The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE ELEVEN If You Want to Sell Your Used Auto Phone a Want Ad to The Patriot-News Bell or Dial HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MONET TO LOAN Patriot-News Want Ads SUBJECT of each well-written classified ad in THE PATRIOT NEWS is shown by the first words, read in connection with the classification heading. You save time when you use PATRIOT-NEWS classified, because you don't have to read through every ad in order to find out what it's about. "Buyers and sellers read and use PATRIOT-NEWS ads. They won't take time to read catchy headlines. They want to know the facts quickly.

Ask'a PATRIOT-NEWS Want Ad Taker to index your ad for you. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE City (Continued from Preceding Column) BARBER Good colored barter wanted. $20 per week guaranteed. 60 on the dollar, barber making over $100 per month, white trade. Write Ulyse Grant Crampton.

Tyrone. Pa. ROTS Over 1 vaara lM to leant to cut shoes. Dauphin Shoe 320 Market street. i BSLLM AN Wanted.

Apply Hotel Col- umbos. CLERK Experienced ehoe clerk waated, Apply at 140T Norm aixtn street. CLOTHING SALESMEN The Glob has positions open for experienced jnen clothing salesmen. Good salaries. None but experienced men need apply.

CLERICAL WORK Man for clerical work in wholesale packing boose. Salary to start 118, with an excellent opportunity for advancement to right party. (4-A. man in seleottve draft preferred). Reply In own handwriting, giving reference.

Address aon M. COOKS Sxparieneed maJa cook wanted at Senate Hotel. COLLECTOR Wanted at one at Collins Co. DRIVER For delivery truck, man 85 or over, prererrea. Koenig vera, is North Seventh street.

ELECTRICIANS Wtremsn and helpers wanted at once. Apply HARRISBTTRO LIGHT ANfi POWER CO. Wm. S. Stewart.

Tenth, above Walnut St, GROCERY CLERK One with experience wanted; about 40 years of age preferred. Must be honest and reliable. Good references required. Apply "Grocery," care j'atrioi-New. HIGH SCHOOIi OY Over IS years of age wanted to work on mall, 2.30 to t.SO a.

m. Apply 4 to .0 p. m. at FATJUOT-EvJnINC NEW! PRESS, ROOM HOUSEMAN Colored single houseman wanted; experienced, 110 per week with board and room. Aatres to bu oxi, care ratnot-New.

LABORERS Wanted for railroad con-structlon at Rutherford. Apply at Federal Employment Office. Third and North streets, between 0 and a. m. Brine; thlf 'ad" wltn you.

Bennett ana rtanoau LABORERS Good men wanted 1 steady work. Apply Junior High cjhoes. Ivth and Chestnut Bt. LABOREKS Wanted to lead it one; place work; J-n to $3S per week. Apply at quarries.

Hodman Bros. Wilson, Sard street and 1. ana naiiroaa. LA THE HANP Good engine lathe hand wanted te break in on Tool Room Work; excellent opportunity te develop lnts Tool Maker. AMERICAN BRONZE CORPORATION Berwyn, Penna.

LABORERS WANTED APPLY- AT ONCE V. JJCWIN PENN-HARRI9 HOTEL LABORERS Wanted good reliable men for scrap' Iron yards, good wages. Apply at efflce, SILBERMAN 45 s. Second street. LABORERS Wanted at once.

Apply Hbg. Mtg. ana noner tyin ft Perry St. LABORERS Wanted. Apply to H.

waiter at iai)u uerry street, LABORERS Wanted. Apply to S. W. Shoemaker Son, Seventh and Harris streets, MACHINISTS WANTED To work on, Steam Turtlneg for 17. 8.

Destroyer at Frie, Penns. Borinf Mill Hand Floor Hands Bench Hands Milling Machine Set-up Men Steady Permanent Work Good Wages Exceptional opportunities' and a good future for first-class men. See Representative at U. 8. Dep't.

of Labor Third and North Streets 9 to 12 a. m. 3 to 4 p. m. MAN Wanted at onee.

One whs can speak foreign language. Call at Metro- poutan Jiotei, asu tor Mr. uavis. MEN Wanted to do grinding, oee with WMMfl WIHIMHV. IV1I.UIII- Wilt WVUlllf, good pay and bonus, Harrisburg Foundry si Machine Works, Harrisburg, Pa.

MECHANICS Two experienced automobile mechanics wanted st onee te work In the most modern equipped garage in Central Pennsylvania. Apply at MAC'S OARAGE 11T-119-121 S. Third Street MAN Good reliable delivery man wanted. must have rsterences, experience. Ap- ply N.

Freldberg, Becond and Cherry Sis. MAN Reliable man, above draft age, (Continued from Preceding Column) tinil VI I Ajax steam engine and boiler on steei iiuv.i im new, cuuuavior equipment end rainlina cnfirinAiL flail Rell nhon. 1 3008-J. -v BUILDING MATERIAL All material of the Lee property for sale. Apply Samuel risnman.

lenox lioteL BUS BODY One twenty-nve or thirty passenger bus body, at sacrifice; body ta practically new, having curtains, electric ally equipped; closed doors, cross seats. Inquire Selden Truck Distributors, 1021-23-25 Market St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE For sale, at once at 365 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE Complete set of blacksmith including tools and electric. wsiaut Bteeiton.

MACHINERY Complete outfit for sale; almost new. Call Hell 4G04-M. FURNITURE Quartered oak dining room suite, for ssle. Inquire 1212 Mulberry SL FOR SALE 300.000 feet of lumber. 2iH: 6x8; flooring, 3x5; one inch and 2x5; l.uvu.wiu Driciis.

Appiy to Samuel Fish man, Lenox Hotel. QUININE Look out for that ariDne feel ing weather, our LAXATIVE! PHOSPHO-6UIN1NB will stave it oft if taken in time, uross- urng store, llg Market SL CLOSING OUT Below cost, immense stock new carpets, furniture, stoves, lino leum, xingst, ront ana Cumberland. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS 110 uo: reasonable terms for traded and rebuilt typewriters: all makes bought, sold, exchanged. Geo. P.

Tillotson. 203 Locust Ntreet. TALKING MACHINES Promptly and careruiiy repairea oy an expert only, Oyler'a 14 8. 4th St. STONE 2000 perch of stone for sale.

Ap ply lanman, i.enox otei. The store Just across from Y. W. C. A.

Is wortn knowing; we are famous for low prices; give us a trial. Straw Hats Men's Suits Boys' Suits Men's Trousers Union Suits Men's Shoes Oftc up f7.ou up 13.95 up 11.25 up 95c up up OUTLET CLOTHING CO. 23 N. 4th St Open eveninsSj UNREDKKMED TRUNKS For sale at bargain prices. N.

Brenner, 1315 North Third street. PUBLIC SALE BEST AUCTION HEHV1CU AUCTIONEER HITS Bell 1875-J. SERVICES OFFERED BABY CARRIAGES Retired and repaired, work guaranteed; work done while you wait. Call H. Vhler.

17th and Derry streets. WHITE'S DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg. All kinds of detective work handled; one eye always open. Bell 439D. FURNITURE CRATED And china packed for shipment.

J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. PLUMBINO Heating and Gas Fitting. AU work guaranteed.

Harry S. Lul, 212 verDeKe st. Ben NOTARY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. Walsh. Senate Hotel.

7 HO. SCREENS Get your screens from Sheaffer. 2221 Logan St. Bell phone. RE1TER BROS.

Electrical contractors, 1003 N. Third St, Both phones. RANGES REPAIRED All work guaranteed; prices reasonable. G. W.

Himes, 10 N. Second street. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladles in separate diningroom. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED at Sanitary Barber Shop, 3rd and Cumberland Sts. Mail orders requested.

TALKING MACHINES Of all kinds repaired by an expert; all work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2304-H. or 1504 Howard avenue. UPHOLSTERING Furniture crated for shipment. Chair recaning.

C. James Toomey, 150 Linden St. 1'bone 1948-M. WANTED CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE Will pay the beat cash prlees for seeond hand shoes, furniture, clothing and stoves; all kinds mlseellasnous, eity or country, A trial will convince you. 824 Reily St.

Bell 1061-M. CAPITAL CITY JUNK CO, 10th Mulberry Its. Highest prioes paid for rags, paper, iron, etc. DIAMONDS, bought for cash; appraisers for estate. P.

H. Caplan Co, 200 Market. BARRELS All (empty) kinds; highest prices paid; also junk. Call Bell 4275. B.

Abrams Son, 824-82 N. Tth St. CLOTHING, SHOESj FURNITURE Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkln.

407 Broad St. Bell phone 3370-J. FURNITURE 2nd-hand bo't; high prices paid. A. Lane, 1022 Market.

Bell 4730-J. HRN1TUKE Stoves, carpets, etc, 2nd-hand wanted; highest prices paid. 9 Gold. 1014 Market St. Bell 4085-J.

GENERATOR AND ENGINE 30 kilowatt direct current, direct connected 110 volt, generator and engine wanted. Also 100 horse-power return Tubular steam boiler. State lowest price. Address P. O.

Box 105, Harrisburg. Pa. GUINEA PIOS 5 female: state price and la. 1 il .1 1 a li 1. 1 Pt, Steelton, Pa.

RAGS, paper, rubber, scrap Iron, etc, boufcht; wholesale and retail. Call Ameri-can Ra Metal and Junk 673 Brlggs. WOOD-r-Old wooden house or any kind of wood wanted. Apply to Frank Capan. 434 S.

10th et, city. UPHOLSTERING Also furniture bought and sold. Try Newark Cowan, 308 Broaa WELL DRILLER An artesian well driller wanted near Camp Hill. Apply to Jacob Ambrose, 226 Chestnut olty. WE buy and sell furniture.

M. Schwartt, 1O30 Market Bell 3971-R. CTnl? nx. -is vrt Mnnvn AbTtffill'l'K SrtRVlSA everywhere, any- wnere, -runmure, pianos, parties, welter, 193.1 Derry. 943-R Bell.

AUTO HAULING Anything; anywhere. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Anything; anywhere. Star Transfer, 612 Wiconisco SL Dial 4178.

FREIGHT HAULING Of all kind. Weaver Son, Si eel ton and Harrisburg. Both phones. FOR RENT About 2000 square feet oi floor space, third floor, at 301 Cumberland street; suitable for tterage of any kind; use of elevator. Inquire uf J.

Sidney 8ible, 801 Cumberland street. HAULING of all kinds. Call Maclay St. Transfer. Bell 4290-J.

S116 N. 7th. HAULING- Auto or team; anywhere: reasonable; phone. Conrad Bros. 445 Broad.

HAULING Local and long distance; at reasonable rates; prompt service. Ac B. Motor Express, 1427 N. 8rd SL Bell phone 1479-J. HAULING Of motor trucks of all kinds.

W. J. Mirton, 24U1 Herr St, Penbrook, Pa. Bell 1754-J. LOCAL EXPRESS Ana long distanoe hauling; anything, anywhere: rate reasonable.

E. K. Ualtoxer, 458 Crescent St, Dial phone 6965. MOVING AND HAULING Automobile trucks; local or long distance: rates rea-sonable. Call Bell phone 623-J.

MOaI NG Anything, anywhere, two large motor trucks, specializing in moving. A C. HAWTHORNE, 748 8. 21st. Dial 6059.

PENBROOK AUTO TRANSFER All kinds of draylng and moving. Call Bell phone 3694-J. Dial 5968. STORAGE Household goods and merchandise. A Reeder Ferriday.

101 N. Cameron SL Dial 3044. Bell 398-M. RAFFENSBERGER'S Motor Express Harrisburg, Philadelphia and New York. 904 Market Harrisburg.

Ball S358-J. Quick service. Prompt delivery. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof warehouse: 83 per month and up; lower etorare rates la non-fireproof warehouse. Harrisburg Storage Co, 437-445 S.

Second St. STORAGE Household gcnuls snd merchandise st 419 Broadi, reasonable price; also hauling. D. Cooper Co. Phone.

MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On diamonds, jewelry and all valuables; uncalled for goods tor sale at bargain price. CHAS. ARONSON Reliable Jeweler and Pawnbroker 422 MARKET STREET (Continued from Preceding Column) BEVERAL BOYS Over sixteen. Apply Fifth Floor, Patriot-News. TWO YOUNG MEN Wanted; must have salesmen ability.

Call, Metropolitan Ho tel. Mr. Davis, Room -'04. tRlirK DRIVER Reliable truck driver: most have experience and first-class ref- eren ces. Apply st 4U N.

-rentn 6t. TINNERS AND TINNER8' HELPERS Wanted at once. Apply at U0 Mulberry street. TRUCK PRIVBR Alse Taxlcab driver wanted. Ap- ply te CITY TRANSFER CO.

OFFTCS Pennsylvania Railroad Station or UPTOWN OFFICE 16 North Second Street WATCHMAN Reliable man wanted, good wages. Apply Williams Freedmao. Bixtn street Below rionman no. UIlUTtfll II 1 Ifl P. 1 or ever.

Apply to Foreman of Press Room, WANTED Several boys. 16 years or over. Apply to Fifth Floor, Patriot-Evening News. WAREHOUSE MEN Wanted. Apply at Gmerson-Brantinghan implement 10th and Market street.

See Mr. Adams at Ninth street door. TOUNO MAN -J: We can place you in a business which Is useful, Interesting and profitable. We have the largest plant in the world for the manufacture 'of telephone equipment. There are several openings In our telephone switchboard branch tor young men 18 to 65.

No experience necessary. Liberal salary to vtart; good prospects for advancement. Our new proposition is unusually attractive. Write or call 8 a. m.

to 4 P- m. Address wvcrrp.BM vivfrnir. Tvn 306 S. CAMERON HARRISBURG. PA.

A Arm of World Wide reputation offers a bright boy, or young man, an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to equip himself with a business training, upon which he can eventually gollect a dividend. if. J. HEINZ 4th Kelker Stt, H. MARKS SON.

Fourth and M-vrket. require the services of a young man abffut 17 or IS years of age, -for Men's Furnishing Department. Apply MR. RACHMAN HELP WANTED Male and Female CLERK Wanted to handle general trade in cigars and sods. Apply ecu ray Drug store.

Front and Locust street, Steelton, Pa. SALESMEN LIVE-WIRE SALESMEN 10 to 18 live-wire salesmen wanted, between the ages of S3 and 45 years; very liberal salary. For appointment Call Bell SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE NURSE With hospital "training and long experience wisnes nursing an connnemeni cases and general sickness. Call or address 634 South Seventeenth street, city. Terms reasonable.

DAY'S WORK Colored lady wants house work by the day, can furnish references. Ca 11 at S29 South Fourteenth street. YOUNG WOMAN TEACHER Desires room and board In private family, mil district preferred. Address Box 4, Shippensburg, Pa. COOK A middle-aged woman wishes position a plam cook or housekeeper.

Address Marie Vernon, General Delivery, Harrisburg Post Office. HOTEL WORK Of any kind wanted irom a. m. to 2 p. m.

uaii or aaureas au Nortn Tentn street. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged white" lady wants to keep house for widower, or private family, can furnish references. Call at 40 South Court street. STENOGRAPHER Lady desires position: graduate of High, School and School of Commerce. Address to Box 6724, care Patriot-Newt SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR Desires position driving car lor privat family.

Apply Jai Apricot St. MAN Above draft age, wishes to work IP morning from 7 to 12. Call Bell INSTRUCTION EXPERT TRAINING in Commercial, Civil Service and Secretarial Courses. We give intensive training and sell tuition at cost. All graduates earning big money.

Write for catalogue. Bell 704-R. Harrisburg Shorthand School, B. J. Hoke, M.

C. Principal, 81 North Becond street. ENGINEER Mechanioal engineer who has had years experience, in the care of both steam and gas engines, boilers and pumps; also steam 'fitter and all-around mechanic desires position. Address to Box 6740, Care Patriot-News. ATTEND THE OLDEST AND BEST BUSINESS SCHOOL, IN HARR1BUKO Organised In 1M4, fully accredited.

School of Commerce, Troup Building. 16 South Markut Square, School all Summer. Send for catalogue. Bell 486. Dial 489S.

OPERATOR SCHOOL Elliott-Fisher Operator School has been organised, locally, to teach order-writing billing and bookkeeping. Splendid op- -portunity for young men and women, ambitious to obtain a practical business training. Elliott-Fisher Operators receive good compensation and are always tn demand. PHONE 4861. CALL OR WRITS IDLLIOTT-FISHER COMPANY ItOOMS FOlt RENT BRIGGS 413 Four unfurnished rooms, on third tioor lor light bousekeep- ing; au conveniences.

MARKET 61B Metropolitan Annex-; Clean luruiiina Hnrai) nut tail cola water, pnonc; ratgg per wests ana up MARKET 1308 One furnished front room. Housekeeping privileges. All eon-eniences. WALNUT 1547 Two rooms for rent; furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. PLEASANT FURNISHED OR UNFUR- N1SHED ROOM On second floor wanted by business woman, best of references.

Address to Box 6756, Care Patriot-News. 2ND Q0 Bedroom, sitting room ana osinror single gentleman. 2nd ST, 402 Two communicating bed rooms on secona noor; running water; suitaaie ror two or more persona fTH 22 Two furnished rooms lur tinui iivuacaeeyiitg, atfio one lur nished room for all conveniences. nee oi pimnq 6TH 2709 Furnished rooms and ooarq. an conveniences.

$RD ST, 1315 OoiT'furnlshed room for rent, in aparNpect. inquire on second rjoor. 17TH ST, 77 Two large unfurnished rooms, an conveniences, electric lignt, steam heat. 13th ST, 147 Furnished room in pri-. vate family for lady or couple; all conveniences; 1 per week.

(Continued from Preceding 'Column) FORD Light delivery truck for sale. L. Marks. Highepire. Pa.

FOR SALE; Ford touring car, special body, crown fenders; one man top; At-water Kent ignition; bargain to quick buyer. Apply. Mao's Garage. 117 South rnira street. fOR SALE 1914 Ford touring; good condition.

Apply Macfia Garage, 117 South Third street. PACKARD Roadster for sale, rh good running order; a bargain at $450. Mac's Garage. 117-119-121 S. Third street.

MAC'S GARAGE Now open for business at 117 South Third street. Storage, accessories, tires. Ford parts and expert Ford service. MAC Two-ton second hand truck; dirt cheap. Apply Denby galea 1205 capital Bt.

MAXWELL 1917 touring car, run less then 8UOO miles, will sell cheap to Quick buyer. C. T. Hess. Long street.

Camp Hill. OVERLAND Roadster, late model, A-l condition; will be sold cheap to quick Buyer, aneaae p. ju arris, 1011 Vernon or Bell 926-M. REGAL Touring, electrio lights, Studebaker touring, 3S5; Oanland touring. I40U; Harley motorcycle, $74, Borst.

Linglestown. Pa. KISSEL KAR Roadster, wire wheels, good tires, olive drab paint and all equip, meat. Apply to M. Brenner A Sons Motor Co, Third and Hamilton Sts, SECOND-HAND CARS For sale.

Apply at Rex Garage, 1917 N. Third street. WE WILL BUY your second-hand Ford touring, roadster or delivery car. Will pay you a good price. See us first.

Mao's Garage, authorised Ford service sUlion. Ib0g-10 Logan street. VELjE Touring car, for sale. Inquire 1 1. .1 1 iins i i- 1-.

jjiai: a unlaid uvwiii in oi. VELIE 5-paasenger, 1917 touring car, run 6000 miles; car has four extra tires, and is in good condition. Price 81000. Bible till ri.m).nr I. nil 11.111,1., MV I.IIW VIM Truck for sale; In flrst class condition; just like new; cheap.

Inquire 1205 Capital St. WILLYS-KNIGHT "-passenger car; good as new; will sold cheap. Apply to M. Brenner- Sons Motor Co, Third and Hamilton Sts. FLANDER Small touring car- for aale price 8375.

Horat, Linglestown, Pa. TWO SEVEN-PASSENGER TOURING CARS In excellent condition; Jeffries and Overland; offered at low prices on account of enlistment. Call Bell 488-J, or address to Box 58S1, ear Patriot-News. WILLYS-SIX Seven-passenger- 191T model. In excellent condition; tires good; will demonstrate.

E. W. SHANK, 29 N. Cameron SL AUTOMOBILES WANTED AUTOMOBILE Second-hand roadsler or touring car wanted: late model, fully equipped; must be in flrst class condition. State lowest cash price.

Address p. u. box 188, Hamsourg, pa. ROADSTER Used; goodxuidition; will linjr cmu, must ue i eusuutiuiu. A gen ur fnrage owners do not reply.

Apply Bos AM 6VERLAND One 5-passenger Overland In A-l shape and one Michigan o-nas- senger ear in A-l shape, for sale, cheap to quick buyer. Appiy to J. p. Huuser, 1719 Penn street. TRUCKS 3 or 5-ton dump trucks wanted lor contract work.

H. w. Eckenrode, 4u crescent Bt, Bell pnone 43J5-J. FORD If you have a Ford touring car iur Hie, Willi a eouu engine va waeaiy payment plan apply 1531 Derry street, between 7 to 12, mornings. WANTED TO BUY a Chevrolet touring car; must be in good condition and 1917 or 1918 model.

Give full Information and lowest cash price. Address to Box 5759, Care Patriot-News. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES PARTS FOR SALE for all makes of ears. J. N.

Kily. 1807 N. 7th St. Dial 1195. EXIDK BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed; auto repairing, electrio work a specialty.

Excelsior Auto and Battery 11th and Mulberry streets. AUTO TOPS, Seat Covers, Curtains, Cush ions ana ngnis sewea in, Ben eosn, n.ey stone Auto Top 1018 Market St. TIRES With the present high price of casings It is very expensive to operate car. Most people don't know what a great saving there is in factory blemished tires. Why don't you learn.

We SELL them, HAMILTON TJRB CO, 250 HAMILTON ST. AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE One new Peerless, one i.ient Mi umok; reasonable rates. Bell 23(i0; Dial 4914; City Oarage. Har-risburg. Pa.

MOTORCYCLES AND JBICYCLES HARLSY-D AVISOS' Motorcycle with side oar, tools, a-speeds, in best condition, just overhauled, cash terms. Call between S.80C6.80 o'clock, 817 C'slder street. BICYCLES BICYCLES New end rebuilt bicycles at very attrae- ve prioes; guaranteed repairing; some lere and get a square deal, H. F. ESTBRBROOK 12 N.

Third Street Dial 8990 INDIAN 1910 model, motorcycle, with side ear for sale at 1826 N. Cameron St. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE And side car for sale; 7 H. 8 speed; just been overhauled. Call Bell phone 1536-M, or apply etauneri riestaurant, ask ror wn uuisti.

MOTORCY0 LE 8 Used motorcycles wanted we pay cash; see as before sac. riflcing elsowhere. Excelsior Cycle Co, 1007-09 N. Third St. Call, write or pUone.

Open evenings. Bell phone. MOTORCYCLES One 11.16) Harley-Davl-son electric, on Indian and ooe Reading' Standard motorcycles, all in first-elase condition, will be sold cheap, tall at 1227 North Sixth street. MOTORCYCLE Wanted to buy 1916 or -1917 Harley-Davison motorcycle with or without side car; will pay spot cash. Call Bell phone 4890-J.

Ask for Charles Lyona MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE HARLBY-DAVISON 5 H. in good running order A rare bargain at 842.50, INDIAN 4 H. A-l ehape. A snap at 145.00. YALE 9 H.

2-spaed; Just overhauled; a powerful machine; dirt cheap at READING STANDARD 11 H. 8-spsed, speedometer, klaxon, bead light and Presto tank, ready to rid at 813U. EXCELSIOR 10 h7" overhauled at factory and as good as new to quick buyer, 8120. EXCELSIOR 10 H. Just being overhauled; a good investment for anyone at 887.50.

Call and secure one of these machines by placing deposit Call and see them. Firestone Tubes, 28x3 for this week only, 82.00. We bave on hand a few dosen Cordovan 1 grins, the classisst you ever aw, usually sells from 810 to (12, while they last, 86 pair; best value in the city. Get yours now. They can not be duplicated.

EXCEL8I0RCYCLB CO, 1007-09 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. Open every evening Bell phone Bargains In Everything for the Motorcyclist and Bicyclist. GARAGE DEWBERRY ST, 115 Private garage for rent, use of water end electric lights.

CAHK'S GARAGE General auto repairing, rear of Second and Forster streeta BIBLE'S GARAGE Third and Cumberland Sts. storage on two floor; oil. gasoline, air, accessoriea GARAGES AND REPAIRING AUTO-RADIATORS repaired at the Harrisburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 N. 3rd. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE.

Special rates. Call and let me explain. A. L. Hall, 303 Patriot Building: Bell phone 724.

BOAT While pin boat for sale. Call Dial 6983. BOOKS 20,000 new, old snd rare book, to up. Auiand 925 N. Third SL (Continued from Preceding Column) MONEY LOANED On diamonds, watches, jewelry, guns, etc City Loan Office, Chas.

Krauss. prop, 411 Market street. MONET AT LEGAL RATES In sums of 815.00 and upwards; we want every housekeeper and working man la Harrisburg to know the Equitable System of loaning monev. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT Entire Second Floor, i S. Market Sq.

Member Chamber of Commerce MONEf TO LOAN Any amount loaned ea diamond, jewelry and watches; lowest rate in city. MAX REITER Co. 18 N. Fourth SL WE LEND MONEY In compliance wltn Act of July 1915, to individuals In need of ready cash, small loans a specialty; business confidential payments to suit borrower's convenience; positively lowest rstes In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.

117 Walnut St. MONEY FOR COAL and ether necessities, advanced te honest working people, without bank credit at legal rates on furniture, real estate or fuiuiccu uviea. jouy your Coal BOW. ielp the Government and insure comfort for yourself and family next Winter, and incidentally, save money. We give you twelve months to pay the loan It yen wish.

You pay only for the actual time yon use the money. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN INVESTMENT CO, 204 Chestnut Street Hour to Saturday evening nntll ft. PETS AND LIVESTOCK DOG Full bred Scottish terrier dog for tale; 18 months old; can be registered. Address to Box B640. care Patriot-News.

POULTRY AND SUP PLIE8 CHICKENS Pen of brown Leghorn hens mr Mia. oeii joeo-rl CHICKENS Leghorn hens for sale at deliveries twice a week, Beaufort Farms, Harrisburg. Bell phone 9965-R2; phone or write your order MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RECORDS If you can't find that record for your talking machine anywhere, try Stauffer's, 1213 North Third os Bell phone, 342-J. Open evenings. TALKINQ MACHlNESPromptiy and carefully repaired by an expert only.

Oyler'a. 14 South Fourth Street. ROOFING AND SPOUTIXgV SIiAO. Slate and Tile Roofs; Damp and Waterproofing; Carey KoodngProducts. 110 vrarurn rami ana JlspairiQ VQ, iviti 111 mutiny.

ROOFING Spouting; jobbing a specialty; both hones. W. L. Jausa. at 0M I berry.

YOUR ROOF WILL BE) RIGHT and Wstertlght if painted by AUCTIONEER HITS Bell 1875-J FUNERAL DIHECTOMS CHAS. H. AUK Undertaker; private ambulance. 1745 N. flth Bt.

Both phones. SAMUEL S. FACKLER FuneraTDIreetor. 1312 Perry St. Bell 1850.

Dial 2H8. Funeral Director 1310 N. Third St. GEO. H.

SOURBIBR. ELECTRIO VACUUM CLEANLR CLEAN YOUR HOME ELECTRICALLT Rent a Vacuum Cleaner from NEIDIG BROS, 21 8. Second SL NOTICES REAL ESTATE OWNERS Must registerf their real estate according to law or be fined. This office will register your properties. Telephone, write or call, both phones.

C. Vernon Rettew, 18U Derry St. NOTICE The party that took the bicycle that stood at the bank building' at Third and Broad street Is known. Better return it to 118 South street and eav trouble. I DESIRE RATE ON (One) truck load or household goods (no piano) from Carlisle, Pa to Philadelphia, will movo on or about September 13tn.

Address W. Stlnson, Carlisle, Pa. LEGAL- NOTICES COURT PROCLAMATION WHERAS. the Hon. Ueo.

Kunkel. Presi dent, and the Hon. 8. J. M.

McCarrell, Ad ditional Law Judge, of Oyer and Terminer ana wuarter Sessions of the Peace, et tne Twelfth Judicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, having Issued thsir precept bearing date, the 9th dsy of August, A. 1918, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and' Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for thu County of Dauphin, snd commence the fourth Monday of September, Hub, being the 23d day of September, 1018, and to continue two weeks. Notice la therefore hereby given to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said County of Dauphin, that they be then and thre In their prop-- persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquiuiuou, examinations and their own remembrancri. to do thoss things which to their office appertain to be done and those who are bound In recognizances to prosecute against the prisoner that are or shall be in the jail of Dauphin County be then and there to prosecute against them a shall be just.

Given under my band at Harrisburg, the 1 9th day of August, A. D. 1918, being the one hundred and forty-third year of Independeeno of the United States. 1 W. CALDWELL, Sheriff' Office, Harrisburg, Fa.

August SI. 1918. VARDAMAN GOES OUT ON MARCH 4 By United Press WASHINGTON', Aug. 32. The dc-feat of Senator Vardaman, of Mississippi, at the polls, removes from public ltf one of Its most picturesque figures.

Vardaman." badly defeated for renomlnatlon by Congressman "Pat" Harrison, will from the Senate on March 4 next after having; served one term. Vardaman's long hair has besn his chief claim to notice in the Senatethat and his consistent opposition to Administration war policies. The latter cost him his place, for it brought from President Wilson the statement to the people of Mississippi that Vardaman had proved himself anti-Administration. Vardaman was one of the few-Senators who prided himself on the fact that be never allowed himself to bo interviewed for publication. His speeches In the Senate were always full of figures of speech, mostly about the blue vault of heaven, the whispering brooks and the majestic trees.

His hair, which he wore combed back from his brow, curled over his coat collar. Nobody ever saw it "mussed." In Winter Vardaman always wore) a long cape, which in the gusty winds of Washington billowed and flapped about him. Harrison, his successor, is not nearly so flowery in his speech as was Vardaman. Harrison, his rec- i ord shows, has consistently supported the President. MORK OFFENSIVE STUFF1 Hindenburg; Remember that we must be in Paris -next year by the first of April.

"it will only be another April fool, general!" LAsino (Rome). Standardized and Indexed for quicK reference. USE THE TELEPHONE Call Bell 500 Pial 3643 "Ash for a Want Ad Taker" Bill will be sent to yon later. PATRIOT-NSwlTcLASSIFIED RAT ICS Minimum, 2 lines, 7 word to Una, 1 time. ltaea or lea.

20 cent. I timee, consecutively, per line, per insertion. 8 cents. 6 times, consecutively, per line, per insertion. 7 cents.

24 times, consecutively, per Use, per insertion, 6 cents. Tearly orders daily per line, per Insertion. 6 cents. LOST AND POUND $EAGLE HOUND LOST Between Le-moyn and Market Square, with, leather collar. Answer to the name white and black spots: whtie breast; "wr- 18S lrry Bell 8g5-B.

DOO LOST Gordon settler dec, with black and brown marks, name Mike and license Uf on collar. Return and receive reward at 204 Herr street. i CAMEO PIN LOST Between SI South becond street and Twenty-flve Cent Store. Reward if returned, to 34 8. Second 'trect.

CHARM LOST With Initial W. W. A. He-m it returned to Patriot office. WII.T.HT 11ST Containing: IIS and Brotherhood receipt, between 13th and Market and Rutherford on street car.

Re. ward if returned Vie North Fourteenth St, SATCHEL LOST A' black leather band satchel was left in Jitney, Return to 622 Cumberland street. TIE LP WANTED FEMALE COOK Experienced white lady. Apply 1UU Market street. iJ.KKKS Government needs 20.00(1 women clerks st Washington.

Examinations vprvwhera In Auiust. ExDerience necessary. Women desiring Government positions writs lor tree particulars to rf. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Ex-, smlner), 4 Kenota Bid-, Washington, D.

C. v. auiik ladv wanted to clerk In ice cream and eonfecttonery store. Apply at KulPS. 1310 Market street, J82 onn em sirecv, HOUSEWORK Girl' wonted to da general 1, nA uu ibm tit hmhv.

imU.UI4 1 I. Apply at 221 Emerald street. 1 HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for light work In small family; good home. Bell phone BUM-lt. HOUSEKEEPER Young lady wanted to keep house for man and two boys; call in morning? at 90(1 Myers street, Steel-ton, HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged white woman wanted for general housework In family of two; no washing or ironing; plain cooking; a good home; must come recommended, Address tg Box QUO, Care patriot-News.

HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman Wanted; ene who can cook; good home to richt oarty; wages 138 per month. Address to Box 5478. care Patriot-News. UAI'SfcUVAnU I 1 1 WBnt.l fill- DSKurtl i I I I I'll 1 work, must be able to eook. Apply even.J web, petween ana at prater pi HOUSEWORK Middle-aged white" woman wanted, good pay.

Apply 2339 North Second street. MAID Wanted at once. Apply Columbus Hotel. HOUSEWORfc--Colored girl, 16 years age, wants to assist with light housework. Call at 829 South Fourteenth St.

HOUSEWORK Settled woman for gen-eral housework, good home to right party. Apply at once to Mrs. Conway, tirst house beyond Walnut street bridge, Wormlays- burg. Pa. SALESLADIES With experience; steady work; good salary.

Apply Salkin's Golden Rule Pe pt. Store, 42S-43U arket Bt, i I fc" A tr i tnw nil, flnuJ tllothing Department. We have vanean-ties for two good active salesladies who have had experience either in boys' clothing or other lines. Goad wages and teady positions. Apply at once to the -0" ice.

The Globe. 322-324 Market street. sXLeSLADY Wanted for coats and suits. Permanent position with good salary and commission. Fine opportunity.

Apply Collins' Style Shop. STENOGRAPHER AND TTPJST Wanted brie whs can keep books and is willing tp do clerical work necessary in a lumber office. Apply Wittenmyer Lumber Company, Seventh and Schuylkill streets. STENOGRAPHER Young girl wanted to siat and learn office Apply Col- Ut1 Ktvl. Rhnn STENOGRAPHER Stenographer with general office experience wanted.

Apply Captain B. J. Sayles, Ordnance Office, Harrisburg Mfg. end Boiler Nineteenth and Perry Sts. UPSTAIRS GIH), Wanted for general work and assist with child; good wages -it 1 I I 'I 1.

II lynu feuim jiyiy ioio r. oecona or. SALESWOMEN Wanted, steady eraploy-raent, good salary, pleasant surroundings. pply Livingston's, 7-9 South Market Bq. WEAVERS Experienced weavers wanted; else beginners.

Apply at Harrisburg Silk Mill, comer Second and North streets. WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT GIRLS APPLY HARRISBURG SU-K MIIA WDMEN Wanted to" iearn to nnerata shirt presses. Apply Ellis Laundry Service, 1620 Fulton St. SALESLADIES With experience gooo, salary. Apply eaiHin uoiaen fijuie ))ept.

Store, 2-430 Market St, YOUNG GIRL Wanted to work in an ice cream and confectionery store. Former experience helpful, but not necessary. JPermanent position to right Dartv with good chances for sdvancement. Address giving age, and reference of former era JJloyer to Box 8729, care Patriot-News. HELP WANTED MALE AUTO TRIMMER 50c per hour for flret-olass mechanics.

Apply at Keystone Auto mp iui Market Bt. BAKER Wanted at once, wages $25 per ween. i.ii 11 11 oiugm W4 grOi 13 1 1 oirenun, ra. ADVERTISINO MAN Bright, energetto man wanted te take charge of department; good opportunity for right man; all correspondence treated confidentially. Address to Box 5430 Care Patrlot-Newe BOY Over sixteen to learn steree-, typing.

Apply to Fifth Floor, Pa- rto-e BOY Wanted to drive laundry wagon. Apply to Palace Steam Laundry, 8103 Logan street. REAL ESTATE ts a Staple Investment We have many opportunities in Harrisburg and vicin ity for the careful uo noi ian tosee our lists Oefore investing. Miller Bros. Co.

Loewat eed Court 8trta Ileal Estate Board ROOMS FOR RENT (Continued from Preceding Column) SOUTH IIS Second floor bedroom. next to nam, ror two gentlemen. WALNUT 1551 Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, au con venienees, NICELY7 FURNISHED "ROOMS On flrst floor, with all conveniences; suitable for young couple; references required. Bell phone 1601. ROOMS WANTED ROOM With board in private family, not too far from Beading station by middle aged single man; pay well.

Address to Box 876S, Care Patriot-News. APARTMENTS WANTED INDIAN 134 3-roora apartment for appij iiut Msraet street, or Bail Bell phone 1M0-J. 1. BOARDING NECTARINE J47 Boarders wasted. ojLner two girts or two men.

uau iJiai 8171. ROOMS BOARD WANTED COUPLE With 8 year "bid child desires boarding and lodging in- private family. Address to Box 6(147, Care Patriot-News. COUPLE DESIRES ROOM AND BOARD witu rennea jewiaa lamny. Address to box ooiu, uara UNFURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD Wanted for laxly: must be reasonable; near oixteentn ana uerry bis.

Address to Box BOSH, care Patriot-News. STORE ROOMS FOR RENT 1202 Store room for rent, very ueni pieasani room, eieoirio light, shelving ready for business, heat by City Steam Heat Co. Apply to Bible's Oarage, Cumberland and Third Sts. APARTMENTS WANTED 3 OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS Or small apartment wanted In hill section. Address to Bex 5583, care Patriot-News.

OFFICES PATRIOT BUILDINQ Two office roams In Patriot Building; for rent; janitor anq eievatsr service; two entrances; heat and water furnished. Apply at Business Office of THB PATRIOT AND BVENINO NEWS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT City (tb 8T JIS17 2 Vi -story dwelling 11 1 1 a i I .11 1 1,1 npnu. a hi hI.I.Iu furnished. Inquire of Fred O. Miller, at-torney-at-law, 81 North Second street, bull Vi AT FURNISHED HOUSB For rent.

"Posses- sion Sept. 15. Address to Sox osso, care rairioi-Kews. WILLOW 501 For "rent;" upper noor or dnck garage: water: sieetne power: concrete Boer 30x30 fti outside stairway. Sea E.

Mather 204 Walnut streer. riarrisourg. MARKET Cor. lth TEN newely. furnished rooms in Hess Building, Thirteenth and Market street, for reflned mep only.

-Running water in rooms and six bath rooms adjoining. Ideal situation for men who desire rooms with all conveniences and clean, comfortable surroundings. Apply at once for choice of rooms at HESS CIQAR STORE Thirteenth and Market Sts. REAL KSTATK FPU SAIJC-Uaty CATHERINE 1530 8-story brick iiuud.1 mil nil iiiiii u.qiiinui., griiiiiou i.ig possession, easy terms. Apply P.

Dor-ans. 1235 North Sixth Bt. FOR SALE 107 Chestnut SL, J-story orioK nouse; 12 rooms; kuju casn; dsi-ance can remain. Call at above address. FRONT 8., 705 fc Large brick house lor sale lot, zaxi.

Bell Kealty Bergner Building. GREEN 1106 For eale. Immediate possession, Vanderlno Real Estate, 27 8. Third St. Bell phone 4886.

EWATARA 15208 rooms bath gas electric ugai lurnace gooa repair. gen neauy pergner jsuuaing. SWATARA 8T 1930 2 Vi -story frame, A K.IW I. OX-lill ruum. v.iii, igi dai.h iccl.

f. V. uiman, tin jgifgrapo nmg. TWO AND A-HALF STOBI Frame Bouse. iuu oiocK, seventh street.

Inquire 830 Hamilton or call 8S03-R Bell after 6 pm, HOMESEEKERS advantage of oar great offer 1 eim uur ivm vwn nvoi on sur easy plan, Call atl225 N. th St. HOUSES In all sections of the city; easy payment plan. D. A.

Caley. 707 Knnkel Bell 689. VACANT 2-stury brick, all Improvements, drive alley, oorner. soo down; also several S-atory bricks, 1300 down, steam beat, electric and Kas, hard wood floors, located on Green street, Second, Fifth Sixth and several other streets; also suburban houses in Camp Hill, West Fair-view and Knola, easy terms, pay as rent; also several cottages and bunaglows along trolley line close to eity, with all improvements In. H.

CORDER 1722 Green 8tret. Bell Rente Collected B60-J. MOVB AT ONCH Pay SAME AS RENT NADDAIN 1426 3-story brick. rooms, all Improvements, front and rear porches, nice big yard, driveway In rear, good value. 16TH ST, 8..

83S 2-story brick, eorner; rooms; all improvements; earns as rent. SWATARA ST, 1850 2 Vj -story; rooms; all Improvements: same as rent; right price to quick buyer. OXFORD 617 3-story brick; steam heat; electrio lights; cemented cellar; front and rear porches; very desirable property; can be seen anytime; occupied by owner, STEELTON, Third St, CORNER LOCUST 11 rooms, all Improvements, with lot 75x123. Owner moved out of town. Will be sold at a sacrifice.

Make me an offer. D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1.

SECURITY TRUST BLDO, BELL im. DIAL 8573. (Continued from Preoeding Column) lth 20. 3-atory frame, steam heat all Improvements, side lot, will be vacant in a lew days. Irwin la.

Cassell, negina Bt. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON EAtY TERMS Now is your opportunity te own your property. Get particulars arid let us snow you tne properties. Hell iteaity Bergner Building. BRICK HOUSE Vacant August 26, for sale at sxsuu 7 rooms bath gas furnace porch front cemented cellar.

Bell rteaity nergner Muuaing, FOR SALE One of those modern buna-a low houses; located at Emerald and Fourth streets; an investment of 11500 eash win net 40 per cent to owner. Real bargain, can Bell S-J. lieal Estate for Sale Suburban 2(f CHESTNUT ST, "STEELTON Brick, 9 rooms, bath, gas, electric lis hta, furnace, gase range, porches. side entrance. Price saiuu.

n. u. rciVJwuvv, eovtn 1 nir- teentn street. HIQHSPIRE). ESHBLMAN ST.

-2 -story frame houses. Newly painted, tn good eonaition. lmi ooxls it. Rentals 130. What are they worth? H.

O. PKDLOW, a eioutn Tnirteenut street. BUNGALOW Eight rooms, bath and hot water heat; lot 60x150 feetj fifteen minute trolley service. Address to Box 07tj. vare atriet-News, WEST FAIRVIEW AND ENOLA Houses, 8 rooms, all Improvements, 1300 down, Say as rent; also fine property on North ixth street, steam heat, hardwood floors, on easy terms, 1250 down.

C. H. L'uhueh, 1722 Green street. Bell BtJO-J Rents collected. Real Estate for Rent Suburban CARLISLE, PA.

Nine-room modern home for rent. Best location. Address Box 00, Carlisle. Pa. FURNISHED COTTAGE For rent from Aug.

autti to Sept. 30th: beautiful sit uated; five cent ear fare. Address to Box 0722. care Patriot-News. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE Any size yon want, from 1 te 200 teres each.

8, 11. 15, 30. 45. TO, 80, 100, 150 and 200-acre farms from SVi to 10 miles to Harrisburg. Some on State roads.

All have good buildings, orchards and running water. Easy access to city. C. H. CORDER 1722 Green Street.

Bell 860-J. 2Vi ACRES Truck farm; 60 car fare from Harrisburg; a Mew 6-room house; peach orchard; also all kinds of fruit; all necessary outbuildings: $2900. Call at 107 Chestnut street, Harrisburg, John A. Dnrand: no Information over the phone. li ACRES Small farm In Sbellaville, on State Highway for sale or exchange on city property.

1-story brlek house, ll rooms, bank barn, good water, excellent condition. Apply or address C. H. COR-DER. 1722 Green street.

Bell 06O-J. 71 ACRES Farm with house; new bank barn, 88x62; all buildings are in first-class condition; 4 horses, 4 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves. 1 bis; bull, 6 pigs, 26 fulness, 90 bis- young pullets, 40 ducks, 8 to 20 tons hay, 43 bushels of wheat, 326 bushels oats, 13 seres of eorn, 2 aore of potatoes, 200 fruit trees, mostly apples; over 100 wine stalks; all garden truck and all Implements, 1 new box wagon, 1 second-hand box wagon, 1 Jenny Llnd, 2 spring wagons, 1 new cultivator, double; 3 plows, 2 spring harrows, 1 mower, hay rake, 4 sets of harness, 1 new sleigh, 1 new Deerlng binder. Everything on farm except furniture at 17900; eight miles from Harrisburg. Call st 107 Chestnut street; John A.

Durand. ro information over tne phone. lOSACRES All buildings tn o. k. eondl-tion, bouse, 11 rooms, bank barn 46x79, bay shed, 10x38; pig stall, 16x40; all necessary outbuildings; 2 horses; 4 mules; cows: 1 bull; 8 heifers; 4 calves; 5 bogs; IS shery; 21 turkeys, 84 guineas; 9 geese; 8 ducks; 80 hens; SO pullets, all Implements in first-class condition; 40 to Gil tons of hay; 400 bushels wheat; 1800 to 2000 bushels eorn; 450 bushels oats; timothy seed in barn to thrash; ene acre of potatoes: all kinds of truck; all kinds of fruit; sll kinds of berries; price fifteen miles from Harrisburg.

Call J. A. Durand. 107 Chestnut street. 80 ACRE Tract of land: frame house; bank barn; 2Si miles south of 8.

Mumme Son. Mechanics- ourg. a. 80 ACRES The "Ed. Caaael" farm, just north of Progress la up for sale, Including all crops.

Make me an offer. H. O. PEDLOW. S.

Thirteenth street. REAL ESTATE WANTED SEVERAL SMALL HOUSES wanted In city and suburban on easy terras and cheap. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green street.

Belt 660-J. Rents collected. I HAVE BUYERS waiting for property In any section of the eity, if cheap. What bave you to offer CHAS. ADLKR, 1002 N.

Third street BUSINESS OrPORTUNlXTES BARBER SHOP Three chair barber busi ness for sale, located In Columbus Hotel. Addresa to Box 6787, Care Palrlot-Newa. TEA AND COFFEE STORE Retail store for sale; If you want a good business, tbi Is your chance. For particular address to Box 6354. Care Patriot-News.

PESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS Aiso good manufacturing sites, ror particulars. A. P. -Dorans, 1225 Sixth St. AUTOMOBILES APPERSOM JACK RABBIT 5-pasaenger touring ear; lata Cadillac touring; 1915 Ford; 1916 Overland roadster; 120S Walnut street.

BU1CK 1917 light 6 touring car. In good condition, newly painted. Apply Mao' Garage, Ford service, 117 S. Third St. CADILLAC 1912 touring ear; just over- oauiea ana repaintea; sen starter ana electrio lights, 8450.

Inquire Denby Sale Co, 1205 Capital St. CADILLAC 1650.00 buys a 8-pasaenger IV 13 usainao in exoelient oondltion. Call Bell phone, 1288 for appointment. EMPIRE 6-cyllnder, seven-passenger, 1918 model; like new; in A-l shape; a good bargain for some one. E.

W. "SHANK. 29 N. Cameron SL FORD ROADSTER Late 1917, demountable rims, speedometer, chains, and a full equipment. Tires nearly new, with two extras.

Buy at f360. 250 HAMILTON ST, FORDS A few ton trucks for Immediate delivery, William Motor Co, 120 Market street. FOKD 1 delivery; 1 Reo truck; 1 6-passenger, electrio lights and starter; 1 Buick roadster: I Overland roadster; Pullman, 5-passenger, electrio Ilghte and starter; Hudson, A-passenger; Hudsoa truck; B- passenger Cadillac and (-passenger Reo. Will sell cheep. Care In good condition.

Apply st lo07 Seventh street. FORD Touring car, fully equipped, in flrat-class condition for sale, reasonable. Inquire 199 S. Front SL, Steelton, Pa. wantea ror wsrenouse work; permanent job to right man.

Apply at 40 North Tenth St. I.

The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.