Street, E.O. .. Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 6, Lomba.rd Street, E.O. . . Blndley, E. S., 11, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. .. Blake & Knowles Steam Pump Works, Ltd •• 179, Queen

Victoria Street, E.O. (Mcmohester Steam Users, Manchester .. Manchester Steam Usera' Associatlou, 9, Mount Stre~t.

Steel Company ofSootland, 23, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd.,

Steel. QJ•sgow _ .. .. Steel. Wreuam .. .. •. Steelworka, Wolalngham •. Steenbergs, Newctutle - on·

Rogerson, John, & Co., Ltd.. Wolslngham, R.S.O., Co. Durham

Tne . . . . · · · · Steenberg, B., & Son, NewcastJe.on-Tyne Stem wheel, Lytham . . · · Lytham ShlpbuUdlDg & Engineering Co., Lytbam, Llnc. Stewart, Coatbrldge .. •. Stewart. A. a J ., & Menzles, Ltd., Q.)atbridge St. Niohola•, C&rllale u - Cowans, Sheldon & Co., Ltd., Oarllsle Storage, London .. - •· Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd.,'· m. Winchester St., E. C. Stork, Manoheeter - .. Storey, Isaao, a Sou, Ltd., EmpresJ Foundry, Manchester Stothert, Bath - - •. Stothert a Pltt, Ltd., Bat b Stothert, London - - - Stothert & Pitt, Ltd., 53, Victoria Street, S. W. [Manch•ster Strength, Manchester - - Unbreakable Pulley & Mill Gearing Co., Ltd., West Gorton, Struoturel, B Jrming ham · · K eep, F. A ., Juxon & Co., Empire Work~, B~rn Street , Sunderland. Wheel Cutter, [Birmingham

Kelghley .. .. · · · · Sunderland, John, Fleece Mills, Keighley Surfaotng, London · · · · Cohen, I., & Co., 239, ~4f', 2H, Dlackfriars .Road, s. E. Surrey Works, London · · Green, T ., & Son, Ltd., Surrey Works, Blackfriars Road, S.E. Suapend, London ·· ·· •· Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 179, Queen Victoria

Sustained, London Syenlte, Blrn1tngham .. Syphonla, Glasgow Syphonia, London

• •

.. • •

T&D.DM. Blr•ntngham .. Tangyes, Birmingham • Tangyea, Glasgow -Tangya., London .. -Tangya., Kanoheater •• Tangye•. Newcastle -Tanks, Birming ham •• Tape, SaJford •• -Tay, Glaagow - -

TeohnicaJ, Leeds .. -Temperature, London . . Thames, London . . . .

Street, E. C. · · Kllnger, Richard & Co., 66, Fenohurch Street, E.O. · · Wtlktnson, J ., & Sons, Saltley, Birmingham · · Royle, J. J., 66, Waterloo Street, Glasgow · · Royle, J. J ., Su!folk Hou&e, Laurence Pountney Hill, E C.

•• Tangye• I.tmited. Cornwall Works, Birmingham ~ T a ngyes ' Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Oxford Works, Birmingham • • Tangyes Limited, Argyle Street, Glasgow - Tangyes I.lmlted. 36, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. ~ Tangyes Llmtted. Deansgate, Manchester - Tangyes Limited. St .. Niobolas Buildings, Newcastle on·Tyne .. Asb, Josepb, & Son, Rea Works, Rea Street South, Birmiogbarn .. Widdowson. J. IL, Or<'sall Lane, Salford, Manch(ster .. Arrol, Sir WUllam, & Co., Ltd., Dalrnaraook I ron Works,

Bridgeton, Glasgow .. Barrlson & Robb, 19, East Parade, Leeds •· Green & Bouldlng, 105, Bunhill Row, E.C. · · Thames Ironworks ShlpbuUdtng & EnglneerJng Co ..

Ltd., Blackwall, E. The TaUDery, Ipswich.· .. Ipswich Tannery, L t d ., Suffolk Theorem, Patrlcrort .. ·· Gardne r & Sone, Barton Hall Engine Wks., Patricroft, M:1ncbester Thereupon, London .. .. Bratth\'ll'alte, Isaac, & Son. 24, Olltlbk Hill, Cannon Street, E. C. Tbtrtyfour, London .. - Scott, Geo., a Son. u, Christiln Street, E. Thompson a Co., Tamworth- Thompson a Co., Victoria Works, T11mwortb, Staffs. Tbornyorott. London •• - Tbornycroft., J. I ., a Co., Church Wharf, Ch;swick Tbwaltea, Bradford - • • Tbwaltee Bros., Ltd., Bradford, Yorkr.hire Tolch, London · · · · · · Tolch & Co., The Boatyard, Fulha.m, S. W. [miogham Tomey, Aaton, Birmingham Tomey, Joseph, a SoJUJ, Ltd., Manor Glos3 Works, Aston, Bir· Tools, Mancheste r -· .. Kendall & Gent, Belle Vue, H) de Road, Manchester Toug hness, London · · · · Schre lbe r , S., 8, Victoria Avenue, Bishopsgate Strett, E. C. Towards, N ewcastle-on-Tyne Toward, T., & Co., Oueebum, Newcaetle·on-Tyne Towler, W ater Lane, L eeds ·· Towle r , Wllliam, Globe Foundry, Leeds Transumo, London - .. Temperle y Tra nsporter eo., 72, Bishopsgate St. Within, E.C. Tre•sure, Liverpool .. .. Treasure, J . B., a Co., 8, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool Trewent, London . · · · · · Tre w ent, F. J., 43, Billiter Buildings, Billiter Street, E. C. Triton, Shrewsbury . . · · Lowco*ck, Arthur, Ltd., Shrewsbury Troughs, London - · · · · Paterson, Downs & Jardlne, 86, Lime Street, E. C. Tube, Glasgow - - · · Mareball, John, & Sons, Glasgow Tube Works, Glasg<. w Tnckaboe, Phi ladelphia. .. Wood, R. D., & Co., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Tncka, Du bUn . • ~ • · Tuck & Co., Ltd., lS, Aston's Quay, Dublin '1 uoka. London - - - '1 uok a Co., Ltd., 116, Cannon Street, E. C. Tudor, Birmingham .. .. Ward, B. W ., & Co., Lionel Street, BitminghBm Tullls, Clydebank • · · · Tullls, D. & J., L t d ., Kilbowie Ironworks, near Glasgow 'I nUts, Glaagow u .. - Tunta, John, & Co., St. Ann's Lealher Wor k~, Glasgow, Glasg ow .. .. Turnbull Engineering Co., 18, Blythswood Square, Glasgow Turbo, Newoastle-on-'Iyne .. Parsons, C. A., & Co., Heaton Works, Newtastle Turn.atlle, London - - Stenley, W. F., & eo., L t d ., Great TunHtile, Holborn, W.C TUrtona, Sheflle14 - - Turton, T., a Sons, Ltd., Sheaf Works, Sheffield


Tuyaux, London .• ••

TyleroK, London _ Tyne, Newoa•tle·on-Tyne

Ublque, Liverpool -Unbreakable, London .. Unbreakable. Manche•ter Union, St. Helens . .. Unlsonally. London .. Untsonally, London .. Untapped , London ..

Unwavering, London ..

Vacuum, London .. .. Valve, Blshopbrlggs .. Valve, Liverpool . . _ Vanner, London .. .. Vaporize, London .. Vena tor, London • • -Ventilator, London _ Venture, London . . -VermtUonette, London Vlckers, London . . • • Vtckers, Sheflleld. . • • V lgUantla, London ~ Vtgtlantla, Tlpton _ Viscosity, London _ Voidance, London •. Voidance, Ruabon .• Vonder, Manchester .. Vowel. Manchester •. Vuloan, Liverpool .. Vulpea, Leeda . . • .


.. UnitedFlex ible Metallio T u b ingeo., L t d.,ll2,Queen Victoria Stre~t, E. C.

.... Bayward·Tyler & Co., 90 and 92, Whiteoroes Street , E.O. • • Spenoer,John, & Sona,Ltd., Ouseburn Works,Newcastle·on.Tyoe

• • Untted Alkall Co., L t d., Exchange Buildings, Liverp)ol .. WeU.S. A. C., a Co., 102, Midland Road, St. Panorae, N. W. . . Wells, A. C., & Co., Carnarvon Street, Oheetbam, Manobeater . . Union Plate Glas s Co., Ltd., Pocket Nook, St. Heleos . . Goubert Mfg. Co •• 47, Victoria Street., WestmklstP.r, S. W. .. Heap, C. R ., 47, Victoria St reet, Westminster, S. W. .. W est , Nlchola s J., & Sons, 186, Oresham Houst>, Old Broa1

Street, E. C. . . Bulburd Engin eer ing Co., 150, Leadenball Street, E. C.

.. V a cuum Oll Co., Albany Bnlldings, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W. .. Turnbull, AleJL, a Co., Ltd., Bishopbrigge, Glasgow - Ketallto Valve Co., Tower Bulldlngs, Water St., Liverpool . . Fraaer & ChaJmere, Ltd., •a, Thread needle Street, E.O. • . Calrd & Rayner, 777, Commercial Road, Limehouae, E. .... Hunter & Engllah, Bow, E. . . Blaokman Co., Ltd., 63, Fore Street, E C. .. J ensen & Son, 77, Chancery Lane, W. 0. .. Bolmes, J. B., & Co., 17, Soho Square, W. .. Vlcke re, Sons & Maxim , Ltd., 28, Victoria St., Weatmineter,S.W. . . Vickere, Sons & M a x im , Ltd., River Don Works, Sheffield . . Atrd, J os., 46, Queen Victoria Street, E. 0. .. Atrd. Jos., Wrot. Iron and Steel Tube Works, Great Bridge, Stsfls. .. '1 rler Bros., 1, Great George St reet, W eatmlnster, S. W. .. Bug hes & Lancaste r , 47, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. .. Bug h ea & Lancaate r , Acretair Engineering Work&, Ruabon .. Von d e r B eyde, J . B ennett, 6, Brown Street, Manobester . . Bradford. Tboe., a Co., Crescent Ironworks, Salford, Manchester .. Bendereon • Glas•, Iron Merchante, Liverpool •• Leeda J"orge Company, Ltd.. Leede

Wagonload, London . . . . Pickering, R . Y ., a Co., L t d ., 3, Victoria Street, S. W. Walles, Euston Roa d , London WaUes, George, & Co., 258, Euston Road, N. W. Walker, Bristol . . . . . . Avonslde Eng ine Co., Bristol Warmt h , Liverpool ~· . . Kermode 'e Llquld Fuel Syste m , i9, St. Domingo rate,

Was te, L iv e r p ool ..

Wate r side, I pswich W a tsons, Newcastl e


.. ••

Liverpool . . P a l a tine Eng lne erla g Co., Ltd ., 10, 13lackstock Street

l,h·er~ool . . R a nsome s & Rapier , L t d ., Watenide Works, Ipswich .. Blechy nden P atent Boller Co., cu e cf High Bridge Works,

Newcastle·on-Tyne Wateons, Newc9.6tle . . .. W 4tson, H enry, & Sons, High Bridge Works, Newoe.stle·on-Tyoe Watt, Soho, Smethwlck .. Watt, James, & Co., Soho Foundry, Birmingham Waygood, London.. .. .. Waygood. R., & Co., Ltd., Falmouth Road, S.E. Weardale , London .. - Weardale Iron & Coal Co.,Ltd.,George Yd., Upper TnamesSt., Weardale, Manches ter .. W e ardale Iron & Coal Co., L t d., Manoheet< r [E.C. Weardale, Newcastle .. .. Weardale Iron & Coal Co., L t d., Newcastle Weardale, SpeUDymoor - W eardale Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., Tudhoe Ironworks, Spenny· Webb, Comba - - . . Webb & Son, Combe Tannery, Stowma.rket (moor, Durbam Weigh, Leeds . . .. .. Dentson. Saml., a Son, Huns!et Carr, Leeds, S. Weldleu, Bl.rml.ngba m .. Weldlesa Steel Tube eo., L d., Icknteld Port Rd ., Birmingham Wellhole, London ·~ .. Va uxhall Ironworks Co., L td.. Wandsworth Road. R. w. Westl.nghouse, London . . West inghouse Brake Co., 0.1nal Road, King's Cro~,;, N. Wheels, Mancheste r · · . . Fle tche r , John, &: Sons, Eagle Foundry, Saltord, Manchester Whlte8eld. Glasgow .. .. Rou a D11D.can, Govan, Glasgow Wlggl.n.s, Mtnorles , London . . Wlggl.n.s, F., & Sons , 10, Tower Hill, and 102 & 103, Minories, E C. WUlans, Rugby . . . . . . WUlans & Robtnson. Ltd., Ru~by, Warwickshire WWooz. Southwark St .. Ldn. WWco*k, W . B., & Co., Ltd., 23, outhwark StreE:t, S.E. WUlrlc h , Erooklyn, U.S.A. - WWiama. J . B ., & Co., 9 to 31, Richards Street, Brooldyo, New

Windlass, Glasgow •. Wi.JJ d t tg ht, L ondon . . W i r e, Glasgow . . . . Wirop, Liverpool - -Wttwy, London .. .. Woodfield, Live r sed ge .. Woodite, Mttcha m ~· Worka, Wtckbam Ma rket Wrlght, Tlpton . . . .

York, U,S.A. .. Napter Bros., Ltd., 100, Hyde P.nk S~reet, Ghegow · · B a rris, Ant hony, 73, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. · · Smitb , G. B . & Co., Cro.ighall Ironworks, Saracen Street, Glasgow - W arrtngton Wire Rope Wor ks, Ltd., Ltverpool - W itty & W y a t t , L t d., 88, Leadenhall Street , E.O. · · Fleming, B irkby & Goodall, L td., Woodtield Mills, Liversedge .. Woodite Works, Mitcham Common, Surrey · · Whltmore & Bt.nyon, L t d ., Wickham Market · · Wrlght, JM., a Co., Tipton, St1ft'ordshire

Yarrow, London _ _ _ Yarrow a Co., Ltd., Isle ot Dogs, Poplar, E. Edwarda a Co., Millwall, E. Yola, London _ •• _

Young, Enginee r s, P lmllco,} London- •• _ _

Young, B., & Co., Ltd., Ecclestoo Iron works, Pimllco, and Hayle Foundry Wharf, Nine F.lms, S. W.

Za dtg, London Zero, D erby .. Zero, D erby . .

• •

-.. ••

.. • •

• • Za d lg, C. A ., & Co., 11, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. . . B asl a m Foundry &: Engineerin g Co •• Ltd., Derby · · Pontifex & Wood, Ltd., Union Foundry, Derby

• ' • •

Naitiful Vol.69

Engineering Vol 69 1900-06-29

Engineering Vol 69 1900-01-05

The Crusader Vol. 69 Issue 7

Blpd Newsletter Vol.69

Engineering Vol 69 1900-06-22

The Crusader Vol. 69 Issue 4

Engineering Vol 69 1900-03-02

Wildcat Tales: Issue 11, Vol. 69

Vol 69 - Broj 2.pdf

Engineering Vol 69 1900-04-27

Engineering Vol 69 1900-05-18

Engineering Vol 69 1900-02-02

Engineering Vol 69 1900-03-16

Engineering Vol 69 1900-03-09

Econometrica, Vol. 69, No. 1 January, 2001 , 69 Ž.· econometrica, vol. 69, no. 1 january, 2001 , 69Ž. 116

Engineering Vol 69 1900-03-23

Vol. 69, Issue 11 Dec. 3

Engineering Vol 69 1900-05-11

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.