The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

A A A A etc. Classifications Nos. 1 to 45 THE SUN, BALTIMORE, FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20, 1935 23 city in priced line silk coat. line with and and WANTS (11) MR.

BENNY. 726 W. Balto, st. Plaza 5437. (Continued from Preceding Column) ANTIQUE AND MODERN Furniture, China, Curios, Oil Paintinga, Oriental Rugs, Libraries, Books, Silverware, Office Fur.

niture, etc, Large or small lota, Calls answered within an hour. A. COOPER, 708 N. Howard St. Vernon 7830.

Night Calls, Lib. EVERYTHING FURNITURE AND CLOTHING Chinaware, Glassware, all kinds Antiques, Pianos, Radios, Silverware, Jewelry, Booka, Stoves, Tee Boxes, Household, effecta. STICKMAN, GREENE BARATOGA STS. CALL AT ONCE. CALVERT 5754.

WANTED--PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Pay, Allowance Cash Or to Make Apply on Special the Liberal Porchase of Noiseless Typewriters. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 18 Park Ave. Plaza 2060. MUST HAVE AT ONCE CALL VERNON 2960 Elec.

refrigerators, radios, dining living rm. furniture, stoves, gas ranges, etc. Immediate cash and removal. 810 Greenmount ave. SELL, 118 OLD GOLD -SILVER ANTIQUE JEWELRY High Cash Prices, Open Nights till P.

M. CITY GOLD SILVER CO. 109 Park Ave. HIGH PRICES PAID FOR FURNITURE OF ALL, KINDS Single pieces or entire lot, gas, coal and oil stores, vases, ornaments, glassware, antiques of kinds, sewing, machines, pianos, MR. MACK.

VERNON 5342. SOS GREENMOUNT AVE. Used Furniture Wanted Prompt Attention. Immediate Removal. SPOT CASH.

Vernon 5185. 400 N. Entaw St. OLD GOLD AND SILVER KLEIN'S, 593 N. GAY, NR.


Hippodrome Theater, GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS WANTED. Good cash prices. Ver. 8440. MEN'S CLOTHING--HIGH PRICES PAID J.

Zalis, 3414 Park Heights ave. Lib. 9036. FURNITURE BOUGHT. HIGH PRICES.

SITUATIONS--HOUSEHOLD (12) GIRT, (white), 00. desires housework, light laundry, Gentiles. Personal interview only. 2816 Rayner ave. GIRL, (colored), general housework or waitress.

Ref. 1414 Harlem ave, GIRL (colored), first-class cook and houseworker; best ref. Mad. 1085. GIRL (colored) wants maid or part-time work; ref.

654 Pitcher st. WOMAN (colored), refined, waitress, cook, cleaning, day or week. Ches. 4020. YOUNG lady, refined, educated, with boy year old, desires job as housekeeper, $5 week.

City preferred. 4426, Sun. MIDDLE-AGED German woman wants position general housework, no washing. Will accept small salary with good home. Stay nights.

119 Upnor road. Telephone Tuxedo 3581. HELP--HOUSEHOLD (12a) COOK and home Housekeeper month. (white). experienced; good and $40 UNIV.

COOK--To do 1st fl. waitress duties: stay nights: $11 wk. Exp. ref. Write 4295.

Sun. GIRL (white). Gentile, assist with children and 2nd-floor work: good home. $20 month. State age and experience.

4450, Sun. GIRL (white), general housework: stay nights; salary, room and board. TUXEDO 1517-1. GIRL (colored), general housework. 1218 Mt.

Royal ave. Call 11 A. M. to 6 P. M.

GIRL, (white), light housework, plain cooking, child's care: live in: reference. For. 6163-J. GIRL, (white) for housework and plain cooking. 3401 E.

Pratt st. CAN OFFER, White Woman or Girl pleasant permanent home and position helping with apt. and baby. Good salary. Liberty 9085.

HELP WANTED -FEMALE (14) BEAUTY OPERATOR, expert; no other need apply. Eutaw st. BEAUTY Operator. experienced. Apply 629 N.


Must be able to contact chants. Preferably those who have sold magazine or merchandise of this type. Must be neat and attractive. Apply by letter to Capitol Decorators, 1811 Street ington, D. C.

sale STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly exp, in whole. tailoring business. Only exp. need apply. Write 4519, Sun.

WAITRESSES. experienced. for delicatessen: no others need anply. VIENNA DELICATESSEN. 810 E.

Baltimore st. SITUATIONS-MALE (15) ACCOUNTANT- Bookkeeper desires part or full -time employment. Lib. 3232. ACCOUNTANT- FULL OR LIME.

4741. SON. BOOKKEEPER, Typist, 15 capable man, to manage small business. 4436, Sun. CHAUFFEUR or clerk in store desires employ.

ment; best ref. Univ. 8330. CHAUFFEURS reference. (colored), 18 years' driving ex perience; best 2116 OAK STREET.

NURSERYMAN, GARDENER, experienced, efficient, thoroughly reliable. married, excellent references, wants position in nursery or private estate. 4664, Sun. PAINTER, long wants any length job; 35c. hour: own brushes.

4428, Sun. PAINTER-1st class mechanic, specializing in house work. Reasonable. 4706, Sun. REGISTERED Pharmacist desires relief work or steady position: references.

Call Wolfe 7661 between 3 and 7 P. M. TRANSPORTATION Man, experienced billing. rating, solicitation: references. Tuxedo 1933.

YOUNG man, stenographer, high-school graduate, can operate mimeograph and calculating machines. desires employment. 4467. Sun. HELP WANTED -MALE (16) AUTO MECHANIC, A1: must know ignition and operate motor analyzer: steady job.

night work. 275 S. HILTON ST. Gilmor 4537. AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN We are in immediate need of several live and their energetic salesmen.

Men who are willing to devote time to selling only will be given an opportunity to produce. BACKUS CHEVROLET 10 E. North ave. Vernon 4300. Automobile Salesmen (5) at once.

See Mr. Robertson. MARTIN BROS. 2300 N. Monroe 8t.

AUTOMOBILE Sanders, exp. Apply MR. BYRNE, 2300 N. Monroe street. BAND SAW MAN wanted at once; experienced only.

Greene street. BARBER--Must very good: steady work until after New Year, TWIN CITY BARBER SHOP. Dundalk. BARBER. OR EXPERIENCED.

APPLY 4710 HARFORD RD. BARBER- -For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Apply 4530 Reisterstown Rd. BARBER- -Must be experienced. 723 N.

Montave, BARBER, experienced, for "Saturday. 3006 W. North avenue. BARBER wanted at once for steady position. 3330 E.

Baltimore street. BARBER for Friday and Saturday. Apply 408 W. Cold Spring lane. BODY AND FENDER experienced.

BAUMEL GARAGE, 1031 E. Baltimore st. BOY, 17 to 19, soda fountain exp. WAGNER WAGNER, 2141 Reisterstown road. CLEANER Experienced in taking spots out of clothing.

In reply give age, experience and last employment. Address 4297, Sun. COMPOSITOR with at least 5 years' experience. State age, qualifications. previous employers and salary expected.

Write 4283. Sun. COUNTER Man wanted to work in meat market. Saturday. 1811 Eastern asentle.

FANCY CAKE BAKER Experienced. Rokos Bakery, 1612 Barnes st. MAN. experienced die setter. in folding hox plant.

GUILFORD FOLDING BOX COMPANY. Haven st. and Ashland ave. MAN. reliable, for dairy firm and route work.

Family to help preferable. Must be dependable, with good references. State and ate. CLEARVIEW DAIRY, Mitchelexperience ville, Md. MAN- -Experienced compounding laundry and dairy cleansers and household sundries, Write 4227.

Sun. MAN experienced on all phases of silk screen poster work. 4650. Sun. MEN WANTED with sales experience to sell decorations.

Must hare neat appearance and be able to contact merchants. Apply by letter to The Capitol Decorators, 1811 street, N. Washington, D. C. METAL ASSORTER.

EXPERIENCED Apply 30 S. Eden street. PAINTERS (2) APPLY 7 A. M. 2427 McCULLOH ST.

RESTAURANT MAN, thoroughly experienced, assist owner. State particulars. 4358. Sun, SALESMAN following. carry complete of a sweaters suits for the retail trade.

Give references in first. letter. Write Commission only. to H. CHAIKEN SONS.

233 Market Street, Philade Pa, phia, SALESMAN- -Resident salesman to renresent New York tie manufacturer for Baltimore. Popular trade already esteblished. Commission basis. 4473, Sun. SALESMAN large dress house: must have own territory, We furnish car.

State experience. 4284, Sun, will Fulton and (1). are. finance. 1.

A-1 terms. rooms, our st. store, piano, see condition. um. HELP WANTED -MALE (16) (Continued from Preceding Column) Salesmen To sell new Chevrolets and Used Cars.

A fine chance to make real money, Once in a great while we decide to put on a few extra men, it you have car can sell, If you haven't. sold cars and would like to try selling automobiles here in your chance. See M. JAWORSKI, Sales Manager, LEACH DAMe SYN, 3811 Eastern ave. Phone Broadway 1700.

SERVICE Station Manager, state nge, qualifi eationa, educat.on and exp. 4447, Sun. SHIPPING CLERK- -Must hare retail furnituro store experience, Write 4283. Sun, SHOE SALESMAN, Exp4, only, need apply, Empire Shoe, 26 W. Lexington at.

SPECIALITY Salesmen (2), experienced, no competition. must have ear. 4278, Son, STENOGRAPHER, frat class: traffic department experience preferred. 4729, Sun. TRANSPORTATION Engineer, experienced, for large motor freight line.

State experience in 1st letter. Write 4270, Sun. UPHOLSTERERS. Apply, ready for work, ACE FURNITURE 1809 Marsland ave. UPHOLSTERERS on living room furniture.

Must be exp. Apply 608 W. Pratt street. YOUNG MAN For cafeteria counter Apply, 10 to 11.30 A. KRUGER'S.

21 N. Howard YOUNG MAN- In grocery with knowledge of meat cutting. WI. YOUNG MEN- -With an opening in out Sties force for men between 20-10; average abont 820 to start: excellent opportunity for promotion. Ask for Mr.

Morell, 1403 Munses 2 to P. M. only. YOUNG MEN (2)-Learn business, moderate earnings at start; rapil advancement. Apply Sales 429 Calvert Bldg.

COLLECTOR- SOLICITOR. experienced man. 1300 Hollina comer Carey. EXPERIENCED Operator of wire- drawing machine. Give references, Write INTERNATIONAL, CHAIN MEG.

York, I'a. IF YOU are middle-aged. willing to work hours 1 day, you can earn comfortable living contacting home owners for our building per cialty, Wa pay you drawing account against commission. Call ROBIRLA 1107 Cathedral st. WORLD WAR Veterans (5); leave town Sunday; single; free to travel: sales organization of Veterans; permanent: expenses advanced.

Apply with discharge papets. M. Crobarger, Hotel Arundel. Don't phone. WANTED-(10) bakers, exp.

on Jewish bread. Must be able to make Kaiser Tolls by hand. Steady work: open shop. Box Sun. WANTED W.

-Experienced body and fender man. Apply 22 Oliver street. HELP -MALE AND FEMALE (18) THOROUGHLY experienced subscription solieitors for high-grade magazine; only best. type considered; very excellent. opportunity for right men and women, 4439, Sun.

GARDENER, foreign preferred. Single or married; wife as housekeeper. Give full information. 4286, Sun. HELP--SALES AGENTS (19) MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families.

Write today. RAWLEIGH, Dept. MDL-8-SA, Chester, Pa. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES (21) COOKS, Mothers' Helpers. Needed for good wk.

SELECT. 337A Dquitable Bldg. Pl, 4610. 2 WHITE NURSEMAIDS, light duties, stay. COLORED MAID.

pri. home. other help kept. BOND. 508 W.

Mulberry st. COLORED girl, to clean 4-room apt. Other good jobs, 1205 E. Lex. st.

ALERT SERVICE. N. Charles. Suite 701. 22-24.

(Dental office). Protestant. PREFERRED. 411 Equitable Bldg. Cal.

6678. HOUSEKEEPER, 30-45, Protestant, exp. only. TEACHERS NURSES WTD. (21a) FEMALE graduate and undergraduate nurses wanted for mental cases.

Apply in person, Riggs Cottage Sanitarium, Hamsville, Md. INSTRUCTION (22) GOVERNMENT Jobs. Start $105 to $175 mo. Men, women. Qualify for next Balto, tions.

Short hours. Forty -hour week means pointments. Common education usually suffi. cient: exp. unnecessary.

Full particulars and list positions FREE. Write today sure. lin Institute, Dept. 183-J, Rochester, N. Y.

DIESEL TRAINED MEN In demand. Serious -minded, ambitious men can qualify these jobs and big pay through our method of training. Low cost, convenient paymenta. Write at once for free information. EMPIRE DIESEL SCHOOLS.

INC. 100 Fifth New York city. VOGUE BEAUTY INSTRUCTION New Low Prices Easy Terms Positions. Free Catalogue. Day-Nite Classes.

234 Park ave. VOGUE. Calvert 3773. PREPARE FOR A GOOD POSITION New classes Jan. 2 aird 6.

Register now. BALTIMORE BUSINESS COLLEGE Baltimore and Light sts. Plaza 1241. BEAUTY CULTURE, at Maison Frederic, Maryland's largest beauty school. Free Catalogue, 200 W.

Saratoga at Park. Ver. 8160. MARINELLO, World's Largest Beauty School. Low Rates.

Terms. Free Catalog. Charles and Fayette sts. Plaza 3434. ENGLISH-Vocabulary grammar, position.

Class or personal; $5 mo. Ches. 0780. LEARN TO DRIVE FROM EXPERT $1.25 per hour. Calvert 1781-J.


Day and Night Classes. E. Baltimore st. JAZZ-Piano, 20 easy lessons. Free, booklet.

CHRISTENSEN, 211 N. Liberty 5926. DANCING (24) HAZEL R. WATKINS 227 W. Franklin St.

Tuition, 50c. Tuesday and Friday, Lib. 8 P. M. Private, $1.

By appointment. 4363. CHARLES E. PATTEN Exclusive for beginners. 1600 N.

Brondway. Private Lessons by appointment. Wolfe 2640. FINK'S Private Dance Studio. 708 W.

North ave. Classes Wed. and Fri. Nights, 8- 10.30. Private lessons day or night.

Mad, 9751. LATEST STEPS in Ballroom Dancing taught by Young Lady. Private. Beginners. Mad.

0880 PATENTS (25) CHAPIN A. FERGUSON, Pat. 213 St. Paul Pl. Free advice.

30 exp. Pl. 3926. HOWARD J. WHELAN, successor H.

S. Brewington Son, 611 Equitable Bldg. Pl. 2991, STORAGE AND MOVING (30) FREE MOVING TO STORAGE LOWEST RATES-LONG-TIME CREDIT Private, Sanitary Floors. Low Insurance Goods, Wrapped, Sprayed, At No Extra A Cost.




$10. Exp. men in aniforms. Insured. WEBER.

Hamuton 3019, W. GEIPE-HAMILTON 1078 rooms, $9: 6 rooms, $12. Responsible, MEEKIN'S BROS. VAN LINE Local and Long Distance Furniture Movers. Cargoes Insured.

1540-42 N. Gay. Wo. 1107. LOADS wanted to and from Phila Itichmond and New York, $40.

Broadway 0564. OLD RELIABLE MOVING CO. 3 rooms. $4:4 rooms, 85; 6 $7. Mad.

4258. LARGE VAN-7 rooms rugs laid free: guar. moving. Brown. Gil.

4717. LOADS $3.50 up. Local and long-distance hauling. W. M.

Dunham. Madison 7261. GREENMOUNT STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Reasonable, reliable, insured. Unit.

3258. HAMPDEN TRANSFER UNIV STORAGE. 8634 FALLS RD. 0000. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (31) FOR INVESTMENT houses in South Baltimore; for details and inspection apply to ALAN P.

SMITH 3RD 10 F. Pleasant st. Ver. 8776. 1923 CECIL AVE.

-2-story. 1501 N. EDEN ST -Hot water heat, very reaApply sonable: 1717 Harford Vernon 2044. MARTIN'S PARISH SAINT 241 N. Comfortable home, low price easy Cal 1339.

1761 HOMESTEAD ST. Open today 2 baths. Like new. Ver, 2030. 38TH just off Greenmount brick home, 6 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood floors.

$2,000: G. $65, Ver. 0220. TO Close An Estate (G.R.) will buy 1909 Mt. Royal Tr.

9 rocens, 2 baths, excellent cond. Clereland R. Bealear, 16 E. Lex. st.

FORECLOSURE Bargain-1109 Ashbarton Porch front. Hot-water beat. Modern. Call atty. Cal.


$1,800, SUBJECT to G. will buy 2122 W. Balto, st. 2 6 rooms, bath; A1 cond. Will finance.

Cleveland R. Bealmear, 16 E. Lex. st. WOODYEAR.

1500 bik. (4) Franklin, 700 bik. Apply 1645 N. Rentalon. 3210 ELMLET AVE.

NEAR CLIFTON AVE, very reasonable. WOLFE 0418. in water one heat, rent. rash, enjoy 2-car suit Lib, oil school aud porch, rooms. bath, bath.

3-story and Unit. in semi per porch, live a Cal. cars. steam house, little brick end for oil- REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE (31) (Continued from Preceding Column) SACRIFICES. 8200 DOWN- TERMS.

Modern, like new. Schapiro, Ver. 7831. (Irvington), 100 North. Augusta- Semi porch, hardwood hot-water heat: 9 rooms.

(Nit. Washington), 3705 Berkley- -Ideal small cottage, garage, fireplace, 6 rooms. A love nest. Ashburton, 1006 porch: 2-atory, Potomac, Porch, hardwood floors. Presbury Porch, 6 (Pk.

Heights), Denmore, -Porch, 5 rooms. 1935 st Outstanding: porches, garage, hot -water heat, hardwood large, 6 rooms, 2604 E. Beautiful, 3-story palace, 327 E. 28TH ST. 2-story, porch, steam heat, parquet hardwood floors, hardwood steps, 1 large bedrooms, large cupboarda, Condition like new.

A real bargain. Can be arranged as two apartmenta, Will help finance purchaser of good repntation. Bankers, 601 Court. Sq. Kids.

Pl. 6577 or Mad. 1581. Baltimore, Calvert, Redwood sta. P'laza 1040.

A REAL BARGAIN 1532 GORSUCH AVE. 6 rooms: tiled bath: stone porch: hot-water heat. Reasonably priced. Easily financed. MERCANTILE TRUST 2711 WINCHESTER -A1 condition.

6 Gil. 4211. After 5 P. Gil 4542. NOVAK HOMES Fine construction.

Best location Priced for the market of Financed with today. mortgage. A representative will gladly call Hamilton THE FRANK NOVAK REALTY COMPANY. NEAR HOPKINS AND UNION MEMORIAL. In the finest section of the North End.

Semidetached-end house. 3-story, 2 baths, New heating plant. To settle estate. Just one tunity and 896 ground rent. like opporUniv.

680. 738 W. NORTH brick dwelling: deep lot: rooms, bath, new steam-licat plant: 82.250. Sublect to G. R.

Will GEO S. A 501 Morris Bldg. Pl. tuance. 3713.

SEVERAL colored properties, paying net. I. LOWDENSLAGER. 300 E. North ave.

1426 JOHN ST. Cor. G. R. Price $625, Klein.

Wolfe 2359. 1711 Eastern ave. FORECLOSED HOMES. all sections, large list, GLOBE REALTY, 14 F. Lexington.

Pl. 1511. R. EXCHANGE (32a) BARGAINS SALE OR EXCHANGE 9 LOTS at Run ss0 lot, at. BIDDLE ST.

at Fallsway: 8 rooms, new elec. tixtures, new paint linoleums. BILL, -Atte estate; 12 rooms, LAWYERS 2 batha, oil heat, garage. TWO story sinall factory, Streeper St near Canton Market: 9000 sq. ft, several exits.

What hare you to offer Iti exchange? See Realty Mart, 100 N. Eutaw PI. 1176. LOTS--CITY SUBURBAN (34) TOWSON-1 60 x125', well located, all conveniences, low price, Call Plaza 6910. lot.

Pikesville section. County taxes. Price $500. Terms. Phone Ham.


Blackburn Son 1325 Munsey Bldg. Plaza 2844. One Block to York Rd. $3.500 605 REGESTER AVE. Facing Stoneleigh, 5 rooms, bath.

pantry, hardwood floors in living room, dining room, stair to second floor; good condition: lot 50x125; shrubbery. Ground rent. $84. STEFFEY. 336 N.

Charles Ver. 2412. Or Mr. Hooper, 700 Anneslie road. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL Was $12,000: now $3,950.

and Elmont Overlea Section. 103x172, corner, beautiful cottage. 10 rooms, bath, steam heat, slate roof. large porches, Exceptional buy. Taxes $56.

G. It. Bed. 0118. $2,390 7 rooms, pantry, bath.

G. R. This cottage originally sold for 84,700. C. EDGAR WOOD.

Ham. 4376. -Nearing completion, brick cottages, 3124-26 Northway Drive. 7 rooms. tile bath: garage.

You should see these homes before buying LERCH, 5206 Harford Ham. 1623-0288. SACRIFICE Will sell 10-room cottage. White ave. nr.

Belair lot 100x145 in fee simple. Real Estate Exchange, Inc. Pl. 2350. 1804 HADDON AVE.

--4 bedrooms, hard wood steam heat. lot 55x105 ft. Must be sold. N. BITTORE, 20 E.

Lexington st. Cal. 0414. GENTLEMAN'S beautiful country home, 9 acres. Ruston section.

MAURY. DONNELLY PARR, Commerce and Water sta. Plaza 4625. BARGAIN--Lovely 7-room stucco cottage, nr. Garrison Blvd.

$4,250. G. R. Cal. 2837.

ONLY White Ave. -4-bedroom lot 60x200. cottage: G. R. COOPER.

Univ. 3664. HAMILTON-6-room bungalow, lot. 92x 320; 14 blk. cars.

G. R. Alban. Hain. 0640.

HISS AVE. (County) -5 rooms, lot 120x180, nr. schools cars. In fee. Ham.

4548 or 00 0066. 716 HIGHWOOD DR -Modern semi-bungalow, lot, 50a145. Bldg. Asso. Owner.

Pl. 6929. GOVANS. Evesham Ave. --7 rooms, bath, garage.

$6.000 in fee. M. Lord. Towson 434. FORD -Brick, semi-detached.

5 bedrooms, 2 batha. 408 Bretton Pl. Offers. Pl. 2225.

ROLAND PARK- -Modern residence 9 rooms, 3 baths, acre lot. PI. 8678. NEW brick cottages, garages, $4,950 up. 5300 Bik.

Liberty lights. Blvd. Lib. 8640. Un.

2127. SEE PARK MANOR FIRST. Harford Road, just over the county line, Cal. 3624. HALETHORPE -New bungalows.

on car line. C. C. RITTENHOUSE. Gil.


DICKEY ARTHUR LEE HOFF. community Plaza of lovely 8810. homes. NEW BRICK COTTAGES, 2500 B1k. Strathmore W.

of 5100 Harford rd. Ham. 1752. R. E.

SUB. -HOME SITES (36) ROGERS AVE. -Building sites. $500 up. Lot 50x150.

Will Wolfe 1500. R. E. -FARMS AND LANDS (37) 203-ACRE Dairy Farm; old brick and frame house, 12 rooms, elec, and water, all 26 head stock, machinery, crops and milk average. mile State road frontage.

$12.000. Bargain. Other Farms, FRANK R. HAMMOND, Upper Falls, Md. Fork 11-F-3.

10 ACRES -Belair Rd. section: fine 8-room sonry house; all necessary outbuildings. Reduced for quick sale: will subdivide. Farm Agency, Munsey Bide. Pl.

8810. FOR COUNTRY AND FARM PROPERTIES call Mr. Hoffman or Mr. Kelly. The Roland Park Co.

Tux. 1300. I HAVE the farm you want, from 2 to 300 H. A. ANDERSON, JR.

Liberty 7112. 33 ACRES, -7-room brick house, barn pacture $2.500. Financed. Cal. 0100.

WE have the Farm or Country Rome you want Cash's Real Estate Agency, Westminster. Md 00 ACRES. good water power for electric, $2,000. A. S.

Calhoun. Parkton, Md. R. E. WATERFRONT -SALE (38) RIVIERA BEACH Maryland's Master Waterfront.

8 W. Fayette st. Calvert 6333. BOWLEY'S QUARTERS CHESAPEAKE BAY Bungalows and Lots. Easy terms.

M. H. GISIN. 337 St. Paul Pl.


BAY RIDGE. Chesapeake Bay. Lots, 50x200. as low as $500. Laf.

2596. BEVERLEY, booklet. BEACH. Maso, on A A. Chesapeake Md.

Bay- R. E. WATERFRONT -RENT (38a) FURNISHED ALL- YEAR COTTAGE on Ser. ern river: beantiful location, PL. 3216.

R. E. MARYLAND (41) A SELECTED LIST and Worthington Valley. Piper Hill 1010 N. Charles.

R. -OUTSIDE OF MD. (42) WHY freeze when con can bny a well located, completes fornished bungalow Miami only 81,750 life cheaper. and D'ARCY BRINSFIELD. Owner, 1061 N.

2nd Stiami. Fla. HOUSES FOR RENT -CITY (43) 1254 GLYNDON AVE. Will improve to tenant. PI.

8254. 9900 ROCKROSE familles, 840 110, 2704 WINCHESTER-6 TOCETS. C. H. DOING, 231 St.

Paul PL 2800, HOMEWOOD SEC. -Modern, home: 6 rms. bath. heat, garage, furnished: low PI. 6910.

22ND ST. 406 -Desirable or 2 families. Reis. Near 3135 BAKER ST. rooms: detached: steam heat.

Reas. 1742. E. 38TH beat. J.

D. ROBINSON REALTY. 3812. 812 N. Vincent St.

$3. Cal. 4608. Beethoven Ave. 2705- rooms bath, floors, bot-water best.

E. G. Ziegler, Plaza 8567 2709 BIDDLE- 6 rooms, PL HOUSES BUSINESS Trust PROPERTY. REALTY CO Balto. Bide 420 TUXEDO rooms, porch front, 818 mo.

Good location. Ches. 2038. call sale. large or deck kitchen, or porch.

on our Asked To Enforce Order Of Labor Board 'Attorneys Call For Support Of Demand That Trailer Firm ReInstate Employes Cincinnati, Dec. 19 (P)-Attorneys for the National Labor Relations Board asked the United States Circuit Court of Appeals here today to enforce its order against the Frauhoff Trailer Detroit. The board ordered the company to reinstate seven employes allegedly dismissed for union activities, and to cease labor activities held unfair. In turn the company asked the court here to review the order. In Memoriam (1) Booklet of 132 specimen In Memoriam tributes sent free upon request.

loving memory of my wife and our mother. ANNIE in CONNOR, who departed this life December 20, 1934. Wife and Mother, our God has called Your spirit out of Night, To take you from Life's darkness to The Everlasting Light. 'And weeping at your mortal grave, We shall still rejoice, Knowing you have but answered: "Here!" Who heard His Heavenly Voice. 20e HUSBAND AND CHILDREN.

COW AN. In loving memory of my dear mother, SARAH, who passed away December 20, 1909. A tribute of love to my good and faithful father, WILLIAM, who passed away August 4, 1935. BY THEIR LOVING DAUGHTER, SADIE McGRAW. 20e Masses for them at St.

Peter's Church. Deaths (2) Notices received too late for classification will be found on Page 2. December 17, 1935, MARGARET, aged 58 years, beloved wife of Eugene Aiple. Funeral from her late residence, 2027 East Hoffman street, on Friday at 2 P. M.

Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. 20 RIE beloved wife of the late On December 18, 1935, CARGeorge A. Baker. 21 Funeral services will be held at her home, 4506 Hampnett avenue, on Saturday at 8.30 A. M.

Requiem Mass at St. Dominic's Church at 9 A. M. Interment in Lorraine Park Cemetery. BERG (nee December 18.

1935, HENRIETTA, beloved wife of Mannie Berg. Funeral from her late residence, 3507 Garrison Boulevard, on Friday afternoon, December 20. at 2 o'clock. Interment in Hebrew Friendship Cemetery. 20e BOSLE December 19, 1935, ELIZA (Lida) beloved wife of the late Thomas F.

Bosley, formerly of 2663 West North avenue. Funeral services will be held at Wm. J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Saturday at 3.30 P. M.

Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. 21 December 17, 1935. AMELIA, beloved wife of the late Henry C. Brettholl. Funeral from her home.

1934 East Twenty- eighth street, on Friday at 2 P. M. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. 20e BRETTHOLL. Alpha Chapter, No.

1, 0. E. announces with deep regret the death of our sister, AMELIA BRETTHOLL. Eastern Star services. REGINA MICHEL.

20e Worthy Matron. FLOR HERGESHEIMER, December 17. beloved 1935, EM. wife of the late Basil V. Buckey.

Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Dunning, 11 Overbrook road, Catonsville. on Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick.

at 11 o'clock. 20 BURGEE. -On December 19, 1935, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. How2706 Cylburn avenue, CHRISTIANA, widow of Thomas 0. Burgee.

Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, December 21, at 10.15 A. M. Services at Hampden Methodist Protestant Church. Falls road south of Thirty- sixth street, at 11 A. M.

Interment in Ivy Hill Cemetery, Laurel, Maryland. 21e CHRISTOPHER. On December 17, RICHARD aged 73 years, beloved husband of the late Anna W. Christopher. Funeral from the residence, of his daughter, Mrs.

Jenkins. 2812 Fleetwood avenue, on Friday at 11 A. M. Interment in Greenmount Cemetery. 20 CONYERS.

December 19, 1935, at her residence. 719 East Cator avenue, Govans, LILLIE beloved daughof the late Walter and Henrietta Conyers. 21e Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, December 21, at 1 P. M. Interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery.

CURRY- December 19, 1935, HANNAH aged 87 years, widow of the late Ralph W. Curry. Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Archer Ayres, Rocks, Harford county, Saturday, December 21. Services and interment at William Watters Memorial Church, Cooptown, at 10.30 A.

M. 20e December 19. 1935, JOHN, beloved husband of the late Anna Cwik, of 707 South Bond street. Funeral from his daughter's residence, Mrs. John Beran.

223 South Collington avenue, on Monday, December 23, at 8 A. M. Requiem Mass will be said for his soul at Holy Rosary Church at 8.30 A. M. Interment Holy Rosary Cemetery.

23 On December 13, 1935. ANNIE suddenly at Los Angeles, Cal. Funeral from Baldwin Memorial Church, Millersville. on Saturday, December 21, at 2 P. M.

21 December 18. 1935. ANNA M. B. (nee Marden).

beloved wife of the late Dr. Caleb Dorsey. and Howard county papers please copy.1 Funeral from her late residence. 1659 West North avenue. on Friday morning at 10 o'clock.

Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 20 December 17. 1935. RICKIE (nee Ott), beloved wife of Felix L. Drzewiecki.

Funeral services at her late residence. 432 North Clinton street, on Friday at 2 P. M. Interment in Trinity Cemetery. 20e on December 17.

1935. J. CHARLES. Funeral services at his late residence, 401 Alleghany avenue, Towson, on Friday at 2 P. M.

Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. 20 ENGE. On December 19. 1935. CHARLES son of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Enge. Sr. Funeral from the Blight Funeral Palace on Saturday at 3.30 P. M.

Interment Moreland Memorial Park. 20e December 18, 1935, GEORGE beloved husband of Ella B. Ewig. Funeral from his late residence. 621 West Thirty -third street, on Saturday at 2 P.

M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 21e FINEMAN. On December 19, 1935. T.

beloved son of Nathan R. and Lillian Fineman (nee Walder), of 418 West Fayette street. Services at the Lewis Home, 2100 Eutaw Place, on Friday afternoon, December 20. precisely at 2 P. M.

Interment in Baltimore Hebrew Cemetery. omit 20e December 17. 1935. William beloved husband of Katherine A. Gresham (nee Boyne).

Funeral from 1 his late residence. 521 Scott street, on Friday, December 20, at 2 o'clock. Interment Western Cemetery. 20 December 16, 1935, AGNES aged 29 years, beloved wife of Harry Healy and daughter, of Louis and Catherine Mohr. Funeral from her parents' residence.

1213 North Chester street. on Friday at 8.30 A. M. Requiem Mass at St. Katherine's Church at 9 A.

M. Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. 20 December 19, 1935. FREDERICK beloved husband of Carrie M. and son of the late Frederick and Barbara Hemmeter, Funeral from his late residence, 1835 East Twenty-ninth street, of which due notice will be given.

20e PERSONALS For Your Home's Sake CALL A PRACTICAL CONTRACTING COMPANY WE ARE NOT HOME IMPROVEMENT BROKERS own our office building and yards; maintain our own equipment: employ only frat-class chanies and do not operate brokers which nasures you of firstclass work backed by unquestionable responsibility. OUR TERMS ARE THE MOST FAVORABLE OBTAINABLE NO MONEY DOWN Payments as low as $5 monthly There embarrassing red or delay your signature is required. THAT YOU CALLED YOU WILL BE SLABS Check this list and get our free estimate Papering Heating Carpentry Painting Plastering Oil Plumbing Burners Hardwood Weatherstripping Rooting Cementing Electrie Work Spouting Garages Porch Enclosures The General Contracting Co. Offices and Warehouses. 923-25-27-20-31 Park ave L'hones: Vernon 0800, Vernon 0801, Vernon 0802.

REAL LIVE XMAS TREES Planted In An Attractive Painted Wooden Tub FREE DELIVERY TO 3 FT. $1,19 DO ..81.69 4 TO ..81.98 5 TO 6 6 TO 7 $2.79 These trees are in a healthy condition, will not shed 1 and can be transplanted or kept 83 an 50c. up. $3.00 Electric Clocks, $1.00. Children's $1.00 (17-pc.) Tea Sets, other sets, 49c.

and $1.00. Dolls, 25c. up. $1.00 Electric Table Lamps, 69c. Desk Pads and Blotter Sets, 50c.

11p, Brass Candlesticks, Vases, Chemistry Sets, Games, Perfume Novelties. OPEN 'TIL 10 EVENINGS. PHONE ORDERS TAKEN BOB WHITE'S PET STORES 4009 Eastern ave. Wo. 9320.

927 W. Baltimore st. PI. 3669. 3013 Greenmount ave.

Wo. 9320. SAVE ON ALTERATIONS And Repairs. No questions asked. Your credit 1s good.

All home improvements. Nothing down, per week. No charge for financing. D. H.


Read st. Ver. 7653-4. Night, Mad. 4530.

CHRISTMAS CARDS TREE ORNAMENTS Large selection of Cards, Seals, Wrappings and Gifts, prices to suit your purse. Writing Paper, CALENDAR FREE. 716 N. Howard st. Just above Stanley Theater.

We Insulated a Furnace Before After Temperature 30 30 Temperature basem*nt. 90 70 Temperature first 75 70 Temperature third 65 70 Less oil used now. Houses also insulated. NATIONAL BUILDING SUPPLY INC. 220 N.

Franklintown Rd. Gilmor 3400. Ex. 10. NEW YEAR Pickeled Herring, Boneless Herring.

Caviar, Anchovies, Olives, Pickles for your New Year's Eve party. Lucky Herring-Mackerel Fillets, 5-lb. pails, $1.00. Davis Fish 26 Market Place. P1.

0513. Electrical Work of Every Description! Save Money. Lionel Trains--Sales and Service THE OLD RELIABLE ZACH RUDO Est. 1902. 672 W.

Baltimore st. Plaza 2578. WALLPAPER, 1c. ROLL Border to match. Wholesale prices.

STANDARD WALLPAPER 1028 N. Gay. DRAWING TABLES. $3.50 TO $15. Water color painting boxes, 25c, to $5.

HIRSHBERG CO. 214 W. Franklin, Vernon 3700. LINOTYPE MONOTYPE Composition Makeup Service To Printers. MILLS FRIZELL-EVANS CO.

PLAZA 6626. YOUNG man. driving alone to Florida Xmas night, will take one person, Write 3642, Sun. Enterprise Roofing Co. Cal.


FRANK NOVAK REALTY COMPANY. VACUUM CLEANER repair special, oil motor, clean bag, tighten parts, new carbons: free delivery. MILLER'S. Laf. 2466.

SAVE Continental for all guaranteed home improvements. F. H. A. Terms: no mortgages; no red tape.

Plaza 3758. Plaza 3754. CHROME NICKEL Plating Md. Plating 316 N. Holliday st.

Plaza 7413. CENTURY- -Cleaners and Repairs. -CLOTHES- -HATS Phone Calvert 5968 for Free Call Delivery. MEASURE CLOTHES. MOSE B.



Ready-Built Prod. 1707 McHenry. Gil. 5833. NATIONAL Upholstering Co.

will reconstruct your 3-piece living-room suite, $12. Wo. 6551. SPECIAL Luncheon, 25c. SPECIAL, Supper, 40c.

CHIN LEE, 112 PARK AVE. MANDARIN Chinese- American RestaurantChicken chow mein, 25c. up. 207 W. Franklin.

DOLL HOSPITAL KOLBE, 12 Dast Preston nr. Charles. HOME IMPROVEMENTS FHA TERMS. Eutaw Contracting 877 N. Eutaw.


IDEAL Repair Co -Home repairs. Low prices. Free estimates. 1908 Frederick ave. Gil.

0626. REPAIR OR REPENT! Southern Constr. 3011 Wiley ave. Lib. 1700.

SOLO Flying Course, $75. Curtiss- Wright Airport, Green Spring and Smith ave. For, 5100. $6 3 PERMANENTS. $4.50.

(Limited Time.) Mrs. N. Calvert st. Ches. 7221.

GOLD COINS unique Christmas Gifts The SHOP, 141 N. Gay st. Cal. 2893 CHOW MEIN. Chicken, 50c.


$3 AND UP. No Delay. E. STRIGLE, 3007 IONA TERR. Ham.

5082. HOT WATER Heat (American), $259, installed: terms. Continental Home Imp. Co. Pl.

3753. HOUSE Wiring, Floor Plugs, Repairs. 2634 McElderry st. Vernon 2392. OLD GOLD and Silver Jewelry bought: good cash prices.

Carl Schon, 109 W. Saratoga st. BUY BED COMFORTS Direct From Maker GLASERS. Monument and Gay. Wo.


E. C. -Home Repairs--Low Prices. Free estimates. 3619 W.

Garrison. Li. 6609. $25 RECOVERS LIVING -ROOM SUITE. Preston Uphol.

1024 Greenmount. Ver. 5818. PAPERING, Painting, Plastering, floors scraped, finished. V.

STOUT CO. Ham. 0707. BABY DOLLS, with curls and bobbed hair. The Curiosity Shop, rear of 200 E.

25th st. HOT North WATER street. HEAT. Wolfe 8285. 1240.

FOSLER, 1441 Upholstering, Repairing, Refinishing. E. GIMBEL, 1027 Poplar Grove st. Laf, 0376. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS.

PAPER HANGING done at once, rooms $3.50 up. Wolfe 7923-J WALLPAPER, room lots, $1.45. Window shades, 39c. Thomas Messer 1015 W. Balto.




Marcelles, etc. Vogue School. 2nd 234 Park ave. Cal. 3773.

-Recover chair, $7: slip covers made to order: reas. Rite-Fit, 1051 Gay. Wo. 0743. MANICURIST.

with following. space for rent. Madam Tania, 215 W. Saratoga st. WANTS (11) WANTED -Furniture, Pianos, etc.

1-hr. Service. BENSON. Vernon 0574 WANTED TO RENT- Caterpillar or truck with a 50-ft. boom.

capable of lifting about 2 or 3 tons. 4298. Sun. WE BUY ANTIQUES OF ALL KINDS. Furniture, pictures, glassware, books, guns, etc.

NORTON'S. 1508 W. Balto. st. Ver.


883 Greenmount ave. Gil. 5868. EXTRA- Will pay HIGH PRICES for men's 2nd-hand CLOTHING, SUITS. SHOES, etc.

CHESS. 1817 N. Appleton st. Madison 3722. ALL.

KINDS of Furniture, Radios and Pianos Also Sewing Machines and Stoves. WEST. 707 W. Baltimore st. Calvert 5091.

WE BUY and Sell Old Gold, Silver and Diamonds. A. BLIVESS, 117 Park ave. Pl. 8119.

CASH for Copper. Brass, Lead, Pewter, Old Rags. 3341 Greenmount. Unir. 2224.

USED 10 or 12 ft. soda fountain: two stations preferred. Write 4250. Sun. FURNITURE of all descriptions.

N. GLICK MAN. 1704 Aliceanna st. Wolfe 8241. FURNITURE.

Pianos. Stores, 1-hour serf. ice. MR. FRANK, CALVERT R271.

FURNITURE, Pianos. Sewing Machines, Hotise hold Goods, etc. MR. JESS. PLAZA 1468.

SIR, NELSON pass top prices for furniture. pianos, or anything you have. Cal. 2919. BEST Prices paid for honsehold.

furniture of all kinds. 723 Greenmount. Vernon 4061. WILL pay the price for bedroom, dining room, living room, etc. CALVERT 1320.

Mr. George, HOUSES FOR RENT -CITY (43) Deaths (2) Deaths HOUSE December 17, 1935, SAMDEL aged 61 years, beloved husband of Anna E. House. Funeral from. his Inte residence, Rockaway Beach, Middle River, on Friday at 12 o'clock noon.

Interment in Druid Ridge Cemetery. 200 JOHNSON, PHRANORd Frances daughter Spedden Johnson, died at Westport, Thursday, December 19. Burial will be at Montelair, New Jersey, 21e -On December 16, 1935, at Port Lauderdale, ROWLAND beloved husband of Laura O. Katenkamp (nee Oliver) and son of William Katenkamp and the late Philistia Katenkamp (nee Archer). Funeral services will be held at his home, 3016 Virginia avenue, on Friday at 2 P.

M. Interment in Union Chapel, near Wilna, Harford county, Md. 20e special communication of Corinthian Lodge, No. 93, A. F.

A. will be held at the Masonic Temple Friday, December 20, at 1 P. to attend the funeral of our late brother, ROWLAND W. KATENKAMP. 20 Worshipful Master.

CHESTER H. KATENKAMP, December 18, 1935, JOHN beloved husband of Emma Cathell Kidd. Funeral from his late residence, 7 Longwood road, Roland Park, on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment private. 21 December 19, 1935, at the German Aged Home, Baltimore and Payson streets.

ANNA K. KLEIN, in her seventieth year. Funeral from The Home on Saturday, at 9.30 A. M. 20e KNAPP.

On December 18, 1935, GEORGE aged 88 years, husband of the late Katharine E. Knapp. Funeral services at his home, ton." Rolling road. Catonsville, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment private.

20e December 18. 1935, A. MARGARET (nee Mulzer), aged 71 years, beloved wife of Lieut. John H. Kratz.

Funeral from her late residence, 201 North Chester street, on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment in Parkwood Cemetery. 21e LANG. -On December 18, 1935, at his near Kingsville, CHRISTIAN' beloved husband of Rosalia M. Lang.

Funeral from the above residence on Friday, December 20, at 1.30 P. M. Services at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Kingsville, at 2 P. M.

Interment in cemetery adjoining. 20e December 19, 1935. at the Union Memorial Hospital, HARRY MARTIN, aged 75 years, husband of Carrie B. Leitch. Funeral services at his home.

Beaumont avenue, north of Edmondson avenue, Catonsville, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Druid Ridge Cemetery. 21e On December 19. 1935, at her daughter's residence, 320 South Macon street. CAROLINA in her fifty -seventh year, beloved wife of Alfred E.

Liddle. Funeral from above residence on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Western Cemetery. 23e December 17. 1935.

JAMES beloved husband of Emma P. Logan. Funeral from his home. 607 Hollen road, on Friday at P. M.

Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 20 LUTTRELL. Suddenly, in Philadelphia, THOMAS beloved husband of Flora Luttrell (nee Keller). Funeral services from his late residence, 3203 Dorchester road, Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment in Presbyterian Cemetery.

21 LYONS. December 19, 1935, at her residence, 110 Second avenue, Lansdowne, CATHERINE, beloved wife of the late Henry W. Lyons. Funeral from above residence, Saturday, 3 P. M.

Interment in Western Cemetery. 21e on December 18. 1935. OSWALD beloved husband of Jennie L. Martin.

Funeral from his late residence, 2212 Kentucky avenue. 011 Saturday, December 21, at 2 P. M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 21" MAGAHA.

-On December 17, 1935, at Point of Rocks. MARY beloved wife of Thomas Magaha. Funeral from the residence of her brother-in-law. Harry Magaha. 804 Union avenue, Baltimore.

on Friday at 2 P. M. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery. 20 McCLAIN. On December 19.

1935. RICHARD, son of the late Patrick and Mary A. Nolan McClain. Funeral from Margaret Flynn's, 1422 Light street, on Saturday at 8.30 A. M.

Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Star of the Sea Church at 9 A. M. Interment in St. Peter's Cemetery.

20e MUIR. Suddenly on December 19, 1935, MARION beloved wife of the late John E. Muir. Funeral from her late residence, 1838 West Saratoga street, on Saturday, at 2 P. M.

Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. 21e December 19, 1935. JOHN HENRY, beloved husband of the late Catherine O'Brien (nee Knupf). Funeral from residence of his son, William W. O'Brien, 1422 North Bethel street.

on Saturday at 8.30 A. M. Requiem High Mass at St. Ann's Church at 9 A. M.

Interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21 December 18, 1935, BENJAMIN beloved son of the late Charles H. and Caroline J. Palmer (nee Wachtel). Funeral services will be held at his home, 23 Oregon avenue, Halethorpe, on Saturday at 10 A.

M. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Greencastle, 21e PALMER. December sad duty 18, is 1935, to of record BEN- the JAMIN F. PALMER, a member of this organization, whom God in his all- wise providence has removed from the field of life's labor and from our membership roll. BALTIMORE TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No.

12. 21 December 18, 1935. CLARENCE beloved son of the late William L. and Martha J. Pettit.

and Washington (D. papers please 20e Funeral services from the William Cook Funeral Mansion, St. Paul and Preston streets, on Friday at 11 A. M. Interment in Druid Ridge Cemetery.

PILACHOWSKI (MILLER). -On December 17, 1935, WALTER beloved husband of Mary E. Pilachowski (nee Cosgrove). Funeral from his late residence. 804 South street.

on morning at 8.15; thence to St. Brigid's Church, where Requiem High Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Stanislaus' Cemetery. 20e PORTZEL.

residence. On 805 December South 18, Eaton 1935. at I street, ANDREW in his sixty -fourth year, beloved husband of Anna F. Poetzel (nee Kappen). Funeral from above residence on Saturday morning at 8.30 o'clock.

Requiem Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery. 21 PRICE. beloved husband December of 18. 1935, ADAM Carrie Price.

Funeral will take place from his late residence. 2336 Garrett avenue, on Saturday, December 21. Will leave Baltimore at 6 A. M. and thence to Southern Church.

Fairbanks, at 11 A. M. Interment in adjoining cemetery. 20e December 18. 1935.

ELLEN WHDELER, beloved wife of the late Emory Price. 20 Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Clinton T. Bosley, Sparks, on Friday at 2.30 P.

M. Services and interment at Jessup's Methodist Episcopal Church at 3 P. M. December 17. 1035, at the his parents in Delaware.

Ohio. MARSHALL VON RIESEN REANEY, beloved husband of Louise Crutchfield Reaney and son of James and Julia T. Reaney. Funeral services in chapel in Loudon Park Cemetery on Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment in Loudon Park.

20 Stewart and Mowen Co Tuneral Directors 108 W. North. Ave, Chapel for Services. al any hour Ver. 1342-1343 (Continued from Preceding Column) ROBSON.

On December 18, 1935, JULIET STOCKETT. widow of Arthur Wealands Robson. Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mra. Randolph. Dame, 1314 Bolton street, on "Friday ing at 11 o'clock.

20e December 18, 1935. ANTONI. beloved husband of Mary Rutkowski (nee Wojeski). Funeral will take place from his late residence, 1152 Cooksle street, Saturday at 8,30 A. M.

Thence to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, where mASS will be said at 9 A. M. Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery. 21 on December 17, 1935, J. FRANK, at Tucson, beloved husband of Anna Lou Schutz and only son of Mr.

and Mrs. John P. Schutz, of 8722 Winterbourne road. 20e SKILLMAN, On. December 18.

1935. MARTHA beloved wife of the late Franklin D. Skillman. Funeral from home of her daughter. Mrs.

Lula Sweeney, Joppa. Saturday morning at 10.30 A. M. Services at Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. Upper Falls, at 11 A.

M. Interment in adjoining cemetery. 20e December 18. 1935. at Towson.

Baltimore county. Maryland. WILLIAM LOUIS, beloved husband of the late Jane Elizabeth Skinner (nee Posey). county papers please 21e Funeral services at his late 310 Burke avenue, Towson, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 'Interment in Prospect Hill Cemetery.

STEIN. Suddenly on December 19. 1035. JOSEPH beloved husband of Grace V. Stein (nee Fountain).

Funeral from his late residence, 920 Ashburton street. of which due notice will be given. 20e December 18. 1935, MOLLIE. the beloved wife of the late Stem.

21e Funeral services at Wm. Cook's Funeral Mansion. St. Paul and Pres. ton streets.

on Saturday M. Interment tin Pipes Creek Cemetery. STOFFEL. On December 19. 1935.

Emma Augusta Stoffel (nee Oest). WILLIAM SE beloved husband of Funeral will take place from his late residence. 1203 Riverside avenue. of which due notice will be given. 20e VESELY.

On December 18, 1935. FRANK. after a lingering Illness, beloved husband of Mary Vesely (nee Kakacek). 20e Funeral from his late residence. 115 North Port street.

on Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Requiem High Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at Interment in Holy Redeemer Cemetery. WARD. beloved December husband 17, of 1935, Nellie GEORGE Ward (nee Pumphrey).

Funeral from his he home. 411 Pontiac avenue. Brooklyn. on Friday at 2 P. M.

Interment in Friendship Cemetery. 20e December 19, 1935. CATHARINA (nee Hebner), aged 75 years. wife of Richard H. Whitney.

Funeral from residence of her daughter. Mrs. R. Clayton Morton, 4406 Hooper avenue, Ridgewood. on Monday at 10.30 A.

M. (Take No. 3, Wilkens avenue, car or No. 8, Frederick avenue. car: transfer to Halethorpe bus: get off at Leeds and Beechfield avenues.) Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery.

22 WRIGHT- -On December 17, 1935, MARGARET aged 85 years. beloved wife of the late Robert Wright. Funeral from her late residence. 1732 Montpelier street. on Friday at 1.30 P.

and Homestead M. E. Church at 2 P. M. Interment in Western Cemetery.

20e FUNERAL DIRECTORS (4) Modern Funeral Service JOHN F. DENNY Light and Montgomery Sts. SOUTH 1414-1417 Motor Equipment The Best JOHN BURNS' SONS 612 YORK ROAD--PHONE: TOWSON 205. 75 years of Prompt. Low Cost Service.

CHAPEL FOR SERVICES. LILLY and ZEILER, INC. Showrooms 208-210 S. Wolfe st. 403 S.

Wolfe st. 700 S. Conkling st. Phone Wolfe 1433. Phone Wolfe 1222.

GEO. SCHILLING SONS Funeral Parlors. Established 1865. Wolfe 2658. Not Connected With Any Other Firm.

PHILIP HERWIG SONS 2016 Orleans St. Wolfe 5547-4137. GEORGE W. ZIRKLER 3029 Northern Parkway. Hamilton 4205.

CEMETERIES LOTS (5) LOUDON PARK CEMETERY Lot Purchasers Will Furnished Transportation for Inspection. New Low Prices. Terms. Free Bus Service to New Sections. Gilmor 0772-0773.

Vernon 6938-6939. 'PARKWOOD" Memorial Park Monument Sections $25 Per Grave Up. Terms. Perpetual Care. "Inquire About Our Insurance OFFICE.

5510 HARFORD RD. Ham. 0586. DRUID RIDGE CEMETERY PIKESVILLE Executive Office. 505 Cathedral St.

Ver. Office, Cemetery. Forest 6663, Pikes. 18938. BALTIMORE CEMETERY Beautiful Perpetual Care Sections, Reasonable.

Auto for inspection. Terms if desired. North are. east of Gay st. Phone 1101.


vou. OAK LAWN CEMETERY Phone Vernon 6741 or Essex 5. FLORISTS (7) BEST QUALITY RUSCUS 60c. Per Pound Christmas Wreaths for the Grave With Stands, 75c. CUMMINGS 1123 West Baltimore St.

2030 Edmondson Avenue. SPECIAL POINSETTIAS. 250. UP SEE ME FIRST! Mrs. Cook.

222 N. Eutaw. LOST AND FOUND (8) BANKBOOK. No. 2664.

Please return to ST ESTATE TRUST CO. BILL Fold (black) on Car 31 Monday: notes. snapshots, etc. Reward. Lib.

5261. CHESAPEAKE BAY DOG -Male, lost near Pimlico. Reward. FOREST 5277. EYEGLASSES Shell-rimmed, medium color.

Liberty 6450. Reward. FRENCH Bull Dog. black, named Ben, lost vicinity Garrison Blvd. and Reisterstown road.

Reward. 4008 W. GARRISON AVE. IRISH SETTER ((lost), Hamilton, Address on eollar. Ham.

3937-W. Reward. PERSIAN KITTEN lost vicinity Pimlico and Belvedere Saturday evening. Liberty 5062. RING -Blue sapphire center, circled by diamonds.

in Julius Gutman's, Tuesday afternoon. Liberal reward. 1832 W. Saratoga st. SCOTTIE-Lost in Homeland.

Tuxedo 2802. Reward. WALLET, brown, containing valuable papers, lost vicinity Lake Drive Apts. Reward. JACOBI.

219 N. Howard st. WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER lost, male: white, black ares. and tan; License neighborhood No.16053. Roland Tux, Belvedere Reward.

1614. GREEN KNIT POCKETBOOK containing pair glasses. Reward. Call Wolfe 9398. LOST- -Female Boston Terrier.

18 to 20 pounds: perfect markings. Liberal reward. Call Belmont 5374 or University 2162. SMALL Black Male Doz. white feet and breast.

curly hair, lost 3 weeks. Reward 85. Vicinity of 1901 Bowley lane. Bdwy. 1525.

STRAYED from Beverly Hills, Harford black and white rabbit hound, named Reward. Ham. 0719. WILL PARTY WHO FOUND POCKETBOOK IN BANK in ladies' rest room Saturday please call LAFAYETTE 23687 Reward. FOUND -Bunch keys on Redwood st.

Owner may recoter by calling Calvert 3373. LOST -Disk wheel and tire, Tuesday night on Liberty rd. Reward. J. E.

Arthur Son, 1519 Mt. Royal ave. Madison 6194. LOST-2 keys on chain. Initials J.

R. H. Kindly mail to Warrington Apts. LOST -Bine enameled Swiss watch and chain, downtown. Reward, Lib.

7200. $5 REWARD- Shoppling bag containing black fountain pen pince-nes eyeglasses, lost near Lexington Market. Plaza 0665 or 1615 Baltimore Trust Bldg. DENISON Heights ROAD, 3515 Ashburton. Nr.

Liberty Ave. -New type brick, 2-car garage, 3232 NORMOUNT Nr. Belmont EllaWalbrook 1402 ROSEDALE Nt. Belmont and Rose 3107 dale -New type, 840 CLEARVIEW Ne. Harford month.

Attractive cottage, $85 per month. 5311 BRABANT Nr. Ten Hills -Attractive cottage. $45 mo. Edmondson 3804 FERNHILL, Nr.

Garrison Bird. Attrace tive cottage, $12.50 month. PI. 2370. PHONE, WRITE OR CALL AT OFFICE FOR COMPLETE RENTAL, LISTS.


115 W. Saratoga at, Phones: Pl. 7317-18-19, $28 MO -2500 bik. GARRETT AVE. Sun parlor, reception hardwood ball, 6, floors.

rooms, bath, heat. pantry, steam STEFFEY. 336 N. Charles st. Ver.

2412, $6.25 2519 OSWEGO AVE. J. M. rooms. HISLEY, 2404 front, Penna.

ave. Park Mad. Heiglita. 1641. 734 NORTHERN PARKWAY At 6100 York rd.

4 bedrooms, 875 per month. Automatic heat, Garage, Plaza 2343. 2520 ROBB ST. -Porch front. 6 rooms, bath.

hard wood floors, steam heat: $32.50 month. 1809 WHITMORE AVE. 6 rooms, hot-water heat: good condition. $22 mo. Ver.

4640. HOUSES FOR RENT--SUB. (44) ST WEEKLY ND. EDMONDSON AVE. GWYNN'S FALLS PARK Daylight home: 4 rooms: tile-floor bath, shower: steam heat: hardwood close to schools, cars and churches.

HOMES CORP. Pla. 3791. LINTHICUM HEIGHTS Cor. Hawthorne Court and Middle Rd, Attractiv: cottage with steam heat, hardwood floors, $35 month.

PHONE CALVERT 4244. 3303 FERNDALE AVE. HOWARD PARKStucco beautiful and Shingle Cottage, 10 rooms, bath; lawn and shrubbery. $65 month. M.

GOLDSEKER 220 W. Franklin st. Vernon 3377-6-8. COTTAGES, bungalows and daylight houses; sections. Modern homes, in excellent condition, $25 to 837.50 mo.

Phone for free list. Ver. 5151. SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE cottages York rd. section.

Mount Washington and Forest Park. 835 to 850 STACKHOUSE. Cal. 6789. 1209 SHERBROOK AVE.

West from 6300 leisterstown Rd. Modern semi-bungalow with garage, 830. South Realty, Pl. 4226. 701 WINSTON Gorans- Frame cottage, 4202.

bath, hot-water beat: $35 mo. Cal. Nights, Lat. 1886. 3517 Church--Mod.

HAYWARD AVE. Nr. Wilton Hats, eight-room cottage; excellent condition. $27.50 mo. Premises.

BELAIR RD. -Valley View 4701-Cottage, 5 rooms, bath. $28 mo. baths. CEDARCROFT, cond.

405 Hollen rd. -4 bedrooms, Good P. E. Lamb, Evergreen 209. 118 KOLB AVE -7 rooms, hot air; Do $28 mo.

Ham. 0190. garage; BERKLEY 5802 Cottage, modern, rooms, reasonable, American Realty, Ver. 0646. Large listings of desirable cottages and apta.

Schatz Jra. Caton. 1280. 3100 ROSALIE Hamilton- 6 rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat. Phone Vogt, Plaza 3199.

TOWSON- Unusually attractive cottage: 6 rooms, bath, steam heat: garage; $45. Ver. 0220. CATONSVILLE SEC. -Semi-detached cottage, 5 rooms, bath, $22.50 mo.

Pl. 4660, Laf. 4165. APARTMENTS FOR RENT (45) Pioneer Apartment Organization All Sizes-Many Locations GEO. R.

MORRIS ORGANIZATION Morris Building. P1. 7560. CATHEDRAL--ROCHAMBEAU GUILFORD MANOR- WINONA Apartments from 1 to 4 rooms, kitchen, bath. Porches.

Frigidaire, hardwood floors, Room and bath, Guilford section, $15. rooms, kitchen and bath, Guilford section, $55. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, downtown, $30 to 840. Renting Office, 1 W. Franklin.


East University Pkwy, and Guilford Ter. Exclusive home environment. A few very desirable apts. left for occupancy, Janitor on premises. C.

LE ROY GUNN INC. Vernon 4084. 700 Cathedral st. BRIARLEY HALL Bright 2 rooms, dinette, kitchenette, bath; private porch apt. 3203 N.

Charles st. Bel. 7300. BRUNSWICK APTS. bath, 300-306 E.

82nd St. 4 outside rooms, kitchen, porch; garage facilities. Ches. 6020. The Roland Park Apts.

6 Upland Road. Tux. 2600. DINING ROOM IN BUILDING. THE JEFFERSON Attractive 1 and 2-room efficiency apts.

St. Paul and 32nd sta. Bel. 1300. OAKLYN APTS, 3307 Liberty Heights Ave.1 large room, kitchenette, bath, facing Denison st.

Free gas, elec, and refrigeration. Liberty 4920. PARK ARMS. 2111 Park Ave. --1 apartment available: 4 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch; now decorating.

Liberty 4920. ANTLER APTS. 1 W. 22nd -Beautiful 3 rooms, kitchenette, tile bath. hardwood Murphy bed.

Fireproof building. -3 STRATFORD APTS, 3307 Liberty Hghts. Ave. rooms, foyer, kitchen, bath; inclosed porch, Immediate use. Liberty 4920.

THE CECIL, Eutaw, nr. Dolphin. University 2500. THE CHADFORD. 909 University Small housekeeping apartments.

Plaza 0676. ST. JAMES Charles Centre-2 rooms, kitchenette, bath. Completely renovated. THE GREENWAY.

UNIVERSITY 6000. One room, bath, 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath. MARL. BOROUGH Eutaw Place and Wilson St. -Housekeeping and bachelor units.

AMBASSADOR. 30th and Canterbury Rd. Service Exceptional. Univ. 2712.

THE HOPKINS, St. Paul at Thirty-first St. 1 2 bedroom apts, Bel. 5600. BELAIR 3427 Elmley rooms, pri.

bath, gas, heat. $25. Wo. 1155-J. BIDDLE 5 EAST-24 floor, 3 rooms, ball, breakfast kitchen, bath, $40.

CHARLES NR. CHASE 1 room, kitchenette and bath; elec. refrigeration: sublease until April 1. Ver. 3322.

CHARLES 2647 large room, kitchen and bath, refrigeration, bardwood floors. Very desirable. Call Vernon 0454. CHARLES 2318 floor, 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, Frigidaire, Univ. 2378.

EAGER 22 E. -Attractive apartment. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, porch. Or. Pl.

5106. EUTAW PLACE, 1823-Modern, 4 rooms, kitchen and bath, 2nd floor. Laf. 1961 or Laf. 4536.

EUTAW Wilson foyer, 2 roots. kitchen, bath: 1st floor. Cal. 3666. JEFFERSON 2447, Cor.

Milton Ave. -1st 4 rooms. Suitable for dental or physician office. Reas, Apply 426 N. Glover st.

MONUMENT 224 W. 2nd floor. 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, hardwood floor: newly renovated. Franklin Realty. 205 W.

Franklin. Ver. 0354. NORTH AVE 2313 W. -Two rooms.

kitchenette, bath, electric refrigerator: Gentiles. PARK AVE. 850-3 rooms, kitchen, bath, elec. refrigeration. $35 mo.

PARK AVE. 1334-2 rooms. kitchen, bath; desirable apt. house, Vernon 6906. ST.

PAUL 2421--1 room. dinette, kitchen, tile bath, shower, hardwood floors, refrigerator, private. $30. Heubeck Co. Univ.

3000. ST. PAUL 1120. Cor. Biddle-: rooms, kitchen, bath.

Frigidaire. Janitor. Ver. 0454. UNIVERSITY PKWY.

2 bedrooms, living room. dining room, sun porch, pantry, kitchen, elec. refrigeration, garage, $70. Pl. 4286.

24TH ST. 208 -Ante, 3 rooms, priv. bath, with beat. 85 wkls. Wolfe 8158, APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED.

CAMBRIDGE ARMS (Charles 34th Sta.) rooms, kitchen, bath. rooma, kitchen, bath. 6 rooms, kitchen. 2 baths, sun room. GUILFORD REALTY CO.

3330 St. Paul St. Unir. 4100. APARTMENTS, Listings -Personal ALL Service.

SECTIONS EDNA G. ROCK 027 St. Paul st. Vernon 1223. APARTMENTS IN ALL SECTIONS Call, phone write for new printed list, with prices, SARATOGA BLDG.

LAND CORP. PI. 1690. Largest Selection F. N.


Ver. 4894. 11 E. CHASE ST. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom nousekeeping apts.

Newly rearranged. We can please you. rooms, kitchen, bath, 2nd fl. facing Druid Hill Park. Lib.

4920. APARTMENTS-2. 3 and 4 rooms, kitchen and bath, 830 to $55. Some turniabed. WARNER STORK, JR.

-REALTOR. 1300 St. Paul st. Vernon 7847. NEAR MT.

VERNON Unusttal 2 large rooms. dinette, bath. 2 fireplaces, 845. Uni. 5484.

APARTMENTS Greenway and Charles SE 5 and 6 rooms. GEORGE R. DEBNAM. 3401 Greenway. MRS.


4600. HIGH -GRADE, housekeeping ants. Houses for A EJIS 1331 Mun. Bldg. FOR APTS and HOUSES IN N.



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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.