Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (2024)

} */ this.hooks = {}; } /** * Hooks a custom callback to an event. * @param {string} key * @param {{(): void}} callback A */ on(key, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(this.hooks[key])) { this.hooks[key] = []; } this.hooks[key].push(callback); } callHook(key, args) { const hook = this.hooks[key]; for (const hook of this.hooks[key]) { hook(args); } } toggleFullScreen() { if (this.isFullScreen) { const supported = exitFullScreen(); = this.defaultZIndex; this.callHook('exitFullscreen', { supported, }); } else { const supported = fullscreenElement(this.element); = this.fullScreenZIndex; this.callHook('enterFullscreen', { supported, }); } this.isFullScreen = !this.isFullScreen; } updateVolumeSliderValue(value) { const min = Number(this.volumeSlider.getAttribute('min')); const max = Number(this.volumeSlider.getAttribute('max')); const gradientPercentage = ((value - min) * 100) / (max - min); = `${gradientPercentage}% 100%`; this.volumeSlider.value = value; } /** * @param {Event} event */ onVolumeSlide(event) { const { value } = event.currentTarget; this.updateVolumeSliderValue(value); this.adjustVolume(value); } /** * An abstract method called when the volume is changed in the slider. * @param {number} value */ async adjustVolume(value) {} /** * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onProgressBarClick(event) { const rect = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = event.clientX - rect.left; // x position within the element. const width = event.currentTarget?.clientWidth || 667; const percentage = x / width; this.pan(percentage); } /** * An abstract method that accepts the progress value retrieved upon clicking the progress bar. * @param {number} percentage * A number from 0-1 that represents * where the progress bar was clicked relative from left to right. */ async pan(percentage) {} showCenteredPlayIcon() { if (!this.iconLayer) { return; } const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ShadowedPlayIcon(`playIcon-${this.uuid}`); const elements = []; for (const child of Array.from(div.children)) { const element = this.iconLayer.appendChild(child); elements.push(element); } this.playIcons = elements; } hideCenteredPlayIcon() { if (this.playIcons.length > 0) { for (const icon of this.playIcons) { icon.classList.add('player-icon-fade-out'); setTimeout(() => { try { icon.remove(); } catch (error) { // Fail silently if element no longer exists. } }, 1000); } this.playIcons = []; } } togglePlaybackButton(toggle) { if (!this.playButton) { return; } if (toggle) { this.playButton.innerHTML = ShadowedPauseIconSmall(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } else { this.playButton.innerHTML = ShadowedPlayIconSmall(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } } toggleMuteButton(toggle) { if (!this.volumeButton) { return; } if (toggle) { this.volumeButton.innerHTML = ShadowedVolumeCross(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } else { this.volumeButton.innerHTML = ShadowedVolumeHigh(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } } displayPlay() { this.togglePlaybackButton(false); this.hideCenteredPlayIcon(); } displayPaused() { this.togglePlaybackButton(true); this.showCenteredPlayIcon(); } /** * @param {string | number} progress A number from 0-100. */ updateProgressBar(progress) { = `${progress}%`; }}class VimeoVideoPlayer extends VideoPlayer { /** * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {string} videoUrl * @param {any} options - Vimeo.Player.Options * @param {any} customOptions */ constructor(element, videoUrl, options) { super(element); = `${options.maxwidth}px`; = `${options.height}px`; this.options = options; this.videoUrl = videoUrl; // From this.player = new Vimeo.Player(this.videoPlayerContainer, { id: this.getId(videoUrl), autopause: true, ...options, }); this.setupHooks(); this.setupEvents(); if (!options?.autoplay) { this.displayPaused(); } } async pan(percentage) { super.pan(percentage); if (!this.player) { return; } const duration = await this.player.getDuration(); const seek = percentage * duration; this.player.setCurrentTime(seek); } async adjustVolume(value) { super.adjustVolume(value); if (!this.player) { return; } this.player.setVolume(value * 0.01); this.toggleMuteButton(value <= 0); } getId(videoUrl) { if (videoUrl.includes('')) { return videoUrl .replace('https', '') .replace('http', '') .replace('://', '') .replace('://', '') .replace(/\?(.*)/, ''); } return videoUrl; } async togglePlay() { if (!this.player) { return; } const paused = await this.player.getPaused(); if (paused) {; } else { this.player.pause(); } } async toggleMute() { if (!this.player) { return; } const volume = await this.player.getVolume(); const muted = volume <= 0; if (muted) { await this.player.setVolume(1); this.updateVolumeSliderValue(100); this.callHook('unmute'); } else { await this.player.setVolume(0); this.updateVolumeSliderValue(0); this.callHook('mute'); } this.toggleMuteButton(!muted); } async animateProgress() { if (this.player) { const currentTime = await this.player.getCurrentTime(); const duration = await this.player.getDuration(); const progress = (currentTime / duration) * 100; this.updateProgressBar(progress); } window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animateProgress()); } setupHooks() { this.player.on('pause', () => { this.displayPaused(); this.callHook('pause'); }); this.player.on('play', () => { this.displayPlay(); this.callHook('play'); }); // In case the fullscreen API is not supported by the browser, // we handle it here by using Vimeo's default fullscreen API. this.on('enterFullscreen', ({ supported }) => { if (!supported) { this.player?.requestFullscreen(); } }); this.on('exitFullscreen', ({ supported }) => { if (!supported) { // NOTE: no need to handle exit here as it was already // handled by Vimeo. We always request fullscreen // if fullscreen API is not supported by the browser. this.player?.requestFullscreen(); } }); this.animateProgress(); } setupEvents() { if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.togglePlay()); } this.iconLayer.addEventListener('click', () => this.togglePlay()); if (this.volumeButton) { this.volumeButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleMute()); } }}

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Home Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise

Sunrise, Florida

`; } return `

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (1)

`; }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {string} * @param {string} args.videoIsVertical * @param {number} args.index */ generateVimeoVideoTemplate({ id, videoIsVertical, index }) { const widthClass = videoIsVertical ? 'giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__video-vertical' : 'giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__video'; return `

`; }, destroyMasonry() { if (this.masonry) { this.masonry.destroy(); } }, setupMasonry() { this.destroyMasonry(); this.masonry = new Masonry(this.rootContainer, { itemSelector: '.giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__grid-item', columnWidth: '.giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__grid-sizer', gutter: '.giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__gutter-sizer', }); this.setupVimeoPlayers(); }, /** * @param {number} width * @param {boolean} videoIsVertical */ getVideoDynamicHeight(width, videoIsVertical) { if (videoIsVertical) { return (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x; } return (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y; }, destroyVimeoVideos() { for (const player of this.players) { if (player?.destroy) { player.destroy(); } } this.players = []; }, setupVimeoPlayers() { const videos = this.extractedVideos; // clear existing players if any this.destroyVimeoVideos(); for (const { elementId, videoUrl, videoIsVertical } of videos) { const playerElement = document.getElementById(elementId); // NOTE: we add 16 to fill in the gutter gap for landscape videos const clientWidth = playerElement.clientWidth; const staticWidth = (videoIsVertical ? this.MAX_SCALE : (this.MAX_SCALE * 2) + 16); const width = this.clamp(clientWidth || staticWidth, 0, 728); const height = this.getVideoDynamicHeight(width, videoIsVertical); const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, maxwidth: width, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); this.players.push(vimeoPlayer); if (this.masonry) { this.masonry.layout(); } } }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {GalleryContent[]} args.contents - A validated array of gallery contents. * @param {boolean} args.useImageService - whether to use the external image service for fetching images. */ setContents({ contents, useImageService }) { const gridItems = []; /** * @type {ExtractedVideo[]} */ this.extractedVideos = []; let index = 0; const videoContent = contents.find(content => content.type == 'video'); const videoPosition = `end`; if (videoContent) { contents = contents.filter(content => content.type != 'video'); // sets the video content to the first content of the gallery if (videoPosition == 'start' || !videoPosition) { contents.splice(0, 0, videoContent) } else { // sets the video content to the last content of the gallery contents.splice(contents.length, 0, videoContent); } } for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'image') { gridItems.push(this.generateImageTemplate({ content, useImageService, index, })); } else if (content.type === 'video') { const id = `mainProductGalleryLightboxMasonry-template--20474375438635__main-${index}`; const videoIsVertical = (content?.video?.width || 0) < (content?.video?.height || 0); gridItems.push(this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate({ id, videoIsVertical, index, })); this.extractedVideos.push({ elementId: id, videoUrl: content?.video?.videoUrl || '', videoIsVertical, }); } index++; } const template = `

${gridItems.join('')} `; this.rootContainer.innerHTML = template; if (this.onItemClick) { const imageItems = this.rootContainer.querySelectorAll('.giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__image'); for (const image of [...imageItems]) { image.addEventListener('click', () => { const index = Number(image.getAttribute('data-index')); this.onItemClick(index); }); } } }, }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { mainProductGalleryLightboxMasonry.init(); });


`; } return `

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (2)

`; }, generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }) { const width = 190; const height = 142; if (content.type === 'video') { return `


Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (3)

`; } if (useImageService) { const url = `${width}x${height}/cover/${content?.image?.src}`; return `

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (4)

`; } return `

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (5)

`; }, generateVimeoVideoSlide({ id, videoUrl, orientation }) { return `

`; }, clearSlides() { this.mainSwiper.removeAllSlides(); this.thumbnailSwiper.removeAllSlides(); }, setupVimeoPlayers() { const videoIds = this.vimeoPlayerIds; for (const player of this.vimeoPlayers) { if (player?.destroy) { player.destroy(); } } this.vimeoPlayers = []; for (const id of this.vimeoPlayerIds) { const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const container = playerElement.parentElement; const videoUrl = playerElement.getAttribute('data-video-url'); const orientation = playerElement.getAttribute('data-orientation'); let height = 0; let maxheight = this.DESKTOP_SIZES.height; const width = container?.clientWidth || playerElement.clientWidth; if (orientation === 'portrait') { const clampedWidth = this.clamp(width, 0, 400); height = this.clamp((clampedWidth / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x, 0, this.DESKTOP_SIZES.height); } else { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y; maxheight = height; } const options = { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }; if (orientation === 'portrait') { options.maxwidth = 400; } const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, options); this.vimeoPlayers.push(vimeoPlayer); } }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {GalleryContent[]} args.contents - A validated array of gallery contents. * @param {boolean} args.useImageService - whether to use the external image service for fetching images. */ setContents({ contents, useImageService }) { const mainTemplates = []; const thumbnailTemplates = []; this.vimeoPlayerIds = []; this.itemsCount = contents.length; let index = 0; const videoContent = contents.find(content => content.type == 'video'); const videoPosition = `end`; if (videoContent) { contents = contents.filter(content => content.type != 'video'); // sets the video content to the first content of the gallery if (videoPosition == 'start' || !videoPosition) { contents.splice(0, 0, videoContent) } else { // sets the video content to the last content of the gallery contents.splice(contents.length, 0, videoContent); } } for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'image') { const mainSlide = this.generateMainSwiperImageSlide({ content, useImageService }); const thumbnail = this.generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }); mainTemplates.push(mainSlide); thumbnailTemplates.push(thumbnail); } else if (content.type === 'video') { let orientation = 'landscape'; if (content?.video?.width < content?.video?.height) { orientation = 'portrait'; } const id = `mainProductGalleryLightboxSlider-slider-video-${index}`; const mainSlide = this.generateVimeoVideoSlide({ id, videoUrl: content?.video?.videoUrl || '', orientation, }); const thumbnail = this.generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }); this.vimeoPlayerIds.push(id); mainTemplates.push(mainSlide); thumbnailTemplates.push(thumbnail); } index++; } this.clearSlides(); this.mainSwiper.addSlide(0, mainTemplates.reverse()); this.thumbnailSwiper.addSlide(0, thumbnailTemplates.reverse()); }, }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { mainProductGalleryLightboxSlider.init(); });

`; } return `
Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (6)
`; }, generateVimeoVideoSlideTemplate({ id, videoUrl }) { return `
`; }, setupVimeoPlayers({ orientation }) { for (const player of this.vimeoPlayers) { if (player?.destroy) { player.destroy(); } } this.vimeoPlayers = []; for (const id of this.vimeoPlayerIds) { const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const videoUrl = playerElement.getAttribute('data-video-url'); let height = 0; let maxheight = 760; const width = playerElement.clientWidth; if (orientation === 'portrait') { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x; } else { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y; maxheight = height; } const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight, autopause: true, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer?.on('play', () => { this.swiper.autoplay.stop(); }); vimeoPlayer?.on('pause', () => { this.swiper.autoplay.start(); }); this.vimeoPlayers.push(vimeoPlayer); this.swiper?.on('slideChange', () => { vimeoPlayer?.player.pause(); }) } }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {GalleryContent[]} args.contents - A validated array of gallery contents. * @param {boolean} args.useImageService - whether to use the external image service for fetching images. */ setContents({ contents, useImageService }) { const imageTemplates = []; const videoTemplates = []; this.vimeoPlayerIds = []; let index = 0; let orientation = 'landscape'; // process video first for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'video') { // accepts vimeo videos only to display in gallery for mobile const videoUrl = content?.video?.videoUrl; if (videoUrl.includes('')) { // If at least one video is portrait, we render the carousel as portrait. if (content?.video?.width < content?.video?.height) { orientation = 'portrait'; } const id = `mainProductGalleryCarousel-carousel-video-${index}`; const template = this.generateVimeoVideoSlideTemplate({ id, videoUrl: content?.video?.videoUrl || '', }); this.vimeoPlayerIds.push(id); videoTemplates.push(template); } } index++; } this.orientation = orientation; // Reverse the contents array before iterating to match image order in Shopify and AT contents = contents.reverse(); // then image let newItem = { "image": { "alt": "How It Works", "height": 3000, // Add height here if available "src": "", "src_desktop": "", "src_mobile": "", "src_mobile_small": "", "src_tablet": "", "width": 2250 // Add width here if available }, "type": "image" }; window.innerWidth > 874 ? contents.push(newItem) : contents.unshift(newItem);; for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'image') { const template = this.generateImageSlideTemplate({ content, useImageService, orientation, }); imageTemplates.push(template); } index++; } switch(orientation) { case 'landscape': this.rootContainer.classList.add('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.remove('portrait'); break; case 'portrait': this.rootContainer.classList.remove('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.add('portrait'); break; default: this.rootContainer.classList.remove('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.remove('portrait'); break; } const templates = [...videoTemplates, ...imageTemplates]; this.swiper.removeAllSlides(); this.swiper.addSlide(0, templates); const imageSlides = this.rootContainer.querySelectorAll('.giftory-gallery-carousel-template--20474375438635__main__image-slide'); for (const imageSlide of imageSlides) { imageSlide.addEventListener('click', () => { if (this.onClickEvent) { this.onClickEvent(); } }); } this.swiper.slideTo(0); this.setupVimeoPlayers({ orientation, }); }, }; $(document).ready(function(){ $("#placeholderSlide").empty(); });
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer0__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer0.init();
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer1__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer1.init();
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer2__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer2.init();

Home Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise

Sunrise, Florida

Duration: 1 hour


Go back the wild days of the 1800s California Gold Rush with the Gold Rush Escape Room! Race against time to uncover a hidden fortune left by a cunning prospector before others catch wind of the riches.

🕰️ Race against the clock to claim a hidden gold inheritance within 60 minutes

🗺️ Unravel clues and solve puzzles inside a historically themed prospector's cabin

💰 Discover hidden passages and clever tricks left by the gold prospector

🧭 Navigate the challenges with teamwork to secure your fortune before others do


When do I choose a date?

After purchase, you can request your preferred dates and times by following the instructions in the email you receive. If it's a gift, the recipient will also get an email with booking instructions.

Daily 8:00am to 12:00am


`; }, /** * @param {Location[]} locations * @param {string} locatedIn */ setLocations: function(locations, locatedIn) { if (! { console.error('The map "mainProductMap"" is not yet initialized.'); return; } this.clear(); this.locations = locations; this.heading.textContent = `Located in ${locatedIn}`; if (locations.length <= 1) { const location = locations[0]; const lat = JSON.parse(; const lng = JSON.parse(location.lng); const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({ lat, lng }); const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map: });; this.markers = [marker]; return; } const coordinates = []; const markers = []; const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); const locationButtons = []; for (const location of locations) { const lat = Number(; const lng = Number(location.lng); const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({ lat, lng }); bounds.extend(latlng); coordinates.push(latlng); const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map: }); markers.push(marker); locationButtons.push(this.createLocationButton(location)); } this.markers = markers; const setBounds = () => {; }; setBounds(); window.addEventListener('resize', setBounds); const zoom = ( || 10) - 1;; // render locations list = 'grid'; this.locationsElement.innerHTML = locationButtons.join(''); const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#mainProductMap__locations .giftory-google-map-v2__location-btn'); if (buttons) { for (const button of [...buttons]) { button.addEventListener('click', () => { const lat = Number(button.getAttribute('data-latitude')); const lng = Number(button.getAttribute('data-longitude'));{ lat, lng });; }) } } }, };

Practical information

Any restrictions to participate?

  • Age: The partner recommends the games for ages 13 and up. They do allow younger players, but some of the game content may be too difficult for them. A paying adult, 18 or older, must participate with anyone that is 14 and under. Also, any participants under the age of 18 will need an adult to sign their waiver.

Who can you accommodate for?

  • Children: Children under 4 years old can join for free but need to be signed up at the time of reservation.
  • Individuals with disabilities: Please contact the partner and they will help you select the best game room for your team.

What to expect on the day of the experience?

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • What’s included: Enter one of the immersive worlds and recover a priceless work of art, find lost gold, or break out of prison. Your team will have one hour to complete your mission and escape.
  • Who will be present: All games at the venue are open to the public so, you and your party may be joined by other players during the session.
  • Spectators: No spectators are allowed, everyone must have a ticket/reservations.
  • Photo/ video: You may take your own photos.

How to prepare?

  • Weather dependency: This is an indoor experience.
  • Arrival: Plan to arrive 10 minutes in advance.
  • Parking: There are paid garages nearby. We recommend grabbing a taxi, using a ride-share service, or walking when possible.
  • What not to bring:
    • No food or drink can be taken into the game rooms
    • Alcohol is strictly prohibited on the premises
  • Restrooms/ lockers/ changing rooms: Restrooms available on location.

Anything else I should know before going on this experience?

  • You will be in a room with a locked door, but every door is equipped with an exit button. Should you feel the need to leave the room, you are welcome to do so at any time.

Full description

This isn't just any treasure hunt; it's a race against time to claim an inheritance left by your late prospector relative, Clyde Hamilton. He's hidden a fortune in gold somewhere in his old cabin, and he's left clues that only the sharpest minds can solve. With 60 minutes on the clock, can you unearth the gold before word gets out and fortune seekers swarm?

Step into Clyde's carefully crafted cabin, filled with puzzles, maps, and hidden compartments. Your mission: sift through the remnants of a bygone era to discover where Clyde stashed his gold. Every lock you pick and puzzle you solve brings you closer to not just a substantial inheritance but also a peek into a thrilling period of American history. But be warned—Clyde was cunning and clever, making this treasure hunt a challenging endeavor with a difficulty level of 7 out of 10. Rally your most intelligent friends, sharpen your problem-solving skills, and prepare for a frantic dash against the clock in this heart-pounding escape room adventure. Will you strike gold, or will the fortune slip through your fingers as the clock ticks down?

Returns, exchanges and cancellation

Unused Experience Vouchers can be returned within 30 days for a full refund to the original purchaser, no questions asked.

If you have any unused Experience Vouchers, you can exchange them for anything else in our marketplace, no matter when. If you choose an experience that's more expensive, you'll need to pay the difference, but if you choose one that costs less, you'll receive a credit towards your next booking.

No refunds are allowed once the experience is booked, but you can reschedule up to 48 hours before your experience, for a date within a year of the original booking. To reschedule, contact the experience provider directly. No-shows or rescheduling less than 48 hours in advance means losing the value of your experience.
The Partner can reschedule games up to 4 hours before your reservation time. Within 4 hours of the start time, the game is not transferable and non-refundable.


Payment methods

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How it works

Find the perfect gift experience

Receive a voucher that never expires

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Here's what others have to say!


Based on 0 reviews

Noah J.

If you're a fan of escape rooms, then visiting this one is an absolute must. The structure and design of the room were impeccable, and it kept us entertained throughout the entire experience. Highly recommended for escape room enthusiasts!

Ava S.

I had an absolute blast during my first escape room experience! It was so much fun, and the staff was truly fantastic. They were incredibly kind and welcoming. Without a doubt, I will definitely be doing it again!

Emma K.

The game itself was a lot of fun, especially for our group of teenagers. We had the pleasure of meeting another family who had prior experience with escape rooms, and they shared some helpful tricks with us. The staff was extremely friendly and accommodating. I highly recommend this place for a truly enjoyable and entertaining time!

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (7) Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (8)

The Depths Escape Room in Sunrise

Sunrise, Florida

The Depths Escape Room in Sunrise


Regular price From $41

From $41 Regular price Sale price

Unit price / per

You save $-41

Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (9) Gold Rush Escape Room in Sunrise | Sunrise | Florida | Giftory (10)

Timeliner: Train through Time Escape Room in Sunrise

Sunrise, Florida

Timeliner: Train through Time Escape Room in Sunrise


Regular price From $41

From $41 Regular price Sale price

Unit price / per

You save $-41

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.