The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

PAGE TWO SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, 3SEYM0UR, INDIANA WEDNESDAYjJANUARY 23, 1974. TIME-TO RETIRE CARROLL RIGHTER'S SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE r.w. if. HOROSCOPE ESTAILISHED 1179 Issiiti Every Evtnint Except SuittJtr TrW from the Carroll. Righter Institute For Tomorrow This newspaper dtdicated to furnishing information to our readers so that they can better promote and preserve their own freedom and encourage others to see its blowing.

For only when man understands freedom and Is free te control himself and all -he produces can he develop to his utmost capabilities. GENERAL TENDENCIES: A day to extend your activities beyond their. present boundaries. Get together with persons to whom you are drawn in and unite your efforts in making plans for the -future. Be.

as outgoing as possible. -We believe that all men are equally endowed by their Creator, and ctoV a govtmmtnt; with preserve their life and property and secure more freedom and keep it for themselves 'AglEgyijtarriD Aprri new acquaintances who7: JMdoiKtridFrf edom is lelf-contJtoLno jnore, ho less, Ml wrnxs To discharge this responsibility, free men, to the best of their ability, must understand and apply to daily living the great moral guide expressed, in the Coveting Commandment. Ut toactj Bogln With Ml 1 J-j. if' 0. EDITORIALS Castro Confesses Faults Cuba uses a greater work force than was used by Americans prior to his take-over of sugar mills in 1959, Premier Castro told his people in a recent address.

They are not ready for commu nism, he concluded, because too many are not performing satisfactorily and expect to receive the same as those who work harder. It took 15 years for Castro to learn Cuba is not ready for communism. can be helpful to you in the future Apply yourseu wim -twnfidenctvand gain in TAURUS ( May 20) Strive for your personal aims and get the support of higher-ups. Express fine talents. Show more affection for mate tonight GEMINI (May 21 to' June 21) Planning a trip that is important to your well-being is wise.

You can now advance along lines that ae different from the usual. MOON CHILDREN (June22 to July 21) If you compliment the one you love, you find you can come to a far better understanding: Improve your relations with associates. LEO (July 22 to Aug 21) Work on the policy level with associates -and get right results for the days ahead. Good day for work- with the public in general VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept.

22) If you listen more closely to what your partners have to say, you can reach a mutual understanding. Take health treatments LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct 22 Plan the recreations you enjoy with congenials during spare time Bring your talent to higher-ups and gain the support you need. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.

21) Find the right method through which to have greater rapport at home Show wisdom in any sales or purchases you make today. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21) You can communicate with any associates you want to be part of your life in the future. Avoid one who opposes you A CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan 20) Use good judgment in modernizing your property. Consult with experts if you have monetary problems Relax at home tonight. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to Feb 19) Engage in activities that motivate you to do your best.

A social affair you planned can be a great success Help one in need PISCES (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20) Follow your intuition as well as the advice of experts if you are to improve your present position in life. Show devotion to mate. IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODAY he or she will be one of those talented young people who requires good academic training and fine religious training in order to make the most of the gifts that are plentiful here.

There can be real fame and wealth in this chart. Your progeny can make a great contribution in the field of social service. '73 ma RATuna itndicatjc Spain's Economic Boom Due Dnfernal Reform Preventing Gas Rationing By HENRY J. TAYLOR MADRID The West Ger mans called their boom the "winscnattswunder, sug gesting a miracle. Spain's boom lacks such a badge of lionhood but it is relatively equivalent and even exceeds the West German boom in some particulars.

Second only to Switzerland. this is Europe's highest country and Spain's harsh, forbidding What you make of "The Stars impel, they do not compel your life is largely up to YOU! shortage, the President made some other bold pledges. He has directed an immediate review to take away from American oil companies any benefits from foreign taxes and royalties paid to oil-producing nations; he pledged that the price of gasoline would not go to $1 a gallon; he promised to do everything in his power to prevent oil companies to make an unconscionable profit out of this crisis; in that connection, he renewed his request to Congress for a new kind of "windfall profits tax" that would rise in step with the price rise; and he would ask for a new law requiring the oil companies to provide a full and constant accounting of their inventories, their production, their costs and their reserves, Independence for the United States, achieving energy self-sufficiency, remains his long-range goal. While he commended the public for the' self-sacrifice that has made the difference, Mr. Nixon said Americans will overcome the challenge of self-sufficiency to become "the sole masters of our fate." On that, the President struck a popular note.

President Nixon made some bold promises to the American people in his latest radio address, the most effective being: If their voluntary cooperation in conserving energy continues, there will be no heating hardships this winter and no gasoline rationing this spring. The energy shortage is genuine, the President said. "If we should choose to believe that our efforts in fighting the energy crisis are unnecessary, if we permit ourselves to slacken our efforts and slide back into the wasteful consumption of energy, then the full force of the energy crisis will be brought home to America in a most devastating fashion, and there will be no longer any-' question in anyone's mind about the reality of the crisis," he warned. It was probably the most sincere warning he has issued on energy, and one that we must believe. He emphasized that the public effort to conserve energy has been far more important than anything else in avoiding damaging shortages so far.

To prove that he is in no way taking part in a phoney energy Carroll Righter's Individual Forecast for your sign for February is now ready. For your copy send your birthdate and $1 to Carroll Righter Forecast, Seymour Daily Tribune, P. O. Box 629, Hollywood, Calif. 90028.

(Copyright, 1974, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) creased Arab oil prices. With this further fueling the inflation. Premier Navarro frankly confesses that the government's economic hopes are affected. Chief Of State Generalissimo Francisco Franco has ruled this country as chief-of-state for 34 years from his four-centuries-old palace at nearby El Pardo, where he once gave me the first interview he has given since Spain's Civil He finally designated a successor Chief-of-State (Prince Juan Carlos), but it is commonly agreed here that Franco intends to be buried as Chief-of-State. This will be at the astounding tomb complex called the Valley of the Fallen near this city.

It has tremendous 22-ton bronze doors and a huge granite cross, a football field high. A long tapestried tunnel leads to the crypt. There your eardrums throb with the crash of music. The air is damp. The walls entomb the bones of 60,000 men killed in Spain's Civil War.

And two gilt chairs stand behind the altar, intended some day for a King and Queen. Franco turned 81 on Dec. 5. His health is highly precarious. Although he attended briefly Premier Navarro's private inauguration at El Pardo on Jan.

2, he is now all but confined to El Pardo and his Galicia villa on the winding road to remote Meiras waiting. (Copyright, 1974, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) A record 18 million visitors came to this country last year; a 530 per cent increase in 10' years. Spain's population is only 34.1 million. In our country such a tourist influx would mean 121 million foreigners flooding into our towns and onto our roads. The French lead this parade.

Seven million came here last year. This is more than one-third of all the tourists entering Spain. The British, in turn, who spend nearly $1 billion annually on vacations abroad, spend fully half of that total in this country. Keep Going Up Tourist facilities here can accommodate about one million visitors at a time. But hotels keep going up, especially along seashores and in the charming Seville region where the rich, ripe rhetoric of old Spain flowers, a holdover from Cervantes and Lope de Vega.

In fact, many Spanish claim that during the tourist season the hardest thing to find is a Spaniard. All this builds into a powerful combination and the centrifugal force of it is felt in this country's economy and thus in its social structure. But new Premier Carlos Arias Navarro is deeply concerned that growing waves of inflation can possibly nip the boom. He officially estimates the inflation at 15 per cent annually. This is the highest in Western Europe.

And this country's excellent relations with the Arab world notwithstanding, Spain must pay the vastly in Ia wn uFffP ap I all in the vallev of death 60 AGAIN OVER THE OUT (THESTKETy RODE THE 5IX CANNON ID THE RI6HT Of THEM CANNON 70 THE LEFT OF THEM, INTO THE JAkIS OF DEATH RODE THE SIX land stood higher, contained less water and extracted a greater toll of human effort than, any other Western country on this continent. From such adversity and sense of removal came a proud, ardent people, born to hardship and possessing an astounding fatalism. Outside the main cities all you heard were the tiny burros clip-clopping on Spain's old stones. As late as 1960 not an automobile was made in Spain. Today the tough little Spanish SEAT and Spanish-built Chev-rolets, Ply mouths, Citreons, Fiats, Renaults and Volkswagens have put millions on wheels.

Economic Reforms Internal economic reforms made in 1959 marked the turn. These encouraged internal investment. Money long overseas began to come back. The capital confidence grew. Important expansions occurred in shipbuilding, textiles, minerals, chemicals, canned foods, furniture, electrical and transportation equipment, etc.

Spain showed an annual 11 to IS per cent rise in industrial output. On the brink of bankruptcy in THROUGH THE fElLOld U6HT I AND HOME ASAlN IN one piece think: Those Days WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1974 mid-1959, with a $4-million deficit in her reserves. Spain today has a surplus of $2 billion. It is the soft U. S.

dollar that is questioned now in Spain, not the peseta. me Group Supports SmugglSog if Drugs WHAS-TVll WTTV4 WRTV-TVI WISH-TV 8 WLW-I 13 WLKY-TV 32 Louisville Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Louisville 4 00 Eddie' Fither 4 00 liehbie Place 4 00 4 00 Bonanza 4 00 4: IS 4 15 4:15. 4:15 415 4 SO Corner Pyle 4 30 4:30 4 30 430 4 45 4 4S 4 45 4:45 4 45 4 45 5 to Andy Griffith 5 00 Beverly Hillbillies 5 00 Early Report OO 5 00 Dragnet 1 00 Evening V. 5:15 5:15 5:15 5 15 Weatherman 5 15 515 j.jl CBS 5 30 Gomer Pyle 5 30CBSNews 30 Kv.nmg 5 30 Eyewitness Nes 5:45 5 45 5 45 4S 45 tt 00 Channel 11 News 00 Hogan's Heroes 00 Early Report 00 Eyewitness 00 Truth Consequences IS IS IS IS IS IS SOWorW of Animals 30 Andy Griffith Oine Girls 8 30 OnTheMonev iat Mv Line 45 45 45 4S 45 6 45 7 00 News 7 00 Chase 7:00 Sonny Cher 7-00 Movie of Week Movie of Week 7 15 7:15 7:15 15 7 7 15 7:30 7 30 Truth. 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 I 00 Cannon 00 What's My Line' 100 Wednesday Movie 00 110 too 15 IS 115 115 130 30 Merv Gnf fin 30 30 I 30 I 45 45 1 45 45 145 tt OOKojak 9 00 1 00 :00 Kojak 9:00 Doc Elliot 9 00 Doc Elliott 15 IS 9 IS IS 1S 9 15 30 130 1 0 30 9 30 9 45 1 45 1 45 r4S 45 9 45 OO ChannH ll News 10 00 Big Valley 10 00 Final Report 10:00 Bif News Final 10 00 Eyewitness News 10 00 Ku wum ss News 10 IS 10 15 10: IS 10 IS 10 IS 10 IS 10 30 10 30 Movie 10 30 10 30 Tonight Show 10:30 1 10 30 Star Trek 10 30 Pcrrv Mason 10 45 10 45 10 45 10 ,0 45 45 1100 II 00 Night Gallery II 00 00 11 00 11 00 11:15 HIS 1115 H.IS 11 15 II 30 11:30 Twilight Zone 11:30 11 II 30 WW of IISSWWofE 11 45 11 45 11 45 11 45 1145 45 WAVE-TV 3 Louisville 4 oo 4 15 4 4S 5 00 IS 5 30 4S 00 World Today IS 30 To Tell th Truth 45 7 001! of Basketball 7.15 7 30 7 45 I 00 15 JO 45 00 All By Himself IS 30 10:00 Mission Impossible 10 IS 10; 30 10 45 II 00 World Tonmhl 11 IS II 3D Tonight Shim II 45 16 Treated At Hospital Sixteen patients were treated in the emergency room of Schneck Memorial Hospital between 7 a.

m. Tuesday and 7 a. m. today. Two persons authorized release of information.

Lisa, three, daughter of Wen-dall Smith, Jonesville, was released after receiving medical treatment at 9: 12 p. m. Tuesday. Gale Waskom, 20. 333 South Park Drive, was released after receiving treatment for an injury of the left knee at 1 a.

m. today. If you drive, don't drink! THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1974 WRTV-TV WISH.TV4V WLW-I 13 LSD tablets was seized from the Brotherhood just last year, which has led the Eastland subcommittee to say Timothy Leary's "religion" had become the largest manufacturer and distributor of LSD in the world. When "orange sunshine" began scaring the kids, whose bad trips were becoming altogether too frequent, the pressure was on the Brotherhood to turn to hashish smuggling. This is where the passport frauds really helped.

With or without legal passports the brothers went everywhere. Three of them traveled to Afghanistan, where they purchased 12S pounds for SIS a pound. They smuggled it to California, where it sold for $900 a pound. This, so the Eastland report tells us, was the first of nearly 24 tons of hashish smuggled into the U. S.

from Lebanon, and India by the Brotherhood. How Hashish Seizures Have Multiplied Big business. And what a business. The taste for marijuana has unquestionably led to the yearning for stronger stuff. In 1968, hashish seizure in the U.

S. was a mere 534 pounds. In 1972, the seizures had grown to 30.000 pounds. The presumption is that for every pound taken by the police, ten pounds get through, Three hundred thousand pounds of hashish would generate millions of hashish highs. And beyond hashish there is liquid hashish.

Two or three drops of this can have horrible mind-blowing consequences. A lot of people doubt that marijuana and its stronger derivatives do any irreparable harm. Dr. Olav Braenden, director of the UN Narcotics Laboratory in Geneva, who testified before Eastland, contradicts this notion. He finds that even small amounts of marijuana build up in the fatty tissues, in the brain, and in the gonads, very much like DDT.

Fed consiWble truowito of the stuff, animal have produced offspring with deformities in a manner, so Eastland says, that "resembles the damage done by thalidomide." Eastland speaks of "playing genetic Russian roulette." What a business for an organization calh -the" Brotherhood of Eternal Love Distributed by King Features Syndicate By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN One may suppose that it began in all innocence. Toward the end of his life. Aldous Huxley, who had moved from London to Southern California many years before, wrote about "expanding" the consciousness through the use of mysterious Mexican drugs. In his "Brave New World" he had talked, satirically, about calming people with "half a gram of soma." and here he had fallen, in his late middle age, for his own mechanized jot should it be chemicalized? Utopia. Aldous Huxley obviously meant no harm.

Nor. we may grant, did Dr Timothy Leary when he confused Huxley's mind expansion with mind blowing. Timothy Leary, dearie, was not weary in attempted welldoing. In 1966. in partnership with Dr.

Richard Alpert, he incorporated a tax-exempt "religious corporation" in the State of California. He called his organization the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. Leary Went to Algeria Bliss was it in that dawn of 1966 to be alive to tune in, turn on. and drop out, maybe by accident from an LSD-induced fall from a second-story window. The stuff uncorked by Dr.

Leary was far more potent for hallucination than Aldous Huxley's half a gram of soma. The unfortunate doctor, with the help the Weathermen, escaped from jail and high tailed for Algeria for a rendezvous with Eldridge Cleaver, the revolutionary Panther. eventually he was coralled by the law again and returned to the clink. His Brotherhood of Eternal Love, meanwhile, had tome under the investigation of Senator James 0. Eastland's Senate Internal Subcommittee.

The Senator had no -call doing religious research, but it eems that one of the tenets of the Brotherhood of Eternal Lovels peculiar faith large-Kale passport fraud. A check of 450 Brotherhood passport files has revealed 130 cases of fraudulent use of passports, As it has turned out, the chief business of the traveling Brotherhood has been dope peddling. Originally it was marijuana. But in 1969 members of the Brotherhood began specializing in concocting "orange sunshine" (LSD) at laboratory outside San Francisco. Enough powderto make fourteen millipn WTTV4 Indianapolis 1:00 IS 14S KtffnvM I lhrilwHV WHAS-TVll Louisville tt Captain Kangaroo IS 131 I 45 Jokers Wild IS 30 Pyramid 45 Wtt.Gambit 10 IS 30 Low of Life.

45 II OOTheVoung 11 IS Seymour Daily Tribune UlltMlTMSt PvtUibttf ck fml ranpt Sunday. Nr Vnt'i Di)r. MtmrM Day. July k. Labar Day aa4 CkrWmaa Sywwr Tnkun Ca THVRMAN GILL.

PMMMwr Eaf4 at SryiMar. lad 47174 Paat-tk ta Stroud Claaa Mattar. Daly TrtbtM ay Ham Dtttmy On Ytar II Stat Maatat It Tkra MaMka IB On Watk SfcCteCapy DAILY TRIBUNE by Mail. AH ad aaV (triatiaaa la adiaar aad aaaa art accaattd wbtra cariair aft vtia la avail, aett Indianapolis Today Show IS 4S Dinah's Itacr IS 1 30 Jeopardy 45 Concentration 10 15 10 30 Holl word Snuaro 14:45 00 Jackpot 1115 11:31 Channel" II 9 IS I 30 1:45 00 10 15 10 30 10 45 II 00 Studio Four 11:15 11 30 News Til Noon tl-41 VVLKY-TV32 Louisville 001 Love Lucy I 15 I 30 Living Easy 145 00 Prize Movie IS 30 9 45 to to 10 IS 10 30 Brady Bunch 10 45 II oo Pawvord 1115 11 dSplit Second lie 12 00 Ail My Children II II USOLetsMakeADeal 1145 1 to NewlywedGame I IS i 39 Girl Id My Life I 45 at General Hospital 1: IS 30 One Life To Lite 1 45 1 Dialing for DolUrs 1 IS 1J1 145 WAVE-TVS Louisville Today Show I IS 30 45 1 00 Morning Show I IS 9 30 Jeopardy 9 45 MM Witardof Odds Mr 15 10 31 l4l miaxl II Jackpot 11 IS II Baffle II 45 a Midday News It IS II 30 Three on a Match 11 45 I 0 llavsof Ihjr Lives I 15 I 3t The Doctors I 45 1 (0 Another Horkt 1 IS 30 Mike Douglas 1 45 115 1 31 Chan. 3 Movm 1 45 Indianapolis 1:00 Captain Kangaroo 1 IS 5 I 00 Indy Today IS 30 110 000 pvramid 10:09 Gambit 10 IS 10 30 love of Life 10 45 11:09 The Vounc 11:15 II 3a frr 'omrrr- 11 45 Channel I Ncvit 11 12 30 As World turn UO I 00 Guiding Light I IS 1:31 Edge of NigM I tS Price Is Right 4 1 30 Match Game 144 1 00 Secret Storm 3 IS Money Movie r- Indianapolis 09 Paul Diim IIS 30 145 0t 9 IS l-hil llouhur 45 not 10 is 10.30 Password 10 45 11:00 Boh Braun 11 IS II 3D II 45 40 11: IS Let i Make A Deal 12:45 1W NewlywedGame I 15 Girl in My Life 1 00'al 1 15 2 30 One Life to Live 145 3 00 Americu Sl) is 1 30 Bear the Clock II 3) II 45 UK jaaaaaja.

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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.