The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE EVENING NEWS, HARR1SBUHG, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1932 PAGE THREE SOCIAL AND LOCAL PERSONAL NOTES BTT LAST FEEEE SI THIS WEEK'S COME QUICK the guest speaker, were: Miss Ann Clouscr, Miss Catherine Alleman, Miss Helen Hassler, Mrs. Joseph Macklan. Miss Evelyn Stum, Mrs. George Porr, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Bruce Dunlap, Mrs.

G. II. Grube, of Camp Hill; Miss Dorothy George, of Middletown; Mrs. S. C.

Kravbill and Miss Mary Rohrer, of Steelton. Mary George, of Middletown, who has been traveling abroad for the last few months, will show motion pictures of her trip and officers will be elected. Those who attended the alumnae meeting held Saturday afternoon at the Graystones, East Petersburg, Lancaster, when Miss Mary Elsie Johnson, of Lancaster, was SUPER SPECIAL To) ail jr A HOTEL of artlatlc beauty acplHliijedou Pln real reo "SfT surprisingly Juanita Linnekin. They also visited in Sea Isle, Ocean City and Atlantic City. Mrs.

Dorr Crosley and Mrs. Howard Rutherford, of Paxtang, and Mrs. James G. Hatz, 823 North Second street, have gone to Overbrook, to spend several days with Mrs. Rutherford's sister, Mrs.

Spencer Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. George Norton, of Camp Hill, have as their guests, Mrs. Norton's sister, Miss Doris Rogers, of New York City, and Mr.

Norton's sister, Miss Ruth Norton, of Lancaster. They will remain here for some time. Alumnae Meeting Announcement has been made that the Penn State Alumnae of the Harrisburg District will meet Saturday afternoon, May 28, at 1 o'clock at Barberry Manor. Miss MIL Vlow cost. TRAYMOHE ATLANTIC CZTV N.J.

HOTEL ACHIEVEMENT YHB PRB-EM1NENT "CoiitaisiBes Until Every Item Is Sold" It has been many a year since the people of Central Pennsylvania have enjoved such a wonderful opportunity to buy truly fine furniture at such drastic reductions. Remember this is a bonafide REMOVAL SALE and every item of merchandise in the entire stock MUST BE SOLD regardless of costs, profit or losses. The best bargains are going fast so don't delay making your selections another day. nPIIE Athletic Club of the St. Francis Holy Name Society will hold a card party and dance this evening at 7.45 o'clock in the Madrid Ballroom.

Joseph McDonald is chairman general in charge of the Several folo dances will be given by Miss Virginia Smith, Miss Jane Wolf, Miss Anna Kane and Miss Mary Marcus. A number of prizes will be awarded. Mrs. A. B.

Grubmeyer, 612 North Sixteenth street, left today for New York, to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. llaag and their daughter, jean Annalee, and Mr. and Mrs.

Richard B. Clark, of New Cumberland, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deichler, of Silver Springs. Israel Furman, 400 North street, spent the week-end in Havre de Grace where he attended the races.

The Gleaners' Class of the Shoop's Lutheran Church will present two plays on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Memorial Lutheran Church, Seventeenth and State streets. Miss Helen Reid, of Washington, has returned to her home after spending some time in this city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid, 2425 North Second street, and Miss Anna Reid, 405 Kelker street. rpiIE Men's Bible Class of the Harris Street Evangelical Church, Harris and Susquehanna streets, held its monthly business meeting and social last night in the social rooms of the church.

R. II. Walton, president of the class, presided. One of the features was a mock wedding. Refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Yates Catlin, 221 South Fifteenth street, Camp Hill, will have as their guest for sev SUGGESTIONS FOR THE COMFORT AND How Do Women in the Movies Manage? Beautiful Suite in Walnut HEALTH OF HIS MAJESTY. THE TfTJ Filming a picture means weeks) ot ROYAL AMERICAN BABY Bottle Warmers Egg Cookers Heating- Pad Electric Fan Sun Ray Lamp work without a pause. The star can't stop because she is "indisposed 1" Monthly sickness does not excuse her.

If you know some woman who is in pictures, she will tell you how Hollywood women manage on days they menstruate. Try to find even cirl who 4-Pe. Bedroom Suits in walnut finish. The laat one to go at $3950 4-Pe. Bedroom Suite 50-inch Dresser, Hollywood Vanity, Bed and Kobe.

Only 2 more to Bell. Price was 108.00. Must go at Odd Walnut Finished Dressers Priced during this sale as low as $950 Ercn Beds Walnut finish. Priced as low as All Cotton Mattress $4.50 All Layer Felt Mattress $12.00 Cinderella Washer i -j Scrvel Refrigerator All Appliances Demonstrated Without Obligation YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD USE IT! doesn't carry Midol with her! Midol was a marvelous discovery. It isn't harmful.

It isn't a narcotic But it acts in seven minutes ends all menstrual pain or discomfort for hours at a stretch 1 Just ask for Midol at any drug store. A PLAYTHING will be presented to each child brought into our store during BABY WEEK May 2 to 7 This 4-Pc. Suite in walnut has 50-inch Dresser, full size Bed, large Vanity and Rgbe. Only one of these Suites left to sell. The price $ls $185.00, will be closed out at And Why Not Surprise MOTHER with an ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE for MOTHER'S DAY eral days, Miss Leah Losh, of Lewisburg.

Miss Losh will arrive tomorrow. Mrs. Stephen F. Boland, 2025 Green street, and her son, John, and Mrs. Eugene W.

Martin, of New Cumberland Manor, have returned home after a visit in Vine-land, N. where) they were the guests of Mrs. Martin's aunts, Miss Vera Linnekin and Miss Imteco Cream Coffee Indorsed By Patriot-News Cooking School Delivered by our 14 trucks anywhere within a radius of 50 miles. Use it and get your "Coffee Satis Mm Use it in closets in chests also in electric cleaners. For sale at drug and department stores.

iTiii mi faction." Imperial Tea 205! Chestnut or 1112 South 18th; Street. i 434-436 MARKET STREET MIL Cabinet Smoker New style bound to be popular with "dad" or any "him! Heavily made, mahogany or walnut finish! Humidore cop-per lined and fitments of the best! 1 KM Permanent Sf15 Waves brat in irrj Jlurrlshuix regard Ipr of tirirfl 1 LA MAY BEAUTY SHOP Tlflll JittO I nr. SPRING at the IT Flk $6.00 Values Now $2.50 Metal Smokers Now Protect Your Valued Furs and Cloth Coats Goodman Offers the Cogswell Chairs Like illustration in velnur and denim. $24.00 Cf) Value wJM Cogswell Chairs Covered in Jacquard Velour including spring seat Ottoman. s36.oo tiQ en 9 mm E3 AJ I 50c J.norLrt in ivnlnut nr cnld tea DQQi hliu flliislies, J5S nluen, uv i.

iVU Priscilla Sewing Cabinets Now 13 N. FOURTH ST- SI. 00 Magazine liaskcts. Now Oil) at no Most Convenient and Economical Plan and the Only Furrier's Marvelous Savings on Smart New Dresses We have divided our new spring dresses in two groups at low prices that will thrill the particular, but economical woman. These newest dresses are made in the most desirable of this season's materials; and are styled in the manner found only in real expensive dresses.

We are offering them at these two low prices for a few days only and urge you to make your selections early. ALL LIVING ROOM SUITES MUST GO AT PRICES FRO LI Cold Storage in the LADIES' SPRING FALL f*ck TRIMMED City AO Fm 7 Coats Cleaned LIKOLEUM AMD FLOOR COVERINGS Rubber Door Mata, 18x30 size, value $1.00, 3c Cocoa Door Mats, stenciled borders: valui $2.50, at $1.25 ConRoleum Runners, 24 inches wide, value yard 39c Connolpum Mats, 18x36 2jc Aminster Hall Runners, 27-inch by 9-feet lonit, value $9.00, at $1.93 Inlaid Linoleum, value $2.23 sq. $1.00 JohnRon's Floor Wax, qt. size, $1.50, now 93c lt. size, 73c.

now size. 43c, now 1 lb. Taste Wax, 80c, now $1.25 Johnson's Floor Mop Bottle Liquid Wax 7Rc ATS $1 ALSO ALL $3.50 And Fus Chokers Red, Gray and Brown Foxes up Repairing Special Low I'ricea 7 AWNINGS AND PORCH SCREENS WINDOW AWNINGS Green and white; also orange and green. Complete Ready to Hang. 30 Inches Wide at $1.00 36 Inches Wide at $1.25 42 Inches Wide at $1.30 PORCH SCREENS Wide, wood slata.

Complete. AH 7 ft. 6 in. lonp 6 ft. at $1.50, 8 ft.

at $6.50, 10 ft. $7.30 GRASS RUGS 9x12 value $14.50, at $8.50 8x10 value $10.00, at 6x12 value $10.00, at $3.50 4.6x7.6 value $6.00, at $3.73 CURTAINS, DOMESTICS ETC. Ruffle and Criss-Cross Curtains, fn Muslin, Grenadine, Voile, Marquisette. All 2'i yards long. Values up to $1.50 and $2.50, now 50c, Tanel Curtains in Voiles, Marquisettes and Silks.

All 2i yards long. $1.50 and $3 values, now 59C, $1.25 Figured Chintz, all colors. Yard 25o Silk Damask, 36 or 50-inch width $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 values, now 50c, 90r Figured Denims and Cretonnes, can be used far slip covers, $1.00 and $1.25 values. Now, per yard White, Ecru and Colored 'ets; 50c values 25c RUGS 2 of Valuation For $15.00 Dresses For Dresses SEffiJ -Including Insurance We Will Call Anytime, Anywhere Without Any Extra Charge. Phone 3177 GOODMAN'S 69 Wilton Rugs, $69.50, at 6x9 Axminster Rurs, S22.50, at $10.50 6x9 Velvet RuKs, $17.50, at $9.7.1 6x9 Tapestry Ruks, at $7.93 6x9 Wool (reversible) $16.00, at 6x9 Fibre (reversible) $10.00, at $3.00 9x12 Wilton, $98.00.

jit 9x12 Axminster, $59.00, at $29.50 9x12 Wool, $32.00, at $19.50 8.3x10.6 Wiltons, $89.00. at $45.00 8.3x10.6 Axminster, $39.50, at $22.50 8.3x10.6 Tapestry; $22.00, at $12.95 7.6x9 Wool, $22.30, at $13.50 Silk Bed Spreads, which sold from $4.50 to $9.00, now $2.25 to $3.95 Wool Ruirs Hooked Rugs at Trice Window Shades, all 7-ft. length; values 83c to $1.50, now 49c to 89c Oval Rajr Rurs, 24x36 59c Jute Velvet Rug, 18x40 COMFORTS AND BLANKETS Cotton-filled Comforts, silkaline covered, 6 value, at $2.23 Wool-filled Comforts, sateen covered, $8 value, at $3.00 Tart-Wool Blanket, single, size 66x80, value $1.50, at 69c Wool Blankets, single, size 70x84, values $5.00, at $1.89 Wool Blankets, 70x84, all colors, value $13.00. at $3.93 Tart Wool Blankets, 66x80, $6.50 values, at "URS EXCLUSIVELY 323 N. Second St.

(Formerly at 207 Market St.) You'll enthuse at the extra smart styles and the superior quality of these beautiful dresses that we have reduced for quick selling. A 1 1 wanted colors and styles are represented in group. This marvelous group of dresses are of-fered at' a price lower than we have ever marked this quality of dress. The selections are wide in both colors and materials. All sizes in group.

$1.00 Parchment Lamp Shades. All Sizes Including Floor Lamp Sizes. Now "DON'T MISS THESE VALUES" Lawn Mower, lloosier Kitchen Cabinets. $59.75 values, iDUf now $1.00 Fan Trellis. 6 and 8 ft.

Now UUL 54.5U $11. $12 $13.50 Bird Cages r.ts.':rd: ss.oo Green Folding Settees that were $6.50, (PO QQ now 5.70 5-Pc. Breakfast Sets SI 1.50 1 VAC 11 a 1 1 6 Now S8.50 JTrsv ggraas Fibre Ferneries gj Ferneries Corner Second and Locust Streets now On Sale in Our Second Floor Better Dress Department Mi" mm.

The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.