The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

rT-, TT 8C Tbe Sdlt I ake Tribune Thursdav October 19J1 i L9ol Not km FLORISTS THAT SCAA243LED CHO GAME Dy Hnn AmokJ nc buC Lee Salt Lake and Interinountain Area Obituaries UnscrtmOi four Jumtttea on Igtler to Bach squrd, to form four ordinary words tv he WORKS OUT Ty-E PK09LEV5 OF Now arrange the ended totters torn the surprise answer as sug gested by the a Dove cartoon IT7 Print answer here (Answers tomor-ow i HELLO BASIC Af-FRAY CAUGHT What kind ol a guy was that press photographer A FLASHY ONE JumDles Answer Rxmnmco. VA5544 5to 50 lltoWr-S EVANS R0RAL r-t MUTED'S FICHUS ROfiAt so i-mEji Call 237-2000 to place your Want Ads Legal Notics I PLEASE CHECK YOUfi AD! "HE newspaper agen-r manw, ovary atom to i'jtd errrv We sue tost you fw your ad to FiPST day 4 end eewdiWy 'tnssi -my eror to toe Legal ArVweiwj Dapi by caiimg 2J7 2714 Wa cannot ba raspunsibw more town ona day iromaci insertion 4 fu do not caii (ha error to our attm non Thark you PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF MARINA CONCESSION ADVERTIsem*nT The S-jidier Creek Murma Corv cess jn at Strawtrry Reservoir, managed bv the Forest Service, i intended to be advertised tor award prior to June 1, I9b4. The sucresful bidder kill be responsible tor construction, operation, and maintenance of a manna concession at the Sc idiar Creek Rocrpdtion Complex on to enlarged Strawturry Reservoir, which contain approai- maMv 1 150 mrtact acre and is located 34 miles southeast of toper, Utah, on Highway 40 Tne reservoir receives over 500 000 recreation visitor day of uvj and wih be served bv an additionai marina concession at the Strawtxirry Bay Recreation Complex. The following will be required of the success tui bidder at a preiirru'iarv cost estimate of Si50 000 A ittHiodt slip floating dock SO-buat deep water moorage Convenience store caretaker residence 25 rental boats OS wtn motors) Floating fuel dijpenemg duck Dry storage for 50 boats minimum. Prospective bidders ar urged to examine the site before winter weather prevents orvthe-ground observation of important site and water condition Current plane are to issue a marina prospectus in February MU with the intent of awarding the concession and beginning Construction on or about June 1984 Requests for this prospec-tvs should be addressed to Unta National Forest PO Box 1428 88 West 100 North Provo, Utah MU Attention Gordon William Phone (90D377-5W AH prospectus requests tooukl be received by Cfecember 31, 1983.

Additional information is avatiaute at the above addrese or bv phone. C30 NOficftOCREDiTORJ Estate of GRACE WATKINS BEARDSLEE, Deceased Prcbate No. P38-32D All person having claim against the above estate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 10th day of January, 1994. or said claims shall be forever barred Sheila Evans Pervowi Representative of Estate 1732 Antedate Lane Sandy, Utah lArn NOTICE MEETING DATE CHANOEO The meeting of the Utah Air Conservation Committee origL natty scheduled for Friday, October 7, 1983, has bren changed to Tuesday, October 18 1M1. I pm, In th Auditorium of the Division of Wildlife Resources Building, 1596 West North Temple, Salt Lake City.

Utah. 44 i a. A A tjBJ AUCTION SALES COME FIND A HIDDEN TREASURE PUBLIC AUCTION iA-JBCAY OCT 3 30 PM SUNDAY OCT 9 2 30 PM Ft ftrosinys, ur jfcyrt jnc CHAMPAGNE ur HossircaMiES ONE HOUR WOR TO SALE OLSON AUCTION GAUSSES ESTATE LIQUIDATORS 4303 MAIN 80126142 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, 0CT06 8 At 3Locohors Starting At nt LOCK-UP a9 SOUTH DO WEST twxt At GRANDPA'S ATTIC 50 SOUTH 300 WEST And LaW At THE STORAGE CENTER 017 SOUTH 300 WEST SALE STARTS 10 AM. SHARP Tpfai of 35 unit will hove contenfv iotd to cover storage twrgea Partial Listing HoirtoxxJ good appl sporting pouch, louis and business equip ptu mui more You name rt-we'H probably tmd Sale Conducted By- A i AUCTIONS INC AndrewOost Auctioneer 22 3273 I LOST AND FOUND FOUND Genttenan Coflte tvoe puppy Tan wlh wtvte are) fejcfc VTO EaW 9400 So942 1259 FOUND-brown short hair riak. dog Vic-bOOS.

2t2 LOST temale Collie, vk 6th Aye and I St medium size, sandy color, 15 vr old and deal, reward 4964201 3S3-4U6 LOST small reddiW) brown tomale port Pomcreawwi Vic Maple Hi'iS Mueller Par. Bnttt Nuk Smith J5S8WJW-7M JEew REWARD $25 for fnter-TvttK3n tead irp to recovery of 3 tented wnaie Fyrret missing Benmon Oct 2rj 96-5956 after 6 and wierds LOST Mate Mmitoure White Pub dte 7th So. 1 K)0 Eato arc An swers to Pnnce" ttesere cropped ear 581-9KI7 LOST Mate Lab, area ot 2T)C West 6200 So. REWARD1 830, 64867. Niile 1 ip Easy-Knit salt lake county invitation to ftio Guort rm No Hr iv hwrvbv givrei that tot-Sait i okc ffijity UtDartrrwni Public Work Ctvivikl ot fund Cjnbrn Wtior will reretve of rf Pun.rwv mg Department ifl Easf 2'L South iBuudiig 4.

thira ikojr), Sait La4i City up to tou hiKir qt i0 00 AM jn Oi if4r 2, IVH.J, awwd OhA tfr the con- stuctejn of F'ngrtion Coto Culvert Reuaujirwnf. I JUil tomth J050 Last The itv4ijr propotod item of work will consist of the con (jf a new culvert with lUProxiiTjfTety 114 tt Of 40 Pi ard 24 of 40" RCP wito IxkH and uts, and restore vjrt impr jvwrwnh, mciixt-Ing rMtmav, Kiuwaik, curbs, dnvwwavs and private improvement Cmfrerl Duc*msnts mav bs jUfairwd upun auuucation at toe 'Alice of James M. Wxitgorne-ry Conutng Enqlriers, Inc. IJMM). 624 North JU0 Wtesf.

Sait Lair r.fy ijt BNUI3 4j after 10 00 AM on Octoowr 1983, utn pay mere of a deposit of i 4) 00 per set Tlie deposit, 'ite term, shall 0 made pavabi to toe Salt Lake County Treasurer The deposit will be mtontkJ upon return ot toe Contr Documents in gujd coTKlittun to JMM not later than ten days following the bid opening AH deposit VJt claimed wifhm ttmt time will oecme tt oroirerty of Salt Lake County A preted site review will be conduct for this protect on Or tober 17 Everyone Into-n-stod In bidding should dtterd Thr review will B-gin at 1 PM at tt site located at East 1 300 South, Sait Lake City Utah. The County Commission reserves the 'ight to reiect any or all teds Only bids giving a firm quotation, being property igned, will be accepted Parker Robison Purchasing Agent 27 INVITATION TO BID Sealed proocais in duplicate are invited by fhe Bd of Education, Wnber County 5 hooi District tor the construe tion of the new Midland Elementary School at 4600 South and 3100 West Roy, Utah, in accordance with the plans and specification prepared bv Architect John L. Pier A I A Kenneth Hasenoehrl Proposals shall be filed at the office of the Weber County School District Board Room, 1122 Washington Ogden, Utah before 7 00 Ovtuber 25. 1983, this time being the closing time tor ttie receipt of bids All proposal will be xxmed at 7 Q0 and read aloud the District Board R'jom. Proposal shall be accompanied by a Bd Bond or Certified Check matte payable tp ton order of the Weber county School District, tor an amuunt of nett less than 5 of the amount of the bd Said BorxJ of accepted bidder shall be forfeited in case he fail or refuse to enter into the con tract and furnish the bond required Two vets of plans and specifications will be available on September 26.

1983, upon a depov of S200 00 ($100 00 per set) to General Contractors at the office of the Architect, 2726 Harrison Bivd Ogden, Utah. Refer to Instructions to Bidders tor return of deposit The Board of Education, Weber County School District, reserves the right to retort any or ail proposals or alternate and to waive any bidding in formalities the interest of the Board of Education Dale Schimmelpfenmg. Clerk Weber County Board of Education 8-83 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Coatvme City Corporation Coalville, Utah Super ate sealed BIDS for toe construction of dredging Chalk Crook Channel at toe City Suwaoe Treatment Plant Site will be received bv Coalville Citv Corporation at the office of Coalville City Hall until 7 00 Standard ime, November 7, )V83, and then at said office publicly opertod and read aloud The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations Bush Gudgell, Inc. 555 South 300 East Salt Lake City. Ut MM! Copies ot the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained of the office of Bush and God- rM, located at 555 So 300 Salt Lake City Utah 84)11 uuon payment of $20 00 for each set Fee 1 non-refundabie.

C-25 Commissioner Stewart vot ng ave Commissioner Barker voting aye Commissioner Shimizu voting aye Solon McGee Suton Mr Gee, owe 4A died Grirowr 4. IVKJ. Born i temtwr 19 1919 in St Owrv Utah to Rl Wa ard irerw Hunt Ak C-w Ht rrv4 by James urover and Ma'lifl Me One Married Louisa Cons- tiansen No vwnber I A 1943 Salt Lor i tv marriage later ymrned Lane LDS Tump Mumber LD Church, Prtf end mple Worker Helped neighbor. good husband, tamer and grendtemer Retired from Kannecott. tarred a an officer me Army Surviving WHe, one son, tour daughter.

MichoH Soto Ben-moh, Mr. MaLwe Diana) Wattursun, Magna, Mr. Willard (Komwen) Moss, Mr fctftwd Veuxty Bertorit, Mr Randy (koremary) k.p, Wet VaHey City; 18 gr4-chudren, brother and ststor, Gdy Bateman, Rvsseii MrGee, lire MrGee, Lakame McGee Loutiia Haney, Dorithy Rne. all Sat! LaM City, Guide Bramill, Mavfuttd, Ulan, l-ord McGee, BrKaiam City, oiteen Mane. Granite, Leota Ball, California, Irene Desoame, Hawaii, Manrie Smith, American Fork, Garth McGee, Rose Park, Gene McGee Sterling, Colorado, graitiporenH, AAarti-oa McGee and Eiiouire Cnri-tiansen.

Preceded in death Cry one vm, two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday, 00 Nuah at toe Keome lOffi Word. 5075 West 465 South. Friend may call Thursday 68 am. at McDougot Funeral Home, 4T30 Soc4h Redwood Rd and one hour prior at the Church on Friday Inter ment.

Valley View Memorial Park N3 105 Nl 10 4 Ben a lee Pack RIVERTON Lucy Benai Cali Pack, 4). ded Oi A 1bJ, in a Murray hospital of cere-bral hemorrhage Born July 9 1942, in Soda Springs, Idaho, to Ben and Gena ve Skinner Cali Married Terrell Pock June 30, 191, Soda Springs, Idaho The marriage was solemn zed the Salt Lake Temple June X. 196 Active member, LDS Church She worked far National Semtcors due tor Survived br Husband, four daughters. Lett ore, Darla Foe, Nichuie, Brenda, all Riverton, fattier. Soda Springs, Idaho, brother and sister, Oiarle Phelps, Hawaii, Max Phelps, Idaho City, Idaho, Dennis Call, Wi'ton Call, Mrs Mike (Marcia) Batty, all Soda Spring Funeral services will be heid Friday, 1 in the Rirerton 7th Ward.

IZH0 So. 2700 West Friends may coll Thursday evening 4 to 8 at the Deseret Mortuary in Sandy, 10055 So State Street, and Friday, one hour prior at the church. Interment, Sunset Gardens of the Valley Nl 10-5 T108 Mary S. Morptiy Mary Thelma Sanderson Murpy, passed away Salt Lake Oct. 3, 1983.

Bom March 12, 1903. Jo-seetv Utah to James Henry and Minnie Ellen Bruvm Sanderson. Married William Edmond Murphy, August 1936. in Boise, Idaho He died in October, 1941 Mamber, LOS Church Graduate of BYU Member, Delta Gamma Sorority Taught school for 37 rear. Member, Daughter of the Utah Pioneer.

University Mother's Club, Secretary Survivors Son, William R. Bogafa, Columbia; daughter, Mrs Michael (Mary) Runge, Sandy, six grandchildren; one great-grandchild, sisters, Mrs. Russeil (Ruth) Madsen, Sandy. Luzon Wright, Holla-day; Mrs. Charles (Vonda) Larsen, Salma, Utah.

Funeral service wilt be held Friday, Ham, Larkin Mortuary, 26) East So Temple, where friends may call one hour prior to service Burial in the Fair-view Cemetery, Foirview, Utah. N3 10-5 Nl 108 Robert W. Poole ANNABELLA UTAH Robert Poole, 77, of Anrwbeiia, Utah, died October A 193 a patient hospital Bom Oct 19, 1905 in Venice. Utah to Robert Hampton and Ana Deliah Buchanan Poole. Married Tina Ivie, March 12, 1978 later divorced.

Married tola Melissa Dalton McIntosh, Juty 13, 1949 In Junction Utah Solemnized November 28, 1972 in the Provo LDS Temple She died January 26, 1973. Married Vera Anderson Anderson July 1974, Satt Late tty Veteran World War il, member of the LDS Church. Survived by hr wife of Anna-beda, one doughter: Mr. Ro bert (Nancy Lee) Neilson, Salt Late City; 5 grandchildren, several greatgrandchildren; 3 stop-sons, 3 stnp-dauehter: Aiden LaMar McIntosh, La Vega Nevada; Tony Garal McIntosh, Fort Carson Colorado, Mrs, Richard (Rolaine) Haynte, Satt Lake City, Mrs Gaylord (Pauline) Harward, Salma Utah, Kormie Anderson, Provo, Danny Anderson, Anna-beila, step-grandchildren, step great-grandchildren; 2 titters- Mr. Adrian (Clara) Peterson.

Richfield, Mrv Herbert (Edith) Cleave Salt Lake Preceded in ctoatti by 1 stepdaughter. Mrs. Wanda Riddle. Funeral service will be held Saturday, Oct 1983 at I pm. in the Annabelia LDS Ward Chapel, where friend may call from II aoam to12 3Dpm on Saturday morning Burial in the Richfield City Cemetery with military rites, by the Poet 5050.

Funeral Director Neal S. Magieby A Sons Mortuary. TI0 6 N3104 Ollte Johnson OREMOirer F. (Of ire) Johnson, age 70. of Orem, died Tuesday, October A 1983 vttiile vacationing in New Hampshire He was born December 18, 1912, In Morley, Idaho, Tht ton of Laurence Irer and Sarah Aim Findlay Johnson.

He married Lois Tolboe, Orem, Utah, June 16, 1932. The marriage was later solemnized in the Sait Lake LDS Temple. Survivor wie Orem; two sons, one daughter, Sam Jcfv nvjn. Fruit Height, Utah; Dr Dennis Randy Johnson, Roosevelt, Mr John J. (Sally) hill, PhoeniA Arizona; 14 grand-chikJten, three brother, Leonard Johnson, South Fork Provo Canyun.

Utah; Delbert Johnson. Salt Lake Citv; Ramond Johnson, West Valley City Funeral October 8, theorem LDS 64) South 400 East Oem Friend may call Friday, 7 00-9 00pm at the Sundberg-Olpm Mortuary, 495 South State, Michael Cvsene Wood ELKO NEVAOA Our hr loved on, tamer end other MKhae I Evgmw Moil. 41, dwd OrluTjer lvJ of irnr res sustained an Airplane m. tdmt ftirn Jijlr 5 19az Satt Lake City to Jabtftai Carlyle and Mabel Gish Wood Married Anrwfta Knud-son. later dt vnreed He operated the Aviatn Consult ant, Inc Ha served a a Radar Technician mi toe Air Force Ha was a written test naminar tor toe AA.

Mem ner LDS Churrh. Survived bv sum, PFC Jef-froy Dean Wood, Ft Carson, Color ado. Done Wood. Salt Lake C'ty, dauvtttor, (aria and Owryt L. Wood, both Salt Laka Crty, mother, Provo; brother Albert Word.

Provo, Joseph Wood, Aibueuer gue, New Mr to Joint inert servlra will be held Friday 2 00 m. at toe Dmeret Mortuary mi Sandy, tOG55 South State St where frwnd may can one hour prior to the service Interment Lake Hill Memorial Park. 104 N3I84 Pete DeLange CENTERVILLE Pete OpLange. 58 died Ortntm 3, 193 at Bounti Born Aousl 21, 1975 at Or drecht, HoHad the son of Com-net is and Jtn-mPie VanBra kei LeLange He rrwsrreed Grace Susiei Patterson, April 16, 145, Sait Lake City, Utah He had lived in Centerville fer toe past 13 rear. worked Mamtananct for Phillip Petroleum Co.

He served tn the S. Navy during World War il Survived by wife, Susie, Centerville, ore son. Lorry Pete DeLonge, Soring, Taxes; 2 vandchiidren; ana brother, Harry M. DeLonge. Son Bruno, California; three sister, Mrs.

Jnme Savage, Billings, Montana, Mrs Nancy Maart, Met-ona, Montana, Nellie Pouisotv Salt Loke City. Funeral service Frida1, October 7, 1983, I 00 m. at tt Lindquist Bountiful Mortuary, 777 North 400 Eart, Bountiful, whor* friends may call Thursday from 4 pm and one hour prior to service on Frtoay interment- Larkin Sunset Gardens, Sandy. Utah, lueuo South 1 700 East under toe Direction of Lindquist-Bountiful Mortuary TI0'6 N3106 Ashley C. Nelson LEMI Ashley Charles Nelson, beloved husband, father, and grandfa- th er, age 74, died October 5, 1993, in the American Hospital, of a I' lingering HI ness Born August 30, 1 39, to Joseph August and Carrie Mane Holland Nei in 'v.

Utah He mar-? ned Viriie Jensen on October 10. 1V35, in Richfield. Their marriage wo later solemnized in the Soft Late LDS Temple. He was a retired policeman tor the Leht Police Dept Member, Lehi Riding Club, member, LDS Church, wtoere he wo active as a high priest, temple worker, and home teacher Survived by- Wife, Lehi; two sons, one daughter, Charles Lee and Mrs Kent (Betty Ann) Christiansen, both Lehi; Richard AsMev, Anahetm, Calif seven grandchildren, one brother, Joseph Nelson, Ln Funeral service will be Saturday, Oct A 2 tn the Wing Mortuary, Leht, ohere friends mav call Friday evening, 7 to 9 and Saturday, prior to the service. Burial, Lehi City Cemetery 104 N3108 Shigeki Mori Shtgeki Mori, 82, died Oct.

5. T983, Satt Late City Born August 3). 1901, in Okayama, Ja- pan, to Yoshie- mo and NamM Mori. He was a retired resf-t rant owner, toe Mori Noodle House. He mar- ried ikute Yo- a Seattle, Wash she preceded him in death, 1975.

Survived by- Brother, Jerry Jiro Mori, Salt Late City; nieces, Stephanie Mort-Nakao, and Theresa Mori; ne chews, Hidec Mori, Japan; Jerry and Thomas Mori, grandniece, Jenntter Nokao, preceded death by a sister, Hisavo Mori Memorial service will be Saturday, pm in the Rose Hill Memorial Pork, Roe Hilts, Calif Funeral directors, Memorial Estates Mortuary 108 NJ 108 Delight N. Harding HUNTINGTON Oeite Narell Johnson Harding, age 69, died October A 7983 in Price, Utah. Bom October 17, T91 3 to Andrew James and Ezetta Juland-er Johnson in Monroe, Utah. Married Gene Harding, in Provo, October 30, 1933; marriage later solemnized in the LDS Temple, September, 1949 She was an active member, LDS Church. Member of OOP.

She graduated as an LPN, 1971 and served on the Huntington City Council Survived by tbond. Gene, Huntington, daughter. Carolyn Pate Hammond, Ogden, Mer-tene Auv, Price, Jeanine Ma-(hie, Carbonvllie, 13grandchttd-ren; one great grandchild Brother, Ratio Johnson, Orem, Tedd Johnson, Huntington, sister, Noia Wallace, Texas; Cache Siftre, Salma Services will be held Saturday October A 1983 in the Huntington LDS Chapel, 1 00 pm. Friends mav call two hour prior to services at Huntington Burial Huntington Cemetery Funeral Director: Fousetl Mortuary 106 N3106 Jessie Tite OGDFN Jessie Tite, 9a ft 775 30th Street, died Tuesday, Oct A 1983, in an Ogden nursing home. She was born January 25, 1893, in Ogden, a daughter of Joseph and Agnes Wilson Tite She was a lifelong resident of Ogden, and educated in the Ogden City Schools.

She had been employed as a telephone operator tor Mountain Bell Co. She also worked 4 a suxtrviv mg telephone operator tor the Ben Lomond Hofei until retiring in 955. She was an active member. Ogden 7th LDS Ward Surviving One sister, Mrs. Donetta Bird, Ogdm, one mece, one nephew, Mrs Robert H.

(Ruth) Smhoff Satt Lake City, Joseph Tite, North Ogden. Funeral service will be held Friday, 2 in the Larkm A Sons Mortuary, 49 24th Street, Ogden Friends may call at the Mortuary Thursday, 6 to 7 end Friday, from I to 2 pm. Interment, Ogden Citv Cemetery NJ 10-5 Nl 108 Area Death ClotoO, Plttv twr Penn Oft 4, 1983. DfcLANOE, Fee, Ekiurrf, Davn County, Oct 3, 1983 EAST, Lynn, Salt Lane City, Oct 4, 1983 GILES, Albert, Sait Laee City, Oct 5, 1983 HARDING, Dehgnt, Price, Carbon County, Oct 4, 1983. HARMON Ruby Nielsen, Soft Lake City, Oct 3, 1983.

HASLAM, Vargurlte, Provo, Ijtatl County, Oct 4, 1983 KElSLY, Elirooetti, Salt Lane City, Oct. 4, 1983. 8 EVP, At mo Orland, Lewiston, Cocne County, Oct 3, 1981 LEWIS, Dale, Salt Lotie City, Oct 4, 1983. LlDDARD, Joltn, Provo, Uton County, Oct 4, 1983. LOPEZ, John Ludwig-, burg, Germany, Sept 28, 1983 VC GEE, Solon, Sort LaM City, Oct.

4. 1981 MORI, Stugekl, Soft Lake City, Oct 5, 1981 MURPHY, Mary Sort Lake City, Oct. 4, 1981 NELSON, Asbley, American Fork, Utah County, Oct 5, 1981 OENES, Jakof, Ogden, Weber County, Oct 4, 1983 PACK, Lucy, Riverton, Oct. 4, 1981 PACK, Jessene, Twin Falls, Oct 4. 1983 PATTERSON, Clark, Provo, Utah County, Oct 4, 1983 POOLE, Albert A n-nobelle, Sevier County, Oct 4, 1981 PRINGLE, Elvle, Salt Loke City, Oct.

4 ROHN, Morgret, Colorado Springs, Oct. 1, 1981 SUMMERHAYS, Mar-gret. Salt Loke City, Oct. 4, 1981 TlTE, Jessie, Ogden, Weber County, Oct. 4, 1981 VINCENT, Gwen M.

Provo, Utah County, Oct. 4, 1981 WOOD, Mlchoel Eugene, Elko, Nev. Oct. 1983. WOOD, Mlchoel Eorl, Efco, Nev.

Oct. 1, 1983. Margo re tte "Marka" Haslam AAargurette "Marti Prlcp Hosier, 1. oyd and loving wile, mother, grandmother and greet-grandmother, died October 4. 193, Provo Born May 11 1904.

Sait Lake City to Sebaa-tion am Elizabeth Ann Mace Price. Married chard Hosiery Mv 14, 927 Sait Lake City Survivors Husband, Orem, eon, Richard P. Haslam, Ephraim, Utah; tour grandson, seven great-grandchildren, Mr, Mrs. A1 (Dorothy) Kidd, Or anger, UtA. Funeral services Friday 1 00 am.

Bem Mortuary of Orem, MO North State. Friends may call Thursday m. or on Friday one hour prior to service, interment. Orem City Cemetery. Nl 10 5 10 '4 Margaret Summertiays Margaret Summerttavs, 99, noted smger, died October 4.

rm Margaret was bom January tl 1004 in the town of Forest Dale which at that feme was adiacent to Sait Lake City on the South. Her parents were Joseph William- and May Melissa Parker Scrrvnerhay Margaret never married. She graduated from the New England Conver-vatorv of Music wrth honors and was chosen to sing at their graduation exercise. She was a faculty member at Brigham Young University for 34 years, where she became an Assistant Professor. At BYU dw directed various group including the Madrigal Singers For the Utter group, die established the Margaret Summertieys Award tor me outstanding student At BYU die hhdity regarded and one year the was chosen to represent the faculty at the Homecoming Celebration Margaret also taught at the Me une School of Music and Art and for six rears was a member at the University of Utah Applied Music Faculty During her teaching years, Margaret spent her summers pursuing advanced studies in Pans, New York, San Frandsco and Los Angeles.

She maintained membership in several local and national music associations and was wndely known because of a many concerts she presented ttrourtout Utah and the adiommg states. She was an active member of the LDS Church ad served os a member of the General Board of the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association and the first General Muse Committee aft the Church, which required extensive travel. She was a member of the Tabernacle Choir and the Oratorio Society. She directed choirs in Stake and Wards and was a teacher in the Auxiliary Organizations, particularly the Relief Society She Is survived by brothers, John Lorenzo and Clvdt of Salt Lake City, and a sister, Mrs. Thomas C.

(Bessie) Aupur. Napa, California. Funeral services will be held 00 Noon, Larkm Mortuary, 760 East South Temple, where friends may call one hour prior services Interment: Sait Cake City Cemetery. 10 6 N3 10 '6 Area Births Births reported of Salt Lake area hospltoK include- Si. Marks 1 lo-pital Mr.

and Mrs. Dlrck Kenstler, Soli Loke City, son. Mr. and Mrs Robert Muthreich, West Jordon, son. Mr.

and Mrs. Douglas Savage, Pork City, son. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Versluls, West Jordan, son Mr.

ond Mrs. Lawrence McQuade, Salt Loke City, daughter. Mr ond Mrs. Dave Hamilton, Sandy, son. Mr.

ond Mrs. Paul Sharp, Salt Loke City, son. Mr. ond Mrs. Robert Hoi beck, Sondv, doughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson, Falrvlew, Sanpete County, doughter. Mr. ond Mrs.

Brent Nord berg, Kearns, son. Mr. ond Mrs. Donnie Reeves, West Valley City, daughter. Mr.

and Mrv Anthony I ewls, Salt Lake City, son. Mr. ond Mrs. Bud Pate, Salt Loke City, son. Mr.

ond Mrs. Michael Woel, Kearns, son. Mr. ond Mrs. Daniel Swari, Salt Lake City, doughter, Mr.

ond Mrs. Stuort Thaln, Salt Loke City, daughter. Mr. ond Mrs. Dwaln McGorry, Green River, 1 mery County, daughter.

Jetsene M. Pack BOUNTif-Ul Zu 4 Jm.sene Vr Ferlwvl PwJt. AS ut 14 ysl i XK Soum i Tuwwdav Oiih er 4, 1 no aw Mayc Vaiivv Me-dw el Confer tn Twin Fen. Mno of a toorf attack. nr jt was bom D-cerror 1 i9i 7 Wiism yru, Lane, I it-d(iuhtr Archibald one Drur me I jchvb Hofmes McFeriartJ On April wa) she married Philip Park Sort Lake Utah.

tm hod formerly been a Dental Arslan and a voiunwer Pnd Cross Nurses Aide Work) War II She was a nwnhttr of the BoonfihA An Ward and had servod tor 25 years tta mary Organization of the hurch serving virt-iaiiy evwry position including that of Primary President two wards and Stoke Primary President of the Bountiful South Slake Vw wo a meeting house librarian tor eevwral years, sre hod heid several pmitiun the Daughters of Utah Puxwers the BountiM Pomts Comp end wo former amber of tht Logon Literary League She had lired kn Ogden end Uigen, pricr moving to Bountiful Surviving are her husband BountiM, tnur sorts. Blair Peck, Hattieszxjrg Mississippi, A John Park, Salt Lax City. Oougos Par k. Farmington, Steven Park, Bountiful, Utah. 11 grendihldrrn, two orothprs.

Jay A. McFarland, vr-'ttan, Wyp Forrest McFarland, Ogden, three sisters Mrs. George (Ruth) WMe, Wi WiF liarn (RobOmery) Schooue, Mrs. Vaurwn (Luenrw) Fgrtie, aH of Ogden Funeral services wilt be corv dixrtnd Saturday II 00 am. the Bountiful 20fh Ward.

ICO East I4TD South. Friends may call at the fiuvson Brothers-Bountiful Mortuary, Friday from Hpm and at the Ward Chanel Saturday one hour prior to ftie service interment Bountiful Cemetery directed by the Myers Mortuary of Ogden 106 ti3 104 Clayton W. Conger Our jpenof son, Clayton William Conger, A was called hom by Heavenly Father. October 4, 193 in Pit-' tsburgh, Pennsylvania 9 Bom Decemb- js er 23. IVt, Ida- ho Fatis.

Idaho to Mtctiaei and Karen- Da ngerfield Conger Survivors parents, brothers, Christopher Michael, Brian Nathan, Matthew Scott. Rock Springs, Wyoming, grandparents, Mrs. Darlene Deogerfieid, Clavton Conger, Marie and Larry Hoieman, great-grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Loosil, Mrs.

Arveiia Conger Funeral services Friday, October 7, 193 at 1 00 pm. Rock Springs Ward, 33)5 White Mount i on fed Rorfc Springs, Wyoming, where friends may call one hour prior to services. Additional services Saturday, October 9, East Millcreek 3rd Ward, 3409 Celeste Way where friend may cat! one hour prior to services. Interment Hoi today Memorial Park Family suggests contribution to the Clayton Conger Trust Fund, co any American Savings A Loan. Funeral Directors.

Larkin Mortuary. 106 N3 104 Dale W. Lewis Our beloved husband, son, fattier, brother, grandfather and friend. Dale Lewis, 40, pas- lasted away October A 1983, at home of cancer, vt''rT Bom March J1, 1923, ki Sat, i i Lake City, Utah to Cyrus Ward and Anme Butte Lewi. Married Jean Wilkinson Juneli, 1947.

Marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake Terrpie Retired from Hill AFB in August 1980 after years of srrvirf Was a High Priest in the Bountiful Jth Ward at the time of his death. Survivors: Wife, mother, sister, Mrs. Melvin (Carolyn) Erickson, Idaho Falls, Idaho, son, Steven West Valley City; Thomas North Sait Lae, Brian Farmington; rune beautiful grandchildren, vrfiom he dearly loved. We ail will miss him greatly. Funeral services wilt be held Friday, 12 noon, Bountihil 37th Ward, 1500 North 400 East, Bountiful, Utah.

Friends may call at piece of service from 10 30 a.m. until time of service Interment, Bountiful Memorial Park. Funeral Directors, Larkin Mortuary. N310-5 Nl 106 Lynn D. East Lyrm East, 44, fced October A 1983, Sait Lake City, of cancer.

Bom October 22, 1939, in Brig-ham City, Utah, to Clifford Stanford aid Lona Tiogey East Married Borvue Baker, they were later di- vorced Member, of the LDS Church. Survivor sons and daughter, Steve Lynn, West Jordan, Utah; Billy Lynn, Bonnie Lac Sait Lake City; Dear East. Ozark, Missouri; three grandchildren, brother, and sister, Glen East, Mr. Danny (Margie) Allred, Soft Lake City; Ariand Tingey, Brigham City, Utah; IS step-brothers, and sister, stepmother. Mr.

La-Verne East and Mr. Irene Step-lev, Salt Lake City; 12 neices and nephew. Funeral service will be held Friday, 10 00 a the Hunter 22nd Ward Chapel, 3745 South 44ii0 West Burial, in the Warren Utah City Cemetery N3 10, 5 Nl K)6 Margret C. Rohn Mar gret Cates Rchn, long time resident of Salt Lake City dd October 1, 1983 in Colorado Spr trigs, Colorado. Bom in Logan, Utah, the daughter of William Charles and Laura Leeoom Cates Member of Episcopal Church Past Grand Matron, Order of Eastern Star, State of Utah Past Matron of Ruth Chapter 6 Viitord, Utah Past Regent of A for the State of Utah, Active member of PEO, Manna.

Utah She had been ai-tve state politics and education Ulh Mamed Carl Albert Rohn on Auq 16, 1979 in Cedar City, Utah He preceded her in deatn Survivors include two daughter fcioise Kevnor, Glendora. Cdiiforma, Virginia Schrecen-9ost Colorado Spring, Co Fcxwfal wrvtcas will be hiMd Monday October 3 at the Nolan Funeral Home, 775 No Weber, Colorado Spnngr Colorado frumds may contribute to the Ore fcr of Eastern Star, Ruth Chapter 6, Milford. Utrfi arv or Shrmer Cnpulod Huvintdl. Sail Lake City, Utah 104 N3 106 Gwen M. Vincent Utah -Owen Martain Vincent, 76.

died Oct A 198J, Provo Born Aogusl 1 7. too? Provo, to Charles arri Amelia "Millie" Remold Martm Married Vere Vuvent May 2. 1931, Neohi, Utflh Hp died August 73, 1958 She rw enad her tmdow ment, Monti DS Temple Survivors Son, lond Vlncanf, Wwt Jordon fwv grandchildren, two damihipr Chrtsfina and Vera prcrvkHl hnr In death, Alio surviving brother, Biree snhrs, John "Jack" Mart am, Maud Ogdeh, both Sait Lake C'ty, Deane M. RasmusMn, Mrv Harold (Emily Jensen, both Provo, two sister, Mary Reed and Amy Mecham recently pajaed away, also pruceded in death by two brother, on lister, who died at birth. Funeral rrvirai Friday, Berg Mortuary of Provo, 185 Center.

Friends may call Thursday, 4 to I pn, or on Friday, one hour prior to tervk e. Intormenf, ProvoCItv Ceme- IAil Nl 105 TP4 Michael Earl Wood ELKO NEVADA Our un and brotoar WYjrid. ZL Mm rwrt yrl Burn Atjgia' 2 tVftO hi wi Lake City, ka Mm rucH Eugene and Annette Kiujdsrjn Wood. Survived by Mother and step father Annette and Riey L. Olson, both Soft Lone C'ty, brother.

PFC Jeffrey Woud, Ft Car-Kin, co*ke ado; Onrred Woul Seif Lake City, Kster. Carl arj Owryl L. Wood, both Sett Lake Citv; grandmothers, Model Wood, Prore; Ann Knud-tun. Sett LakaCitV Joint Funeral service Friday 2 GO at the Deseret Mortuary in Sondv, 10064 South State St etoere friend may call one hour prnr to toe service Intor merit Late Hill Memorial ParkL 108 NJ10 Abert W. Giles BOUNTIFUL Albert Waterfall Gfto, 81, died Sett Lake City.

Utah. October $, INa Burn Februw ry 24, 1902 Bourrfifut, Utah to Nohi andf Elizabeth We- tertalf Ole He 1 married Ra 1 chare Ooroftrv -re Jacobsen, June 7L 1928, Salt Lake Dstf Temple She died January 2, 1956 He married Elaine Mar croft, later divorced. He mar rted Stella Muncee, November 9, 1968 Satt Late tty He has been farmer and worked tor Curti and Standard Coat Cam-pome Member, LDS Church High Priest Survivors: WHe, Stella, Ogden; two son. Clyde Colorado, Kenneth Salt Lake City, four datterters, Mrs. William (Marie) HuiL Hebar City; Maxine Tinner, Sandy; Mrs.

George (Luciie) Scott, Murray, Mr. Lonnie (Deriene) Rooer, Vemei, 24 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren, also survived by fire sfeKhitdren; one brother, John Sait Late C'ty, Alice Reed, California, preceded death by hi first wife, Rachael, two son, A. Jay and Howard one daughter. Louise Jchreon. Funeral service at Lkv douigt-Bountiful Chapel, 777 North 400 East, Bountiful Friday, od m.

Friends may call Thursday 88 pm. and one hour prior to service of the Mortuary. Interment Bountiful Memorial Park under the direction of Lmdquist Bountiful Mortuary. 108 N3104 John J. Lopez LUDWIG58URG, Germany -John James Lopez, age 42, died September 28, 1983, in Ludwig Germany Bom April 17.

1941, in Copper-held, Bireham Canyon, Utah, to Margartto and Dora Torre Lopez. Married Monika Geiger Germany 1963 Attended Blntiam High School. Vietnam veteran. Retired US Army in 1983. Survivor wife, Germany, three children David, US Army, Washington, DC; Michelle and Suzzette, Germany, stepson, Andy, US Army, Ft Lewis, Washington; mother and father.

Salt Lake City; brother and sister. Jack, DavkL Mr. John (Connie) Walker, Alex, Mr. Gwen Hardcastte, Mr Danny (Beverly) Ronguttto, Mrs. Henry (Darlene) Lopez, Mr Bob (Etma) Smith, Joe, Darrell, ail of Satt Lake City Bunai services will be twtd in Ludwigsburg, Germany on Thursday, October 6 Memorial Mas will be held Thursday, 1 pm, SL Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, 7405 South Reckwood Road, West Jordan 104 Nl 104 Jakob Oenes OGDEN Jakob Oenes, 68, of 1077 2nd St died Tuesday, October 4, 1983 in McKay Hospital Ogden Bom February A 1915 In Groningen, Holland, the ton of Pieter and Antte Bosk topper Oenes.

On May A 1940 he married Roettie "Ruby" Steenber-gen Groningen, Holland The marriage was later solemnized in the Satt Lake LDS Temple He had been the executive of laundry and housekeeping at the McKay Hospital, retiring in 1980 He had served in the Dutch Underground Army during World War II. He was a member of the Ogden 62nd Ward, where he hod been active as a High Priest and Home Teacher. He had served a Stake Mission and two times os Branch President in Holland, a Branch President in Ogden of the Dutch Branch; had served on a stake Mission in Soft Late City, an LDS Church Mission from 1980-1981. He had been the High Priest Group Leader in the 42nd Ward and Emptovmenf Director in the Ben Lomond North Ogden Stake He wae member of the Southern Pacific Men of Song and had tired in Holland and Salt Lake Ctty prior to moving to Ogden in 1955. Surviving are hi widow, Ogden; two son, Pieter Oenes and Jakob Oenes, Jr both Ogden, three daughter.

Mr. Gary (Antie) Millip, Ogden; Mr. Roger (Wilhetmina Marriott, Kavsviile; Mr Alton (Roettie Lawtor, Danville, Cattfomia; 12 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three brother, Harm Oenes, Ogden; Jan Oenes, Florida Ate Oenes, Satt LaM Ctty sister, Mr. Saagfieki (Antie) antie, Holland. Funeral services will be corv ducted Saturday at 1) 00 a m.

in the Ogden 46nd Ward Chapel, 3(0 Gramercy Ave. Friends may call at the Mrers Mortuary in Ogden, Friday from 4-4 m. and of the Word Otapel Saturday one hour prior to the services. Interment. Ogden City 106 N3 10 6 Elizabeth A.

Kelsey Elizabeth Ann Kelsey, 30, passed away October 4, 1983, in Salt Lake Ctty Born March 10, 1953, In Columbus, Ohio, to James R. and Margaret Miller Kelsey. Employed at Ltthografics Incorporated. Survivor- husband. Will Hover, Satt Late Ctty; mother and step-father, Margaret and Austin Lures, Columbus, Ohio, two brother John James, Phoenix, Thomas Colum bus, Ohio; one sister, Molly Deverse, Columbus, Ohio many aunts, uncle nieces and nephew Prayer services will be sad Wednesday, 7 30 m.

at the Neil O' Donnell Son Mortuary, 372 East 100 South, where friends mav call 4 JO-1 00 m. Funeral mas and burial will be held in Cotorrhus, Ohio Funeral Director Nek O' Donnell 4 Son Mortuary, N3105 N310S Etvie E. Pringle ivie Emery Pringle 84, died Orta her I 1983 in Salt Late Hospital. Bom August It. 1899.

Soft Late City. Utah to Cnartoe Frank and Elizabeth A. Simmon Emery. Married Clyde Pringle He pr waded her in dueth Also precected in death by a daughter, Barbara Bnjerg. Menewr, LDS Church.

Survivor Sister, Elizabeth Emery Skinner, grandson, Willard Young, two great-grand children, several mece and ne irfww Grave Ida services Friday, 11 30am Salt Lake Ctty Cemetery Friend may tail at Larkin Mortuary, 240 Fast So. Tempt Friday from 00 to II .00 8 m. T10S N3W4 CARD OF THANKS THE FAMILY of Jettt Bakre wish to express our sincere rtv8 evi ervvw latiun to eh our fiNHxls and relative fcy toe cards, flower tend vivh ended otoer arts of kin-tor that were gt at tousty extented to us dtng our rerent lot They were dsepy appretietod Harold 1 loe Larvwtf MA Leonard Lari I mwd ere! Bnjf Leonard. Yesterday CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND 237-2000 LAak rends to ttostot the San lake area Cad tou net 1-800-662-9185 Opaa ninety tkrsugk Tlwtdav. fneoy.

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i (Tip, tp i tr re.r CUPi ihc Ij, with I 'o mtr of 'ip mrt ih i hock', hi dll on, Htinr 'niitirt I'dt'Hii 'in ID II '0 'io it iw k.yctk 4S (l (outidit $2 SO fo, Hck pattern Add SOI hr mcH luttwn to, poitift and handling. Sand to knot kdtmi Prttm 130 2V iolt Cdkr Jribnnf 243 Wot 17 SL, lira let, NT 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP, SIZE, and STYLE NUMgfl. The HIGH! aoifflS at The pnet art yotirs you Send now tor Nil FAiL-totNNR PATTERN CA1AL0G with hw pattern coupon (S2 SO Mfuel SI SO 11 CPVT 00S S2 00 dk 131 dd a Stock Mow, ITS Thrifty Crafty I 17SPtal Qudti 121 Piltrw Shnwntli Books arid Catak) add SOI wch for and handling ORDINANCE NO. 92 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 4, SEC TION 14, REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, 1966, AS AMENDED.

BY ELIMINATING REFERENCE TO THE CLEARING INDEX SYSTEM AND BY MAKING CERTAIN TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS The Board of County Commissi ner of the County of Salt Lake ordains as follows SECTION I. Title 4, Chapter 4. Section 14, Revised Ordinances of Satt Lake County, 1966, as amended, is amended to read as follows. Sec 6-4-14 Open Burning (1) General Prohibitions No person shall bum any trash garbage, leaves or plant material, or other wastes, nor conduct any salvage operation bv means of open fire except in conformity with this section (2) Permissible Burning Without Permit Except as prohibited by other law or regulation, and under conditions not creafiong a public nuisance or hazardous situation, open burning Is permissible without obtaining a permit under the following circ*mstances (a) Wien done for the primary purpose of preparing food to such devices as outdoor grills and fireplace (b) Atoen campfires and other fires are used solely for recreational purposes such fire are under the immediate control of a responsible person. Bonfire, fires, built to bum Christmas trees, rally fire and ail similar fires are prohibited (c) VWiendiJte in indoor fireplace (d) When part of properly operated Industrial flares tor Combustion of flammable gases 13) Permissible Burning Wilh Permit Except as prohibited bv other law or regulation, and under conditions not creating a public nuisance or hazardous situation, open burning may be done only upon first obtaining a permit for the following circ*mstances.

(a) Agricultural burning. Including on-premise orchard pruning, field stubbie and weeds and open burning to clear Ir rogation ditches. (b) Open burning ot tree cuttings and slosh forest areas where the cuttings accrue from pulping, lumbering, and similar operation but excluding waste from sawmill operations such as sawdust and scrap lumber. (c) Open burning of solid or liould fuels or structures tor removal of hazards or eyesore or for fire fighter tramingpurpos-es when conducted under the direct control and supervision of organized Fire Department (d) Opto burning in remote areas of highly explosive or other dangers material tor which there is no other known practical method of disposal (e) Other open burning under the terms of individual permits Issued in writing by the Satt Lake County Fire Department, which terms are intended to prevent damage or Injury from fire (4) Ail burning permitted under subsection (3) shall be done only during the hour specified by the Salt Lake County Fire Department, provided, no burning permitted by subsection (3) shall be allowed after 5 00 m. (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of This section, afl open burning may be restricted or prohibited by the Satt County Fire Department upon the dei laration of the Utah Department of Health of an air pollution emergency SECTION H.

This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after enactment and publication in a newspater of general circulation published in Salt Lake County APPROVED and ADOPTED thh 28 day of September, 1983 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE COUNTY By Mk hael Stewart, Chairman ATTEST Dixon HlndWY Salt Lake Countr CTurk 20 rv (06icimZi Cudd'r Mp dnd InpwjrmfiS mill protect her ill wmti'i1 Choosn two hught co*kvs lor smart checkerboard deign pom poo cap and logwarmeri Knit Ot acrylic worsted tots so little to make' I1 ittem 7 3b (hdd Sires 4 8 10 (2 50 tor ear pattern And bu each patlem for postage and handling Send to: Alin irookt Needlecreh Depl 227 JJy ialt Cdkr Jribanf Bot 163. Old Chetwi Sto. lira Tort. NT 10113. Print Neme, Addin, fid, fetteni Number.

YOUR NUT CRAfl is in our NIA 1 984 NlEDUCRAfT CATALOG Orer 10 wired design? 3 tre patlerns Send 31 50 CRAFT BOOKS. S2 00 eech AR lotoj and Cetotot-edd 501 eech lee poetei end hendlmg. 1 35-Dcdkj Ctothet On Farede 134-14 Quick Machine Quilts 133-FethiM Home Quitting 132 Quilt OkngineH 131 Ud Stock Quilts IWQukI Eeey Tremton 121 Metope Fetchwert Quilts 126Thntty Crafty FTowen 125-Petal Quills 121 Filtoer Shra-OHi lllCrochet with Sdueree 117 Cay Art el Needleprart llKCemptoto Iffhens 112 Frtae Mfhene 111 lay tot el Hahpre CrecM 1 104 SneelnH (Beek ttwre fnct) 107 torturi Sw inS-toitMl Faahwa lfM-lmtawt Money 10315 Quilts to 7 NOTICE INVITINd BIDS Scaled bids will be received at the office of General Manoger until 2 0 clock PM MST of November 17, 1983, tor furnishing all plant, materials, and labor and performing all work for construction of the Ashley Valley Water Purification Plant for the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, at which time the proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud Any bid received after ttw closing time tor rwtulpl of bids will be returned unopened Construction work, in general, consists of the following row water influent line meter vault flocculation basins, filter concrete reservoir, steel reservoir, pump station operations building, chemical systems, and control system Contes of the Plans and Contract Document are on file at the office of CENTRAL UTAH WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT 355 West 1300 South. Orem. Utah 84057, HORROCKS CAROLLb ENGINEERS, Pi ara 2 '00, Suite 102, 140 West 2100 South, Satt Loke City, Utah 84I1S, and in ttw office of JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS, 1314 North Third Street.

Suite 300 Phoonlx, Arizona 85004 and are open tor public inspection and use Those Interested in having individual sets ot Plans and Contract Documents nay obtain the Plans end Contract Documents from Morrocks 4 Corollo Engmeor Plaza 2100, Suite 102, 140 West 2100 South, Satt Lake City, Utah $4115, and from John Caroilo Engineer 1314 North Third Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, In accordance with the following price hoduic Volumes 1 4 2 (Contract and Suoclfk ations) 50 00 Volume 3 (Plan Sheets full size) $100 00 Volume 3 (Plan Sheets Approximately to size) 75.00 Refunds for Contract Documents will not be made Bid security In the form of cortitted check, cashier' chs- or ted bond In the amount of ten percent (1(7) of tho bid Stull accompany eat proposal WAGE RATES Not Ins than the general prevailing rote of waoo per hour, as established by the Industrial Commission of the State of Utah, for work of a similar chai actor In the locality in wich the work is performed, and not toss than the general prevailing rate of wage per hu or tor legal holiday and overtime work shall he paid to all laborer workman, apprentices and mechanic employed by or in behalf of the State of Utah, or by or to behalf of any county, ctty and county, city, town, district or other political subdivision of the state engaged In the construction of public work exclusive ot mamfenoce work Laborer workman, apprentice and meihontoa employed by contractor or subcontractors to to execution of any ctwttrad or contracts tor public works with ttw state or any comfy, city and county, city, iuww township, district or other PDiitkai subdivision of the state or any officer or public body of same shall be deemed to be any ployed upon public work Cunhai Utah Water Comarvanry Dlttrkt By Lynn Ludlow Conor at Manager Published September 29 1983 through November 10, 1913 Plant and specukatiun will be available after October 198J. 86) Orem, and Saturday one hour prior to service at the Ward Chapel Interment. Provo City Cemetery 106 N3 106 Clark A. Patterson PHOVO-Clark Andrew Pat nr van, age 64, died Oc later 4, 1983, Provo Born July 26, 1919. Bearer, Utah, to Horace and Mrrlir Evan Patter oh.

Married rLw bare Park Jan, 15, 1941, in Beaver Later solemnized, Oct. 1967, Mont. LDS Temple. Survivor Wife, Provo, two som, Clark Lynn Patterson, Vum-uelier, Idaho; Mkhoel Rav Pethron, Cecelia Ann Pattor- son, both Provo, eight grandchildren, mother, Bearer; ttre van Patterson, Flo-ran Patterson, both Bearer, Don Patterson, Cedar Cttvi preceded death by a brother, carl Petteron Funeral ervlr Friday. 11 Proro 2tb Ward Ctveirt, nil Pa 00 South, Provo FiwttH mav call at Barg Mortuary of Provsv IDS Loaf Center Thursday, 4 to I or at the ward cheaef an Friday, inehour prior to sttrvket.

Inter-ment Hearer Cemetery, Bo ver Utah 108 108 1 John A. Liddiard PROVO-John Albert LkF dlard, age 0, died October A I9HJ, in Provo. Born November 21. tn Provo, to James E. end Mero ret Clayton LkkJlerd.

Married Vora Garrett May 14, 1912, In Provo She died Nov 27, 1973 Survivor Four son, two daughter, Clayton Lkniard. Kenneth "Dick" Liddlero, Mr George (Five! Un-grktrf, ail Provo; Preston Sorlngvllle; Gilbert L. "Bart" I kkliard, Soom-sh Fork; Mr. Edith Rkhardvon, Olympia. Washington, 32 grandchildren, 62 greatgrandchildren; three great greatgrandchildren; brother, Frad Lidrfcerd, Provo; preceded in death by Duent Altwri Lkktiard Funeral aervlcm Saturday, 2 Berg Mortuary of Provo, 195 Eat! Caitter Friend may call Friday, 6 to 9 er Saturday, one hour prior to ervk e.

Interment, Provo City Ceme-tory 108 N3I08 YOUCANSfU ANYTHING WITH A ClASblf IFD AD DIAL 237 2000.

The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.