The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

Page 22 THE EVENING CITIZEN, OTTAWA, CANADA Monday, February 21, 1949 Where There's A Want It Pays To Try The Citizen Classified Ad Way-Tel 2-2441 Born Articles For Sale (Continued From Preceding Column) Articles For Sale (Continued From Preceding Column) Male Help Wanted (Continued From Preceding Column) Female Help Wankul (Continued From Preceding Column) Female Help Wanierl (Continued From Preceding Column) In Memoriam (Continued From Preceding Column) Died (Continued From Preceding Column) WAITRESSES wanted. Experience pre- ferred tut not esrentlal. Apply La- paioma Restaurant, 350 Riaeau St. STENOGRAPHER for law office. Room 303, 56 Sparks St.

Apply 03 li CLEANING woman for Sat. Britannia village. 5-6557. mornings, 01 "i LADY for doctor's office, experience unnecessary, willing to learn. Please give education and salary expected.

Box 360 Citizen. 03 'j ARTIST with permanent Income desires a partner to open art store In city. Must be lady around 45 with some knowledge of sculpture and painting, capable of meeting the public and selling. Replies strictly confidential. Eox 361 Citizen.

HFAD waitress, experienced. Apply Mr. Danjaw, Alexandra Hotel after 6 p.m. 03 li IMMEDIATELY for Veterans' Pavilion, Ottawa Civic Hospital, night supervisor, general staff nurses, ward aids. Apply Edith G.

jroung. Director of Nursing. 03 li EXPERIENCED waitress. No tel. calls.

Apply St. James Cafe, 406A 03 COOK-general, Sandy Hill. 4-8431. 03 MOTHER'S help, Sandy Hill. 4-8431.

03 COOK, experienced, age 30-50 years preferred, maintenance, good living conditions. Perley Home, 2 Barton St. 06 RELIABLE woman care for 2 school age girls. Early March during parents absence. 3-9111 mornings.

03 COOK general. sleep Box 331 Citizen. out, ref-02 EXPERIENCED stenographer for West End plant. Tel. 8-8550.

Mr. Foster. 02 EXPERIENCED typist for permanent position with financial corporation. Knowledge of shorthand beneficial but not esentlal. Attractive working conditions.

Write giving age, experience and education to box. 318 Citizen. 02 EXPERIENCED typist to type stencils. Box 305 Citizen. 01 Office Girl Must be bilingual.

Single, with minimum age of 20 years. Previous experience in office work and knowledge of typewriting necessary. Full time position. Shaffer's Ltd. RIDEAU ST.

WOMEN, earn money, pleasant, friendly part time selling work for National Cosmetic Avon Products. Tel. 4-2488, mornings, evenings. 06 RELIABLE girl for housework, sleep In. good wages.

Apply 106 Wurtem-burg. 3-5424. 02 EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, modern home, sleep in. 8-6962. 02 COOK general, references, live in.

Rockcllffe. 3-'J024. 02 STENOGRAPHER wanted, permanent employment. Apply between 9.30 and 11.30. John M.

Garland Son and Co. Ltd. 02 WAITRESSES wanted. Apply 288 Bank St. 02 PART time general, must live in West End.

8-6076J. 02 Stenographers And Typists Excellent working conditions, short hours and good opportunity for advancement. Bilin-gualism an asset. Salary ranges $100 to $170 per month to start, depending on qualifications. Reply giving details as to education, experience, age, marital status, etc.

to Box 294 Citizen, before Feb. 25. 1949. CLERK required for permanent position in general office. Experience desirable but not esentlal.

Apply in writing to Box 317 Citizen. 23H-02 WANTED, for Industrial plant, dietician or person with suitable experience to plan meals and operate small cafeteria. Including staff. 2 girls, cook, wages, hours good. Reply stating age, experience.

Box 250 Citizen. 0hi GIRL, about 25, to work 5-3426. In store. 01 li RELIABLE girl for housework, $50 a month. 8-1516.

457 Island Park Drive. 01 i STENOGRAPHER for law office. State experience, age and salary expected. Box 299 Citizen. Olli EXPERIENCED cook general for country hoiiBe or mother and daughter as cook and housemaid.

Box 254 Citizen. Olli Stenographer 16 to 22 years old. required by nationally known financial institution. Please reply in own handwriting. State age, education arid if possible tel.

number. Box 246 Citizen. H-00li Be A Hairdresser Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing PLEASANT, dignified profession, good wages after graduating, thousands successful Marvel students. America's system. Illustrated catalogue ree.

Day and evening classes. Write or call Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 72 Rideau. Ontario branches: Hamilton and Toronto. H-01 (Continued On Next Column) MONARCH ice box. $20.

8-7234. Olli FINDLAY table top electric 6tove. 2 Ashbury Place. Ol'a REFRIGERATOR. Beach de luxe.

6'i cu. good unit, cube trays, crisper, light. Completely overhauled, clean, $135 cash. No tel. calls or dealers.

36 Beckwlth road, Ottawa East. 03 li DIAMOND engagement Bridal Wreath. Single stone. 5-2909. 03l2 DAVENPORT, new style, with Inner-spring mattress construction.

Upstairs furniture store, 158 Sparks, over Zellers, 4-4163. 8V LADY'S new hlnck suit, size 20, too small for owner, $15. 8-8320J, after 5. 01 'i EVENINO gown, blue with nylon net skirt. 12-13.

Worn once, accessories. $30. 8-8520W. 03 a DRFSS shirts, 15a and set. 4-9348.

16, Mah-Jong 01 la CHINA cabinet, oak, perfect condition. 8-6414. 03 li OFFICE furniture, 2 walnut desks; 4 drawer steel filing cabinet: 2 chairs. Best offer. 5-9474, evenings 5-2751.

0214 BED-chesterfleld. 2 months old, reasonable, apt. 10, 3S0 Chapel. 03li B. C.

FIR PLYWOOD (Weather Board) All Thicknesses M. Zagerman BAYVIEW ROAD 8-5204 8-5205 CHROME studio suite $95; Kroehler chesterfield suite $135: walnut desk $35: child's wardrobe and. bed complete twin bed suite complete $150 pair: chairs $40 each; china cabinet $35; buffet $15: pair chests Clarence. cor. Dalhousie.

DIAMOND engagement and wedding rinrs, like new, also birthday rings, and other jewelry. 2-5S66. 06'i 9-plece dining $100. 4-4727. set, good condition 03 li LADY'S coat, fur lined.

14-16. 8-2580J. 01 i SERVEL refrigerator, 8 cu. like 03 li new. 8-8422J.

53 Piece Dinner Set Beautiful pattern, service for 6 $29 95 $5 down, small down payment plan Slover LIMITED By-Ward Market SMALL radio. Crossley, new, $15. cabins, Forbes. Ont. 03li DIAMOND ring.

Bluebird, new. latest design. Original cost $125, excellent buy. Box 371 Citizen. MEN'S winter overcoats, 42, ladv's coon coat, 16.

4-6392. 11 to 2. 7 to 9. 03'i SUPERIOR stove, white, like new( under oven. $75: Easv washer $60; Coffleld $70; Findlav stove $60.

Hardy Electric, 1302 Wellington. 01 lj Get Ready For Spring 6 only slightly soiled Baby Carriages values to $41 $25 Each Woodhouse COMPANY LIMITED 194 Rideau St. 3-7709 SHEET music' 1.500 old popular songs. 4-7711 mornings. 01 3-plece studio set, excellent condition, reasonable.

8-0S10W. 02 li MOFFAT deluxe range, new. bedroom furniture. 8-3650J. after 6.

02'i DUPLICATE bridge 4-7711 mornings. boards, (12) 01 SAMPLE hand smocked dress, prim rose, fit child 1-2. $10. 8-3524J. 01 COMPRESSOR-tank, gauge and fittings; shaft 11 ft.

with 5 pulleys, on stands: $50 complete, oasoune mo tor. 5 $100. Electric motor. Hi $40. 21 Main.

Hull, after I o'clock. 05 BUTCHER'S meat blocks: 1 Dayton meat crlnder. li h.p. 4-9269. 02 DRESS, hand knitted.

7 p.m. 8-3440W after 02 WALNUT dining table, buffet and chairs, reasonable. 234A Slater St. 05 Pi 1j 1)1 riVA ran if nunc, ci i 1 1 uiihh i $40. Studio couch.

$42.50 Chftalerflnld. Davenport bed $29.. Rebuilt stoves. $3 lip, cimiiiw; rwiin muio humi vuitjnir OA ii7II1a 1A unnalnt Jtt 90 J. VYIIKJIl Briber i furniture, Trade-In Store, 346 l.

SEE the 1949 Chevrolet now on display st Myers Motors, 260 Slater near Bank street. 10M-06 SATIN gown, cream, lace trim. Reason able, Mrs Johnston, tu SOLID oak dining room suite, 7 pieces. 8-4943R. 02 BENNETT Gordon and Ruth are happy ta announce the arrival of Mary Bea's sister, Claire, Grace Hospital, Sunday.

February 20, 1943. 03'i BECK At the CMc Hospital, February 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Bonar Eeck, nee Valeda Hatch, a daughter, L-ora Nancy. Mother and daughter coig well.

02 OInhTBr-tnSShe. I. i.k,.- i iim Grace hospital. Ottawa. Mother and daugater doing wtU.

01 DODSWORTH At the Grace Hospital. Friday. February 18. 1949. to Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Dodsworth. a daughter.

Both welL DA VIES At the Ottawa Civic hos- pital. on Monday, February 21st, 1949 to Mr. ana Mrs. josenn navies (nee Elsie Ziebell) a son. Both well.

FRASER To Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser, on Saturday, February 19, 1949. at the Ottawa Civic hospital, a daughter. EAGAR On Sunday, February 20.

1949. at the Grace hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hagar. a brother lor Ernie and Sheila.

Both well. 02 EENDRICK At the Port Hope. General hospital on Wedneda, February 16. 1943, to Mr. and Mrs.

Fran- of ETTEES On Saturday. February 19 1949. at the Ottawa Civic Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hubbs.

a son. Eoth well. 01 UOORE At Grace Hospital, on Sunday. February 20. 1949, to Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Moore, a brother for Garry. 01 2 JirSBAT At Jef ferry Hill hospital Quebec city on Saturday, February 19. 1349. to Mr.

and Mrs. C. F. Murray (nee Joy Leach a daughter. Barbara Ellen.

Both well. 01 rATTTSON At the Ottawa Civic Hospital, on Saturday, February 19, 1949, Flying Officer and Mrs. R. C. Pattison (nee Victoria Wells) a son.

Lawrence Michael. Oil a BEGCTN To Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Eesruln (nee Noella Casault) on Sun-dav. February 20, 1949.

at the Ottawa Geceral hospital, a brother for Richard. Mother and baby well. 02li Engaged ROUGIER LAPOINTE Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Rougler wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Antoinette, to Bruno La point e. son of Mrs. J. N.

Lapolnte and the late Mr. Lapolnte. Marriage to take place February 26. 01 Married FERGUSON BROWN At St. James United church, on Saturday, February 19.

1949. by Rev. Charles D. Donald. Frances Beatrice, daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Tilley Brown, to John Melbourne Ferguson of Cornwall. Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.

R. Ferguson of Brampton, Ontario. 01 GAGN5 O'NEHi At St. Anthony's church oa Saturday. February 19, 1949.

by Rev. Father Farrlo, Rita Katiieea. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neu, to wiuiam ueorge.

sen of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gagne, both of Ottawa. 01 GONTER CAIN On Saturday. February 19.

1949. at 11 am. in Our Lady cf Perpetual Help rectory, by Rev. Father Patrick Mann. Ellen Veronica lots, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. W. O. Cain, to Robert Oeorge, son of Mr. and Mrs.

F. L. Wills, of London ECRWITZ EIRKIN On Saturday, IecruarY 19. 1943. at Buffalo.

NY, R-te Sirkli. daughter of the late Kr. and Mrs. Nathan Slrkln and sister of Mrs. Mcrris Eenoway, of Ottawa, to Benlamln Horwltz, of NY.

by Rabbi Chalm Weln- stein, cf Buffalo, NY. oili MASTERS CALDWELL On Satur-Chv. February 5, 1949. In Los Angeles, California by the Rev. Mr.

Best. Janet Sheila Ross, daughter of the late Major and Mrs. W. R. Caldwell of Carleton Place, to Warner Keith Masters, son cf Mr.

and Mrs. S. Marten of Dallas. Texas. 01 MrJIAHON JAMIESON At Cornwall.

Ont on Saturday. September 25, 1948. by Rev. W. 8.

Atchison. Katherlne Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamleson of Ottawa, to Gordon William, son of Mr.

and Mrs. R. M. Mc-Mahon of Ottawa. 01 JCLKS SMITH On Saturday.

Feb-r-anr 19. 1949. at McLeod St. United church, Ottawa, Ont Audrey Emily SsUth. daughter of Mr.

R. Smith and the late Mrs. Smith of Ottawa, to Robert Ernest Milks, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.

E. Milks of Aylmer, Que. 01 "MEARA MATTICE On Monday, February 21, 1949, the marriage was solemnized of Kathleen- Isobel. Sughter of Mrs R. E.

Matties and the late Mr. Mattlo. to Edward Nicholas, son of Mr. W. J.

Meara and the late Mrs. O'Meara. 01 lj OCIGG SAVAGE At 8t. Patrick's church on Saturday. February 19.

1949. by Monselgneur Prud'homme, Mary Lo! Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Savage to Thomas Jisnph.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Quicg. 01 Died BAKER On Friday.

February 18. 1949, suddenly at his home, 262 Irving Lynwood A. Baker, beloved husband ef Wlnlfrtd Talbot. In bis 49th year. Resting at Hulse and Flayfalr 315 McLeod street.

Funeral service In the chapel Sunday, at 2 p.m. Interment In Toronto. 00a COTNSELL In local hospital Sunday. February 20. 1949.

Florence Maude Williams, widow of Charles E. Counsell arid mother of Mrs. J. Ferguson, 231 McLeod street. In her 68th year.

Resting at the parlors of Hulse and Playfalr. 315 McLeod street. Services in chapel on Tuesday. February 22. at 1 p.m., thence to Ancaster.

Ontario, for services In St. John's Anglican church Wednesday afternoon. Interment In church cemetery. 02 CRAWFORD Suddenly, on 8unday, February 20. 1949.

William Bryan Crawford, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Orral Crawford, Manotlck. Ont. Funeral from above address on Tuesday, February 22nd at 1 p.m.

for service at St. John's hurch. Prescott at 2 p.m. Interment In parish cemetery. Oils (Continued On Next Column) Citizen Box Replies LETTERS addressed to the following box holders are available at The Citizen Office on presentation ol box tickets.

GENERAL light housekeeping, good home, good wages, sleep in. No cook' ing. 8-5474. RELIABLE girl for housework, 6leep in. 2-6573.

.01 SALESLADY, ready to wear dept. Bilingual, good appearance. Apply in person Sol Max. 102 Rideau. 01 GENERAL maid, references.

Monkland, after 6 P.M. Apply 10 01 3 married ladles for part or full time work. Oood appearance and personality. No canvassing. Enrn as you learn.

Must he over 25 and not otherwise employed. Apply K)vln name and tel. number to Box 234 Citizen 02 STENOGRAPHER for local fire insurance office. Experienced preferred. Must be capable.

Box 232 Citizen. 01 STENOGRAPHER for law office. Experienced preferred. Box 219 Citizen 01 GIRL for general housework, Sandy Hill 3-6738. 00" i GENERAL for Montreal, good home.

$50 to $60. Mrs. M. Dunn, 4878 Isabella street, Montreal, Que. RECEPTIONIST, single, betwern 19 and 24.

neat appearance, plraslng personality. Junior matriculation or better. Must be willing to operate switchboard, part time. We offer attractive salary, pension plan and other employe benefits. ApDly plvlng full particulars.

Post Office Drawer 93, Ottawa. SHORTHAND typist, single, no experience necessary. Must be neat in appearance with a high school education. Apply giving qualifications. Box 358 Citizen.

1-2-2A WE require a young sinRle girl as a typist, no experience necessary Write giving full particulars. Box 218 Citizen. 1-2-2A Male Help Wanted BOY wanted to deliver orders, meat department. 5-1495. TAXI driver wanted.

8-2180M. 0115 OFFICE boys, 16-17 years old. $15 per week. Apply Room 209, 140 Wellington. 03 1 a TRUCK driver, good education and tnnk-truck experience preferred.

Sunlight OH, Booth and Duke. AUTOMOBILE out of town, 343 Citizen. radiator mechanic for salary and bonus. Box 03 YOUNG man between 16-18, wanted by large national organization to work in advertising typing an asset but not essential. Apply to Mr.

Boxali. Dustbane Products 200'-Bank St. 03 BILINGUAL traveller by full line farm Implement company. Salary, expenses and car provided. Apply, giving, age, experience, qualifications and references to Box 309 Citizen.

06 Credit Office Assistant Leading Department store requires young man, 20 to 25, with matriculation standing. An opportunity that can lead to executive position. BOX 247 CITIZEN TELEGRAPH mseneers with bicycles, day work. Apply CPR, 83 Sparks St. 03 BOY wanted for morning newspaper route, vicinity somerset 5t.

E. 2-bim or 4-8052, evenings. 01 EXPERIENCED fish man. Apply in person Mr. Maiden.

Sea Food 1013 Wellington St. 01 WANTED Immediately, cheese and butter maker. Ault's Creamery, Winchester, Ont. 02 CARETAKER, Immediately, with ability to handle steam boiler, for center town Protestant etiurch. State qualifications and salary expected.

Box 279 Citizen. 01 li EXPERIENCED commercial travellers for wholesale dry goods firm of Ot- tawa, on commission basis. Must have car, withdrawals advanced. Apply Box 284 Citizen. Olli Draughtsman Experienced in tool design Apply J.

H. Connor AND SON LIMITED Tel. 5-1824 Local 16 SUPERVISOR wanted by one of America's fastest growing Life Insurance companies. Applicant must have at least 3 years life insurance experience and be able to train men to become career underwriters. Wonder- ful opportunity for man who has the confidence and ability to supervise salesmen.

Salary plus bonus. Box 262 Citizen. 01 ELECTRICIAN required to supervise maintenance of studio lights, cables, etc, and shipping of cameras equipment. Salary $195. Journeyman license and (minimum).

Call National Film Board 9-2449. 01 CLERK, office, pleasing personality, neat appearance, good education, with ability to progress In accounting work, with large and well established firm. Box 207 Citizen. OOli (Continued On Next Column) MY miv6 KNOWfO GUYS! TASTE TO GO COAST- IS -eTO-COAT 1 Simple With a black ASTrAE ASATEEM SUlRT AT- AMD GoEBeq well A gat ec COLLAR. WERE- LIV OMLY Gaggagb vOMElsU ME TME WAS A i i D' AMOUR Suddenly, as the result of an accident, on Sunday.

February 20, 1949, Robert D'Amour, 374 Gloucester beloved husband of Kitty Chapman, In his 27th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfalr, 315 McLeod where service will be held in the chapel on Wednesday, February 23 et 3 p.m. Interment Plnecrest cemetery. 02 3 DORVAL At hta residence. 17 Bell on rnaay, reoruary jo.

laa, band of Louisa Oodln, aged 59 years. Funeral on Monday, February 21, at 7.45 a.m. from above address to St. Jean Baptists church for requiem high mass at 8 o'clock. Interment Notre Dame cemetery.

DUMMERT In hospital on Saturday, February 19. 1949, Alice Metcalf. be loved wife of A. W. Dummert, of 20 Java street.

In her 87th year. Resting at Radmore Stewart funeral home. 1323 Wellington street. Service in the chapel on Monday, February 21 at 2 p.m Interment St. James cemetery, Carleton Place, Ont.

GORDON In Vancouver, BC, on Friday. February 18, 1949, William J. Gordon, son of the late John and Margaret Gordon of Richmond, Ontario, in his 85th year. Service at Saskatoon. on Monday, February 21.

Interment Saskatoon. 01 HEMPHILL In hospital, on Monday. peoruary n. iihs, oamuei f. nemp- hill of 85 James street, husband of the late Minnie A.

Laurie, in his 88th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfalr 315 McLeod 6treet. Service In the chapel on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Beechwood cemetery. 02 HERWIG In hospital, Saturday, February 19.

1949, John Conrad George Herwlg, general secretary of the Canadian Legion and beloved husband of Lois Mcllhenny. Remains are resting at Hulse and Playfalr parlors. 315 McLeod reet. Service In the chapel at 2 p.m. Monday.

01 la HUMPHRIES At his residence, 482 McLeod street, Ottawa, on Sunday, February 20, 1949, Francis George Humphries, beloved husband of Emily Wilson and father of Miss Alice M. Humphries. Ottawa, in his 87th year. Resting at his late residence 'until Tuesday morning. Funeral from the home of his son.

J. Wil-mot Humphries, Carp. Ontario for service in St. Paul's United church at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday.

February 23. Interment Presbyterian cemetery, 3rd Line of Huntley. 03 JETTE At a local hospital on Saturday, February 19, 1949, Napoleon Jette. husband of the late Rose Alma Lalonde, aged 77 years. Funeral from the parlors of Horace Racine and Robert.

Limited, 260 Beseerer street, Tuesday, February 22, at 7.40 a.m. to St. Charles church for requiem high mass at 8. Interment in Notre Dame cemetery. 01 LAISHLEY At his home 400 McLeod stret, on Saturday, February 19, 1949.

James Henry Lalshley, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Armstrong in his 75th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfalr Limited, 315 McLeod street. Service Jn the chapel on Tuesday, February 22. 1949, at 2 p.m. Interment Beechwood cemetery.

.02 LAPLANTE In Hospital on Sunday, February 20, 1949. Ellen McCarthy, widow of Louis Laplante In her 86th year. Resting at Fred N. Garrett funeral home. 584 Somerset street west.

Funeral on Tuesday to Our Lady of Presentation church Over-brook for requiem high mass at 8 o'clock. Interment Hotre Dame cemetery. 01 McGREGOR Suddenly on Saturday. February 19, 1949. at the residence of her brother, James C.

McGregor, Ormond, Ontario. Annabell McGregor, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. McGregor, In her 67th year.

Resting at above address where the funeral will be held Monday. February 21. at 2 p.m. Inter ment-at Ormond cemetery. OO'a METCALFE In hospital on Friday.

February 18. 1949, Herbert Osborne Metcalfe, beloved husband of Lucy Elizabeth Rice, of 17 Main street, Aylmer, Quebec. -in his 69th year. Resting at the above address. Funeral service In Christ church on Monday at 2.30 p.m.

Interment Bellevue cemetery, Aylmer Rd. 01 MORIN At the residence of her nice, Mrs. Gerard Patenaude, Gatl-neau. P.Q., on Saturday, February 19. 1949, Marie Francolse Morln, be- loved daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Pierre Morln, aged 63 years. Funeral Tuesday, February 22, at 7.44 a.m. from Gauthler Funeral Par- lours, 259 St. Patrick street, for a requiem high mass at the Basilica at 8 o'clock.

Interment Notre Dame cemetery. 01 O'LEARY At her residence, Osgoode Station. Ontario, on Saturday. February 19. 1949.

Maty Ann O'Leary, age 88 years, daughter of the late Patrick O'Leary and Mary Dunn and dear sister of Mrs. John Shields of Kemptvllle, Ontario. Resting at the parlors of McEvoy Brothrs, 235 Kent street (corner Nepean). Funeral Tuesday, February 22 at 9 a.m. to St.

rigid 'a church. River Road. Osgoode. for requiem mass at 10 o'clock. Burial at parish cemetery.

02 ORANGE At his residence. Foltlmore, Quebec, on Saturday. February 19, 1949. William Orange, husband of the late Katherlne Orange, aged 85 years Funeral frorrf above address on Tuesday, February 22, Service In Christ Church. Poltlmore, at 10.30 a m.

Interment adjoining cemetery. 01 PEGG At her residence, 680 Albert street. Ottawa, on Friday. February 18, 1949, Grace Bourassa, beloved wife of Thomas Allen Pegg, age 48 years. Funeral Monday, February 21 at 8.45 a.m.

from Gauthler funeral parlors, 733 Somerset street west, to St. Jean Baptist church for requiem high mass at o'clock. Interment Hotre Dame cemetery, Ottawa. 00 la SMALL On Friday. February 18.

1949, at his home, ISO Laurier avenue West. Henry Beaumont Small, MD, CM. husband of the late Minnie Macpherson, In hia 05th year. Resting at above address. Funeral service in St.

Oeorge's Anglican church on Monday at 3 p.m. Interment Beechwood cemetery. 01 SMITH In hospital on 8unday. February 20, 1949, Helen Charlotte, widow of Maxwell John Smith, 33 St. Francis stret.

In her 73th year. Resting at the parlours of A. E. Veitch and Son 453 Parkdale avenue, where service will be held on Tuesday. February 22, at 2 p.m.

Interment Beechwood cemetery. 02 WESTON At Winnipeg. Manitoba, William E. Weston, husband of the late Martha Qulnney and father of Miss Jessie E. Weston Of Ottawa.

Funeral service and Interment took place, Monday, February 21 at 10 30 am. 01 7 ADS WORTH At the home of her Wtlbrod street, on Monday, Febru ary 21, 1949, Rose Jordan In her 72jpd year. Resting at the Brady and Harris Funeral residence. 375 Llsgar street. Funeral on Wednesday at 8 45 a.m.

to St. Joseph's church, for solemn mass of requiem at 9 o'clock. Interment Beechwood cemetery, 02li In Memoriam MOIR In fond and loving' memory I of a dearly beloved son and brother, Flight Lieut. Corson Stewart Moir, missing over Germany, February 21. 1945.

W9 think of him In silence, His name we oft recall, There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. David Moir and family. 01 PRATT In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Charles Pratt, who was suddenly called away February 21.

1943. Remembrance Is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things. But this they wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we were all together. Loving wife, Charles, Marie.

Harold and Doris. 01 Florists CLIFTON Flower Shop, 193 Richmond Road. 8-1051. City delivery. 31C i WRIGHT'S floral designs, cut flowers.

70 Bank. 2-5673. 14W Funeral Directors HULSE and Playfalr Ottawa's first funeral chapel. 3-1144. 2H FRED N.

Garrett. Home of moderately priced funerals. Ambulance. 3-4773. 8G RADMORE Stewart Funeral Home and Chapel.

1323 Wellington. 8-0800 3R HORACE Racine and Robert 260 Besserer 2-9609; 385 Montreal Eastvlew. 5-2035 3H McEVOY Brothers, dignified funerals. 2-5337. Moderate charges.

5M VEITCH and Son. fi-0202; 2-1148. Ambulance service. 3V Cemetery Memorials 10 to 15 reduction for spring delivery. Banchlni-St.

Martin 359 Malsonneuve, Hull. 5-4931. 33B SPECIAL offers on all orders for spring delivery. J. P.

Laurin, 103 George 4-0417. 7L SUPERIOR workmanship. George Brown and Sons, 473 Bronson. 8-5734. EB BUY our "Rock of Ages" memorial at lowest nosslble cost from an author ized dealer.

J. D. Ambroise. 375 Montreal Road. 3-7235.

4A Amusem*nts AUDITORIUM Hockey Wednesday. Feb. 23. Sherbrooke vs. Ottawa Senators.

17A Collins Joke And Magic Shop PARTY gags, tricks, magic, etc. 375 Somerset W. Catalogues mailed. Lost Found LIGHTER, lady 'a Ronson, left, at Colonial Bowling Alley, Saturday. Finder please call 4-7384.

'Keepsake. 03 li KNITTING, green, left on Bank streetcar Saturday evening. 4-3925. 01 12 CHANGE purse containing $20 and key. lost Capitol Theater, Sat.

2-2764. Reward. 01 li LOST, gold ring with amethyst. In Woolworth's rest, room. Sparks 8t.

Reward. 5-2801. 02li PEARLS, 3-strsnd, lost Rideau St. Call 4-0298. 01 li CHROME stripping lost off new car.

Tel. 2-5314. Reward. 03la LOST sum of money, $37. in envelope on Bank or Rockcllffe car, Mon.

Feb. 21st. Urgently needed. Reward, 4-3934. 03 li HUB cap and chrome rim, lost between 'Ottawa and Morewood.

1939, Plymouth. Reward. 3-4498. 01 li SILVER, rhinestone glamor pin with chain attachment lost. 4-5403.

12T-02li DOUBLE strand pearls lost. Graham, Bronson car, caning civic Hospital. 8-6128 J. 03 1 i 3 children are looking for (Sktppy) black co*cker spaniel, who was wearing a brown collar when she left 323 McLeod last Wed. Reward.

Tel. 3-5794. 03 li VALUABLE 3-strand pearl necklace lost Intersection Bank. Albert or Parkdale near Scott. Reward.

8-0574. 02 GLASSES in navy blue leather case, lost. 2-1334. 03 LOST, Ronson. initials L.D.

and Mary. Reward. 3-4336. 03 LOST, lady's wrist watch. Wellington school to Somerset.

8-0001W. 01 LIGHTER, Ronson lost, Sussex at Gulgues, Initial 4-1703. 01 LOST, between Dalhousie and Mos-grove, single strand pearls. Keepsake. Reward 6-2937.

01 li BLACK spaniel, answers Sklppy, lost from 308 Gloucester. 4-1073. 01 li LOST, lady's change purse, vicinity of Elgin and Waverley. containing urn of money. Reward.

4-0096. 01 LITTLE girl's glasses, plastic rims, lost Wed. on Melrose Ave. Reward. 8-4251.

01 SILVER fox fur lost Thursday between Lord Elgin Hotel, Laurler, Metcalfe to MacLaren. Reward. Mrs. C. E.

Read, 418 Lord Elgin Hotel. 01 WILL the party who found lady's diamond ring in washroom of Canadian Grill. Chateau Laurier, evening of Feb. 15, please caU 5-1881, days or 5-0857. evenings.

Female Help Wanled GIRL to wait on table, help In kitchen, good wages; references. 425 Cooper 06 RELIABLE cook-housekeeper. 2 adults. References required. Apply 34 Monk-land.

03 ASSISTANT to hair stylist, experienced preferred. Goldberg'e, 172 Rideau. 03 URGENT, kitchen help required, age 20 to 40. Apply Box 335 Citizen. 06 SECRETARY stenographer, good salary, pension and other benefits.

Apply by letter. McDonald Currle and Chartered Accountants, Room 408. 140 Wellington. 06 GENERAL housework. 50 month.

Ben-dlx. Sandy Hill. 3-1059. 03 EXPERIENCED seamstress wanted immediately. Box 347 Citizen.

03l'a RELIABLE woman, baby sitting, afternoon or evening. 5-1131. 03'i WAITRESS wanted. Apply 19li Nicholas. 03 li KIND woman to mind boy days, vicinity Caron and Fortler streets, Wrlght-vllle.

Box 322 Citizen. 03 li EXPERIENCED soda fountain girl wanted. Good wages. 350 Rideau St. 03 li EXPERIENCE unnecessary to sell our line of printed forms.

Every merch ant a prospect. Good side line for travelling salesman. Risman, 73 Adelaide Toronto, Ont. 00 li MECHANIC; also body and fender man. 3-0357.

10R WANTED by contracting firm middle aged gentleman for part time book keeping position. Investment of approximately $2,500 at 6T required. This might Interest party presently employed. Worth investigating. Box 145 Citizen.

01 Wanted SAI ESMAN or distributor to represent loronto house in Eastern Ontario, in truck and construction machinery lines. Only there capable of earning substantial Income on commission basis need apply. Box 364 Citizen. H-03'a Furniture aiesman For large furniture store. Excellent opportunity for right man.

Salary- according to ability. BOX 160 CITIZEN Situations Wanted ODD lobs, carpenter work, etc. Tel. 8-8687. 03 'i CARPENTER desires building, remodeling, alterations, kitchen cupboards, repairs and finishings.

3-4498. 06li REGISTERED nurse from Quebec wishes private duty in English home. Elderly people preferred. Live in. Box 363 Citizen.

02 UNIVERSITY graduate, B.A., 23 desires interesting position with future. Has had office and social service experience. Familiar with French, Spanish. Box 362 Citizen. 03 li EXPERIENCED secretary desires full or part time employment in small, private office.

Please state salary. Box 351 Citizen. 03 la CARE for child, daytime, while mother works. West End. Box 349 Citizen 01 li OFFICFS to clean, evenings.

References. 2-8702. 02 EXPERIENCED bilingual stenographer rr facf Trrls. wnnlrf anrent. pvpnlnff work.

Box .140 Citizen. 03 TYPING done at home. 3-0795. 03 MAN wants office cleaning or any other work. 8-4043J.

05li WIDOW with 11-year-old child desires position in good home as housekeeper practical nurse. References. Box 329 Citizen. 02 SALESMAN, experienced, age 25. married, no children, desires position with reliable Arm, good references.

8-1569. 02 BOOKKEEPER desires part time work, evenings or afternoons. 3-6614. 02 REFINED English girl living in Toronto requires position. Care children or mother's help.

Live in. Box 310 Citizen. 01 SWITCHBOARD operator receptionist, desires full or part time position. Box 256 Citizen. 02 MAN and wife desiring to manage small hotel or club.

22 years exper- ience, best references, ready to start 1 Immediately. Box 236 Citizen. 02 MARRIED woman desires day work, filing clerk, preferred. 5-4271. 01 li YOUNG woman wishes part time light housework.

Box 282 Citizen. Olli TRAVELLING salesman, well educated, ase 23, good appearance and personality, desires position with sn established firm. References. Box 297 Citizen. 02 INCOME tax returns, part time bookkeeping, experienced accountant.

2-7741. 02 PRACTICAL nurse, for day work onlv. Box 316 Citizen. 02 NURSE companion, willing to travel, baby References. 8-8281J.

01 la TYPING and bookkeeping done at home, evenlncs, experienced. 4-5830. Olla AMBITIOUS girl desires position, book or music store. 8-1806. 33C-01li CLERK-cashler.

male. 2 years experience, desires automotive business, day or part time evenings. 5-2304. 01 COMPETENT stenographer desires 2 mos. office employment.

4-3531. 01 BABY nurse, experienced, good references. Box 257 Citizen. 01 GIRL to care for invalid or elderly person. Best references.

8-8249. 01 COMPETENT stenographer desires Immediate employment, good references. Box 245 Citizen. 01 EXPERIENCED driver. 29.

t.rurk, car. bus. desires position. 4-0881. OOli CAPABLE male clerk, accounting experience, reliable, fair appearance and education.

Immediate full time or temporary employment. Box 244 Citizen. OOli BABY-slttlng for weekends and evenings, and light housework. Tel. South March.

14r34. OOli BOOKKEEPER and typist with long experience, general office work, correspondence, etc. Tel. 3-5097. 03 WE do any kind of work, anywhere.

2 veterans. 8-5363M. 09 li Situations Vacant MARRIED couple to work on farm. private dwelling. Apply Elflon H.

Qualle, Eawards, Ont. Tel. 35 Ring 5, Metcalfe. 02 li WANTED, man for steady travel among consumers in and around Ottawa. Permanent connection with large manufacturer.

Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawlelgh's Dept. ML-B-312-131. Montreal. Que.

01 DOOR-to-door canvasser for general merchandise on commission basis. 4-6034 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 01 BE your own boss. Distribute, on part time or full time basis, our 250 products: toiletries, vitamins, extracts, spices, baking powder, cakes, doughnuts, glass, silver, furniture and shoe polishes, etc.

Each individual a customer Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities Write for free details and catalogue. Famtlex, 1600 Delormler. Montreal. 26 li Articles For Sale TRUMPET, case, perfect, lovely tone, quick sale. $35.

8-6071M. 03li SINGER sewing machine, round bobbin: boy's brown suit and topcoat, 15; man's tuxedo, 38; lady's silver fox Jacket. 8-4825. 03 li SINGER electric sewing portable. $85.

8-7935J. machine, Olli LADY'S black cloth coat, good length. 8-2504J. 02 li LEAVING city. Must sell 9-plece dining room suite, chesterfield, bedroom suite, kitchen set.

8-3684W. 03 1 i VACUUM cleaner. General 1949 model, $69. 8-7935J. Electric, 03 li GURNEY range, nil white enamel: piano, Newcombe, upright.

5-R514. Oflli BABY carriage, good condition. 8-0137J. 03 1 2 WASHING machines, new, immediate delivery, terms as low as $2 weekly. MOW of good quality hay.

Apply Ad- Road. C3 TWO billiard tables, gocd condition. Jean Paul Racine, Casselman, Ont. 02 LADY'S clothes. 14-16; man's winter coat, $10; piano, perfect condition.

$150. 8-2687J. 3-plece, slip-covered chesterfield. 1 large double bed, spring an! mUres. Other furniture.

60 Cobourg, Apt. 10, evenings only. O-S'a WALNUT dining room table and bock-case. Connor Thermo washers. 8-2596.

10 to 8. CI1, LADDERS, heavy duty, all kinrfs. repairs Capital Ladders. 67 Sttrllr 7C FLOOR lamps. $1.50.

$4: 2 steel pan-l beds; complete. $15 each; maple txd. complete. $25: 2 card tabies 50c each; 2 Windsor chairs. $3.50, fire screen, kitchen tsble, easy chair.

cabinet radio, $15; hail rack. crock. touri-t tect with metal poles, $20; 8-6963W. 03 9x18 Scotch broadloom rug complet with ozite. 1 year old.

Will sacrifice. 5-4220. 01 IF you would like to furnlh your office or playroom with 3 piece rd leatherette, chesterfield set, IITO. Tel. 5-4220.

C3 Want Ads. Continued on Next Page Testimonials There Is No Substitute For RESULTS Testimonials, after all, ring vith the truth of accomplishment. They tell what has happened. rather than the promise of some- thin? that mlerVif Rooms Rented 1 large room, 1 small room, gentlemen only. 5-2230.

Refrigerator Soli! ELECTRIC refrigerator, electric stove, apt. size. eeel lent condition. 8-4890W. Refrigerator Sold WESTINGHOUSE electric refrigerator, good condition.

1150. 8-0914. Room Rented NICE large front room, grill privileges, girl preferred. 4-2536. Room Rented FURNISHED room.

light cooking, gentleman. $4 50 weekly, non drinker. 183 York, upstairs. Rooms Rented 3 rooms, no children. CaU 8-3630J.

Doj Found LABRADOR sand-c 1 dog, lost vicinity Rockcllffe. 2-267S. Reward. Secured Help RELIABLE girl, 9 to 9. sleep out.

$35 monthly. 3-6163. Found Purse LOST change purse, black with red containing money, keys, vicinity Sparks St. Post Office. Reward.

8-4106, Radio Sold V.Q car radio. Motorola, fit new Mercury or Monarch. t90. Oflce 5-4504, residence 4-0005. Car Sold CHEVROLET.

1946 sedan. 4 new tires, new battery. Prestone, excellent condition throughout. 4-4384 after 8. The above are Just tome ef the results obtained yesterday.

The every changing list of offers in Citizen Classified Ads. prove their intrinsic value. Your problems may be solved equally as well when you follow the same plan as these folks and put result-prcducing Citizen Classified Ads. on the Job for you. Advertisers want something tangible when they buy advertising space.

They get it in the form of RESULTS when they use Citizen Classified Ads. THE EVENINO CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AD, DEPT. Office Hours Closing Time for Evening Citizen Classified Ads. Evening Editions 12:30 pja. daily except Saturdays when all Classified Ads.

for those editions must be placed not later than 10:30 p.m. Friday. Morning Editions Sun. to Thurs. 9 p.m.

Friday, 10:30 pjn. Classified Ad Rates Evening Citizen Classified Ads. RATES Consecutive Insertions Words Up to 10 lnc 11 to 16 17 to 22 23 to 23 29 to 34 1 3 8 20 0 119 .45 1.20 2.2S .60 1.60 3.00 .75 2.00 3.75 .90 2.40 4.50 Births, Marriage Cards of Engagements, and Death Notices. Thanks, and Anni versary Mass, $1.00 for the first Insertion and 75 cts. each additional Insertion.

In Memoriam Notices (exclusive of verse) $1.00 per insertion up to 28. words. Matter over 23-words as well as all verse matter. 20 cts. for each 6 words.

Subscription Rates By mail to any point In Canada, excepting towns served by Citizen Carriers, or to any British possession via a Canadian port, for one year. $7.00. six months. $3.75. three months.

$2.00. shorter terms. 75 cts. month, or $3.50 a year. To Foreign countries the rate Is $1.25 a month, or $15.00 a year.

Air mail rates on application. Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Our Boarding House E6AD, a EVMJ howi ASCOT BOTTOM FASrAlONi frX CrAEVOleiS WILL APPEAR AT TOBACCO Trie SPRING STYLE- SUOrtSA SOOP- Hickevs TANi Figured REPELLET VEST vJith BOOGrttVl OLD VJASHRAG 1 6 8 15 17 20 21 26 23 33 37 33 45 50 59 63 64 65 67 70 71 77 78 80 85 86 SI 95 S9 100 102 104 EM3fN TORTLE- mests AMD TIE ATTACrAED DOES IT VOUiTE i STRIKE TUU 2-21 HE Stove Oil (Distillate) 21c Gal. Less Than 100 Gal.

Lots 22c Gal. Parfield Oils Limited 3-4025 (Continued On Next Column) 105 106 109 111 120 124 128 129 134 135 136 137 138 141 143 146 147 149 153 156 153 160 165 168 171 174 177 180 182 183 185 187 183 189 191 192 193 194 1S6 200 201 204 207 211 215 216 218 220 223 224 226 227 228 231 232 234 235 237 240 242 246 247 250 251 254 255 257 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 268 269 270 271 277 278 279 280 281 282 2E4 287 289 290 291 294 295 296 202 303 305 306 308 310 314 317 318 320 321 326 327 329 330 331 332 405 408 411 414 415 417 419 420 423 430 434 436 437 440 441 US 462 466 467 463 471 747 480 481 484 487 495 497 499 500 533 536 538 539 540 604 1 33T rn UlOT TOO clothes COiS00DS BEXAlRE -j- In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and father, William James Belalre, who passed sway February 21, 1943. Too dearly loved to be forgotten. Wife and family. 01 DAWSON In lolvng memory of my dear husabnd.

Patrick J. Dawson, who died February 21. 1945. Too dearly loved to be forgotten. Sadie.

01 HAMEL Io loving memory of a daar husband and daddy. Capt. J. J. Hamel, RCE.

who passed away February 20, 1948 Wife and family. 01 (Continued On Next Column) MANAGER Lingerie Dept. Previous experience necessary Good salary plus commission. Apply Shaffers LIMITED (Continued On Next Column) 4-4399. Olli (Continued On Next Column) a At- u04atjajaAaAh.

The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.