January 2017 - WordPress.com · Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (2024)

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (1)

Grace Lutheran Church�108 W. SOMO AVENUE �


715 453�4066��


January 2017


Annual Meeting�January 29, 2017�Grace Lutheran’s annual meeting will take place Sunday morning, 9:30 am on January 29. A luncheon will fol-low the meeting. Please note that this meeting is on Sunday morning. The 8:30 am worship will be the only ser-vice on January 29. The 10:45 worship is cancelled for this Sunday only. ��

• Attention Committees and Groups! It’s never too early to prepare your reports for the Annual Meet-ing. Please send your completed Annual Meeting report to the office on or before the deadline: January 13, 2017. Emailed reports will be especially appreciated! �

� Email address � [emailprotected] ��

• Annual Report Format�1.� What did we accomplish this year?�2.� What remains to be done?�3.� What did we learn?�4.� What are next year’s goals?�

Family Fun Day�January 29, 2017�Camp Forest Springs��

Bring the whole family to Camp Forest Springs on January 29 at 12:00 noon or later! All are welcome!�There will be downhill skiing, cross�county skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, tubing, and lots of fresh air. Join us and invite all your friends.�

Our Sponsors of the Month!�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (2)


Bulletin Board�

DEADLINES: Newsletter�Third Monday of every month, Bulletin�Wednesday�

Food Pantry NEEDS�The Tomahawk Emergency Food Pantry is in need of the following items:�� � Tuna� � � Cooking Oil�� �� � Jelly� � � Toilet Paper� �� � Corn Flakes�� Laundry Soaps�Please place your contributions in the Food Pantry box in the Gathering Area. Thank you!!!�

Faith and Youth�As Grace’s Director of Youth and Young Adults Ministry, I need to update all of you on what is currently happen-ing within this group of children and young adults in our church.��

First, I will share a recent experience of mine in which I had the privilege of hearing a young woman preach in which she asked the same question Jesus did �� “When I come again, will I find Faith?” This, of course, set me to thinking of our own congregation and what is happening at Grace to nurture our children and young adults’ faith lives. At this time, our church contains the Milestones, Sunday School, GLOW, Confirmation, and the list goes on.��

That being said, I am once more considering further opportunities to involve more adults in the lives of our youth. If you have had the honor of attending the Faith Reception presented by our Confirmands during the past two years, you know that it has taken off. One of my goals is to convince more adults from our congregation to connect with the youth by sharing their faith stories, and, related to this, ask both the youth of our church and other adults (not necessarily parents) to share their own faith stories with the younger children, who are experi-encing a gap in their Faith Webs.��

Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith grows and they connect with various people and age groups, they are able to identify and share their faith with others � all of which is a rather simplified way of explaining Faith Webbing. At the time of Confirmation, the youth prepare a “Faith Board,” on which they include all the people who have been part of their faith development. Other elements of their faith life are included on the Faith Boards. Faith webbing prepares the young people to go out and share their faith with others upon confirmation.��

All of this is why I answer to the question posed that day in the young woman’s sermon by saying, “Yes, Jesus will find faith when he comes again.” But, your help as members of our congregation is vital. I know this be-cause I have witnessed faith in action in my own daughter, Pastor Nicole Welke, who grew up in our congrega-tion, a congregation that is still a major part of her faith life, and for that I thank all of you.��

Please let me know if you are willing to help with our Faith Webbing at Grace by sharing a story about your faith and how it came to be by being a prayer partner, helping with First Wednesday worship, or with GLOW Faith Webbing. �� � � � � � � � � � Thank you, Margie Welke�

Many Thanks!�• A heart felt thank you to everyone who

helped in any way with our annual Cookie Walk, Lefse, & Craft Sale! Numbers will be tallied soon so stay tuned for our final reports. The many helping hands, generous donations, and great co-operation made this year a complete success. �

• Thank you to all of the workers who helped make lefse for the Cookie Walk. You did a fantas-tic job! Over 270# of potatoes were boiled, peeled and made into lefse. Thank you to all who donated ingredients for the lefse. With your gen-erosity, we have no overhead! �

• Thank you to Linda Halverson, Lefse Coor-dinator, Julie Dentler, Cookie Walk Coordinator, and Darlene Wechsler, Craft Sale Coordinator. �

Thank you to all the wonderful, generous folks who helped in so many ways in the church office in 2016. We have been blessed by your donations of time, your enthusiasm, and your smiling faces. Bless you all a gazillion times over! Debbie & Sarah�

Ring in 2017 with the Grace Handbell Choir! We will be meeting on January 4, and each Wednes-day that month, at 6:00 PM. Having a music back-ground is helpful. Join us for fun and fellowship!�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (3)

S*+,, (715 area codes)��

Pastor………….………Rev. Mark Ziemer� 453�4066 or (home) 453�0612�

Visitation Pastor…Rev. Don Cannady�715 453�4066�

Supply Pastor….….Rev. Gerald Check�715 453�4066�

Lay Pastoral Ass’t..….…Wendy Black�715 453�4066�


Secretary…………....…….Debbie Hetzel �453�4066 or (home) 966�0536�

[emailprotected]�Secretary Support…… .Sarah Mann�

453�4066 �[emailprotected]

Treasurer...….………….Shirley Derleth �453�4066�


Wedding Coordinator�Kay Jensen………..…................453�4701�Custodian..…………………Colleen Yirsa


2016 C-./012 M345367�President�Brian Schmidt….....………..……453�1361��

Vice President �Mary Wessel……………………….453�7410��

Secretary�Sandy Wick….….……..……920 680�1237 ���

Mark Gaedtke……...…………….453�5907��

Steve Heikkinen…….…………..966�0160���

Luann Kiander.…………………..453�9097���

Ken Kincaid.……………………….612�3276���

Marilyn Smith.…………………...453�5184���

Lucas Tjugum.…………………...453�6475����

Bill Zorr……………………..608 575� 5816���

� ��

A W-69 ,6-4 P+7*-6 M+6:�

� New Year’s Resolution for the Church�Global & Local�

This resolution is truly powerful! The Pope and the President of the Lutheran World Federation signed an agreement, namely that these two leading global Christian organizations are now working together for human dignity and social justice, to bring hope, and to witness and act together. This is a first step with more that may well come in this new year of 2017 as Catholics and Lutherans join together to mark the 500th anniversary of their split. On October 31, 1517, Dr. Martin Luther a priest and professor in the Roman Catholic Church posted his Ninety�five Theses which began the “Reformation”. BUT in 2017 the emphasis will be on moving forward in cooperative ven-tures. ��

The size, scope, and impact of the Vatican and Lutheran World Fed-eration signing the “Declaration of Intent” mutually committing their global Christian organizations to deepened relationships and closer cooperation in humanitarian response and sustainable development is phenomenal. The details of this unprecedented initiative can be seen at http://en.radiovaticana.va/news or https://www.lutheranworld.org/news. The LWF World Service and Caritas Internationalis will work together in the following fields at global level: ��

• Refugees, internally displaced people and migrants �• Peace building and reconciliation �• Humanitarian preparedness and response �• Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals �• Interfaith action and programming��

But that’s not all!�Along with this global phenomenon, many local congregations are revitalizing their life and ministries. Eighteen of us have signed an agreement with “Vibrant Faith” to provide us with the knowledge and skills, practices and approaches, support and encouragement to im-plement a comprehensive approach for growing faith in this 21st cen-tury � I began this during my Sabbatical last May and November. Since its formation Vibrant Faith has been working closely with our ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and our synod (East Central Synod of Wisconsin) to embrace a new vision for faith for-mation. You can see more at www.vibrantfaith.org/vfu/ �The size, scope, and impact of this effort depend entirely on who joins me in this effort. We are each to form a team or even teams in our congregation to work on the five courses in this program. Each course has a specific focus, is four months long, and includes three on�line presentations led by a leader in the area of Faith Formation. The areas we will work on are: ��

Course 1: A Faith Forming Congregational Culture for the 21st

�Century � this introductory course is what I did in November so is already past.�Course 2: Intergenerational Faith Formation � January�April, 2017�Course 3: Family Faith Formation � May�August,, 2017�Course 4: Age�Group Faith Formation � September�December, 2017�Course 5: Missional Faith Formation � January�April, 2018�Course 6: Leading Faith Formation in the 21st�Century � May�August, 2018��

The live presentations on the Intergenerational emphasis will be:�

(Continued on page 4)�

Church Office Hours�Monday�Thursday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm�

(closed for lunch noon to 1:00 pm)�Friday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm�

Staff Meetings (Office closed)�Wednesday: 9:00 am�


January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (4)


• #1 � Monday,�January 23, 2017: � noon�3 pm�

• #2 � Monday,�February 27, 2017: �noon�3 pm��

• #3 � Monday, April 24, 2017: � � � � noon�3 pm�

The books being used for this emphasis are:�Generations Together. Kathie Amidei, Jim Merhaut, and John Roberto (LifelongFaith, 2014).�Intergenerational Christian Formation. Holly Allen & Christine Ross (IVP Books, 2012).�

Talk with me or any of our ministry staff at Grace. Phenomenal things are happening in the church locally and globally. We invite you to join in! Make this also your new year’s resolution and action! �

(Continued from page 3) Pastor Mark��

Garden of Giving�Another growing year, in which God has blessed us abundantly, has now ended. It was a very long growing season and took many hands to lighten the work. Thank you to all who helped plant, pull weeds, work on water barrels, harvest, and pray for the garden.��

We harvested: 25# of broccoli, 4.5# radishes, 26.25# cucumbers, 4.25# peas, 85# tomatoes, 19# peppers, 7# onions, 37.5# summer squash, 1# spinach, 72# potatoes, 22.25# beans, 12.25# lettuce, 3.5# beets, 5.5# winter melon, 27# butternut squash, 1.25# acorn squash, 4# carrots, 107.75# pumpkins, 4# leeks for a total of 469# of produce. ��

In addition to the planting and harvesting, we had three workshops for planting and canning that were open to the public. We are planning to continue workshops again next year. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. We could not have done it without all the help. We have fed a great many people. With all the donations to the Food Pantry, Our Sisters’ House, and the Salvation Army Backpack � �

The Garden of Giving Ministry team�

Joshua Armstrong � Visiting January 18�22, 2017�This visit is a great opportunity for many reasons:�

• If you are age 21�29, know someone who is, or will be that age soon, hear about one of the most meaning-ful, effective, and life� impactful experiences for that age. �

• If you wonder about news in the world or have questions about church and faith, hear the story of a young man’s deep encounter with the world and with faith and the church.�

• Hear a direct report of what our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is doing in making a difference in the lives of people and communities locally and globally. �

• This will also be a direct report about Lekubu Parish and what the Early Learning Centre is accomplish-ing from one who lived there last year.�

Joshua Harold Armstrong is the young adult placed in Lekubu from September, 2015�August, 2016 through the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program (YAGM). He spent that time working in Lekubu’s Early Learning Centre and experiencing the life, worship, and ministries of Lekubu village and Lekubu Parish.��

The past four months, after returning from Lekubu, Joshua was hired by the ELCA to travel to congregations to tell his story. Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) is the fastest growing program in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and is having a deep and effective impact on the lives of many young adults. Additionally for us, Joshua was right there, in Lekubu, for an entire year. He saw what the Creche, Lekubu’s Early Learning Cen-tre is accomplishing. He lived right on the grounds of Lekubu Lutheran congregation and also spent much time with Pastor Jack at the Nyetse and Mosweu congregations as well. �The present schedule for Joshua is:�

• Wednesday, January 18��Do a “Life�line” story at GLOW and Confirmation�• Thursday, January 19�9:30 AM WRV Rostered Leaders meeting ag Grace�• 5:30 PM Synod Council in Appleton�• Friday, January 20�events being planned in Wausau�• Worship�Saturday, January 21�5:00 PM�

Sunday, January 22�8:30 & 10:45 AM�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (5)

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (6)


AA/A2+/-/ M33*1/A7�Grace Lutheran�• AA and Alanon: �� Saturday 9:00 am ��

Grace Community House�• AA: Sunday 10:10 am �• AA: Friday 7:30 pm (open)�• AA: Wednesday 12:10 pm�

�St. Paul’s�12 E. Wisconsin Ave.�

• AA and Alanon: Monday 7:00 pm�

� If you have a problem with alco-hol or if someone you know suffers from the disease, AA (for the alco-holic) or Alanon (for family or friend of alcoholic) could be your lifeline. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of both these groups. If you would like to speak with someone personally, the church office, 453�4066, or Pastor Ziemer can put you in touch with an AA or Alanon member. �All communications will be


Electronic Giving��

Did you Know?�• You can give an online contribution any time. �• It can be a one�time contribution or you can set up a regular giving routine. ��Simply go to: www.gracelutherantomahawk.org and click on the blue button on lower right hand side��

Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving, which allows you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis or any time at all.�

Our Financial Picture 2016�

Needed for Monthly Budget�

Nov. 2016 Receipts�


General Fund� $30,858� $24,267� ($6,952)�Building Fund� $5,076� $9712� $4,636�Total� $35,934� $33,979� ($1,955)�

�� �� �� ��

Year � To � Date� Needed for Monthly Budget�

2016� Difference�

General Fund� $339,440� $303,242� ($36,198)�

Building Fund� $58,540� $61,602� 3,062�

Total� $397,980� $364,845� ($33,136)�

Mortgage Status� ��

2016 Reg. Principal Payments� $31,999.03�

2016 Extra Principal Payments� $5,768.16�

2016 Total Principal Payments� $37,767.19�

2016 Total Interest Payments� $26,541.04�

Loan Balance as of November 2016� $648,409.45�

October Special Offering � Grace House� $632.00�

**Adjusted Budget” includes reduc�on in mortgage payment on 4/1/16�

(Monthly mortgage payment reduced from $5,977.89/mo to $5,075.80/mo

resul�ng in annual reduc�on of $902.09/mo X 9 months + $8,118.81.�

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.�

Deuteronomy 16:17 �

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (7)


From the Stewardship Committee�

God’s Abundance��

We have before us a whole new year. Think of the abundance of possibilities and opportunities God lays before us for service to His kingdom in the minutes and hours that make up the days of the year 2017!��

Abundance is a characteristic of God. He gave His only Son Who declared to us, “I came that [you] may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Through Him and because of the abundance of His love for us, we are filled “with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of [our] faith, the salva-tion of [our] souls” (1 Peter 1:8�9). While He is slow to anger, the Lord is “abounding in steadfast love, forgiv-ing iniquity and transgression…” (Numbers 14:18).��

He gives the gifts of His creation to us in abundance as well, for who can count the stars in the sky, the birds in the air, or the fish in the sea? He also pours out on His people gifts in abundance. In Romans 12:6�8, we read, ��Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them: if prophesy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity, the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.��

God has equipped and enabled us with His abundant gifts to seek out the lost, to lead and serve on committees and boards that do the work of ministry, to provide financial support for our church workers at home and in missions, and to teach and preach His Word for the salvation of souls and the edification of believers.�

Perhaps you don’t know where you fit into this picture. Perhaps you even think you’re not part of the picture. Not so! The Apostle Peter wrote, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). By this we know that each of us has at least one gift and that God holds each of us responsible for using that gift. Ask God to show you where He wants to use you. May God’s blessings be with you as you make yourselves available in this new year to discover and use the gifts God has given you for His service.�

January Special Offering�LSS Homme Home��

Helping People Across Wisconsin and Michigan: a century plus tradition of LSS and Grace�Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan traces its origin to 1882. That is when a pastor in the United Norwegian Lutheran Church in America, Rev. E.J. Homme opened a home for orphaned children in Wit-tenberg, Wisconsin. Grace Lutheran joined the UNLC when it was formed in 1893 (Grace started out as First Scandinavian Lutheran Church until changing the name to “Grace” in 1934). Serving others and especially the most vulnerable was a foundational value in the Lutheran tradition and among the Norwegians settling in Wis-consin at that time. ��

Grace and Lutheran Social Services have together been dedicated to representing God’s love through programs and services that help people in need for well over a century. Now, the services of LSS extend across Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, helping people all along the lifespan with services as essential as housing and life�changing as adoption.��

LSS changes lives in many different ways: with a meal for someone who hasn’t eat-en lately; a course of treatment for someone struggling with addiction; or a compre-hensive set of services for an individual, family or community.��

Affiliated with congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America throughout Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, LSS welcomes and serves people of all faiths and backgrounds. The United Way also supports LSS and county and state governments pay for many of their programs. �For brochures and more information about the many services offered by Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Inc. go to www.lsswis.org �

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (8)


Constitutional Changes��

The following changes to all ELCA congregations’ constitutions were approved at the 2016 ELCA Churchwide As-sembly. These amendments have been reviewed by Grace’s Constitution Committee, and are recommended by the Grace Church Council. The following is a summary. Complete copies of Grace’s Constitution with these amendments are in the Gathering Space.��

1.� There is increasing recognition of the value of accepting and emphasizing the global connec-tions of the church. �

• The changes in Chapter 3 The Nature of the Church emphasize this reality.��

2.� The 2016 Churchwide Assembly combined the rosters of Associates in Ministry, Deaconesses, and Diaconal Ministers into one roster named “Ministers of Word and Service” with those on this roster to be called Deacons. This was action planned since the form ation of the ELCA in 1988 and done in deliberation with the Lutherans World Federation and its 172 international member bodies and with Christians of other denominations. This is reflected in all the following changes:�

• Chapter 5 Powers of the Congregation � changing 5.03. to add the authority of congregations to call a minister of Word and Service�

• Chapter 6 CHURCH AFFILIATIION � changing this wording in 6.03 under the provision authorizing whom congregations may call.�

• Titles were changed�◊ Clergy à ministers of Word and Sacrament: 9.02, 9.15, 15.02�◊ Ordained minister à �

∗ When referring to pastors only = minister of Word and Sacrament: 9.03, 9.15�∗ When referring now to both pastors & deacons = rostered ministers: 9.05 �

◊ Pastor à rostered minister: 13.04�• Chapter 9 THE PASTOR è significant changes in this chapter�


◊ 9.05. à description modified for the provisions for termination �◊ Sections 9.21�9.29 and 9.31 are added specifically for Ministers of Word and Service�

3.� Because of the above Chapter 9 was renamed as ROSTERED MINISTER instead of Pastors�• Wording and placement was slightly changed for the responsibilities of pastors in C9.03:�

◊ Items previously under c. were moved under a. and numbered as items 5), 6), and 7) �◊ b. 2) supervise changed to “relate to”�

• 9.05 description changed for placement on roster as disabled�• 9.20 was eliminated�

4.� Most congregations that leave the ELCA have done so quickly and most often such action was led by a group who withhold information about the implications of such actions. Minor changes in 6.05 emphasize the impli-cations of leaving the ELCA:�

• 6.05 � it is leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. �• ELCA named again in f.�• g. emphasizes covenants and the three expressions �• g. also moves into lesser status and renumbers provisions previously lettered as g. h. and i. �• h. removes the hypothetical “a” to the concreteness of “this”�

5. �Wherever the redundant terminology was used of “a two�thirds majority” it has been simplified to “two�thirds”�

• 7.03, 7.04, 9.01, 9.05, 17.02��

6.� Increasing numbers of people are “snowbirds” or have summer homes. Chapter 8 MEMBERSHIP adds changes to encourage people to connect with an ELCA congregation in each place where they live:�

• Under 8.02 and 8.05 � clarification has been added to both Voting and Associate members and where that clarification is stipulated in the Constitution. This is worded as “other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws.”�

• Seasonal members is added as item e ��

7.� The word “senior” is an option for churches to include to clarify authority of a specific pastor who has admin-istrative authority that other pastors in that congregation do not have, e.g. retired or associate pastors: 10.02, 12.12�

(Continued on page 9)�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (9)

8.� The Constitutional Chapters on Bylaws and Amendments were swapped putting amend-ments first and renumbering it as Chapter 16 and making the chapter on bylaws follow it and renumbering it as Chapter 17. This also shows up in the following: 5.03 e��

9.� Chapter 16 AMENDMENTS� �

• 16.02 b. changed to emphasize “voting members” and not just people present�• 16.04 The Churchwide update recommends “at least two” to reduce the number of

voting members needed to bring sections of the Constitution amended by the Church-wide Assembly to the congregation meeting. �

i)� Does not need to be changed since our Constitution as approved inserted the number twenty�five for the num ber of voting m em bers needed. �

ii)� Twenty�five is also the requirement stated in 10.02. and 16.01.��

10.�Chapter 17 BYLAWS�• 17.02 changed majority to a two�thirds vote requirement for adopting or amending a



This chapter has been substantially changed. This is likely a reflection of what has been learned�

as more congregations in the ELCA come together to form a parish. ��


Grace Lutheran Council December Meeting Minutes�Date: December 8, 2016�

�Council in attendance:�Mary Wessel, Sandy Wick, Marilyn Smith, Bill Zorr, Mark Gaedtke, Ken Kin-caid, Luann Kiander, Steve Heikkinen, Brian Schmidt�Missing: Lucas Tjugum �Other Attendees: Sherry Clements (through treasurer’s report only), Pastor Mark (for last half)�Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm. � �Devotions: �• Luann �Devotion focused on how each of us in some time of our life have asked God why did this

happen?? In place of asking God why did this happen, we should turn this around to ask God what can we do now that this has happened? So switching from asking ‘why’ to asking ‘what’ can lead to a path of God. �

�Where have we seen God at work?�• Little elves making the 100 plus ornaments for the memory tree ��Approve Agenda�• Mary made a motion to approve the agenda. Luann second. Motion passed and agenda was ap-

proved. ��Consent Agenda�• Motion made by Sandy to approve the consent agenda which consisted of November council

minutes. Seconded by Mark. �Motion passed.��

Treasurer's Report (Sherry) �• Sherry indicated that both expenses and income continue to be down in comparison to the 2016

budget. �• She also pointed out that the phone system will be upgraded as part of 2016 budget, but was also

included in a request for the 2017 budget. Should we reduce the 2017 budget for this? Steve moved to amend the previous approved motion for bringing the 2017 proposed budget of $438,697.29 to recommend bringing a reduced proposed budget of $437,197.29 to the annual

(Continued on page 10)�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (10)

meeting. Bill second. Motion passed. �• Steve moved to accept the treasurer report. Bill seconded. �Motion passed.�

Committee and staff reports �• Steve brought up that the Mission culture would like to plan and facilitate the 2017 Fall�fill up and Congre-

gational Retreat in place of having the long range planning ministry plan and facilitate this. � �

� �

Old Business��

1.� Church use policy� Pastor and staff are working on outlining a policy regarding use of church properties � No up-date�

2.� Sabbatical (Pastor Mark) � An update for this was included in the Pastor report. To see what he is learning, go to www.vibrantfaith.org. He has also reviewed the personnel handbook and is recommending that we change the

personnel policy regarding sabbatical leave from 6 months to 3 months. The reason for this is because he

felt that six months is too long for a congregational pastor and there would be a disconnect. ��

3.� Steve made a motion to change the personnel manual policy section from six months up to three months in length with 2 separate leaves of 1.5 months each or 3 leaves of one month each. Sandy seconded. Motion passed. ��

4.� Brian made a motion to recommend we propose the revisions to the constitutional at the annual meeting. Ken sec-ond. Motion passed �

5. Praising God, Serving Others, Building Friendships � What’s Next �• Creation of SMART Goals. This will be discussed under New Business �

6. Worship committee update (Wendy)�• No update.�

7.� Update on insurance concerns regarding the parish nurse�• This was discussed at the last meeting and Debbie was given the notice to update the insurance for this�

� �

8.� Accept/Deny wedding policies (Pastor Mark)�• Council had one recommendation to change in the policy regarding same gender marriage. Once this is

corrected, council agreed that we could move forward and approve it. ��

9.� Policy for Mission, Purpose, Priorities, Coordination, and Diversity (Pastor Mark) �• A recommendation was made to change the section which listed the vision as an appendix so the policy

does not need to change every few years. ��

10.�SMART goals for 2017. 2017 goals will focus on the first part of our mission statement, Praising God, with 2018 focusing on Serving Others, and 2019 focusing on Building Friendships. For each of the goals discussed, a sub team was created to help move the goal forward to the next steps. ��Goal 1: Increase the diversity of our m embership in our m inistr ies�

• Allows for members to experience greater connection to Grace as well as the communities we serve�• Helps to avoid burnout of volunteers�

• Specific � add new members across the ministries that Grace serves�• Measurable � Increase new membership in Grace ministries by showcasing each ministry as least 3 times

throughout the 2017 year. �• Attainable � What we’re looking for is involvement on new members serving in roles where they haven’t served

before.�• Relevant � As discussed during the November Council meeting, getting more member involvement in Grace

ministries seemed like a worthy goal for 2017.�• Time Bound � achieve by end of 2017��

• Ways to meet Goal: (m ore of these to be created throughout 2017 ) �• Discuss with confirmation director on how they could interview with the various chair persons in

writing an article in the newsletter �• Showcase by discussing each ministry in the newsletter (Did You Know Section) �

(Continued from page 9)�

(Continued on page 11)�10�

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (11)

• Create brochures of the different ministries �• Have a dedicated weekend where each ministry can showcase their ministry�• Next Steps: Sandy and Luann w ill w ork on rolling out this goal as w ell as creating the

metrics for measuring it. ��

Goal 2: Spread the Grace of God through communication and covert good deeds. ��

• Specific � Illustrate the ministries offered and create a vision for practical enactment.�• Measurable � Ten percent increase of website, Facebook, and blogging activity (Social networkers and in-

ternet) would seem a reasonable start. Covert missions can be measured by setting up a box and achieving x number of good deeds put in the box throughout 2017 (number to be determined by sub team). �

• Attainable � The congregation holds many individuals with a high degree of Internet expertise. We have been made aware of a website for implementing covert good deeds. � http://www.stayhumbleandkind.com/��

• Relevant � The Grace Council had agreed that offering more diversified ministries would enrich the lives of not only our members, but also the Tomahawk community and beyond.�

• Time Bound � Achieve by end of 2017�• Ways to meet Goal: (m ore of these to be created in 2017) �

• Allow members with specialized technical skills to expand the scope of ministry.�• A Weekend Showcase to illustrate the many varied ministries offered at Grace.�• An implementation of covert good deeds within the Tomahawk community.�• Next Steps: Mark and Bill w ill continue to review this goal to move it forw ard as w ell

as create the metrics for measuring it. ��

Goal 3: Enhance the worship service experience at Grace Lutheran Church.��

• Specific � Worshiping God is our primary directive this year.�• Measurable �Actively engaged worship committee �• Attainable � There is always room for improvement in the way we worship. Our worship committee is cur-

rently undergoing a reformation and hopefully will serve as a support to Pastor Mark and the congregation.�• Relevant � Once again, Worshiping is the backbone of our vision statement.�• Time Bound � Achieve by the end of 2017, �• Ways to meet Goal (more of these to be created in 2017) �

• Create a more meaningful worship experience through possible adjustments in Music, Message, or Liturgy.�

• Respond to concerns of the congregation from the 2016 Fill up night.�• Next Steps: Mary and Bill w ill continue to review this goal to move it forw ard as w ell as cre-

ate the metrics for measuring it. ��

New Business��

11.� Annual meeting planning group �• PZ will work directly with Brian on planning in January �

12.� Council elections and plan for incoming council members (all) �• These were to be presented tonight. Brian will reach out to Forrest to understand the delay. �

13.� Planning for 2016 staff and volunteer end of year program: �• Discussed some options for recognizing volunteers �

14.� Director of confirmation and next steps. �• This will be discussed next month. �

15.� Update on narrative budget for annual meeting (Pastor Mark and finance committee)�• No update�

Public comments: None��

Adjourn meeting �Mark moved we adjourn. Bill seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. ��

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.��

Minutes by Sandy Wick, Secretary�

(Continued from page 10)�


January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (12)

L1*.6A10+2 R-237�

January 7 & 8�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Mason Peck�� 8:30 am �Cayden Johnson��10:45 am �Logan Schreiner�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Dan/Kay Salewske�� 8:30 am �Randy/Cindy Blair��10:45 am �Lois Langlois��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Nona Arthur�� 8:30 am �Rita Meidam�

�10:45 am �Nancy Herbsion��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Georgie Crass�� � John Kromm�

� 8:30 am �Tom/Donna Stone�� � Don/Deb Narloch��10:45 am �Steve/Greg Heikkinen��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Gibeault Family��10:45 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Joe Story�� 8:30 am �Dave Schmit��10:45 am �Nancy Herbison��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Megan Marcks�� � Margie Welke��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Betty Hudson�� 8:30 am� Whitney Osero��10:45 am� Dravin Schmit��

Projection Set�up�Bill Zorr��

Altar Guild�Sandy Wick, Betty Hudson, �Dawn LaFevre��

Counters�Darwin Kluball, Julie Dentler�Diane Popp��

Video Delivery�Roger & Kathy Cook��

January 14 & 15�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Child of God�� 8:30 am �Elijahh Mullen��10:45 am �Reily Geiger�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Bernice Mitchell�� � Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Kevin/Christine Brown � � Family��10:45 am �Marilyn Smith�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug �� 8:30 am �Jean Rae Paulson ��10:45 am �Jeannie Gudgeon��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Jeannette Lovsletten�� � Peggy Price�� 8:30 am �John Krueger�� � Dar Clements�� � William Erickson�� � Jack Lauder��10:45 am �Craig/Dawn LaFevre��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Reinke Family��10:45 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Gail Wilson�� 8:30 am �Paul Kurth��10:45 am �Shirley Derleth��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Whitney Osero�� � Joe Story��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Jason Mielke�� 8:30 am� Lane Beaumier��10:45 am� Child of God��

Projection Set up To Be Announced��

Altar Guild�Sandy Wick, Betty Hudson, �Dawn LaFevre��

Counters�Darwin Kluball, Julie Dentler�Diane Popp��

Video Delivery�Nancy Bronsted��

January 21 & 22�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Child of God�� 8:30 am �Amalie Kurth��10:45 am �Ellie Witulski�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Sherry Thomspon�� � Rose Hoff�� 8:30 am �Tobias Family��10:45 am �Mary Hoglund��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Rose Hoff�� 8:30 am �Jessie Stromberg��10:45 am �Child of God��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Chris/Ed Raasch�� 8:30 am �Don/Jeanne Rae �� � Paulson�� � Don/Carolyn Halverson��10:45 am �Greg/Steve Heikkinen��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��10:45 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug� �

� 8:30 am �Gail Wilson��10:45 am �Kam Olson��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Deb/DonNarloch��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Don Tinker�� 8:30 am� Jackie Elliott��10:45 am� Child of God��

Projection Set up�To Be Announced��

Altar Guild�Sandy Wick, Betty Hudson, �Dawn LaFevre��

Counters�Darwin Kluball, Julie Dentler�Diane Popp��

Video Delivery�Brian Schmidt��


January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (13)

January 28 & 29�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Child of God�� 8:30 am �Megan Miles��10:45 am ���No Service���

Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Lynn Brown�� � Dar Clements�� 8:30 am �John/Kari Krueger�� � Ken/Deb Kincaid��10:45 am ���No Service���

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Jim Nelson�� 8:30 am �Brian Schmidt��10:45 am ��No Service���

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Darwin Kluball�� � Ron Kluball�� 8:30 am �Kristin/Megan Marcks�� � Brett/Lane Beaumier��10:45 am ���No Service��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��10:45 am ���No Service���

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Shirley Derleth��10:45 am ���No Service���

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Dave & Cathy Schmit��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Karen Torkelson�� 8:30 am� ZachVolz��10:45 am� ��No Service���

Projection Set up�To Be Announced ��

Altar Guild�Sandy Wick, Betty Hudson, �Dawn LaFevre��

Counters�Darwin Kluball, Julie Dentler�Diane Popp��

Video Delivery�Stan Torkelson��

February 4 & 5�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Lander Schade�� 8:30 am �Macey Mann��10:45 am �Erik Decker�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Peggy Price�� � Bernice Mitchell�� 8:30 am �Terry/Sarah Mann Fam.��10:45 am �Jody/Emily Decker��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Kathy Wolff�� 8:30 am �Chris Raasch��10:45 am �Lynn Brown��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Dar Clements�� � Dave Dettmering�� 8:30 am �Whitney Osero� Steve Kahle, Ed/Chris Raasch��10:45 am �Steve/Greg Heikkinen��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Karen Gauerke��10:45 am � ��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Joe Story �� 8:30 am �Corey Colburn��10:45 am �Nancy Herbison��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Al Overhaug�� � Shirley Derleth��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Sue Meilke�� 8:30 am� Paula Norman��10:45 am� Child of God��

Projection Set up�To Be Announced ��

Altar Guild�Kayci Stevenson, Sue Mielke�Karen Torkelson��

Counters�Kathy David, Heather Kurth,�Corrine Burcalow�

Video Delivery�Al Overhaug��

February 11 & 12�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Child of God�� 8:30 am �Martin Schmidt��10:45 am �Grace Witulski�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug�� � Sherry Thompson�� 8:30 am �Megan Marcks�� � Deb/Don Narloch�� � Al Tesch��10:45 am �Child of God��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Darlene Wurl�� 8:30 am �Sandy Wick��10:45 am �Nancy Herbison��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Georgie Crass�� � John Kromm�

� 8:30 am �Mike/Sandy Wick Fam.��10:45 am �Dan Schuller�� � Mary Hoglund��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Reinke Family �10:45 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Mark Gaedtke�� 8:30 am �Dave Schmit��10:45 am �Jane Schuller��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Kevin/Christine Brown��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Jason Mielke�� 8:30 am� Whitney Osero��10:45 am� Dravin Schmit��

Projection Set up�To Be Announced ��

Altar Guild�Kayci Stevenson, Sue Mielke�Karen Torkelson��

Counters�Kathy David, Heather Kurth�Corrine Burcalow�

Video Delivery�Roger & Kathy Cook�

L1*.6A10+2 R-237�


January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (14)


J+/.+6H B16*J9+H7�

1.� Mary Sandquist�� Robert E. LaNou�� Pepe Freude�

Gary Hibbard�� Julie VanDeWeerd�� Isaiah Scheffler�� Elijah Scheffler��

2.� Sharon Lamer�� Marcy Greil��

3.� Mary Hoglund�� Bill Cerny�� Greg Hilgendorf�� Jason Brouwers��

4.� Marcie Schmit�� Elizabeth Radzinski��

5.� Christine Kot�� Don Anderson�� Joy Verfuerth�� Kevin Brown��

6.� Mary Ingman�� Brita Liebelt�� Jessica Foster�� Nicholas Osero�� Caleb Overhaug��

7.� Ben Schade�� Daniel Brown�� Michele Schlegel�� Alice Herrick�

Garret Gillham�

8.� Diane Popp�� Lisa Schade�� Jacob Gaedtke�� Tyler Saindon�� Arlene Strand�� Jill Thompson�� Emerson Gebauer �

Donna Gunther��

9.� Kari Krueger�� Donna Schmit�� Tiffany Evans�� Emily Decker�

Joe Story�Traitynn Wickersham�

10.� Lawrence Haugen�� Barb Ringwelski�� James Olson�� Corrina Hirt�

11.� Jay Mott�Isaiah Stadler�Samuel Von Schrader�Bennet Benson�Zachary Troutman�

� �

12.� Ryan Johnson�� Bryn Baalke�� Mya Pankow�

13.� Janis Nelson�� James Haxton�� Donna Bucks�� Norah Mann�� �

14.� Michael Gillette�� Margie Welke�� Joshua Steinke�� Kory Brietzke�

Keagan Brown��

16.� Jennifer Wilson��

17.� Russell Jenks�� Darlene Weirick��

18.� Cade Lemmer�� �

19.� Wendy Hinsa�� Lindsay Brottlund�� Jessica Haring �� �

21.� Marilee Randall �� Corrine Burcalow�

� Jason Halverson�� Derek Overhaug�� Carey Heikkinen� � Loreli Richardt��

22.� Tim Crass�� Brett Gerber�� Shawn Winker��

23.� Audrey Pedersen�� Joseph Colstad�� Jacob Verfuerth�

Drew Von Schrader��

24.� Christopher Kromm�

� Janette Kurth��

25.� Sue Thompson�� Jack Lauder�� Sara Volz��

26.� Joyce Street�� Esther Pagel �� Linda Pashek�� Keri Kelley�� Logan Roberts�� Brenda Marcks�� Makayla Becker�

Richard Day��

27.� Everett Lange�� Dani Miles��

28.� Henry Wiedeman�� Holly Beckley�� Justin Niemec�� Derik Erickson�� Forrest Black��

29.� Mary Ann Clark�� Dawn LaFevre�� Michelle Mielke�� Ken Johnson�� Sherri Johnson�� Tammy Hupf��

30.� Chandelle Wilke�� James Hanson�� Ken Kincaid�� Scout Stromberg� �

31.� Adeline Voermans�Darlene Wurl�

� David Bellile�� Eric Mathwich�� Stephanie Welke� �

� Hunter Brighum�

� �

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (15)

January 2017 - WordPress.com· Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (16)



TOMAHAWK, WI 54487 �

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Regular Worship Services��

Labor Day to Memorial Day�Saturday�5:00 pm�

Sunday�8:30 & 10:45 am�

Contemporary Worship�2nd & 4th Sundays @ 8:30 am�

D3 Dinner/Auction�February 12, 2017 ��

Over $7,000 was raised at this festive, entertaining event and applied to the principal of our building debt.� Next month, on February 12, we will again honor our beautiful ‘new’ (12�year old) facility with another dinner/auction event.� We welcome all people interested in helping to plan this festive event.� If you have questions, please con-tact Sherry Clements at 453�5615 or Karen Torkelson at 612�8675.� �

Gifts for Grace�As you reflect on giving opportunities during this season of giving, we invite you to consider Grace. �


Our Gift Catalog offers different items and projects that have been identified as valuable to our congregation, and will be ordered only when funds are available. Current items in the Catalog are:�� � � Items� � � � � Amount Remaining�� � Security System���������������������������������������������������� $3,200�� � Contemporary Choir Microphones����������� $660��

To contribute to a designated Gift Catalog item, simply indicate the name of the item on your envelope. If you wish to give your gift in honor or memory of someone, list that information also. This will be recorded in Grace’s Memorial Book. As always, excess funds contributed for an item will be used for other related needs.�HYMNALS�Inspired by this year’s emphasis on worship and praising God, the Worship Committee wishes to pursue use of the cranberry Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) Hymnal to bring new opportunities to en-hance our worship. You can sponsor a hymnal for $22.50. If you wish your gift to be in memory or honor of someone, please indicate that on your envelope. This information will be shown on a book tag on the hymnal’s inside cover. �OTHER IDEAS�You may wish to contribute your support to our Building Fund or other areas of Grace that call to your heart. Your generosity is very much appreciated!�

January 2017 - WordPress.com · Faith Webs are developed by youth over their years in GLOW and Confirmation. It helps them to connect with others on a faith level. As their faith - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is the Heavenly Man story true? ›

Book overview. Looking for an inspiring and gripping autobiography that will deepen your faith and leave you in awe of God's power? Look no further than the remarkable true story of Brother Yun, a renowned Chinese Christian who faced impossible odds on the front lines for Jesus.

Did Paul Tillich believe in God? ›

The name “being-itself” warned that God is not a being like other things, and cannot be named like other things. Tillich began, then, as one who already believed in God, in the Christian God, in the God of the Protestant tradition.

What church does not believe in Jesus? ›

Mormons do not understand history, God, man, salvation, heaven, hell, the cross, Jesus, or the Trinity as the canonical Scriptures teach, nor do they agree with the conciliar doctrine taught by the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church over the last two thousand years.

What religion believes in God but not Jesus? ›

Christian deists who do not believe in Jesus as the son of God strongly reject any theories of atonement.

Who is Heavenly Father? ›

One of the most fundamental beliefs of Latter-day Saints is that God is the Heavenly Father of all people—not only the Creator of our bodies but, significantly, the Father of our spirits. Heavenly Father has a glorified physical body, and our own bodies are created in His image.

What happened to Brother Yun? ›

He was repeatedly beaten and became severely malnourished. While in prison, Brother Yun writes about undertaking a total fast without food or water for 74 days. After many years in prison, he escaped from Zhengzhou Maximum Security prison from which it is reported that nobody had previously escaped.

Who wrote the true doctrine of God? ›

The True Word (or Discourse, Account, or Doctrine; Greek: Λόγος Ἀληθής, Logos Alēthēs) is a lost treatise in which the ancient Greek philosopher Celsus addressed many principal points of early Christianity and refuted or argued against their validity.

Did Isaac Newton believe in gods? ›

Newton's view has been considered to be close to deism, and several biographers and scholars labelled him as a deist who is strongly influenced by Christianity. However, he differed from strict adherents of deism in that he invoked God as a special physical cause to keep the planets in orbits.

What do philosophers believe about God? ›

Theism, the proposition that God exists, is the dominant view among philosophers of religion. In a 2020 PhilPapers survey, 69.50% of philosophers of religion stated that they accept or lean towards theism, while 19.86% stated they accept or lean towards atheism.

Which church is the only true church? ›

Latter Day Saint movement. In 1830, Joseph Smith established the Church of Christ in the belief that it was a restoration of original Christianity. In 1831 he declared it to be "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth".

Which churches do not believe in the Trinity? ›

After the denominations in the Oneness Pentecostal movement, the largest nontrinitarian Christian denominations are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, La Luz del Mundo, and Iglesia ni Cristo.

What religion did Jesus follow? ›

Of course, Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues.

Do Jews believe in Jesus? ›

For Jews, the significance of Jesus must be in his life rather than his death, a life of faith in God. For Jews, not Jesus but God alone is Lord. Yet an increasing number of Jews are proud that Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew.

Do Muslims believe in Jesus? ›

Muslims believe that Jesus (called “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God and was born to a virgin (Mary). They also believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah” — also known as the Antichrist.

What is it called if you believe in God but don't go to church? ›

What is it called when you believe in God but not religion? A belief in God but not religion falls under the category of agnostic theism. The belief in God exists, but there may be a rejection of the institutional orthodoxy and orthopraxy of the religion.

Is God's Not Dead Based on a true story? ›

The film's script was inspired by lawsuits involving the place of the Christian faith in universities and by the book God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty published by Pastor Rice Broocks.

What religion is brother Yun? ›

Brother Yun
ReligionEvangelical Christian
OrdainedChinese house church
Offices heldBack To Jerusalem movement
7 more rows

Did Joseph Smith see heaven? ›

In February 1832, while working on their inspired translation of the Bible, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon had a remarkable vision of the afterlife, organized not into a single heaven and hell but into degrees of glory.

Did Joseph Smith talk about Heavenly Mother? ›

Although there is no known record of Smith explicitly teaching about Heavenly Mother, several of Smith's contemporaries attributed the theology to him either directly, or as a natural consequence of his theological stance.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.