Adams County Independent from Littlestown, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE INDEPENDENT Has double the circu-lation of any paper in Adams County. MORE PEOPLE Rear The Independ" ent than any other county paper. VOL. XX LITTLESTOWJV, AUAMS COUNTY, PA. JUKE 8 1907 NO J).

WEEK'SBUDGET OF GETTYSBURG ITEMS OF CURRENT INTEREST EAST BERLIN SENDS REGULAR NEWS QUOTA Deaths of Miss May Bricker and Mrs. Susan Zarfoss Five-Horse Team in Ugly Run-away Personal Items of Interest. FROM FAIRFIELD. AND THE VIGiNITY Hoi. 'Jas.

A. Tawney Delivers Impressive Memorial Day AddressDeath of Miss Henrietta Young Fritchey-True IV adding--Personals. GETTYSBURG, June 7. ed to the Hammond Building, corner of Centre Square and York street noon on Tuesday and was enroute for Harrisburg, where it arrived lie-fore six. o'clock the same evening.

It contained 'three men who were seen by a number of our people, it descending so low at places that they answered 'when called to. Walter Resser and family, of York, were recent visitors in town. Miss E. Miifcr is attending the Annual Commencement exorcists at Mechanicsburg, this week, where she graduated. Miss May Bricker, erf York, died on last Tuesday, aged 20 years.

The funeral services were held Friday afternoon. Interment was made in Greenmount cenieiery. Rev, Emhoff officiating. Miss Bricker was born in East Berlin and ad a daughter of the late D. 'JV.

Bricker. She is survived by her me. I her, several brothers and sisters. Mrs. Geo.

Tschop. Thos J. Stahle is again confined to his bed. Mrs. Sterrets, of Illinois, is the guest of the Misses Hoki, Springs avenue.

Al. McCullough, of New York, spent severai days with Lis mother and brother in this place. John Wright, East Middle street, who has been ill for some time, is able to be about again. Mrs. John Ticer, Washington, D.

is visiung her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sdiriver Mrs. Warren J.

Hoysretdt and son, of Brouxville, N. are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. J. Woll.

Dr. Alexander II. O'Neal traveling with a patient. He is now at oaraiiao Lake, New YorU. Mrs.

Paul Basehoar, Philadelphia, is visiting her inothei, Mrs. H-ltz-w'orth, on Stelnwehr avenue. Robt. Snitzer left Monday for Philadelphia, where he has avccjplcd a position with a chinaware firm. Judge Swope presided for Judge Sadler at a session of Coinon Plrfas court held at Carlisle on Monday.

Calvin Hartman left Monday morning for Philadelphia, where he has received a position with the Pennsylvania Railroad. Hon. Wm. A. Martin is making preparations to build a house at tne corner of Broadway and Washington streets.

Ralph A. Beck, of Kansas City, is here for a few days, having been called here by the death of his brother-in-law, Robert Sheads. Misses Lizzie arid Lena Mertz, Philadelphia, and John Mertz, of Wil mington, are visiting Mrs. Eliza-! beth Mertz, Chambei'sburg street. I I EAST BERLIN, June 7.

Misses Mary and Kalhedine Diller, who have been spending several weeks in Gettysburg, attending the Commencement exercises, returned to their homes this week. Miss Sarah Leas, who has been spending several months with friends in York and Reading, returned to her home this week. Miss Bessie Gregg, who lias been teaching in Juniata. Blair county. came home on Monday.

Also Misses Alice Bosserman, who has been teaching in York, and Alice Bushey, who has been teaching in Lykens, both came this week to spend the Summer at their homes in and near this place. On last Tuesday as Mr. Jas. Staub had his team, consisting of 5 horses and large witgon, at Mr. Curtis Leib's, the horses became frightened at the cars and ran away.

They went tearing down Railroad street and turned the corner at Abbotts-town street and then out on Main street. Tearing loose from the wagon they almost ran into Mr. Harry Miller's large restaurant window. Three of them ran on up the street to Re3ser's tin shop where they were caught. Two of the horses were pretty badly cut and bruised up.

Mrs. Tomiinson, of Harrisburg, is visiting Mr. Wm. Sunday and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Feiser attended the funeral of Mr. Darone, at Dover, on Wednesday, Mr. Darone being a brother-in-law. of Mrs.

Feiser. Mis. Geo. Tschop attended tne funeral of her niece, Miss Mary Bricker, of York, on Friday. Mrs.

Wm. Mummert, of near Kig-mount, and daughter Miss Lizzie, of York, were in Berlin on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Gise, wuo has been attending the Patrick Business School, at York, came home this week. Miss Fannie Williams, of York, was visiting old frienas in this local-j ity last week.

Miss Laura Spangler, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing. Mrs. Harry Stoul'fer is also ill. Mrs. N.

J. Britcher, of York, formerly of this place, is seriously ill with vertigo. The Latlies' Aid Society of the Lutheran church, of this place, are about purchasing a fine new carpet for tiie upper room of the church. Mr. and Mrs.

John Jacobs aud Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grove, all formerly of this place, but now of Hanover, were visitors in town on Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Trimmer died hist Saturday at her home in York, aged 89 years.

Funeral services weie held at the Pigeon Hill Lutheran Church Monday afternoon. Mrs. Trimer was a sister of Mrs. Levi Coulson, oi this place. Mr.

A. M. Ditmer, of this place, received telegram on Tuesday from Baltimore that his sister, Mrs. Dod-orly, is lying at the point of death. Mr.

Ditmer at once started for the city. The balloon which passed over our town on last Tuesday afternoon created nuite an excitement among our nennie We learn bv the city papers i that it loft Washington, D. at wt Ul morning at the home of her Cieiiysuing mgn scnool Alumni As sociation was held at the Eagle Hotel, Wednesday evening, May 29lh. Miss Mamie Adams has returned to I ler of Henry J. and Louisa Young, her home at the Seminary after com- She Is survived by her sister, Mrs.

G. pleting a successful term as teacher i D. Stahley, and a brother, J. Marin the High School at Coudersport, I shall Young, of Easton. Miss Young Potter county.

has been a resident of our towa for Robert B. Armor, son'o'f Wm. D. "aal 8lxUtt years aml by hefH-Armor, left on Saturday for Winning- mAt fV has ton, where he has accepted a "ho are great-position with the B. F.

Shaw Com- saddelled at departure. Brief puny, steam fitters and engineers. Ut hme of Dr. Stahley Tuesday afternoon at Miss Ruth Hamilton, daughter of 4 o'clock. Wednesday morning the OF L1TTLEST0WN AND THE VICiMlTY Dr.

U. L. Meckley Seriously Injured In Driving Accident. Jacob Riffle Stiicken With Paralysis. LITTLESTOWN, June 7.

Mrs. Sarah Spangler, East King street, is spending some time in York. Mr. and Airs. Horace Crout-e, of Gettysburg, spent last Tuesday and Vv'ednesday among relatives iu this place, Mrs.

J. Win. Ott, of Hagerstown, is the guest ot her parents, Dr. and Mrs. S.

B. Weaver, of East King slreet. The Liitlesiown Savings Institution last Saturday bought the J. C. Rankin property, on West King street, for $830.00.

Misses Grace and Mary Atkinson returned home after spending several days with Miss Helen Robinson, East King slreet. Mr. Charles W. Klingel, of Baltimore, returned home cn Wednesday evening after spending a week a-mong relatives in this place. Ml.

Anthony Smith, of near town, a grower of fine rye a stalk of which measures 7 feet 4 inches. Carrier Sam 'I Harrison Reb-ert says that had the stalk been left In the ground to grow it might have reached the heighth of twelve feet ncelllng? Dr. H. S. Crouse, of East King slreet, spent Tuesday at the Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, being present at the operation of Mr.

G. Amos Weikert, of South Queen St. While at the hospital Dr. Croupe assisted Dr. Geo.

Fetteroff, specialist, in several nose and throat orations. Mr. Jacob Riifle, of Lumber street, while standing in Uie mill of Krug Smith, last Monday, was stricken with paralysis and fell to the' flour' unconscious. He was carried to his home and Dr. H.

E. Gettier summoned. The gentleman was in a serious condition for several days but is now able to be up. the Westminster eonits lost week, in the erase of Stale of Maryland vs. Arthur C.

White, charged with assault with intent to kill, (he jury returned a verdict of of assault with intent to malm. A motion was made lor a new trial. The rumors of the different sentences passed are entirely without foundation as no argument has yet Derm heard for another trir.l. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of John S. Robinson were: J.

Harry Robinson, of Yonk-ers, N. William Thompson and wife and Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rein-inger, of York; Mr.

and Mrs. Cnas. Thompsonu, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thompson, Harry Thompson, William Black and wife, Mrs.

Margaret Cas-sei and Mrs. Annie Black, of Westminster, and Mrs. Byron Shriller of Haddon Heights, N. J. The barn of Mr.

Augustus Studv. near Black's School House, by fire last Monday dinner. The fire started while the family was at dinner and was discovered too late to save much. One hone and two mules, together with valuable farm machinery and considerable feed, were destroyed. The barn was insured in Liltlestown Protection Mutual I'l Insurance Company for $30i)n).

A small amount of insurance was also carried ou tile contents. The origin of the fire is unknown. In a driving accident on East King street about 10 o'clock evening, four persons weie more or leas injuied and two buggies almost completely wrecked. Dr. IT.

L. Meok-lcv. our vetcinary surgeon, was comine west in King street, with Mr. Paul while Mr no. Snar-vi and Mr.

Geo. Relndollar. wilh the tatter's young son. Maurice, were driving cast wih Mi. Sparver's team, front of the residence c.f Mr.

Harvey the teams collided, overturning Dr. Meckiey's buggy. The Doctor, who was driving, wan thrown violently forward on the dash and from thence to the ground, hea l-Histl his horse breaking away fiom the wreck at once and running home. Mr. Wlsotzvek was ninned under the crushed lop and with difficulty extricated himself.

The Doctor was badly til united -lien picked up. Dr. H. Ccllicr was summoned and accompanied the gentleirum home in Mr. P.itf.ise's buggy.

I)r. Meeklev is lyins in a condition, but his many friends n-i pirrncstly honing for his speedy Tiie occupants' of the orner buggy and Mr. Wrsoizkny were more tortiiur.te; these CONTINUED ON FACE EIGHT King Do-Do Now Filling Chair of Clerk of Courts The School Board Organizes and Elects! Teachers- 4- BIGLE1RVILLE, June 7. Mis3 Mamie Sillik, has gone to Baltimore where she intends spending some time with friends and relatives. Mr.

W. E. Kapp is in Gettysburg filling the position of Clerk of the Courts in the absence of H. U. Wal ter, who is off on his vaca tion to Pittsburg and other points Mr.

John Hants and daughter, of Baltimore, are among the guests of town, stopping with Mrs. Jacob Mow cry and family? Children's Day exercises at the St. Paul's Lutheran church cn June 1st was quite a success. The program was well rendered. Lottie McCans has been appointed delegate ot the Mt.

Olivet Sunday School to attend the Sabbath School Convention to be held in Shippens- burg by the Radical Division of the U. B. church, In the early part of June. The School Board, after their organization on Mouday evening elected their teachers as follows: Miss R. Alice School No.

I at a salary of $40 per month, and Mr. Hiram Lady, of Arendtsville, to the Primary School a salary of $35 This is the only "lady" teacher iv. the county and a good clever "lady" is he. Messrs. Bowers and Trostle, of the extreme end of East York street, are preparing for the laying of their pavements.

Also Dr. Real her, West York, and aicng North Main from the Square. Mr. Musselman is making some Improvements about the canning plant by having another well bored and a cellar put under the one cud of the building. He expects to add a cider mill to the plant.

Mr. and grand-daun-ter, of Honey Brook, spent 'several days with Mr. Samuel Hoffman and family. Mr. Samuel Bowers anil wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Waynesboro with their daughter, Mrs.

Jno. Weaver. Mr. Chester A. Cook, of Waynesboro, spent Decoration Day among frieads.

Memorial Day brought quite a crowd of people to town. "The day was rather cool. The exercises war-well carried out and the efficient pro gram was well rendered. There were in the parade bet ween three and four hundred persons. A very able address was delivered by Prof- J.

Louis Sowers, of Gettysburg. Everybody went home -well pleased with the exercises and addresses. Mr. S. Bowers has added a new porch to his house, whic is quite an improvement.

SUPERIOR COURT'S OPINION IN EJECTMENT LITIGATION. Gettysburg, June 7. The Superior Court of Pennsylvania recently handed down an opinion at Pittsburg in the case of B. W. and others against Cyrus G.

Beales aud others, affirming the judgment of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county. This was an action of ejectment brought by various heirs of Thomas D. Reed, who died in York Springs in 1883, for the recovery of a lot of ground on Main street In that borough claimed by W. P. R.

Myers and J. Luther Myers. The heirs of Thomas D. Reed claimed that the will of Thomas 1). Deed was void because it was not signed by the testator.

Defendants claimed it was a valid will because the extremity of his last illness prevented the signing of Itr-after the will had been prepared, read to the decedent and approved by him. The Court below took the latter view aud directed a verdict for the defendants Inch decision has now been affirmed by tiie Superior Court in an opinion by Judge Orlady. Heilman-Peterman. Hanover, Juue 7. Harry F.

Hell-man and Miss Anna M. Peterman, of this place, were quietly married early Tuesdp.y morning at the Lutheran parsonage, on Frederick street, by Rev. A. M. Heilman, an uncle of the groom.

Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left on a wedding trip. The groom is one of the force of letter carriers at the Hanover Post-office and Is a son of Jno. M. Heilman, of Abhottsiown. The bride is the culy daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Noah Peierson, of Balilmore street. She is a graduate of the Woman's College, Frederick, and is nn instructor in aiusic. Mrs. Robert Watson Critically III George M.

Neely Weds Miss Maude Maxell Those Who Come and Go. FAIRFIELD, June 7. Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, of Dayton Ohio, is visiting he.r mother, Mis. Shively.

Next Sunday wiii be Children's Day services. The proceeds will go to tne Loysville Orphans' Home. The Moller Company, of Hageistown, have completed the putting up of the pipe organ in the Reformed church. The painters are putting the tims'i-ing touches on the Banty house. Mr.

George Neely will occupy the house. The wedding of George M. Ne'rly, of this place, and Miss Maude Maxell, of near Eniilrsluirg, took place, at the home of the bride on Wednesday, June 5th. Invitations to the weeding of Edith Horner, of near this place, and Harper Main, of Shippensburg, on Wednesday June 12th, have been issued. The most aiiiiis'ng game of tiase ball ever played at ibis place was played last Thursday afternoon between our Junior team and a pick up team, composed of boys a lew years their seniors, resulting in a victory for tire Juniors by a score of 25 to 24.

Batieries, Clare Hofnaglo and Russell McCleaf for the Juniors, Grant Hoofnagle and Harry McCleaf for the pick-up. Ed. Gelbacn, of Baltimore, was umpire. Mr. and Mrs.

Christy Frey were called to 1 iwisburg, on account ot the death of Mrs Frey's Harry Baumgardner and family, of Taireytown: George Hoff and wife, of Hanover, spent Decoration Day with H. L. Walter and family. Mrs. Margaret Pc.tterson, of Baltimore, Mrs.

Maggie Martin and Miss Maude Reed, of rountaiudale, were recent guesis of Michael Herring aud tamily! Miss Dollle of Baltimore, Is spending the summer with the sanr family. Mrs. Lewis Wonz, who has been at the hospital for tiie past has returned home. She was undi i-goim; treatment lor her eyes but she received no relief. Dr.

Mackley who look a course medicine, is at home at this 111110. Mr. Samuel Waiter has been called to Harrisburg on account of the illness of his nephew. Mr. and Mrs.

John Reberf, of Philadelphia, spent last week among relatives in and around Ibis place. Mrs. H. H. Hainrs and grandson, of town, are spending some time with Rev.

and Mrs. J. F. Mackley Miss Mattie McGlaugblin, who was clerking at Rouzeiville, has returned nome. Airs.

Ri bert Wal son, who received a fall last winter, is very ill at flits time. 1 Mrs. J. J. Relndollar is not improving any.

The soldiers buried in Cnion cemetery now number III. Two years ago there were 16 or 17. The boys who wore the blue are droping off fast. George F. Sites has a saw mill at work sawing lumber for a new house.

IdavilK Idaville, June 7. Mis3 Addie Miller, of Biglerville, was in town last Thursday mornins. Arthur Myers, an employe of the P. R. was home a few days last week.

Mrs. Mary Adams, of Carlisle, Is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Delp, near town. Mrs. S.

B. Myers and daughter Gretna made a business trip to Carlisle Tuesday morning. Preaching in the United Evangelical Church, Sabbath morulng by the pastor, licv. Moore, of M'. Holly.

Miss Clara Cline, of Carlisle, spent" Sunday with her parents, Mr. David Cline and wife. Misses Ethel Croupe and Ruth Crist visited friends in York Springs last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Jacob Day is III al this writing.

Mr. Ix-Hoy Myers, wife and son Leonard, of Harrisburg, were in town a lew days recently. Mr. Edw. Wright, of Carlisle, warA home over last Sunday.

Mrs. John Klepper, of York, is vis. iting relatives In town this week. Mrs. P.

W. Croupe Is visiting relatives in Lancaster. She will he accompanied Imnie by her daughter. Miss Ma. who will spend the Summer at home, Misses Dora Stock and Annie Wis-otzkey me visiting the family of 1).

B. Myers, at the Station. Horn to JoHn Humes and wife, on last Wednesday, a son. Mr. John C.

Groupe and wife, spent Thursday with the family ot F. A. Asper, at Bermudinn. where business will be transacted un til the proposed handsome new building is completed. Gettys Lodge of Ocb Fellows will meet in the P.

O. S. of A. room on Baltimore street, while the new building is being com-Dieted. The given by the mem hers of Lafayette Post and their friends, of New York, in the Court i louse, Friday evening was one of the most enjoyable held in this place for some time.

A number of good speeches were made and the singing ny several ladies ot the party was excellent. The party left on a special train ou Sunday. Mrs. Josian Prichet met with -nn accident on Thursday evening. She was out driving and came in contact with the large steam roller that to be in the construction of the macadamized road which caused the horse to become frightened and run away, throwing her from the buggy and dragging her some distance until the horse became leg in a wire fence where he was caught.

The lady was somewhat bruised but not seriously, aud some damage done the buggy. W. S. Duttera, of this place, was arrested last week by Game Warden Criswell on the charge of running quicklime and other poisonous substances forbidden by the 26th section of the Act of 1901 for the protection ot fish, into Muskrat Run, a branch of Marsh creek located near his tannery at McKnighlstown, causing many fish to die. He was given a hearing before Justice Hilton on Wednesday morning and was acquit ted, the evidence being insuffieiant to sustain the charge.

Miss Henrietta L. Young died Sun brother-in-law. Dr. G. D.

Stahley, on Seminary Ridge. Miss Young was a nallve of Easton and was thedaugh- u. ir.e ceremony was perfoimed by Bishop James H. Darlington, as sisted Rev. C.

G. Twombly, of St. James church. The Reverend and Memorial services were conducted at Mt. Joy church on Wednesday evening, May 29th, at 6 p.

m. The graves of the departed soldiers who were buried in the cemetery at the church were strewn xwith flowers, after which the audience went into the Sunday school room, where services were conducted. Rev. W. G.

Minnick, pastor of the congregation, offeied prayer and delivered an appropriate address. The following selections were "The Red, White and Blue" and "Blest Be The Tie That Binds." -A number of members of the Sons of Veterans Camp of Gettysburg were present and assisted in the services. A noticble feature was the fact that only a few years ago when tnese services were conducted at Mt. Joy quite a number of survivors ot the war were present to assist in paying a tribute to the memory of their departed comrades, while this year the number was but seven, and any on must realize the fad that ere loiiK they will all have answered the last "roll call" and services ot this kind will be conducted with no survivors ot the wm- to assist, but with nn opportunity for all to pay tribute to, the memory of every one who took i part In that great conflict of 'CI to '(15. Prof, and Hamilton, of body was taken to Easton for in- this place, a student, at.

Irving Col- termenl. lege, was awarded the A W. Lilly TT Rev- Edward Hyde True, rector of Latin Medal by that, tutIon Memorial Cnurch ot the Prince of 'Peace In this place, and Mrs. Eii.a-Gcttysburg College has secured an-! beth C. Marks Fritchey, of Laucas-other game of baseball with Mt.

St. ter were married in St. James Prot-Mary's College, for Monday, June estant Episcopal Cnurch in Lancaster 10, on Nixon Field. As eactf' team at noon on Tuesday. The attendees has won a game, this one promises were Miss Frances Fritchey, Lancas-to be very interesting.

I ter and Charles Trap, of Washington, of this place, is an aunt of Mis Bricker's. Mrs. Susan Zarfoss, of Paradise township and who was well known in this vicinity, died at home of her sister, Mrs. G. A.

Leerone, Yark. tfist. Wednesday, aged do years. She was found dead in bed, having retired in her usual health. Death was due to heara trouble.

Funeral services were held in Lutheran church in Jackson Township on Saturday forenoon. Interment in adjoining cemetery. Rev. T. S.

Geesey officiating. Wenksville. Wcnksville, June 7. Children's Day service will be held in the Lutheran church Sunday morning, June 9th, at 10 o'clock. Miss Oliie Beamer, of Harrisburg, spent the past week with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Beamer. Mr. Clayton Warren wife and daughters, Eva and Nora, visited Reuben Showers and family on Sunday. Mr.

Charles Yeatts, wife and son. G.ige, of Gardner's Visited Lewis Orner and family ou Monday. Miss Lottie Beamer returned home Saturday after spending a month with her sister. M'-s. Harper Black.

Mrs. Joseph Taylor spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Showers Mr.

William Fenton, of near New- ville, visited his aunt, Mrs. Margie Orner over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren of Arendtsville, spent Sunday with Mr Warren's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Ed ward Warren. Mrs. Mervin Black and daughter, Gi'tna, of Stanier's Station, visit ed friends in this vicinity recently. ST CART cIAY NOT HAVE TO SLASH CHARITIES.

Harrlr-bnrg, June 7. Siaro Treasurer Berry's report for M.iy, issued on Tuesday, shows a balance of 801.19 in the general fund, the highest total in recent years. The V.alanre In the sinking fund wfrs l.S79,4:;(:;i(. Tins heavy balance will eicmbilejs have a large influence to prevent Gov ernor Stuart's slashing of charicy ap- proprialions so heavily as he hnd feared he must. of Mrs.

Moter who Is posseded of considerable, wr-altn. Miss Margarte Elliot, of Littles-town, spent a few days recently with her brother Iewis and family. Last Sunday Messrs. Menehey and Riffle were guests of Mr. Albertus Riffle.

Miss Nellie Frlnger is nu of tt.e graduates of Western Maryland College this month. Rev. Whiteside, of Mt. Airy, N. preached to the Taneytown andPin-ey Creek congregations last Sunday Through an error on our part our correspondent's report of the Motter fire, and the death and burial of Chas.

M. Smith, appears else- I where instead of being Incorporated the above items Editor Cold Springs. Fayettcville, K. F. June 7 Rev.

C. H. Hockey, of Waynesboro, was a guest at Cold Springs Mission for two days last week. He preached I wo nights at. the Mission church, and at the White Pine Cap on Friday afternoon.

Chas. Roberts, Philadelphia, spent a few days with his moiher and brother, near the Sanitarium. They were guests at the parsonage at Cold Springs on Sunday. Philip A. Snyder, an! old veleran, Middletown, Dauphin county, formerly of Adams county, spent De uiaiiou uay uere.

ne marched in the ranks with the old soldiers audjWs' wiu milru to Gettysburg called on hi3 sisters, Mrs. Chas. Gil- I "n1 wl" leside 00 T-inPo'n avenue. bert, Mrs. D.

F. Kitzmiller and Mrs Amo" thoBe wn attended the wed- Oiiver Wagner from Gettysburg were Mr. aud The First National Bank wa remov- 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE MEMORIAL SERVICES AT 'MOUNT JOT CHURCH INTERESTING LETTER FROM TANE7T0WN Barlow, 'June 7. Mrs. Jacob Boyd and sou George and hoi" niolhcr-In-law, Mis.

George Boyd, npt-nt a few days last week as the a-nosta nf Mrs. Boyd's daughter, Mrs. Harry G. I Topper, of Waynefcl.oio. There ill be communion at Mt.

Joy church on Sunday morning. June 9, at 10 o'clock; preparatory servic-I es Saturday previous previous at 2 o'clock, by Rev. (i. w. pastor.

11a. ry L. Topper end u.f,,, Waynesboro, is si-ending a few days wjtn Mrs. Topper's motlier, Mrs. Gcirg.

Bovei, of this place. Mm. Elliot White, of Hutchinson. Kansas, Is visiting her sister, Mr3. N.

M. Hoi iter, of this place. Children's Day exercises for Troisier Orphans' Home will be held at Mt. Joy church on Sunday morning, June 23 at 10 o'clock. Mrs.

Samuel Joseph McKinney, of Cumberland tow nship, is visiting her children in HarrLsbnrg this week. Morris Shaietts, of Hanover, was with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E.

Sharetis, ever Sunday. Kerr Lett, of Cumbcri land township. kUlod a black snake UiM week 5'ri feet Wing. Wm. G.

Durboi-iiw, of Cumberland township, killed his dog last week. He thought the aulinal was going mad. TANBYTOWN, June 7. Patriotic sentiments were fully in evidence in our town when people left their labors and same here to witness and participate in the exercises ot' Memorial Day, Seldom if ever were there moie people present on any similar occa Ion, The programme was beautifully rendered, and the eloquent oration of Kev. J.

Stewart Hartman especially worthy of commendation Music was furnished by the Taney- towu and Pleasant Valioy Bauds. The parade, which consisted ot tin? Jift'ereut secret organizations, the firemen and school children, marched to the different cemeteries, and decorated the graves with flowers aud forns. Every available rtpace that could ha secured for hitching horses was lak-en up. Beautiful weather and good roads wero two features that prompted mi many people. to come to town and see the day fittingly observed.

Through the prforts of Mr. Ell Dulterer a neat sum was collected for Mr. Geeng? Sauhl to reimburse him for some of the los.) siti'tained in U.o recent Motter fire. Mr. Sauble tenant on the farm, and being a new beginner, and a hardworking man his loss is more deeply felt than that.

Adams County Independent from Littlestown, Pennsylvania (2024)
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